Curriculum Units 6-8 Curriculum Units http://www. ncpublicsch riculum/sci ence/units/ The current text is Prentice Hall Science Explorer These activities are shore inquiry All are located in activities the "docushare that should folder." take 15 mins at the most All listed activities came from the adopted text Prentice Hall Science Explorer (Study Island) All the Software found at prompts : listed below are adapted Study Island from United Streaming and the adopted text (Prentice Hall Science Explorer) All the clips below are housed at : United Streaming **You will need to login to your account a search the site per title. Each gives the title of the video and the goal/objectiv e that the video meets NOTE: These are just some of the video clips that are available Journals were made by using events in history found on the United Streaming website. Since they were made using the previous school schedule, you may want to use the website to add additional events and/or view the video segments provided Journal sheets, rubrics and student writing format sheets are found the docushare folder NOTE: Some of the following sites will require internet access for several days. Labs Other support sites Web Quests Math Integration Reading Integration Streaming Video Instructional Software Writing Labs and activities that are not in the Assigned Text: Discovery Activities Essential Questions Texts: Essential vocabulary NCSCOS Grading Period NC DPI That are listed in the adopted test- Prentice Hall Science Explorer (those without page numbers are found in the docushare folder) these are activities that are appropriate for the students to do in class or at Home! Page 6“What’s happening” The Lollipop All students will participate in the pretest on this The Tower Expository interactive prompt: program to assess Page 13The Roll where they are as “How many At this point a learner. thumbs?” in your life, Technological you have just Design Teachers should also What are Scientific Inquiry Page 20begun to assess their some “What’s in a think about Scientific Method presentation Express essential picture?” whether you a. Experimental - Bikini Bottom CD for The Nature of safety issues will go to Design experiments Science & in the lab? college or Page 25Technology for extra directly into b. Laboratory “What are video clips, active art, How does Cube Lab the some Safety Procedures and power points that science lead examples of investigation (& workplace assist in teaching the to advances Technology? cube sheets) after you c. Collect & text in graduate. ” Interpret Data Mini Metrics technology? Write an essay Page 34explaining Gummy Bear Lab How can “Why what you technology redesign?” would like to solve human Length Lab do after you problems? graduate Volume Lab from high How can school and information Scientific Method provide systems be Controls & specific used to Variables examples. locate resources to Mass lab Persuasive obtain and Prompt: test ideas? Over the Rainbow - the Scientific We have How can Method (Power become a technologica Point Game) society l design almost allow for Over the Rainbow dependent on consistent Metric System technology testing (Power point such as Scientific Method and Measurement (1.01) Neanderthal (1.01, 1.02, 1.04) How Scientists Work: What Is Scientific Inquiry? (1.04, 1.05) Inquiring Minds: The Science of Safety(1.03) Be an Inventor (1.04, 1.06, 1.10) Daily Planet: Traffic Jams (1.07, 1.08) Science Investigation s: Physical Science: Investigating Motion, Forces and Energy (1.10) This Day in Science History - Aug 28-31 Page 14Try this This Day in activityScience History Measuring - August extras objects. Web Quests: (As with any Web Quest, you will need computer access for a number of days.) General sites: Web Quest Usage This is a site that walks a This Day in Page 19 Scientific teacher Science History math through -Sept 4-7 practice – in Method techniques the section to use a assessment This is a Web This Day in Web quest Quest that Science History focuses on the effectively - Sept-10-15 Page 24 in their students Math working with classroom. analyzing This Day in the scientific Science History dataWeb working on method. - Sept 17-22 Quest the farm Portal Scientific This Day in This is a Method Science History website Mysteries - Sept 24-28 that This is a Web houses This Day in multiple Quest that Science History Web houses many - September Quests for mysteries that extras multiple the students subjects can choose and This Day in from. This content Science History once again matter. - Oct 1-5 works through the Scientific Science method. Games This is an Technology interactive game site Please unblock that the student Labs Other support sites Web Quests Math Integration Reading Integration Streaming Video Instructional Software Writing What are the major processes and concepts in the scientific method? Labs and activities that are not in the Assigned Text: Concept taught in Chapter 1. Goals 1 and 2 should be integrated throughout the later chapters using specific science concepts. Discovery Activities Essential Questions scientific inquiry hypothesis controlled experiment variable manipulated variable responding variable operational definition data communicat ing scientific theory scientific law scientific literacy metric system SI mass volume meniscus weight density graph horizontal axis vertical axis origin line of best fit data point coordinate liner graph nonlinear graph technology goal obsolete system input Texts: 1.01, 1.02, 1.03, 1.04, 1.05, 1.06, 1.07, 1.08, 1.09, 1.10, 2.01, 2.02, 2.03, 2.04 Essential vocabulary NCSCOS Grading Period 1. Science Inquiry and Technologic al Design Pg 12- Keeping Flowers Fresh Page 37- Try this activityinvention sketches. protocol? What effect does technologica l design have on consumer decisions? Game) laptops. Do you use Scientific Inquiry computers at school or at (Power point home? How notes) do computers help you, or Metric Mania are they a Review game problem for you? Write a SQ3R Notes persuasive (Power point & essay in Adobe file) which you argue for more computer use or less. Be sure to provide specific examples to support your position In order to save money, your principal is thinking about closing the schools computer labs. Write a letter to your principal persuading him or her to keep it open. Give as many reasons as you can to support your Junkyard