RESEARCH OF BEHAVIOUR IN MARKETING 6 Marketing research 6. 1. Definition Market research is discipline with long history, developed and is developing in theoretical and practical application level. Went through different phases and use knowledge from scientific spheres, from mathematics and statistics to psychology. On its developments participate markedly computerisation. Working papers of market research, done systematic and long-termed, are successfully used for obtaining of information by means of modern process data-mining etc. Marketing market research Under marketing research we understand : collection analysis generalising of information used for marketing activities Information collection incorporates usually : desk research (výzkum od stolu) field research - collects information in terrain, most often used methods are : - inquiry - observing - experiment Analysis : use of methodology of some scientific disciplines – psychology, sociology, mathematics and statistics, also very sophisticated specific methods of market research. Generalising : in meaning of – developmental hypothesis - competition hypothesis - motivation hypothesis - from individual and selective findings on whole complexes Generalising of individual and selecting information fulfil together strict ethic norm of market research, which requires absolute anonymity of respondent in correspondence with principle of personality protection. 6.2 Kinds of market researches Segmentation : research according to targets, which the research has, according to used working materials and according to used methods for data collection and data analysis. The most frequent types of research : quantitative research qualitative research research of media and research of advertisement effectiveness research business-to-business, mostly designated as B2B and industry research Very often are included into concept of “marketing research” also activities of social research: research of public estimation research of minorities and special groups of population Further : research done by own force of company research done by agency (of marketing research) 6.3. MIS Market research is a part of marketing information system. Picture No. 6-1 : Bindings of market research on MIS economy, society amount motivation consumer surrounding, statistics, family accounts quantitative research search of other sources departmental evidence, accountant, movement of goods etc. analysis of social climate watching employees in firm qualitative research English uses Marketing Research – Code of Marketing Research, German uses Marktforschung Market research is sometimes laically connected with inquiry by consumer. In reality is connected with whole complex of marketing information. For market research is typical, that : complements with other marketing information (account evidence, movement of goods etc.) excerpts other marketing information, obtains what is relevant for marketing decision “formats” other marketing information, creates such a form, which is usable for marketing decisions contours of market research are sometimes hard to definite in connection with other marketing information, it is activity used exclusively for marketing (market) decisions. Market research has dynamic dimension : pretest : research that goes before marketing decisions, gives to management information, which allow to forecast effectiveness of proceedings and choose optimal way, posttest : research, that proves result of marketing decisions, confirms or disproves their correctness. Market research is part of continuously repeated preparation of marketing decision (pretests). In this meaning it is possible to identify it with classics model TOTE. (Accord. to Pribram : Test, Operate, Test, Exit). We can assume, that in marketing in reality has the model TOTE continuous character and every posttest is together pretest of further decisions. Rhythm TOTE can have different long step – conferring to operative market politics or marketing strategy. These two spheres of marketing decision differ in market research : long-term of view character of targets depth of decomposition of individual problems methodology of research sources, that analyses Information for operative market politics gives : * short-term or operative research : obtaining of information to keep satisfaction of current, short-term market requirements. Information of this kind are obtained from end consumer, (asking, observing). Information for marketing strategies delivers : * long-term or prognostic research : obtaining of information for decisions, creating conditions for future market requirements. These information can be obtained by analysis of existing development, influences, intensity of influence, analysis of current trends. Expert methods can be used as well. Commodity, assortment as resource of marketing research Different commodities require different basis, methods and procedures. Research in sphere of products of everyday use, often purchase is different from research on property market. Essential differences are in groups of commodities : services are specific products. High conditionally of services and products, relation services prices and products prices and physical accessibility of service. Goods of long-term usage – products, their usage does not shade with moment of purchase, are more expensive, their purchase “is planned” (see Katon real decision). Obtain and analyse data about households equipment by specific methods, for example logistic function, exponential etc. - products of production nature have specific character, but also specific end group test of products of usage nature 6.4 Current trends in marketing research – how to confront them, how results interpret correctly - Industry of research, mainly quantitative – research is more often performed in standard way – research loses specific view on individual spheres of usage and on market speciality of individual products. Consequence : information to individual products and their specifics are missing, probability of their success on the market is lowering, the market becomes less interesting. - Ignoring of statistic representative principles – at qualitative researches. From researches of small groups (from two Focus groups, eg. 8-16 persons) are generalised deductions for whole population. Space for overestimation is creating (in view of whole population or end group). - Schematic approach of advertisement, which are produced on basis of doctrine theory, are tested by research, but basic motivation research, which would confirm or refute competency of these schemas, is missing. - Increase of CA (computer assisted) researches mean more advantageous processing, but limit mainly qualitative elements of research. Problem : Presence of “ technique” limits depth of interview, are loosing information that could be obtaining on base of analysis and interpretation of behaviour of tested person, his expression etc. - Increasing tempo of economic life creates pressure on fast marketing decisions and detract time for research. Problem : control of results is under time pressure, this can caused hurried decisions on base of not quite sworn information. - Globalisation of production and logistic leads (and tempts) to transmission of schemas from country to country, without verification if it is competent. Problem : are used marketing tools, which were effective in one country, but are ineffective in other country. 