Issue April 2012 Contents: 1. From the Chair 2. From Lauren’s Desk 3. Branch reports 4. Committee reports 5. Executive Officer reports The year rushes by, it is April already and a quarter of the year has gone. During this time SAASWIPP has not been idle, there has been a lot going on behind the scenes. It certainly has made a huge difference to the running of SAASWIPP having Lauren Staples as she has taken on so much since joining us. 6. AGM documentation First of all we have sent comments in about the National Health Insurance, receipt has been acknowledged but so far nothing further has been heard. 1.From the Chair CHAIRPERSON'S REPORT. There has been much concern amongst us social workers in private practice about the changes that have have been made by Discovery Medical Aid and the allocations of funds for social work services. We have met with Discovery and they have agreed to take a look at individual cases where the limit has been reached long before the treatment has been completed. We are most grateful to our SAASWIPP members have have become involved with the negotiations with the Medical Aids as they have certainly strengthened our arms and kept us all on our toes, to say nothing of Discovery! In my opinion, the most important thing that has come out of the negotiations is that the medical aids have been shown that social work is important and has a big role to play in the field of mental health. Members of the Ethics Committee have also been working hard in formulating a standardized orientation programme for new members of SAASWIPP. The NEB made the decision, on recommendation of the Ethics Committee, to make it policy that all new members of SAASWIPP must complete an orientation programme within their first year of membership of SAASWIPP. This decision was made as it was observed by the Ethics Committee that a lot of members were unaware of the mistakes that can be made when working on one's own and the ethical issues can be transgressed without the members even realizing it. We are also in the process of putting another workshop on boundaries together in order to help existing, and new members realise the importance of boundaries and how easily they can be transgressed. This workshop must still be presented to the NEB for their approval and then it will be presented in all the regions where SAASWIPP members are found. During last year we looked at possibly changing our insurers as there was concern expressed about the issuing of certificates and acknowledgment of payments made, but Glenrand has been taken over by the AON insurance company and promises of a much better service have been made. We decided to give them another year and if things do not improve this year we will, again, look at alternative insurers. SAASWIPP has also tried to re-establish our lines of communication with our Social Work Council in order to clarify our different roles in the field of social work. We have had one meeting where the Registrar, Ms Iveda Smith and two of her staff members came to address the Exco on their future plans. Time was limited in this meeting. The issues that the Exco felt were critical were unable to be addressed but future meetings will be held in order to address these issues, namely the registration of private practitioners and the issue of BHF numbers. These have also been discussed at the Professional Board level. Clarification on these two issues has become critical for future progress and is being treated by SAASWIPP as of top priority. We look forward to seeing as many of you as possible at our Annual General Meeting which is to be held on 31st May and in which we will be privileged to be addressed by Ms Joan van Niekerk of the National Child Line on the challenging aspects of the new Children's Act. We are also hoping that Joan will also conduct a full day seminar on this Act on the day after the NEB. Hopefully lots of Gauteng members will attend this as well. Thank you to all who have timeously paid your SAASWIPP fees, for those that have not yet paid remember, no pay, no name appearing on the website! A good rest of year to one and all and remember that SAASWIPP is there for you. Julia Pienaar Page 1 of 11 1 Contact Us Tel: 011 887 1968 Fax: 011 786 2050 Email: 2. From Lauren’s Desk March 2012 Medical Aid A further meeting has taken place with Discovery Health in February to discuss SAASWIPP representatives being consulted on a case by case basis on any social work related intervention that either, falls out of what Discovery Health view as the “norm” i.e. suspected abuse of funds, as well as, consulting on extending benefits for a particular case. The committee