Tel : 011-25686964 011-25687320 Fax : 011-25696026 E-mail : 55021/Trg/TI/DGBR/ 172 /E4 Tech HQ CE (P)______________ (All Projects) C/o 56/99APO PIN 9317____ Eastern Base Workshop (GREF) PIN-931701 C/o 99 APO Western Base Workshop GREF Station Pathankot PIN-145 001 Headquarters Dte General Border Roads Seema Sadak Bhawan Ring Road, Delhi Cantt. New Delhi-110 010 30 Dec 2014 Eastern Store Division (GREF) PIN-931702 C/o 99 APO Western Store Division GREF Station Pathankot PIN-145 001 GREF Centre Dighi Camp, Pune PIN-411 015 Research & Development Establishment (BRO) PIN-931723 C/o 99 APO FORWARDING OF GENERAL WORKSHOP INSTRUCTION (GWI) 1. General Workshop Instruction (GWI) No 105 on Management Information System (MIS) / Workshop Procedure for Field Workshop is forwarded herewith for your information and necessary action. 2. It may be ensured that sufficient copies of above GWI be prepared at project level for issue to units under your commpand. 3. Please ack receipt. Sd/xxx (Deepak Kumar) EE (E&M) NFSG Joint Director (Tech) for Dir Gen Border Roads Encls: As above Copy to:INTERNAL DGBR/E4 Repair DGBR/E4 Inv DGBR/E3ES DGBR/MT Sec MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM FOR BRO WORKSHOP GENERAL WORKSHOP INSTRUCTION NO. 105 Authority: 55021/Trg/TI/ DGBR/ /E4 Tech Dt. 30 Dec 2014 Issued by: TA Dte/HQ DGBR WORKSHOP MANAGEMENT PROCEDURE GENERAL 1. This Regulation lays down the procedure for the technical management in field workshop and for the direction and control functions of the various appointments in the chain of technical control. To maintain the vehicles/equipment/plants of the Project/Task Force in the highest state of readiness and reliability at all times and to be suitably organised to provide repair cover in various contingencies and working conditions, there is a need to systemise the functioning of Field Workshops. The action of Field Workshops and controlling HQs should be coordinated and directed towards achieving low down time, high vehicles/equipment/plants and good user satisfaction. Directed towards this end, this regulation lays down the following:(a) Technical documents relating to repair of technical vehicles/equipment/plants and management of Field Workshops. (b) Displays, charts and registers to be maintained by the Field Workshops. (c) Feedback of technical information from Field Workshops in terms of reports/returns for maintenance of management information system, decision making, planning and monitoring. (d) Technical control by HQs Projects in the chain of technical control. 2. This Regulation is meant to guide OC Field Workshop to develop common thinking and documentation among various Workshops. This will enable them to fulfil their technical roll efficiently. 3. The Workshop Management Procedure prescribed in this regulation will form the basis of required inputs for planning and controlling activities by Dir (EME)/OC Field Workshop and thus exercise effective technical control. It will also aid in decision making at all levels. PART-I DOCUMENTS TO BE USED AND MAINTAINED AT FIELD WORKSHOPS GENERAL 1. The workshop procedure, in brief, and the connected documentation to be followed in a Field Workshop are explained in the succeeding paragraphs. The list of documents, registers charts and boards which are to be maintained and sections where these are to be maintained and sections where these are to be kept are given as under. The formats for all these documents alongwith notes on their maintenance are also given as under. LIST OF DOCUMENTS, CHARTS, REGISTERS & DISPLAYS S/No b) Document Designation Estimation of Load Repair state of vehicles/equipment/plants Load Chart c) d) Repair Activity Work Order Repair Card e) Veh/Eqpt/Plant repair day book f) Repair progress board g) Improvisation/Innovation register h) Vital modification Applicability Chart Vital modification State register Workshop office Defects & Recurring faults register Engines on Deposit repairs register Resources Management Workshop office TSS o) VOR/EOA spares demand register SMT/common user Tools issue register Local Purchase register p) Local repair contract register TSS q) Engineering support planning register Cannibalisation register TSS Off road State / Eqpt non availability Index chart On road State / State of Readiness Chart Other registers Workshop office & OC office OC office a) j) k) l) m) n) r) s) t) u) Where maintained Workshop office Workshop office and Repair section R&I section With Veh/Eqpt/Plant while repairing, later at R&I section & TSS R&I section R&I section & Repair section Workshop office Workshop office Workshop office Tool Store TSS Workshop office Workshop office Remarks CHAPTER-1 OFF ROAD STATE / REPAIR STATE OF VEHICLES/EQUIPMENT/PLANTS 1. Purpose: It is necessary for Field Workshops to establish their repair load in terms of the vehicles/equipment/plants held by the units on their maintenance charge. The serviceability state of this repair load must also be monitored. This information enables the Dir (EME)/OC Field Workshops in the chain of technical control to plan the utilisation of EME resources and effectively monitor and control the vehicles/equipment/plants availability state of user units, thus ensuring effective EME cover. 