Presbyterian Renewal Ministries Statement on Peace, Unity, Purity

This statement was issued October 10, 2005.
The General Assembly Theological Task Force on Peace, Unity, and Purity of the
Church has issued a Report to the denomination, requesting that Presbyterians
reflect upon its findings in a period of discernment. We, representatives of renewal
organizations in the Presbyterian Church (USA), accept the Task Force invitation and
have gathered in Chicago for the purpose of studying and responding to the Task
Force Report.
Task Force members worked long and hard and are to be thanked for their efforts to
create an instrument whose purpose is to help the church discern how to live in
peace, unity, and purity. With them, we are grieved by our denomination’s decline
and disunity. We had hoped and prayed that from the Task Force Report we would
hear a witness to the Word of the Lord that would speak to the needs of our church.
In parts of this Report, we do hear a witness to the Word of God. Certain statements
affirm God’s eternal triune identity, the singular saving lordship of Jesus Christ, the
authority of Holy Scripture, and the necessity of living a disciplined and holy life.
In spite of these valuable affirmations, we conclude with regret that the Report has
not given the church a consistently clear witness to the word of God. Taken as a
whole, it constitutes a blend of truth and error that, if adopted, will undermine the
church's purity and exacerbate the denomination’s disunity. Indeed, it will promote
schism by permitting the disregard of clear standards of Scripture and the
Constitution of the Presbyterian Church (USA).
This Report will not promote the peace and unity of the church
The Report promotes radical change while claiming to make no change.
Recommendation 5 will bring about denominational fragmentation through de facto
local option. Ordaining bodies would be authorized to disregard explicit constitutional
standards, including but not limited to the fidelity/chastity requirement in G6.0106b.
The proposed authoritative interpretation would reverse the will of the church
without consulting the church through constitutional amendment. Thus, it does not
respect the Presbyterian way of delineating and maintaining boundaries for our
community. Although higher governing bodies would be permitted to review the work
of ordaining bodies, they would not be under any obligation to ensure compliance
with confessional standards specifically singled out by amendment and
constitutionally required of all governing bodies. Indeed, they would be encouraged
to “honor” that work with a “presumption of wisdom.” The proposed authoritative
interpretation, which was intended to advance church unity, will further divide the
church by inviting all ordaining bodies to do “what is right in their own eyes” (Judges
21:25). They will have the right to convert a mandated "shall" in The Book of Order
to a merely permissible "may" or "might," even though The Book of Order carefully
distinguishes between these ways of speaking.
In addition, the Task Force Report will not promote unity in the worldwide church.
Our brothers and sisters in the non-Western church – the majority church – find our
moral confusion troubling. Our relationship with them has been harmed and would
be further harmed by the adoption of this Report.
The Report will not promote the purity of the church
For the past quarter century, the Presbyterian Church (USA) has repeatedly
expressed its conviction regarding God’s will in matters of sexual morality. The
Report subverts these core sexual standards of behavior that are grounded in
Scripture by substituting sincerely expressed personal opinions for rigorous biblical
exegesis that has been confirmed by centuries of church tradition.
The Report accepts conflicting interpretations of Scripture without doing the hard
work of helping the church to assess the respective merits of these interpretations.
The Report proposes compromising the one Word of God with “words,” by replacing
the witness of Scripture with the product of dialogue. By replacing the authority of
Scripture with a consensus-building process, the Report separates the church from
its only real source of purity, Jesus Christ. The Lord of the church prays for our
purity, “Sanctify them by the truth; your word is truth” (John 17:17).
These observations lead us to conclude that the Task Force Report does not provide
what the church needs at this critical juncture in our life together. The Report will not
promote the peace, unity, and purity for which the Savior prays, for which we hope,
and to which we are committed.
Because we cannot commend the whole Report to the church, our renewal
organizations will offer resources to assist the church in discerning a better way to
seek its peace, unity, and purity.
May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the fellowship of the
Holy Spirit be with us all.
Signed by
Rev. Dr. Jerry Andrews, Co-Moderator, Presbyterian Coalition
Ms. Gabrielle S. Avedian, Presbyterian Forum
Rev. Anita Bell, Co-Moderator, Presbyterian Coalition
Rev. Dr. Jim Berkley, Interim Director, Presbyterian Action for Faith and Freedom
Elder Marie Bowen, Executive Director, Presbyterians Pro Life
Rev. Katie Brandt, Executive Director, Presbyterian Forum
Dr. Richard Burnett, Erskine Seminary
Rev. Sue Cyre, Executive Director, Presbyterians for Faith, Family and Ministry
Rev. Dr. Gerrit Dawson, Pastor, First Presbyterian Church, Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Rev. Tom Edwards, Executive Director, New Wineskins Initiative
Rev. Don Elliot, President, Presbyterians Pro Life
Rev. Dennis Finnegan, Vice President, Presbyterian Reformed Ministries International
Dr. Robert Gagnon, Pittsburgh Theological Seminary
Elder Peggy Hedden, Chair, Presbyterian Lay Committee
Elder Bob Howard, Presbyterian Lay Committee
Rev. Dr. Brad Long, Executive Director, Presbyterian Reformed Ministries
Rev. Dr. Peyton Johnson, Pastor, Lakeside Presbyterian Church, Tarpon Springs,
Rev. Dr. Mark Patterson, Pastor, Community Presbyterian Church, Ventura, California
Elder Terry Schlossberg, Executive Director, The Presbyterian Coalition
Rev. Cindy Strickler, Presbyterian-Reformed Ministries International
Rev. James Tony, Presbyterian Coalition
Rev. Michael Walker, Executive Director, Presbyterians for Renewal
Rev. Parker Williamson, Executive Director, Presbyterian Lay Committee
Elder Alan Wisdom, Interim President, Institute on Religion and Democracy
The Institute on Religion and Democracy
The New Wineskins Initiative
Presbyterian Action for Faith and Freedom
The Presbyterian Coalition
The Presbyterian Forum
The Presbyterian Lay Committee
Presbyterian-Reformed Ministries International
Presbyterians for Faith, Family and Ministry
Presbyterians for Renewal
Presbyterians Pro Life
Voices of Orthodox Women
Sessions who endorse the statement
The Session of First Presbyterian Church, Hillsboro, IL
The Session of New Hanover Presbyterian Church, Mechanicsville, VA
The Session of Lebanon Presbyterian Church, Lebanon, PA
The Session of Westminster Presbyterian Church, Mobile, AL
The Session of Arcadia Presbyterian Church, Arcadia, CA
The Session of the French Camp Presbyterian Church, French Camp, MS
The Session of First Presbyterian Church Kokomo, IN
The Session of First Presbyterian Church, Oostburg, WI
The Session of Grace Covenant Presbyterian Church, Richmond, VA
The Session of Lakeside Presbyterian Church, Tarpon Springs, FL
The Session of Presbyterian Church of Shippensburg, Shippensburg, PA
The Session of Community Presbyterian Church, Ventura CA
The Session of Ken Mawr United Presbyterian Church, McKees Rocks, PA
The Session of Oak Cliff Presbyterian Church, Dallas, TX
The Session of Round Hill Presbyterian Church, Elizabeth, PA
The Session of Kirkmont Presbyterian Church, Beavercreek, OH
The Session of Highland Sixth Presbyterian Church, Highland Heights, OH
The Session of First Presbyterian Church, Milton, PA
The Session of Fremont Presbyterian Church, Sacramento, CA
The Session of Dublin Presbyterian Church Session, Dublin, VA
The Session of Providence Presbyterian Church, Hilton Head Island, SC
The Session of Mountville Presbyterian Church, Portersville, PA
The Session of First Presbytrerian Church, Waynesville, NC
The Session of Covenant-First Presbyterian Church, Cincinnati, OH
The Session of Second Presbyterian Church, Aurora, IL
The Session of First Presbyterian Church, Alliance, NE
