Livres Texts for developing schema and making connections Activation des connaissances antérieures Connecting prior knowledge to information in the text. Pictures Details Summary Title: Melrose et Croc à la plage Aut: Clark, Emma Ed : Gallimard Hard cover album Level 2 NEW 2007 Title: Shiro, le petit chat blanc Aut : Mori, Sachiko Ed : Bayard Hard cover album Level 1 NEW 2007 Title: Petite feuille et le grand chêne Aut :Pavlovsky, Sophie Ed : Nathan Hard cover book Level 3 NEW 2007 Title: Le chien de Léopold Aut: Soulières, Robert Ed: 400 coups Soft cover album Level 4 NEW 2007 Croc is staring out the window... Melrose decides to play a game with Croc. What is soft and has blue and white stripes? Asks Melrose. Croc does not answer but Melrose tosses a towel loosely on Croc’s shoulder’s. The objects all relate to the beach where the two friends will go to spend the day. A cat has a litter of 4 kittens. 3 are black and Shiro is white. He feels different than his brothers and sisters. To feel accepted, he gets dirty all the time. One day Mom announces the visit of their dad. To Shiro’s surprise, he turns out to be white just like him. Shiro discovers that he is indeed part of the family. Price $17.95 $21.50 Who has not seen a lonely leaf on a tree in the middle of winter? Ever wonder why it would still be there? A lovely story about loyalty and friendship. $8.95 We have all heard and seen abandoned animals. An errant dog adopts Léopold as his master. Léopold does everything to rid himself of the dog. Yet, the dog always returns. With few words, Robert Soulières creates a powerful and poignant album. $12.95 Title : Tyrannosaurus Minus Aut : Donaldson, J. Ed : Nathan Hard cover album Level 2 NEW 2008 Here is a switch. A T-Rex who is a vegetarian. This little big book written by Julia Donaldson and illustrated by David Roberts bring you the story of Minus the little Duckbill who finds his way in a carnivore nest belonging to a Tyrannosaurus Rex family Just because you are different does not mean you cannot be counted on. This story is a re-telling of the classic Ugly Duckling in the Jurassic world. $19.95 Title: Des bonbons pour Aicha Aut: Van Der Linden, E Ed : Mijade Hard cover album Level 1 NEW 2008 Today is the Ramadan celebrations. Aicha visits her grandmother and grandfather where she receives a box of candies. When uncle Ali arrives, he lifts Aicha and all the candies fall everywhere. Luckily, uncle Ali has a surprise for her. $15.95 Title: Russell le mouton Aut: Scotton, R Ed: Nathan Hard cover album Level 1 NEW 2008 Russell the Sheep has a problem. Long after the rest of the flock has fallen asleep at the end of another day, Russell is lying on his back in his long striped nightcap, wide-eyed and wide-awake. He tries pulling his cap over his eyes to make it really dark, taking off his wool in case he's too hot, and pulling up an indignant frog for a pillow. He tries finding a better place to sleep, but the trunk of a rusty car is too cramped, a bat-filled hollow tree too creepy, a branch too crowded $19.95 with owls. Then he has a brilliant idea: he'll try counting things! First he counts his feet, but after getting to four he's still not tired. He counts the stars, all six hundred million billion and ten - twice! But he is still wide awake. He thinks very hard, and finally it comes to him: he should be counting sheep. One by one he counts the other sleeping sheep but comes to the last of them still awake, until he remembers himself. Just as the others are waking up to start a new day, Russell finally, deservedly, falls to sleep. Title: Scritch, scratch Aut: Moss, M Ed: Gauthier Languereau Hard cover album Level 2 NEW 2008 Taking a humorous approach to an embarrassing problem, this book turns the (literally) nitty-gritty into something witty. When a tiny head louse sneaks into the classroom, it makes straight for Ms. Roussu, the teacher, and her enormous red mane of "cascading curls." Soon the whole class is scritching and scratching. $19.95 Title: Et pourquoi? Aut : Bielinsky, C. Ed : Casterman Hard cover album Level 1 NEW 2008 Title: Scritch, Scratch, dip clapote Aut: Crowther, K Ed: Pastel Hard cover album Level 2 NEW 2008 Here is Uki a young energetic dog who only does what he wants to. Why? Is the questions and here are some of the answers. Surprising answers, funny answers but also answers which will make children understand why? Though a book of why’s is often seen, this one is particularly well made. $13.95 Just like every evening, Jerome is scared of the night and going to bed. Dad reads him a story and gives him a kiss. Mom gives him a hug. Jerome is alone in his room. All alone in his heart. Jerome hears a sound that makes scritch, scratch dip clapote? What is it? $18.95 Title: Mon chat le plus bête du monde Aut : Bachelet, G Ed : Seuil Hard cover album Level 1 NEW 2008 Gilles Bachelet's cat behaves like any normal cat-sleeping, eating, getting in the way, making a mess--but in this warm and funny picture book he happens to be . . . a very large elephant. Whether he's keeping clean, playing with yarn, or posing for a portrait, this cat has his own unique way of doing things. Readers of all ages will delight in the whimsical and fun illustrations that accompany this "cat's" sweet and silly tale $24.95 Title: Gigi la grenouille Aut: Waddell, M Ed : Grund Hard cover album Level 1 NEW 2008 Gigi, a young frog pretends to be a big dragon. She announces this to her mother, father and grandmother but they all seem preoccupied. She decides to jump far away to a rock where she practices her dragon roar. Her parents call for her “Gigi the dragon!” She waits until they get very close and leaps beside them with a mighty Coaa! They play her game and hop together home. $16.95 Title : Et pourquoi? Aut : Van Zeveren, M Ed : Pastel Hard cover album Level 1 NEW 2008 Title: Probouditi! Aut: Van Allsburg, C Ed: Ecole des loisirs Hard cover album Level 3 NEW 2008 This morning, little Red Riding Hood goes to her grandmother’s house, when the Big Bad Wolf jumps in front of her. RRRRRRRRRRRRRR! I will eat you! Why? Asks little red riding hood. Why? Keeps asking little Red riding Hood. Exasperated the Big Bad Wolf simply gives himself up to the hunter. Very funny and easy to understand. For his birthday, Calvin’s mother gives him two tickets to see Lomax the Magnificent (magician and hypnotist extraordinaire!). Even though Mama hints that his little sister, Trudy, would love to go, Calvin doesn’t hesitate to invite his friend Rodney instead. The boys return home greatly impressed by the magician’s performance. When Calvin’s mother goes out, she