2. Compilation and submission: All units will submit the off road state / repair state of unit load showing the status as on 26th of every month so as to reach the Workshop by last day of the month and copy of the same will also be endorsed to higher HQ in the chain of technical control. 3. Action by Units: Different categories of unit vehicles/equipment/plants are divided into separate sections. The off road state / repair state of vehicles/equipment/plants Return will be compiled using separate sheets for each section (i.e. eqpt category). Formats to be used are given below. Of these, the format to be used by each section is indicated as below. Units whose Eqpt is maintained by more than one workshop will give copies of this return to all affected Workshops. Non EME units who are authorised EME manpower will submit information as per Annex -I C along with the return. Annexure- I A REPAIR STATE OF VEHICLES/EQUIPMENT/PLANTS As on ____________(date) Unit/Formation/Location:______________ (For all vehicles/equipment/plants) Dependent Workshop:_______________________ Section:____________________ S/ No Veh/Eqpt/ Plant Nomenclat ure by Type Qty Auth Qty BA/ Held EM No Life Chassis Kms/Hrs Quarter of life Recondit ioned Engine if fitted Kms/Hrs Classifi cation No. under repair in Fd Wksp No. Off road in unit Remarks/ Reason for off road Annexure- I B REPAIR STATE OF VEHICLES/EQUIPMENT/PLANTS As on ____________(date) Unit/Formation/Location:_____ (For all items other than vehicles/equipment/plants) Dependent Workshop:_______________________ Section:____________________ S/No Veh/Eqpt/Plant Qty Qty BA/EM No Nomenclature Auth Held by Type Classification Remarks S UR R1 R2 R4 UNSV Annexure - I C DETAILS OF MANPOWER Unit/Formation/Location:______________ Date:____________ S/No Trade Auth Held Surplus/Deficient Remarks 4. Action by Workshop: On receipt of off road state / repair state of vehicles/equipment/plants return from units, Workshop will take the following action:(a) Update their load charts. (b) Determine if any new vehicles/equipment/plants has arrived on their maintenance charge so that necessary action can be taken to provision spares and Technical literature and requisition trained manpower for its repair and maintenance. (c) Reconcile the workshop VOR/EOA state with that reflected by the unit in the repair state of vehicles/equipment/plants return. (d) Determine vehicles/equipment/plants for which periodic maintenance has become due so that action can be initiated to carry out the same. 5. Off road state / Repair State of Unit Vehs/Eqpt/Plants Return will be initiated by all Units on the Maintenance charge of the Workshop. This Return will be submitted to dependent Field Workshop in duplicate giving the state as on the 25th of each month so as to reach workshop on the last day of the month as per annexure1(A), 1(B) & 1(C). 6. Off road state / Repair state of Vehs/Eqpt/plants will be submitted every week by Field workshop to TF/HQs Project as per format given below:Annexure- ID OFF ROAD STATE/REPAIR STATE OF VEHICLES/EQUIPMENT/PLANTS Unit/Formation:__________________ S/ No Make & Type BA/EM No Unit/ Location Total Kms/ Hrs run Date offroad PDC Nature of defect Date out Remarks CHAPTER-2 LOAD CHART 1. Purpose: The load chart enables the Workshop Officer/OC Workshop to see at a glance, the repair load being maintained by the Workshop. It gives the make, type and qty of vehicles/equipment/plants on maintenance charge and a ready comparison of the authorised work capacity with respect to repair load. Separate charts for different categories of vehicles/equipment/plants (such as ‘B’ Vehs and ‘C’ Vehs etc) will be maintained in each concerned repair section as per the formats given below. 2. Action by Workshop: Repair state of vehicles/equipment/plants returns received from the units on maintenance charge will be used, in conjunction with relevant policies (giving the repair load units of vehicles/equipment/plants and work capacities of tradesmen) and the WE/PE of the unit to make this chart as per notes given in the format. Annexure-2A LOAD CHART Workshop:____________ S/ No Make & Type Unit Authorised Capacity:________ ‘B’ Vehs load ‘C’ Vehs load Nos Held Nos Held Lorry Unit Total qty ____________________ Load units___________________ Lorry Unit:_____ Total Work load Remarks Lorry Unit Grand total of Load unit capacity (Held) (In Lorry units) Note: a) Load chart will be kept for all the main categories of vehs/eqpt/plants namely ‘B’ vehs, ‘C’ vehs and so on. b) All make & type will be separately listed. It is preferable to follow logical sequence in listing the vehs/eqpt/plants and leave blank columns for future new types coming on charge. 3. Unit Field Repair Work Return (W-32) will be initiated by the Field Workshop and submitted to HQ TF & HQ project giving the state on the last day of Mar, Jun, Sep & Dec of each quarter so as to reach them by the 10 th of the succeeding month as per format given below. The following documents will be used to compile this report:- (a) (b) (c) (d) Repair State of Unit Vehs/eqpt/Plants Technical man power State of the workshop Policy on work values Work capacities as laid down Note: a) A list of Miscellaneous Eqpts/items maintained but not covered, if such Eqpts show an appreciable load on the unit will also be given. b) Reasons for major fluctuations in load i.e. over 5% compared with the previous return will also be given. 