The Session of the First Presbyterian Church of Levittown, Levittown, PA
The Session of First Presbyterian Church, Paola, KS
Mandarin Presbyterian Church, Jacksonville, FL
the Palos Park Presbyterian Community Church, Palos Park, IL
Medina Presbyterian Church, Medina, OH
Highland Park Presbyterian Church, Dallas, TX
Adventure of Faith Presbyterian Church, Port Orchard, WA
First Presbyterian Church, Branson, MO
the First Presbyterian Church, Newport, RI
Colonial Presbyterian Church, Kansas City, MO
North Lake Presbyterian Church, Lady Lake, FL
Osceola Presbyterian Church, Clark, NJ
First Presbyterian Church, Bentleyville, Pennsylvania
Morgan Hill Presbyterian Church, Morgan Hill, California
First Presbyterian Church, Ouray Colorado
First Presbyterian Church, Jacksonville, FL
First Presbyterian Church of Orlando, FL
the First Presbyterian Church, Evanston, IL
Northeast Presbyterian Church, St. Petersburg, FL
Peace Presbyterian Church, Goose Creek, SC
J. J. White Memorial Presbyterian Church, McComb, MS
First Presbyterian Church, DeBary, FL
Parkminster Presbyterian Church, Rochester, NY
Faith Presbyterian Church of Seminole, Seminole, FL
Westminster Presbyterian Church, Spartanburg, SC
Mountville Presbyterian Church, Portersville, PA
Ward Parkway Presbyterian Church, Kansas City, MO
the Santa Ynez Valley Presbyterian Church, Solvang, CA
Buffalo Prairie Presbyterian Church, Buffalo Prairie, IL
Medina Presbyterian Church, Medina, OH
First Presbyterian Church of Winston-Salem, NC
Church of the Redeemer (PCUSA), Snellville, GA
First Presbyterian Church in Richmond, IN
Lebanon Presbyterian Church, West Mifflin, PA
Edgington Presbyterian Church, Taylor Ridge, IL
Windham Presbyterian Church, Windham, NH
Central Presbyterian Church, Towson, MD
Farner Presbyterian Church, Farner, TN
Zionsville Presbyterian Church, Zionsville, IN
John Calvin Presbyterian Church, Ringgold, GA
Good Shepherd Presbyterian Church, Charlotte, NC
Community Presbyterian Church of the Lakes, Lake Hughes, CA
Hamilton Presbyterian Church, Baltimore, MD
Northwest Presbyterian Church, St. Petersburg, FL
First Presbyterian Church, Greenville, SC
All Villages NCD, St. Lucie West, FL
Eastminster Presbyterian Church, Marietta, GA
Presbyterians who add their names in support
Paul Leggett, Pastor, Grace Presbyterian Church, Montclair, New Jersey
The Rev. John H. Roark, Pastor, Buford Presbyterian Church, Buford, GA
Rev. Jim Henkel, Pastor, North Benton Presbyterian Church, North Benton, OH
Richard Klein
Elder Jennifer Kirkbride, First Presbyterian Church, Wellsburg, WV
Rev. Malcolm M. King III, Pastor, First Presbyterian Church, La Follette, TN
Rev. Neal Humphrey, Westminster Presbyterian Church
Rev. Dr. John C. Zimmerman, Presbytery of Alaska, Honorably Retired
Rev. Bruce Becker, pastor, First Presbyterian Church of Olney, Philadelphia, PA
Dr. John Buckingham; Elder, Eastminster Presbyterian Church, Trussville , Al
Rev William F, Albert, recently retired pastor of Concord Presbyterian Church,
Sumter, SC.
Richard Conway, Elder, First Presbyterian Church, Morganton, NC
Rev. Rick Gillespie-Mobley Co Pastor Glenville New Life Community Church PCUSA,
Cleveland, OH
Rev. Toby Gillespie-Mobley Co Pastor Glenville New Life Community Church PCUSA,
Cleveland, OH
Andy & Judy Carrick, evangelistic PC(USA) missionaries to Japan
Rev. William R. Pawson, Westminster Community Presbyterian Church, Canton, OH
The Rev. Ray D.E. McCalla, pastor, First Presbyterian Church, Wayne, Nebraska
Terry J. Tyler, Pastor, First Presbyterian Church, Nappanee, IN
Rev Al Sandalow, First Presbyterian Church, Ellensburg, WA
Rev. John Erthein, Elderton Presbyterian Church, Elderton, PA
H. Matthew Ferguson, pastor, First Presbyterian Church, Hillsboro, IL
Rev. Noel K. Anderson, Executive Pastor, First Presbyterian Church, Bakersfield, CA
Larry Rued, Elder, First Presbyterian Church, Bradenton, FL
Robert Dooling, Moderator, the Presbyterian Forum
Rev. Dr. Kevin McDonald, Associate Pastor, Covenant Presbyterian Church, Omaha,
Rev. Dr. C. Gregory Darden, Pastor, Faith Presbyterian Church, Germantown, TN.
Rev. Spencer Lawrence, Church of the Cross Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), Hoffman
Estates, IL
Rev Dr Alan Trafford, First Presbyterian, Lake Jackson, TX
Marc Karasek, Elder, Norcross Presbyterian Church
Rev. Dave Moody, Trinity United Presbyterian Church, Sparta, IL
Marshall A. Worden, Elder, Northminster Presbyterian Church, Tucson, Arizona
Christopher C. Carlson, Senior Pastor, Faith Presbyterian Church, Minnetonka, MN
Rev. Christopher J. Williams, First Presbyterian Church, Branson, Missouri
Rev. Kriss Bottino, Associate Pastor, First Presbyterian Kennewick WA
Elder Rob Bullock, Clerk of Session, First Presbyterian Church of Orlando, Florida
Elder Greg Ulrick, Santa Ynez Valley Presbyterian, Solvang, CA
Renee Guth, Northminster PC, Tucson, AZ
Rev. David C. Mauldin, Pastor, Westminster Presbyterian Church, Mobile, AL
Elders Scott R. and Janet S. Emry, Hilton Presbyterian Church, Newport News, VA
Nick Krantz, Pastor, Foster Presbyterian Church, Tukwila, WA
Rev. Steven L. Seng, pastor, First Presbyterian Church, Wellsburg, WV
Rev. John S. Sheldon, First Presbyterian Church, Ocean City, New Jersey
Jeff McDonald, Member of Covenant Presbyterian Church, Omaha, NE
Rev. Thomas E. Smith, Pastor, Presbyterian Chapel of the Lakes, Angola, IN
Olivia Albert, elder, Westminster by the Sea, Daytona Beach Shores, FL
Rev. John Crosby, Pastor, Christ Presbyterian Church, Edina, MN
Jim and Betty Casale, members Community Presbyterian Church, Danville, CA
Robert R. von Oeyen, Jr., Pastor, Bethany, Staunton VA
Becky Lucci, Elder, Covenant Presbyterian Church, San Antonio, TX
Rev. O. William Hansen, Pastor Emeritus, Church of the Valley, Apple Valley,
Jim & Judy Ritchie, Covenant Presbyterian Church, San Antonio, TX
Robert A. Edmunds, Pastor, First United Presbyterian Church of Dale City, VA
James Loman, Elder John Calvin Presbyterian Church, San Antonio, TX
Rev. Benjamin E. Sheldon, Pastor Emeritus Bethany Collegiate Presbyterian Church,
Havertown, Penna
and Parish Associate, Forks of the Brandywine Presbyterian Church, Glenmoore,
W.M. "Bill" Hart, Elder/Deacon, First Presbyterian Church of Sun City, AZ
Nancy Lee Cochran, former moderator, Pittsburgh Presbytery; elder, Memorial Park
Presbyterian Church, Allison Park, PA
Nancy Scott Cross elder, First, San Antonio TX
Rev. Toby L. Brown, Pastor, First Presbyterian Church, Cuero, Texas
John Allan Watson, HR, Pastor Emeritus, Bethel Presbyterian Church, Columbus, OH,
Member, Presbytery of Scioto Valley
Rev. Jim Wilken, pastor, First Presbyterian Church, Marion NC
Rev. William J. Martin, Pastor, Northeast Presbyterian Church, St. Petersburg, Florida
Peggy Perry, Rose Hill Presbyterian Church, Kirkland, WA
John Huffman, Pastor, St. Andrews Presbyterian Church, Newport Beach, CA
Mr. Daniel L. Gruber, Director of Children’s Ministries, Covenant Presbyterian Church,
Omaha, Nebraska
Clarke Reed, Treasurer, Presbyterian Forum, Greenville, MS
Chris Enoch, Associate Pastor, Magnolia Presbyterian Church, Riverside, CA
Reverend Patricia Ward
Rev. George F. Major, Pastor, Silex Presbyterian Church, Silex, Missouri
Rev. J. Richard Jones HR, Presbytery of South Louisianna
Rev. Ronald D. Oldenkamp, Assoc. Pastor, First Presbyterian Church of Roseville,
Roseville, CA
Sylvia D. Dooling-President, Voices of Orthodox Women
Marcia Slentz-Whalen, Member of Woods Memorial Presbyterian Church, Severna
Park, Maryland
Ken Kettlewell, Honorably Retired, Springfield, Ohio
Rev. Dr. William J. Maxwell, Senior Pastor of First Presbyterian Church, Newport, RI
Carl R. Schmahl, pastor, Warrenton Presbyterian Church, Warrenton, Virginia
James E. Stewart, FPC Naples, FL
Travis H. Clark, Jr., Elder, First Presbyterian Church, Greenwood, Mississippi
G. Alan Crandall, D. Min., Edwin Lindsay Chaplain to Students, University of Dubuque
Patricia Geiger, Elder, First Presbyterian Church, Bradenton, FL
Alan Geiger, Elder, First Presbyterian Church, Bradenton, FL
Timothy B. Smith, Pastor Northminster Presbyterian Church, Las Cruces, New Mexico
Rev. David Weyrick, Stow Presbyterian Church, Stow, Ohio
Rev. Steven S. Bryant, First Presbyterian Church, Vicksburg, Mississippi
Rev. Wesley Masanosuke Cummins, Associate Pastor, Taiwanese Presbyterian Church
of Greater St. Louis
Jim Milborn, New Hope Presbyterian Church, Fishers, Indiana
Jack W. Fox, Elder, First Presbyterian Church, Towanda, Pa.
