Pastor, Westside Baptist Church
Rapid City, SD
For information on how you can be part of the Sturgis Bike Rally, go to the ministry website at
There are four ways you can help with the rally:
1) Prayer : We are looking for prayer teams to prayer walk/drive/ride
Sturgis during our 30 Days of Prayer for the Rally. Also, if you cannot come to Sturgis to pray, you can do our virtual prayer walk at the website.
2) Teams : We are looking for teams to come and share testimonies under the tent during the rally week. Register at the website and request free housing. Training will be provided. Each work session at the tent is four hours.
3) Materials : Over 100,000 bikers will pass our booth each day during the rally. We need biker New Testaments and tracts to distribute. Any donations toward the purchase of these materials would be appreciated.
4) Financial : We have a budget of $55,000 for the rally. This budget provides training, booth and vendor spot rental, a Harley Davidson motorcycle, housing, city fees, and other expenses. Donations can be sent to:
Dakota Baptist Convention
P.O. Box 770
Sioux Falls, SD 57101-0770
Part 1: Our Father who art in Heaven
Day 1 It's all about God!
Day 2 A Thirst only God can Quench
Part 2: Hallowed be Thy Name
Day 3 The Name that Unites
Day 4 God in the Flesh
Day 5 His Name is on the Line
Part 3: Thy Kingdom Come, Thy Will be Done
Day 6
Day 7
Knowing God's Will
The Guiding Light
Day 8 The Example of Jesus
Day 9 A Vessel in God's Hand
Day 10 Running beyond the Brick Wall
Part 4: Give Us this Day our Daily Bread
Day 11 Opportunities to Share
Day 12 Mighty Prayer Warriors
Day 13 Workers in the Field
Day 14 Faithful Givers
Day 15 Divine Presence
Part 5: Forgive Us our Debts
Day 16 Roadblocks to Effectiveness
Day 17 Understanding Sin
Day 18 What Sin Does
Day 19 Dealing with Sin
Day 20 The Biggest Word
Part 6: Lead Us and Deliver Us
Exodus 2:23-25
Psalm 143
I Corinthians 3:1-3
John 1:1-5, 14
I Corinthians 6:1-8
I Corinthians 2:9-14
Proverbs 30:5-6
John 5:17-20
Jeremiah 18:1-6
I Kings 19:1-18
John 4:1-39
Exodus 32:7-14
Matthew 9:35-38
Ephesians 2:11-22
II Timothy 4:14-18
I Timothy 2:9-15
Psalm 51:1-6
Isaiah 59:1-8
Psalm 32:1-5
Matthew 6:12-15
Day 21 Wherever He Leads, I'll Go
Day 22 Watch those Handles!
Day 23 Exposure and Instruction
Day 24 The Victory of the Resurrection
Day 25 Knocked Down but not Out!
Jonah 3:1-4
I Timothy 3:1-13
Judges 3:1-4
I Corinthians 15:50-58
II Corinthians 4:7-18
Part 7: Thine is the Kingdom, Power, and Glory Forever. Amen!
Day 26 The Kingdom of God is at Hand Mark 1:14-15
Day 27 The Power of the Cross I Corinthians 1:18-25
Day 28 When the Spirit has Come
Day 29 What is Your Idol?
For further Study
Sturgis Rally Information
Day 30 The Same in every Language
John 16:7-15
I Corinthians 10:14-22
Psalm 150
Dean, Jennifer Kennedy. Heart's Cry: Principles of Prayer. (Birmingham:
New Hope), 1992.
Elliff, Tom. A Passion for Prayer. (Wheaton: Crossway), 1998.
Ferguson, Rick. The Servant Principle. (Nashville: Broadman), 1999.
Floyd, Ronnie. Reconnecting: How to Renew and Preserve Three Vital
Elements of a Powerful Spiritual Life. (Nashville: Broadman), 1993.
Frizzell, Greg. How to Develop a Powerful Prayer Life. (Memphis:
The Master Design), 1999.
__________. Returning to Holiness: A Personal and Churchwide
Journey to Revival. (Memphis: The Master Design), 2000.
Getz, Gene. The Walk: The Measure of Spiritual Maturity. (Nashville:
Broadman), 1994.
Hemphill, Ken. The Prayer of Jesus. (Nashville: Broadman), 2001.
Hunt, T. W. The Mind of Christ. (Nashville: Broadman), 1995.
LaHaye, Beverly. Prayer: God's Comfort for Today's Family. (Nashville:
Thomas Nelson), 1990.
MacDonald, Gordon. Restoring Your Spiritual Passion. (Nashville:
Oliver Nelson), 1986.
Murray, Andrew. With Christ in the School of Obedience. (Wheaton:
Victor Books), 1986.
Olford, Stephen. The Way of Holiness. (Wheaton: Crossway), 1998.
Stanley, Charles. How to Listen to God. (Nashville: Thomas Nelson),
One day after Jesus finished praying, His disciples approached and said, " Lord, teach us to pray as John taught His disciples " (Luke 11:1). If
Jesus had been like most of us, He would have scowled and rebuked them with, "Everybody knows how to pray. Just talk to God!"
Praying is as simple as talking to God; yet it is such a critical part of our walk with Christ that Jesus answered their question. His answer is still changing lives today. The prayer He taught was simple enough for a child, yet deep enough to keep the greatest Bible scholar humbly seeking God for a lifetime.
The Lord's Prayer provides a model that teaches us the kinds of things we can "talk to God" about. It begins with praise, moves to seeking God's Kingdom and righteousness, continues with bringing our needs as well as our shortcomings to the Father, seeks God's direction, and concludes with another cacophony of praise. Nothing is missing.
Every need, concern, and care is addressed.
The Master's petition provides a powerful framework as we approach every situation. This is particularly true as we prepare for a week of ministry at the Sturgis Bike Rally this August.
God works in, through, and around those that have been prepared.
Our preparation must take the form of humbly praying, seeking God, and turning from sin. These devotionals are a tool in that preparation. I challenge you to heed God's Word and call on the Lord for a great moving of His Holy Spirit, not just this August, but beginning now . . . right where you are. Use these devotionals to "seek God's face." Spend time each day talking to God and listening to Him through His Word. Get up an hour early. Turn the television off at night. Do whatever it takes!
The devotionals follow the pattern given by Jesus in the Lord's
Prayer. Each day you will study a passage of Scripture and spend time calling out to God using the pathway established by Jesus. Keep in mind,
God has promised to bless His Word, not mine. Read through the Bible verses two or three times and seek to understand what God is saying.
After you have spent time alone in God's Word, then read through the devotional material. Use a notebook to record insights from your reading and to deal with the Questions for Spiritual Preparation .
Finally, spend more time in prayer, using the daily Praying for Sturgis to prompt your conversation with the Master.
In the Master's Service,
Fred MacDonald
Senior Pastor
Westside Baptist Church
Rapid City, South Dakota
Ask God to do a great work in you, so you are prepared for Him to do a great work through you!
Day 1
Part 1: Our Father who art in Heaven
Text: Exodus 2:23-25
Focus : " God heard their groaning; and God remembered His covenant with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. And God saw the sons of Israel and took notice of them ." (vv. 24-25)
Your boss hands you an assignment. The material tells you what the final product is supposed to be, but does not tell you how to do it or what resources to use. He gives you no guidance and never checks to see how you are doing. You can only call on him "if it is a dire emergency."
You do the best you can, but on the day the job is due he walks in and chews you out, because it wasn't done right. What would you think of this kind of boss? I hear some of you saying, "Yep! That's my boss, alright!"
Some folks look at God this way. They act like God has given them the major assignment of living life and accomplishing His will "the best they can." If things get really bad, they scream for help, but by and large they are "Lone Ranger" Christians. That is not the God of the Bible!
Find 100 Christians who have read Exodus and ask, "Who is the 'star' of Exodus?" I bet more than 80% say Moses. A casual reading may lead you to believe this. Moses is saved from the bulrushes and raised by
Pharaoh's daughter. Moses kills the Egyptian soldier. Moses tends sheep on the backside of the desert. Moses sees the burning bush.
Moses returns to Egypt to lead God's people, and so on, and so on.
Read deeper!
Look at today's verses. God already had a plan to rescue Israel, long before He called Moses." In fact, when He called Moses, He said, " I have surely seen the affliction of My people who are in Egypt, and have given heed to their cry . . . So I have come down to deliver them " (Ex. 3:7-8).
Exodus is not about Moses; it is about God ! God was already moving with compassion toward His people. He simply wanted to include Moses.