is hard at work attempting to put formal structures in place that take into account the aspects of confidentiality and ethical behavior. Medscheme and GEMS are also happy to work alongside SAASWIPP in a similar capacity by consulting SAASWIPP representatives on a case by case basis where necessary. Professional Insurance Given that we are coming towards the end of this cycle, only first time applications will be processed from April to June 2012. The renewal of insurance needs to be done in May and June 2012 for the 2012/2013 year. Notification of the updated rate will be made available via the website in May. Facebook page Very exciting news on this front as the Saaswipp ZA Facebook page is now in operation. Please go on to check for updates and “like us”. 2nd Annual Constitutional Conference Some SAASWIPP members attended this conference and found it very informative and beneficial. This year’s topic was “Freedom of Information and Freedom of Expression: the Bedrock of Democracy”. Please visit for a detailed update including copies of all the speeches made. Internships Numerous queries filter through to the National Office of students wanting to do their internships in private practice. If you are interested in becoming involved in this process, please email me at Website A friendly reminder to update your practice details on the website. Please note that there is a new field that has been provided that allows for an “opt out option” regarding advertising received. Should you wish to no longer receive notification via sms or email from SAASWIPP and other external sources, please complete the necessary field provided. 3. Branch Reports NEB REPORT – NOV 2011 – KZN BRANCH - compiled by Liesl Jewitt (Branch Chair) Branch Meetings Our first meeting this year took place on Wednesday 8 February, and our topic was 'Navigating your way in Private Practice'. Each year we have choose a theme to direct our meeting topics, and this year with the compass theme we have chosen the first letter of each direction to align our topics with. Thams Pather (Adoption group chair) and Agnes Mbhele are responsbile for facilitating this meeting, and it will be a wonderful opportunity to set us on track for 2012! More members have been attending our meetings since we have applied for maximum CPD points which serve as a major draw card. It makes for lively discussion, and a very 'full' meeting. Member Considerations We have been drawing a few guests to our meetings (once again thanks to the CPD points!) and this serves as a good opportunity for networking, and also promoting private practitioners, and hopefully in the future also further opportunities where private pracitioners can be involved. Helen, our secretary, pointed out the other day that it is important to have an area of expertise and to promote your PP accordingly. There are a lot of therapists out there, and more and more so-called 'natural therapies', and these individuals all compete for the same market of 'therapy' clients. And of course therapy is not the only service social workers in PP offer! Perhaps it is advisable to give those thinking about entering private practice a 'guide' for 'how to know when you are ready'. It might even be advisable to put something on the website along the lines of 'Thinking about 2 private practice? Some things to consider'. Not because we want to discourage anybody, but rather because we want to encourage people who have thought it through and will stay for the long haul to enter into PP, and not do things in desperation and in so doing inadvertently commit ethical transgressions. KZN Committee Feedback I am excited about representation on our committee this year (May '11 – May '12), and with each passing year I feel more confident that we are becoming more representative of our KZN constituency. I am very grateful to our committee for their hard work, consistency and contribution to the branch. Portfolios this year will hopefully also increase what we are able to offer members. Indira Gilbert, our amazing treasurer, needs to undergo surgery and treatment this year for a breast cancer diagnosis, and although the news is stressful, we are very hopeful that she is in the best possible hands of care and that every hurt is encased in perfect healing golden light from the Highest. She is in our thoughts constantly. Other One of our most prominent KZN adoption/SAASWIPP faces, Debbie Oakley, died this month, and she will be much missed. Our thoughts and prayers are with her loved ones, two and four-legged. Remember: Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lie our growth and our freedom. - Victor Frankl