Carolyn Woodring is teaching World History

Venture - Middle School Courses
Course Time Target Age -
Tuesday 8:30 – 9:30
7th and 8th graders
Course Description “Life Science is a survey course that provides a foundation for high school studies in biology. The
course introduces students to God’s organic creations, focusing on the classification of living things, the
animal kingdoms, basic cell structure, and activities of living cells and organisms. Students examine the
theories of creation and biological evolutions in relationship to the Word of God. Students develop a biblical
understanding of man’s stewardship of the earth by studying ecosystems, interrelationships among
organisms, and natural resources. Students also study the human body and its basic structure and function.
The course includes hands-on activities”. Review questions, lab activities and pull-out activity pages also
included. 2 volumes, Volume A pages 1-201 with pages SA1-148 of activities. Volume B pages 267-497 with
pages SA149-304 of activities.” Students will complete a chapter every week and be tested every other
week. There are section review, chapter review, student activity pages and laboratory assignments weekly.
The time spent on this class is a minimum of an hour a school day.
Prerequisites Textbook/Materials -
Must have completed 6th grade
1. BJU Life Science Grade 7 Student Text (3rd Ed.)
Make sure used textbooks have the activity sheets or purchase the activity sheets separately.
2. BJU Life Science Grade 7 Tests (3 Ed.)
Course Time Target Age Course Description -
Tuesday 12:30 - 1:30
6th - 8th Grade
This class gives students an appreciation of our nation’s heritage so they can see God’s providential
hand in the events of American History.
Prerequisites (if any) Textbook/Materials –
Abeka Land I Love Student Text Code 97578
Abeka Land I Love Student Tests Code 97608
Abeka Land I Love Student Quizzes Code 97624
Sounding Forth the Trumpet for Children ISBN-13: 978-0800756925
Jed Smith Trailblazer of the West
Squanto, Friend of the Pilgrims
Caddie Woodlawn – Also required for MS Literature
Johnny Tremain – Also required for MS Literature
Course Time Target Age Course Description -
Tuesday 9:30 - 10:30
6th - 8th Grade
This course will introduce students to a variety of styles of literature, to evaluate that literature using
a Christian worldview, and provide students with opportunities to use their writing skills to communicate
Prerequisites (if any) Textbook/Materials -
The Hobbit by Tolkien
Bonhoeffer - In the Midst of Wickedness (YWAM
publishing) by Benge
Johnny Tremain by Forbes
Julie of the Wolves by George
Call it Courage by Armstrong
Wrinkle in Time by L'Engle
Caddie Woodlawn by Brink
Shipwrecked but not Lost by Dundas
Peep Behind the Scenes by Walton
Basket of Flowers by Von Schmid
Mary Jones and her Bible by Ropes
Printer of Udell’s by Wright
Teddy's Button by LeFeuvre
Course Time Target Age -
Tuesday 10:30 - 11:30
6th - 12th grades
Course Description –
In this course students will focus on the development of movement skill and
knowledge. They will be encouraged to participate in assessment, Presidential Fitness, and
maintenance of physical fitness to improve health and performance. The main goal is to
encourage students to view their bodies as the temple of God and to care for it as such;
creating in them a desire to embark on a life-long journey of health and fitness for the glory
of God.
Prerequisites (if any) Textbook/Materials -
Course Time Target Age -
Tuesday 1:30 - 2:30
6th Grade
Course Description In this book, your children will begin exploring the dynamics of flight and animal classification,
understanding why the design we see in these incredible creatures points us to our Creator God. Then, get
ready for the exciting adventure of learning about birds. Your children will learn how to attract various bird
species to your yard and identify them by looking at their special physical characteristics, diverse nests, &
interesting domestic practices. They will also learn the anatomy and the glorious design that enables birds to
do remarkable things. The text contains actual experiments on the preferences and habits of the birds your
children see. These experiments further enrich the learning experience. Their eyes will be open to the
different species that live in their midst, enjoying and understanding nature to the fullest. By learning to
keep a field journal, they will notice unusual circumstances or sudden increases in bird or insect
Prerequisites (if any) Textbook/Materials -
1.Apologia Exploring Creation with Flying Creatures
of the Fifth Day
2. Binder
Course Time Target Age Course Description -
Tuesday 8:30 - 9:30
6th grade students
“English 6 has 132 lessons divided into 11 chapters. The first two
chapters deal with understanding sentence types and structure. Chapter 3-6 and Chapters 8-10 focus on the
8 parts of speech. Chapter 7 teaches concepts about capitalization and punctuation. Chapter 11 deals with
miscellaneous lessons on the dictionary, Bible reference books, synonyms, antonyms, homonyms, and word
families. Interspersed throughout the book are 32 oral and written composition lessons. Continual review is
built into the course.”
