NON-CREDIT ACTIVITY 2002-03 Data Request Manual Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education Research Park, Oklahoma City August 2002 Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education Research Park, Oklahoma City NON-CREDIT ACTIVITIES REPORT Instructions Specific Due Date Data for the preceding year are due on October 1st of the following year. Report only those activities completed during the academic year – July 1 through June 30. Submitting the Data FTP the file using the same procedure as with other Unitized Data System report files. Instructions are included at the end of this manual. For Further Information Questions about data definitions, uses, and submissions should be directed to: Laura Tyree Assistant Director of State System Research (405) 225-9164 Questions about technical issues should be directed to: Marion Dilbeck Director of Information Technology (405) 225-9213 ___________________________________ Mailing Address: P.O. Box 108850 Oklahoma City, OK 73101-8850 Street Address: 655 Research Pkwy Suite 200 Oklahoma City, OK 73104 i Non-Credit Activity Definition Non-credit activity should include an educational component. Non-credit activities are usually offered for the purpose of enhancing employment opportunities and job skills, improving citizenship skills, supporting economic or community development, or enriching personal understanding and skill development. Although formal college credit toward a degree is never awarded through these activities, they may confer Continuing Education Units (CEUs) or similar awards that formally recognize student participation. The activity should require prior planning of the event and designation of materials to be used in the activity. Activities may also include qualified instruction, a syllabus with stated objectives, and an evaluation process. The activity should require the reporting institution to assume some sponsorship responsibility. Sponsorship occurs if the institution participates in reviewing or developing the content for the activity. If the institution makes its facilities available and/or provides support services to an outside sponsor, but has no responsibility for reviewing or developing the activity content, then the institution is simply hosting the activity. Activities sponsored entirely by an outside group that rents or uses space on campus with no joint sponsorship should not be included. If non-credit activities are inter-institutional, participant counts should be prorated or assigned to a designated lead institution. The activity should require a registration process for participants. Examples Non-credit activity includes workshops, conferences, seminars, training, short programs, courses, and other structured educational experience. Such activity may include: computer training courses; inservice training for teachers, university professors and staff, health workers, and other professionals; youth programs for educational enrichment; corporate-sponsored training; elderhostels; travel/study tours; training programs for schools and units of government or industry; and personal enrichment programs and courses. Activities that provide continuing education recognition or related professional certification through societies/associations also should be included. Non-credit activity does not include lectures or other activities not open to the public; meetings and lectures held without a registration process; cultural events; and intercollegiate sports activities. Performances that do not include an educational component (such as a seminar or workshop) are not considered non-credit activity. ii Non-Credit Activity Reporting Common Problems File should be in flat file format, fixed-width (no delimiters) Element 3 should reflect appropriate year and UDS format Leading zeros must be present Elements 5 (Clock Hour Length), 7 (Number of Participants) and 12 (Group Code) Not all programs (i.e., Excel) export leading zeros Eight blank spaces should be included between element 6 (Activity Format) and element 7 (Number of Participants), no other spaces between elements should be present All fields should contain valid codes, not zero as a default City code should be 9999 if unknown County code should be 99 if unknown State and Country codes should be ZZ if unknown Activity format code should be 1-8 Group code should be 01-10 iii NON-CREDIT ACTIVITY Column(s) Data Element Data 1–3 1. Institution Code __ 4 2. Record Code A 5–8 3. Year ____ 9 – 12 4. Activity Number ____ 13 - 15 5. Clock Hour Length ____ 16 6. Activity Format Code _ 25 – 28 7. Number of Participants ____ 29 – 32 8. City Code ____ 33 – 34 9. County Code __ 35 – 36 10. State Code __ 37 – 38 11. Country Code __ 39 – 40 12. Group Code __ 41 – 80 13. Title of Activity __ 1 Element: 1 Column(s): 1–3 Element Title: Reporting Institution’s Code Description: This element consists of a 3-digit code used by the institution to identify itself as the reporting institution on each record it submits. The reporting institution and agencies and their codes are listed below. University of Oklahoma .............................................................................................................. 110 Oklahoma State University ......................................................................................................... 111 University of Central Oklahoma ................................................................................................. 