EASTERN CAPE Since our last NEB meeting in November 2011, we had one local SAASWIPP meeting, reporting back on the NEB activities and planning for 2012. Great interest was taken in the possible role out of a national mediation training programme. It is clear that social workers do not clearly understand the implications of the new Children’s Act and think that mediation involves only parenting plans! We hope that a national programme will put social workers next to and even ahead of lawyers and psychologists as the mediators of choice. All our best wishes to NEB in this endeavour. As for this year we suffered two personal tragedies which have put the immediate work of SAASWIPP EC on hold. In the interim the following people have been elected: Chair: Heather Rauch (Renee will attend NEB) Vice: Bonga Billi-Gyimah Secretary: Michelle Fourie Treasurers: Heather and Renee I will attend the next two to three NEB meetings and then will take a well deserved sabbatical from SAASWIPP activities. In the interim time I notice that Council’s website is under reconstruction, with no back-up to any information. All of the best to all. The value of each and everybody’s work is as immeasurable as it is invaluable. Keep it up. Renee Botha NEB REPORT FROM THE WESTERN CAPE COMMITTEE FEBRUARY 2012 The main emphasis in terms of branch activities continues to centre round the possible partnership with the Department of Social Development. The talks with the provincial department have, since Debbie van Staden was transferred to another section within the department, gradually come to a halt and are disappointing. As mentioned in a previous report, it has taken the form of a roller coaster ride, but in this case, we have failed to reach a constructive outcome. However, we are still in contact with the national department working on the veteran database, but this in its own right also has problems. It seems as if the coordinator of this program may have left, but we remain in contact with them. We wonder which of the other committees are involved. 3 As a committee we also remain focused on Mediation and Facilitation. There are questions from some of the members whether we cannot take a more public stand in this respect. We are still in the process of establishing contact with Cape Town City Council to find ways of co operation. However, as is the case with the government department it is also riddled with its own internal politics. Since the last NEB meeting in November 2011, we had one committee meeting and one members’ meeting. We covered the topics of mediation, facilitation and adoption as well as the place of the child in these matters. It took the format of a panel discussion and stimulated a lot of interaction from members who were there. Unfortunately we ran far over our allocated time as this discussion could very well have continued much longer. E-mail correspondence and telephonic enquiries are still dealt with on a regular basis. Much correspondence and queries are from The group supervision meetings are still attended well. This seems to be functional in that it provides for more regular contact amongst members and due to being small in number offers good interaction. ASWICA, the association for social workers implementing the Children’s Act, remains active and continues to promote end motivate social workers to participate according to what is stipulated in the Act. Peter Schultz Chairperson GAUTENG COMMITTEE REPORT FOR NEB MEMBERSHIP We are happy to be in the New Year and hope this will be one of the best years for Gauteng. We are actively seeking more members to serve on our committee and we are pleased to have Ruth Katz back on our committee. Our Gauteng SAASWIPP membership is growing very fast with an average of 15 applications per accreditation sitting. BRANCH ACTIVITIES We still have our regular meetings on a monthly basis. We note with excitement the active attendance of members to our organised workshops at all times. We have strategically agreed to give our members more exposure and opportunity to share their professional knowledge. We therefore plan to have most of our workshops facilitated by SAASWIPP members. Our first presentation for the year was facilitated by Sharon Rosen on Sexual addiction on the 2nd March 2012. The branch had it’s its AGM on the same day and the turnout was overwhelming. After several attempts to find another venue due to problems experienced with the acoustics at the present venue, we have been able to secure Forest Farm Rehabilitation Centre in Sandton. We have been very lucky that this has been offered for use at no cost. The suitability and accessibility