Wars: Cool Cars (2.03) What is the Scientific Method (1.01, 1.02, 1.04, 1.05) This is a Web Quest that allows student to walk through the technologies of today and compare them to how the past was. Metric Conversions This is an interactive website that allows the student to explore the conversions necessary for the metric system. can explore a variety of science topics in an “inquiry” format. (note: shockwav e player must be downloade d before the activities can be explored) Lesson Plans This is a helpful site for first year teachers that has multiple lesson plans, content areas, printable, rubrics, and more…. Rubistar This site allows you to create Labs Other support sites Web Quests Math Integration Reading Integration Streaming Video Instructional Software Writing Labs and activities that are not in the Assigned Text: Discovery Activities Essential Questions Texts: NCSCOS Grading Period Essential vocabulary output feedback risk benefit analysis Writing prompts from adopted text: (“Writing in science”) (pg 31) Suppose you are a curator of a history museum. You are organizing an exhibit featuring inventions that have had a dramatic impact on society. Choose one invention that have changed peoples lives and write a summary about the invention to explain it to visitors of the museum. (pg 39) think about the computer mouse that you most often use. Suppose you as well as look at several pre-made rubrics that can be used for scoring projects. 6th grade curriculum tools NCSCOSThis is where the North Carolina Standard course of Study is housed. The WeirdoThis is a unit plan that directly correlated to the science curriculum . Foss ModulesSeveral science Labs Other support sites Web Quests Math Integration Reading Integration Streaming Video Instructional Software Labs and activities that are not in the Assigned Text: Discovery Activities Essential Questions Texts: Essential vocabulary NCSCOS Grading Period Writing position. based lesson plans are housed here. Modules missing Teacher ToolsLesson plans, assessmen t, games, puzzles are found here that can be used for science content areas. Sciencesp This website offers many lesson plans, activities, labs and ideas for the middle school classroom on every goal! Labs Other support sites Web Quests Math Integration Reading Integration Streaming Video Instructional Software Labs and activities that are not in the Assigned Text: Discovery Activities Essential Questions Texts: Essential vocabulary NCSCOS Grading Period Writing are in a team of engineers that has made this design. Write stepby- step instructions explaining how to use the mouse to move the courser on the computer screen. You can include sketches to assist you in your directions. EdHelper This website offers puzzles and reading comprehe nsion activities for every subject, including many interesting Labs Web Quests Math Integration Reading Integration Streaming Video Instructional Software Writing Labs and activities that are not in the Assigned Text: Discovery Activities Essential Questions Texts: Essential vocabulary NCSCOS Grading Period Other support sites The Future’s Channel This website offers short clips of various science careers as well as how science & math are used in other careers. Each video comes with a lab/activit y to do after viewing the video. Labs Other support sites Web Quests Math Integration Reading Integration Streaming Video Instructional Software Writing Labs and activities that are not in the Assigned Text: Discovery Activities Essential Questions Texts: Essential vocabulary NCSCOS Grading Period Science readings! Hot Chalk This website allows you to create on-line assignmen ts as well as gives you useful lesson plans, activities and video clips FREE! It costs nothing to join! 2. Energy Transfer 1.01, 1.02, 1.03, Refer to DPI 1.04, Unit #6 1.05, Energetic 1.06, Waves of 1.07, Energy 1.08, 1.09, 1.10, 2.01, 2.02, 2.03, 2.04, 6.01, 6.02, 6.03, 6.04, 6.05, energy kinetic energy potential energy gravitational potential energy mechanical energy thermal energy electrical energy chemical energy nuclear energy electromagn etic energy energy Concept taught in chapters 16, 17, 18, and 19. Teachers should also assess their presentation Express CD for The Energy, Thermal Energy & Heat, Sound & Light for extra video clips, active art, and power points that assist in teaching the text Essential questions from Goal 1&2 will be taught and reviewed throughout the year Page544“What’s In A Piece Of Coal?” Bubble gum physics O-Wing lesson plan & lab Expository Prompt: People have always Page 551associated “Can You colors with Heat Maps of a Capture Leaky House Lab different Solar things and (TASC) How is Energy?” places. These energy associations Create a Roller transferred Page-560or meanings Coaster Lab through are also “Why Do convection? They Fall?” known as Over the Rainbow symbolism. Game (16.1 For example, How is Page 565Power Point) yellow energy “Which Bulb symbolized transferred Is More The Great Ice Mercury and through Energy Transfer & Transformation (Competency Goal 6) a. Energy Transfer b. Wave Energy c. Light Energy Exploring Heat (6.01, 6.02, 6.06, 6.07) Science Investigation s: Physical Science: Investigating Sound and Light (6.03, 6.04) Basics of Physics: Exploring Heat (6.04) Page 570-571 – Page 546The Hybrid Car Skills ActivityPages 576-581- Graphing Interdisciplinar y unit on the Page 549African Rain Math Forest Analyzing Data- Fuels Page 666-667- and Electricity Keeping It Quiet Page 591Pages 714-719- Math Interdisciplinar Analyzing Datay unit on The Calculating Magic of Mechanical Web Quest: (As with any Web Quest, you will need computer access for a number of days.) Types of Energy This is a Web Quest that allows the student to explore the different types Sciencesp Page Skills ActivityClassifying This website Page 600- Try offers this Activitymany Pendulum lesson Swing plans, activities, Page 601- At labs and home Activityideas for Hot Wire the middle school Page 607- At classroom home Activityon every Burning Fossils goal! Page 624- Try transformati on law of conservation of energy matter fossil fuel combustion temperature heat specific heat conduction convection convection current radiation conductor insulator state change of state melting freezing evaporation boiling condensatio n echo loudness intensity decibel pitch Doppler effect music acoustics ear canal eardrum cochlea