4. HQ Projects having received the Unit Field Repair Work Return (W-32) from Field Workshops, in turn need to generate Summary of Unit Field Repair Work Return (W-31) of the work load of the workshops after compilation and will be submitted to HQ DGBR giving the state of workshops on the last day of Mar, Jun, Sep & Dec of each quarter so as to reach HQ DGBR by the 20 th of the succeeding month as per format given below. Annexure- 2B SUMMARY OF UNIT FIELD REPAIR WORK RETURN: W-31 S/ No Unit /Formation Actual load (Lorry Units) Capacity ‘B’ Vehs ‘C’ Vehs Remarks Engr Eqpt Over (+)/ Under (-) Note: Columns may be extended to include any additional type of load. 5. Repair State Return is required by HQ Projects in order to monitor the progress of the Repair activity in the workshops and will be initiated by the Field Workshop and submitted to HQ Project in duplicate giving the repair state of workshop on the last day of the month so as to reach HQ Project by the 10 th of the succeeding month as per format given below. Note: a) Under category at the top say ‘B’ vehs, ‘C’ vehs and so on. b) Separate sheets will be used for each category. c) This Return can be complied straight from the Progress board maintained, on the last day of the month. Annexure-2C UNIT FIELD REPAIR WORK RETURN Unit/Formation:______________________ S/ N o Wksp/TF Length of sector Auth under repair Capacity cover Veh/Eqpt/Plant Posted Work Over/Under load capacity load held On Auth On Posted Capacity Capacity Remarks Annex-2D SURPLUS/DEFICIENCY OF PERSONNEL Unit/Formation:______________________ S/No Workshop Rank/Trade/Category Authorised Held Defi Surplus Remarks CHAPTER-3 WORK ORDER 1. Purpose: Units will place a work order for the repairs and inspection of vehicles/equipment/plants on the maintaining workshops as per format given below. Two copies of the work order accompanied by the vehicles/equipment/plants log book/history sheet must be produced alongwith vehicles/equipment/plants at the workshop. Units will fill in details of defects noticed/inspection to be carried out as required in the work order. Annexure- 3 WORK ORDER Work Order No:______________ Work Order placed by:____________ Dated:____________ Work Order placed to:______________ Total Kms / Hrs Run: _______________ Kms / Hrs run BOH : _______________ Kms /Hrs run AO/H : ______________ S/No Make & Type BA/EM No Nature of Defects Remarks Initiated by Accepted by C/s C/s 2. Action by workshop: vehicles/equipment/plants will as far as possible be accepted for repair on the same day as produced by the unit, and as a rule, no PSS (please send stores) dates will be given. The R&I (Receipt & Issue) section or vehicles/equipment/plants repair section will scrutinise the vehicle/equipment/plant, record any discrepancies/deficiencies in both the copies of work order and obtain the unit representative’s signatures against the same. The details of the work order will be entered in the vehicles/equipment/plants repair day book by the concerned repair section and the original copy of the work order will be filed in the work order folder. The other copy of the work order will be signed by workshop R&I section/concerned repair section in-charge and returned to the unit representative as rceipt of the vehicles/equipment/plants for repairs. 3. PSS Dates: In rare cases, due to excessive work load and lack of availability of spares, if a situation arises when vehicles/equipment/plants cannot be accommodated for repairs in the workshop, PSS dates may be given with prior concurrence of the OC workshop. The PSS date will be endorsed in the column provided in the work order and the original copy with the log book returned to the unit representative. The other copy of work order will be retained in the R&I section or concerned vehicles/equipment/plants repair section as found convenient. A separate folder for each category of major vehicles/equipment/plants will be kept. On the inside face of each folder cover a summary sheet will be affixed in which upto date progressive totals of the equipment awaiting feeding in will be recorded. The summary sheet will have just two columns, one for the date and the other for progressive qty of vehicles/equipment/plants awaiting feeding in for repairs. CHAPTER-4 REPAIR CARD 1. Purpose: This is the basic document that will record the type of repairs carried out on the vehicles/equipment/plants, the time taken to carry out these repairs and the type of qty of spares consumed in the process. The repair cards forms the basic input database for analysis of certain selected vehicles /equipment/plants. The format of Repair Card shall be as per Annex-4. CHAPTER-5 VEH/EQPT/PLANT REPAIR DAY BOOK 1. Purpose: This register will be issued to record the arrival of vehicles/equipment/plants for repairs/inspection to the workshop and its subsequent collection by the unit representative after repairs are carried out or any other action taken by the workshop. It is the basic document that links each work order to a repair card opened against it. The vehicles/equipment/plants repair day book will also be issued to find out the MTBF, MTTR and the mean Kms/Hrs run between failures. 