Prerequisites (if any) Textbook/Materials -
Rod & Staff 6th Grade English
Rod & Staff 6th Grade Worksheets
Rod & Staff 6th Grade Tests
Course Time Target Age Course Description -
Tuesday 1:30 - 2:30
7th and 8th grade students
Prerequisites (if any) Textbook/Materials -
Completed 6th grade
Rod & Staff 8th Grade English
Rod & Staff 8th Grade Worksheets
Rod & Staff 8th Grade Tests
“English 8 has 124 lessons divided into 11 chapters. The first two
chapters deal with sentence elements and sentence structure. Objective complements, elliptical sentences,
and compound-complex sentences are introduced. Chapter 3 teaches concepts about capitalization and
punctuation. Dashes, parentheses, and brackets are introduced. Chapters 4-10 focus on the parts of speech.
These chapters re-enforce what has been taught in earlier grades and introduce retained objects, dangling
participles, and relative adverbs. Problem words are discussed, and there's plenty of sentence diagramming.
Composition lessons introduce persuasive arguments and teach effective sentences, paragraph construction,
proofreading, outlines, story writing, sentences, proofreading, outlines, story writing, and poetry at deeper
levels. Over one-third of the book deals with composition.”
Venture - Middle/High School Courses
Course Time Target Age -
Tuesday 7:45 - 9:30
8th - 9th grades
Course Description –
“This course is the foundation for high school mathematics courses. It is the bridge from the concrete
to the abstract study of mathematics. Topics include simplifying expressions, evaluating and solving
equations and inequalities, and graphing linear and quadratic functions and relations. Real world
applications are presented within the course content and a function's approach is emphasized.”
Prerequisites (if any) Textbook/Materials –
Placement test
Algebra 1 Teaching Textbooks 2.0, Student Book,
Answer Key and Test Bank
OPTIONAL - Lecture and Practice CD's, Solutions CD's, Test
Solutions CD
Course Time Target Age -
Tuesday 10:30 - 11:30
Middle / High School
Course Description This is a class for guys and girls to focus on the importance of character. Character qualities will be
studied through creative and hands-on projects. We will have lessons from nature and memorization of
character quality definitions. From time to time there will be guys with guys for manly projects and girls
with girls for girly stuff. Come and learn to apply God's character in your life!
Prerequisites Textbook/Materials -
Course Time Target Age -
Tuesday 12:30 - 1:30
Middle School
Course Description We will be using Sing ‘n Speak Spanish which is a music-based, interactive Spanish curriculum that
teaches both vocabulary and grammar using Total Physical Response. The activities are highly interactive
and the music is catchy and repetitive which insures both that they retain the information and that they hear a
native speaker speaking it. We will be using a cd with a songbook that tells the lyrics in both English and
Spanish, as well as a workbook. You can learn more information at the website at
Please note: The curriculum is meant to be used for elementary aged children, but we will be using an
upgraded version which adds more vocabulary and grammar and DOES NOT use the puppets mentioned on
the website.
Prerequisites (if any) Textbook/Materials -
Workbook (
Course Time Target Age Course Description -
Tuesday 1:30 - 2:30
8th - 12th grades
Prerequisites (if any) Textbook/Materials -
Course Time Target Age -
Wednesday 1:00 -3:00
8th - 10th grades
Course Description Spanish 1 introduces students to beginning Spanish. Students will learn how to ask and answer
questions in Spanish, give and follow directions, purchase items, and make small talk. The textbook is rich
with activities to help students gain confidence with the Spanish language.
