Name Period ____ Date ______ The Cell Is Like… Finish this

Name _________________________________
Period ____ Date __________
The Cell Is Like…
Finish this statement and create a poster that represents how the cell is like…your chosen theme. You will, in essence,
be creating an analogy between the cell and what you are comparing it to.
Today, you’ll be creating an analogy for each organelle…. Nucleus : cell ::…. (the nucleus is to the cell as the
________________ is to the __________________ )…
What To Do….
1. Use your imagination and think of a general theme for your paper.
2. Put a clear TITLE at the top of the paper.
3. Either use pictures from magazines, drawings, illustrations or free hand artwork to show your theme on your
4. Describe in BIG print how the image that you have chosen to represent that part of the cell is like that
structure of the cell.
a. Finish this statement next to each image… (organelle name) is just like (a) (the) (an) ______________
because (describe how it’s similar)….
i. EX. The nucleus is just like the motherboard because it controls the cell and contains all the
information (DNA) of the cell.
5. Use COLOR and STYLE!
6. Use the following organelles on your poster:
a. Cell membrane
g. Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum
b. Cytoskeleton
h. Lysosome
c. Golgi Apparatus
d. Nucleus
e. Ribosome
k. Mictochondria
Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum
Possible Themes but NOT limited to….
The cell is like a movie theater
The cell is like a dirt bike race course
The cell is like a sports arena
The cell is like a car wash
The cell is like a restaurant
The cell is like a house
The cell is like a bank
The cell is like a family
The cell is like a city
The cell is like a classroom
The cell is like a radio station
The cell is like a football team
The cell is like a car
The cell is like the government
The cell is like a motorcycle
The cell is like an i-pod…
The cell is like a school
Grade: 30 Points
2 points
Description accurate and logical –
1 point for each organelle
Picture for each organelle –
1 point
Overall theme –
2 points
Completion –
2 point