leaves him in charge of Trudy. It’s a job Calvin dislikes because his sister does not want to be left out of anything. So Calvin and Rodney include her—by making $18.95 $18.95 her the first subject for their own hypnotizing machine. Much to the boys’ surprise, the machine works. Unfortunately they cannot undo what they have done. Trudy is stuck in her trance. The boys are worried and decide to take Trudy to the one man they know can solve their problem—but will Lomax help them? Mama is on her way home . . Title: Jour de neige Aut: Aakai, K Ed : Ecole des loisirs Hard cover album Level 1 NEW 2008 This morning, school is closed. There is a snowstorm out there. The rabbit would love to go out and play but enjoys the quietness of the day with his mom. A tender story illustrating the emotions brought about by a perfect snow day. Those feelings of joy, impatience, quiet and magic. $18.25 Title : Wittilda, drôle de sorcière Aut : Buehner, C Ed : Bayard Hard cover album Level 2 NEW 2008 Wittilda the witch needs a job! Her forty-seven cats are down to their last dried rat, and she needs to make some money. Wittilda and her feline friends scour the want-ads in the newspaper and find the perfect job - as a delivery person at Joe's Dingaling Pizza. With her trusty broom, Wittilda will be the fastest delivery person in town! And her cats will get to enjoy a delicious Dingaling special combo pizza! A brilliant story and amazing drawings bring this tale to life. $21.50 Title: Chut chut Charlotte! Aut: Wells, Rosemary Ed: Gallimard Soft cover Album Level 1 Title: Jour de neige Aut: Keats, Ezra Jack Ed: Circonflexe Hard cover Album Level 1 Title: Chrysanthème Aut: Henkes, Kevin Ed: Gallimard Soft cover Album Level 1 Tittle: Amos et Boris Aut: Steig, William Ed: Gallimard Soft cover Album Level 2 A book about the troubles of being the middle child. Discovering snow. $9.95 $21.95 What’s in a name? Chrysanthème is a very nice name. However, at school, his friends tell him otherwise… $9.95 Amos, the mouse, travels across the sea on his boat. One day, Boris the whale saves his life. $9.95 Title: Très, très fort! Aut: Cooke, Irish Ed: Flammarion Hard cover album Level 1 Nothing special is going on until the family arrives. Each one takes their turn to hug this little man in their arms! (family love) Title: Agenda de papa Aut Afano, Laurence Ed: Grasset Hard cover album Level 1 What does a father do all day? In this album, a son describes and imagines what his father could be up to, all day. Emilienne’s room is a mess. Whereas, her neighbour’s $21.95 $19.95 $22.95 Title: Grand désordre Aut: Crowther, Kitty Ed: Seuil Hard cover album Level 3 room is spotless. Emilienne realizes she must do something about her mess. She decides to visit other friends to see how they manage to keep their rooms tidy. Title: Vite! Dépèche-toi! Aut:Guillaume,Marie Ange Ed: Albin Michel Hard cover album Level 1 Hurry up! Wake up! Hurry up! Get dressed! Finish eating! Brush your teeth! The morning routine expressed lovingly. Title: Toujours dans la lune Aut: Schneider, Christine Ed: Albin Michel Hard cover album Level 1 A young boy, Pierrot, remembers his dream and retells it to his mother in his own words. Title: Maman s’est perdue Aut: Dubé, Pierrette Ed: 400 coups Soft cover album Level 2 Mom got lost in the department store. Where is she hiding? If we are not constantly watching our mom’s, we risk looking for her for a very long time. Title: Pourvu qu’il pleuve Aut: Boucher Mativat, MarieAndrée Ed: 400 Coups Soft coveralbum Level 2 How many children dream of choosing their own shoes at the store? Well, this little girl thinks she has found a way to get the shoes she dreams of. Title: Tête dans le sac Aut: Pourchet, Marjorie Ed: Rouergue Soft cover album Level 4 $16.95 $16.95 Adèle is so shy, she refuses to go outside unless she wears a bag over her head. Impossible for her to see for herself that everyone suffers from something (fear of being late, narcissism, fear of what people say). One day as she cries in her bag, flowers begin to grow. Adèle will also grow and she begin a new life, a life with others. $10.95 $9.95 $27.75 Texts for visualization Imagerie mentale Making sense of figurative language and deepen the understanding of poems and stories through visualization. Title: Le petit prince a dit Aut: Patrice, Léo Ed :Casterman Hard cover album Level 1 NEW 2007 Title: J’aime les poèmes Aut: Major, Henriette Ed: HMH Hard cover album Level 2 NEW 2007 Illustrated album of the children’s song: Le petit prince a dit. 36 short poems for children age 5 to 9. Short texts that propel the child to create mental pictures that will move them to understand the text. The poems are grouped according to four themes: playing with words, describing emotions, praising nature, and celebrating the imaginary. $17.95 $24.95 Title: Jongleries Aut: Major, Henriette Ed : HMH Hard cover album Level 3 NEW 2007 Title : En sortant de l’école Aut : Prevert, Jacques Ed : Gallimard Level 4 Hard cover album NEW 2007 Title: Moi, Ming Aut: Bernos, C Ed: Rue du monde Level 4 Hard cover album NEW 2008 Title : La souris de M.Grimaud Aus : Asch, F Ed : Albin Michel Level 3 Hard cover Album NEW 2008 Title: Le cancre Aut: Prévert, J Ed : Gallimard Level 2 Hard cover album NEW 2008 Title: L’attrapeur de mots Aut: Dumont, J.F. Ed : Flammarion Level 3 Hard cover album NEW 2008 Title: Le cirque imaginaire Aut : Ceccarelli, S Ed : Gulf stream Level 4 Hard cover album NEW 2008 34 short poems for children 9 to 12. Short poems using different expressions. A glossary of the expressions and their meaning is included at the end. $24.95 In celebration of Jacques Prévert’s life, Gallimard editions have printed and illustrated some of his poems. This poem is about the joy of life in a world of light and friendship. $21.95 This album is rich in text and ideas. Created in two parts. In the first part Ming looks at what his life could have been if he had been born...the queen of England, or an emperor.... In the second part, Ming looks at his simple peasant life. The album asks if happiness is a measure of power, fame, wealth, the ability to dominate or is it a measure of simpler things like friends and family. A poetic album $20.95 At the restaurant, M. Grimaud, the cat, is celebrating his promotion. He orders a live mouse, a special dish for a special occasion. The mouse arrives well presented. Lying down on a piece of bread, the mouse seems perfectly at peace with his fate. Yet, not before suggesting to the diner, that such a fare requires a touch of salt, a meal time prayer, or perhaps a glass of wine. The dialogue is spicy