2. Action by workshop: The vehicles/equipment/plants repair day book will be maintained as per format given below as per Annex-5. Separate register will be maintained for each major type of vehicles/equipment/plants (‘B’ vehicles / ‘C’ vehicles / Misc Eqpt/items). Day book in respect of specialised sections will be kept in the concerned repair section and maintained by OIC section under the supervision of Wksp Officer. Annexure- 5 VEHICLE/EQUIPMENT/PLANT REPAIR DAY BOOK S/ No BA/EM No Make & Type of V/E/P Unit WO No & Date Job card No & Date Nature of Defect Date/ Kms/ Hrs run in Date/ Kms/ Hrs run out Name & signature of Unit rep with date Remarks CHAPTER-6 REPAIR PROGRESS BOARD 1. Purpose: In order to monitor the daily repairs actually in the repair section, a progress board giving details of the daily progress of repair will be maintained for each major type of vehicles/equipment/plants. This will enable Wksp officers/section I/Cs to plan their repairs with the resources available. It will enable bottlenecks in repairs activity to be identified so that remedial action can be taken. The repair progress board will be maintained as per format given below as per Annex-6. This will be separately maintained for different section (such as ‘B’ vehs, ‘C’ vehs & Misc eqpt/items). 2. Action by workshop: Serial (a) to (j) to be filled are self explanatory and will be updated every day at closing time. Srl No (k) to (l) are progressive totals and are updated daily as follows:(a) Add serial (h) to serial (k) and then put the sum against serial (k). This gives the progressive total non availability. (b) Add serial (j) to serial (l) and then put the sum against serial (l). This gives the progressive non availability (including those vehicles/equipment /plants off road for spares demanded). 3. On the last day of the each month, percentage index of total non availability & the percentage index of non availability (excluding vehicles/equipment/plants off road for spares demanded) will be calculated as under:(a) % index of total Non availability = Srl (k) X 100 Srl (n) X No. of calendar days in the month (b) % index of = Srl (l) X 100 Non availability Srl (n) X No. of calendar days in the month (excl veh/eqpt/plant off road for spares demanded) Annexure- 6 REPAIR PROGRESS BOARD As on____________ S/ No Manpower on floor_____________ Details Type of veh/eqpt/plant and qty M/C Car M/ G Tata 207/ 407 L/C Tpr/ Dmpr W/T Dzr Excv A/C (a) Balance brought forward: (b) Veh/Eqpt/Plant in on date: (c) Veh/Eqpt/Plant out on date: (d) Balance at the end of the day (a + b – c): (e) Date in of oldest Veh/Eqpt/Plant in the Wksp: (f) Numbers on PSS Date: (g) Total off road (in unit) for spares demanded by Wksp: (h) Total non availability (d + f + g): (j) Non availability (Excl off road for spared demanded by Wksp) (d + f): (k) Progressive total of (h): (l) Progressive total of (j): (m) Progressive monthly output: (n) Numbers on Maint charge: R/R Notes: 1. The above will be kept separately for ‘B’ Vehs, ‘C’ Vehs and other categories may be entered under type of Veh/Eqpt/Plant. 2. A separate board may be kept for 2nd line Transport. 3. Special Veh/Eqpt/Plant and important Veh/Eqpt/Plant may be separately shown for progressing. 4. Against manpower, No. of Veh/Eqpt/Plant and such other tradesmen applicable to the Veh/Eqpt/Plant held by the Wksp will be entered. Grand Total CHAPTER-7 IMPROVISATION/INNOVATION REGISTER 1. Purpose: Improvisation/Innovation is a normal way of life in tackling repair problems in field workshops. Workshops resort to improvisation due to non availability of spares, tools and SMTs. There is a need to maintain proper record of such jobs. As otherwise many useful improvisation/innovations suggested/carried out at the initiative of the individuals are liable to be lost with the passage of time and turnover of the personnel. If a proper record is maintained, it will help the unit to carry out similar jobs at a future date as also help passing the information to other field workshops. 2. Action by workshop: A record of all improvisation/innovation will be maintained in the form of a register as specified in the format below. In addition to this, action will be taken to intimate the same to HQ Project in turn will submit details to HQ DGBR so that the improvisation/innovation can be assessed for adoption on all the Projects. Suitable action will also be initiated to reward deserving personnel responsible for the concerned improvisation/innovation. Annexure- 7 IMPROVISATION/INNOVATION REGISTER Improvisation/Innovation Srl No.____________________________ 1. Main vehicles/equipment/plants________________________ 2. Defect/problem_____________________________________ 3. Idea/Innovation_____________________________________ 4. Date of first successful trial____________________________ 5. Suggested by______________________________________ 6. Approximate Expenditure____________________________ Srl No Brief description Utility Remarks CHAPTER-8 VITAL MODIFICATION APPLICABILITY CHART 1. Purpose: It is essential that details of all Category ‘A’ modifications applicable to the vehicles/equipment/plants, on the workshop repair load are recorded for further action by the workshop. These details include type of modifications applicable to the various makes and types of vehicles/equipment/plants and to which terrain and vintage (or batch) that they apply. 