D. Dean Weaver, pastor Knox Presbyterian Church, Buffalo, NY
John van Genderen, Elder of the Arcadia Presbyterian Church, Arcadia, CA
Kenneth R. Harker, Jr., Elder, Brown County Presbyterian Fellowship, Nashville,
Janet M. Harker, Elder, Brown County Presbyterian Fellowship, Nashville, Indiana
George E. Thanos, Community Presbyterian Church, Ventura, California
Beverly Wilson Thanos, Community Presbyterian Church, Ventura, California
Roderick Orr, Elder, First Presbyterian Church, 420 Main Street, Branson, MO
Rev. Jim Hazlett, Pastor Gateway Presbyterian Church, The Dalles, Oregon
Michael J. Sorocak, Westminster Presbyterian Church, Mobile, AL
Betty Gilmore, elder, First Presbyterian Church, Bradenton, FL.
Rev. Paul A. Terry, Pastor, Faith Presbyterian Church, Cranston, R.I.
Pat Riggins DVM Elder, First Presbyterian Church, Bloomington, Indiana
Rev. Cameron S. Smith, Appomattox Court House Presbyterian Church, Appomattox,
Reverend Jeffrey Carlson, Pastor, Oakhill Presbyterian Church, Grand Rapids,
Jim Kettlewell, Elder, Christ Presbyterian Church, Canton, OH
Elder, Mary Beth Bustle, First Presbyterian, Bradenton, Florida
James E. Stewart, First Presbyterian Church, Naples, FL
Daniel S. Williams, Pastor, Second Presbyterian Church, Staunton, VA
Miriam F. Huseby, Member, Sequim Community Church, Sequim, WA
John L. Boone, Elder, Westminster Presbyterian Church, Nashville, TN
Daniel S. Williams, Pastor, Second Presbyterian Church, Staunton, VA
Jack Lindstrom, Highland Park Presbyterian Church, Dallas, TX
Rev. Robert L. Simmons, D.Min, Pastor, Christ Presbyterian Church, Phoenix, Arizona
Ed McLean, Member First Presbyterian Church of Maitland, Fl
Chaplain (Major) Ernest L. Vermont, Deputy Installation Chaplain, Fort Meade,
Rev. Dr. Donald R. Howie, St. Andrew Presbytery
Dr. John F. Sloop, First Presbyterian Church, Harrisonburg, VA
William R. Clark, elder- First Presbyterian Church Greenwood, MS
Rev. Donald D. Wade IAOP, Westminster Presbyterian Church, Snellville, GA
Rev. Dr. John R. Kerr Pastor, Mill Creek United Presbyterian Church, Hookstown, PA
Jim Robbins Elder First Presbyterian Church Fort Collins, Colorado
Donald G. Belanus, Ph.D., Pastor, First Presbyterian Church, Portsmouth, Virginia
Sherry Clark, First Presbyterian Church, Greenwood, MS
Rev. Dr. William J. Parr - pastor - Nor'kirk Presbyterian, Carrollton, TX
Rev. Dr. Kari Turner McClellan, First Presbyterian Church of Levittown
Rev Alan Wilkerson, Kenton Presbyterian Church, Portland, OR
Michael J. Imperiale, pastor, 1st Pres Salt Lake City
Rev. Frederick F. Thrower, Associate Pastor, First Presbyterian Church of Kingwood
Tod Gilmore, Elder, Central Presbyterian Church, Downingtown, PA
The Rev. William Lee Kinney, Pastor, First Presbyterian Church, Pine Bluff, Arkansas
Mary Ellen Flowers, Elder, FPC, Vicksburg, MS
Paul Rolf Jensen, General Counsel, Westminster Fellowship, Inc., Costa Mesa, CA
Rev. Scott T. Wiest, Pastor, First Presbyterian Church, Pikeville, KY
Pastor Daniel Bloesch, Attica-Williamsport Presbyterian Church, Attica, IN.
Rev. Gary W MIller, Pastor, Minden Presbyterian Church, Minden, LA
Sandy Robbins Deacon First Presbyterian Church Fort Collins, Colorado
Rev Jon Sharpe, pastor, First Presbyterian Church, Levelland, TX.
Rev. Dr. Timothy McQuade, pastor, Loveland Presbyterian Church, Loveland, OH
John Buckingham MD
Nancy Alexander, elder, Arbor Dale Presbyterian Church, Banner Elk, NC
Dan Tapia,Elder,Community Presbyterian Church,Ventura Ca.
Robert Powell, Elder, First Presbyterian Church, Fort Collins, CO
Dennis Kviz, Elder, Sunset Presbyterian Church, Portland, Oregon
Rev. Dr. Rusty Douglas, Pastor, First Presbyterian Church, Greenwood, MS
Mary Elizabeth Jepson, layperson, Donegal, PA Presbytery
Jim DeCamp, pastor, First Presbyterian Church, Oostburg, Wisconsin
Rev. Dr. Meagan M. Boozer, Pastor, Upper Path Valley Presbyterian Church, Spring
Run, Pennsylvania
Larry D. Baskin, pastor, First Presbyterian Church, Florence, Alabama
Elder Barbara Peterson, Sunset Presbyterian Church, Portland, Oregon
Dr. David M. Cook, Elder, First Presbyterian Church, Lakeland, FL
Christine King, Elder, First Presbyterian Church, Bradenton, FL
Ken King, First Presbyterian Church, Bradenton, FL
Johanna Wright, Member, Montreat Presbyterian Church, Montreat, NC
Rev. Jean H. Throckmorton, member-at-large, Riverside Presbytery, Ridgecrest, CA
Mark A. Washburn, Fort Worth, Texas
Dick Wright, Elder, Whitworth Presbyterian Church, Spokane, WA
Carol Stauffacher, elder. Community Presbyterian Church, Ventura, CA
Fred Stauffacher, deacon, Community Presbyterian Church, Ventura, CA
Ken Mulder, Sr. Associate Pastor, Sunset Presbyterian Church, Portland, OR
Rev. George Saylor, First Presbyterian Church of Lenoir, NC
Dick Harris, Houston Texas, Memorial Drive Presbyterian Church
Mike Gibson, pastor, Munford Presbyterian Church
Bob Sundquist, elder, First Presbyterian Church, Paola, KS
Dr. Douglas S. Pride, Pastor, The Presbyterian Church of Clearfield, Clearfield, PA
Roger Lucic, Elder, Community Presbyterian Church, Ventura CA
Susanna Lucic, Deacon, Community Presbyterian Church, Ventura CA
Rev. D. Wayne Bogue, Hudson Presbyterian Church, Hudson, Ohio
Todd Bensel, Commissioned Lay Pastor, Community Presbyterian Church, Pilot Rock,
Will Billings, Member, Lebanon (OH) PCUSA
Ted Mikels
Rev. Steve Rhodes, Associate Pastor, First Presbyterian Church, 325 East Downer
Place, Aurora, IL
Dr. Richard L. Sleight, First Presbyterian Church of Bellevue, Bellevue, WA
Rev. Dr. Sidney L. Leak, III, Pastor, First Presbyterian Church, Manchester TN
Rebecca F. Leak, First Presbyterian Church, Manchester, TN
Kenneth Robbins - Elder Central Presbyterian Church, Merced, California
Rev. Ernest Williams, Stated Supply Pastor, First Church, Falfurrias, Texas
Elder Byron Cressy, Community Presbyterian Church, Ventura CA
George T. Hammond, Central Presbyterian Church, Downingtown, PA
Linda L. Patterson, Community Presbyterian Church, Ventura, CA
Sarai K. Patterson, Community Presbyterian Church, Ventura, CA
Kalie E. Patterson, Community Presbyterian Church, Ventura, CA
Gilberto C. Lopez, First Presbyterian Church, Salt Lake City, UT
Rev. Robert C. (Bob) Coppock, Simi Valley Presbyterian Church, Simi Valley, CA
Carolyne Coco, Member, First Presbyterian Church, Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Elder James W. Kaucher, Northminster Presbyterian Church, Tucson
Larry Heineken, Elder, First Presbyterian Church in Wamego, Wamego, KS
