PSAT/ACT Tests GRADE 11 LESSON 5 Time Required: 30 minutes Content Standards: Students will acquire attitudes, knowledge, and skills that contribute to effective learning in school and across the lifespan. Indicators (Students will…): AA.A.11.1.08 Learn and utilize required skills to improve standardized testing. GOAL: Students will understand the difference between the PSAT/ ACT and SAT and examine resources that prepare for post secondary entrance exams. Activity Statements: 1. Students will learn about the PSAT test and why they should take this test. 2. Students will learn about the ACT test and learn similarities and differences between the SAT and ACT exams. 3. Students will determine which exam best suits their test-taking and learning style. 4. Students will be able to state three resources, tools or test preps available to improve SAT and ACT test scores. Materials: 1. Handout 1 – PSAT Information 2. Handout 2 -- ACT/SAT Information 3. ACT/SAT website address for independent viewing Procedures and Discussion: 1. 2. 3. 4. Have you taken the PSAT/ACT/SAT? Which test should you take? Distribute Handout 1 Allow about five minutes to review Handout 1 IF ANY STUDENT WANTS TO TAKE THE PSAT, TAKE THEIR NAME DOWN AND E-MAIL ME THE LIST OF STUDENTS. (Cost is $15) 5. Distribute Handout 2 6. Allow about 5 minutes to review information about the ACT and SAT 7. Ask students to log onto the website and create a student account. Additional Resources: Test Prep Sites 1. ACT/SAT Registration materials (obtain from school counselor) 2. 3. ACT/PSAT PREP GRADE 11 LESSON 5 4. ACT Practice Questions: 5. ACT TEST PREP STUDY TIPS AND QUESTIONS: 6. FREE ON LINE ACT TEST PREP TEST: (Click on free online practice test) 7. Test Prep Books: m-3results&hl=en Extension Activities: Log onto the following web sites and check out the various test prep options Sign up for automatic test practice Web Site: Students can log on to OPS A+ Career PREP. Click on Education After High School – Find the following on the above web site: ACT Test Samples ACT Online Test Prep Review ACT On Line Prep Kaplan ACT Practice - Free College PowerPrep SAT Online Test Prep Review Kaplan SAT Practice - Free About the New SAT ACT Web Site: Click on tab TEST PREP SAT Web Site: See Tools, Question of the Day and Questionnaire Activity: Students can practice for their SAT or ACT using’s Test Prep tools. Resources: Roads to Success Lesson Plans covering the SAT and ACT Taking Tests SAT/ACT (Focus on SAT) (3 lessons) Taking Tests SAT/ACT (Focus on ACT) (3 lessons) Lesson Plan – Testing Tips ACT/PSAT PSAT Test PREP Handout 1 GRADE 11 11 LESSON LESSON 55 Why Take the PSAT/NMSQT? The Preliminary Scholastic Assessment Test/National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test (PSAT/NMSQT) is an early practice test for the SAT I. More than 2 million students take the PSAT each year. The types of questions that appear on this test are identical to the ones you will see on the SAT I. The format of the two tests is also the same. The test is given in October, and you will have your results by December, which allows you plenty of time to set up a study schedule for taking the SAT I in May or June. In 1998, for those who had taken the PSAT/ NMSQT, the mean SAT I score was 129 points higher than those who had not taken the earlier test. The PSAT reports what are called silent scores. Only you and your guidance counselor see your scores. They are not reported to colleges. This allows you to practice without penalty in a timed setting similar to the testing circumstances you will find for the SAT I. The test results, which are provided in a detailed, easy-to-read form, are an excellent tool to help you determine those areas where you need extra help and study. Depending on your score on the PSAT, you may be able to enter the national scholarship competition run by the National Merit Scholarship Corporation. Finally, the PSAT provides schools with the information that you are interested in attending college, which means that colleges and universities will put you on their mailing lists. What to Bring PSAT entry card or your name on the guidance list for entry. Several sharpened #2 pencils. Identification, preferably with a picture, such as a driver’s license or school ID. You could also bring a copy of your transcript or a note from the guidance department on school letterhead attesting to your identity. ID will be checked at the test! Calculator. Any four-function scientific or graphing calculator will do. Do not bring a calculator with the memory the size of a computer or one with a noisy typewriter-like keyboard. Do not bring a laptop, an electronic writing pad, or a pocket organizer. If you bring a calculator with a display screen so big that it can be seen by others, the test supervisor may decide not to seat you. Also, your calculator cannot speak to you, have paper tape, or require an electrical outlet. Leave the following at home: loud watches, CD players, tape recorders, cell phones, pagers, and school supplies. You will not need scratch paper, notes, books, dictionaries, compasses, protractors, rulers, highlighters, or colored pens or pencils. You might want to bring some fruit juice, tea, or water and a healthy snack for the breaks. Timing Traditionally, students have taken the PSAT in October of their junior year so that they can use the score for the National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test. The NMSQT compares the scores of juniors across the country. Above a certain cutoff, students are able to enter the competition for National Merit scholarships. In recent years, it has become more common for students to take the PSAT in October of their sophomore year. About 