CP English 9 Syllabus - Parkland School District

Mrs. DeLabar
CP English 1
e-mail: delabara@parklandsd.org
website: http://www.parklandsd.org/web/delabar/
Course Description and Syllabus:
This course is centered on the study of literature, composition, grammar, and SAT vocabulary development
skills. In order to develop an appreciation and understanding of the various types of American literature through
1900, this course will critique and analyze a range of genres, including short stories, novels, mythology, poetry,
drama, and nonfiction. The content of the course is aligned to the PA Core Standards for English Language Arts.
Composition focuses on the Keystone Literature constructed responses as well as informative, persuasive, and
narrative modes of writing. All areas of the ninth-grade grammar continuum and vocabulary book are
Throughout ninth-grade English, we will explore the following movements in American literature:
 Native American Literature
 Puritan Literature
 American Revolution Literature
 Romanticism
 Transcendentalism
 Naturalism
 Realism
 Literature
Literature Textbook: selected poems, essays, and short stories
The Light in the Forest, by Conrad Richter
The Crucible, by Arthur Miller
The Call of the Wild, by Jack London
Julius Caesar, by William Shakespeare
 Writing and Speaking
Keystone Literature Constructed Responses
5-paragraph essays
Various writing assignments, oral presentations, and creative assignments
Class participation and discussions
 Vocabulary and Grammar
Vocabulary Workshop Level D Units 1-15
Daily Grammar Practice (DGP)
Various grammar and usage exercises
 Grade Determination
Graded work is based on a point system and will include:
 Literature quizzes/tests
 Vocabulary & Spelling tests
 DGP & Grammar quizzes/tests
 Study Island Assignments
 Writing assignments/essays
 Homework
 Class preparation
 Extra Credit
Students have the opportunity to earn three extra credit points on vocabulary tests by creating
vocabulary flashcards for that unit. You will receive a handout with the specific instructions at the
beginning of Unit 1. You can also access this handout on the course website.
 Required Materials
 3-Ring Binder
 Notebook dividers (Literature, Writing, DGP/Grammar, Vocabulary)
 Lined Composition Paper
 Pencils
 Highlighters
 Note cards for extra credit
Classroom Policies:
Homework Policy:
 All assignments are due on time.
ALWAYS CHECK THE ASSIGNMENT BOARD IN CLASS. Also, bookmark my class website;
assignments and tests will be posted on the calendar on my website.
 Late projects/essays will lose points each day past the due date.
 Late homework assignments will be accepted for half credit.
 Study Island assignments will NOT be accepted late.
 Vocabulary Homework – workbook exercises –
You may NOT write in the vocabulary book unless you purchase it for $10.00.
Instead, you must write all answers on a lined sheet of paper.
To potentially earn full credit for the vocabulary homework (10 points), you must…
1. Submit the assignment on time.
2. Write your name on the paper.
3. Include the unit # at the top.
4. Label each section (i.e. “Completing the Sentence”).
5. Write out the complete vocabulary term. In other words, simply writing “1” or
“2” for the “Choosing the Right Word” section will not get you full credit.
 Class cuts and illegal/unexcused absences will result in a zero for that day’s work.
 For excused absences, YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE for making up all missed work according to
Handbook guidelines.
 Check with your peers to see what you missed. If you have further questions, please see me.
 Meet with me on the day you return to schedule a make-up test or quiz.
 Any missed work that is not made up within the Handbook guidelines (2 days) will receive a “0.”
 Work assigned before your absence is due as originally assigned.
 If you are absent on the day a major assignment/test is due, you must turn it in on the day you
 According to the Handbook: “all work assigned through the student’s last day of attendance is
due on the first day of the student’s return to classes or on the previously indicated due date
with no extra time allotted. This includes previously scheduled tests, reports, etc.”
Be prepared to make up tests/quizzes and turn in homework the day you return!
Textbooks must always be covered.
You must bring the textbook and/or novel to class when assigned to do so. If you forget it in your
locker, you will be permitted to go get it, but this will result in a loss of points for your class
preparation grade.
Vocabulary books must come to class every day. Keep this in your English binder.
You may NOT write in the vocabulary book unless you purchase it. You may purchase the book
issued to you, or you may purchase your own new vocabulary book at the school store.
Alternately, you may find a lower price ordering the book online. We use the Sadlier-Oxford
Vocabulary Workshop Level D.
 A plagiarized assignment will receive zero points. No Exceptions.
 Do not cheat, copy, or plagiarize (See Handbook).
Classroom Management Plan:
 General Classroom Rules
1. At the start of class, be in your seat and remain seated when the bell rings.
If you enter the room after the bell, you will be marked as “tardy.” (3 LATES = detention)
2. No eating or drinking in the classroom with the exception of CLEAR water.
3. Keep backpacks and purses on the floor under your desk.
4. NO CELL PHONE USE. Consequences for cell phone violations are outlined in the Handbook.
5. Demonstrate SELF-CONTROL at all times.
6. RESPECT students, teachers, and PHS property.
7. Be prepared for class and use class time wisely.
8. Clean up your area at the end of class.
9. Follow the Student Code of Conduct and all safety procedures as noted in the Student Handbook.
10. Take pride in your work and enjoy the class.
11. I repeat: NO CELL PHONE USE.
 Consequences – Immediate and Follow Up Responses
Verbal warning/teacher conference
Teacher detention
Parent/guardian contact
Administrative referral
 Daily Classroom Procedures
1. Enter the classroom ready to focus on the lesson.
2. Pick up any papers on the back table on your way into the classroom.
3. Find your seat and take out your homework or textbooks, as needed.
4. Check out the “Do Now” section on the front board. Here you will find a list of things for you to do to
prepare for class, or a warm-up activity to complete.
5. Copy all homework information and upcoming test dates from the assignment board. All tests are posted
on the board well in advance. You are responsible to check the board and make note of all homework
assignments and test dates in your agenda book. Stay organized!
6. Lavatory use during class is for emergencies. You must sign out and take the pass with you. Only one
person may be out at a time.
7. Absolutely NO lining up at the door to leave. Students must remain seated until the bell rings.
 What You Can Expect From Me
1. Respect and a positive attitude
2. An organized and interesting class
3. Fair grading system
4. Answers to questions and extra help
(see note on back)
A Note from Mrs. DeLabar:
Welcome to PHS!
I am looking forward to an exciting year, one that I hope will be both challenging and
rewarding. I have high expectations for all of you, and I am confident that you are capable
of meeting them and even reaching beyond!
When you actively participate in this class, you will gain new perspectives, question your
own beliefs, reshape the way you think, learn new methods of problem solving, and train
your brain to think analytically and critically.
I wish you the best of luck this school year. Keep in mind some words of wisdom from
Thomas Jefferson: “I’m a great believer in luck, and I find that the harder I work, the more
I have of it.”