sonar convex lens concave lens lens cornea pupil iris radiation? Efficient?” How is thermal energy transferred between objects at different temperatures ? Page 585“How High does A Ball Bounce?” How is energy transferred through waves? How does sound behave as a wave? Page 589“What Makes a Flashlight Shine?” Page 596“What Would Make A Card Jump?” Page 614“How Cold is the Water?” How is energy transferred between objects? Page 621What does it mean to Heat Up? How can you examine/mea sure energy transfer? Page 633“What happens At the Pump?” In a closed system, how does energy react according to the Law of Page 644“What is Sound?” Page 650“How Does Cube Contest Lab the sun to the (power point) ancient Romans. To Changing Colors the Chinese, yellow lab symbolized royalty, the Egyptians associated yellow with the east, and the Japanese thought yellow symbolized courage. What is your favorite color? Make a list of things that are your favorite color. What do you think about when you see your favorite color? Why? Writing prompts from adopted text: (“Writing in science”) (pg 557) Write an advertisemen Breaking the Silence: An Introduction to Sound (6.03) Basics of Physics: Exploring Sound (6.03, 6.04) Eye, The: Structure and Function (6.05) Matter and Energy: Energy: What Is It? (6.04, 6.06, 6.07) Exploring Energy (6.01, 6.02, 6.06, 6.07) What is Energy (6.01, 6.02, 6.06, 6.07) Exploring Sound (6.03) Secrets of sounds Movies Energy This Day in Page 606Science History Skills - Oct 8-11 ActivityGraphing This Day in Science History Page 617- Oct 15-19 Math SkillsConverting Units This Day in Science History - Oct 22-26 Page 618Math Analyzing This Day in Science History Data-Oct 28 - Nov 3 Specific Heat Of Materials This Day in Science History - October extras Page 647Math Analyzing This Day in DataScience History Temperature - Nov 4-10 and the Speed of This Day in Sound Science History - Nov 11-17 Page 692Math Analyzing Data- Index of Refraction of energy. Energy Uses This is a Web Quest that allows the students to work on a problem dealing with the use of energy around the world. Energy and Toys This is a Web Quest that allows the student to explore energy transformation through making an analysis of the energy in “toys.” Labs Other support sites Web Quests Math Integration Reading Integration Streaming Video Instructional Software Writing Labs and activities that are not in the Assigned Text: Discovery Activities Essential Questions Texts: Essential vocabulary Grading Period NCSCOS 6.06, 6.07 This ActivityFeel the Warmth Page 631Skills ActivityObserving Page 634- Try This ActivityShake It Up Page 644- Try this ActivityPipe Sounds Page 663- Try This ActivityListen To This Page 670Skills ActivityDesigning Experiments Page 683- At home ActivityColor Mix Page 698- Try this ActivityTrue Colors Page 702- try This ActivityWhat A View Page 558-559Technology Lab-Design and Conservation Amplitude of Energy? Affects Loudness?” How is energy Page 656transformed “How can not created you Change or Pitch?” destroyed? Page 662How is “Where is energy the Sound conserved? Coming From? How does light absorb Page 668or scatter “How Can matter? you Use Time to Why do you Measure Distance?” see color? How does the human eye work? Why do different materials conduct heat at a different rate? How does change in temperature cause expansion or contraction? Page678“How Do colors Mix?” t for one of the renewable energy resources discussed in this topic. Be sure to mention how its advantages make it superior to the other energy sources. Also mention how scientist can overcome its disadvantage s. (pg 567) Design an advertisemen t for one of the energy saving inventions. This advertisemen t can be a printed ad, a radio ad, or a TV commercial. This ad must clearly state the advantages of this More Than Meets the Eye Body Mysteries (Only use Glasses section) Labs Other support sites Web Quests Math Integration Reading Integration Streaming Video Instructional Software Writing Labs and activities that are not in the Assigned Text: Discovery Activities Essential Questions Texts: NCSCOS Grading Period Essential vocabulary retina optic nerve rods cones Build a Solar Cooker Page 569Consumer LabKeeping Comfortable Page 594-595Skills Lab- Can You Feel the Power? Page 602-603Skills LabSoaring Straws Page 620Technology Lab- build your Own Thermometer Page 626-627Skills Lab Just Add Water Page 661Design your Own LabChanging Pitch Page 665Design your own LabDesign and Build Hearing Protectors Page 684- (pg 573) Write a letter to your friend explaining your prediction on how solar energy will change your life over the next 20 years. (pg 593) in the terms of energy, think about what happens when you cook and eat a hot meal. Describe the different forms of energy that you experience. (pg 625) Suppose you are camping on a mountain, and it is very cold. How would you keep warm? Would you build a fire or Labs Other support sites Web Quests Math Integration Reading Integration Streaming Video Instructional Software Labs and activities that are not in the Assigned Text: Discovery Activities Essential Questions Texts: Essential vocabulary NCSCOS Grading Period Writing invention. Skills LabChanging Colors Page 698-Skills Lab- Looking at Images Roller Coaster lab (pg 671) Describe how a depth finder on a fishing boat works. How can it determine if there is fish in the area? Write a description including diagrams that explain how it works. (pg 709) Write an advertisemen t for a new easy to use camera. In the ad describe the main features so that the buyers will know how the camera works. Be sure to mention how Labs Other support sites Web Quests Math Integration Reading Integration Streaming Video Instructional Software Labs and activities that are not in the Assigned Text: Discovery Activities Essential Questions Texts: Essential vocabulary NCSCOS Grading Period Writing set up a tent? Write a description of the actions that you would take to stay warm. Labs Other support sites Web Quests Math Integration Reading Integration Streaming Video Instructional Software Writing Labs and activities that are not in the Assigned Text: Discovery Activities Essential Questions Texts: Essential vocabulary NCSCOS Grading Period the shutter, lens, and diaphragm 3. Lithosphere and The Changing Earth 1.01, 1.02, 1.03, 1.04, 1.05, 1.06, Refer to DPI 1.07, Unit #3 Our 1.08, Changing 1.09, Earth 