and refined. This tragic situation becomes comical. The illustrations are sober and realistic. An album of suspense and drama, the ending is perfectly suited to this tale of the extreme politeness. A cat and mouse game, where the cat becomes the victim rather than the mouse. Delicious. A beautifully illustrated poem about a dunce. A lazy, good for nothing student is referred to as a dunce. Jacques Prévert shows us another point of view, more like a free thinking spirit trapped in the classroom environment. A good follow up book would be l’encyclopédie des cancres by Gallimard which features men and women once labelled as a dunce who changed the face of literature, science etc... After school, a young boy talks to his friends about the latest soccer game, when he is suddenly stumped and unable to finish his sentence because he forgot the word…. He immediately fixes his gaze on a strange man holding a bag. Intrigued he follows him. The stranger stops to listen to other people’s conversations grabs words out of the air and hides them in a bag. The young man follows him home. Peering through the window, the young boy sees the man empty the bag in a suitcase. Words are escaping. The old man catches the word the boy was missing earlier and glues it in a yellow book. The old man sees the boy and invites him. He explains that he is a poet and poets steal words. They play with them until they fit just perfectly with other words. Magic is here! A circus show of the likes you have never seen before. Demonstrations of agility, strength and beauty mixed with imagination, you will be transfixed by this album. Each word, each illustration is a blend of poetry, humour, and the surreal. The imaginary circus is the most intense circus of all! $19.95 $21.95 $24.95 $29.95 Title: Le sorcier amoureux Aut: Levert, M Ed : Dominique et Co. Level 2 Hard cover album NEW 2008 Title: Ton histoire d’amour Aut: Tremblay, C Ed : Dominique et co. Level 2 Soft cover album NEW 2008 Title : Crocodile amoureux Aut : Kulot, Daniela Ed : Autrement Level 1 Hard cover album NEW 2008 By the forest, mister Berlu, a retired sorcerer, lives quietly with his cat, Poison. Long ago he closed his blinds and disconnected the phone. He watches TV and eats cookies all day. One day during one of his many naps, he is awakened by a strange, persistent noise. Where could this horrible noise come from? Opening his window he sees that his neighbor’s house has been renovated and a woman lives there. A woman who sings all the time. Angry, he makes a troublesome cake that will rid him of this pest. When he goes to deliver the cake, he quickly becomes enamoured with the beauty of it all and falls in love. The association of Mother’s Bridge of Love received a wonderful text from an anonymous adoptive mother. This organisation maintains a link between Asia and the Occident helping adoptive families discover the cultural heritage of their children. The adapted text by Carole Tremblay is full of sensitivity: simple touching words create a parallel between the mothers. The child will know he was loved twice rather than once. The illustrations admirably complete the album. For many days now, Crocodile cannot stand still. Sometimes he is cold, sometimes he is hot, sometimes he is blue, sometimes he is so happy he could kiss everyone. It is clear Crocodile is in love. But often,very often, when we are in love there are small problems... Crocodile is trying to get the attention of Miss Girafe but no matter how hard he tries he is not successful. Until.... $19.95 $15.95 $24.95 Title: Peurs, pleurs et petits bonheurs Aut: Brière, P Ed : 400 coups Level 2 Soft cover album A poetic catalogue where the reader explores their emotions. Putting words into feelings. $10.95 Title: Rêve de glace et patins blancs Aut: Grindley, Sally Ed: Homard Soft cover album Level 3 A young girl tries skating for her first time and imagines skating among the animals of the great north. $10.95 Title: 3 contes de Russie Aut: Giraurd, Robert Ed: Flammarion Hard cover album Level 2 3 stories from Russia. The first “La moufle” tells a story of how different animals find shelter from a storm in a lost mitten. The second “Gros navet” is how the family members come and help pull out a stubborn turnip out of the ground. The third “Brise cabane” is the story of a mouse who discovers and moves into an empty cabin. Title: Un arbre Aut: Major, Henriette Ed: 400 coups Soft cover album Level 1 Everyone knows what tree is. It is a perch, a nest, a hiding place, a storage place, a parasol… and everyone feels at home. For the little dog below a tree is… A rhythmic story describing the many functions of the tree. Title: Bêtes à combines Aut : Obscure, Claire Ed : 400 coups Soft cover Poetry Level 1 Title: Petit Canoë Aut : Bletton, Marie Ed : 400 coups Soft cover album Level 3 $20.95 $8.95 A mixture of extraordinary animals to discover or invent for what would make a very unusual zoo. Cowleon, snailrafe, tortadary. $9.95 With a bit of imagination and 2 bits of emotion follow the adventure of the little canoë. An initiation to art by exploring various parts of a painting by Paul Emile Borduas. Finally, appreciate and see the work in its entirety. $10.95 Title: La couleur des oiseaux Ed : Nathan Book CD Level 2 In the beginning, it was night and all the birds were black. When the sun finally began to shine, the black parrot met the black raven…. A story from Australia. $24.95 Title: Un don de la mer Aut : Banks, Kate Ed: Gallimard Hard cover album Level 2 The little boy who picks up a pebble from the beach does not know that millions of years ago, this pebble was once a large rock that spewed out of an active volcano… The boy turns the pebble over. He does not know that century’s of water and wind eroded the stone…. $23.50 Sacha, Stella’s little brother, wonders if fairies are invisible. The two children go off into the deep forest, full of giants, snakes and little white rabbits. $10.95 Translated from the napping house. How quiet is it in this bedroom where everyone is fast asleep. Everyone? Not quite. In the peaceful shadow lurks a fly. $20.95 The rain falls over the city creating chaos. The chicken’s cackle, the dog barks, the truck driver gets angry…hysteria has set in. Soon, all will become peaceful once again. $10.95 A father tells his son to close his eyes to sleep. He tells him a story about the animals from each continent, the sky and the sea. $19.95 Title: Stella, fée des forêts Aut : Gay, Marie-Louise Ed : Dominique et Co. Soft cover album Level 1 Title: La maison à dormir debout. Aut : Wood, Audrey Ed : Mijade Hard cover album Level 