is still to be assessed. The presentation has been awarded 3 CPD points by SACSSP. We would like to give credit to Heather Benfield, our branch secretary, for her tireless efforts and persistence in dealing with the council. Our supervision groups are continuing to grow and the level of enthusiasm from members to belong to these groups seems to be significantly growing. We have nine supervision groups that are consistently running in Gauteng at the moment, a positive indicator for growth from the six that had been regularly running. PLAN FOR 2012. We have three other workshops planned for 2012 with SAASWIPP members presenting in all of them. We hope the move will benefit and encourage our membership and also give our members an opportunity to share professional knowledge. Mamoletsane Mota 4 Chairperson 4. Committee Reports MEMBERSHIP ACCREDITATION COMMITTEE NEB REPORT – FEB 2012 The year kicked off with 18 new applications. We lately also received a number of enquiries where members who resigned, want to be re-instated. If they haven’t resigned formally they have to re-apply but if they did resign, they just have to obtain a new status report from SACSSP. Based on queries, I am currently looking at revising the membership application form that is on the website and any input will be more than welcome. One of the things we for instance need to decide is to change the question: Have you ever been found guilty of unprofessional conduct to Are there any unprofessional conduct allegations/investigations against you pending? The reason being that one of the applicants is currently involved in serious charges that are being investigated by SACSSP and will be referred to a Disciplinary Hearing, yet she has not been found guilty yet and has now applied for private practice. Marie Kruger ETHICS COMMITTEE The ethics committee meets every month and over the last few months has been busy with complaints mainly involving custody and access. Work has also been done on finalizing and standardizing the Orientation Workshop so that this can be provided to all new members of SAASWIPP in order to try and cut down the incidence of unethical conduct. Together with the standardization of the Orientation Workshop, a Boundaries Workshop is being developed, also to be attended by both new and old members of SAASWIPP. It has been noticed that an overstepping of boundaries is a common ethical mistake made by social workers in private practice. One problem that has been encountered by the Ethics Committee is that complaints have been lodged against members who have not paid their membership fees to either SAASWIPP or the Council. We are dealing with this in order to get around this challenge. The question of legal representation has been addressed by the Ethics Committee and it has been ascertained from our legal representative, Mr Charles Mendelow, that a social worker may not bring legal representation to an internal hearing, she may bring a colleague. Legal representation maybe bought by a social worker if she does not agree with a decision made by the NEB. Joan van Niekerk from National Childline, Durban has been requested to do a presentation on the Children’s Act to members of the Ethics Committee and this will be extended to other committees as well as SAASWIPP members residing in Gauteng. My eternal thanks go to the wonderful ladies who devote so much of their time to the Ethics Committee, your expertise is so valued. 5 JULIA PIENAAR Adoption committee report NEB – Feb 2012 Normally adoptions are an emotional minefield but lately I perceive it as a war-zone because we constantly have to fight just to be able to do our jobs! The latest issues are as follows: 1] The 60 days is now perceived as working days (as specified in the definitions of the regulations!) 2] Most courts refuse to do family adoptions as there is a discrepancy with regards to the fact that one parent lose parental rights while the other retains it when consenting to the adoption. The section 239 letters remain a constant headache and the fact that there is no consistency between court procedures and requirements, make it not just hard to work in but are causing adoption workers to say they do not even want to do adoptions any longer. Although the Act is in the process of being amended, we cannot wait for it to happen and in this light I have discussed the practical dilemmas the adoption workers experience, with Dr. de Bruin. He suggested that we put the concerns in writing and he will look at a way of obtaining clarity and perhaps an interim order while the Act is being amended. I have gathered all the concerns and issues that were