Moses, on the other hand, was on the backside of the desert feeling useless and forgotten. Do you ever feel that way? But, even as Moses wondered, God was busy! And, He has not changed! God is already at work in Sturgis. He wants you to be a part. Are you willing? Are you ready? Let's spend some time at the burning bush letting God prepare our lives to play the part He has for us in what He is already doing.
Praying for Sturgis: Ask God for the patience to wait on Him, the vision to see His will, and the boldness to follow.
Questions for Spiritual Preparation:
1. How did God show that He still loved His people?
2. What are some ways God shows His love toward you?
3. What areas of your life do you sense a need for God to develop?
Day 30 Text: Psalm 150
Focus : " Let everything that has breath praise the LORD. Praise the
LORD !" (v. 6)
There is a word that is the same is every language. Go to Japan and hear someone shout this word and it will bring a smile to your face. Hear this word declared in Thai, and you will know exactly what the person is saying. German, French, Spanish, Burmese, and, yes, even English.
What is that word? Let me keep you in suspense just a moment longer.
If you were to read a Hebrew copy of Psalm 150 you would find one word repeated thirteen times. Yep! It is the word that is spoken by believers all around the world. Figure it out yet? It is, "H allel-Yah ," or,
"hallelujah!" Hallel means "praise" and "Yah" is an abbreviated form of
"Yahweh" . . . God. It literally means, "Praise the LORD!"
David declares that everyone should praise God. If you breathe, you qualify! Everyone will praise God one day. The Bible says demons praise
Jesus. The inhabitants of hell will praise Him; though it will come too late.
Even the atheist will bow his knee and say, "Jesus is Lord!" Don't wait that long. Here are four ways to praise Him:
1) Consciously praise Him in every place and situation. Be intentional about praising Jesus, especially when things aren't going well.
2) Take time to see the creative handiwork of God. Deliberately notice
His hand in the events of your life. In other words, stop blaming coincidence ! Stand in awe of who He is and what He does.
3) Openly proclaim the honor He is due. Begin to use words of praise.
Words like: "amen, praise the Lord, hallelujah, I exalt you, magnify, and glory." Don't use them in a casual and flippant manner, though. I was watching a Christian show. A guest was explaining an ordinary thing his dog had done. The host laughed and replied, "Well, amen to that." Let these words flow from a genuine, heartfelt desire to praise Him.
4) Praise Him with your life as well as your lips. May Jesus never have to say of us what God said through Isaiah, " These people draw near Me with their mouth and honor Me with their lips, but their heart is far from Me, and in vain they worship Me " (Isa. 29:13). Let your life say:
Praying for Sturgis : Spend today discovering ways and opportunities to declare to Jesus, "HALLELUJAH." Begin to praise God for who He is and how He will make Himself known in Sturgis.
Questions for Spiritual Preparation :
1. How can you praise God in the midst of pain and difficulty?
2. Make a list of five things or situations that you can give God praise for.
Day 29 Text: I Corinthians 10:14-22
Focus : " Therefore, my beloved, flee from idolatry ." (v. 14)
"Idols? Aren't they those little statues that were used in those weird religions a long time ago? Maybe they still have idols deep in the jungles of Africa, but not me. I don't have any idols."
Is that something you might say? If so, listen to Paul's counsel to the
Corinthians, " Let him who thinks he stands take heed, lest he fall " (I Cor.
10:12). New Webster's Dictionary gives three definitions of "idol": 1) an image of a deity as an object of worship, 2) a false god, and (don't miss this one) 3) an object of excessive devotion.
An idol is anything that usurps God's rightful place on the throne of your life. An idol can be a job or a possession. It can even be a relationship. Anything that receives more of your devotion than Jesus has become an idol and Paul's command is "flee!" Like temptation, idolatry is something that must be resisted. When Joseph was confronted with the seductive overtures of Potiphar's wife he did not debate or try to reason, HE RAN! His reason? " How then could I do this great evil and sin against God " (Gen. 39:9).
Jesus' prayer for His disciples concludes with, " For Thine is the
Kingdom, and the power, AND THE GLORY ." God deserves our best of everything: our best effort, our best time, and our best devotion. Does work keep you from your walk with Christ? It is an idol. Do you devote more time to your car than Kingdom work? It is an idol. Has a friend taken Jesus' place in your heart? Go ahead, you finish the sentence.
You will see plenty of "idols" in Sturgis. We need to get rid of ours now. I'm not necessarily suggesting you quit your job, sell your car, or change friends, although each of these are better options than walking away from Christ (Matt. 18:7-9). Changes that do not root out idolatrous attitudes will lead you to simply change idols. You do need to review your priorities. Be sure to reserve your "excessive devotion" for Jesus.
Praying for Sturgis : Ask God to let the light of His Holy Spirit expose anyone or anything in your life that has taken His place in your heart.
Questions for Spiritual Preparation :
1. Track the time you spend on relationships and activities this week.
2. Based on what you see, is there an idol in your life? What will you do?
3. What dangers exist in not dealing with idols before coming to Sturgis?
Day 2 Text: Psalm 143
Focus : " I stretch out my hands to Thee; my soul longs for Thee, as a parched land." (v. 6)
Have you ever sought God, but it seemed as if He was nowhere to be found? You're not alone. David cried out to God in desperate loneliness in this psalm. He longed to see God's face. His soul was parched like the throat of a man who can't find his way out of the desert. He begged for
God's presence . . . still he felt alone.
The difference between David and today's believers, though, was that he refused to give up. He doggedly persisted until he saw God. He was so certain God would not abandon him that he boldly made the desires of his heart known. " Teach me to do Thy will " and " O LORD, revive me "
(vv. 10-11), came from the depths of a soul that was seeking God's face.
Jacob was running for his life when he encountered God. His brother
Esau had vowed to kill him, so Jacob vowed to stay one step ahead of him. That night God appeared to Jacob and the two engaged in a holy wrestling match. As the morning rose, Jacob seemed to have the upper hand. He said, " I will not let You go unless You bless me " (Gen. 32:28), and God did. Jacob had persisted until he saw God's face and felt God's hand. He named the place "Peniel," which means, "the face of God."
God moves in the lives of those who want it desperately enough to seek His face and who doggedly persist until they see that sweet countenance. Paul wrote to a group of his friends that had grown tired in their walk with Christ, " And let us not lose heart in doing good, for in due time we shall reap if we do not grow weary " (Gal. 6:9).
It is tempting as we prepare for Sturgis to start praying about the events that will happen this summer. Don't succumb! God wants to spend time with you before you spend time in Sturgis. He wants to do something in you now so He can do something through you in August.
That must be your starting point in preparing for Sturgis.
How desperately do you desire a work of God in your life? Are you thirsty enough to seek God's face? Are you desperate enough to wrestle with God in prayer?
Praying for Sturgis : Seek God's face. Keep going before God until you clearly see His will and hear His voice.
Questions for Spiritual Preparation:
1. How do the problems of life seem to hide God's face at times?
2. What did David do to seek God's face?
3. What situation in your life is calling for you to seek God persistently?
Part 2: Hallowed be Thy Name
Day 3 Text: I Corinthians 1:1-3
Focus : " To the church of God at Corinth . . . saints by calling with all who in every place call upon the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.
" (v. 2)
Some are tall, others short. Some have narrow waistlines; many of us are "girth-enhanced." Maybe you prefer bacon and eggs for breakfast.
I'm happy with a bowl of oatmeal. Do you like contemporary Christian music or perhaps the Gaither Vocal Band? Here's a biggie . . . King
James Version or the NIV? Perhaps you prefer the New American
Let's face it. We're different when it comes to who we are and what we are like. As Christians, however, we have a bond that is stronger and more significant than our distinctions. It is a bond that traces back to
Genesis. " And to Seth a son was born, and he called his name Enosh.
Then men began to call upon the name of the Lord " (Gen. 4:26).
For generations the faithful have called on the name of the Lord. They call on His name for salvation (Ps. 116:13, Acts 2:21, Ro. 10:13). They call on His name as an act of worship (Ps. 116:17, Zeph. 3:9). As the stones flew, Stephen " called upon the Lord and said, 'Lord Jesus, receive my spirit' " (Acts 7:59). Wouldn't that be a great joy to see your
Savior's face for the first time and have His name on your lips?
Paul was writing to a badly divided church. Some of their differences were trivial. Others were major doctrinal or moral issues that would have to be resolved for fellowship to continue. But the foundation for unity was a name: the name that is above every other name, the name at which knees bow and demons tremble. It is the only name upon which you can call and be saved (Acts 4:12). And, that name is Jesus.