1 Title: Après la pluie Aut : Shannon, David Ed : 400 coups Soft cover album Level 1 Title: Tous les soirs du monde Aut : Demers, Dominique Ed : Imagine Hard cover album Level 2 Title: Autour du soleil Aut : Tilbo, Gilles Ed : Dominique et Co. Hard cover album Poetry Level 2 In the author’s world, the sun can make a balloon dance, jump over clouds, and caress a sleeping child. The author shares a selection of short stories full of poetry and fantasy. Title: Écoute les voix de la Terre Aut: Wood, Douglas Lynch Ed: Gründ Hard cover album Level 3 A grand father and his grand-son hike through the forest. The child asks: “What is a prayer?” and the grand-father shows him nature. Patiently, he teaches him to listen to the whispers of the wind, and the sounds of the babbling brook, the voices of the earth. $28.95 Title: Auberge de Nulle Part Aut: Innocenti, Roberto Ed: Gallimard Hard cover album Level 4 Roberto, a painter, has lost his greatest tool, his imagination. He prepares his luggage, leaves in his car and travels until he runs out of gas. He finds himself in front of the Auberge de Nulle part. He is greeted with a phrase: “ Here where the answers dance with the question marks you will find a cure.” $24.95 $24.95 Texts for making inferences Inférence Use prior knowledge and information in text to create meanings not explicitly stated, moving to a deeper understanding of texts. Title: C’est moi le plus fort Aut : Ramos, Mario Ed : Ecole des loisirs Hard cover album Level 1 New 2007 After eating a hefty meal the wolf takes a walk in the woods to help digestion. He meets up with different fictional characters. To each, he stops and asks, “Who is the strongest?” Of course, each of our fairy tale figures say that the wolf is the strongest. He finally sees what he believes is a little toad and asks the same question. The reply is not at all what the wolf wanted to hear!! $18.25 Title: Toi, vole! Aut: Bunting, Eve Ed: Syros Hard cover album Level 2 New 2007 Dad and I live at the airport. We have no home and the airport is better than living on the street. We have to be careful not to get caught. $24.95 Title: Les trios voeux de Barbara Aut: Hohler, Franz Ed : Joie de lire Level 3 NEW 2007 Barbara is not doing well at school. She is visited by a fairy who gives her three wishes. Barbara wishes for a pair of blue shoes, a red pen and a parrot. How will they help Barbara with school? A story which shows that even small things can make a big difference. $18.95 Title: Petit photographe de Bamba Aut: Epanya, Christian Ed : Sorbier Hard Cover album Level 4 NEW 2007 In Bamba, a little town in Africa, the boys learn to fish like their fathers and grand-fathers. Amoudou is captivated by photography. With time he becomes the famous photographer in town. $24.95 Title: Loup gouloup Aut: Nadaus, Roland Ed: Bayard Hard cover album Level 1 NEW 2008 Title: La petite oie qui ne voulait pas marcher au pas Aut : Dumont, JF Ed : Père Castor Level 2 Hard cover album NEW 2008 A wolf makes several attempts to steal a pancake from the baker. The first time he gets nothing at all and the baker throws the pancake up in the sky. The pancake climbs and climbs in the sky to become the moon. The wolf howls all night. Seven days later the wolf tries again to grab a pancake. This time he is able to snap half of it off before it reaches the top of the night sky. The wolf howls again. Seven days later, the wolf tries once more time to grab the pancake . The baker decides to simply let him have it. No moon tonight and no howling. An introduction to the phases of the moon. Zita is a little gosling who cannot get the beat! All the other geese go to the pond in rythm but somehow Zita gets distracted. The head goose sends her off and tells her she will not be able to join everyone to the pond and she will have to wait their return. So, finally Zita goes off to the pond playing a different beat and the animals all around seem to like this new rythm and follow her to the pond (the donkey, the cow, the pigs, the sheep, and even the frog. From now on everyone wants to follow Zita’s beat to the pond!! Great album you can even go to the web site on the final page and pick up the beat yourself $9.25 $24.95 Title: Ma grand-mère Alza..quoi? Aut : Van Den Abeele, V Ed : Mijade Level 1 Hard cover album NEW 2008 Title: Colin Coton Aut: Ross, T Ed: Seuil Level 2 Hard cover album NEW 2008 Title: La brouille Aut: Boujon, C Ed : Ecole des loisirs Level 1 Hard cover album NEW 2008 Title : Attention SSSerpent Aut : De Greef, S Ed : Pastel Level 1 Hard cover album NEW 2008 Title: C’est moi qui commande Aut: Church, C. Ed : Milan Level 1 Hard cover album NEW 2008 Title : Oscar et Arabella et Ormsby Aut : Layton, N Ed : Courte échelle Level 1 Hard cover album NEW 2008 Title: Nasreddine Aut: Weulersse, O Ed: Père Castor Level 2 Hard cover album NEW 2008 Title: Kimono de Suki Aut: Vegaki, Chieri Ed: Scholastic Soft cover album Level 1 Camille remembers fondly the days she spent with her grandmother. However, one day grandmother does not recognize her. It is Camille’s turn to take care of her grand-mother. She tells her stories, shows her pictures, and gives her big kisses. Grand-mother now needs her. This album is sensitive, informative and takes away the stigma of mental illness that exist. It is also a form of reassurance that a child’s grand-mother is not nuts but has a common disease. Colin is small, even for a mouse. His mother refuses to let him play outside with his brothers and sisters unless he is wrapped in a big fluffy ball of cotton wool. Instead of keeping him safe, the cotton wool attracts the attention of every fierce creature imaginable — little boys, ducks, even foxes! After a day of being flung, pecked and chased, Colin returns home without his cotton wool, but feeling much BIGGER — and ready to tell his mother that he can look after himself La brouille is the story of two rabbits, one brown and one grey. They got along great but like in any relationship good feelings don’t always last forever. Each day a new fight emerges. A hungry fox sees these two rabbits fight and decides either of them would likely make a very good meal. Seizing the opportunity he dives but both rabbits escape because they cooperated. $17.95 $19.95 $15.95 Cow is reading a story to his friends. Slowly snake slithers closer and attacks! Gross! Disgusting! Who did you swallow mean snake? Snake repeats again and again his same move. $18.95 Digby le chien de berger a une mission : faire rentrer six moutons stupides dans un enclos. Mais ces moutons n'en font qu'à leur tête. Digby est proche du désespoir, jusqu'à