Prerequisites Textbook/Materials -
BJU Press Spanish I Student text, 2nd Edition
Course Time Target Age -
Tuesday 2:30 - 3:30
5th-12th grade
Course Description Welcome to the team! If you are willing to clean the Shores gym or dining hall to show God’s love
then this group is for you. The cleaning portion of the class will be quick and simple. We usually offer to
clean the tables, vacuum floors and set up the Shores for their weekend conference. Then we will enjoy the
fun and fellowship of playing team sports or jamming with our guitars.
Prerequisites -
Enrolled in the electives Speech & Drama or Videography
or a sibling enrolled in Debate & Logic.
Textbook/Materials -
Venture - High School Courses
Course Time Target Age -
Tuesday 9:30 - 10:30
High School
Course Description –
Students will build on information learned in biology and focus specifically on human anatomy and
physiology. Through lecture, labs, and activities, students will review human anatomy and increase their
knowledge of how the human body works.
Prerequisites (if any) Textbook/Materials -
Biology and Chemistry
Apologia The Human Body (Advanced Biology) - Textbook
Course Time Target Age -
Tuesday 12:30 - 1:30
High School
Course Description This course will emphasize a solid grasp of what the Gospel is and how to share it in an effective and
winsome manner. Along the way, students will learn how to respond to common questions/objections that
are raised during spiritual conversations, such as, “Why do you trust the Bible?”, “Don’t’ all religions lead to
God?”, “Wasn’t Jesus just a good moral teacher?” and many more. The overall goal is for our students to be
able to live, defend and share their faith with whomever God brings across their path.
Prerequisites (if any) Textbook/Materials -
The Deity of Christ by Chris Sherrod (will be available for
purchase the 1st day of class; cost: $10)
Course Time Target Age -
Tuesday 1:30 - 2:30
High school
Course Description This is a review of American History, beginning at the Revolutionary War, through recent history.
Particular attention will be given to the Revolutionary War and Constitution, with a 4-week, internet
Constitutional study.
Prerequisites (if any) Textbook/Materials -
1. A Patriot's History of the United States: From Columbus's
Great Discovery to the War on Terror by Larry Schweikart
and Michael Allen
2. The Patriot's History Reader: Essential Documents for
Every American by Larry Schweikart, Michael Allen and
Dave Dougherty.
3. 1776 by David McCullough
4. The Long Road to Gettysburg by Jim Murphy
Course Time Target Age -
Tuesday 7:45 - 8:30; Wednesday 3:00 - 4:00
9th - 10th grades
Course Description This course is designed to be the student’s first high school science course and is a collegepreparatory biology course that provides a detailed introduction to the methods and concepts of general
biology. Heavily emphasizing the vocabulary of biology, it provides the student with a strong background in
the scientific method, the five-kingdom classification scheme, microscopy, biochemistry, cellular biology,
molecular and Mendelian genetics, evolution, dissection, and ecosystems. It also provides a complete survey
of the five kingdoms in Creation. Students who take and understand this course will be very well-prepared
for a tough university biology course.
Students will complete half a module every week and be tested every other week. There are reading,
study guide and laboratory assignments weekly. The time spent on this class is a minimum of an hour every
school day. The class time will be divided into experiments/laboratory (Tuesday) and lecture (Wednesday).
Prerequisites (if any) Textbook/Materials -
1. Apologia Biology (2nd Edition) – Textbook
2. Microscope (1 per every 2 families) – YOU must own a
microscope or find a classmate to share their microscope
prior to the first day of class)
3. Apologia Dissection & specimen set - One per student
4. Binder with 5 tabs
Note: The microscope recommended by Apologia is the National Optical Brand model 131. This specific
microscope is not required but your microscope must have a 10x eyepiece and 3 objective lenses 4x, 10x &
40x giving the magnifications of 40, 100 and 400.
