View Submission - School Enterprise Challenge

Business Idea Template
Stage 1
New Business Track
This template is for schools who are starting a business for the first time
This template should be completed by students with the support of teachers.
Please use the format provided as this is aligned to our marking scheme.
There are 8 questions. Please answer ALL questions. You may use extra pages. However,
please try and keep your submission to 5 pages maximum.
The numbers in brackets e.g. (10) indicates the highest number of points that can be
awarded for that question.
Follow our top tips to score high points and increase your chances of winning a prize!
You can also earn bonus points by including supporting documents in the Appendix of this
When you are ready to submit your completed business idea template to us, please follow
these instructions:- Log in to your account at:
- Go to the ‘Progress Report’ on the right hand side.
- Click on 1) ‘Submit Your Business Idea!’
- Choose your file and upload your completed Template. Click SUBMIT!
Any Questions
Contact the School Enterprise Challenge team at:E-mail:
New Business Idea Template 2015
Section A: Your Details
School name
Lead teacher
Business Name
Business Activity
No. of students in the school
No. of students involved in
coming up with the business idea
Southern Leyte State University – San Juan
Allan Adriatico/John Brodeth
Yumae’s Brown Bits
Trading and food business
Section B: Your School
Tell us about your school. For example, What age are the students? Location? Environment?
There are no marks for this question; however, your answers to this question help us to understand
your school business better.
Southern Leyte State University – San Juan is one of the five campuses of Southern Leyte State
University, the lone state university located in the Province of Southern Leyte. The campus is
situated in the town of San Juan, a fifth class municipality. Average age of students is 18 years
old. The students undertaking this project are all third year students taking up bachelor’s degree in
entrepreneurship. The program has an enrolment of thirty six students distributed as follows:
first year-15 students; second year-13 students; third year-6 students; and fourth year- 2 students.
This is a relatively new program of the campus and as such there are only few takers of the
Section C: Your Resources
To help you score high marks in questions 2-4, we strongly recommend carrying out a Resource
Assessment. You can find a Resource Assessment Template in Weekly Guide 2 and in the ‘Resources’
section of your school profile!
What resources at your school could you use to start a business and how? E.g. ‘We have internet
at school and 3 computers so we could start an internet café.’ (2)
The campus has a canteen which allows us to use the available facilities for display of goods and cooking of
food products. It has also a home technology building where we could also use some of its cooking
equipment. We have teachers who can be tapped to provide us business planning and marketing tips.
New Business Idea Template 2015
How could you use your school’s location as a business opportunity? E.g. ‘Our school is near a
tourist attraction, so we could sell handicrafts to local tourists.’ (2)
San Juan is one of the towns in the pacific area of Southern Leyte. This town is still having
a rural character and laid back. The economic situation is not as impressive like those of the
famous cities or municipalities in the country such as Cebu, Manila or even Tacloban. So
the prices of our products must conform to the income of the residents of San Juan, lower
prices of goods must fit within their respective incomes. Our target residents of the town as
well as the residents of the adjacent town of Saint Bernard , just four kilometers away from
the town center. As entrepreneurs, we must not only on focus on bigger markets but also
the smaller markets like sari-sari store so that everybody will know our YuMae's Brown Bits.
Small things gather collectively become bigger and gives bigger profit.
How could you use your existing skills to start a business? E.g. ‘Six students have cooking skills, so
they could help other students to start a café.’ (2)
As entrepreneurs, we know how to use the available scarce resources. We have skills in baking
pastries and mixing fruit drinks. We will continue in making innovations in our products and not
just depend on having an edge to our competitors. We believe that chances are just chances
unless we put a lot of efforts to turn that chances into reality and achieve success in our business .
Section D: Brainstorming
What business ideas did you think of when brainstorming? Please tell us your 5 best ideas E.g.
eggs, growing vegetables, bags, handicrafts (2)
1. baking pastries and goodies
2.mixed drinks
3.souvenir items
4.internet cafe
5. growing tilapia
New Business Idea Template 2015
Section E: Your Business Idea
To help you choose the best business idea and to score high marks in this section, we strongly
recommend carrying out a Feasibility Study. You can find a Feasibility Study Template in Weekly Guide 3
and in the ‘Resources’ section of your school profile!
Which of your ideas did you choose as your Final Business Idea and why? (6). Please give 3
reasons why you chose this idea. Remember to use the results of your Feasibility Study in your
The business we would like to set up is:
YuMae’s Brown Bits will make specialized desserts made from chocolates such as Marshies, Choco
Cupcake Overload, Choco Peanut Roll and Creamy Choco Fondant.
Reason 1: These items are quick to prepare and can be sold at very affordable prices.
Reason 2: There are instructors that can teach product costing.
Reason 3: We have a ready market, i.e.- fellow students
How does your Final Business idea meet the People, Profit, Planet criteria? (6).
People: We possess cooking skills.
Profit: Profit is expected to be at least 20% of sales
Planet: We maintain an eco-friendly way of preparing our food stuff.
Section F: Start-up capital
a) Does your business need start up capital (money)? Please circle one: /No
b) If yes, how are you planning to raise the start-up capital? (10) Please tell us in as much detail as
possible how you are going to raise the money needed to start up your school business.
OR c) If no, why do you not require start up capital? (10)
The group has decided to initially contribute P2,0500.00 each which is just enough for the purchase
of ingredients, condiments and cooking fuel.
Appendix (OPTIONAL Bonus Points)
If you have any additional information which supports your business idea, please add it in this space. E.g.
a completed Resource Assessment, Feasibility Study, reports or photos (4 photos Max). (5 Bonus Points)
Please refer to separate project feasibility study.
Many thanks.
CONGRATULATIONS on coming up with a Business Idea! You have completed Stage 1! Submit NOW!
New Business Idea Template 2015