ce que vaches et cochons lui révèlent l'art et la manière de demander quelque chose... Un « schéma » narratif qui joue sur le comique de répétition : plus Digby demande aux moutons de rentrer dans leur enclos, plus la réaction des moutons est passive. Une histoire drôle aux illustrations très colorées. L'auteur révèle ici le secret de la politesse : le mot magique « S'il te plaît » ! $17.95 Oscar is a woolly mammoth, just like Arabella. They are best of friends, at least until the arrival of Ormsby. Oscar does not appreciate Ormsby very much. But, Arabella finds him very very funny! $24.95 A young boy goes to market with his dad and the donkey to sell their goods. Each time they are the object of ridicule from the villagers. Each time the young boy is mortified until he learns that there is no point in worrying about what other’s think. The story is delicious and easy to read. Situated in the orient. $26.95 Suki decides to wear a blue cotton kimono she received from her grandmother, on the first day of school. Despite snickers from her sisters and classmates, she is proud of and pleased with her outfit. When Suki tells her class about the Japanese street festival she attended in the summer, the hecklers change their tune. $8.95 Title: On se retrouvera Aut: Bunting, Eve Ed: Syros Soft cover album Level 3 War is approaching. Bags must be packed and mother and daughter must leave their home. When will they see father again? Based on a true story. $9.95 Title: Combat des cerfs volants Aut: Mélano, Olivier Ed: École des loisirs Hard cover album Level 3 At Katmandou in Nepal, Nan dreams of beating his enemy Chakku in a game of kite chasing. First, you must build your kite. $22.50 Title: Roland Garros et la petite aviatrice. Aut: Vincent,François Ed: Archimède Hard cover album Level 3 On a summer’s night in 1913, Louise watches as Roland Garros land his plane. She climbs in the pilot seat and declares “One day, I will have my own plane. I will fly to far off lands, make loops and climb 5000 feet in the sky”. Title: La rédaction Aut: Skarmer, A. Ed: Syros Hard cover album Level 2 During the military dictatorship, a soldier enters Pedro’s class and asks the students to write an essay that describe life at home with an emphasis on subjects of conversations, and visitors? What will Pedro write? $24.95 Rubis loves learning with her brothers and cousins teacher. Tradition, however, dictates that she learns to keep house. What will Rubi’s future be? $23.95 Dad gave me a journal to capture all my adventures. Our family (dad, mom, Peter, Louisa and our dog Rufus) are all going west to find good land. $19.95 Title: Bonne chance petite Aut: Bridges, Yim Ed: Syros Hard cover album Level 3 Title: Vers l’ouest Aut: Waddell, Martin Ed: Gallimard Hard cover album Level 1 $21.95 Texts for wondering/ questioning Prédiction et questionnement Encourage questions about a text to focus on reading, clarify meaning, and delve deeper into the text. Title: Bêêêtes! Aut: Voltz, Christian Ed: Rouergue Hard cover album Level 3 NEW 2007 A hunter is resting in a field surrounded by the different animals. He wakes up in a foul mood, yelling and threatening the animals. One by one, the animals leave. The man finds himself alone. He feels lonely, sad, and feels beastly (bêtes). Who is the most sensible, man or beast? It is left to the reader to see and question. Introduces new meaning to the word beast (bêtes). $20.95 Title: Lili Coquelicot ou la fabrique de du bonheur. Aut: Palluy, Christine Ed : Lito Hard cover album Level 2 NEW 2007 Lili is a fairy who serves happiness to her restaurant customers. Not all the customer’s are ready to have a taste of happiness but with a little sprinkle of this or that Lili works her magic. Do you know the recipe to creating happiness? $15.95 Title: Ahmed sans abri Aut: Barroux Ed: Mango Hard cover album Level 4 NEW 2008 Ahmed is a homeless person (referred to in France as SDF’S or Sans Domicile Fixe). A young boy walks by him every day. What if this man is a king from a far off land? The reality is not as pretty. He is transparent, few people talk to him. One day the boy no longer sees him at his usual spot. Has he has left for his country? The true story is that Ahmed died in February 2006 from the cold. This book is written in his memory, as well as, all the homeless people of the world who die unnoticed around the world every day. Intensely human, we see the naive portrayal from a child’s point of view versus the harsh reality. $23.95 Title: La petite bibliothèque Imaginaire Aut: Serres, A Ed : Rue du monde Level 3 Hard cover album NEW 2008 A very unusual book, 20 imaginary covers are featured along with a short resume and critique. A book where on each double page is narrative and a picture cover for the reader to create his own outcome. A great book to stimulate the imagination and creative writing. $21.95 Title: Lettres d’un chien obeisant Aut: Teague, M Ed : Milan Level 3 Hard cover album NEW 2008 When Ike LaRue is "imprisoned" at the Igor Brotweiler Canine Academy, he tries everything to get sent home -weepy letters to his owner, even illness. In reality, Brotweiler is more like camp than prison, but still, Ike''s not cut out for life without Mrs. LaRue and his creature comforts. Finally, he runs away only to find himself back in Snort City -- just in time to save Mrs. LaRue''s life. Teague is at the top of his fetching form in this madcap comedy where the real world of Brotweiler and the one Ike imagines are brilliantly depicted through split-screen visuals, the former in color and the latter in black and white. Good book for point of view, letter and newspaper writing and distinguishing between narrator and author. The black and white pictures versus the color pictures are two interpretive drawings of the dogs situation. It is up to the reader to choose which one is probably more like what Kim is actually living through. $19.95 Title : Madame Meuh! Aut : Willis, J Ed: Gautier-Languereau Level 2 Hard cover album NEW 2008 There was once a cow who was always miserable, and a lamb who was always trying to cheer her up. But she was impossible to cheer up! The poor lamb burst into tears and wallowed in misery himself. Finally the cow started to miss him, and gave him the best birthday present ever -- a great big grin! $19.95 Title: Loup Vert Aut: Gouichoux, R Ed : Bayard Level 2 Hard cover album NEW 2008 Being a green wolf in a world where all the wolves are gray is not the least bit fun. Raoul has only one wish and that is to become gray so he can play with all the other wolves. He tries all different ways, even the help of a