Introduction to Business

Understanding Business & Personal Law
Course Syllabus
Understanding Business & Personal Law is a class where students will learn the basics of law
that will help them make decision throughout their lives. There are a total of 23 chapters that we
will cover, each with a quiz, and a cumulative final exam. The chapter work will consist of lecture,
critical thinking exercises as well as case studies.
Please expect to interact and participate in class – it is part of your grade and makes the class
more interesting as well as offering multiple views and solutions to what is being discussed.
By the end of the semester, you will possess a basic understanding:
 of the law and our legal system
 of contracts and how they work
 of consumer law
 of how to use your purchasing power
 of what it takes to start a business
 of what you need to do as your plan your future
Chapters that will be covered:
Chapter 1:
Ethics and the Law
Chapter 2:
The Court System
Chapter 3:
Criminal Law
Chapter 4:
The Law of Torts
Chapter 5:
How Contracts Arise
Chapter 6:
Genuine Agreement
Chapter 7:
Capacity to Contract
Chapter 8:
Chapter 9:
Chapter 10:
Form of a Contract
Chapter 11:
How Contracts
Come to an End
Chapter 12:
Transfer of
Contracts &
Remedies for
Chapter 24:
Writing Checks
Chapter 27:
Sole Proprietorship
& Partnership
Chapter 28:
Forming & Financing
a Corporation
Chapter 29:
Managing a
Chapter 22:
Borrowing Money &
Buying on Credit
Chapter 14:
The Importance of
Chapter 15:
Protection and
Product Liability
Chapter 16:
Owning a Vehicle
Chapter 33:
Renting a Place to
Chapter 34:
Buying a Home
Chapter 35:
Insurance Protection
Classwork (Notes/worksheet/participation) ...................... 80%
Assessments (Tests/Quizzes & projects) ......................... 20%
Terms and Conditions of having the pleasure of being in my class:
Pens, pencils and highlighter
Notebooks for notes
Folders or binders for organization
Open minded attitude and a willingness to learn
Text and Workbook
Understanding Personal and Business Law – ISBN 978-0-07-826609-6
Please buy a new workbook, as we have noticed that used workbooks have missing
pages and/or completed pages
Chapter Check List and Turning in Work
Students will be responsible for making sure that their work is completed and turned in by the
due date. The “Chapter Checklist” is designed to assist students with their time management
skills as well as manage a “to do list”. Late assignments will be accepted, but are due no
later than the next business day AND at a reduced point value. If you know that you will be
absent I encourage you to let me know ahead of time and we will make arrangements as this
is a skill that needs to be developed and mastered.
Ice Breakers or Do Now’s
Ice Breakers or Do Now’s are expected to be done within the first 5 minutes of class and
turned in every Friday after completion. Some ice breakers may be very short and easy
questions where others may require you to read and article and offer your opinion about it. It
is ok to disagree with me or what you read – it’s called life.
Computer use
Students are expected to use the computer properly, which includes but not limited to:
1. Log in using their own user id and password.
2. Saving their work on their network drive space.
3. No using the internet unless directed to do so as part of the assignment.
4. No playing games or playing music.
5. Adjustments should not be made of any kind to the desktop or monitors.
6. Files must include your name and a description.
Attendance and Tardies
You are expected to be on time and ready to learn on a daily basis. Your attendance and
promptness is important, it is a habit that needs to be developed and followed. I am preparing
your for your next step, whether it be college or a job, and I want you to be a successful adult.
Class Disruptions
Class disruptions, which include talking, use of cell phones and/or music – use of personal
music devices may be used only during independent work times. I will nicely remind you to
put your phone away ONE time, the next time I will take it, put your name on it and you can
get it back from the office at the end of the day.
Tutoring and My Plan Time
I will be available during Encore on a daily basis and my plan time is Block A. I will make
myself available after school on an as needed basis. It is your responsibility to WANT to
learn at the time when the lesson is given, it is not my responsibility to give the lesson at a
time that is convenient for you.