Those who come to Sturgis to serve Christ this summer will be different in many ways. We will look different, talk different, and have different ways of looking at things. There is, however, one thing that unites us. It is a name and it is more important than anything that divides us. It is the name we must call on and rely on as we come to Sturgis this
August. And the name is Jesus
Praying for Sturgis : Let the name of Jesus be in your heart, on your mind, and on your lips.
Questions for Spiritual Preparation :
1. Have you called on the name of the Lord for salvation?
2. If not, call on Jesus and receive Him as your Lord and Savior.
3. If so, how can calling on the name of the Lord affect your daily life?
4. How will calling on the name of the Lord affect your time in Sturgis?
Day 28 Text: John 16:7-15
Focus : " And He, when He comes will convict the world concerning sin, and righteousness, and judgment ." (v. 8)
What did 9/11 do to you? Do you remember the moment you heard?
How did you feel? That day will forever be etched in our minds. The disciples must have felt like a bomb had been dropped on their world.
Jesus was leaving them. He did promise to " come again and receive you unto Myself, that where I am, there you may be also " (John 14:3). But
His words, if they heard them at all, had to have rung hollow.
Jesus understood. So, He gave them another promise. " I will ask the
Father and He will give you another Helper that He may be with you forever " (John 14:16). Throughout the rest of the evening Jesus began to unfold for them one of the greatest truths of Scripture, the Holy Spirit.
The Holy Spirit is more than a cold, sterile doctrinal statement. He is
God dwelling in man! He is God's promise to complete what He began when He saved you. He is God's power alive and at work in you!
Jesus told His disciples they would recognize the Spirit had come because three things would happen. First, souls would be saved. The
Spirit convicts the sinner of sin, calls the sinner to righteousness, and challenges the sinner about judgment. If the Spirit is at work in you, souls will be saved. At the close of Revelation, John declared, " The Spirit and the bride say come " (Rev. 22:17). Inviting the lost to come to Jesus is what the Spirit does. It is what Christ's bride does--and we are the bride.
Second, saints will be strengthened. Jesus had more to share, but He knew they couldn't handle it right then. He promised the Spirit would come and strengthen them. The word is " paraclete ." It means "to come alongside of." It carries the idea of advise, comfort, and intercede. The
Spirit comes alongside of believers to strengthen them. And if He is at work in you, He will strengthen others through you.
Finally, the Savior will shine. The Holy Spirit does not draw attention to Himself. He points to Jesus, for Jesus is the focal point of the gospel.
If the Spirit is at work in you, the Savior will shine through your life.
Is something missing in your walk with Christ? Maybe you are wondering if you will ever see God's power in your life again. Today, surrender to the work of the Spirit.
Praying for Sturgis : Ask God to empower, equip, and encourage you so that through you souls are saved, saints are strengthened, and the
Savior shines.
Questions for Spiritual Preparation :
1. What are some evidences in your life that the Spirit is at work?
2. Why will the Spirit's work in you be important as you come to Sturgis?
Day 27 Text: I Corinthians 1:18-25
Focus : " The word of the cross is to those who are perishing foolishness, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God." (v. 18)
The words are few, but the message is potent:
Our God is an awesome God; He reigns from heaven above,
With wisdom, power, and love; our God is an awesome God .
We serve a powerful and awesome God. Paul wrote that the cross itself bears testimony to His strength to those of us " who are being saved ."
The cross provides salvation on three levels. As a former grammar teacher I like to think of salvation in three tenses. We WERE saved. The past tense of salvation is justification. At the moment you called on Christ as Lord and Savior you were snatched from death unto life. You were saved from the penalty of sin.
Salvation's present tense is sanctification; you ARE BEING saved.
Each day as you walk with Jesus sin loses more and more of its grip on your life. You are being saved from the power of sin.
There is also a future tense to salvation; you WILL BE saved. This is glorification. There is a coming day when we will stand before our Savior.
We will see Him as He is. What a day that will be, when we are saved from the very presence of sin.
This is a mystery to those who do not know Jesus. They find it foolish that we would build our lives around a two thousand year old event. To them the word of the cross is, in the words of Marx, " the opiate of the people ." But what the world calls wisdom leads to destruction and what they dismiss as fantasy is the only way to life (v. 21). The god they serve is weak. Our God is an awesome God!
This is the God we will introduce in Sturgis. The responses we receive will be varied. Some will mock, others will be angry, and many will yawn with indifference. The good news, though, is that our God is an awesome God . . . and many we talk to will bow their knee and experience the power of the cross.
Praying for Sturgis : Thank God for the power of the cross, which has saved you, is saving you, and will save you.
Questions for Spiritual Preparation :
1. Write a letter to God thanking Him for His powerful salvation.
2. Write a letter to a lost friend; share with him/her how Jesus can save
from the penalty, the presence, and the power of sin.
Day 4 Text: John 1:1-5, 14
Focus : " And the Word became flesh, and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory, glory as of the only begotten from the Father, full of grace and truth ." (v. 14)
What is God like? It would certainly help if we could see Him, if we could touch Him, if we could hear His words audibly. One thing that separates Christianity from other religions is our knowledge of God. A common thread of other faiths is that man must get to God. The message of the gospel is that God not only came to man, He became a man.
In the Bible we see the glory of God revealed in Christ. We see what
God is like. We hear His words. We feel His touch. Not only can you experience Him, you can know Him. Think about that; you can know the
Creator of the universe better than you know your own father. You can have a closer relationship with Him than you have with your best friend.
John gives a powerful word picture of God living with man. " And the
Word became flesh, and dwelt among us ." The word translated dwelt is the word for tabernacle. John took a noun and turned it into a verb. God
"tabernacled" among us. The word would create in the mind of John's
Jewish readers a picture of the Old Testament tabernacle. As Israel wandered through the wilderness, they would periodically stop and set up the tabernacle. In the midst of the tabernacle, in the Holy of holies, they placed the Ark of the Covenant. God's presence would rest upon the Ark and His glory would shine for miles around. It was a visible picture that God was dwelling amongst His people.
John said, "Jesus 'tabernacled' among us. We saw His glory . . . WE
SAW GOD!" The disciples did not fully grasp this truth at first. Philip said,
" Lord, show us the Father, and it is enough for us " (John 14:8). Jesus replied, " Have I been so long with you, yet you have not come to know
Me, Philip? He who has seen Me has seen the Father " (John 14:9).
But, the best part of knowing Jesus is that He knows you. How sweet will it be to hear Him call your name and say, " Well done, good and faithful servant "?
Praying for Sturgis : Give praise to your Master who knows you by name. Pray for those you know who have not received Him as Savior.
Questions for Spiritual Preparation :
1. What evidence do we have that Jesus is God?
2. Why did Jesus come as a man?
Day 5 Text: I Corinthians 6:1-8
Focus : " It is a defeat for you that you have lawsuits with one another.
Why not rather be wronged? Why not rather be defrauded?" (v. 7)
A man, upset by the appointments of a former Southern Baptist president, filed a lawsuit against the leader and the denomination. It was summarily (and rightly) dismissed by the courts. They said it was an internal religious matter and they had no business settling it. Isn't it sad when the world seems to know God's Word better than God's people do?
Paul rebuked Corinth for turning to worldly judges to resolve spiritual issues. They expected those that judge the " matters in this life " (v. 4) to settle matters of Kingdom life. This was no small problem. Paul said, " I say this to your shame " (v. 5). When he corrected their bickering amongst themselves he said, " I do not write these things to shame you, but to admonish you " (4:14). But in this he did want them to be ashamed.
Why? Their conduct was damaging the name of Christ out in the world.
Pastor Tony Evans recalled causing trouble as a boy several blocks from home. A lady, who knew his mom, grabbed him, whipped him, and then escorted him to his house where she discussed the problem with his mother over a cup of coffee. When the woman left his mom whipped him again! He said, "Mom! I already got spanked!" She said, "That one was for what you did. This one is for disgracing your family's name in public!"
God cares about what we do within the walls of His house. He also cares about what we do in the world because His name is on the line.
The way we act in public can help or hinder the cause of Christ.
Mohammed's mother was a Christian, but as a man he was so hurt by the lives of believers he knew, he went on a quest for something "real."
How would our world be different if the founder of Islam had seen an accurate picture of the Savior?
How would the lives of those you know be different if they saw an accurate picture of Jesus from you?
Praying for Sturgis : Ask God to help you guard the beauty of the name of Jesus by the way you act before you go to Sturgis, while you are in
Sturgis, and in the days after you return home from Sturgis.
Questions for Spiritual Preparation :
1. What are some ways Jesus' name can be hurt in Sturgis by believers?
2. What can you do now to prepare yourself to guard the name of Jesus?
Part 7: Thine is the Kingdom, Power, and Glory. Amen!