fairy... $18.50 Title: Emily et Alligator Aut: Ramos, Mario Ed: Pastel Level 1 Hara cover album NEW 2008 Emily and her alligator are inseparable and share some tender moments. When Emily leaves to see her grandmother she forgets Alligator. Having waited two days for her return, alligator hungry and sad leaves the house to live a life alone. This album starts on a very happy note and is very endearing and takes an unexpected turn when the girl forgets to brIng her alligator with her. The ending leaves readers interpret the departure of alligator. $18.25 Title: Brundibar Aut: Kushner, Tony Ed:École des loisirs Hard cover album Level 3 Based on an opera, the story takes place in a ghetto in Varsovie. Two children must go to town and get milk for their mother who is ill. Neither child has any money. How will they earn the money when they are just children? A story about solidarity among children. $29.50 Title: Un dîner chez Magritte Aut: Garland, Michael Ed: Metagram Soft cover album Level 2 Pierre thinks life at home is boring. He much prefers visiting their neighbour, René Magritte in his studio. With René a walk through the forest is a magical adventure. $7.95 Title: Le petit soldat qui cherchait la guerre. Aut: Ramos, Mario Ed: Pastel Hard cover album Level 3 Eustache, a soldier, is lost and needs to rejoin his unit! On the way he meets a blind man, a homeless family, and a mutilated man. All are victims of the war. Eustache begins to wonder about war. He finds refuge in a house in ruins, lights a small fire and then decides to burn his uniform. Without a uniform what is left of this soldier? This book invites young readers to question the value of war. $18.95 Title: Le printemps des Ocarinas Aut: Imanishi, Sukeyuki Ed: Bayard Hard cover album Level 2 The themes of this album are war, hope and peace. The people living in the north always hated the people of the south. Never meeting one another, they accused each other of the worst deeds. One day, they declared war on each other. Both sides waited for the other to attack. Winter, spring pass by and then one day, both a farmer from the north and a Sheppard from the south meet by chance. They both start playing the ocarina. Eventually, they will play music together. Following the sounds of the music, the two camps come upon one another and rather than fight they communicate and fraternize. $21.50 Title: La mer et lui Aut: Lejonc, Régis Ed: Rouergue Hard cover album Level 4 A poetic and wonderfully illustrated text about a retired captain who asks the ocean to follow him. Romantic and naive the ocean accepts and enters a glass. The old man brings the ocean back to his apartment. Little by little they share their mysteries. Their perfect world is in jeopardy when villagers, fishermen and birds cry for the return of the ocean to the ocean. $23.95 Luciole is a little girl who is especially curious. She will discover with Anna how plants and flowers grow. “The secret, insists Anna, is patience”. $10.95 Title: Secret de Luciole Aut: Levert, Mireille Ed: Dominique et Co. Soft cover album Level 2 Texts for synthesizing Synthèse Is a complex process that involves the use of making connections, visualization, questioning and inferring and sumarizing. Title: Chloé la copieuse Aut: Rathmann, Peggy Ed: Scholastic Soft cover Level 1 NEW 2007 One day Julie wears a red ribbon, Chloé arrives with a red ribbon as well. When Julie wears a sweater full of daisies, Chloé wears an identical sweater. Chloé even copies the teacher! Will Chloé aver stop copying everyone? $8.99 Title : Lola Aut : Dunrea, Olivier Ed; Ecole des loisirs Hard cover album Level 1 New 2007 Title : La promesse Aut : Willis, Jeanne Ed : Gallimard Hard cover album Level 2 NEW 2007 Title: C’est moi le plus beau Aut : Ramos, M Ed : Pastel Hard cover album Level 1 NEW 2008 Title: Lulu Vroumette Aut: Picouly, D Ed : Magnard Hard cover album Level 3 NEW 2008 Title: Belfegor et l’orage Aut: Bourguignon, L Ed: Mijade Level 1 Hard cover album NEW 2008 Title: Ma maman a besoin de moi Aut : Walter, M Ed : Bayard Level 2 Hard cover album NEW 2008 Title: La petite rapporteuse de mots Aut : Simard, D Ed : 400 coups Soft cover album NEW 2008 Title: Une maman pour Kadhir Aut: Poulin, A Ed : Imagine Soft cover album NEW 2008 Lola lost her favorite red boots. Where are they? As Lola searches for her boots, she takes you to several places. She looks over, under, and behind. She finally finds her favorite boots on someone else. What will she do? $12.25 A caterpillar and a tad pole fall in love. The caterpillar asks the tad pole to never change because she loves him as he is. Everyone knows that caterpillars change into butterflies and tad poles into frogs. So what will happen to this couple? $23.50 After a big meal the mean wolf dressed in his finest walks through the forest. As he meets up with little red riding hood, the three little pigs, and other fictional characters from various fairy tales he asks who is the handsomest. Why is it at the end of the story a baby dragon stands up to this mythical character? In our society how much value do we place on physical strength? We could read this story as an adaptation of the fable, le corbeau et le renard. Where the crow’s vanity costs him his cheese. Lulu Vroumette running back from school decides to cool off by taking a dip in the pond. When it is time to go home, she rolls in the grass and goes to find her shell. But where did it go? She starts her search, but no one has seen her shell. As night progresses she has no choice but to head home. As she comes through the door, she realizes no one is home!! Surprise!! It is Lulu’s birthday. There is her present a new shell!! Mom had taken her shell so she could outfit her with a larger one. Lulu is very happy!! In this book there are a lot of expressions, and sounds. The pictures are incredibly colourful and beautiful. Belfegor is a young dragon of five hundred and five years old. It is time for him to get his flame to become an adult. During a storm his father encourages him to catch his first lightning bolt which will forever become his flame. His father shows him how. Belfegor, tries but he is terrified. He is thrown off balance and falls into the forest below. In the forest he meets a group of rabbits that are going to the edge of the forest to see a fireworks display. Belfegor follows. He overcomes his fear and suddenly leaps in the air and catches a spark. It will define his flame forever. Returning home he explains to his father that he caught a star. Proud father and son go share the news to mom. $18.25 $19.95 $17.95 Simon wants to help, but isn't sure that