33 percent of test takers choose this route. Taking the PSAT this early allows students and counselors more time to plan schedules to meet students’ academic needs and better prepare them for their career choices. However, taking the test in October of your sophomore year does not enter you into the National Merit Scholarship competition. Strategies Know the format and timing of the test. The best way to do this is to practice, practice, and then practice some more. Purchase review books and take the practice tests in them and in the Student Bulletin. Make a schedule and set aside a regular time to practice. Isolate yourself and try to simulate a testing environment when you practice. Know the directions for each section and type of question. The directions are the same on the PSAT as they are on the SAT I. It will save you time during the real test if you do not have to read the directions. Learn how to make educated guesses. All but ten questions on the PSAT are multiple-choice. You need to be able to eliminate at least one answer as wrong, however, before making your best guess. Build a vocabulary bank. Read, read, and read some more. No amount of drills, flash cards, or memorizing words out of context is going to help you own these words. Pick up a Sunday newspaper and read the editorial section every week. Read it with a dictionary next to you. Then do the crossword. These two activities alone will grow your vocabulary about 800 words a year. Source: ACT/PSAT ACT Handout PREP 2 GRADE GRADE1111LESSON LESSON 55 ACT Information The ACT is designed to provide college admissions officers with two things: a predictor of first-year academic achievement in college, and a common yardstick to use in comparing students from a wide range of educational backgrounds. The ACT was traditionally required by colleges in the mid-west, however, currently an increasing number of students are taking the ACT, and the majority of schools in the United States now accept both SAT or ACT test results. Here are some of the factors that make the SAT and ACT very different breeds: The ACT includes a science reasoning test; the SAT does not. The ACT math section includes trigonometry; the SAT math does not. The SAT tests vocabulary much more than the ACT. The SAT is not entirely multiple choices. The SAT has a guessing penalty; the ACT does not. The ACT tests English grammar; the SAT does not. The SAT has an experimental section; the ACT does not have any. Admissions officers and educators often describe the difference between SAT and ACT in these terms: the ACT is a content-based test, where-as the SAT tests critical thinking and problem solving. In fact, this contrast isn't exactly watertight. Many questions on the ACT test critical thinking, and there is a predictable range of material that's tested on the SAT. However, the SAT and ACT reward different attributes, so performing well on each test can all boil down to what kind of test-taker you are. The State of Kentucky offers the ACT free of charge to every junior in the state of Kentucky during March. Depending on your particular strengths and weaknesses, you may perform much better on one test than the other. As a result, many students embarking on the admissions process are now considering both the SAT and ACT - to figure out which test provides a better showcase for their abilities. ACT/PSAT PREP GRADE 11 LESSON 5 SAT Preferred by? ACT Public schools; schools in the Private schools; schools on the east and middle of the country; more west coasts colleges than those that prefer the SAT How Questions Order of difficulty Appear No order of difficulty Score Choice? No Yes Highest Math Level Algebra/Basic Geometry; test booklet supplies all formulas Trigonometry (only 4 questions); test booklet rarely provides formulas Skills Heavily Tested Vocabulary and Reading; Math Grammar and Reading; Math Penalty For Wrong Answers? Yes No Based on School Curriculum? Less More Style of Test Tricky, with many distracters More straightforward, with fewer distracters Structure of Test Verbal: two 30-min. sections, one 15min. section Math: two-30 min. sections, one 15min. section Experimental: one 30-min. Verbal or Math section; looks like any other section English: one 45-min. section Math: one 60-min. section Reading: one 35-min. section Science Reasoning: one 35-min. section Experimental: added to tests on certain dates; clearly added on When it's Offered Seven times per year: Late January Late March or early April Early May Early June Mid October Early November Early December Six times per year: February April June September (in 13 states only) October December Scoring 200-800 for Math and for Verbal, added 1-36 for each subject, averaged together for a composite score; median together for a composite score; about 1000 median about 21 ACT/PSAT PREP GRADE 11 LESSON 5 When You At least six weeks before the test date Should Register For More Information Educational Testing Service (ETS) (609) 771-7600 The College Board ACT TEST AIDS from web site: Resources ACT Online Prep Practice test questions Taking the Test Test day procedures Prohibited behaviors at the test center Test Tips General test-taking tips Test day tips Multiple-choice test tips Calculator tips Writing tips Test Descriptions General description English Test Mathematics Test Reading Test Science Test Writing Test At least four weeks before the test date ACT (319) 337-1000 SAT INFORMATION and TEST AIDS from web site: About SAT o o o SAT Reasoning Test™ FAQ Writing Section How the Essay is Scored Critical Reading Section Mathematics Section SAT Subject Tests™ FAQ Language Tests Listening Tests Tools SAT Online Registration SAT Question of the Day SAT Questionnaire