120 East Central University ............................................................................................................... 121 Northeastern State University ..................................................................................................... 122 Northwestern Oklahoma State University................................................................................... 123 Southeastern Oklahoma State University .................................................................................... 124 Southwestern Oklahoma State University................................................................................... 125 Cameron University .................................................................................................................... 130 Langston University .................................................................................................................... 131 University of Science & Arts of Oklahoma ................................................................................ 132 Oklahoma Panhandle State University ........................................................................................ 133 Connors State College ................................................................................................................. 140 Eastern Oklahoma State College ................................................................................................. 141 Murray State College .................................................................................................................. 142 Northeastern Oklahoma A&M College....................................................................................... 143 Northern Oklahoma College ....................................................................................................... 144 Rogers State University............................................................................................................... 145 Tulsa Community College .......................................................................................................... 146 OSU Technical Branch – Oklahoma City ................................................................................... 150 OSU Technical Branch – Okmulgee ........................................................................................... 151 OU Health Sciences Center ......................................................................................................... 160 Oklahoma College of Osteopathic Medicine & Surgery............................................................. 161 OU Law Center ........................................................................................................................... 162 OSU School of Veterinary Medicine .......................................................................................... 163 Western Oklahoma State College ............................................................................................... 240 Redlands Community College .................................................................................................... 241 Carl Albert State College ............................................................................................................ 242 Seminole State College ............................................................................................................... 244 Rose State College ...................................................................................................................... 245 Oklahoma City Community College ........................................................................................... 246 The University of Tulsa .............................................................................................................. 310 Southern Nazarene University .................................................................................................... 320 Oklahoma City University .......................................................................................................... 321 Phillips University....................................................................................................................... 322 Oklahoma Baptist University ...................................................................................................... 330 Oklahoma Christian University................................................................................................... 331 Oral Robert University ................................................................................................................ 332 Mid-America Bible College ........................................................................................................ 337 Bacone College ........................................................................................................................... 340 Oklahoma Wesleyan University.................................................................................................. 341 Hillsdale Free Will Baptist College ............................................................................................ 342 Southwestern Christian University ............................................................................................. 343 St. Gregory’s University ............................................................................................................. 