204-02 Nutrition Assignment

Due: March 16th, 2009
Nutrition Assignment
Level & Group: 204-02
What is Nutrition and is it Important?
- Nutrition is your food intake, (your diet or the food you eat)
- It is extremely important for overall fitness and wellness
- A proper Nutrition is equally as important as physical activity
- You are what you eat so eat well!
A Calorie: The basis of it all!
- A Calorie is energy and our bodies use energy to stay alive and function.
- That energy comes from the food we eat!
How many Calories do I need?
- On average, your body needs 1200 Calories a day just to stay alive without
- With normal daily life your body will require additional calories to function
- Some extremely active individuals such as Michael Phelps (USA Olympic
Swimmer) eats 12,000 Calories a day. (Roughly 24 Big Macs)
- Calorie requirements are different from individual to individual.
The Four Basic Food Groups
Vegetables and Fruit (Carbohydrates & Vitamins)
- In order to meet your daily requirements you must eat 7-8 servings a day
- 1 serving size is equal to ½ cup cooked or 1 cup raw.
- For example: Peppers, Carrots, Lettuce, Bananas, apples, oranges etc.
Grain Products (Carbohydrates)
- In order to meet your daily requirements you must eat 6-7 servings a day
- 1 serving size is equal to ½ cup or 1 slice of bread
- For example: Whole Wheat Bread, Cooked Rice, Cereal, Pasta etc.
Milk and Alternatives (Calcium & Protein & Fat)
- In order to meet your daily requirements you must eat 3-4 servings a day
- 1 serving size is equal to 1 cup
- For example: Milk, Soy Milk, Yogurt, Cheese etc.
Meat and Alternatives (Protein & Fat)
- In order to meet your daily requirements you must eat 2-3 servings a day
- 1 serving size is equal to ½ cup or the size of the palm of your hand!
- For example: Cooked Fish, Poultry, Lean Meat, Cooked Legumes, Tofu, Eggs
- It is EXTREMELY important!
- 90% of the body is made up of water! It is stored everywhere.
- It is used in ALL bodily functions
- You should drink 8 glasses of water a day!
- If you’re thirsty it’s your body’s way of saying I NEED WATER!
Daily Requirements
- Carbohydrates = 60% of Total Calories, 1 Carbohydrate = 4 calories
- Protein = 15% of Total Calories, 1 Protein = 4 calories
- Fat = 25% or less of your Total Calories, 1 Fat = 9 calories
How does Nutrition or the food I eat affect my body?
- If you exercise off the same amount of Calories that you eat, you will stay the
same weight.
- If you exercise and use up more calories per day then you take in you will lose
- If you take in more Calories then you exercise you will gain weight.
How many Calories are in 1 pound of body weight?
- 1 pound is equal to 3500 Calories
- To lose 1 pound you need to exercise off 3500 more Calories then eat in one day.
Nutrition Log
Please provide a 3 day record of your Nutrition!
For Example: Mr. Persons
Day 1
Date: February 25th, 2009
Breakfast- 4 poptarts
AM Snack- bagel and cheese
Lunch- 2 slices of pizza
PM Snack- 12 Oreos
Dinner- 2 hamburgers
Evening Snack- 3 popsicles
Now place the food you have eaten in their appropriate groups:
Vegetables and Fruits- green peppers and mushrooms on my pizza
Grains- poptarts, bagel, pizza dough, hamburger buns
Milk & Alternativescheese on my pizza, cheese on my bagel
Meat & Alternativespepperoni on my pizza, hamburger patties
Otheroreos, popsicles
Day 1
BreakfastAM SnackLunchPM SnackDinnerEvening SnackNow place the food you have eaten in their appropriate groups:
Vegetables and FruitsGrainsMilk & AlternativesMeat & AlternativesOtherDay 2
BreakfastAM SnackLunchPM SnackDinnerEvening SnackNow place the food you have eaten in their appropriate groups:
Vegetables and FruitsGrainsMilk & AlternativesMeat & AlternativesOtherDay 3
BreakfastAM SnackLunchPM SnackDinnerEvening SnackNow place the food you have eaten in their appropriate groups:
Vegetables and FruitsGrainsMilk & AlternativesMeat & AlternativesOther-
1. What is Positive about your eating habits? Please explain
2. What is Negative about your eating habits? Explain why
3. If you could eat anything you wanted during one day only, what would you eat
and why? (Be realistic with the amount of food ex: NOT 26 pizzas!)
4. Based on what we have discussed, are you happy with your eating habits? What
surprised you the most about what you have eaten? Please explain