1.10, 2.01, 2.02, 2.03, 2.04, 3.01, 3.02, 3.03, 3.04, 3.05, 3.06, 3.07, 3.08 mineral inorganic crystal streak luster Mohs hardness scale cleavage fracture geode crystallizatio n solution vein gemstone ore smelting alloy grains texture igneous rock sedimentary rock metamorphi c rock extrusive rock intrusive rock sediment erosion compaction deposition cementation clastic rock organic rock chemical rock foliate rock cycle weathering mechanical Concept taught in Essential chapters 2, 3, 4, 5, and questions 6. from Goal 1&2 will be Teachers should also taught and assess their reviewed presentation Express throughout CD for Minerals, the year Rocks, Weathering & Soil, Plate Tectonics How do & Earthquakes & Earthquakes, volcanoes for extra Volcanoes, video clips, active art, and the and power points that faulting/foldi assist in teaching the ng of Earth text produce changes in the Earth’s surface? Why do Earthquakes and Volcanoes occur at the boundaries of continental plates? Expository Prompt: Page 62“How are minerals Processed Before they are used?” Page 76“How Do rocks Compare?” Page 80“How does igneous Rocks Form?” Page 84“How Does Pressure Affect Particles of Rock?” Page 92“How Does Grain What are the Patterns layers of the Compare?” Earth? Page 96What are the “Which physical Rock Came properties and You are passing a construction site in your town. A large transporter truck comes from a field. Write an expository essay in which you explain the contents of the truck and its destination. Writing prompts from adopted text: (“Writing in science”) ( pg 59) Suppose that you are a scientist that is exploring a cave. The light on your helmet suddenly reveals a wall covered in The Lithosphere (Competency Goal 3) Earth Science: Earthquakes (3.01, 3.02, 3.07) Natural Phenomena: Earthquakes, b. Composition of Volcanoes, and Other Earth Earth Movements c. Earth's (3.01, 3.02, Materials 3.03) a. Geological Events d. Soil Properties Earth Science: e. Human Impact Volcanoes (3.01, 3.02, 3.03) Basics of Geology: All About Rocks and Minerals (3.04) Geologist's Notebook: Three Rocks (3.04, 3.05) Biology: The Science of Life: Ecosystems: Page 60-61Who owns the ocean minerals? Page 51Math Page 104-105- analyzing Removing datagranite From Mineral the Ground. density Page 138-139Getting he “Dirt” on Soil Page 217Remote Sensing Page 54Math practice-in the section assessment Page 82Math This Day in Science History analyzing Data- Nov 18-22 Mineral Mixture This Day in Science History - Nov 25-Dec 1 Page 124Math analyzing This Day in Data- Which Science History Weathered - November Faster? extras Page 147This Day in Skills Science History Activity- Dec2-8 Creating Data tables This Day in Science History Page 148Math Web Quest: (As with any Web Quest, you will need computer access for a number of days.) Sciencesp Page Finding the density of minerals. This website offers Page 68-69- A many Mouthful of lesson Minerals plans, Earths Interior activities, Page 95labs and Mystery Rock ideas for This Web Quest allows the middle Page 98school student to Testing Rock classroom Flooring explore the on every properties of the interior of goal! Page 116-117the Earth. Rock Shake Save the Soil This is a Web Quest that allows the exploration of “saving the soil” from erosion. (note: It states this is a 4th grade Quest- but I feel it is grade appropriate) “Worms View” This Web Page 125Comparing Soils Page 168-169Modeling Sea Floor Spreading Page 173Modeling Mantel Convection Currents characteristic First?” s of Rocks and Page 108Minerals? “How Fast Can it Fizz?” How does a rock evolve Page 118through the “What is rock cycle? Soil?” What are the economic uses of rocks, minerals, gems, and precious metals? Page 126“How Can You Keep Soil From Washing Away?” Page 142“How Do What are the Scientists measurable Find Out properties What’s that can Inside the predict soil Earth? “ quality? Using soil properties, how can we predict soil quality? What are the ways that humans affect soil? Page 154“How Are Earth’s Continents Linked together?” Page 168“How well Do the Continents Fit What human Together? activities promote soil Page 187- large crystals. Scientist on the surface asks you about your observations. Write a dialogue made up of their questions and your replies. Include the different ways in which the mineral you see might have formed. (pg 71) Choose a mineral that was studied such as gold or jade. Write a paragraph about the properties of this mineral. Explain why it is valuable and how it is used by society. (pg 79) Write a paragraph for a wanted poster in The Role of Abiotic Factors (3.06, 4.01) Basics of Geology: Erosion and Weathering (3.06) - Dec 9-15 Analyzing DataTemperature This Day in Science History inside Earth - Dec 17-21 Page 171Math SkillsThis Day in Science History Calculating Rate - December extras Page 192Math This Day in Science History Analyzing Data- Jan 2-5 Seismic Waves Speeds Quest allows the students to get a “worms View” as soil is being made. Labs Other support sites Web Quests Math Integration Reading Integration Streaming Video Instructional Software Writing Labs and activities that are not in the Assigned Text: Discovery Activities Essential Questions Texts: NCSCOS Grading Period Essential vocabulary weathering ice wedging chemical weathering oxidation permeable soil bedrock humus fertility loam soil horizon topsoil subsoil litter decomposer sod soil conservation contour plowing conservation plowing crop rotation sediment mass movement seismic waves pressure crust mantle lithosphere asthenosphe re outer core inner core Pangaea fossil plate plate tectonics fault earthquake epicenter P wave Mapping a Future World Toothpaste Lab Crystal Garden Earthworms This Web Quest gives the students a more in-depth view of an Earthworm and explains how it is vital to the composition of soil! Page 208Mapping Rock and Earthquakes Mineral and Properties Volcanoes This Web Quest allows the student to become “Rock Detectives” and explore basic properties of rocks and minerals. Monitoring Earthquakes & Volcanoes Lab Speed of Waves lab Page 57- Try this activityCrystal Hands Page 67- At home ActivityRust protection Page 83- At home Activitythe Rocks around Us. Page 93- Try this Activity- A Sequined Rock Rock Cycle Page 113- Try this activityRusting Away This website allows the student to interactively explore the Page 115- At home ActivityIce