Rev. John M. O'Lane, Pastor Willow Creek Presbyterian Church, Caledonia IL
J. William Giles, Honorably Retired, Birmingham, AL
Dorothy Phillips, Elder, First Presbyterian Church, Jackson, MO
Dr. Myles W. MacDonald, Pastor Emeritus, First Presbyterian Church, Port Charlotte,
Dr. Thomas C. Pfizenmaier, Senior Pastor, Bonhomme Pres. Church, Chesterfield, MO
Dr. Ron Scates, Senior Pastor, Highland Park Presbyterian Church, Dallas, TX
Rev. Rob Harrison, Trinity Church in the Pines (PCUSA), Grand Lake, CO
Ray Jones, Elder, Colonial Presbyterian Church, Kansas City, MO
Shirley Nauman, Hyde Park Presbyterian Church, Tampa, FL
Reverend Frank W. Webster, Jr., Pastor, Greenbrier Presbyterian Church,
Chesapeake Virginia
Elder Wayne Naro Covenant Presbyterian Church, Omaha, Nebraska, Director
Presbyterian Lay Committee
Elder Peggy Naro Covenant Presbyterial Church, Omaha, Nebraska
The Rev. Dr. Jay C. Basler, Presbyterians For Renewal, Chicago Presbytery
Jan Holcomb
Forest Mendenhall, Elder Trinity United Presbyterian, Zanesville, Ohio
Colin Kuskie, Sunset Presbyterian Church, Portland, Oregon
Elder Arthur Spear, Fort Square Presbyterian Church, Quincy, MA
Rev. Thomas A. Litteer, Pastor, First Presbyterian Church, Sparta, NJ
Gail Brookhart, Elder, First Presbyterian Church, Branson, MO
Susan Borland Elder New Harrisburg Presbyterian Church Carrollton Ohio
Rick Borland Clerk of session for New Harrisburg Presbyterian Church Carrollton Ohio
Rev. J. Harry McElroy, Interim Pastor, First Presbyterian Church of the Panther
Valley, Summit Hill PA
Rev. William L. Roemer, Minister Member-at-Large, Pittsburgh Presbytery
Mr. Gale E. Markham, Elder, Morgan Hill Presbyterian Church, Morgan Hill, CA
Mrs. Marilyn Markham, Church Musician, Morgan Hill Presbyterian Church, Morgan
Hill, CA
Orient and Charles Roudane', First Presbyterian Church, Asheville, NC
Jim Capps, Senior Pastor, Southport Presbyterian Church, Indianapolis, IN
David Anderson elder Presbyterian Church of Plum Creek Pittsburgh PA
Elder John Battenburg, Covenant Community Church, Vacaville, California
Elder Barbara Battenburg, Covenant Community Church, Vacaville, California
Elder Dan Tapia, Community Presbyterian Church, Ventura ,Ca
Jane Bugstaler, Community Presbyterian Church, Rochester, MN
Bernadette A. Brown, Deacon, member Community Presbyterian Church in
Celebration, Celebration, FL
Elder Stephen G. Brown, Community Presbyterian Church in Celebration,
Celebration, FL
Rev. Doug Resler, Overlook Presbyterian Church
Dr. Brant D. Baker, Senior Pastor, First Presbyterian Church, Mesa, Arizona
Robert Titus, pastor, Lebanon Presbyterian Church, Lebanon, PA
Sydney Roosa,Elder, First Presbyterian Church, Alliance, NE
Mary Ellen Cone,deacon. Community Pres., Ventura,CA
Dan Reuter, Pastor, Brown County Presbyterian Fellowship, Nashville, IN
Calvin Cone, Elder, Community Pres., Ventura, Ca
Doug Hucke, Senior Pastor Northminster Presbyterian Church, Peoria, IL
Melvin J. McDonald, Deacon, Douglas Avenue Presbyterian Church, Des Moines, IA
Dr. Scott Koenigsaecker, Pastor, Sequim Community Church, Sequim, WA
Chuck Beatty, Elder, 1st Presbyterian Church, San Antonio, TX
Rev. Stephen Mock, pastor, First Presbyterian Church, Punta Gorda, FL
Clerk, Elder John van Genderen, for Session of Arcadia Presbyterian Church, Arcadia,
Rev. Dr. Monty B. Burnham, Honarably Retired, Presbytery of Western North
Matthew A. Johnson, Director, Presbyterian Lay Committee
Iris Stripling, Elder, Marcus Whitman Presbyterian Church, Des Moines, WA
Rev. Paul A. Gaug, Champion Presbyterian Church, Warren, OH
Elder LaVerne Robinson Arcadia Presbyterian Church
Elder Don Robinson Arcadia Presbyterian Church
David M. Collins, Elder, Greenbrier Presbyterian Church, Chesapeake VA
Dean Murphy, session member, Southwest Pres. Church, Wichita, Ks
Jim Conner, Senior Pastor, Arcadia Presbyterian Church, Arcadia, California
Arthur Fairchild, Elder, Shippensburg Presbyterian Church, Shippensburg, PA
James Blanchard, Elder, Sunset Presbyterian Church, Portland, OR
Rev. Robert E. Larson, Jr., D.Min., H.R., Philadelphia Presbytery
Elder Jim McClurkin, Community Presbyterian Church, Ventura, CA
Dr. Steven Junken, elder, Brown County Presbyterian Fellowship, Nashville, IN
John and Reta Dowling, First Presbyterian church in Watseka, Il
Bill Seiden, Elder, Community Presbyterian Church, Vacaville, California
John W. Watson, Pastor, St Mark Presbyterian Church, Boerne, TX.
George A. Worthington, Elder, First Presbyterian Church of Worcester, Massachusetts
Lawrence Wood, Senior Pastor, The Church of the Hills, PCUSA, Duluth, Georgia
Elder (and former CLP) Jasper W. McClellan, Matthews Memorial Presbyterian
Church, Albany, TX
Rev. Steven GP Strickler, Director of Church Relations, Presbyterian Lay Committee
Rev. James C. Yearsley, Pastor, Mt. Hope Community Church, PC USA, Pittsburgh, PA
Philip Van Bruggen, Elder, College Hill Presbyterian Church, Beaver Falls, PA
Steve Jones, Elder, First Presbyterian Church, Kokomo IN
Julie Killingbeck, elder, First Presbyterian Church, Kokomo, IN
R. Mark Plumb, Associate Pastor, Lebanon Presbyterian Church, West Mifflin, PA
Dr Dan McMillan, Pastor, Green Hill Presbyterian Church, Enterprise, AL
Lowell W. Avery, pastor, Cleveland Drive Presbyterian Church, Cheektowaga, NY
Rev. Dr. David Kunselman, Interim Pastor of Lancaster Presbyterian Church,
Lancaster, NY
Earl Visser, Elder, Decon, First Presbyterian, Lincoln, NE
Bob Gant, Retired Minister, Rock Hill, SC
Rev. R. David Aldridge, Pastor of Central Presbyterian Church, Huntington, NY
Suzanne W. Hanselman, Clerk of Session, Knox United Presbyterian Church,
Kenmore, NY
Charles Vader, Elder, First Presbyterian Church, Escanaba, Michigan
Glenn R. Blum, Elder, Clerk of Session, 1st Presbyterian Church, Oconto, WI
Rev. Paul A. Gaug, Champion Presbyterian Church, Warren, OH
Kevin Kaufman, Elder, Covenant Presbyterian Church, West Lafayette, Indiana
Dr. James C. Goodloe IV, Pastor, Grace Covenant Presbyterian Church, Richmond,
Elder John R. Haley, Kirk of the Hills Presbyterian Church, Tulsa, OK
Arthur S. Greathead, elder, Northminster Pres. Church, Salinas, CA
Judy Vader, (inactive) Elder, First Presbyterian Church, Escanaba, MI
Dr. Gary W. Myers, Pastor of Dardenne Presbyterian Ch
Rev. Phil Olson, FPC Lambertville, Lambertville, NJ
Malcolm S. Vandevort, Jr.,Retired, Shenango Presbytery, Missionary to Ethiopia
Martha Vandevort, Missionary to Ethiopia and member of Mission Committee of First
Presbyterian Church, Greenville, PA.
