The Odyssey – Study Guide

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The Odyssey – Study Guide (50 pts. Due on test day)
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Part 1 Summary
A. Sailing from Troy
 Who does Homer ask for inspiration at the beginning of the story? Explain who they are
Who is Homer?
Who is Calypso and what does she do to Odysseus?
Does Odysseus give his heart to Calypso? How do you know?
What happened at the island of the Cicones? Be specific.
B. The Lotus-Eaters
 How long did they drift after Zeus created a storm?
What is a lotus?
What effect does the lotus have on the people who eat it?
How does Odysseus’ crew escape the lotus eaters?
C. The Cyclops
 What is the Cyclops’ name? What does it mean?
Why is the Cyclops immediately angry with Odysseus and his men?
What is the Greek custom of hospitality?
How can hospitality be applied in this story?
What plan does Odysseus come up with to escape the cave?
What does Odysseus tell the Cyclops his name is?
Why was this a good idea? What happened?
What is hubris? How does this apply to
What does Odysseus do to the Cyclops when he leaves?
How does the Cyclops react? What happens as a result?
D. The Land of the Dead
 What happens in Aeolia?
What does King Aelous give Odysseus? Be specific.
In regards to the gift, how does Odysseus’ men act mutinous?
What happens as a result?
Who are the Laestrygonians?
What does Circe do to half of Odysseus’ men?
Circe tells Odysseus to go to the Land of the Dead to meet with who??
What is this person going to do for Odysseus?
Besides Tiresias, who does Odysseus see in The Land of the Dead? How did those people die?
List all parts of the prediction Tiresias tells Odysseus:
Circe told Odysseus he would encounter three more dangers. What were they?
E. The Sirens
 What are the Sirens?
What effect do they have over the men?
What does Odysseus have to do to avoid the Sirens. There are TWO things.
F. Scylla and Charybdis
 Describe Scylla?
Describe Charybdis?
Why does Odysseus not tell his crew about Scylla and Charybdis?
Odysseus gives his men a “pep talk”. What examples does he use?
G. The Cattle of the Sun God
 Who is the Sun God?
What did Tiresias tell Odysseus about the cattle?
What happens with the cattle? Why?
How does Zeus react?