BRAUNSTONE TOWN COUNCIL Ian Laughton - Executive Officer & Town Clerk Braunstone Civic Centre, Kingsway, Braunstone Town, Leicester LE3 2PP Tel: (0116) 2899270 Fax: (0116) 2824785 (24hr answerphone) Plan & Env Committee Agenda PLANNING APPLICATIONS PUBLIC INSPECTION OF PLANS AND PARTICIPATION 1. Copies of the Plans are available for Inspection at Braunstone Civic Centre at the following times:- From9am - 5pm Monday to Friday (excluding Bank Holidays) AND from 6pm - 7pm prior to each Plans & Environment Committee Meeting 2. The plans may also be inspected at the offices of Blaby District Council, to whom representations should be made. 3. The applications will be considered by the Braunstone Town Council’s Plans and Environment Committee, which may make its own observations and forward them to the relevant Planning Authority. 4. Braunstone Town Council and Blaby District Council have introduced procedures to enable applicants, objectors and supporters to speak on applications brought before their relevant Committees. «F2» 28th August 2003 Dear «F1» The next meeting of Braunstone Town Council’s PLANS & ENVIRONMENT COMMITTEE will be held at Braunstone Civic Centre, on Thursday, 4th September 2003 commencing at 7.00pm for the transaction of the business as set out below and your attendance is requested. Yours sincerely, Ian Laughton Executive Officer & Town Clerk AGENDA Apologies 1. Public Participation 2. Disclosures of Interest by Members or Officers Disclosures by members or Officers of personal and prejudicial interests and the nature of those interests in respect of items on the agenda at this meeting 3. Report of the Meeting held 10th July 2003 To receive the Report of the last Meeting held on 10th July 2003 (Enclosed) 4. Planning Applications – To Note the Action Taken Under Delegated Powers 03/0698 (03/0698/1/PY) N P Brewin, 134 Lubbesthorpe Road, Braunstone Town. Replacement conservatory to rear. RECOMMENDED: That the following action taken under Standing Order No.75 (c) in forwarding the following observations to Blaby District Council be approved:- No observations. 03/0741 – Leicestershire County Council, Ravenhurst Primary School, Ravenhurst Road, Braunstone Town. Removal of 4 mobiles and construction of new 5 classroom extension to School. RECOMMENDED: That the following action taken under Standing Order No.75 (c) in forwarding the following observations to Blaby District Council be approved:- Braunstone Town Council does not object to this application. 03/0659 (03/0659/1/AY) Vue Cinema, Meridian Leisure Park, Lubbesthorpe Way. Display of two externally illuminated fascia signs and two free standing internally illuminated signs. RECOMMENDED: That the following action taken under Standing Order No.75 (c) in forwarding the following observations to Blaby District Council be approved:- The height of the illuminated signs, hours of use and level of lighting should be in accordance with the District Council’s Lighting Policy and restricted so as not to (a) be of nuisance to nearby residents and/or road users in terms of glare or (b) create unnecessary levels of lighting or light spillage. 03/0753 (03/0753/1/PX) Breson Homes, 8 Narborough Road South, Braunstone Town. Demolition of existing dwelling and erection of two detached dwellings with associated parking. RECOMMENDED: That the following action taken under Standing Order No.75 (c) in forwarding the following observations to Blaby District Council be approved:- No observations. 03/0677 (03/0677/1/PX) Mr Yasin Cokce, 27 Watergate Lane, Braunstone Town. Change of use from retail (Class A1) to hot food takeaway (Class A3) and external ventilation flue. RECOMMENDED: That the following action taken under Standing Order No.75 (c) in forwarding the following observations to Blaby District Council be approved:- Braunstone Town Council considers that this application should be REFUSED for the following reasons:- i) The change of use would be significantly detrimental to the amenities of adjoining or nearby properties in terms of traffic generation, noise, litter, general disturbance and appearance (Local Plan Policy S5) and ii) It is also considered that it would unacceptably reduce the ability of the centre to meet local shopping needs (Local Plan Policy S15). The occupiers of neighbouring properties should be fully consulted in connection with the proposals. Please note that a petition opposing this planning application by a group of business owners of Watergate Lane has been forwarded to Blaby District Council. 03/0765 (03/0765/1/PX) Mr Hitesh Padia, 52 Kirkland Road, Narborough Road South. Two storey side extension and single storey rear extension. RECOMMENDED: That the following action taken under Standing Order No.75 (c) in forwarding the following observations to Blaby District Council be approved:- The occupiers of neighbouring properties should be fully consulted in connection with the proposals. 03/0790 (03/0790/1/AY) Mitchell & Butler, Hollywood Bowl, Meridian Leisure Park, Braunstone Town. Erection of three externally illuminated canopies to front elevation. RECOMMENDED: That the following action taken under Standing Order No.75 (c) in forwarding the following observations to Blaby District Council be approved:- The height of the illuminated signs, hours of use and level of lighting should be in accordance with the District Council’s Lighting Policy and restricted so as not to (a) be of nuisance to nearby residents and/or road users in terms of glare or (b) create unnecessary levels of lighting or light spillage. 