2. Action by workshop: Vital modification (Cat ‘A’) applicability details will be monitored by recording these details in charts as per the format given below. Separate charts will be maintained for each major category of vehicles/equipment/plants. Annexure- 8A VITAL MODIFICATION APPLICABILITY CHART Make & Type of Veh/Eqpt/Plant Modification description EMER / Ref policy/Authority Applicability details Type of modification VITAL MODIFICATION STATE REGISTER 1. Purpose: It is essential that the progress of all Cat ‘A’ modification are monitored systematically till their completion. Although getting modifications done is essentially the responsibility of the user unit holding the vehicles/equipment/plants, the maintaining workshops cannot remain unconcerned, since non completion of the modification may affect the functioning of the vehicles/equipment/plants. 2. Action by workshop: Vital modification (Cat ‘A’) state will be monitored as per the format given below. This state will be maintained in separate folder for each major category of vehicles/equipment/plants. The column headings are divided in to two rows and give the details of the modifications; the first row gives the type of modification, i.e. X, Y or Z. The second row gives the policy letter No which is the authority for this modification and gives the modification details. Against each BA/EM No, and under each modification, the important datas relevant to the modification under progress will be recorded, as given in the legend in the format; i.e. the date the stores for modification have been demanded (D), the date of receipt of modification stores (R) and finally the date the modification is completed (C). This will ensure that at any point of time the status of the modification is known and necessary progressive action can be taken. Annexure- 8B VITAL MODIFICATION STATE REGISTER S/No Make & Type BA/EM No Date/Kms/ Hrs run in Details of Modification carried out CHAPTER-9 Applicability details Type of modification Remarks DEFECTS AND RECURRING FAULTS REGISTER 1. Purpose: Defects caused by imperfect design, poor manufacture or bad material may be noticed in newly introduced vehicles/equipment/plants. Similarly, certain recurring faults may be noticed in several vehicles/equipment/plants of the same make or type which may be due to the operating environment, incorrect operation of the vehicles/equipment/plants or faulty repairs carried out at the workshop. It is therefore, required to keep a record of such defects and recurring faults in a register so that proper analysis and corrective action may be taken. 2. Action by workshop: This record will be maintained in separate loose sheet folders for different Categories of vehicles/equipment/plants, the pages being allotted as per the need for entry on any particular vehicles/equipment/plants arises. The format to be used is specified as below and gives the headings under which the information will be recorded. Analysis of defects and recurring faults will follow the guidelines as given below:(a) Defect Analysis: If any defect (such as described in para 15 above) is noticed, it will be entered in a new page in the folder with headings (a) & (c) filled. Against heading (d) will be endorsed “To be investigated if occurring again”. If a similar defect is noticed again, defect report will be initiated and relevant entries made in the folder. (b) Recurring fault Analysis: All closed repair cards will be reviewed once a month. If any recurring fault as described above is detected, it will be entered in the folder as a new page. The vehicles/equipment/plants will also be taken into hand for local investigation under the supervision of the OC Workshop and the resulting report entered in the folder. Annexure-9A DEFECTS AND RECURRING FAULTS REGISTER S/No Make & Type of VEP BA/ EM No Unit Date/ Kms/ Hrs run in Fault observed System No of incidence Probable reason Action Rema Taken rks Annexure-9B DEFECTS AND RECURRING FAULTS REGISTER Vehicles/Equipment/Plants (Make & Type)___________________ Page No______ Load Chart Srl No_________________ The records of defects will indicate the following information (a) Fault/defect (b) Symptoms (c) Noticed by with reference (if any) (d) Investigation report (e) Cause/conclusion (f) Remedial action suggested (g) Reference of action taken (h) BA/EM No ____________ No. of times _________ (j) % Recurrences after corrective actions (k) Remarks & signature of Wksp Officer (l) Remarks & signature of OC field Wksp In period __________ Notes:1. The folder will have an index page in which the vehicles/equipment/plants are serially entered as per the serial number in the load chart and page number allotted to them. 2. All headings need not to be filled at all times. Only relevant headings will be entered in manuscript form. 3. Against (c), say if locally noticed or intimated by an outside agency. If former give repair card number and other details for reference, and if letter, give reference of considered letter. 