Sermon Question Template


Conversion Story

The Agent of Conversion: The Holy Spirit (Acts 8:26-29)

The Context of Conversion: Relationships (Acts 8:30-31)

The Message of Conversion: Jesus (Acts 8:32-36)

Sermon Questions for Acts 8:26-40

This will be the last week of Sermon Based Questions until Common Ground which begins

September 12 th on Idolatry. If you have feedback, please let David Fuquay know at


SPECIFIC PRAYER (suggestions)

Wilbur and Jean Beach are retired missionaries with TEAM and now live in Saskatchewan,

Canada. They had ministered in Zimbabwe, Africa, for 37 years. Please pray for: The situation in

Zimbabwe which is a difficult ministry and pray especially for those who minister at the hospital. For

Wilbur and Jean as they are unable to drive and have difficulty getting around. And, their various health issues that God will give them patience during this time



How did you come to know Christ for the first time?

What story of conversion do you know that has made an impact on you?

Other than Jesus, what one man has made a huge impact on the world? Why do you think that?

How has this person touched you?


Read Acts 8:26-29

Philip has some pretty serious divine direction, but is it possible we have the same divine direction on a daily basis and yet ignore it? Why or why not? How can we become more in tune with the leading of the Holy Spirit (see Isa 30:21)?

The Lord is always pushing us to do what does not come naturally. What is He pushing you to do? When have you recently succeeded? Missed the mark?

What barriers is the Lord trying to get us to overcome in our society today? How about inside of you?

Have you ever been involved in cross cultural ministry?

What do you think God is up to globally? In your personal life? In the lives of those close to you? How do you notice His work in each of these areas?

How can we avoid becoming oblivious to God’s working? On a scale from 1 to 10, how alert are you to the Spirit’s leading? How can you improve?

When God brings a certain person to mind, do you dismiss that or do you pay attention to it? Do you start to pray and ask God if there’s something He wants you to do? How can you respond when the Lord prompts you?

Read Acts 8:30-31

There is a huge chasm between the socio-economic status of Philip and the Eunuch, but the Lord bridges that gap. What ones has He already bridged in our society? What gaps do you wish He would bridge sooner rather than later? Any in your life?

Dave said: “spiritual change and spiritual growth almost always happens in the context of community and relationships.” How has that been true in this group? How can we continue to build upon that? How can we help you grow during these summer months?

When in the past have you needed to ask for help, but found it difficult? Is there a spiritual area you need help in, but have not yet asked?

Are you walking close to spiritual seekers?

Are you running alongside some people who don’t know God but you care for them, love them, and remain a part of their lives? Do you stay close enough to hear the questions that they’re asking? And if not, what would you have to change to make that happen?

Read Acts 8:32-40

The Eunuch “just so happened” to be reading a passage that easily and clearly pointed toward

Christ. What in your life “just so happened?”

Have you been baptized? How did you come to the realization or desire to be baptized? Tell us the story surrounding your baptism. If you have not been baptized, why not? What is stopping you?

How has the Good News changed your life?


Why would an Ethiopian Eunuch worship in Jerusalem? Isaiah 56:4-5 is one possible answer,

Isaiah 53:4-6 is another, what others can you come up with?

Are you making Jesus the main point? When you are passionate about sharing your belief, are you making Jesus the main point? Or, is your main point traditional values, or a certain kind of politics (and it could be either end of the spectrum), or is your main point a certain view of the origin of the world, or a certain view of the end of the world? Or something else other than Jesus?

Will you allow the love of Christ to melt your heart?

SERVICE (fodder for ideas)

We have an immediate need for 2 people to serve on the Café team on the 3 rd

Sunday of the month. (The Next time is June 20 th

and August we skip). Your commitment would be from

10:15 until clean up is finished. EVEN IF YOU CAN ONLY SERVE DURING JUNE AND

JULY, it would be a huge help. If you are interested in being a part of this team, please go to the

Jacksonville Chapel website at

and click on “Join a Small Group.”

In the left-hand corner, under “Type of Group,” choose “Service” and join the Café Team! Or

Usher Team, or Welcome Desk Or Greeters (we need them all).