forwarded to me by the adoption social workers and also discussed it at the National Coalition meeting. A letter on behalf of the adoption workers in private practice, with the blessing of the National Coalition, will be sent to him after being circulated to the adoption committee members. In view of above challenges, I would strongly recommend that our current adoption social workers be encouraged to maintain their SAASWIPP accreditation. I cannot be a voice at the National Coalition or SACSSP if the adoption workers are no longer members of and accredited by SAASWIPP and I can assure you, it is hard to ensure that we are not overlooked or ignored. Important date to diarize: National Coalition Conference – 24/25 May 2012 Marie Kruger 5.Executive Officer reports Marketing Two members have shown interest in joining and driving this team. However, more recruits are needed for this to be beneficial. 6 I put a Climate Survey together for members to respond to on the website. The purpose for this was to ascertain what members feel about: The service we provide Would like to see SAASWIPP involved in/become involved in Are we offering value for money? This has not been successful as not many responses were forthcoming. This, however, shows that the website is not being used as it should be. I believe the website is being used by the public more than it is being used by our members. It would then mean that a change in strategy is needed in order to engage our members. I introduced myself at the Gauteng AGM on the 3 March. I do believe that we need to re-introduce SAASWIPP to its members and remind them what SAASWIPP is about. I would like to bring the idea across that each and every member of SAASWIPP is a brand ambassador and therefore indirect marketing is taking place already. An attempt at internal marketing/communication has been put into action with an initiative called “From Lauren’s Desk”. The aim of this is to update members regularly with quick, relevant information during the months that no newsletter goes out. I believe it is vital to keep our members updated on what is taking place on a day to day basis; with no communication, it seems members believe nothing is in fact happening. Alternatively when we do not engage with members we believe that everything is running smoothly. Advertising There have been quite a few enquiries around advertising on the website as well as via sms. A new sms template has been put together for ease of reference. I have requested that for members who do not want to receive advertising from SAASWIPP that the option exists for them to opt out by ticking a box on the website. They will still reflect as a Social Worker for public viewing but will receive NO electronic communication from SAASWIPP and will be made aware that the onus is on them to regularly check for updates. The plan going forward is to approach companies that will regularly advertise on our website. I will be working on a proposal for this as those who do become involved need to see the benefit and get recognition for their investment. Insurance To date all members who have applied for Indemnity Insurance has been processed and is on the necessary trackers, namely: those who applied in June 2011 those who did so between June and Dec 2011 those who applied in 2012. In December 2011, Glenrand MIB was taken over by an American company called AON. There was one or two hiccups with the change, however these have all being ironed out now. 7 I have a meeting with the AON representative, the same lady who has been working on the SAASWIPP account all along, so no handover or change of contact person has taken place. This meeting is scheduled in late February and again at the end of April so as to finalise rates for 2012/2013. It is my intention that the renewal process is in place for members to re-apply and all rates confirmed by May 2012. That would give me June to focus on all the administrative processes that are vital for a smooth renewal run. I have made AON aware of this timeline and they have assured me that they will do all they can to support this. Medical Aid A new committee of Gauteng members has been created. These members have in-depth knowledge of the various Medical Aid options and are very passionate about what is happening with Medical Aids in South Africa. I met with Discovery Medical Aid on the 17th November 2011 to discuss and clarify the impending changes in place for 2012. Unfortunately, this meeting was too late in the year for any changes that SAASWIPP suggested, to have been put into place. However, it was a beneficial meeting in that: Discovery understands the role of