in a Straw Page 121- Try conservation “How does efforts? Seismic Waves Travel How are Earthquakes Through Earth?” detected? How do scientists predict volcanic eruptions? Page 196“How can Seismic Waves Be Detected?” What is the importance of soil? Page 502“How Does Mining Affect the Land?” What steps do humans take to improve soil quality? which you describe the characteristic s of granite. On you wanted poster, be sure to describe the mineral composition, color, and texture. You might also mention the family of rocks that granite belongs too. (pg 98) Pick on type of rock and write a possible “biography” of the rock as it moves through the rock cycle. The story should state rock type, formation and the changes it makes during the process of the rock cycle. rock cycle. Earthquakes This interactive site allows students and teacher to take a more indepth look at earthquake's and how they work. Volcanoes This is a Web Quest that allows student to explore volcanoes from around the world. Labs Other support sites Web Quests Math Integration Reading Integration Streaming Video Instructional Software Writing Labs and activities that are not in the Assigned Text: Discovery Activities Essential Questions Texts: NCSCOS Grading Period Essential vocabulary S wave surface wave magnitude Mercalli scale Richter scale seismograph friction volcano magma lava ring of fire island arc hot spot magma chamber pipe vent lava flow crater dormant extinct this Activity- a Square Meter of Soil (pg 129) there is a sever drought in a farming region in your community. Write a paragraph that can be read as a service announceme nt about soil conservation. In the announceme nt you should address the danger of soil loss due to Labs Other support sites Web Quests Math Integration Reading Integration Streaming Video Instructional Software Labs and activities that are not in the Assigned Text: Discovery Activities Essential Questions Texts: Essential vocabulary NCSCOS Grading Period Writing (pg 124) Write a product label for a bag of topsoil. You label should give the soil a name that will make consumers want to buy it, state how and where the soil formed, give is composition, and suggest how it can be used. (pg 149) Write a narrative of your own imaginary journey to the center of the Earth. Your narrative should describe the layers of the Earth through which you travel and how temperature and pressure change beneath the surface. (pg 193) you are a T.V. news reporter and you are covering an earthquake rated between IV and a V on the Mercalli Scale. What a Labs Other support sites Web Quests Math Integration Reading Integration Streaming Video Instructional Software Labs and activities that are not in the Assigned Text: Discovery Activities Essential Questions Texts: Essential vocabulary NCSCOS Grading Period Writing erosion as well as what the farmers should do to conserve the soil. Labs Other support sites Web Quests Math Integration Reading Integration Streaming Video Instructional Software Writing Labs and activities that are not in the Assigned Text: Discovery Activities Essential Questions Texts: Essential vocabulary NCSCOS Grading Period short news story that describes the earthquakes effects. This report should tell who, what, when where and how. 4. Population Dynamics 1.01, 1.02, 1.03, 1.04, Refer to DPI 1.05, Unit #5 1.06, Population 1.07, Dynamics 1.08, 1.09, 1.10, 2.01, 2.02, 2.03, 2.04, 7.01, 7.02, 7.03, 7.04, 7.05, 7.06 organism habitat biotic factor abiotic factor photosynthe sis species population community ecosystem ecology estimate birthrate death rate immigration emigration population density limiting factor carrying capacity natural selection adaptations niche competition predation predator prey symbiosis Concept taught in chapters 11, 13, and 14 Essential questions from Goal 1&2 will be Teachers should also taught and assess their reviewed presentation Express throughout CD for Populations & the year Communities, Living Resources, and Land, Why is the air & water resources interaction for extra video clips, of an active art, and power organism points that assist in essential for teaching the text. its survival? Looking through the life sciences bar will What abiotic also give extra power factors affect points that can be used growth and for more intensive survival of study. organism? Page 384“What’s in the Scene?’ Page 391- “ What’s the Population of Beans in a Jar” Page 402“Can You Hide a Butterfly?” Page 410“What Happened here?” Page 468“How Do You Decide?” How does habitat destruction affect Page 481biodiversity? “How Much Variety is Expository Prompt: A disaster occurred in New Orleans and many evacuees waited to be taken to the Houston Astrodome for shelter days after Hurricane Katrina flooded the city. The hurricane brought death and destruction to many of the people and city of New Orleans. Media reported that assistance Population Dynamics (Competency Goal 7) a. Organism Interactions b. Survival Factors c. Population Growth d. Natural Selection & Adaptation Science of the Sea: Living Together (7.01) Threats to Biodiversity: Why We Should Care (7.01, 7.04, 7.05) Temperate Deciduous Forests (7.01, 7.06) Concepts in Nature: Animal Predators and the Balance of Nature (7.05) Greatest Discoveries Page 400-401 Animal Overpopulation: How Can People Help? Page 394Web Quest: Math skills- (As with any Inequalities Web Quest, you will need computer Page 405access for a Math This Day in Analyzing number of days.) Science History Data- Jan 7-11 PredatorPrey Population Interactions Growth This Day in Science History - Jan 14-17 Page 475This is a Web Discovery Quest that Activityallows students This Day in first hand to Science History “What happened to look at - Jan 22-25 the Tuna?” population growth around This Day in the world. Science History Page 489- Jan 28- Feb 1 Math analyzing Populations Dataand This Day in California Endangered Science History Peregrine Species - January extras Falcon Recovery This is a Web This Day in Quest that Science History Sciencesp Page 387- Try this ActivityWith or Without Salt? This website offers Page 390many “World in a lesson Bottle” plans, activities, Page 397- Try labs and This Activityideas for Elbow Room the middle school Page 399classroom Skills Labon every Counting goal! Turtles Page 474- skills Lab- Recycling Paper Page 480Skills LabTree cookie Tales Page 408Skills Activity- What is