Rev. Dr. Allen V. Kemp and Rev. Deborah M. Kemp, Suffern Presbyterian CHurch,
Suffern, NY
Rev. David L. Bierschwale, Pastor, Presbyterian Church of the Master Coon Rapids,
Ken Frassa, Elder Clifton PC, Clifton, VA
Tom Gray, Pastor, Kirk of the Hills Presbyterian, Tulsa, Oklahoma
Cherie Benedik, Elder at Stow Presbyterian Church, Stow, Ohio
Elder Jane Brown, First Presbyterian Church, Kokomo, In
Rev. Stuart R. Smith, Associate Pastor First Presbyterian Church, Lake Jackson, TX
James Thomas, Associate Pastor; Central Presbyterian Church, Downingtown, PA
Dr. Worth Wilson, pastor, Cle Elum Community Church, Mt Pisgah Presbyterian
Church, Cle Elum, WA
John Bowers, Elder at First Presbyterian Church, Kokomo, Indiana
Lewis Edgar Bock, Elder and Deacon, First Presbyterian Church, Houston, TX
DuWayne Hintz, pastor, Lake Village Presb. Church Wabash Valley Presbytery,
Pastor, Jerry Van Auken of First Presbyterian Church of Kokomo, Indiana
Russell Wilkins, Pastor, Trinity Presbyterian Church Texarkana, TX
John Austin Hinkle, Jr., Pastor, Providence Presbyterian Church, Dallas, GA.
Robin G. Young, member Community Presbytery Church, Ventura, CA
Rev. Lane Stephenson, Pastor, French Camp Presbyterian Church, French Camp,
Michael R. McCarty, Elder, Forks of the Brandywine Presbyterian Church, Glen Moore,
Rev. Carmen Fowler, Associate Pastor, Providence Church, Hilton Head Island, South
Donald Squibb, Elder, Mt Vernon Community Presbyterian Church
Kerry Fraas, Elder, Mt Vernon Community Presbyterian Church
V. Don Haas, Pastor, Covenant Presbyterian Church, Simsbury, CT
David E. Withers, Elder, Faith Presbyterian Church, Cranston, RI
Elder David Nolde Community Presbyterian Church, Ventura Ca
Rev. Charles M. Murphy, Pastor, Windsor Ave. Presbyterian Church, Bristol, TN
Elder Virginia Salmon, Faith Presbyterian Church, Cranston, RI
Charles Nipple First Presbyterian Church, Kokomo, IN
Rev. Roland L. Slater, Senior Pastor, First Presbyterian Church, Winfield, KS
Brenda Papacek, Elder, First Presbyterian Church, Kokomo, IN
Margaret P. Pyron, Elder, First Presbyterian Church of Branson, Branson, MO
James H. Logan, Elder, McHenry, MD
Morris F. Hanson Jr, Elder, Aldrich Avenue Presbyterian Church, Minneapolis, MN
Rev. Dr. Jeffrey G. Ebert, Senior Pastor, Presbyterian Church at New Providence,
New Providence, NJ
Elder James A. Plumstead, Lowcountry Presbyterian Church, Bluffton, South Carolina
Elder Grace C. Plumstead, Lowcountry Presbyterian Church, Bluffton, South Carolina
Rev.Dr. Bob Bullock, Senior Pastor, Eastminster Presbyterian Church, Marietta, GA
Jeff Dalbey, elder, Colonial Presbyterian Church, Kansas City, MO
Robert J. Crail, CLP Big Spring Presbyterian Church, Friendsville, TN
Jack Corley, Elder at Grace Covenant Presbyterian Church, Richmond, Virginia
Rev. John M Luyben, Westminster Presbyterian Church, Berkeley Heights, NJ
Peter J. Sizemore, Elder, Grace Covenant Presbyterian Church, Richmond, VA
James Babcock, Elder, Aldrich Avenue Presbyterian Church, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Rev. Dr. Stephen A. Moss, H.R., Interim Pastor, First Presbyterian Church,
Lincolnton, North Carolina
Rev. Dr. Jim Barstow, senior pastor, First Presbyterian, Roseville, CA
John Adkins, First Presbyterian Church, Orange, Texas
Rev. Michael Motsko, Associate Pastor, Spotsylvania Presbyterian Church,
Fredericksburg, VA
Patty Williamson, elder, First Presbyterian Church, Lenoir, NC
Richard Greenhalgh, Elder, Arcadia Presbyterian Church, Arcadia, California
Alan D Cox, Elder, First Presbyterian Church, San Antonio,TX
Barbara A. Allen, Elder, First Presbyterian Church of San Mateo, San Mateo, CA
John Kroll, First Presbyterian, Norfolk, VA.
Stewart Cusick, elder, Wenatchee First Presbyterian Church, Wenatchee Washington
Rev. Phil Moran, Pastor, Covenant Presbyterian Church of Boise, ID
Charles Shreffler, Elder, Hope Presbyterian Church, Richfield, MN
Rev. Rob Laukoter, Presbyterian Church of the Covenant, Hurricane, WV
Bruce Sullivan, Elder, Hope Presbyterian Church, Richfield, MN
Linda Hamilton, Elder, Westminster Presbyterian Church, Westlake Village, CA
Floyd Hamilton, Westminster Presbyterian Church, Westlake Village, CA
Rev. David Paul Lenz, Pastor, Hope Presbyterian Church, Richfield, Minnesota
Dr. Rick Boyer, Pastor, Trinity United Presbyterian Church, Zanesville, OH
John Stark, Clerk of Session, Presbyterian Church of Shippensburg, Shippensburg,
Rev. Mary Holder Naegeli, pastor, First Presbyterian Church of Concord, CA
Rev. David R. Hackett, Associate Director, visionSynergy, Bothell, WA
Robert Landolt, Faith Presbyterian Church, West Lafayette, Indiana
Jeff Varner, Elder, Gwynedd Square Presbyterian Church, Lansdale, PA
Dr. E. J. Price, Jr., elder, J. J. White Memorial Presbyterian Church, McComb, MS.
David A. De Vecchis, elder, Faith Presbyterian Church, Cranston, RI
Rev. Scott Graham, pastor, Chippewa United Presbyterian Church
Cathy P. Burey, elder, Colonial Presbyterian Church, Kansas City, Missouri
Dr. G. Henry Wells, Senior Pastor, Fair Oaks Presbyterian Church, Fair Oaks, CA
Rev. Chris Grange, Pastor, St. Peter’s By-the-Sea Presbyterian Church, Huntington
Beach, CA
Paul A. Dugan, Associate Pastor, Community Presbyterian Church, Ventura, CA
Rev. Andrew Scott, Pastor, First Presbyterian Church, Bentleyville, Pa.
Lawrence E. Paxton, Elder, First Presbyterian Church, Hollywood, CA
Rev. Jim Rauch, pastor, Westminster Presbyterian Church, Escondido, CA
Curt Brown, elder, Colonial Presbyterian Church, Kansas City, MO
Frank L Walburg, Elder, Trinity United Presbyterian Church, Zanesville, OH
Carol McClellan - Elder - First Central Presbyterian Church, Abilene, Texas
Rev. Paul R. Kuhn, Pastor, Presbyterian Church of Rolla & St. John, Rolla, ND
Cathy Rothrock, Elder, Brown County Presbyterian Fellowship, Nashville, IN
Rev. Dr. Lowell J. Meek, Pastor, Round Hill Presbyterian Church, Elizabeth, PA
Rev. Wesley Masanosuke Cummins, Associate Pastor, Taiwanese Presbyterian Church
of Greater Saint Louis
Pete Mirakian, elder, Colonial Presbyterian Church, Kansas City, MO
Warren S. and Peggy Reding, Elders, Forest Hills Presbyterian Church, Pittsburgh
Glenda L. Smith, Elder, Reems Creek - Beech Presbyterian Church, Weaverville, N.C.