Day 26 Text: Mark 1:14-15
Focus : " The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand (v. 15)
Every kingdom needs three things. First, there must be a ruler that has authority and power. Second, that ruler must have a realm of subjects to rule over. Finally, he must have a reign; that is, the authority and power must actually be exercised.
God's Kingdom is the perfect kingdom. There is a king; His name is
Jesus. Before His ascension Jesus told His followers, " All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth " (Matt. 28:18). Notice His authority is not limited to heaven. Jesus' authority extends everywhere.
Who are the subjects of this kingdom? That's easy, Christians, right?
Those who bow their knee and call Jesus "Lord" are citizens of Christ's realm. But look at this: " The earth is the LORD's and all it contains, the world and those who dwell in it " (Ps. 24:1). Denying Jesus does not remove a person from the reach of His Kingdom. His authority extends over everyone. He is not just a king. He is THE King of kings!
The rest of Mark 1 shows King Jesus using His authority. He exercises authority over Satan (vv. 21-28, 40-45), sickness (vv. 29-34), and salvation (vv. 35-39). In Acts He exercises His authority through His people. The epistles are calls from some of His subjects to surrender to the King's authority. His Kingdom is forever, for " there will be no end to the increase of His government of peace " (Isa. 9:6). The Bible even closes with a promise from the King, " Yes, I am coming quickly " (Rev.
22:20). And we who eagerly await His return cry out with John, " Amen!
Come, Lord Jesus !"
Don't miss the urgency in Jesus' claim. He said, " The time is fulfilled ."
Two Greek words are translated time. " Cronos " refers to a specific period of time. The other word, which Jesus uses here, is " kairos ." It means an opportune moment or favorable time. Jesus said it was the right moment for His Kingdom to come to the people of His day.
Want some good news? It's still the opportune moment today. It is a favorable time right now. Paul declared, " Behold, now is the acceptable time (kairos), now is the day of salvation " (II Cor. 6:2). That is the message we bring to Sturgis.
Praying for Sturgis : Thank God for His eternal Kingdom. Pray for the week of the Sturgis rally to provide an opportune moment for the advancement of His kingdom.
Questions for Spiritual Preparation :
1. What are some ways you can show your allegiance to King Jesus?
2. How does the urgency of Jesus' message impact your life?
Day 25 Text: II Corinthians 4:7-18
Focus : " We are afflicted in everyway, but not crushed; perplexed, but not despairing; persecuted, but not forsaken, struck down, but not destroyed ." (vv. 8-9)
It's the 14th round. The challenger is on the mat . . . again. His eyes are swollen shut. Blood stains his face. His trainer growls at him to stay down. The referee is halfway through the count: "FOUR, FIVE, SIX . . ."
Then, miraculously, a burst of power surges through the fallen warrior.
The challenger struggles to his feet and motions for the champ to come at him one more time. The champ, himself battered and bruised, shakes his head and slowly moves in to continue the fight.
I love the first "Rocky" movie! The look on Apollo Creed's face as
Rocky rose that last time was worth the price of admission. How could he still be standing? Could nothing finish off the "Italian Stallion?"
Paul was the "Rocky" of the Bible. I like this translation of the last line of vv. 8-9: " We are knocked down, but not knocked out !" Paul knew what it was like to fight on when others shouted to give up. Knocked down by stinging blows of criticism, he rose for one more round. Imprisoned, beaten, shipwrecked--there was no affliction for the cause of Christ Paul had not experienced . . . yet he kept coming back to fight the good fight of faith! How did he do it? More important, where do we find the strength to rise when the enemy strikes?
In that same chapter Paul mentioned two things: 1) " Knowing that He who raised the Lord Jesus will raise us also with Jesus and will present us with you " (v. 14). Paul knew his suffering would benefit the
Corinthians and that Jesus would vindicate him. 2) " For momentary light affliction is producing for us an eternal weight of glory far beyond comparison " (v. 17). Scars suffered for Christ are nothing compared to the scars He bore for us; even so, God will make all wrong right.
Keep fighting the good fight of faith. When Satan's blows connect and you find yourself on the mat of discouragement, cry out to your Savior.
Let the power that raised Jesus from the dead surge through your soul, and then stand to fight the last round for Jesus.
Praying for Sturgis : Thank Jesus for giving you the strength to endure.
Express your confidence in His protection from the evil one as you prepare to serve in Sturgis.
Questions for Spiritual Preparation :
1. How does God use criticism from others to strengthen you?
2. How can the experiences you face help others in their life?
Part 3: Thy Kingdom Come, Thy Will be Done
Day 6 Text: I Corinthians 2:9-14
Focus : " Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit who is from God, that we might know the things freely given to us by
God ." (v. 12)
Every university offers many courses; but not all are available to incoming freshmen. Some have prerequisites, classes that must be taken before you can enroll in other classes.
God wants you to know His will. He extends an invitation, " If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all men generously and without reproach " (James 1:5). God does not play "hide and seek" with His will. There is a prerequisite, however, to knowing His will. It is called salvation.
When you receive Jesus as your Lord and Savior, God gives you a special gift, the presence of His Holy Spirit. He reveals many of His mysteries by the Holy Spirit, so that we understand who God is and what
He desires. The Holy Spirit gives wisdom and direction. But, because
God is one, anyone who does not have Jesus does not have the Holy
Spirit and, therefore cannot discern or comprehend God's will.
It alarms me when T.V. preachers tell listeners to activate the Spirit's power in their lives, but fail to mention Jesus! Trying to give the Holy
Spirit to someone, without introducing him to Jesus is like putting someone in an Indy 500 racecar without giving them the keys. There is power in the engine, but it is useless to the person behind the wheel.
If you want to know God's will, you must possess the Holy Spirit, or, more accurately, the Spirit must possess you. But for the Holy Spirit to take up residence in your life, there is a prerequisite. You must know
Jesus. The best part about this prerequisite is that God has already fulfilled the course requirements. He sent Jesus to live the perfect life that we could not. Jesus then died on the cross to take the penalty for our sin. He arose three days later in victory over the curse of death. All that you must do is receive Jesus as your Lord and Savior. At the moment you do, God will give you, not only eternal life, but also His Holy
Spirit, and you will be empowered to seek and know God's will.
Praying for Sturgis : If you have not received God's gift of salvation, do so now. If you have, thank God for the Holy Spirit's direction. Ask Him to empower you to share what He has given you with those that will be in
Questions for Spiritual Preparation:
1. Other than by the Holy Spirit, in what ways does God reveal His will?
2. Why does God want you to know His will?
Day 7
Text: Proverbs 30:5-6
Focus : " Every word of God is tested; He is a shield to those who take refuge in Him.
" (v. 5)
God has made us emotional beings. We tend to understand and judge things by our emotional experiences. While this is natural, it is also dangerous. A person, who lives his life by feelings and experiences, without looking through the lens of God's Word, is in danger of a fall.
The psalmist said that God's Word is a lamp and light that provides direction to our paths. The Bible is the light by which we see God's will.
God can and will use our emotions and experiences to speak to us, but they must always be measured by the objective standard of Scripture.
A man was going to do something that clearly conflicted with biblical truth. When his pastor confronted him, he said, "I know what the Bible says, but God told me to do this. I must listen to God's voice." A Missouri pastor divorced his wife and ran off with a woman in the church because,
God "told" him to do it. How can God's written Word conflict with the direction of the Holy Spirit?
Others do the same thing, only they attach a scholarly ring to it. A seminary professor claimed, "Jesus is the standard for testing the Bible."
Since Jesus would not tell a father to sacrifice his son, he concluded that the story of God telling Abraham to offer Isaac as a sacrifice (Gen. 22) is untrue or proves Abraham was insane. Driving a wedge between God's written Word (the Bible) and His living Word (Jesus) is no different than those who claim to get a word from God that contradicts the Bible.
Solomon said, " Every word of God is tested ." Scripture has already been tested. It has been found pure, and can, therefore, be trusted to test our feelings. Solomon issued a warning about adding to God's Word.
" Do not add to His words lest He reprove you " (v. 6). Those who say God told them to act contrary to the Bible or who claim the wisdom to discern what is true in the Bible and what is not are on thin ice. They unwittingly accuse God of deceit and are in danger of receiving His correction and being exposed as the liar.
Praying for Sturgis: Ask God to enable you to use His Word to discern
His will as you prepare to come to Sturgis. Spend the time needed in studying the Bible to do this.
Questions for Spiritual Preparation:
1. Why is God's Word more reliable than your feelings or emotions?
2. How often do you go to the Bible to seek or confirm God's will?
Day 24 Text: I Corinthians 15:50-58
Focus : " Thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord
Jesus Christ . . . therefore, be steadfast, immoveable.