pollution? How does human activity impact the environment ? There?” Page 492“How Are Plants Chemicals Separated?” Page 524“How Does What steps Sent can humans Spread?” take to reduce their impact on the environment ? Why has human population increased? What affect does increased population have? What is Natural Selection and how does it work? What is Adaptation? and rescue efforts were slow in coming to those affected by this disaster. In an expository essay explain your feelings about how devastating natural disaster’s, such as this one, can impact people’s lives Writing prompts from adopted text: (“Writing in science”) (pg 388) What habitat do you live in? Write a one paragraph description of your habitat. Describe how you obtain the food water and shelter that you need from your with Bill Nye: The Origin and Evolution of Life (7.06) The World of Plants: Plant Adaptation (7.02, 7.06) Science Investigation s: Life Science: Investigating Bacteria, Plants, and Other Organisms (7.06) Adapting to the World (7.06) - Feb 5-8 This Day in Science History - Feb 11-15 Labs Other support sites Web Quests Math Integration Reading Integration Streaming Video Instructional Software Writing Labs and activities that are not in the Assigned Text: Discovery Activities Essential Questions Texts: NCSCOS Grading Period Essential vocabulary mutualism commensali sm parasitism parasite host succession primary succession pioneer species secondary succession natural resource renewable resource nonrenewabl e resource pollution clear-cutting biodiversity keystone species extinction endangered species threatened species habitat destruction poaching captive breeding groundwater drought pollutant sewage pesticide emissions ozone greenhouse effect global warming allows student to explore the problem of endangered species. Classifying Adaptations and Populations Page 413- At home Activity“Community Changes” This is a Web Quest that allow student to explore adaptations of different species on our planet. Page 409- Athome ActivityFeeding Frenzy Page 485- Try This ActivityGrocery Gene Pool habitat. How does this habitat meet your needs in ways another would not? (pg 473) Write a letter to the editor expressing your viewpoint on whether people should be aloud to use power boats on the lake in your town. Your letter should clearly state how you weighed the costs and benefits of your viewpoint. (pg 539) Suppose that you are an ecologist studying animals that live in a body of water near a big city. Write a report Labs Other support sites Web Quests Math Integration Reading Integration Streaming Video Instructional Software Writing Labs and activities that are not in the Assigned Text: Discovery Activities Texts: Essential vocabulary NCSCOS Grading Period Essential Questions What evidence is there for change over time? Labs Other support sites Web Quests Math Integration Reading Integration Streaming Video Instructional Software Writing Labs and activities that are not in the Assigned Text: Discovery Activities Essential Questions Texts: Essential vocabulary NCSCOS Grading Period explaining how human activities might affect the body of water and the animals that rely on it. 5. Ecology 1.01, Interactions 1.02, 1.03, Refer to 1.04, DPI 1.05, Unit # 4 1.06, Ecosystem 1.07, Interactions 1.08, 1.09, 1.10, 2.01, 2.02, 2.03, 2.04, 4.01, 4.02, 4.03, 4.04, 4.05 producer consumer herbivore carnivore omnivore scavenger decomposer food chain food web energy pyramid transmission reflection absorbsion accessory pigment water cycle evaporation condensatio n precipitation nitrogen fixation biogeograph y continental drift dispersal exotic species climate biome canopy understory desert Concepts taught in chapters 12 and 14 Essential questions from Goal Teachers should also 1&2 will be assess their taught and presentation Express reviewed CD for Ecosystems & throughout Biomes for extra the year video clips, active art, and power points that How does assist in teaching the energy flow text. Looking through through food the life sciences bar web/ food will also give extra chain? power points that can be used for more How do intensive study. water, carbon, and nitrogen move through the environment ? How do decomposers fit in the food chain or food web? Narrative prompt: Page 420“Where Did your Dinner Come From?” Page 426“What Colors Make up sunshine?” Page 432“Are you Part Of a Cycle? Page 438“How You Can Move a Seed?” Page 454“Where Does It Live?” Page 508- Cycling of Matter Food Chains (Competency and Webs Goal 4) (4.01, 4.02, 4.04) British author Rudyard a. Energy & Kipling Matter in Natural The Cycle wrote a well Systems Series: The known Water Cycle child’s book, b. Photosynthesis (4.01) The Jungle Book. His The Cycle stories Series: The featured Nitrogen animals that Cycle (4.01) talked. Write a narrative Biology: The essay and tell Science of about your Life: favorite Ecology: jungle Organisms in animal. Their Environment Writing (4.02) prompts from adopted text: The Cycle (“Writing in Series: The science”) Carbon Cycle (4.01) (pg 415) Use what you The World of have learned Page 464-465Controlling The Environment: The Phytotron Page 442Discovery Activity“How Much rain is That?” Web Quest: (As with any Web Quest, you will need computer access for a number of days.) Sciencesp This website This Day in offers Science History many - Feb 19-22 Page 451lesson Math plans, Analyzing Water cycle (2) activities, This Day in DataBiome labs and Science History Climates - Feb 22-29 This is a Web ideas for the middle Quest that school Page 511allows the This Day in classroom skills students to Science History on every Activityexplore the - February Graphing Water Cycle. goal! extras Page 533This Day in Science History Math SkillsCalculating - Mar 3-6 Concentratio n This Day in Science History Page 535-Mar 10-14 Math Analyzing This Day in Science History DataChlorine - Mar 17-21 Ecological Quest This is a Web Quest that allows the student to explore ecological concepts. Food Webs/ Page 422 Try this ActivityWeaving a Food Web Page 452-453Skills LabBiomes in Miniature Page 458-459Skills LabChange in a Tiny Community Page 530-531Design your Own Lab- How does a Garden Grow? Biomes in a Bag Lab Counting Turtles Lab Why is “What’s in photosynthes the Trash?” is important? Page 518How does “How does photosynthes Water is compare Change?” to respiration? Page 532“What What types Happens