his mother needs him at all after she brings home a new baby from the hospital. Jason's troubled feelings about the newborn are quieted after he gives his sister a bath and his mother a hug. $9.95 For a while now, Grand ma has lost her words. Elise finds them, but Grand ma cannot remember. Why? Do words wear off like dresses? Do they fly away so they do not get old and used. $14.95 Silence falls on the beach ravaged by the Tsunami. Lying on the beach a woman cries. In behind a shipwrecked boat a child cries. Even in the worst disasters good things happen. The story of Kadhir an orphan is one of these good things. $11.95 Title: Où va Trompétard? Aut: Sjostrand, C Ed : Bayard Level 1 Hard cover album NEW 2008 Title: Renard et renard Aut: Bolliger, M Ed : Joie de lire Level 2 Hard cover album New 2008 Title : L’épouvantail qui voulait voyager Aut : Kamoun, H. Ed : Flammarion Level 3 NEW 2008 Title: Les trois notes d’Hyppolite Isocèle Aut : Moncomble, G Ed : Nathan Level 3 NEW 2008 Title: Frédéric et co. Aut; Lionni, Leo Ed: École des loisirs Hard cover Level 3 Where is Trompetard the fireman racing to? Why does he go so quickly? Is it to save Misses Panthers caramel that she left burning on the stove? Is it to save the kitty from the tree? Or is it to save mister Nacisse the bear from the wasp nest? To all, he says .be more careful, I have more important things to do! But what? To pick up his son from school. A tender story with a rhythmic title, and rhythmic verses. A classic. Two friends, one adventurous the other shy, live together. One goes off to find adventure and the other stays at home to live adventures of his own. We follow a week in each of their lives. The more adventurous one returns home to retell his close call with a hunter and the timid one recounts his week of enjoying butterfly’s and fixing the home. Both appreciate each other’s tales. Off the adventurous one goes to relive another adventure, however, remembering fondly the adventures told by the more timid one. Excellent presentation, we need not be the same to appreciate each other. That each person has something to contribute and neither being shy or adventurous is better or worse. Days referred to as premier, deuxième, troisième.... Poetic story. A lonely scarecrow in a middle of a long abandoned field is but a shadow of his former self. He does not scare anyone anymore, not even the birds. He pleads with the birds to take him elsewhere. The birds confer and lift the scarecrow to the air. His happiness is complete when the birds join him to another scarecrow just as worn as he. A beautiful piece about time, serene, this album touches many aspects of life. The need to be purposeful, the need to feel loved and needed. $17.50 $27.95 $24.95 Three little notes that is all Hyppolite plays. Hyppolite decides to try other instruments but all have a problem. He feels unimportant, dispensable until the orchestra leader finds him and explains that his three little notes are very important. $19.95 Sixteen unabridged stories, including the Caldecott Honor Books, "Frederick, Alexander and the Wind-Up Mouse", and "Swimmy", are featured with Lionni's inimitable fullcolour artwork and a new Introduction by the author. $37.95 Title: Grand rêve de Passepoil Aut: Arsenault, Elaine Ed : Dominique et co. Hard cover album Level 2 Passepoil, the dog, has a big dream. He would like to be adopted by Miss Madeleine, the seamstress with the multi coloured ribbons. An album that says perseverance can make dreams come true. $19.95 Title: Émile Pantalon Aut: Levert, Mireille Ed: Dominique et co. Soft cover album Level 1 Emile is a very tall boy. To tall for his school locker, to tall for the stairs, to tall for the chairs. At recess, no one wants to play with him. However, one morning… An album about acceptance, easy to visualize and make connections. $19.95 Title: Mes petites fesses Aut: Godbout, Jacques Ed: 400 coups Soft cover album Level 2 The hero of this story does nothing like anyone else. It all started when he was born bum first. As a consequence, any object placed on his bum changes into all kinds of things. He causes his parents grief. $9.95 Title: Noir, blanc ou poil de carotte Aut: Collectif Ed: 400 coups Soft cover album Level 4 On behalf of 300 students wishing to express their views on racism, 16 students put together this album. Children have a different reality from ours. Hence, it is important to listen to their story and pay attention to their message. $12.95 Texts for deciding importance Recherche d’idées importantes Reading a text and finding the key facts inside the texts. Title : Une mouche passe Aut : Boutinot, Veronique Ed : Archimede Hard cover album Level 1 NEW 2007 A fly, an insect always on its toes. Its sight, flight, agility, and incredible feats. A story urging us to take a second look at mother nature’s incredible triumphs. $19.75 Title : Bébé animaux en danger. Aut : Grant, Donald Ed : Gallimard Hard cover album Level 2 NEW 2007 Through the perils of a lemur, whale and eagle, Donald Grant, explores the effect humans have on the animal kingdom. After each story is a two page documentary reflecting the issues at hand. $27.95 Title : Menace sur notre planète. Aut : Grant, Donald Ed : Gallimard Hard cover album Level 2 NEW 2007 Through the eyes of Nanook the little polar bear, Toco the toucan and Sathu the daughter of a fisherman in the Maldives, Donald Grant alerts the young public to the consequences of global warming. After each story a two page documentary reflects the issues at hand $27.95 Title: Le dernier trappeur Aut: Vanier, N Ed : Nathan Hard cover album Level 2 NEW 2008 Title: Sophie et le relieur Aut: Hideko, Ise Ed : Seuil Level 2 NEW 2008 A story about a trapper’s survival in the great north. Also available in movie format, it teaches us a lot about the great north and gives us an idea of the harshness, and beauty of our country. A beautiful story highlights the delicate balance between man, nature and animals. A chapter text, that reads extremely well with little language difficulties. Passé simple is used by the narrator but the conversations are in present tense. I found the use of passé simple in this text not to be a hindrance to the understanding of the text nor the story. A man who loves living simply with nature, the trapper leaves his last house to build another further north away from human encroachment. There with his Indian wife, they build a new home. He continues his simple life of trapper, and recounts his near encounter with death. At the end is a section which tells us more about the life of a trapper. Sophie’s favorite book is