4. Against heading (g) give reference of defect report initiated or letter to unit. 5. This information must be periodically disseminated by the workshop officer to the concerned repair machine to prevent/note failure occurrences of such defects/recurring faults. CHAPTER-10 VEHS/EQPT/PLANTS/ENGINES ON DEPOSIT REPAIR (DRWO) REGISTER 1. Purpose: It is necessary to monitor the movement and progress of Engine assys sent for deposit repair to base workshops. 2. Action by workshop: A register will therefore, be maintained as per format given below. The register will be maintained at the workshop office. The progress in this respect will be monitored by the workshop Officer and the OC Field Workshop. Annexure- 10 VEHS/EQPT/PLANTS/ENGINES ON DEPOSIT REPAIR (DRWO) REGISTER S/ No Unit Make & Type BA/ EM No Name defective part/assy Total Kms/ Hrs run Retrieved Deposit from repair V/E/P Work order No & Date Action taken by Base Wksp Remarks CHAPTER-11 VOR/EOA SPARES DEMAND REGISTER 1. Purpose: The purpose of this register is to progress procurement of spares/stores necessary for repair activity on the shopfloor, when thses are not available from the TSS or from the local market. 2. Action by workshop: These demand details will be entered in a Vehicle off road/Equipment out of action demand register to be maintained in the concerned section/TSS. These demands will be progressed till either the Veh/Eqpt/Plant are repaired or back loaded. The format for VOR/EOA demand register is given below. The register will be maintained as per the notes given. The Store Division control No and date is basically entered to help in progressing procurement action with the concerned SD. It would also beneficial to enter in this register, whether the engine received is new or O/H. This information is very vital if performance analysis of a large population of Engine is to be done at a later date. Annexure- 11 VOR/EOA SPARES DEMAND REGISTER 7 8 9 10 11 Depth 6 Issued from Store Div. Range 5 IV No & date Qty 4 Depth 3 Spares demanded Range 2 Unit Qty 1 Make BA/ & EM Type No Nomenc lature Demand No & Date Part No S/ N o 12 13 14 Amount Rem arks 15 16 Note: 1. This register will be kept section wise, i.e. for ‘B’ vehs, ‘C’ vehs & Misc eqpt/Items and so on. 2. This will normally be used for demanding spares for veh/eqpt/plant declared off road/out of action. 3. Remarks column is to be used for entering the progress for the spares materialise and final disposal of the case. 4. This register will be reviewed by Wksp officer/repair section in-charge frequently and latest position of demands ascertained from TSS. 5. In the case of Eng assys, enter details of the eng declared BLR, to include Eng No, whether it was new or O/H Eng and the kilometerage done, in column 7. CHAPTER-12 SMT/COMMON USER TOOLS ISSUE REGISTER 1. Purpose: Important SMTs/Tools will be issued to individuals on a daily basis, the record of which will be maintained by the Tool store in the register as per format given. Annexure- 12 SMT/COMMON USER TOOLS ISSUE REGISTER S/ No Issue Date Nomenclature/ A/u Description of Tool Qty issued Trade & Name Signature Date of Indvl / recd Mechanic back Sig of I/C Store Remarks CHAPTER-13 LOCAL PURCHASE REGISTER 1. Purpose: The purpose of this register is to progress procurement of spares/stores of emergent nature necessary for repair activity on the shop floor, through local purchase, when these are not available from the TSS. 2. Action by workshop: Local purchase as authorised under Govt rules can be resorted to be workshop to progress urgent commitments on the shop floor. Due to strict budgetary controls there is a need to exercise adequate control on the extent of local purchase and ensure early finalisation of LP Bills. Register as per the format given will be maintained by all workshops. All purchase will be recorded and progress through this register and progress till the bills are finally cleared by the audit authority. Annexure- 13 LOCAL PURCHASE REGISTER Job Card No & Date ISG No Part No Nomenclature Qty Ledger page No Sign of I/C TSS Sign of OIC TSS Sign of OC wksp SO No & Date CRV No & Date Expense voucher No & Date Ref Qtrly maint demand Sig of OIC TSS Sig of OC Wksp Remarks 1 Spares reqd BA/EM No off road S/ N o 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 CHAPTER-14 LOCAL REPAIR CONTRACT REGISTER 1. Purpose: The purpose of this register is to progress repairs, through local repair contract, when this cannot be carried out by the workshop. The register will enable continuous progress of the contracts till the payment is affected, give information on the firms available for any similar job in future and provide in to required by the workshop for compiling prescribed return on local repair contracts. 2. Action by workshop: A register will be maintained in the format given below for all local repair contracts entered in to by the workshop. This register will be maintained by the workshop office. This will be in additional to the documents necessary to meet the audit requirement as also required by Govt rules prescribed from time to time. Annexure- 14 LOCAL REPAIR CONTRACT REGISTER S/ No BA/ EM No Make & Type of veh/eqpt/ plant Kms/ Hrs run Nature of Repairs Enquiry No & date RO No & Date Cost of Repairs Nature of urgency Initial of Wksp Officer 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Sanction Rem of OC arks Wksp 11 Note: 1. Repair card will accompany the register to OC Wksp for getting his sanction under column 8. The job and quotation details and comparative statement will be put up to him for his sanction. 