SAASWIPP and has a better grasp of the vital role that Social Workers play in society. A joint letter (attached), co-signed by Discovery and myself, was sent out to members. Discovery has mentioned good will in working alongside SAASWIPP in the future. Recently Discovery has received a lot of publicity surrounding individual members of Discovery being upset over the changes. A petition has been started by these aggrieved members and we, the medical aid committee have been monitoring this closely. Discovery and the Medical Aid committee will have another meeting in February to discuss all of our concerns and queries. We did send a report (attached) with our collated feedback on the National Health Insurance Act: Green Paper, to the Minister of Health in December 2011. We have received an email confirming receipt thereof and await their feedback and response. Lauren Staples SAASWIPP COMMENT ON THE NATIONAL HEALTH INSURANCE POLICY SAASWIPP understands the reason behind the move to introduce a new health care system in South Africa. The need to ensure that all South Africans have access to an equitable and sustainable system is supported as this move will benefit all. Given that Social Work is critical in all communities and the vital and important role that Social Workers play in South Africa, it is assumed that this would still be relevant within the National Health Insurance changes that are being planned for the country. The first question that needs to be asked is “How will these changes in the Health Care system impact on Social Workers in Private Practice?” If the Policy Paper has been clearly understood, it would mean that Social Workers in Private Practice would need to become “accredited providers” determined by the District Health Authority. The steps for this accreditation are not clearly defined in the Policy Paper. It is assumed that this will become more evident once the process of roll out has begun. 8 Added to which, once this accreditation process is in progress, will SAASWIPP be given timeous notification to inform its members of the steps needed for them to become accredited providers? The second question that needs more investigation but links to the question posed above, is “What will the impact be on SAASWIPP members?” Historically SASSAWIPP has had to create a space for themselves in the private and public sector and align themselves with the other Allied Health Professionals. As mentioned above, SAASWIPP is supportive of the upcoming changes but is concerned that this move will have a detrimental effect on them purely because they don’t know what the impact will be. Will the professional body be de-accredited? Will it be necessary for SAASWIPP to change and make enhancements on their own accreditation criteria for membership so that members meet the NHI criteria? This would not be problematic if communicated timeously to SAASWIPP and its members but clear criteria needs to be identified and recommended so that training can be provided to members to “upgrade” their skills, knowledge etc. This then begs the question, “Would accreditation for service providers be based on various levels of skill, knowledge base, expertise, experience, qualifications and the like?” In other words, will all Social Workers in Private Practice be considered for accreditation irrespective of age, gender, race, language and geographical location et al? For example, would a newly qualified social worker be eligible for accreditation? If so, on what basis? On page 34 of the Policy Paper, it states: “The District Health Authority will monitor the performance of contracted providers within a district and performance will be linked to a reimbursement mechanism that is aimed at improving health outcomes in the district.” What does this mean, in particular, to the “reimbursement mechanism linked to performance?” Again it is assumed that once a Social Worker has been accredited, they will receive the criteria against which they will be monitored regarding their performance? In the setting up of these performance standards, have Social Workers in the field been called upon to provide their input on suitable KPIs (Key Performance Indicators)? If not, does the opportunity exist for SAASWIPP to become involved in this committee in the future? Regarding accreditation, would this be a once off process or would it need to be renewed annually, biannually etc? For clarity purposes then, if a social worker does not meet the criteria to become an accredited provider after the first application process, will they get a chance at a later stage once they have proven that all the criteria have now been met? It