344 2 Element: 2 Column(s): 4 Element Title: Record Code Description: Enter the character “A” for the record code. Element: 3 Column(s): 5–8 Element Title: Year Description: Designate the school year in which the activity was offered by recording the last two digits of the years involved, i.e., 2001-02 would be entered as 0102. Element: 4 Column(s): 9 – 12 Element Title: Activity Section Number Description: Enter the 4-digit number from the list below that identifies the major focus of the activity section. 0101 .......................................................... Health and Safety 0102 ........................................................... Human Relations 0103 .......................................................................Education 0104 ................................................................... Government 0105 ........................................................................ Business 0106 ........................................... Law and Law Enforcement 0107 ............................................. Community Development 0108 ............................................................................. Aging 0109 ................................................................Social Change 0110 .................................................................. Environment 0111 .................................. Agriculture and Food Production 0112 .............................................................. Unemployment 0113 ........................................................... Upgrading Skills 0114 ....................Professional Re-certification/Re-licensing 0115 ........................................................................... Leisure 0116 ......................................................Arts and Humanities 0117 .............................................. Science and Mathematics 0118 ............................................ Engineering and Technical 0119 ........................................................................... Family 0120 ..............................................................................Other 3 Element: 5 Column(s): 13 – 15 Element Title: Clock Hour Length Description: Enter the total number of clock hours required to present this activity section, i.e., use 50 minutes as 1 hour, 290 minutes would be 005 hours. Element: 6 Column(s): 16 Element Title: Activity Format Code Description: Designate the activity format code that best describes the nature of the activity. This must be a value of 1-8, as described below. Category Code Conference ................................................. 1 Institute .............................................................. 2 Course ................................................................ 3 Workshop ........................................................... 4 Seminar .............................................................. 5 Special Training Program .................................. 6 Correspondence ................................................. 7 Other .................................................................. 8 Element: 7 Column(s): 25 – 28 Element Title: Number of Participants Descriptions: Enter the number of participants enrolled in this activity section. Example: 0112 4 Element: 8 Column(s): 29 – 32 Element Title: City Code Description: From the table at the end of this manual, enter the Oklahoma city code where this activity was conducted. Enter 8888 if not in Oklahoma and 9999 if unknown. Element: 9 Column(s): 33 – 34 Element Title: County Code Description: Enter the 2-digit county code from the table at the end of this manual where this activity was conducted, i.e., Oklahoma county is 55. If not in Oklahoma enter 88, if unknown enter 99. Element: 10 Column(s): 35 - 36 Element Title: State Code Description: From the table at the end of this manual, enter the 2-character state code where this activity was conducted. If not in the United States enter YY, if unknown enter ZZ. For Oklahoma enter OK. Element: 11 Column(s): 37 – 38 Element Title: Country Code Description: From the table at the end of this manual, enter the 2-character country code where this activity was conducted. If in the United States enter US, if not enter YY. If unknown enter ZZ. 5 Element: 12 Column(s): 39 – 40 Element Title: Group Code Description: Designate the group that requested/sponsored this activity. This must be a value of 01-10, as described below. Category Code Business/Industry .................................... 01 Government .............................................. 02 Educational Institution ...................................... 03 Religious Group ................................................ 04 Health Related Entity ........................................ 05 Military ............................................................. 06 Labor ................................................................. 07 Community Agency .......................................... 08 No External Sponsor ......................................... 09 Other ................................................................. 10 Element: 13 Column(s): 41 – 80 Element Title: Title of Activity Description: Enter the actual title of the activity or a readable abbreviation. 