6.5 How much and why Quantitative market research deals with research and registration of usually existing, realised elements of market behaviour. Quantitative nature of research is in quantitative character of phenomenon, which is researched, not in methodology of research (use of mathematics methods etc.). The key question is “how much”. Qualitative market research deals with phenomenon, which proceeds in consciousness of consumer, we work with bigger uncertainty and require usually psychological interpretation. Analysis of information reception and processing, analysis of perception process, decision process etc. The key question is “why”, from what reason. Different targets of research require different methodology. Qualitative research requires also more qualified complex of interviewers with psychological preparation. Quantitative research usually requires methodology of selection with accent on typical population – random sample or total quota selection. It is important to eliminate persons, who have specific relation to theme : specialists and workers in given branch, workers in marketing and advertising, and other persons specific engaged in given theme. Qualitative research requires more demanding preparation, proving of hypothesis and choice of properly oriented processes to clear key problems. Analysis of marks knowledge is one of most classical quantitative researches. Mark knowledge usually is not connected with barriers, only in some connection we meat with influence of prestige. 6.6 Respondent In market research we usually talk about two groups of selection of respondents : random sample – choice of subject into sample is subordinate to schema, that minimise influence of questioner. Is stated certain selective process, step, that the questioner follows. If we have to disposal list of respondents, we can choose respondents centrally and questioner gets directly names and addresses of households or individuals he has to visit. As alternative is used process of so called accidental walk, the questioner gets place, street and method of selection of house, flat, person (high number of refusal 40-50 %). quota selection – in advance are on basis of statistics of social structure determined social characteristics at respondents, they should be chosen. Questioners are from different social segments. As specific quota selection is intentional selection of certain segment. It is typical for qualitative research, when we often aim to certain end group. Base of selection is clearly and practicably determined screening. At choice of sample extent we compare three criterions : statistical reliability validity of answer price, event. economy of spent expenses. Statistical reliability – limit +/- estimate error, that should not be exceeded with given probability. Validity of answer is provided with ability to answer the nature of question. At quantitative (direct and closed) questions is validity relatively high. Quite different is validity at qualitative research. Possibility to obtain information about motive structures and especially about their intensity is also for a qualified psychologist limited by complexity of respondents´ motivation structures and his abilities to appreciate these motives. Therefore we expect with optimism higher error - 10 % and more. At qualitative research we consider as satisfying result, when we find out, which motives predominate. Therefore qualitative research is focused on certain end group. Price of qualitative research is relative to demandingness higher then at quantitative research. Qualitative research requires profound preparation, professionally more quality execution. Script Quantitative and qualitative questioning has also completely different script of questionnaire construction. At quantitative questionnaire we usually proceed so, that we try to solve given problem as briefly as possible with obvious, direct question. Do you know the mark A …? Yes – no Therefore the questioner must exactly keep the wording of question. At qualitative questioning is process left more on abilities of qualified questioner. Script can look for example so : At the beginning of given problem is posed open question, questioner evaluates results, reactions, spontaneous, emotional aspects of answer. Questioner uses for deeper knowledge indirect questions : what associations provoke the problem, what can the problem be compared with etc. Questioner inserts problem perception of respondent into integral picture, point, therefore we talk about point questioning. Only part of these steps are set in advance, others are provided by experience and professional qualification of questioner. Results processing and their evaluation The key step at processing of quantitative researches is sorting according to criterions, important for knowledge of phenomenon. Evaluation aims usually on emphasis of key quantitative discovery and on derivative calculations, that deepen knowledge. At qualitative researches is important first phase of processing, where we adjust answers on open questions. Answers on open questions is necessary to compartmentalise into groups, whose meaning in connection with investigated problem is identical or analogous. The deeper is the qualitative research, the more demanding is this phase. Statistical processing as second phase is base for demanding interpretation. Therefore are in this phase often used relatively sophisticated mathematics methods as factor analysis, clustr analysis, discrimination analysis, non-parametric tests etc. Interpretation usually requires a qualified professional. Summary of main difference between quantitative and qualitative research : Quantitative * large ensemble (1000) * representative * closed questions * few opened * direct questions * standardised behaviour of questioner * standardised processing Qualitative * smaller ensemble (30-200) * chosen segment * combination of closed and opened questions * combination of direct and indirect questions * point questioning * coding, interpretation * demands on questioner