Course -
Time Target Age -
Tuesday 9:30 - 10:30 ; Wednesday 2:00 - 3:00
High school
Course Description This course is designed to be a high school chemistry course and gives the student a rigorous
foundation in chemistry, in order to prepare him or her for a college-level course. The course covers
significant figures, units, classification, the mole concept, stoichiometry, thermochemistry, thermodynamics,
kinetics, acids and bases, redox reactions, solutions, atomic structure, Lewis structures, molecular geometry,
the gas laws, and equilibrium.
Students will complete half a module every week and be tested every other week. There are reading, study
guide and laboratory assignments weekly. The time spent on this class is a minimum of an hour every
school day. The class time will be divided into experiments/laboratory (Tuesday) and lecture (Wednesday).
Students will be required to memorize the assigned oxidation numbers prior to the start of class.
Prerequisites Textbook/Materials -
Passing oxidation quiz prior to first day of class.
Algebra 1 completed.
1. Apologia Chemistry (2nd Edition) – Textbook
2. Scientific Calculator
3. Binder with 5 tabs
Course Time Target Age -
Tuesday 8:30 - 9:30
High School
Course Description This is the first of our 2 years of British Literature. It should be a challenging yet engaging year as we
study the works of C.S. Lewis and William Shakespeare.
Our goal is three-fold:
1. To begin to develop a love of and appreciation for great literature.
2. To begin to understand how to read great literature and to recognize the major themes and
prevalent worldviews within it.
3. To begin to master the concept of rhetoric, or the ability to communicate effectively through the
written and spoken word.
All students, ages 16 and up who successfully complete British Literature 1 and 2 with at least a "B" average
will be eligible to join us on our 2014 trip to London.
Prerequisites (if any) Textbook/Materials -
Surprised by Joy by CS Lewis
Out of the Silent Planet by CS Lewis
Perelandra by CS Lewis
That Hideous Strength by CS Lewis
Screwtape Letters by CS Lewis
Till We Have Faces by CS Lewis
The Chronicles of Narnia (all) by CS Lewis
The Great Divorce by CS Lewis
A Grief Observed by CS Lewis
Much Ado About Nothing by Shakespeare
The Taming of the Shrew by Shakespeare
Course Time Target Age Course Description -
Tuesday 10:30 - 11:30; Wednesday 4:00 - 5:00
High school
“The main goal of Geometry is for students to develop the structure of Euclidean geometry logically
and apply the resulting theorems and formulas to address meaningful problems.”
Students will use deductive and inductive reasoning to understand geometric concepts, discover
geometric relationships, formulate conjectures and construct proofs. Students will utilize their pre-existing
experiences with algebra and geometry to solve problems. Students will be required to work on this course
daily for a minimum of one hour per day.
Prerequisites Textbook/Materials -
Course Time Target Age -
Algebra 1 and a placement exam
Teaching Textbooks Geometry Student Book,
Answer Key and Test Bank
Optional DVD’s
Wednesday 10:00 - 1:00
High School
Course Description A biblically focused study of history and literature from the Reformation to the present through
informal discussion/debate and the persuasive essay. Students will read whole books and applicable
Scripture, take notes in response to Omnibus textbook questions, write several in-class essays, and compose
two research papers. This class provides a challenging opportunity for college-bound students to employ the
principles of the Christian faith against the deceptive philosophies of our times.
Prerequisites Textbook/Materials -
WriteShop II or equivalent second-year writing course
Omnibus III Student Textbook, Primary and Secondary Readers
Omnibus III: Reformation to the Present (Main textbook)
Foxe's Book of Martyrs
The Westminster Confession of Faith
Of Plymouth Plantation
The Social Contract
Pride and Prejudice
The Federalist Papers
The Anti-Federalist Papers
Reflections on the Revolution in France
Uncle Tom's Cabin
Lincoln's Speeches
The Communist Manifesto
The Treaty of Versailles
Christianity and Liberalism
Mein Kampf
Nineteen Eighty-Four
Postmodern Times
Optional books are listed on the Veritas site.