" (vv. 57-58)
Legendary coach Vince Lombardi said, "Winning isn't everything; it's the only thing." Michael Jordan walked out of a scrimmage game one day when the coaches decided not to keep track of points. He said, "Why play if you're not going to keep score?" Everyone likes to be a winner.
Several years ago the Cathedrals recorded a song, "I've Read the
Back of the Book, and We Win!" When it comes to finding courage to walk through life each day; that is the greatest message of the resurrection. Because Jesus is alive we have victory over our past; victory in the present; and the promise of a victorious future. Paul's crowning challenge on this chapter was a call to worship Jesus and walk with courage.
" Thanks be to God, who gives us the victory " (v. 58). What else can we do as we gaze at the empty tomb but lift our voices in adoration? He is mighty! He is worthy! Praise the name of Jesus! " Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable " (v. 59). Paul knew there would be difficulties for God's people, but they could move forward as victors because the war had been fought and won.
Years ago I watched my favorite team play in a championship game.
As the game began they quickly fell behind. As time went on their plight grew worse. Normally by this time I would be throwing pillows at the T.V., yelling for the ref to get new glasses, and screaming for the coach to be fired. On this day, however, I watched with uncharacteristic calm. Why?
The game was on tape and I already knew the final score! My team had already won. Watching the game was a formality.
I know you face painful moments and dark days as you walk through life. Even as we prepare for and spend a week at the rally there will be trying times and difficult situations . . . but we know how the story ends.
Take courage, brother. Stand firm my sister. The victory has already been won!
Praying for Sturgis : Give praise to the name of Jesus for the victory He has already won. Ask God for the courage to walk in that victory.
Questions for Spiritual Preparation :
1. Write down three difficulties you are dealing with at this time.
2. How can Christ's resurrection give you courage as you face each one?
Day 23 Text: Judges 3:1-4
Focus : " These are the nations which the LORD left, to test Israel by them (that is, all who had not experienced the wars of Canaan )." (v. 1)
Have you ever asked, "Why doesn't God get rid of all my problems?"
When we do, someone usually comes along with a well-meaning, "To appreciate good you have to have bad. To understand light you must experience darkness." These are true statements but they invite the questions, "Why so much difficulty?" Why so much wickedness?"
In Judges 3 we are told that God let a few enemy nations stay in the
Promised Land after Joshua's death. I bet they wondered, "Why?"
God had two goals when He allowed His enemies to remain amongst
His people: exposure and instruction. First, God left these "thorns" to test
Israel " to determine if they would keep the LORD's commands " (v. 4). He wanted to expose their true loyalties. This was not for His benefit. He was not sitting in heaven thinking, "I wonder if My people will be good little boys and girls now that Joshua is gone." He already knew they wouldn't! It was for their benefit. They would need to see at times how far their hearts had drifted and how desperately they needed to rely on Him.
Second, God wanted to put that knowledge to use. He wanted them to learn what their predecessors had learned--how to fight and win the battle. Those left at the death of Joshua had enjoyed the peace and blessings won by generations past; but they had never experienced the battle scars that provided them. Like the generations that followed the
WWII generation, they did not fully appreciate the high price of freedom.
God has two goals when you face trials: exposure and instruction.
The pains of life test us. They show us how far our heart can get from our Master and how desperately we need Him. Do we love Jesus as much as we say we do? Will we prove that love with our obedience?
Trials expose where our loyalties lie. We need this knowledge to fight the battle. Our warfare requires total dependence on Jesus. It takes weaponry the world knows nothing about. Trials and difficulties are not pleasant. At times they feel overwhelming; but, don't despise them. God has a purpose for them in preparing you to fight the battle (Heb. 12:11).
Let's let God do His work to expose our true loyalties so we are trained and ready to fight for His Kingdom. Let's trust God to do something in us, so we are prepared for Him to do something through us.
Praying for Sturgis : Express gratefulness to God for the trials that shape, mold, and develop you.
Questions for Spiritual Preparation :
1. What are some of the difficulties you are facing right now?
2. What are some ways God might be using those trials to shape you?
Day 8 Text: John 5:17-20
Focus : " The Son can do nothing of Himself, unless it is something He sees the Father doing; for whatever the Father does, these things the
Son also does in like manner ." (v. 19)
I love puzzles! The bigger and brighter the picture the better. To put one together, though, I need the picture on the cover. It serves as a pattern or example for me to follow. I need an example in life as well.
God has provided us with a perfect pattern to follow, His Son, Jesus
Jesus did nothing outside of His Father's will; and He still enjoyed life!
He told His disciples, " My food is to do the will of Him who sent Me, and accomplish His work " (John 4:34). Jesus found doing His Father's will to be fulfilling.
We live in a world that has these great "truths" as mottos:
"If it feels good, do it"
"Take care of number one"
"He who has the gold makes the rules"
"Get all you can and can all you get"
Self is the world's path to victory. For Jesus, however, joy and peace came not through lifting up self, but through surrender to the Father.
Though He was God, Christ " did not regard equality with God a thing to be grasped, but emptied Himself, taking the form of a bondservant " (Phil.
2:6). Whenever we see Jesus, He is doing His Father's work. Even as a child He asked his folks, " Why is it that you were looking for Me? Did you not know that I had to be in My Father's house " (Luke 2:49)?
What great news! Jesus has shown us the way to a satisfying life. It does not come through an endless rat race. It comes through joyful submission to the will of God. Joy, peace, and victory await those who follow Jesus' example.
Is your life a puzzle? Look to Jesus, the One who can put the pieces together.
Praying for Sturgis : Thank Jesus for showing the way to a life of joy and contentment. Commit yourself to following His example. Ask Him to shine His joy through you to those that you meet in Sturgis.
Questions for Spiritual Preparation:
1. Why did the religious leaders want to kill Jesus?
2. How did Jesus make His decisions?
3. Why does God make Himself known to us?
Day 9 Text: Jeremiah 18:1-6
Focus : " Can I not, O house of Israel, deal with you as this potter does?' declares the LORD. 'Behold, like the clay in the potter's hand, so are you in My hand, O house of Israel .'" (v. 6)
It was a "Kodak" moment. Jesus gathered His prideful disciples around Him for a heart-to-heart talk. He said, "If you want to be great, be a servant." What a revolutionary concept!
The biblical picture of a servant can be seen at the potter's house.
Just as the pot is molded in the hand of the potter, a servant must allow the master to mold him and use him as the master sees best. We must be surrendered so we can be shaped. To know and understand God's will we must be willing to submit self to the Master Potter.
Jesus, of course, gave us the supreme example of being a servant.
As the cross loomed before Him, Jesus took a moment to wash His disciples' feet. He took on the lowliest role, and in doing so established an example for us to follow. If the Master serves the servants, the servants must serve each other.
A student at a Bible school was disturbed over the condition of the men's bathrooms, since they always seemed to be neglected in the cleaning routine. When nothing was done to clean up the mess, he complained to the principal of the school. A little later the student noticed that the problem was being corrected. To his amazement, the man with the mop and pail in hand was the principal! Later the student commented, "I thought he would call a janitor, but he cleaned the toilets himself. It was a great lesson to me on being a servant and, of course, it raised a question in my own mind as to why I had not taken care of the problem."
Jesus could do nothing apart from the Father (John 5:19). We can do nothing apart from Jesus, and He has called us to serve. Be a vessel today in the Master Potter's hand.
Praying for Sturgis: Submit yourself to be molded and used by God in any way that He sees fit. Allow Him to make any changes needed for you to be prepared to accomplish His will in Sturgis..
Questions for Spiritual Preparation:
1. What lesson did Jeremiah learn at the potter's house?
2. In what ways are you like the pot in the story?
3. What lessons do you see for your life?
Day 22 Text: I Timothy 3:1-13
Focus : " An overseer, then, must be above reproach " (v. 2).
I had boiled hot dogs for lunch that day. Halfway through my meal mom hollered two words that let me know I was in deep trouble,
"Frederick George!" She was standing at the stove pointing to the pan of hot water. The handle was turned outwards. She proceeded to lecture me on the dangers of not turning the handle of a pot inward. My fouryear old brother, she said, could walk by, grab the handle and pull hot water down on his head. She told me I needed to "watch those handles."
It's interesting. Paul used that kind of word to describe the key character of a man of God. He is to be "above reproach." The word carries the idea, that when it comes to character, "do not give someone a handle to grab hold of." Throughout the rest of the passage he lists several handles that can burn someone who proclaims God's Word, bringing reproach to the name of Christ: personal character, family relationships, integrity in personal dealings--all are handles that must be turned inward towards the control of the Holy Spirit. Leave them hanging out towards the ways of the world, and someone will get burned.