6 ATTACHMENTS Description Page City Codes......................................................................................... B-1 – B-16 County Codes................................................................................................. C-1 State Codes .................................................................................................... D-1 Country Codes ............................................................................................... E-1 – E-3 OKLAHOMA CITIES City Abbott Achille Acme Ada Adair Adams Adamson Addielee Addington Adel Afton Agawan Agra Ahloso Akins Albany Albert Albion Alcorn Alderson Aledo Alex Alfalfa Alikchi Aline Allen Allen Hughes Allen Pontotoc Allison Alluwe Alma Alpers Alsuma Altus Alva Amber America Ames Amorita Anadarko Angora Antioch Antlers Apache City Code City 0003 0006 0007 0009 0012 0015 0018 0021 0024 0027 0030 0033 0036 0039 0042 0045 0048 0051 0052 0054 0057 0060 0063 0066 0069 0071 0072 0075 0078 0081 0084 0085 0087 0090 0093 0096 0099 0102 0105 0108 0109 0111 0114 0117 Apperson Apple Aqua Park Arapaho Arcadia Ardmore Arkoma Armstrong Arnett Arondale Arpelar Arthur Asher Ashland Ashley Atlee Atoka Atwood Autwine Avant Avard Avery Aydelotte Aylesworth Babbs Bache Bacone Bado Bailey Baker Bakersburg Bald Hill Balko Banner Banty Banzet Barber Barnsdall Baron Barr Bartlesville Battiest Baum Beachton B-1 City Code 0120 0121 0122 0123 0126 0129 0132 0135 0138 0141 0144 0147 0150 0153 0156 0159 0162 0165 0166 0168 0171 0174 0175 0177 0178 0180 0183 0184 0186 0187 0189 0192 0195 0198 0201 0204 0207 0210 0213 0214 0216 0219 0220 0222 City Bearden Beaver Bebee Beckett Beggs Beirut Beland Belleville Bellvue Belva Belzoni Bengal Bennington Bentley Berlin Pittsburg Berlin Roger Mills Bernice Bessie Bethany Bethel Bethel Acres Big Cabin Big Canyon Big Cedar Bigheart Billings Binger Bison Bixby Blackburn Blackgum Blackstone Mine Blackwell Blair Blanch Blanchard Blanco Blocker Blue Bluejacket Boatman Boehler Boggy Depot Boise City City Code 0225 0228 0231 0232 0234 0237 0240 0243 0245 0246 0249 0252 0255 0258 0261 0264 0267 0270 0273 0276 0277 0279 0282 0285 0288 0291 0294 0297 0300 0303 0306 0309 0312 0315 0316 0318 0321 0324 0327 0330 0333 0336 0339 0342 City Bokchito Bokhoma Bokoshe Boley Bomar Boone Boss Boswell Boulangerville Bowden Bowlegs Bowring Box Boyd Boynton Brace Braden Bradley Braggs Braman Bray Breckenridge Briartown Bridgeport Brink Brinkman Bristow Britton Brock Broken Arrow Broken Bow Bromide Bromide Johnston Brooken Brooksville Brown Bruner Bruno Brush Hill Brushy Bryans Corner Bryant Buck Buena Vista B-2 City Code 0345 0348 0351 0354 0355 0356 0357 0360 0363 0366 0369 0372 0375 0378 0381 0382 0384 0387 0390 0393 0396 0399 0402 0405 0408 0411 0414 0417 0420 0423 0426 0428 0432 0435 0438 0441 0444 0447 0450 0451 0452 0453 0456 0459 City Buffalo Buffalo Valley Bunch Burbank Burlington Burmah Burneyville Burns Flat Bushyhead Butler Byars Byng Byron Cabanis Cache Caddo Cairo Calera Calhoun Calumet Calvin Camargo Cambria Cambridge Cameron Camp Donithan Camp Houston Canadian Caney Canton Canute Capron Cardin Carleton Carmen Carnegie Carney Carpenter Carr City Carrier Carson Carter Carter Nine Cartersville City Code City 0462 0463 0465 0468 0471 0472 0474 0477 0480 0483 0486 0489 0492 0495 0498 0501 0504 0507 0510 0513 0516 0519 0522 0525 0528 0531 0532 0534 0537 0540 0543 0546 0549 0552 0555 0558 0561 0564 0567 0570 0573 0576 0579 0582 Cartwright Cashion Castle Caston Catesby Catoosa Cavanal Cedar Crest Cedar Springs Cedar Valley Cedardale Celestine Cement Centrahoma Central High Centralia Ceres Cerrogordo Cestos Chandler Chaney Chattanooga Checotah Cheek Chelsea Cherokee Chester Cheyenne Chickasha Childers Chilocco Chism Chisney Chloeta Chockie Choctaw Choska Chouteau Christie Church Cimarron City Claremore Clarita Clarksville B-3 City Code 0585 0588 0591 0592 0594 0597 0597 0600 0601 0602 0603 0606 0609 0612 0613 0615 0618 0621 0622 0624 0627 0630 0633 0636 0639 0642 0645 0648 0651 0652 0654 0657 0658 0659 0660 0663 0664 0666 0668 0672 0673 0675 0678 0681 City City Code City Claud Clayton Clear Lake Clearview Clebit Clemscot Cleo Springs Cleora Cleveland Clinton Cloud Chief Cloudy Clyde Coalgate Coalton Cobb Cogar Colbert Colcord Cold Springs Cole Coleman Collinsville Colony Comanche Commerce Community Moore Concho Connerville Coodys Bluff Cookietown Cookson Cooper Cooperton Copan Cora Cordell Corinne Corn Cornish Corum Cottonwood Council Hill County Line 0684 0687 0690 0693 0696 0699 0702 0705 0708 0711 0714 0717 0720 0723 0726 0729 0732 0735 0738 0741 0744 0747 0750 0753 0756 0759 0762 0765 0768 0771 0772 0774 0777 0780 0783 0784 0786 0789 0792 0793 0795 0796 0798 0801 Courtney Covington Cowden Coweta Cowlington Cox City Coyle Crawford Crekola Crescent Creta Criner Cromwell Cropper Crowder Crystal Cumberland Curtis Cushing Custer Custer City Cyril Dacoma Daisy Dale Damon Dane Darwin Davenport Davidson Davis Dawson Daytown Deer Creek Dela Delaware Delhi Del City Dempsey Denman Dennis Denoya Depew Devol B-4 City Code 0804 0807 0810 0813 0816 0819 0822 0825 0826 0828 0829 0831 0834 0837 0840 0843 0846 0849 0852 0855 0854 0858 0861 0864 0867 0868 0869 0870 0873 0876 0879 0882 0885 0888 0891 0894 0897 0899 0900 0901 0903 0906 0909 0912 City City Code City Dewar Dewey Dewright Dibble Dickson Dighton Dill City Dillard Dilworth Disney Dixie Dodge Dombey Dougherty Douglas Douthat Dover Dow Doxey Drake Driftwood Dripping Springs Drumb Drummond Drumright Duke Dunbar Duncan Dundee Dunlap Durant Durham Durwood Dustin Eagle City Eagletown Eakly Earlsboro Eason East Court Eaves City