BIOL. 2421 Fall 2015 STUDY GUIDE FOR QUIZZES AND LAB PRACTICALS EXERCISES MEDIA & STERILIZATION broths vs. agar media - types agar autoclave procedure and parameters for sterilization complex vs. synthetic media ASEPTIC TRANSFER TECHNIQUES instruments used for transfer aseptic technique streak technique and why done that way BACTERIAL COLONY MORPHOLOGY major characteristics of colonies DILUTION TECHNIQUES & PIPETTING solving dilution problems use (and reading) of the pipette ISOLATION OF AN ANTIBIOTIC PRODUCER FORM SOIL How do you go about isolating an antibiotic producer? What do you look for? What microorganisms commonly produce antibiotics? MICROSCOPE parts and functions features: parfocal lens alignment resolution and resolving power refraction, refractive index, and oil immersion magnification 3 types of light microscopy MAKING SMEARS FOR STAIN PREPARATION making a smear simple vs. differential stain types of dyes - acidic vs. basic - why they bind to the cell STANDARD PLATE COUNTS (Isolation from a sponge) determination of bacterial counts in a specimen procedure for types of isolation techniquesBpours, spreads, and streak plates pros and cons of each technique EMB uses interpretation of lactose fermenters and WHY CNA BLOOD AGAR types of hemolysis (see throat exercise) visualization of different hemolytic reactions GRAM STAIN reagents & procedure interpretation of reaction, shape, and arrangement why incorrect results IDENTIFICATION OF STAPH media for Staph—SM110, hemolysis, coagulase, oxidase, catalase, DNAse, OF-glucose, MSA Intepretation of above tests…+ and – results types of hemolytic reactions testing for Staph – tests used, how read What test results are expected with the pathogenic Staph aureus species? ANAEROBES ways to culture according to oxygen needs candle jar vs. GasPak/anaerobic container thioglycollate broth classification of microbes according to oxygen needs O-F GLUCOSE purpose of test indicator interpretation: oxidative, fermentative, inert SPORE STAIN reagents & interpretation example of a spore former ACID-FAST STAIN reagents & interpretation of reaction example of an acid-fast bacterium CAPSULE STAIN interpretation MOTILITY flagella stain TTC motility media hanging drop interpretation example of flagellation types how to ID motility, indicator in medium true vs. false motility (Brownian movement) how performed BACTERIAL NUMBERS Purpose of and use of SpectropVis (computer spec) use of a graph to quesstimate bacterial counts calculation of number of cells in a sample DIFFERENTIAL BIOCHEMICAL TESTS reason for each test + and - test reaction Reagent/ reagent, if needed catalase test oxidase test lipid hydrolysis starch hydrolysis carbohydrates (sugar discs/phenol red broths) mannitol salt DNAse coagulase IMVIC tests: indole, methyl red, Voges-Proskauer, citrate API what is happening in the medium pH indicator in medium end products being tested for SIM: hydrogen sulfide, indole, motility motility agar ONPG (β- galactosidase) urea hydrolysis nitrate reduction decarboxylase test deaminase test gelatin hydrolysis pros and cons ANTIBIOTIC SUSCEPTIBILITY zones of inhibition determination of S, R, and I (with a chart) ANTIMICROBIALS interpreting effectiveness of antiseptics, disinfectants, etc. YOGURT & MEAD PRODUCTION microorganisms involved the fermentation reaction procedures ORAL BIOFILMS biofilms and importance to industry and medicine differences in bacterial counts and types between plaque and toothbrush purpose of each type of medium and how interpreted URINE CULTURES determination of UTI/numbers how to take a proper specimen media used to find bacteria in urine DNA RESTRICTION & GEL ELECTROPHORESIS overall summary of procedures how endonucleases used interpretation uses WATER ANALYSIS & PETRIFILMS petrifilms and interpretation determination of coliform presence and importance YEASTS & MOLDS structural differences between yeasts and molds - morphology asexual vs. sexual spores for yeasts and molds the major classes of fungi - differentiation and examples representative groups of fungi as distinguished on microscope PROTOZOA representative groups of protozoa as distinguished on microscope general features of protozoa as a whole and each class BACTERIOPHAGES the major points in technique and reasoning lytic vs. lysogenic infection determination of number of viruses/ml HELMINTHS representative groups of worms as distinguished on microscope general features of worms in each phylum: platyhelminthes vs. nematodes the 2 classes of platyhelminthes: cestodes vs. trematodes ALGAE representative groups of algae as distinguished on microscope general features of algae as a whole and of each class ANTIGEN-ANTIBODY TESTS Testing for pathogenic Staph aureus Testing for beta-hemolytic Strep: Mono-spot test: infectious mononucleosis antibodies: testing and interpretation