Rance Hixson, Elder; First Presbyterian, Hiawatha, KS
Whitman H. Brisky, Clerk of Session, First Presbyterian Church, Evanston, Illinois
Jack Vanderbleek, elder, NE Presbyterian, St. Petersburg, FL
Rev. Dr. Karl E. McDonald, Pastor, Ken Mawr United Presbyterian Church, McKees
Rocks, PA
Rev. Steven M. Grant, Parish Associate, First Presbyterian Church of Bonita Springs,
Art & Peggy Montgomery, El Montecito Presbyterian Church, Montecito, Calif
Josh Cole, Pastor First Presbyterian Church, Waynesville, NC
Rev. Doug Forsberg, First Presbyterian Church , Newport, RI
Lois Swanson, elder, Hope Presbyterian Church, Richfield, MN
Dick Carter, Elder, Covenant Presbyterian Church, Amarillo, TX
Roger Alden Kvam, HR, Stated Supply, Cloudland and Menlo Presbyterian Churches,
Verne Powell, elder, Pipe Creek Presbyterian Church, Pipe Creek TX
Ada Muller, elder, St. Mark Presbyterian Church, Boerne TX
Marilyn & John Bonaguro, Elder & member, St. Mark Presbyterian Church, Boerne TX
David Huggard, Member, St. Mark PResbyterian Church, Boerne TX
Rev. Jason Cunningham, pastor, First Presbyterian Church, Brookings, SD
Doy L. Daniels, Jr., member, Bethel Presbyterian Church, Memphis, TN
Daryle and June McDonald, First Presbyterian Church, Olathe, Kansas
Rev. David Freehling, pastor, United Presbyterian Church, Cañon City, CO
Richard J. Reed, elder, Highland Sixth Presbyterian Church, Highland Heights, OH
Laurie S. Reed, elder, Highland Sixth Presbyterian Church, Highland Heights, OH
Burl S. Watson, elder, Kirk of the Hills, Tulsa, Oklahoma
Rev. Clayton F. Allard, II Senior Pastor, Oak Cliff Presbyterian Church, Dallas, Texas
Kay Ward, Kirk of the Hills Presbyterian, Tulsa, OK
Rev. Gary Chorpenning, Pastor, North Presbyterian Church, Elmira, NY
Leon A. Kraut, member, First Presbyterian Church, Freeport, Illinois
Rev Dr. Robert A. Falconer, Honorably Retired pastor, Giddings-Lovejoy Presbytery
Rev. Dr. Joan Irminger McKenzie, Pastor, First Presbyterian, Glen Ellyn, Illinois
Jerome M. "Jerry" Fullinwider, Highland Park Presbyterian Church, Dallas, TX
The Rev. Dr. Ernest L. Vermont, US Army Chaplain, Ft. Meade, MD
Rev. Chad Neal, Fuquay-Varina, NC
Rev. Cynthia Neal, Fuquay-Varina, NC
Dwight L. Johnson, Honorably Retired, Nisswa, MN
Jay & Dede Hamilton, Elders, First Presbyterian Church, Waynesboro, VA
Herbert Schlossberg, elder, National Presbyterian Church, Washington, D.C.
William L. Bowers, Dundee Presbyterian Church, Omaha, NE
Rev. Dr. William H. Walker, Ph.D., Tentmaking pastor of the Sykesville Presbyterian
Church, North Hanover Twp, NJ
Robert Alan Bush, First Presbyterian Church, Waynesville, NC
Rev. Bill Ford, Homer Presbyterian Church, Homer Georgia
Jim Robinson, Elder, Clerk of Session, First Presbyterian Church, Lafollette, TN
Kirk McCormick, Pastor, First Presbyterian Church, Boca Raton, FL
Jason K. McCrory, Elder, Riverchase Presbyterian Church, Hoover, AL
Rev. Andrew Hilla, Pastor, First Presbyterian Church, Paullina, IA
Don & Sue Woodworth, First Presbyterian Church, Waynesboro, VA
Don & Marsha Gates, Memorial Park Presbyterian Church, Gibsonia, PA
Rev. Zachary D. Bright, Pastor, Divine Savior Presbyterian Church, Covina, CA
Patricia J. Madison, 1st Presbyterian Church, Waynesville, NC
Heeman W. Wong, Alhambra True Light Presbyterian Church, Los Angeles, CA
Dr. Lewis W. Fowler Jr., Retired Presbytery Executive, Trinity Presbytery, Knoxville,
Mrs. June Fitton, Traverse City, MI
Rev. Marjorie Doriani, Pastor, Big Run Presbyterian Church, Big Run, PA
Mr. & Mrs. John S. Pollock, Webster Presbyterian Church, Webster, NY
Gerald S. Dean, Highland Park Presbyterian Church, Highland Park, IL
Shannon Andrews, Kerrville, TX
Charles and Lorraine Orsinger, First Presbyterian Church, San Antonio, TX
Phyllis Carrington Wertime, Presbyterian Church of Falling Spring, Greencastle, PA
Rev. Dan and Robby Grether, Free Indeed Ministries Int'l, Spokane, WA
Dr. Ulrich W. Mauser, Level Green Presbyterian Church, Trafford, PA
Robert B. Fish, Parkersburg, WV
Gordon J. Jones, Second Presbyterian Church, Flandreau, SD
Rev. Goerge A. Munzing, Trinity Presbyterian Church, Santa Ana, CA
Langdon S. Flowers, First Presbyterian Church, Thomasville, GA
C. Keith Hinrichs, Elder, Community Presbyterian Church, Danville, CA
Rev. Harry Miller, Glenside, PA
Elva K. Davies, Church of the Master, Apache Junction, AZ
Al & Sally Birkelbach, Desert Hills Presbyterian Church, Scottsdale, AZ
Rev. Alan G. Stones, Church of the Valley, Apple Valley, CA
Will Ackles, Calvin Presbyterian Church, Shoreline, WA
Mary Alice Pugh, Lakeside Presbyterian Church, Lake Worth, FL
William E. Galambos, First Presbyterian Church, Colorado Springs, CO
Carol E. Galambos, First Presbyterian Church, Colorado Springs, CO
Sara Robertson, First Presbyterian Church of Glen Ellyn, Wheaton, IL
Bob Chenoweth, First Presbyterian Church, Houston, TX
Richard & Mona Johnson, First Presbyterian Church, Harrisonburg, VA
R. L. Creighton, New Scotland Presbyterian Church, Delmar, NY
Rev. Andrew J. Waskey, pastor, Morton Memorial Presbyterian Church, Dalton, GA
Thomas J. Radio, The House of Hope Presbyterian Church, Shoreviw, MN
Rev. Peter Loughman, pastor, First Presbyterian Church, Anchorage, AK
Rev. Roger J. Korsten, Pastor, Highland Sixth Presbyterian Church, Highland Heights,
Donna G. Zeller, Elder, First Presbyterian Church, Alliance, Nebraska
Dave & Machelle Sterkel, First United Presbyterian Church, Alliance, NE
Dixie Ferguson, elder, First Presbyterian Church, Walla Walla, WA
Rev. Dr. Stephen Roosa, Pastor, First Presbyterian Church, Alliance, Nebraska
Elder, Richard Dawes, Providence Forge Presbyterian, Providence Forge, Va
Rev. John Richard McDuffie, Jr. Oak Grove Presbyterian Church, Middlesex, NC and
Center Ridge Presbyterian Church, Kenly, NC
Roger E. Purdy, Interim Associate Pastor, Trinity United Presbyterian Church, Santa
Ana, CA
Dr. Kathy Chance, Elder, Fremont Presbyterian Church, Sacramento, CA
Ralph Paisley, Elder, Avondale Presbyterian Church, Avondale, PA
Dr. David A. Fraser, Minister at Large, Philadelphia Presbytery
Carole A. Miles, Elder, Port Deposit Presbyterian Church, Port Deposit, MD
Rev Matthew L. Richardson Pastor, Central Presbyterian Church, Chambersburg, PA
Dolores E. Dorr - Elder-First Presbyterian Church, New Castle, IN
Elder Sydney Roosa, First Presbyterian Church, Alliance, Nebraska
Doug Kniveton, Elder, First Presbyterian, San Mateo, CA
Rev. Don Michael Hurray, Mountville Presbyterian Chruch, Shenango Presbytery
Rev. & Mrs. Earl M. Brooks, Pastor Emeritus, the Presbyterian Church of
Chestertown, Chestertown, Maryland
Ernest Mellor, Germantown Presbyterian Church, Germantown, TN
Robert & Edith Rasmussen, Pine Island Presbyterian Church, Kalamazoo, MI
Peter S. Lee, Mansarary Presbyterian Church, College Station, TX
Dr. Raymond Gamble, Honorably Retired, Tropical Presbytery
Rev. Clyde L. Mellinger, Jr., Honorably Retired, Orient, NY
