Lecture exam 2 review F14

Lecture exam 2 review F14
Know the exact definitions of the bony landmarks
understand completely both types of bone ossification
know the different regions of the temporal bone such as Petrus tympanic and squamous
as well as the zygomatic process, mastoid process, styloid process and external auditory
know what all of the joint motions are
know where ribs articulate exactly
which bones contribute to the cranial floor?
Know which bones articulate with the manubrium
know the importance of the sella turcica and what important gland associated with it
what is osteoid?
Understand which bones belong to the axial skeleton
know all of the features of the ethmoid bone
know the microscopic structure of bone tissue including the Aussie on compact bone
spongy bone central canal, sharpies fibers, periosteum, Volkman's canal, lacuna,
osteocytes, osteoblasts, osteoclasts
understand bone remodeling
know the parts of synovial joints
know which movements take place at which joints
know which bones articulate with which bones
know what a synarthrotic, fibrous joint is
know the four steps of bone repair
know the parts of each vertebrae
know the names of the facial bones
understand the fused bones of the And what they articulate with
know the types of cartilages and where they are in the body
know the specific structures of the knee which keep it stabilized
understand which bones participate in forming the eye socket and the nose cavity
understand which bone bears most of the weight of the body
understand which hormone increases the activity of osteoclasts
know the difference between long bones, short bones, irregular bones and flat bones