2. Satisfactory acceptance of the job after repairs will be endorsed in the repair card by the Wksp officer/Inspection in-charge. 3. Progress will be monitored by OC Wksp till the payment is made. 12 CHAPTER-15 ENGINEERING SUPPORT PLANNING REGISTER 1. Purpose: It is essential that all important factors contributing towards providing vehicle/equipment/plant engineering support, such as availability of technical literatures, SMTs/STEs, Gauges and trained manpower are properly monitored, this is more important in case of critical and high population veh/eqpt/plant. This veh/eqpt/plant engineering support aspect is normally neglected in workshops, which is partly due to the fact that the requisite information is not regularly maintained and therefore not readily available. Neglect of this important aspect will over a period of time contributing to veh/eqpt/plant non availability. 2. Action by workshop: Workshop will maintain an Engineering support planning register as per format given below. For the column of technical literatures and manpower (i.e. columns 3, 4, 5 & 8), “Yes” or “No” should be entered. For the SMTs/STEs details columns (i.e. columns 6 & 7), the numbers authorised and held should be indicated. Annexure- 15 ENGINEERING SUPPORT PLANNING REGISTER S/ N o Veh/Eqpt/Plant Technical literatures available Maint ISPL Scale 1 2 3 4 SMTs held STEs held Trained Remarks manpower available Repair Manual 5 6 7 8 9 CHAPTER-16 CANNIBALISATION REGISTER 1. Purpose: Workshop often resorts to cannibalisation of spares/assys with a view to enhance veh/eqpt/plant availability to the users, when these are not available with the TSS. This activity should be properly recorded in the TSS, in order to generate a correct wastage pattern. 2. Action by workshop: A cannibalisation register will be maintained by each workshop section as per format given below. Details of cannibalisation of spares/assys carried out will be entered in this register, starting a fresh page for each repair job undertaken. This register will be put up to OIC TSS on the last day of each month. The TSS will take cannibalisation details in to consideration whenever the wastage pattern is worked out. Annexure- 16 Signature of OIC TSS Remarks 7 Signature of Wksp officer 6 Signature of I/C shop floor 5 4 Spares/assys cannibalised for BA/EM No 3 Spares/assys cannibalised from BA/EM No Nomenclature of spares/assys 2 Qty Part Number 1 Repair card No & Date Make & Type of veh/eqpt/plant S/ No Date spare/assys cannibalised CANNIBALISATION REGISTER 8 9 10 11 12 13 CHAPTER-17 OTHER REGISTERS TO BE MAINTAINED IN WKSP OFFICE 1. Purpose: It is necessary to maintain few other registers mentioned below in Workshop office in respect of vehs/eqpt/plants held on their repair/maintenance charge so as to keep all data available with them for ready reference. 2. Action by workshop: Following registers will be maintained by workshop office as per format given below. a) Class CSP Register b) Class CEE Register c) Class DEE Register d) Reclamation/Rebuilding Register e) Defect Report (Warranty cases) Register f) Premature Failure Report Register g) Other Register, if any required Annexure-17A CLASS CSP REGISTER S/ No Unit Make BA/ & Type EM No Total Kms/ Hrs run Kms/ Hrs run BOH Kms/ Hrs run AOH Kms/Hr (P) s run by Ref present Eng Nomencla ture of item for which d/g to Cl-CSP Q ty Date Date d/g POR to ClCSP Annexure-17B CLASS CEE REGISTER S/ No Unit Make BA/ & Type EM No Chassis Engine No No Total Kms/ Hrs run Date of d/g Ref docs fwd to TF Month as per Evacu ation plan Date evacu ated to Base Wksp Remarks Annexure-17C CLASS DEE REGISTER S/ No Unit Make BA/ & Type EM No Chassis Engine No No Total Kms/ Hrs run Kms/ Hrs run BOH Kms/ Hrs run AOH Date of d/g Ref docs fwd to TF Net Auction value Re mar ks Annexure-17D RECLAMATION/REBUILDING REGISTER S/ No Make BA/ & Type EM No Nomencl ature of compone nt Qty Cost of Material/ new Labour item Cost Net saving CV No & date Month of reclam ation Remarks Annexure-17E DEFECT REPORT (WARRANTY CASES) REGISTER S/ No Make BA/ & Type EM No Date of induction in to service Chassis Engine No No Holding unit Total Kms/ Hrs run Nature of Defect Down time Ref Defect report raised Re mar ks Annexure-17F PREMATURE FAILURE REPORT REGISTER S/ No Make BA/ & Type EM No Part Total effected Kms/ Hrs run Kms/ Hrs run BOH Kms/ Hrs run AOH Kms/Hr Nature of s run by Defect present Eng Ref PFR initiated Date PF joint inv done Re mar ks CHAPTER-18 CONDEMNATION REPORT (E-25) 1. Purpose: Condemnation report of the all Cat ‘B’ Stores, major assys/components of Vehs/Eqpt/Plants for sentencing BER (Beyond economical repair) / BLR (Beyond local repair) will be issued as per IAF (EME) E25. 