Bayard & Huddy Boyle, Highland Heights Presbyterian Church, Cordova, TN
Ralph R. Westfall, Vienna, Virginia
Please add Rev. Roger Minassian, HR, Presbytery of San Joaquin
Rev. Jerry M. Hilton, Interim Senior Pastor, Eastminster Presbyterian Church,
Wichita, KS
Frank Tolstedt, Elder, First Presbyterian Church, Alliance, NE
Fred Hoaglin, Elder, Providence Presbyterian Church, Hilton Head Island, SC
Rev Andrew Gerhart, Interim Pastor, First Presbyterian Church, Aurora, IL
Robert R. Heidenreich, Elder, Covenant-First Presbyterian Church, Cincinnati, Ohio
Rev. C. Herbert Oliver, retired minister member of the Presbytery of New York City
Rev. Dr. Steve Nesheim, pastor: Kelseyville Presbyterian Church, Kelseyville, CA
Dr. Paul J. Maxwell, Jr., Elder, First Presbyterian Church, Alliance, Nebraska
Barbara Pindar, First Presbyterian Church of Levittown, PA
Rev. James Miller, 1st United Presbyterian, Pemberville, Ohio
Richard Fullner, Elder, University Presbyterian Church, Seattle, WA
Kellye Self, Elder, First Presbyterian Church of Bessemer, AL
William L Taylor, Elder, Signal Mountain Presbyterian Church, Signal Mountain, TN
Tom Palmer, Elder, First Presbyterian Church, Morehead City, NC
Rev. Forest R. Johnson II, Pastor, Ebenezer Presbyterian Church, George, IA
Dorothy Lee Thompson, First Presbyterian Church of Virginia City, Carson City, NV
Carissa Hogan, Elder, Orange Park Presbyterian Church, Orange Park, FL
L. Douglas Coartney, Elder, Eureka Presbyterian Church, Eureka, IL
Rae Malee Walsh, Elder, Orange Park Presbyterian Church, Orange Park, Florida
Elder Hardy Kircher, Orange Park Presbyterian Church, Orange Park, Florida
Rev. Dr. Tim Roberts, pastor, Orange Park Presbyterian Church, Orange Park, Florida
William H. Dittman and Audrey Carol Dittman, members of Community Presbyterian
Church, Danville, California
John Gillespie, Elder, Montesano, WA Presbyterian Church
Claude Ingersoll, Elder, First Presbyterian Church, Yakima, Washington
Kandyce Ingersoll, Careforce Lifekeys Coordinator, First Presbyterian Church,
Yakima, Washington
Rev. Chris Yim, Pastor, Neelsville Presbyterian Church, Germantown, MD
M. Michele Kelly, elder, Neelsville Presbyterian Church, Germantown, MD
Rev. Gene T. Price, Associate Pastor, The Woodlands Community Presbyterian
Church, The Woodlands, TX
Liz Masters, Elder, Fleming Island Presbyterian Church, Fleming Island, FL
Rev. Dr. Christine Woods-Henderson, Minister Member-at-Large, Northumberland
Presbytery, Williamsport, PA
Eileen C. Bauer, elder, Neelsville Presbyterian Church, Germantown, MD
Sherri C. Fry, Deacon, First Presbyterian Church, Alliance, Nebraska
Jack Miller, Neelsville Presbyterian Church, Germantown, MD
Rev. Dr. Ronald R. Smith, Senior Pastor, St. Johns Presbyterian Church
Zan Frick, Elder, Orange Park Presbyterian Church, Orange Park, FL
Doug Mercer, Elder, Orange Park Presbyterian Church, Orange Park, FL
Virginia Embrey, Deacon, Brighton Presbyterian Church, Rochester, NY
Cathy Sanders, Elder, Orange Park Presbyterian Church, Orange Park, FL
Rev. Hope Italiano Lee, Pastor, Valley Forge Presbyterian Church, King of Prussia, PA
Robert L. Morris, Jr. Senior Minister – First Presbyterian Church, Jacksonville, Florida
Paul and Brenda Fitzjarrald, First Presbyterian Church of Santa Ana, Santa Ana, CA
George H Lane, Elder, Westminster Prebysterian Chuch, Knoxville, TN
Rev. Becci Curtis, Associate Pastor, Orange Park Presbyterian Church, Orange Park,
Tim E. Sleeth, Elder, St. Johns Presbyterian church, Jacksonville, FL
Robert Velthuis, Elder, Neelsville Presbyterian Church, Germantown, Maryland
Rev. Terry P. Simm, First Presbyterian Church, Sibley, Iowa
Bud Sutton, Elder, First Presbyterian Church, Jacksonville, Florida
Peggie Peterson, Deacon, Community Presbyterian Church Danville, CA
Rev. Dr. Gregory C. Horn, Pastor, Westminster Presbyterian Church, Bakersfield, CA
Commissioned Lay Pastor Jim Tomb, Pastor, Fort Palmer Presbyterian Church,
Bolivar, Pa
Jeanne A. Linquist MD Elder, First Presbyterian Church San Mateo, Ca
Mary McKee, Deacon, Community Presbyterian Church Danville, CA
Tim Olds, Associate Pastor, Covenant Presbyterian Church, Albany, GA
Tim E. Sleeth, Clerk of Session, Session of St. Johns Presbyterian Church,
Jacksonville, Florida
Rev. Dr. Kari Turner McClellan and the Session of the First Presbyterian Church of
Levittown, Levittown, PA
Jean Ackerman, Clerk of Session, Emsworth U.P. Church, Pittsburgh, PA
Boyd & Frances Johnson, members, First Presbyterian Church of Orlando, Florida
Carl H. Starrett II, Elder, Trinity Presbyterian Church in Spring Valley, CA
Jeanette Hardage, member, Peace Presbyterian Church, Goose Creek, SC
Patrick Morris, Elder, Lower Providence Presbyterian Church, Eagleville, PA
Mack E. Reifers, Elder, Mandarin Presbyterian Church, Jacksonville, FL
V.Birch Rambo, M.D., elder, Peace Presbyterian Church, Goose Creek, SC
Craig L. Henderson, Clerk of Session, Mandarin Presbyterian Church, Jacksonville
Mellanie D. Henderson, Past Chairman of Deacons, Mandarin Presbyterian Church,
Jacksonville Florida
Timothy Allen Okel, Member Level Green Presbyterian Church, Level Green, PA
Joseph & Kathleen Troch, Deacons, Central Presbyterian Church, Towson, MD
Craig Millis, Elder, Clerk of Session, Highland Park Presbyterian Church, Dallas, Texas
Penny Kievet, Elder, Mandarin Presbyterian Church, Jacksonville, FL
Ken Kievet, Deacon, Mandarin Presbyterian Church, Jacksonville, FL
Rev. Dr. John C. Minihan, Pastor. First Presbyterian Church, Newark, Ohio
Deanna L. Gagnon, Elder, Neelsville Presbyterian Church, Germantown, Maryland
Rev. Gary Wetzel, Pastor, Garwood Presbyterian Church, Garwood, NJ
Rev. Dale Lint, Pastor, First Presbyterian Church, Ashton, Iowa
Rev. Dale Lint, Pastor, Zoar Presbyterian Church, George, Iowa
Michael Fowler, Deacon, Jackonville First Presbyterian Church, Jacksonvile, Oregon
Dawson E. Watkins, Grace Covenant PC, Richmond, VA
George Lane, Elder, Westminster Presbyterian Church, Knoxville, TN
Rev. Edward C. Gartrell, Sr., Huntsville, AL
Dr. G. Daniel McCall, Augusta, GA
Gene M. Abel, Concord, TN
Brown and Jean Dennis, Atlanta, GA
Roger L. Creighton, Delmar, NY
Ariadne Welch, Louisville, KY
Harold E. Kelch, M.D., Newark, OH
The Rev. Tony MacNaughton, Cedar Knolls, NJ
James R. Gilbert, Medina Presbyterian Church, Medina, OH
Jack Howell, Elder, Medina Presbyterian Church, Medina, OH
Caroline Miller, Portsmouth, RI
Rick & Toby Gillespie-Mobley, Cleveland, OH
J. P. Smith, Germantown, TN
Dwight L. Johnson, Nisswa, MN
Rev. Gary Wetzel, Garwood, NJ
Daniel M. McNary, Bethel Park, PA
John Cowan, Nashville, TN
Mary Alice Craig, New Castle, PA
Langdon S. Flowers, Sr., Thomasville, GA
Charles Lee Filker, Mason, MI
Jeff & Anne Brandsma, Trenton, SC
Lila C. Gardner, Harrisonburg, VA
Cullen B. Rivers, Richmond, VA
L. S. Ligon, Greenville, SC
Peter & Marilyn Scharfenberg, Upper Montclair, NJ