can be anticipated that initially there will be teething problems with regard to required changes to systems that are introduced. How realistic then are the timeframes stated for roll out? In reference to the “Health Care Coding System”, would Social Work services and interventions be listed on it as it is currently on the ICD -10 coding system? Lastly, SAASWIPP would like to make themselves available to work in co-operation with the Department of Health by working in a collaborative space, in providing feedback, input etc on Social Work related decisions applicable to National Health Insurance. SAASWIPP would like to thank the relevant parties for inviting comment on the Policy Paper and hopes that the questions posed will receive due consideration and adequate attention. Lauren Staples and Julia Pienaar 9 Discovery Health Letter December 2011 Dear Healthcare Professional Discovery Health’s Allied and Therapeutic Benefit for 2012 Following concerns raised by the membership of SAASWIPP (South African Association of Social Workers in Private Practice) regarding the Discovery Health Allied and Therapeutic Benefit for 2012, a meeting was held between the Association and Discovery Health on Thursday the 17th of November at Discovery Health’s offices. The meeting was called to clarify the effect that this change to the benefit design would have on Social workers and their patients, and to offer inputs regarding this change. It was explained at the meeting that these changes have stemmed from a process of ongoing evaluation of benefits to ensure the alignment of available funding with the needs of members and the health professionals who care for them. To this end, Discovery has redesigned the Allied and Therapeutic Benefit for the out-ofhospital component of the Executive, Comprehensive and Priority plans for 2012 to ensure that members are able to access funding for medically appropriate treatment while enjoying quality care that is both affordable and sustainable. In summary, the changes to the benefit design will have the following impact on Social workers: No change to in hospital benefits No change to the benefits provided from the risk pool for Prescribed Minimum Benefit conditions Where treatment is essential for a defined set of conditions, listed as qualifying for the Therapeutic Extender Benefit, significant additional or in many cases unlimited benefits are available As regards the remaining benefits, Discovery has established that even in situations where patients access care from multiple disciplines, the 2012 benefit will cater for all but very exceptional cases. Discovery’s data indicate that the limit is expected to be more than sufficient to cover all claims from approximately 98% of all claimants for allied health services on the three impacted plans. The Therapeutic Extender Benefit is expected to cater for the additional needs of a significant proportion of those who will require more than the annual limit in the new benefit. Discovery Health and SAASWIPP have agreed to a collaborative process, specifically as regards the following: Reviewing the Allied and Therapeutic Benefit based on evidence based therapy and treatment guidelines. Set up channels to collaboratively investigate billing practices which appear to be outliers from the practice norm. The process through which these will be addressed will be determined as part of the engagement process between the Association and Discovery Health The Executive committees of SAASWIPP as well as Discovery Health would like to assure members that both organisations are committed to resolving any issues as speedily as possible. We believe that this will also lay the foundation for a more collaborative and constructive process of engagement between the two organisations. Please could you address any questions or comments to SAASWIPP at and /or Discovery Health at Regards Lauren Staples Executive officer South African Association Darren Sweidan Divisional Manager Discovery Health 10 of Social Workers in Private Practice AGM NOTICES INVITATION TO THE ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING OF THE NATIONAL EXECUTIVE BOARD OF THE SOUTH AFRICAN ASSOCIATION OF SOCIAL WORKERS IN PRIVATE PRACTICE TO BE HELD ON 31ST MAY 2012 AT 12.30PM UNTIL 2.00PM AT 122 ATHOL STREET, WAVERLEY, JOHANNESBURG OUR GUEST SPEAKER JOAN VAN NIEKERK WILL SPEAK ON “THE CHILDREN’S ACT” and the “AMENDMENT BILL OF THE CHILDREN’S ACT” This promises to be a very interesting talk. PLEASE FAX YOUR REPLY TO THE SAASWIPP OFFICE ON 011 786 2050 I will/will not be able to attend the AGM on the 31st May 2012 __________________________ _______________________ NAME & SURNAME SAASWIPP ACCOUNT NO. ________________________________ TELEPHONE NUMBER A light finger lunch will be served please state your dietary preferences_______________ Please return this completed form by no later than the 9th May 2012 11 NOMINATIONS FOR THE ELECTION OF MEMBERS FOR THE NATIONAL EXECUTIVE BOARD TO BE HELD AT THE TWENTY FIRST ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING ON THURSDAY 31 MAY 2012 AT 12.30pm AT 122 ATHOL STREET, WAVERLEY, JOHANNESBURG Both Proposer and Nominee must be full, paid-up members, and the Nominee’s signature must be obtained. Nominees must be able to attend quarterly National Executive Board meetings in Johannesburg. NOMINEE’S PROPOSER’S NOMINEE’S FULL SIGNATURE SIGNATURE NAME 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6 7 8 9 12 EDUCATION UNLIMITED 2012 ACCELERATED HYPNOTHERAPY CERTIFICATION 6 DAY CLINICAL HYPNOTHERAPYCOST: R6000.00 1-6 February, 17-22 JUNE AND 19-24 November Eleanor Bubb’s Rooms, 264 Highlands Rd, Kensington, Johannesburg • Tel: 011 6222223 ADVANCED HYPNOTHERAPY COST: R15000.00 per Annum Payment Option Available. Accommodation Not Included 20-23 March 11-14 June, 16-19 October Venue: LYTTLEWOOD LODGE - Cost approx. R1600.00 Per Session A NEW 2-DAY WORKSHOP ON SHORT TERM PLAYTHERAPY WITH CHILDREN 12 SESSIONS ONLY COST : R2500.00 30-31 August IMAGO RELATIONSHIPS WEEKEND COST: R4000.00 per couple – Deposit R1000.00 Johannesburg 10-12 Feb,18-20 May 1416 September Secunda 6-7 October (Venue to be announced) Workshop Schedule Times Friday: 5.30 pm to 9.00 pm Saturday: 8.00 am to 7.00 pm Sunday: 8.00 am to 6.00 pm AN EXCITING 2 DAY WORKSHOP ON WORKING WITH SEXUAL ABUSED, TRAUMATIZED& CHILDREN OF DIVORCE COST: R2500.00, 17-18 September EYE MOVEMENT DESENSITIZATION & REPROCESSING COST R4000.00 per LEVEL Johannesburg EMDR Level 1 22.24 February ,11-13 May or 1-3 October EMDR Level 2 13-15 April,24-26 August or 28 -30 November EMDR FOR CHILDREN AND GROUPS COST R1500.00 14 May, 27 August and 1st December 6 DAY PLAY THERAPYJOHANNESBURG 21-26 MAY 21-22 May Play Therapy - R2500.00 23 May - Filial Therapy R1250.00 24 May - Development Touch Therapy R1250.00 ALL FOUR DAYS – R4500.00 ABOVE ONLY | 25-26 May - Intensive Advanced Play Therapy - R2500.00 12 – 17 NOVEMBER 12 – 13 November - Play Therapy R2500.00 14 - November - Filial Therapy R1250.00 15 - November - Development Touch Therapy - R1250.00 ALL FOUR DAYS – R4500.00 ABOVE ONLY | 16 – 17 November - Intensive Advanced Play Therapy - R2500.00 DURBAN 10-11 July - Play Therapy - R2500.00 12-13 July - Intensive Advanced Play Therapy - R2500.00 Venue: 242 Clark Rd ,Glenwood ,Durban, Tel:0312010307 ADHD CHILDREN & ADOLESCENTS PLUS THE ANGRY CHILD-ALSO LEARN THE MARSCHAK INTERACTIVE METHOD COST ; R2500.00 28-29 August BREAKING FREE FROM THE VICTIMS TRAP Reclaiming Your Personal Power COST: R2500.00 24-25 March and 20-21 October CHILD NEUROPSYCHOLOGY COURSE 1 24-25 September 2012R2500.00 COURSE 2 26 September 2012 R1250.00 COURSE 3 27-28 – September 2012R2500.00 COURSE 4 1 October 2012- R1250.00 COURSE 5 2 October 2012- R1250.00 COURSE 6 10 March and 27 October 2012- R800.00 COURSE 7 14 April 2012- R800.00 COURSE 8 22 October 2012- R1250.00 13 Venue: 264 Highlands Rd, Kensington, Johannesburg. Tel: (011) 6222223 Payments : (Only for Child Neuropsychology) Account Holder: Bank: Account Number: Branch Code: Branch : E S Bubb First National Bank 6206 5067 459 2612 51 RMB Private Bank TIME & VENUES ALL VENUES FOR JOHANNESBURG Southern Sun, 115 Katherine St. Johannesburg • Tel: 011 884 8544 (UNLESS OTHERWISE STATED) REGISTRATION COMMENCES AT 8: 00 a.m. WORKSHOPS 8: 30 a.m. - 4: 00 p.m. (INCLUDES TEA / COFFEE) CANCELLATIONS ALL TUITION LESS 30% REFUNDABLE UP TO 15 DAYS BEFORE THE FIRST DAY OF THE SEMINAR. NO REFUNDSWILL BE MADE AFTER THAT PERIOD. ALL PAYMENTS MUST BE IN 7 DAYS PRIOR TO WORKSHOP. MADE PAYABLE TO: EDUCATION UNLIMITED BANK : STANDARD BANK FLORIDA ROAD ACCOUNT NO.: 251136620 • BRANCH CODE : 42726 FOR FURTHER INFORMATION: TEL: (031) 201 0307 • FCELL: 083 786 2027 • FAX 0865039253 E-MAIL: WEB ADDRESS: POSTAL ADD: 179 CURRIE ROAD, MUSGRAVE, DURBAN 4001 FOR FURTHER INFORMATION AND REGISTRATION PLEASE GO TO OUR WEBSITE WEB ADDRESS: THIS NEWSLETTER IS PUBLISHED BY SAASWIPP FOR ITS NATIONAL MEMBERSHIP. THE CONTENT OF THE NEWSLETTER DOES NOT NECESSARILY REPRESENT THE OPINIONS OR POLICIES OF SAASWIPP, ITS BOARD MEMBERS, COMMITTEES, REGIONAL EXECUTIVES, EDITOR, STAFF OR MEMBERS. THE EDITOR AND SAASWIPP DO NOT ACCEPT LIABILITY FOR DAMAGES RESULTING FROM ANY ADVERTISEMENTS OR ARTICLES PUBLISHED IN THIS NEWSLETTER. PLEASE DON’T FORGET TO PAY YOUR 2012 FEES OF R 762.06. 14