I know what you're thinking. "Those are the qualifications of pastors and deacons. I'm just a person in the pew." Two reminders: first, read through the list and you will find that they are qualities of all good believers.
Second, you are going to be declaring the good news of Jesus Christ on the streets of Sturgis. For many of the people you talk with, you will be the only picture of Jesus they have ever seen.
Character counts when you handle God's Word in front of others, whether you have a title or not. So . . . watch those handles!
Praying for Sturgis : Ask God to keep you aware of the influence you have as a follower of Jesus, and for His help in using that influence wisely.
Questions for Spiritual Preparation :
1. Would anything in your life embarrass Christ's name if it made public?
2. Turn this over to Christ and seek His strength to be above reproach.
Day 21
Part 6: Lead Us and Deliver Us
Text: Jonah 3:1-4
Focus : " Go to Nineveh, the great city and proclaim to it the proclamation which I am going to tell you " (v. 2).
I once had a deep discussion with a friend over the significance of the difference between God's command in Jonah 1:2, " Go to Nineveh the great city and cry against it, for their wickedness has come up before
Me " and His command in Jonah 3:2: " Go to Nineveh, the great city and proclaim to it the proclamation which I am going to tell you ."
We decided there wasn't much distinction, but I did see something new. In the second passage God told His reluctant prophet, " Proclaim the proclamation which I am going to tell you ." God was giving Jonah information on a "need-to-know basis." It implies He would provide more direction as Jonah walked in obedience to the instruction given. God seems to be saying, "Jonah, Nineveh is wicked. Go to them. When you get there, I'll tell you what to say."
God often works this way. He told Abram, " Go from your country . . . to the land which I will show you" (Gen. 12:1). He does not always provide the full picture up front. He does, however, lead as we follow.
This is comforting. Jesus told His disciples, " You shall be brought before governors and kings for My sake . . . but when they deliver you up, do not be anxious about how or what you will speak; for it shall be given you in that hour what you are to speak. For it is not you who speak, but it is the Spirit of the Father who speaks in you " (Matt. 10:18-19).
Jesus has promised to lead us through the marathon called life, but we often want to run ahead of Him (or else lag behind!). At times we look for the finish line before we even start the race. This produces fear and frustration. The Master has a better way . . . follow Him one step at a time, obey His leading, and trust the sound of His voice. As you follow, obey, and trust Him, for He has promised, " I will never leave you or forsake you ."
Praying for Sturgis : Seek from God the day-by-day direction you need to serve Him with confidence. Express your trust in Him to provide at the right moment, answers to questions and issues He has not yet provided.
Questions for Spiritual Preparation :
1. What fears do you have as you think about coming to Sturgis?
2. Have you brought those fears to Him?
3. Are there ways God has led you that you have not yet followed?
4. What are you going to do about them?
Day 10 Text: I Kings 19:1-18
Focus : " Go, return on your way to the wilderness of Damascus ." (v. 15)
How quickly things can change. One moment Elijah is on top of the world. He had just defeated the false prophets of the false god Baal and was leading God's people in a mighty revival of worship. The next day we find him running for his life. The man who stood boldly against 450 false prophets was now running in fear from one wicked queen. When he finally gets to what he feels is a safe distance, he cries out to God, " I have been very zealous for the LORD, the God of hosts . . . and I alone am left " (v. 10).
What happened?
Like Elijah, we all run into a brick wall at times. There are limits to where our faith and trust will take us. God knows this. Notice that God never rebukes the prophet. He questions him. He challenges him. He provides strength, encouragement, and direction. Most important, God listened to Elijah. The result was the accomplishment of God's will and, in the process, a great stretching of Elijah's faith.
Satan loves to load us down with guilt when we reach the point where our faith ends. He wants to convince us we are useless to God. The solution? Go to God for some "stretching" exercises. Like the athlete who prepares his muscles for the competition by stretching them, God will stretch your faith to discover and accomplish His will.
Sometimes these periods of "stretching" are painful. Athletes have a saying, "no pain, no gain." Baptist missionary Hudson Taylor, founder of the China Inland Mission, was talking to a young missionary who was about to start work in China. "Look at this," Taylor said. He then pounded his fist on the table. The cups jumped and the tea spilled out. Taylor continued, "When you begin your work you will be buffeted in many ways. The trials will be like blows. Remember, these blows will bring out only what is in you."
Let God build in you His character, so that when you go through times of trial and difficulty, His character will spill out.
Praying for Sturgis: Have you reached your limit? Cry out to God for the strength, encouragement, and direction He offers.
Questions for Spiritual Preparation:
1. What happened to turn Elijah's victory into personal defeat?
2. How did God respond to Elijah's fears?
3. In what ways have you seen God stretch your faith?
Part 4: Give us this Day Our Daily Bread
Day 11 Text: John 4:1-39
Note : The next five devotionals are the "daily bread" of the rally ministry.
They reflect the ministry's five greatest needs according to the Dakota
Baptist Convention's Sharing Christ Team Leader, Garvon Golden .
Focus : " There came a woman of Samaria to draw water. Jesus said to her, 'Give me a drink .'" (v. 7)
" Carpe diem " . . . "seize the day!" Every day is filled with opportunities that go unclaimed because of fear, busyness, or even laziness. Jesus was the master of seizing the day. He never missed an opportunity to advance the Kingdom. Surrounded by a crowd of hungry people, He used a young boy's lunch to teach trust. Watching the shenanigans of the religious elite as they made a mockery of His Father's house opened the door to an object lesson on true worship.
In John 4 the opportunity was a tiring day of travel, a glass of water, and a woman with a penchant for theological debates. The result was an entire village meeting the One that offers living water.
We are surrounded with opportunities to share Christ. Often we miss them out of fear of rejection. Other times we are too busy with "pressing" matters. Sometimes (go ahead, admit it) we are just too lazy!
Most times, though, we miss opportunities because we don't see them. The world's bright lights dull our spiritual eyes. Have you noticed how hard it is to see the stars from the middle of a large city? Travel outside the city limits to the countryside, though, and the night sky lights up with God's beautiful handiwork. Are there more stars in the sky when you are standing in the country than when you are standing in the city?
Of course not! Getting rid of the distracting lights that surround you in town enables you to see the stars.
The lost are all around us. Will we have eyes to see their need and ears to hear their cries? Only if we are sensitive to the Spirit's direction will we seize those moments when someone is open to the gospel. This means we need to regularly step away from the glare of the world and its ways to spend more time in prayer and the Word.
Don't wait until you arrive at Sturgis to seize the day. Today, ask God to give you a sensitive heart that will see and seize opportunities to share
Christ right where you are.
Praying for Sturgis : Ask God for an atmosphere of openness to the gospel in Sturgis and for a great harvest of souls to be won to Christ.
Questions for Spiritual Preparation :
1. What barriers keep you from seizing opportunities to share Christ?
2. What do you need to let God do in you to overcome those barriers?
Day 20 Text: Matthew 6:12-15
Focus : " For if you forgive men for their transgressions your heavenly
Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive men, then your
Father will not forgive your transgressions ." (vv. 14-15)
It's the biggest word in the Lord's Prayer. In fact, it is so significant, it is the only part of the prayer that Jesus felt compelled to elaborate on after He said "amen." What is that word? The Master taught us to pray,
" And forgive us our debts, AS we have forgiven our debtors ."
Have you ever looked up the word "as" in the dictionary? I have. It means "in the same way." Plug that into Jesus' prayer and personalize it:
" And forgive me my debts, IN THE SAME WAY that I have forgiven my debtors ."
Wow! That will transform your prayer life! Do you really want God to forgive you like you forgive others? I realize He has had many more years of experience at it than I have, but I'll be honest, I don't even come close!
Jesus went on in verse 14 to explain that an unforgiving heart puts a barrier between me and my Father. He illustrated that with a parable
(Matt. 18:21-35) of a servant that had been forgiven a debt that could not be paid off in a lifetime. And the debt was owed, not to just anyone; it was owed to the king. To celebrate his good fortune, this ungrateful man went out and had a friend (who owed him a day's wages worth of debt) thrown in debtor's prison. When the king found out, he was enraged. He brought a severe discipline upon, not only the man, but his whole family.
God takes our attitude towards others seriously. Paul challenged the
Corinthians to restore a fallen friend and reaffirm their love for this man after he had repented (II Cor. 2:1-11). The apostle later had opportunity to practice what he preached when he rebuilt a bridge that had been broken when John Mark abandoned him on his first missionary trip (Acts
13:13, II Tim. 4:11).