03/0801 (03/0801/1/PX) A Crowther, 61 Shakespeare Drive, Braunstone Town. Porch & canopy to front, covered way to side & pitched roof over existing rear extension. RECOMMENDED: That the following action taken under Standing Order No.75 (c) in forwarding the following observations to Blaby District Council be approved:- No observations. 08/0802 (08/0802/1/PX) Mr & Mrs Hall, 198 Kingsway, Braunstone Town. Single storey side extension and new bay window to rear. RECOMMENDED: That the following action taken under Standing Order No.75 (c) in forwarding the following observations to Blaby District Council be approved:- No observations. 03/0798 (03/0798/1/PX) Mrs Mongibai Harilal Viatha, 27 Narborough Road South, Braunstone Town. Two storey side & single storey rear extension. RECOMMENDED: That the following action taken under Standing Order No.75 (c) in forwarding the following observations to Blaby District Council be approved:- The occupiers of neighbouring properties should be fully consulted in connection with the proposals. 03/0450 (03/0450/1/PX) AMENDED PLAN Mr Ashford, 11 Fairbourne Road, Braunstone Town. Demolition of existing detached garage. Erection of single storey side and single storey rear extension. RECOMMENDED: That the following action taken under Standing Order No.75 (c) in forwarding the following observations to Blaby District Council be approved:- No observations. 5. Planning Applications 03/0844 (03/0844/01) Leicestershire County Council, Braunstone Library, Welcombe Avenue, Braunstone Town. Retention of temporary mobile building. 03/0827 (03/0827/1/PY) Mr Lee Pratt, 52 Colbert Drive, Braunstone Town. Erection of car port to side and summer house in rear garden. 03/KING/01, Leicestershire County Council, Three classroom extension including Deputy Headteacher Room, Boiler Stores, Cleaners Room, Toilets, Covered Link, Hardplay area, Temporary Access Road, Remodified car park and associated works – Kingsway Primary School, Kingsway North. 03/848 (03/0848/1/PY) John W Bacon, 12 Cottage Farm Close, Braunstone Town. Single storey rear extension to form conservatory. 03/0850 (03/0850/1/PX) AXA PPP Healthcare Ltd, Beechcroft House, Ervington Court, Meridian Business Park Braunstone Town. Erection of generator housing, air conditioning compound, bin store and siting of three wall mounted air conditioning units. 6. Planning Applications received since the Distribution of the Agenda To be circulated at the meeting. 7. Planning Decisions 8. 9. 10. a) 03/0287/1/PX – Mr Cetindamar, 144 Lubbesthorpe Road, Braunstone Town. Single storey front, side and rear extension. To receive a letter dated 21st July 2003 from Mr P M Clarke, Head of Planning Services at Blaby District Council advising that the above planning application had been granted conditional approval. Blaby District Council did not consider that the proposal would result in over-development of the site as all of the extensions are single storey; the proposal do not come nearer to the road than the existing building; and after completion of the development the property would still have a garden area in excess of 230 square metres. b) 02/1048/1/PY – Mr A Hamude, 1 Wardens Walk, Leicester Forest East. Change of use from Retail to Hot Food Take-away (Class A3) and installation of ducting to existing chimney. To receive a letter dated 28th July 2003 from Mr P M Clarke, advising that the above planning application had been withdrawn. c) 03/0452/1/PX – Mr Pinney, 32 Woodland Drive, Braunstone Town. Two storey and single storey side extension. To receive a letter dated 15th August 2003 from Mr P M Clarke, advising that the above planning application had been granted conditional approval as Blaby District Council did not consider the proposals to have an overbearing effect on neighbouring properties and that adequate parking spaces were to be included. Notice of Transfer of Licence To receive and noted the following transfers of Licences. a) Transfer of Restaurant Licence – Markro Self Service Wholesalers Ltd, Centurion Way, Meridian Business Park – Mr Colin Brennan and Mr Sean Coles, 7th August 2003. b) Transfer of Off Licence – Makro Self Service Wholesalers Ltd, Centurion Way, Meridian Business Park – Mr Colin Brennan and Mr Sean Coles, 7th August 2003. Application for New Justices Off Licence To receive and noted the following transfers of Licences. a) Star Meridian (Texaco), Lubbesthorpe Way Northbound, Leicester – Linda Rawson and Harvinder Kaur – 4th September 2003. b) 29 Watergate Lane, Braunstone Town – Mrs Lolita Sankar – 4th September 2003. Church Field, Braunstone, Leicester To receive and note the plans the open space, Church Field, Braunstone (Enclosed) 11. Termination of the Meeting NOTE: CRIME & DISORDER ACT 1998 (SECTION 17) – The Council has an obligation to consider Crime & Disorder implications of all its activities and to do all that it can to prevent Crime and Disorder in its area. When considering planning applications, consideration should be given to crime reduction opportunities and the use of any appropriate ‘planning gain’. RACE RELATIONS ACT (SECTION 17A) – The Council has a general duty in carrying out its functions to have due regard to the need a) to eliminate unlawful racial discrimination; and b) to promote equality of opportunity and good relations between persons of different racial groups.