to of organisms the Beads?” do photosynthes is? How do oxygen and carbon dioxide move in & out of plants? How do plants fit in the food web or food chain? Which systems provide the optimal growth under certain conditions? about predation and prey to write about an interaction between two organisms. For each organism describe at least one adaptation that helps it either catch prey or fend off predators. (Pg 451) choose one of the biomes that you have been studying and write a detailed journal about what you saw on an imaginary expedition. Include descriptions of sights, sounds, and smells that you have experienced. Be specific about organisms that you encountered. Plants: Photosynthes is(4.03, 4.04, 4.05) Biology: The Science of Life: The Flow of Matter and Energy in the Living World: Photosynthes is and Cellular Respiration(4 .01, 4.03, 4.04) Biology: The Science of Life: The World of Plants (4.05) This Day in Levels Science History - Mar 24-28 Food Chains This is a Web Quest that allows the student to explore food webs and food chains. Photosynthesis - Energy This is a Web Quest that allows the student to explore why photosynthesis’ is important to plants and energy flow in ecology. Please unblock Plant Properties This is a Web Quest that allows the students to explore basic properties of plants. Labs Other support sites Web Quests Math Integration Reading Integration Streaming Video Instructional Software Writing Labs and activities that are not in the Assigned Text: Discovery Activities Essential Questions Texts: NCSCOS Grading Period Essential vocabulary grassland savanna deciduous tree coniferous tree tundra permafrost estuary intertidal zone neritic zone Whooping Cranes Skills Lab Page 441- At home ActivitySock Walk Page 445- Try this Activity“Desert Survival” Page 522-Try this ActivityGetting Clean Page 526-Try This Activityhow Acid Is your Rain? Labs Other support sites Web Quests Math Integration Reading Integration Streaming Video Instructional Software Writing Labs and activities that are not in the Assigned Text: Discovery Activities Essential Questions Texts: Essential vocabulary NCSCOS Grading Period Conclude your journal with a surprising fact that you learned about this biome. 6. Solar System 1.01, 1.02, 1.03, Refer to DPI 1.04, Unit #1 and 1.05, #2 Energy 1.06, and the 1.07, Universe 1.08, and Solar 1.09, Sensations 1.10, 2.01, 2.02, 2.03, 2.04, 5.01, 5.02, 5.03, 5.04, 5.05, 5.06 Astronomy rotation orbit solstice axis revolution calendar equinox force gravity law of universal gravitation mass weight inertia Newton's first law of motion phase solar eclipse penumbra tide neap tide eclipse umbra lunar eclipse spring tide telescope maria craters meteoroids rocket thrust velocity orbital Concepts taught in chapters 7, 8, 9, and 10 Teachers should also assess their presentation Express CD for Earth, Sun & Moon, Exploring Space, and Stars, Galaxies & the Universe, for extra video clips, active art, and power points that assist in teaching the text. Essential questions from Goal 1&2 will be taught and reviewed throughout the year Alien Activity Page 224“What Causes Day and Night?” Crash-landing activity Narrative prompt: With the technology of Toilet paper solar the Hubble Space system lab Telescope, Page 234 astronomers “Can You Shoebox What are the Remember can see Planetarium major bodies the Bottom deeply into activity in the solar Penny?” space and system? learn Landing on Mars information Page 238 about our How are “How Does Artificial Gravity universe rotation and the Moon lab never before revolution Move?” known. different? Imagine that Page 248in the year How do “Why Do 2010 the Earth’s Craters Look world’s movements Difference technologies and relative From Each suddenly stop position Other?” working. within the Write a solar system Page 258narrative cause cycles “What Force about a day such as Moves a in the life of day/night, Balloon?” a person if eclipses and this occurred. Page 266- Solar System (Competency Goal 5) a. Solar System b. Planets Spin Around the Solar System, A: Our Rocky Neighbors: The Inner Planets (5.01, 5.02, 5.05) c. The Earth, Sun, A Spin & Moon Around the Solar d. Space System: The Exploration Outer Planets: The All students will Gas Giants participate in the (5.01, 5.02, post-test on this 5.05) interactive program to assess A Spin how they grew as Around the a learner! Solar System: Look to the Stars (5.01, 5.02, 5.04, 5.05) A Spin Around the Solar System: Page 282-283- Page 236 Communication Math s Satellites Analyzing DataPage 310-311- Gravity Verses Space Exploration- Is Distance it worth the Cost? Page 261Math Page 376-377- Analyzing DataJourney To Rocket Mars Altitude Sciencesp Page Reasons for the Seasons Web Quest: (As with any This Web Quest, website Page 246-267you will need offers A Moonth of computer many Phases access for a lesson number of plans, Page 262-263days.) activities, Design and labs and Build a Water ideas for Rocket Technology and the Solar the middle school System Page 281classroom Space Spinoffs This Day in on every Science History Page 268 This Web goal! -Mar 30-April 5 Skills Quest allows Page 320-321Activity – the students not Speeding Calculating only to This Day in Around the Sun research the Science History plants of our - March Extras Page 294Page 343Math Solar System, Design and analyzing but work on This Day in Build a Science History Data- Planet their Telescope Speed presentation - April 14-18 Verses and computer Page 352-353 Distance skills. This Day in How Far Is Science History That Star? The Moon and - April 28- May Page 301Stormy Tides 2 Stormy Sunspots Skills seasons? How does Earth compare to the other planets? “Where on the Moon Did Astronauts Land?” Page 271“What Do Why is Earth You Need to Survive in capable of supporting Space?” life? Page 290“What Is at What are the Center?” tides? What causes Page 302“How Does Earth’s Mars Look tides? From Earth?” What are solar storms? Page 322“Which Way Do solar Do comet storms affect Tails Point?” Earth? How have humans been able to explore outer space? Page 326“Is Yeast Alive or Not? Page 336“How Does Is space Distance exploration Affect an important to Image? people on Earth? Page 344 “How Does What Expository Prompt: Halley’s Comet returns to our Earths sky every 76 years, and its next appearance will be in 2062. Do you look at the stars and the moon or think about the