Kingdom work calls for Kingdom fellowship. We cannot accomplish what God desires of us if we do not share His heart; and His heart is a merciful heart.
Praying for Sturgis : Ask God to reveal any spiritual blind spots that have developed because of a broken relationship with a brother or sister in Christ. Ask Him to enable you to do for that person what He has done for you.
Questions for Spiritual Preparation :
1. What principles from II Cor. 2:1-11 guide rebuilding a relationship.
2. What can you learn from Paul's experience with John Mark?
Day 19
Text: Psalm 32:1-5
Focus : " When I kept silent about my sin, my body wasted away through my groaning all day long. (v. 3)
Can you remember trying to hide some misdeed from your parents?
Even if they did not know (and they usually did), the guilt and fear would be so consuming you could hardly stand it. That is what sin will do for a person.
How long was it from the time David sinned with Bathsheba and murdered her husband Uriah to the time that Nathan confronted him with his sin (II Sam. 12:1-15)? Would you be surprised to learn that it was almost a year? How do we know? The baby that was conceived in the adulterous relationship was born! Imagine that; David hid his sin in his heart for nearly twelve months! That had to have been excruciatingly painful for Israel's king.
David described his experience in this psalm. His body " wasted away " and he groaned " all day long ." God's convicting hand pressed down hard on him through the day and invaded his sleep at night. Listen to this picture of David's misery, " My vitality was drained away as with the fever heat of summer " (v. 4). It was like living through the "dog days" of summer, all year round! Can you identify with David?
The good news is. you do not have to live with the guilt of sin. David not only shared the pain of his experience, he related his road to recovery. First, he acknowledged his sin. Then, hiding nothing, he agreed with God that he was a sinner and turned away from his sin. The
Bible calls this repentance (David's prayer of repentance is recorded in
Psalm 51). Finally, he praised God and testified to others of His great love and mercy.
You and I are no different than David. We each have a desperate need for God's mercy and He offers it in the same way King David received it. You do not have to live with the pain, guilt, and shame that sin brings. God wants to set you free. Just ask David. Better yet . . . just ask God!
Praying for Sturgis: Receive God's forgiveness today. Right now, acknowledge and confess any sin; receive His cleansing, and praise His name. Then, make the commitment David made to tell those in Sturgis that they can experience what you have experienced.
Questions for Spiritual Preparation:
1. What promises are given to those whom God forgives?
2. What pain comes to those who refuse to acknowledge their sin?
3. Briefly write out your path from sin, to conviction, to repentance, to
praise, and finally, to being used by God in His Kingdom work.
Day 12 Text: Exodus 32:7-14
Focus : " Then Moses entreated the LORD, and said . . . 'Remember
Abraham, Isaac, and Israel . . . So the LORD changed His mind about the harm which He said He would do to His people ." (vv. 11, 13, 14)
Intercession is prayer offered on behalf of others. Israel desperately needed an intercessor. Unknown to them, God was ready to destroy His people because of idolatry. Were it not for the prayer of one man, history could have been dramatically different.
What difference can one person make? If that person is a praying child of God, the answer is, "All the difference in the world!" Every major revival in history has been preceded by tremendous intercessory prayer.
Every mighty evangelist and successful pastor can point to one or more prayer warriors who daily bring them before God's throne.
The call to be an intercessor is God's highest calling. These warriors often labor in obscurity. Their names are not on the list of church leaders.
They receive little acclaim. They are, however, the lifeblood of Kingdom work. Solomon wrote, " Unless the LORD builds the house, they labor in vain who build it; unless the LORD guards the city, the watchman keeps awake in vain " (Ps. 127:1). Intercessors are the spiritual force that cries out to God to "build the house," and "guard the city." Prayer warriors boldly go where most Christians only talk about going.
Charles Spurgeon said, "Prayer pulls the rope down below and the great bell rings above in the ears of God. Some scarcely stir the bell, for they pray so languidly; others give only an occasional jerk at the rope.
But he who communicates with heaven is the man who grasps the rope boldly and pulls continuously with all his might." This is the intercessor!
A friend of mine wrote a poem, "The World is at My Door." The first verse is, "Prayer enables me to be in one place or in more, for when I am on my knees . . . the world is at my door!" Bring the lost and hurting to your door. Exert the mighty force that "rings the bell in heaven." Join the few, the humble, the intercessors.
Praying for Sturgis : Ask God to provide a great army of prayer warriors to bathe the entire Sturgis Rally and this ministry in prayer.
Questions for Spiritual Preparation :
1. Why did Moses intercede for Israel?
2. How did God respond to Moses' request?
3. How has God used someone to intercede for you recently?
Day 13 Text: Matthew 9:35-38
Focus : " He said to His disciples, 'The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Therefore, beseech the Lord of the harvest to send out workers into His harvest .'" (vv. 37-38)
Have you heard of the "20/80" principle? It goes like this; in any church 20% of the people do 80% of the work. I think I heard a chorus of
"amens!" out there! In fact, a little over a year ago I heard the ratio is actually closer to "17/83" now. There is probably a measure of truth in this principle and, without a doubt, there are people in God's family who spend more time sitting and soaking then standing and serving. Having said that, I'm not sure that, for most churches, the greatest problem is finding ways to get everyone doing something.
While it is important to challenge those who are "sitting on the premises" to "stand on the promises," I am more convinced that our greatest need in God's house is to do what Jesus told us to do (now there's a novel idea). His instruction to His disciples for solving the problem of not enough people involved in the work of ministry was not to harangue the idle, but to " pray to the Lord of the harvest to send workers into His harvest ."
That command lights up two thoughts in my mind. First, maybe the need is not to try to burn ourselves out trying to activate those already present; perhaps it is to expand the circle of those who are present. In other words, win people to Jesus, disciple them, and then equip them to engage their world for Christ (that sounds dangerously close to the Great
Commission!). There's nothing like young believers to breathe new life into a dying congregation.
Second, maybe the focus should not be on our agenda; perhaps it is to remember to whom the harvest belongs . . . it is HIS harvest! Jesus' heart was broken as He saw the mass of humanity and their pain. They were " distressed and downcast like sheep without a shepherd " (v. 36).
Be honest; when you're grumbling that you can't find enough people to fill a committee, are you more concerned that it means more work for you or is your heart distressed with the distress of the lost? Jesus wanted more laborers, not to fully staff His organization, but to heal the hurting.
Until we share his heart we have no reason to complain. And, when we do, we'll complain a lot less and weep a lot more.
Praying for Sturgis : Plead with the Lord of the harvest to send laborers into Sturgis that will " see the multitudes and feel compassion ."
Questions for Spiritual Preparation :
1. As you look at those around you, what emotions arise in your heart?
2. As you think about Sturgis, what emotions arise in your heart?
Day 18 Text: Isaiah 59:1-8
Focus : " Your iniquities have made a separation between you and your
God, and your sins have hidden His face from you, so that He does not hear ." (v. 2)
Sin always has consequences. It begins subtly, but grows quickly, bringing pain and destruction. For the believer sin puts a stumbling block in the middle of our walk with Christ. It hinders our relationship with Him.
While we do not "lose" our salvation, we do sacrifice closeness with Him.
In his prayer of repentance over his sin with Bathsheba, David prayed,
" Restore to me the joy of Thy salvation " (Ps. 51:12). If I walk in after a long day and snap at Denise, she will still be my wife. She will still love me; but, until I make things right, there won't be much joy in the house!
It does not take a lot of sin to create a large wall. There is an old adage, "It isn't the mountain ahead that wears you out; it is the grain of sand in your shoe." Often times we are so consumed with the mountain we must scale, we ignore the little pebbles of life. One tiny speck of dirt in the carburetor can keep the most powerful car from running properly.
Don't pass off small, secret sins as minor.
One of the most devastating side effects of sin in the life of the
Christian is the impact it has on how we relate to others. Isaiah recognized that sin dulls the sensitivity of God's people. No longer did they care about justice. They allowed their sin to multiply. Even their thoughts become corrupted. Peace was replaced by fear. He warned them that, though they had become spiritually dull, God had not.
You cannot afford to allow sin to go unchecked. Your continuing fellowship with the Father depends on it; your emotional well-being depends on it; your attitude towards others depends on it, and your testimony before the world depends on it. And one more thing, revival in
Sturgis depends on it!
Praying for Sturgis: The psalmist said that if we try to hide our sin from
God, He will not hear us (Ps. 66:18). Open all of your life to God's cleansing power.