Parents are welcome to purchase the optional books listed and dealt with in Omni III main
textbook, but we won't have time to deal with them in class. The Bertinos will probably read
them aloud at the dinner table and discuss them together.
Course Time Target Age -
Wednesday 1:00 - 2:00 and 3:00 - 4:00
9th - 12th grades
Course Description Spanish 2 builds on the foundation of Spanish 1 with advanced grammar, Scripture passages and
additional vocabulary. All lessons are presented with a Christian worldview. Colorfully illustrated, with
reference charts and a glossary as added helps.
Prerequisites Textbook/Materials -
Spanish 1
BJU Press Spanish 2 Student Textbook, 2nd edition
Venture - Electives
Course Time Target Age -
Tuesday 2:30 - 3:30
Primarily high school students. This class is also open to
mature, academically advanced, junior high school students
only by approval of the instructors.
Course Description Asserting the truth articulately with clear logic and engaging presentation is an art that will serve
any Christian well regardless of God’s calling in life. More importantly, it makes students better witnesses
for Christ amidst the world. The study of Lincoln-Douglas Value Debate challenges students to develop new
thinking, improve public speaking and argumentation skills for life, and prepares them for formal,
competitive LD Debate. Students will study logic & philosophy and utilize research skills to support oral
affirmative and negative case constructions from a biblical worldview. No apologies are made for the fact
that debate is a highly competitive activity. While students should consistently strive to win, it should be
each student’s primary ambition to glorify God through good sportsmanship, and guard against a prideful
spirit that can at times develop as a result of succeeding in the competitive world.
Class Requirements:
- STOA Membership, (Complete after August 1, 2012 at the STOA website ) along with participation in two STOA
debate tournaments during the 2012-13 school year
- Parental Service is required for this class, each student must have at least one
parent serve in the following capacity: at Tyler's own 2nd Annual "Go
Light Your World" national debate tournament in honor of Chandler
"Jimmy" Brazell to be held February 27 through March 2, 2013, there are
many ways to serve (judging, hospitality, awards, etc.)
Prerequisites - Venture Debate 2011-12 Debate class or Lincoln Douglas Value Debate
Camp ( ) before school starts (only
required if you have not already taken debate.)
Textbook/Materials - Materials will be provided for a fee in August, (approx. $30)
Course Time Target Age -
Tuesday 3:30 - 4:30
High School
Course Description –
If you are thinking of forcing your teen to be in speech and theatre, this is not the course for you. I
am looking for 10 ladies and 10 gentlemen who are eager to work hard and be enthusiastic about the class. I
am not interested in dragging kids through the exciting world of the theatre.
In the fall semester, the class will work on interpretive speech events that we will take into
competition at the Venture sponsored speech meet in the spring. These include, but are not limited to, prose
interpretation, duo interpretation, reader's theatre, and poetry interpretation. We will also be doing team
building exercises and preparing to work as an ensemble. The last Tuesday of the fall semester will be
auditions for our play that will be presented at the end of the school year.
In the spring, we will learn the responsibility of giving 100% for the team. There will be reasonable
memorization deadlines for the play and rehearsals will be focused and fast paced. Mid-semester we will
begin work on designing our sets and costumes, enlisting the help of our talented parents.
Prepare to be amazed. By the end of April, we will have taken an amazing group of students to a
local speech meet, and we will be performing a fully produced play for our Venture families.
Prerequisites Textbook/Materials -
Course Time Target Age -
VIDEOGRAPHY (Intro. to Film and Video)
Tuesday 4:30 - 5:30
High School
Course Description In this class, students will get a chance to learn many different philosophies, skills and techniques
used in film and video. Hands on discussions will include camera basics, shooting, non-linear editing and
pre-production. Students will be expected to try each skill and will be given in class projects in each.
Students will also watch and discuss different films from throughout history. Topics of discussion would
include, genre, design, etc. The goal is for each student to experience, in a hands on way, each technical
aspect of video production and be able to talk and write intelligently about films, art and their personal
Prerequisites (if any) Textbook/Materials -
Will be handed out in class