Echota Econtuchka Eddy 0915 0918 0921 0924 0925 0927 0930 0933 0934 0936 0939 0942 0945 0948 0951 0954 0957 0960 0961 0962 0963 0966 0969 0972 0975 0978 0981 0984 0987 0990 0993 0996 0999 1002 1005 1008 1011 1014 1015 1017 1020 1023 1026 1029 Edith Edmond Edna El Reno Eldon Eldorado Elgin Elk City Ellerville Elliott Elmer Elmore City Elmwood Emet Emil Empire City Enid Enterprise Enville Eram Erick Erin Springs Estella Etowah Eubanks Eucha Eutha Eufaula Eva Fail Valley Fair Oaks Fairfax Fairland Fairmont Fairview Fallis Fallon Fame Fanshawe Fargo Farris Farry Farwell Faxon B-5 City Code 1032 1035 1038 1041 1044 1047 1050 1053 1056 1057 1059 1062 1065 1068 1071 1074 1077 1080 1083 1086 1089 1092 1095 1096 1098 1100 1101 1104 1107 1110 1111 1113 1116 1119 1122 1125 1126 1128 1131 1134 1137 1140 1143 1146 City Fay Featherston Felt Fewell Fillmore Finley Fittstown Fitzhugh Fleetwood Fletcher Flint Floris Fob Folsom Foraker Foreman Forest Park Forgan Forney Fort Arbuckle Fort Cobb Fort Gibson Fort Sill Fort Supply Fort Towson Forty One Foss Foster Four Corners Fowler Fox Foyil Francis Franklin Frederick Freedom Friendship Frisco Frogville Gage Galena Gano Gans Gansel City Code 1149 1152 1155 1158 1161 1164 1167 1170 1173 1176 1179 1182 1185 1188 1191 1194 1195 1197 1200 1201 1203 1206 1208 1209 1212 1213 1215 1218 1219 1220 1221 1224 1227 1230 1233 1236 1237 1239 1242 1245 1248 1251 1254 1255 City Garber Garvin Gate Gay Geary Geary Canadian Geary Blaine Gene Autry Geronimo Gerty Gibbon Gibson Gideon Gilmore Glencoe Glenpool Glenrose Glover Golder Goldsby Goltry Goodlake Goodland Goodnight Goodwater Goodwell Goodwin Gore Gotebo Gould Gowen Grace Gracemont Grady Graham Grainola Grand Grand Lake Towne Grandfield Granite Grant Gray Grayson Green B-6 City Code 1257 1260 1263 1264 1265 1266 1269 1272 1275 1278 1279 1281 1284 1287 1290 1293 1296 1299 1302 1303 1305 1308 1311 1314 1317 1320 1321 1323 1326 1329 1332 1335 1338 1341 1344 1347 1350 1348 1353 1356 1359 1362 1363 1364 City City Code Greenfield Greenville Greenwood Junction Griggs Grimes Grove Guthrie Guymon Gypsy Haileyville Hale Hall Park Hallett Hamden Hammon Hanna Hanobia Hanson Harden City Hardesty Hardwood Hardy Harjo Harmon Harrah Harris Hartshorne Haskell Hastings Hawley Haworth Hayden Haynes Hayward Haywood Hazel Headrick Healdton Heavener Hectorville Helena Hendrix Hennepin Hennessey City 1365 1368 1371 1374 1377 1380 1383 1386 1389 1392 1395 1396 1398 1399 1401 1404 1407 1410 1413 1416 1419 1422 1425 1428 1431 1434 1437 1440 1443 1446 1449 1452 1455 1458 1461 1464 1467 1470 1473 1474 1476 1479 1482 1485 Henryetta Herd Herring Hess Hester Hickory Higgins Hillsdale Hinton Hitchcock Hitchita Hobart Hochatown Hockerville Hodgen Hoffman Holdenville Hollis Hollister Hollow Holly Creek Homestead Hominy Honobia Hooker Hoover Hopeton Hotulka Hough Howe Hoyt Hucmac Hughes Hugo Hulah Hulbert Hulen Humphreys Hunter Huskey Hydro Idabel Indianhoma Indianapolis B-7 City Code 1488 1491 1494 1497 1498 1500 1501 1503 1506 1509 1512 1515 1518 1521 1524 1527 1530 1533 1536 1539 1542 1545 1548 1551 1554 1557 1560 1561 1563 1566 1569 1570 1572 1575 1578 1581 1582 1584 1587 1588 1590 1593 1596 1599 City Indianola Ingersoll Inola Isabella Jacktown Jamesville Jay Jefferson Jenks Jennings Jesse Jester Jet Johnson Jones Joy Jumbo Janima Kanima Kansas Karma Karns Kaw Kaw City Keefeton Keenan Kellond Kellyville Kemp Kendrick Kenefic Kent Kenton Kenwood Keota Ketchum Keyes Keys Keystone Kiamichi Kiefer Kiersey Kildare Kingfisher City Code City 1602 1605 1608 1611 1612 1613 1614 1617 1620 1623 1626 1629 1632 1633 1635 1636 1638 1641 1642 1644 1647 1648 1650 1651 1653 1656 1660 1659 1662 1665 1668 1669 1671 1674 1677 1680 1683 1684 1686 1689 1692 1693 1695 1698 Kingston Kinta Kiowa Knowles Komalty Konawa Kosoma Krebs Kremlin Kusa Lacey Lahoma Lake Aluma Lake Valley Lamar Lambert Lamont Lane Langley Langston Latta Laverne Laverty Lawrence Lawrence Creek Lawton Leach Lebanon Leedey Leflore Lehigh Lela Lenapah Lenna Lenora Leon Leonard Lep Lequire Letitia Letha Lewisville Lexington Liberty B-8 City Code 1701 1704 1707 1710 1713 1716 1719 1722 1725 1728 1731 1734 1736 1737 1740 1743 1746 1749 1752 1755 1756 1758 1759 1761 1762 1764 1767 1770 1773 1776 1779 1782 1785 1788 1791 1794 1797 1800 1803 1804 1806 1807 1809 1812 City Lima Lincoln Lindsay Little Little Axe Little Chief Little City Lockridge Loco Locust Grove Lodi Logan Lone Grove Lone Wolf Long Longdale Lookeba Lookout Lost City Lotsee Lovedale Loveland Lovell Lowery Loyal Lucien Ludlow Lugert Lula Luther Lutie Lyman Lyons Macomb Madge Madill Manchester Mangum Manitou Mannford Mannsville Maramec Marble City Marietta City Code City 1815 1816 1818 1819 1820 1821 1822 1824 1827 1830 1833 1836 1839 1842 1845 1848 1851 1854 1855 1856 1858 1857 1860 1863 1866 1869 1872 1875 1878 1881 1884 1887 1888 1890 1891 1893 1896 1899 1902 1905 1908 1911 1914 1917 Marland Marlow Marshall Martha Mason Matoy Maud Maud Pottawtomie Maud Seminole May Mayfield Maysville Mazie McLoud McAlester McBride McClain McClure McCurtain McKey McKnight McMann McMillian McQueen McWillie Mead Medford Medicine Park Meeker Meers Mehan Mellette Meno Meridian Merritt Merrick Messer Mexhoma Miami Micawber Middleburg Middleton Midlothlian Midway B-9 City Code 1920 1923 1926 1929 1932 1935 1936 1938 1941 1944 1947 1950 1953 1968 1956 1959 1965 1960 1962 1966 1967 1971 1974 1977 1980 1983 1986 1989 1992 1995 1998 2001 2004 2007 2009 2010 2011 2013 2016 2019 