Questions for Spiritual Preparation:
1. Are there small sins that others cannot see in your life?
2. In what ways does do these sins hinder your walk with God?
3. How have you seen sin change your attitudes toward others?
4. Why is a person who continues in sin unable to find peace?
Day 17 Text: Psalm 51:1-6
Focus : " Against Thee, Thee only, I have sinned, and done what is evil in
Thy sight, so that Thou art justified when Thou dost speak and blameless when Thou dost judge ." (v. 4)
The first recovery step for an alcoholic is to admit he is an alcoholic.
Until he acknowledges his problem, he cannot get well. The same is true with sin. Our world is in a grave state of denial of the reality of sin. One preacher even said, "Sin is simply failing to live up to your potential." He needs to reread God's Word. Until we know what sin is and that we are guilty before God, we cannot be made whole.
Some say sin is "doing bad things." Paul used a word in Romans 3:23
(" all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God ") that means, "to miss the mark." God's holiness is the bull's-eye; anything short of that mark is sin. John said, " All unrighteousness is sin " (I John 5:17). I explain sin as anything we do, say, or think that dishonors a holy and righteous God.
Some limit sin to words or deeds; Jesus didn't. The Pharisees carefully observed every minutia of the Law. If Jesus quizzed them on their Ten Commandments compliance they would swell with pride and claim to be holy. That is why He said things like, " You have heard it said,
'you shall not commit adultery'; I say, everyone who looks on a woman to lust for her has committed adultery with her in his heart " (Matt. 5:27-28).
You see, the first nine commands give specific things to do and not do. Let's say for the sake of argument it were possible to keep those nine perfectly (It's not, but let's pretend!), number ten will get you every time,
" You shall not covet your neighbor's house . . . wife . . . servant, etc.
(Ex. 20:17). In other words, "don't even want to do them." God knows that, " As a man thinks in his heart, so is he " (Prov. 23:7).
We are all sinners by nature and choice. This is not popular in a world that believes man is basically good. It is called negative or judgmental to suggest otherwise. But, denying sin's existence or limiting its scope does not remove it or its consequences. Like David we must see sin for what it is and realize that all sin, ultimately, is against God and God alone.
Praying for Sturgis: Acknowledge any known sin to God and receive
His cleansing. Ask God to bring His conviction of sin to those you will share His love with in Sturgis.
Questions for Spiritual Preparation:
1. Are there areas of personal holiness you continually struggle with?
2. How can God's Word help you have victory over these struggles?
Day 14 Text: Ephesians 2:11-22
Focus : " Remember you were at that time separate from Christ, excluded from the commonwealth of Israel, and strangers to the covenants of promise, having no hope and without God in the world ." (v. 12)
On September 1, 1873, a newly appointed missionary set sail for
China. For 39 years Charlotte Diggs Moon (Lottie to her friends) served
Christ in Tengchow and P'ingtu. At first she lived in the safety and comfort of the mission compound. Then a question pierced her heart:
" How many more souls are to pass into eternity without having heard the name of Jesus ." Against the wishes of other missionaries, Lottie left the compound to live amongst the people she was trying to reach. Her devotion is still remembered through the "Lottie Moon Christmas Offering for International Missions," received each year by Southern Baptists.
Supporting missionaries like Lottie and ministries like the one at the
Sturgis Bike Rally is important for three reasons. Paul reveals those reasons in today's passage. First, the condition of the lost and the change in our lives compels us. The lost are in trouble: separated from
God's love, excluded from God's family, strangers to God's promises, without God's hope, and void of God's presence. The numbers are staggering. Of six billion people in the world, over four billion are lost.
Paul reminds us, we were once like they are now. The only difference is; someone threw you a lifeline. That lifeline is now in your hand.
Second, the compassion of the Lord moves us. Out of love Christ paid the price for the sin that separated you from the Father. By faith you entered into an eternal relationship with God. Christ's compassion paved the way for you to be at peace with God and have access to Him. If the walls have been torn down in your life, you have the obligation to help tear down the walls for others.
Finally, the call of the Lord demands it. Lottie Moon's words still ring clearly, " How many million more souls are to pass into eternity without having heard the name of Jesus ?" You can answer God's call in three ways (and it's not "multiple choice"). You can SHARE. Your gifts make it possible for those God has called to answer that call. You can SEEK. Did you know prayerlessness is a sin (check out I Sam. 15:23)? Pray for those that have gone into the fields. Finally, you can SERVE. If you know
Jesus, you are a missionary. Today's the day to begin living like one.
Praying for Sturgis : Ask God to provide for the financial needs of the
Sturgis ministry. Seek from Him how He wants you to support this work.
Questions for Spiritual Preparation :
1. How does giving impact your walk with Christ?
2. What are the different ways God instructs us to give to His work?
Day 15 Text: II Timothy 4:14-18
Focus : " The Lord stood with me, and strengthened me, in order that through me the proclamation might be fully accomplished " (v. 17).
The legal world says, "A man who defends himself has a fool for a client." There comes a time in every person's life when he needs someone to stand up for him, an advocate. But, suppose no one would be willing to put his or her name on the line to defend you?
Paul experienced that. A character, Alexander the coppersmith, not only refused to stand up for Paul, he actively opposed him, causing great emotional distress and hindering the ministry. Paul was confident God would deal with the scoundrel. Then, standing before those that would judge him, Paul could not find one person willing to be a character reference. He told Timothy, " all deserted me " (v. 16). Interestingly, though, he went on to pray, " may it not be counted against them ."
How could Paul have such peace in the midst of loneliness? He knew he wasn't really alone. He declared, " The Lord stood with me, and strengthened me ." Years later another apostle, John, would echo: " I write these things to you that you may not sin. And if anyone sins, we have an
Advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous " (I John 2:1). Each man had felt the sting of rejection. Both knew what it was like to be stripped of all human dignity; yet neither was ever alone.
We are personal beings. From the beginning man was created with
"belonging longings." We need others and God provides for that need.
But, isn't it a great joy to know that if you ever had to stand alone, Jesus would stand with you? He pleads your case before the Judge of all
Creation and fights your cause before God's enemies. He is a defender of the defenseless and He directs His compassion toward His people.
Stand strong as you prepare to come and as you serve in Sturgis. Be bold as you carry out the Great Commission. Lean on godly friends, but remember, Jesus is your Advocate.
Praying for Sturgis : Give thanks to God for His abiding presence. Ask
Him to provide protection for those traveling during the week of the rally.
Questions for Spiritual Preparation :
1. What are some ways you have experienced God's protection?
2. How do those experiences affect your relationship with Him?
Part 5: Forgive Us Our Debts
Day 16 Text: I Timothy 2:9-15
Focus : " The woman being quite deceived, fell into transgression " (v. 14).
The story is all too familiar. Eve is out for a stroll. The serpent tempts her. Deceived, she disobeys God, then shares the forbidden fruit with
Adam . . . and sin enters the human race. That word "deceived" grabs my attention. It implies that Satan uses tricks and traps to lead us astray.
He does not come with full frontal assaults. He tries to slip in through the back door when we're not paying attention.
Satan is still tossing roadblocks of deception into the paths of God's people in an attempt to destroy their effectiveness. As you prepare to come to Sturgis, it is essential you recognize his traps. Perhaps you have encountered one of these three recently.
The roadblock of pride causes many to stumble. It can take the form of "believing one's own press reports." A pastor that has a reputation of being an excellent communicator can find himself relying on his own skill rather than on the power of the Holy Spirit. It can take the opposite form of false humility. "Sally, you would do a great job serving the Lord in with our children." "Oh, no. I don't have any ability."
A related roadblock is laziness, often a byproduct of pride. A skilled teacher may feel she does not have to spend time preparing a lesson.
She will just "wing it." Or, it can simply be a failure to do what needs to be done to reach out to others with Christ's love.
The roadblock of character causes many to fall. How many men of
God have started on fire for the gospel, only to be burned by the flames of carnality or greed? God's people are constantly warned to guard their integrity, to " take every thought captive into the obedience of Christ " (II
Cor. 10:5). Even when others do not see our flaws, they can lead to discouragement and ineffectiveness as we try to serve Him.
Paul used that word "deceived" in another place. " Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; whatever a man sows, he will also reap "
(Gal. 6:7). Guard against the enemy's deceptions. Surrender your ways, thoughts, and words to Jesus, and He will use you in a mighty way.
Praying for Sturgis : God, open my eyes to the snares of the enemy so that I may be effective in proclaiming the gospel.
Questions for Spiritual Preparation :
1. Think back to a time when you stumbled over one of these roadblocks.
2. What led to the problem? How could you have guarded against it?
3. What are some stumbling blocks you might encounter in Sturgis?
4. How will you begin to prepare to overcome those stumbling blocks?