planets? Write an essay discussing a part of space or the solar system you find interesting. Galileo (1564–1642) was an Italian physicist, astronomer, and philosopher who made contributions to modern science. He is credited with improving There's No Place Like Earth (5.03) Daily Planet: Confronting Nature (5.04) Savage Sun (5.04) Space Exploration: The Rockets (5.04) The Sun: Our Star Attraction (5.01, 5.03) Savage Sun (long) (5.01, 5.03) This Day in Sunspots Science History - April extras Page 312Discovery This Day in ActivityScience History How Big are -May 5-9 the Planets? This Day in Page 316Science History Skills - May 12-16 ActivityModeling This Day in Science History Page 318- May extras Math Skills (up to May 16 - Circumferen EOG testing ce and other school activities Page 354may effect Discovery whether or not Activitythese can be “What used at the end Determines of the year) How Long A Star Lives?” This is a Web Quest that allows the students to see the relationship between the moon and the tides that occur on Earth. Page 378- Labs lab Page 228- Try This ActivitySun Shadows Page 260- Try This ActivityBe A Rocket Scientist Sun This is a Web Quest that allows the students to explore the phenomena of the sun. Space Explanations This Web Quest allows the student to explore the explorations Page 364Math skills- that have occurred in Scientific space. Notation Page 368Math Analyzing DataSpeeding Galaxies Other support sites Web Quests Math Integration Reading Integration Streaming Video Instructional Software Writing Labs and activities that are not in the Assigned Text: Discovery Activities Essential Questions Texts: NCSCOS Grading Period Essential vocabulary velocity escape velocity satellite space shuttle space station space probe rover vacuum microgravity space spinoff remote sensing geosynchron ous orbit geocentric heliocentric ellipse core nuclear fusion radiation zone convection zone photosphere chromosphe res corona solar wind sunspot prominence solar flare terrestrial planet greenhouse effect gas giant ring comet coma nucleus kuiper belt Oort cloud asteroid Page293- A Loopy Ellipse Page 306Greenhouse Effect Page 308Remote Control Page 339- Try This ActivityLocating Radio Waves Page 347- Try This ActivityStar Bright Page 363- Try this Activity- A Spiral Galaxy Page 359“Why Does the Milky What Way Look technologies Hazy?” have been used to Page 367explore the “How Does solar the Universe system? Expand?” Where is Earth in the universe? How is Earth unique among the solar bodies? How has space exploration been a benefit to everyone? What technologies are “spinoffs” of space exploration? the telescope and making many observations of the planets. Do you look at the stars, moon, or planets? Write an expository essay discussing a part of the solar system that interests you. Writing prompts from adopted text: (“Writing in science”) (pg231) what seasons occur where you live? Write a detailed paragraph describing the changes that take place each season in you region. Explain how seasonal changes in temperature 379- “Sols of Mars” Reading and Math integration Labs Other support sites Web Quests Math Integration Reading Integration Streaming Video Instructional Software Your Thumb Move? Writing Discovery Activities problems did man encounter in exploring space? Labs and activities that are not in the Assigned Text: Essential Questions Texts: NCSCOS Grading Period Essential vocabulary asteroid belt meteoroid meteor meteorite extraterrestri al life telescope visible light wavelength spectrum optical telescope electromagn etic radiation refracting telescope convex lens reflecting telescope radio telescope observatory constellation spectrograph apparent brightness absolute brightness light-year nebula protostar white dwarf supernova neutron star pulsar black hole binary star open cluster globular cluster galaxy spiral galaxy elliptical galaxy irregular and hours of daylight relate to changes in Earth’s position as it moves around the sun. (pg 237) Suppose you took a trip to the moon, write a paragraph describing how and why your weight would change. Would your mass change too? Explain. (pg 253) Suppose you are a news reporter asked to write a story about the origin of the moon. Write an article explaining how the moon formed. ( Pg 263) Labs Other support sites Web Quests Math Integration Reading Integration Streaming Video Instructional Software Writing Labs and activities that are not in the Assigned Text: Discovery Activities Essential Questions Texts: NCSCOS Grading Period Essential vocabulary galaxy quasar universe scientific notation big bang Hubble's Law solar nebula planetesimal dark matter dark energy (pg 285)Pretend that you are a scientist that is planning the first human expedition to Mars. In a detailed paragraph where what challenges that such a mission would face Labs Other support sites Web Quests Math Integration Reading Integration Streaming Video Instructional Software Labs and activities that are not in the Assigned Text: Discovery Activities Essential Questions Texts: Essential vocabulary NCSCOS Grading Period Writing Suppose you were able to interview one of the scientists who helped develop the modern rocket. Choose one of the scientists and write a series of questions that you would ask this person. Use what you know to also construct possible answers to your questions. (pg 309) Select on of the inner planets other than Earth. Design a travel brochure for your selected planet, including some basic facts, and descriptions of places of interest. Include sketches or photos to make it more attractive. (pg 342) Write a short explanation of how to build a reflecting telescope for a booklet to be included in a model telescope kit. Be sure to describe the shape and Labs Other support sites Web Quests Math Integration Reading Integration Streaming Video Instructional Software Labs and activities that are not in the Assigned Text: Discovery Activities Essential Questions Texts: Essential vocabulary NCSCOS Grading Period Writing and provide possible solutions for each. position of each of the lens or mirrors. You might want to include drawings. Labs Other support sites Web Quests Math Integration Reading Integration Streaming Video Instructional Software Writing Labs and activities that are not in the Assigned Text: Discovery Activities Essential Questions Texts: Essential vocabulary NCSCOS Grading Period