about trees. The cover is very worn the bookseller suggests she sees a binder at the end of the street. With the help of the artisan she will learn about a world unknown to her full of paper, colors and odors. She will discover a profession and another way to love books. The pictures are beautiful and delicate just like the meeting of these two, young and old. So happy is she to rediscover her book that she offers the artisan a small plant that she planted herself. $29.95 $27.95 Title: Jusqu’ici. tout va bien Aut: Gréban,C Ed : Mijade Level 2 NEW 2008 An orange triggered a set of events that set the town upsidown. The sultan must find the culprit and give the proper punishment. This amusing tale of intrigue and suspense is a must to follow. The ups and its downs. $17.95 Title : Les enfants de l’eau Aut : Delaunois, Angèle Ed : Tourne Pierre Level 2 NEW 2008 Children from here, children from there, water children. Tell me about the water you see, taste and swim in. Words and colours around the world describe what water represents. $12.95 Title: 21 Éléphants sur le pont de Brooklyn Aut : Prince, A Ed : Albin Michel Level 3 NEW 2008 Will the bridge hold? How many tons can it support? In 1883, a new bridge was built linking New York to Brooklyn. A triumph to modern technology, the bridge took 14 years to build. Even though Inaugural celebrations were lavish, people were sceptical... In came Phineas T.Barnum with his 21 elephants, they showed the world that the bridge was indeed safe. $19.95 Title: La statue de la liberté Aut: Hochain, Serge Ed: Archimede Hard cover album Level 3 Leo, Fanch, Ben and Angus all contributed to the construction of the statue of liberty. Started in 1875, the project took 11 years to complete. A story, documentary to know more about the building of the statue through the eyes of these 4 men. $22.50 Title: Rémi répare un vélo Aut: Weinzaepflen, Nathalie Ed: Archimede Hard cover album Level 2 A flat tire, a broken chain… Will Rémi be able to compete in the bicycle race? Good thing Dad is there, he will know just what to do. $21.95 Title: Les pépins ont disparu! Aut: Winzaepflen, Nathalie Ed: Archimede Hard cover album Level 1 The apple has no seeds! Who is the guilty party? Is it the bee, or the caterpillar? All are suspects. An investigation on a strange event. A story about polinization and the science behind this strange event. $21.95 Title: La nuit de Lila Aut: Boutinot, Véronique Ed: Archimede Hard cover album Level 2 Lila is a bat. Her love to explore will place her in mortal danger. However, Mother Nature has provided Lila with ingenious systems which will guide her. Throughout this night, Lila will learn many things and so will the reader. $20.95 Title: Le jour de la tornade Aut: Graham, Georgia Ed: Archimede Hard cover album Level 1 Mathieu has gone with his father to repair the broken fence. His father is very strong. In fact, he is the strongest man in the world! Suddenly, in the middle of the black clouds a tornado appears. It sweeps away everything in its way. Will Mathieu’s father be strong enough? $22.50 Title: George Catlin, peintre des indiens Aut: Cerisier, Emmanuel Ed: Archimede Hard cover album Level 3 In 1830, George Catlin, American citizen and painter, left for Indian territory. George Caitlin lived with the Sioux Indians. He painted the chiefs and the warriors, the customs and the annual bison hunt. He met a young and courageous Sioux by the name of Takoda. Illustrated with George Catlin’s drawings and paintings, this book is a documentary of the painter and the Sioux Indians. $22.50 Title: Force 10! Aut: Dressier, Sophie Ed: Archimede Hard cover album Level 3 Patrick, Lisa and Arthur go fishing on the beach. It is high tide. The fishing will be good. Time flies when you are having fun. So much so, that the children fail to notice the ominous clouds or the growing ocean waves. A real level 10 storm! Lighting streaks the sky, rain and branches fall, trees are uprooted and night is fast approaching. Where to hide? $23.50 Title: Rencontre Aut: Yolen, Jane Ed: 400 coups Hard cover album Level 2 On October 12 1492, Christopher Columbus reaches the new world for the first time and settles on an island now called San Salvador. A culture already resides on these lands. This is the story of a meeting of two cultures. $12.95 Title: Le courage de Terry Fox Aut: Trotter Ed: Scholastic Soft cover album Level 2 On the occasion of 25th anniversary of the marathon of hope Scholastics publishes a first biography of Terry Fox. $16.99 Title: Owen et Mzee Aut: Hatkoff Ed: Scholastic Soft cover album Level 1 On December 26 2004, an underwater earthquake creates a destructive tsumani. In Kenya, villagers find a baby hippo. A man, Owen Sobien rescues the orphan and entrusts its care into the hands of Paula Kahumbu director of Haller national park, a wildlife reserve. Freed into the park, the frightened hippo approaches a 130-year-old turtle. From then on, they become inseparable. $12.99 Title: Enfants de la mine Aut: Fabian, Grégoire Ed: Archimede Hard cover album Level 4 In the middle of the 19th century, the demand for coal was great. Louis et Tournet, children of the mines, face death daily. A story documentary to inform us about coal mining and the children working in those mines $23.50 Title: Champollion Aut: Rumford, James Ed: Archimede Hard cover album Level 1 Lives are sometimes short but full. They can leave glorious traces. This was the life of Jean-François Champollion who lived in the early 19th century and died at the young age of 42. Passionate about Ancient Egypt, he was the first to untangle the mystery behind the inscriptions found on the ancient temples and monuments of the ancient pharaohs. $23.50 Title: Un brave soldat Aut: Debon, Nicolas Ed: 400 coups Soft cover album Level 2 August 1914, the world is at war. In Canada the volunteers are numerous. A brave soldier, Franck, is enthusiastic to join the effort but his enthusiasm transforms itself progressively. This book tells about the brutal conditions of the First World War. $10.95 Title: Malédiction des maths Aut: Scieszka, Jon Ed: Seuil Hard cover album Level 4 A tale of a girl in the relentless grip of math mania. What if you think of everything as a math problem and you spend your morning tabulating your teeth and calculating your corn flakes? You have got the math curse, that’s what! Title: Et puis on est partis Aut : Brochard, Philippe Ed : Archimede Hard cover album Level 4 Michel Igaliev, remembers when he was an adolescent, how he escaped the Russian civil war with his family and started a new life in the United States. $25.95 $23.50