2022 2025 2028 2029 City City Code City Midway Coal Midway Roger Mills Midwell Midwest City Milburn Miles Milfay Mill Creek Miller Millerton Milo Milton Minco Mocane Moffett Monroe Moodys Moon Moore Mooreland Moorewood Morris Morrison Moseley Mounds Mountain Park Mountain View Mourse Moyers Mudsand Muldrow Mulhall Murphy Muse Muskogee Mustang Mutual Maples N. Central Comanche Narcissa Nardin Nash Nashoba Natura 2031 2034 2037 2040 2043 2046 2049 2052 2055 2058 2061 2064 2067 2070 2073 2076 2079 2082 2085 2088 2019 2094 2097 2098 2100 2103 2106 2109 2112 2115 2118 2121 2124 2127 2130 2133 2136 2139 2140 2142 2145 2148 2151 2154 Navajo Navina Nebo Nelagoney Nelson Neodesha New Alluwe New Eucha New Lima New Prue New Ringold New Tulsa New Woodville Newalla Newby Newcastle Newkirk Newport Nichols Hills Nicoma Park Nicut Nida Ninnekah Noble Non Norfold Norge Norman North Enid North Miami Nowata Noxie Numa Nuyaka Oak Hill Oakhurst Oakland Oaks Oakwood Oberlin Ochelata Ocinn Octavia Oglesby B-10 City Code 2155 2157 2158 2160 2163 2166 2167 2168 2169 2170 2171 2173 2174 2172 2175 2178 2181 2184 2185 2187 2190 2193 2196 2199 2202 2205 2208 2211 2212 2214 2217 2220 2223 2226 2229 2232 2235 2238 2241 2244 2247 2250 2253 2256 City Oil Center Oil City Oilton Okarche Okarche Canadian Okarche Kingfisher Okay Okeene Okemah Okesa Okey Okfuskee Oklahoma City Okmulgee Oktaha Oleta Olive Olney Olustee Omega Onapa Oneta Oolagah Optima Ord Orienta Orion Orlando Orr Osage Oscar Oswalt Ottawa Overbrook Owasso Owen Ozark Paden Page Panama Panola Paoli Paradise Hill Park Hill City Code City 2259 2262 2265 2266 2268 2271 2274 2277 2280 2283 2286 2289 2292 2295 2298 2301 2304 2307 2310 2313 2314 2316 2319 2322 2323 2325 2326 2328 2331 2334 2337 2340 2343 2346 2349 2350 2351 2352 2355 2358 2361 2364 2365 2367 Parker Parkland Patton Pauls Valley Paw Paw Pawhuska Pawnee Payne Payson Pearson Pearsonia Peckham Peek Peggs Peno Pensacola Peoria Perkins Pernell Perry Pershing Petersburg Pharaoh Phillips Phroso Picher Pickens Picket Piedmont Pierce Pine Valley Pink Pittsburg Plainview Platter Pleasant Hill Pleasant Valley Plunkettville Pocasset Pocola Ponca City Pond Creek Pontotoc Poole B-11 City Code 2370 2373 2374 2376 2379 2382 2385 2386 2388 2391 2394 2397 2400 2403 2406 2409 2412 2415 2418 2421 2424 2425 2427 2428 2430 2433 2436 2437 2439 2442 2445 2446 2448 2449 2451 2454 2457 2460 2463 2466 2469 2472 2475 2478 City Pooleville Port Porter Porter Hill Porum Poteau Powell Prague Preston Prichard Proctor Provence Prue Pruitt City Pryor Pumkin Center Purcell Purdy Putnam Putnam City Pyramid Corners Qualls Quapaw Quay Quay Pawnee Quay Payne Quinlan Quinton Raiford Ralph Ralston Ramona Ranchwood Manor Randlett Rankin Ratliff City Rattan Ravia Ray City Reagan Reck Recyl Red Bird Red Hill City Code City 2481 2484 2487 2490 2493 2496 2499 2502 2505 2508 2511 2514 2517 2520 2523 2524 2526 2527 2529 2532 2533 2535 2538 2539 2541 2544 2547 2550 2553 2556 2559 2562 2563 2565 2567 2566 2568 2571 2574 2577 2580 2583 2586 2589 Red Oak Red Rock Redden Redland Reed Reeding Remus Regnier Renfrow Rentiesville Retrop Reydon Rhea Richards Spur Richardsville Richland Richmond Ringling Ringold Ringwood Ripley Riverside Robbins Roberta Rock Island Rocky Roff Roland Roll Romulus Roosevelt Roscoe Rose Rosedale Rosston Roxana Rubottom Rufe Rush Springs Russell Russett Ryan S Coffeyville Sacred Heart B-12 City Code 2592 2595 2598 2601 2604 2607 2608 2610 2613 2616 2617 2619 2622 2623 2625 2626 2628 2631 2634 2637 2640 2641 2643 2646 2649 2652 2655 2658 2661 2662 2664 2667 2670 2673 2676 2679 2682 2685 2688 2691 2694 2697 2699 2700 City Saddle Mountain Sageeyah Salem Salina Sallisaw Salt Fork Sand Creek Sand Springs Sandbluff Sante Fe Sapulpa Sardis Sasakwa Savanna Sawyer Sayre Schoolton Schulter Scipio Scott Scraper Scullin Scullyville Searsville Sedan Seiling Selman Seminole Sentinel Sequoyah Seward Shady Point Shamrock Sharon Shattuck Shawnee Shawneetown Shay Sherman Sherwood Shidler Shinewell Shopton Short City Code City 2703 2706 2710 2712 2715 2718 2721 2724 2727 2730 2733 2739 2739 2742 2745 2748 2749 2751 2754 2757 2760 2763 2764 2766 2769 2772 2775 2778 2781 2783 2784 2787 2790 2793 2796 2799 2802 2805 2808 2811 2814 2817 2820 2823 Sid Signet Silo Silver City Simon Simpson Skedee Skiatook Skiatook Osage Skiatook Tulsa Slapout Slaughterville Slick Slickville Smith Village Smithville Sneed Snomac Snow Snyder Sobol Soper South Coffeyville Southard Sparks Spaulding Spavinaw Speer Speermoore Spencer Spencerville Sperry Spiro Sportsmen Acres Springer St Louis Stafford Stanley Stapt Steadman Stecker Stella Sterling Stidham B-13 City Code 2826 2829 2832 2833 2835 2838 2837 2846 2841 2847 2848 2849 2850 2853 2855 2854 2856 2859 2862 2865 2868 2871 2874 2877 2880 2883 2886 2889 2892 2895 2898 2901 2904 2905 2907 2709 2910 2913 2916 2917 2920 2921 2922 2925 City Stigler Stillwater Stilwell Stone Bluff Stonewall Strang Stratford Stringtown Strong City Stroud Stuart Sturgis Sugden Sulphur Summerfield Summit Sumner Sumpter Sunkist Supply Surrey Hills Sweetwater Swink Sylvian Tabler Taft Tahlequah Tahoma Talala Talihina Tallant Taloga Tamaha Tangier Tank Tatums Taylor Tecumseh Tegarden Temple Teresita Terlton Terral Texanna City Code City 2928 2931 2934 2937 2940 2943 2946 2949 2952 2955 2958 2961 2964 2967 2970 2973 2976 2977 2979 2982 2983 2985 2988 2991 2994 2997 3000 3003 3006 3009 3012 3015 3018 3021 3024 3027 3028 3030 3033 3036 3039 3042 3045 3048 