2. Action by workshop: Condemnation report as per IAF (EME) E25 will be issued as given below.Annexure-18 In lieu of IAF (EME) E-25 CONDEMNATION REPORT No: BER/ /Wksp Unit:__________________(GREF) Station:____________ To The Officer Commanding Unit:__________________(GREF) Station:____________ Reference: Your Work Order No (I A F O 1370)____________________________________ The following Stores are sentenced BLR/BER due to Fair/Unfair, Wear and Tear S/No Description of Items Date/Kms/Hrs Date/Kms/Hrs Life covered run when run when fitted removed Remarks Misuse/Neglect report has/have been/not been initiated vide this Office letter No____________ dated__________. Inspected by R&I Sec Unit:_____________ (GREF) AE/AEE (E&M) For Officer Commanding Unit:______________ (GREF) Station:______________ CHAPTER-19 TECHNICAL INSPECTION OF VEHS/EQPT/PLANTS (E03/E23) 1. Purpose: All types of inspection of Vehs/Eqpt/Plants will be carried out on the Army form IAF (EME) E03, E23 etc, as applicable. 2. Action by workshop: Following Forms will be used for the purposes mentioned against each:a) IAF (EME) E03 - All types of vehicles b) IAF (EME) E23 - All types of equipments/plants CHAPTER-20 VEH/EQPT/PLANT NON AVAILABILITY INDEX CHART 1. Purpose: The state of veh/eqpt/plant non availability to the users is a critical parameter which enables Dir (EME)/OsC Workshops to periodically monitor the efficiency of EME repair cover being provided by the workshop. Non availability of veh/eqpt/plant to the user may be due to any of the following reasons:(a) Veh/Eqpt/Plant actually under repair in the field workshop (b) Non availability of critical spares or assys from Store Division (c) Non availability of Tyres, tubes, Batteries and other items/supplies made direct to units 2. Of the above factors the first two are of interest to Field workshop. The delay in repairs at the workshop may be due to lack of availability of trained tradesman, Tools, spares or simply due to inefficient repair activity and control of technical functions. However the aim of plotting Veh/Eqpt/Plant non availability is not to judge the performance of the workshop but to enable the OC to set his own targets in order to reallocate his resources and improve the repair activity. 3. Action by workshop: Keeping the above in view, workshops will maintain veh/eqpt/plant non availability index charts for all major categories of veh/eqpt/plant (such as ‘B’ vehs, ‘C’ vehs & Misc eqpts/items) as per the format given below. These charts will be updated 1st of each month by the respective repair section in-charges. Data required to plot the points on the chart is available directly from the repair progress board. The method to generate this chart is given in the notes to the format mentioned below. Year 2012-13 CHAPTER-21 STATE OF READINESS CHART 1. Purpose: It is important for OsC Workshop/Dir (EME) to monitor state of workshop holdings and deficiency in respect of all its resources, which include personnel, Vehicle, Equipment, Tools, Controlled Stores etc in order to assess its fitness to carry out its assigned roll. 2. Action by workshop: A Chart covering all the important information described above will be maintained at the OC Workshop office as per format given below. This chart will be updated on 1st every month for OC’s information and to take any action required. It will also be submitted along with the unit state of readiness card. Annexure- 21 STATE OF READINESS CHART S/No Item 1 PERSONNEL Officers Supvr Staff (E&M) ORs 2 VEHICLES/EQPT/PLANTS 3 CONTROLLED STORES 4 ELECTRONIC REPAIR EQPT 5 UNIT EQUIPMENT 6 ESSENTIAL TOOLS AND GAUGES 7 SMTs 8 MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS Auth Held % Held CHAPTER-22 OFF ROAD STATE CHART 1. Purpose: The OC workshop monitors the state of off road vehs/eqpt/plants, and the progress on the procurement of their spares, with the VOR/EOA spares demand register. He also needs to see at a glance, the current off road state of important vehs/eqpt/plants. 2. Action by workshop: Workshops will maintain an off road state chart, for important vehs/eqpt/plants in the office of OC Workshop as per the format given below. This chart will be updated once a week on Saturday, using data from the VOR/EOA spares demand register. Annexure- 22 OFF ROAD STATE CHART S/ No Make & Type of veh/eqpt/plant BA/EM No Details of spares demanded Demand No Date demand placed Remarks Annexure-4 In lieu of IAF (EME) W40 Original/Duplicate REPAIR CARD HQ Wksp/Dett Wksp:________________________ Job Card No:____________________ ___ Sheet No:___ __ Make & Type: _______________________ BA/EM No:_________________ Holding unit: ___________________ Task Force/Project: _______________________ Last Repair Card No: Oil Condition Work Order No: ___________________________ Run since last overhaul:___________________ Present Engine Run: __________________ S/No DEFECTS Symptoms and Diagnosis c) Other Assys_________________ a) Engine_______________ b) Transmission__________ IN Repairs Required Work Done Rect ified Direct Manhours OUT Kms/Hrs Total Direct Manhours Classification Cost of Manhours Fuel Tank No. of days awaiting (down time) Date Spare s Labour Holiday Other Reason Total Inspector's Signature (PTO) REPAIR CARD SPARES AND MATERIALS S/N o Pa rt No Nomenclatu re Quantity Reqd Issued NA Ex Store L M LP Recd by Cost Ref Dues out record 1 Items Required : 4 Items LP : 2 Items Issued : 5 Items Reclaimed : 3 Items LM : 6 Items Dues out : Signature I/C Works Sig of Wksp Officer Sig of OIC TSS Date I/C TSS Remarks