themes for essay writing

1 The American Character and the American Belief System
2 Making a New Start: The Immigrant Experience
3 The Struggle for Equality: Making a Place for All: Women's History, African American History, Native American Studies,
Chicano Studies, and Asian American Studies
4 Boom and Bust: Economic Development
5 Leadership and the Reform Tradition
6 American Cultural Traditions: Religion, Education, and the Arts
7 War and Peace
8 An Opportunity for Choice: Your Major in American History
Business & Business people
Cities & Suburbs
Consumer Culture
Environment & Conservation
Ideas & Ideologies
Immigration & Ethnicity
International Policy
Labor & Labor Movements
Legal History
Military History
Politics & Political Parties
Popular Culture, Leisure, Arts
Radicalism & Reform
Rural Life & Movements
Science, Medicine, & Technology
Southern States
Western States
9.The Closing of the American Frontier (Whose Land Is It Anyway?)
10. The Rise of Big Business (How To Become Rich in a Capitalistic Society)
11. Depression (It’s a Hard Knock Life)
12. Immigration (The Good, The Bad, The Ugly)
13. Bigotry (A Method of Control)
14. American Foreign Policy (Conspiracy Theory)
15. War (What Is It Good For?)
16. Post War America (Issues and Answers)
17. Political Corruption (Does The System Work?)
Themes in American History
1. Industrialization and its effects on the society, economy and political processes of the United States.
2. Immigration and the struggle of immigrants to maintain their own identities while trying to gain social,
economic and political privileges reserved for the majority.
3. Reform movements and the struggle for social justice.
4. America's wars and their influence.
5. Social and economic changes.
6. The conflict between political entities and interest groups.
7. The conflict between socio-economic-religious groups.
Political scandals.
8. The rise of big business, big government and big labor.
9. The shift from a production-oriented, rural America of the 19th century to the consumption-oriented,
urban America of the 20th century.
10. The globalization of American business and politics.
11. The increasing centralization of political and economic power by the federal government and its
increasing involvement in the everyday life of the American people.
12. The impact of isolationism, imperialism, nationalism and internationalism on the evolution of the
American Political System.
13. The growth of social complexity and the development of societal values.
Turning Points
The Constitution and American Democratic Institutions
The United States in the World: American Foreign Relations
The United States in the World: American Foreign Relations
Migration and Immigration: The Peopling of America
Migration and Immigration: The Peopling of America
Common and Uncommon Cents: American Economic History
Common and Uncommon Cents: American Economic History
Differing Perspectives: Social Movements and Social Change
Differing Perspectives: Social Movements and Social Change