Texhoma Texola Thackerville The Village Thomas Three Sands Ti Tiawah Tip Tipton Tishomingo Titanic Tom Tonkawa Topsy Trail Tribbey Trousdale Troy Tryon Tullahassee Tulsa Tupelo Turkey Ford Turley Turpin Tushka Tuskahoma Tuskegee Tussy Tuttle Tuxedo Twin Oaks Tyrola Tyrone Ulan Uncas Unger Union City Utica Valley Valley Brook Valliant Vamodsa B-14 City Code 3051 3054 3057 3058 3060 3063 3066 3069 3072 3075 3078 3081 3084 3087 3090 3091 3093 3096 3099 3102 3105 3108 3111 3114 3117 3120 3123 3126 3129 3132 3135 3138 3141 3144 3147 3150 3153 3156 3159 3162 3165 3166 3168 3171 City Vanoss Velma Vera Verden Verdigris Vernon Veterans Colony Vian Vici Victor Vinco Vinita Vinson Virgil Vivian Wade Wadena Wagoner Wainwright Wakita Wallville Walters Wanette Wann Wapanucka Wardville Warner Warr Acres Warren Warwick Washington Washita Waterloo Watonga Watova Watson Watts Wauhillau Waukomis Waurika Wayne Waynoka Weatherford Weathers City Code City 3174 3177 3180 3183 3186 3189 3190 3192 3195 3198 3201 3204 3207 3210 3213 3216 3217 3219 3222 3225 3226 3228 3231 3234 3237 3240 3243 3244 3245 3246 3249 3252 3255 3258 3261 3264 3267 3270 3273 3276 3279 3282 3285 3288 City Code Webb Webb City Webbers Falls Wekiwa Welch Weleetka Welling Wellston Welty Wesley West Siloam Springs Westville Westport Wetumka Wewoka Wheatland Wheeless White Bead White Oak Whitefield Whitesboro Wilburton Wildcat Williams Willis Willow Wilson Winchester Wirt Wister Witchey Wolco Wolf Woodford Woodlawn Park Woodville Woodward Wright City Wyandotte Wybark Wynnewood Wynona Yahola Yale B-15 3291 3294 3297 3300 3303 3306 3309 3312 3315 3318 3319 3321 3320 3324 3327 3330 3333 3334 3336 3339 3342 3345 3348 3351 3354 3357 3360 3363 3366 3369 3372 3375 3378 3381 3382 3384 3387 3390 3393 3396 3399 3402 3405 3408 City Yanush Yarnaby Yeager Yewed Yonkers Yost Yuba City Code City 3411 3414 3417 3420 3423 3424 3425 Yukon Zafra Zeb Zena Zincville Zoe B-16 City Code 3426 3429 3432 3435 3438 3441 Oklahoma - - County Codes 01 – Adair 02 – Alfalfa 03 – Atoka 04 – Beaver 05 – Beckham 06 – Blaine 07 – Bryan 08 – Caddo 09 – Canadian 10 – Carter 11 – Cherokee 12 – Choctaw 13 – Cimaron 14 – Cleveland 15 – Coal 16 – Comanche 17 – Cotton 18 – Craig 19 – Creek 20 – Custer 21 – Delaware 22 – Dewey 23 – Ellis 24 – Garfield 25 – Garvin 26 – Grady 27 – Grant 28 – Greer 29 – Harmon 30 – Harper 31 – Haskell 32 – Hughes 33 – Jackson 34 – Jefferson 35 – Johnson 36 – Kay 37 – Kingfisher 38 – Kiowa 39 – Latimer 40 – LeFlore 41 – Lincoln 42 – Logan 43 – Love 44 – McClain 45 – McCurtain 46 – McIntosh 47 – Major 48 – Marshall 49 – Mayes 50 – Murray 51 – Muskogee 52 – Noble 53 – Nowata 54 – Okfuskee 55 – Oklahoma 56 – Okmulgee 57 – Osage 58 – Ottawa 59 – Pawnee 60 – Payne 61 – Pittsburg 62 – Ponotoc 63 – Pottawatomie 64 – Pushmataha 65 – Roger Mills 66 – Rogers 67 – Seminole 68 – Sequoyah 69 – Stephens 70 – Texas 71 – Tillman 72 – Tulsa 73 – Wagoner 74 – Washington 75 – Washita 76 – Woods 77 – Woodward 88 – Out of State 99 – Unknown C-1 STANDARD ABBREVIATIONS FOR STATES OF THE UNITED STATES The two-character alphabetic codes below are recognized by the United States Postal Service and recommended for use as the standard code set in the NCHEMS Data Element Dictionary. Alabama............................................ AL Alaska ...............................................AK Arizona. ............................................ AZ Arkansas ........................................... AR California .......................................... CA Colorado ............................................CO Nebraska.......................................... NE Nevada ............................................. NV New Hampshire............................... NH New Jersey ....................................... NJ New Mexico .....................................NM New York ......................................... NY Connecticut ....................................... CT North Carolina ................................ NC Delaware...........................................DE Dist. Columbia .................................DC Florida .............................................. FL Georgia .............................................GA Hawaii ...............................................HI Idaho .................................................. ID Illinois ................................................ IL Indiana ..............................................IN North Dakota................................... ND Ohio .................................................. OH Oklahoma ........................................ OK Oregon ............................................. OR Pennsylvania .................................... PA Rhode Island ...................................... RI South Carolina ................................. SC South Dakota .................................... SD Iowa ................................................... IA Kansas .............................................. KS Kentucky .......................................... KY Louisiana .......................................... LA Maine ............................................... ME Maryland ......................................... MD Massachusetts ................................. MA Michigan ........................................... MI Minnesota ........................................ MN Tennessee .........................................TN Texas ................................................. TX Utah ..................................................UT Vermont ............................................ VT Virginia ............................................. VA Washington...................................... WA West Virginia................................... WV Wisconsin .......................................... WI Wyoming .......................................... WY Mississippi ....................................... MS Missouri ........................................... MO Montana .......................................... MT Foreign .............................................. ZZ Unknown .......................................... YY D-1 STANDARD ABBREVIATIONS FOR COUNTRIES OF THE WORLD The standard value set recommended to represent countries of the world is that of the U. S. Department of Commerce, National Bureau of Standards as reported in Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS) publication number 10-4, issued by the National Institute of Standards & Technology (NIST), April 1995, and updated by NIMA through January 2002. Countries, Dependencies, and Areas of Special Sovereignty with their assigned codes. Name Code Name Burma and Myanmar Burundi A Afghanistan Albania Algeria American Samoa Andorra Angola Anguilla Antarctica Antigua and Barbuda Argentina Armenia Aruba Ashmore and Cartier Islands Australia Austria Azerbaijan AF AL AG AQ AN AO AV AY AC AR AM AA AT AS AU AJ C Cambodia Cameroon Canada Cape Verde Cayman Islands Central African Republic Chad Chile China Christmas Island Clipperton Island Cocos (Keeling) Islands Colombia Comoros Congo, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Republic of the Cook Islands Coral Sea Islands Costa Rica Cote d' Ivoire Croatia Cuba Cyprus Czech Republic B The Bahamas Bahrain Baker Island Bangladesh Barbados Bassas da India Belarus Belgium Belize Benin Bermuda Bhutan Bolivia Bosnia & Herzegovina Botswana Bouvet Island Brazil British Indian Ocean Terr British Virgin Islands Brunei Bulgaria Burkina Faso Code BM BY BF BA FQ BG BB BS BO BE BH BN BD BT BL BK BC BV BR IO VI BX BU UV CB CM CA CV CJ CT CD CI CH KT IP CK CO CN CG CF CW CR CS IV HR CU CY EZ D Denmark Djibouti Dominica Dominican Republic DA DJ DO DR E East Timor Ecuador E-1 TT EC Countries, Dependencies, and Areas of Special Sovereignty With Their Assigned Codes. Name Code Name Code Egypt El Salvador Equatorial Guinea Eritrea Estonia Ethiopia Europa Island EG ES EK ER EN ET EU Howland Island Hungary HQ HU I Iceland India Indonesia Iran Iraq Ireland Israel Italy F Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas) Faroe Islands Fiji Finland France French Guiana French Polynesia French Southern & Antarctic Lands FA FO FJ FI FR FG FP FS J Jamaica Jan Mayen Japan Jarvis Island Jersey Johnston Atoll Jordan Juan de Nova Island G Gabon The Gambia Gaza Strip Georgia Germany Ghana Gibraltar Glorioso Islands Golan Heights Greece Greenland Grenada Guadeloupe Guam Guatemala Guernsey Guinea Guinea-Bissau Guyana GB GA GZ GG GM GH GI GO SY GR GL GJ GP GQ GT GK GV PU GY JM JN JA DQ JE JQ JO JU K Kazakhstan Kenya Kingman Reef Kiribati Korea North Korea South Kuwait Kyrgyzstan KZ KE KQ KR KN KS KU KG L Laos Latvia Lebanon Lesotho Liberia Libya Liechtenstein Lithuania Luxembourg H Haiti Heard Island & McDonald Islands Holy City (Vatican City) Honduras Hong Kong IC IN ID IR IZ EI IS IT HA HM VT HO HK LA LG LE LT LI LY LS LH LU M Macau E-2 MC Countries, Dependencies, and Areas of Special Sovereignty With Their Assigned Codes. (continued) Name Code Macedonia, The Republic of Madagascar Malawi Malaysia Maldives Mali Malta Man, Isle of Marshall Islands Martinique Mauritania Mauritius Mayotte Mexico Micronesia, Federated States of Midway Islands Moldova Monaco Mongolia Montenegro Montserrat Morocco Mozambique MK MA MI MY MV ML MT IM RM MB MR MP MF MX FM MQ MD MN MG MW MH MO MZ Name P Pakistan Palau Palmyra Atoll Panama Papua New Guinea Paracel Islands Paraguay Peru Philippines Pitcairn Islands Poland Portugal Puerto Rico Qatar QA R Reunion Romania Russia Rwanda RE RO RS RW S WA NR BQ NP NL NT NC NZ NU NG NI NE NF CQ NO Saint Kitts and Nevis Saint Helena Saint Lucia Saint Pierre and Miquelon Saint Vincent and The Grenadines Samoa San Marino Sao Tome and Principe Saudi Arabia Senegal Serbia and Montenegro Seychelles Sierra Leone Singapore Slovakia Slovenia Soloman Islands Somalia O Oman PK PS LQ PM PP PF PA PE RP PC PL PO RQ Q N Namibia Nauru Navassa Island Nepal Netherlands Netherlands Antilles New Caledonia New Zealand Nicaragua Niger Nigeria Niue Norfolk Island Northern Mariana Islands Norway Name MU E-3 SC SH ST SB VC WS SM TP SA SG SR SE SL SN LO SI BP SO Countries, Dependencies, and Areas of Special Sovereignty With Their Assigned Codes. (continued) Name Code Name Code CodeName W South Africa South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands Spain Spratly Islands Sri Lanka Sudan Suriname Svalbard Swaziland Sweden Switzerland Syria SF SX Wake Island Wallis and Futuna West Bank Western Sahara SP PG CE SU NS SV WZ SW SZ SY Y Yemen Yugoslavia Zambia Zimbabwe Unknown TW TI TZ TH TO TL TN TD TE TS TU TX TK TV U Uganda Ukraine United Arab Emirates United Kingdom United States Uruguay Uzbekistan UG UP TC UK US UY UZ V Vanuatu Venezuela Vietnam Virgin Islands YM YU Z T Taiwan Tajikistan Tanzania Thailand Togo Tokelau Tonga Trinidad & Tobago Tromelin Island Tunisia Turkey Turkmenistan Turks & Caicos Islands Tuvalu WQ WF WE WI NH VE VM VQ E-4 ZA ZI ZZ C