OPNET Experiments
LAN Implementation
1. Objective
The objective this lab is to show the basic designing of a LAN using subnet, users,
switches and servers. There are two scenarios in the project.
1. Simple network with five different servers.
2. One server containing all applications which are running on five different
Fig. 1 Network Overview
2. Local Area Network
Local area network (LAN) is a communication network that interconnects a variety of
devices and provides a means for information exchange among those devices. The
scope of a LAN is small, typically a single building or a cluster of buildings. It is
usually the case LAN is owned by the same organization that owns the attached
devices. Network management responsibility for a LAN falls solely on the user. The
internal data rates of LANs are typically much greater than those of WANs.
3. Lab Description
Scenario consists of 3 subnets connected with each other by switch using 100BaseT
wire. First and Second Subnet belongs to IT and Finance Department respectively
while third one is for server.
4. Creating Network
1. Start OPNET and create a new project. File New and chose a Project.
2. Name the Project <your name>_Enterprise and Scenario name
Simple_Network and Click OK.
3. Select Create Empty Scenario and click Next.
4. Select Office and click Next.
5. Select metre and X Span to 100 and Y Span to 100 then click Next.
By Ya Bao
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OPNET Experiments
6. Do not include any Technologies and press Next.
7. Review the values and press OK.
8. Now from Object Palette (internet toolbox) select Subnet
and press it three times in Grid on different place and rename
them as Fig.1.
9. Place Application Config and Profile Config from the Object Palette into the
10. To Configure Application Config, Right Click on it  Edit Attribute
Application Definition and select 5 rows then configure each row as
written below
Row 0  Database Access (Heavy)
Database  High Load
Row 1  Email ( Heavy)
Email  High Load
Row 2  File Transfer (Heavy)
FTP  High Load
Row 3 Web Browsing (Heavy)
HTTP  Heavy Browsing
Row 4  Telnet Session (Heavy)
Remote Login  High Load
11. To configure Profile Config, Right Click on it  Edit Attribute  Profile
Configuration and select 5 rows then configure each row shown in Fig 2.
12. Now rename subnet to IT, Finance and Server and then double click on IT,
you are now in the IT subnet. Change the object palette to Ethernet. Here
you place two ethernet_wkstn and one ethernet32_switch and connect them
by 10BaseT wire and rename workstations to IT_1 and IT_2 as in Fig 3.
13. Now return to higher level by pressing
button. Similarly you configure
the Finance subnet but rename workstations to Finance_1 and Finance_2 as
in Fig 4. And again return to higher level.
14. In the Server subnet, place 5 ethernet_server and one ethernet32_switch,
connect each server to the switch by 100BaseT.
15. Rename each server as Fig. 5.
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OPNET Experiments
Fig. 3
Subnet IT
Fig. 4
Subnet Finance
Fig. 5 Server Subnet
Fig.2 Profile Config
By Ya Bao
Fig. 6 Application Supported
Services Table
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OPNET Experiments
16. Configure each server to its specific application, Right Click on Database
Server  Edit Attribute  Application: Supported Services Edit and
define 1 row and configure Database Server as shown in Fig.6. Similarly
configure each server to its specific services and return to higher level.
17. Place one ethernet32_switch here and connect each subnet by using
100BaseT connection as shown Fig. 1 (connect to switches in each subnet).
Rename this switch to Main.
18. Save the Project.
Second Scenario
19. Duplicate the Scenario, form Menu Bar  Scenario  Duplicate Scenario
and named it One_Server.
20. Double click on Server subnet and delete 4 servers. Left only one server as
show in Fig.7.
Fig .7 One Server Scenario
Fig 8 Application Supported Services for
21. Configure all services in that server, Right Click on Server  Edit Attributes
 Application: Supported Services  Edit and now select 5 rows because
you have 5 different services running & configure them as shown in Fig. 8.
22. Save the Project.
5. Choose Statistics
For testing network performance select those statistics shown in Fig. 9. Right Click on
the Grid any free area  Choose Individual Statistics and click OK.
6. Configuring/Run Simulation
For running both scenarios concurrently, Scenarios  Manage Scenarios, it will open
a dialogue box. Firstly you have to configure simulation as shown in Fig. 10. In
Results column choose collect or recollect option, Sim duration set to 30 and Time
Units to minute(s) and press OK to run a simulation.
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Fig. 9 Choose Results
OPNET Experiments
Fig. 10 Manage Scenarios
7. Result Analysis
Once the simulation is over, to view and analyze the results:
1. Right click on the Grid and Select Compare Results.
2. Change As ls to time_average from bottom right part of Compare Results
3. To view & analyze result unfold DB Query, HTTP, Email, FTP and Remote
Login for Response time respectively.
8. Question & Answer
Q1) Compare the DB Query Response Time (Sec) in each scenario. Can you see any
effect on network?
Q2) Compare Email and FTP Download Response Time (Sec) in each scenario. Can
you see any difference?
Q3) Compare HTTP Page and Remote Login Response Time (Sec) in each scenario.
Can you see any difference?
By Ya Bao
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