d- Okiah o ma P ress Service 3601 North Liosaln Biud. Oklaboma Ci tyAK 731 05Yeice [4051499 -0020 Fax (405) 499-004 8 Page 1 Monday , Apri l 27, 2009 03 : 35 P M P'rn ofo f Pub/i c a tio n - Ord e r Num b e r 0 9- 01-Z 6 I , Cindy Shea , of lawful age , being duly sworn upon oath , deposes and says : That I am the Authorized Agent of IDABEL MCCURTAIN DAILY GAZETTE , a Daily newspaper printed and published in the city of IDABEL , county of McCurtain , and state of Oklahoma , and that the adve rt isement referred to , a true and printed copy of which is here unto attached , was published in said IDABEL MCCURTAIN DAILY GAZETTE in consecutive issues on the following dates-to- wit : Inse rt ion : 04/08/2009 That said newspaper has been published continuously and uninterruptedly in said county during a period of one-hundred and fou r consecutive weeks prior to the publication of the attached notice or adve rt isement ; that it has been admitt ed to the United States mail as second- class ma i l matter; that it has a general paid circulation , and publishes news of general interest , and otherwise conforms with all of the statutes of the Oklahoma gove rn ing legal publications . PUBLICATION FEE $61 . 20 (Edit , Publisher or Authorized Agent) abb~ -J l FILE APR 2 9 2009 D COURT CLERK ' 5 QFFICE- O NC CORPORATION coM M rssioR OF OKLAHOMA SUBSCRIBED and sworn to me this 27 day of Apr i l 2009 . ( Nota ry Pu l i 0- o'N A'J ~Y 4' = ~ b~t~05J1 ~ QO LN r a, !~„~ `,~ Ad-V antageT"' version 6.20 by Cus to mware, Inc . Co p yright 2001-2005 Registere d To : O W ahoma P ress Association 8EF{?RE TFIE G4FtP0RA71M COMMISSION 4 F Tti E Sl'A7E OF OKLAHOMA nPPuCA1'InN OF PuBLiC SERVIC 1ECOMPANYFoKtHnrps0 TO RECOVER ALL COSTS INCURRED ) CAUSE NO . PUa 21Mk90tM331 FROM TWO WIND POWER RESOURC N V. LLC-EcCrAtR,TS(BLUWYO AND NEXTE 3AAFFILIATF. l..t. :C.) THROUGH THE FUEL COST ►1DJt1Sfih ENT AiClEF1 ~ NOTICE OF HEARIN G NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Pubiic Ssn** Company of Oklahoma CP$01 has tiled an Applicadon with the 01datminiw Corpora6on Ceorm"cn (`Ca ►nmtissianl for cost reoaYery ap x ral of two renewable wind energy purchase agreements fpr wir,d energy teSaarces. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIV E N that the hearing wiil be heard before the Ad, tnini5trative t.dw Judge on the 3 01h day of Apri12DU9. at i 0: 00 a.na„ in Courtrottm B. Ficst Floor 41 the Jrm Thorpe 0111e Wlding . 2101 MaM Liowth Bnlevafd, caklahoris City, Oklahoma 73105. NOTICE IS FU€i7'HER Gt'V EEpFF that PSO shall publish this, notice of teacing once (i) at least fiileen (15) days prior to the hearirg in the edition s of the Tulsa World and The OWhwman new4opers and addii(onrMaiUy in news"us o f gen etai arcufaiias in the fallowirg cunfies : F~~aha . McOurtaln. C?iactwAtvka, Johnston. Roger Mi',is, JeIWsw, CAlor1, Tillman, ,tacisson, Narmmn . Cwew, and Beckham ' • " NttlitCE IS FURTHER GIYEN that all inteaesCed persons may Wear and be heard and that the Commission shag, aher hearing and taking of evidenCe, issue such orders and grant such celiet as it deems reasonaVe, lair, necessary, praper, and eqniEabls under the circumstacocas, whetter or not spsctrAlly reqmW x For WonnatCan canceming, this acuan, coract Jack R File, 1001 N,W. 63,, i Street, Sufie 500: Oklahoma City, OK 79118. Telephone (405) ~842•7559. Attorney for Public S+~a Cornpan~r at C4dahoma at Joann Stevenson, Aftney for Public Swr+ica Cvmparty at (445) 849-1302; Eiaabeth J. Stelanik, Assistant General Caun• sel at (405) 522a2100 iac CommirAim SM. t"KLAHC~~`.A C{1RPOR1"TIOt+1 COMMISSION 8 M ANTHONY, Cha7nan JE FF CtOUD, Y~ce Chairrcian OANA L MUF3PF{Y, Commissione r DONE AND PERFORMED THIS~ti ' DAY OF MARCH, M. BY ORDER OF THE G4MMt5S sON; PEGGY W!l3'CHELL, Commission Secietary