Edward Spongberg, Kingsburg, CA
Joseph and Diane Wilcox, Oro Valley, AZ
Tom and Mary Ensley, Caldwell, ID
William S. Talmage, Dunedin, FL
Rev. John and Rev. Sylvia Dilworth, Portland, OR
Archibald G. Fletcher, M.D., former career medical missionary of PC{USA} to India,
Nepal and Cameroun
Rev. Leonard Wideman, First Presbyterian Church, Eldorado, TX
Rev. Robert C. Whitaker, Healing Evangelist (Member Presbytery of Santa Barbara),
Arroyo Grande, CA
Rev. Charles M. Murphy III, pastor of Windsor Avenue Presbyterian Church, Bristol,
John & Sylvia Dilworth, Multnomah Presbyterian Church, Portland, OR
Rev. Joseph E. Beggs, Atco Presbyterian Church, Atco, NJ
Dr. & Mrs. Howard F. Moffett, El Montecito Presbyterian Church, Carpinteria, CA
John E. Adkins, Jr., First Presbyterian Church, Orange, TX
Archibald G. Fletcher, M.D., Arcadia Presbyterian Church, Duarte, CA
Dr. Keith Hardman, Collegville, PA
Mr and Mrs. Carlton W. Green, First Presbyterian Church, Hendersonville, NC
Jerold Haserot, Arcadia Presbyterian Church, Arcadia, CA
Jack G. Prevost, elder, First Presbyterian Church, Orlando, FL
Ralph and Dorothy Babcock, Grace Presbyterian Church, Milwaukee, WI
Rev. John Valk, Horseheads, NY
Rev. Eric Geil, Kishwaukee Community Presbyterian Church, Stillman Valley, IL
Charles D. Harvey, HR, Millington, IN
Richard W. Hudelson, Holland, MI
Mr. & Mrs. Duane Shearer, St. Pauls Presbyterian Church, North Port, FL
Rev. Daniel Pendergrass, Hamilton Presbyterian Church, Baltimore, MD
Mr. & Mrs. John S. Pollock, Webster Presbyterian Church, Webster, NY
Bill and Lynn Zmistowski, First Presbyterian Church, Boulder, Colorado
Mark L. Momberg, elder, Mandarin Presbyterian Church in Jacksonville, Florida
Paul R Linquist MD Elder, First Presbyterian Church San Mateo, California
Richard Kim, pastor, Korean Presbyterian Church of Purdue, West Lafayette, IN
Wayland and Snellah Waters, First Presbyterian of Pearland, Pearland, TX
Douglas Dunderdale, Northminster Presbyterian Church, Pittsburgh, PA
Gary and Claire Tate, Foster Tokwila Presbyterian Church, Seattle, WA
Rev. Robert Whitaker, Templeton & Morro Bay Presbyterian Church, Arroyo Grande,
Charles Orsinger, First Presbyterian Church, San Antonio, TX
Kathy Abington, San Pedro Presbyterian Church, San Antonio, TX
Simone Baroldy, Hollywood presbyterian Church, Los Angeles, CA
Jacquelyn M. Hulla, First UPC of Westminster, Baltimore, MD
Rev. Dr. John C. Minihan, First Presbyterian Church, Newark, OH
Rev. Tracy Johnson, Christ Presbyterian Church, Springfield, MA
Carol W. Speirs, First Presbyterian Church, Colorado Springs, CO
Laura Dickman, Hillsboro Presbyterian Church, Portland, OR
Cody Watson, Birmingham, AL
Naseeb Baroody, M.D., Florence, SC
Dr. Cullen B. Rivers, Elder, Third Presbyterian Church, Richmond, VA
Richard I. McNeely, Springhill Presbyterian Church, Bozeman, MT
Rev. Adrian N. Doll, First Presbyterian Church, Norwalk, OH
R.G. Bell, First Presbyterian Church, Florence, SC
Robert J. Walsh, Minister Emeritus, Presbyterian Church of Mt. Union, Mt. Union, PA
Rev. Dr. Derek W. Richman – Associate Pastor - First Presbyterian Church of Naples,
John Foreman, Pastor and Moderator of Session, Adventure of Faith Presbyterian
Church, Port Orchard, WA
Mark Inouye, Pastor, Morgan Hill Presbyterian Church, Morgan Hill, CA
Rev. Kenneth P. Gammons, pastor, First Presbyterian Church of Mountain View,
Mountain View, CA
Bill Arthur, Greenville, SC
Elder Mary Holcomb, St. Giles Presbyterian Church, Houston, TX
Dr. Douglas J. Rumford, Senior Pastor, Colonial Presbyterian Church, Kansas City,
Rev. Susan Finck-Lockhart, El Calvario Presbyterian Church, Woodway, TX
Rev. David B. Castrodale, Alexandria Presbyterian Church, Keokuk, IA
Dr. Dewey White, South Highland Presbyterian Church, Birmingham, AL
Mrs. June Fitton, Presbyterian Church of Traverse City, Traverse City, MI
Symon & Yvonne Satow, First Presbyterian Church, Hinton, WVA
Dr. Robert Mentze, Lakeside Community Presbyterian Church, Santee, CA
Dr. Sara A. Robertson, First Presbyterian Church of Glen Ellyn, Wheaton, IL
Dorothy Phillips, Giddings-Lovejoy Presbytery, Jackson, MO
Stewart W Damon, Clerk of Session, North Lake Presbyterian Church, Lady Lake, FL
Allen and Lorry Lutz, First Presbyterian Church, Colorado Springs, CO
Tony Ward, CLP, West End Presbyterian Church, Roanoke, Va
Ryan McAdams, Director of Youth Ministries, First & Calvary Presbyterian,
Springfield, MO
Curt Creason, Elder, Colonial Presbyterian Church, Overland Park, KS
Rev. Les Winters, Bethel Presbyterian Church, Reading, MN
Elizabeth Dietz, Elder, Eastminster Presbyterian Church, Marietta, GA
Timothy Waggoner, Pastor, Knox Presbyterian Church, Overland Park, Kansas
Rev. Jim Miller, First Presbyterian Church, Tulsa, OK
Rev. Dr. Denny Dennison, Senior Pastor, North Lake Presbyterian Church, Lady Lake,
John Erskine, Elder, North Lake Presbyterian Church, Lady Lake, FL
Paul A. Tambrino, CLP, Ed.D., Ph. D.. First Presbyterian Church, Maitland, FL
Faye M. Tambrino, First Presbyterian Church, Maitland, FL
Dorothy J Young, Elder, Faith Presbyterian Church, Seminole, Florida
Ed McLean-Member First Presbyterian Church-Maitland Fl
Barbara McLean Member First Presbyterian Church Maitland, Fl
Diane L. Brock, Elder, Eastminster Presbyterian Church, Marietta, GA
Elder Floyd Lilley, clerk of session, Fairview Presbyterian Church, Glenmoore, Pa
Laureen Bodnar, Elder, Northminster Presbyterian Church, Pittsburgh, PA
The Rev. George F. Dakin, First Presbyerian Church of Ouray, Colorado
Judson Taylor, Elder, First Presbyterian Church of San Antonio, San Antonio, Texas
Dr. Michael H. Porter, Pastor, Norton Presbyterian Church
Nadine Porter, member, Norton Presbyterian Church
Whitney Wells, Norton Presbyterian Church
Thomas M. Johnson, Elder, Central Presbyterian Church; Downingtown, PA
Lynn Platter, deacon, Colonial Presbyterian Church, Kansas City, KS
David A. Grachek, elder, Mandarin Presbyterian Church, Jacksonville, FL
Dennis Canfield, Member, Fourth Presbyterian Church, Chicago, IL
Elizabeth Quaday, Elder, Morgan Hill Presbyterian Church, Morgan Hill, CA
Kyle W. Key, Philadelphia, PA
Rev. D R Hintz, Lake Village, IN
William F Morgans, Jr, Easton, PA
Barbara McWilliams, Knoxville, TN
Shannon Andrews, Kerrville, TX
Vigo Christensen, Illinois City, IL
Maurice Kimball, Joy, IL
Penny Gloser, Reynolds, IL
Cathy Reason, Joy, IL
Doug Hessman, Illinois City, IL
Lindy Johnston, Reynolds, IL
Shelia Kiddoo, Taylor Ridge, IL
Jim Watts, Limestone Presbyterian Church, Gaffney, SC
Keith Posey, Elder, Peace Presbtyerian Church, Goose Creek, South Carolina
Rev. Douglas Sprouse, Associate Stated Supply, Brookdale Presbyterian Church, St.
Joseph, MO
Kay Sprouse, elder, Brookdale Presbyterian Church, St. Joseph, MO
Glenn R. Kennedy, Interim Pastor, First Presbyterian Church, Corning, NY
Paul Schreiber, member, Peace Presbyterian Church, Goose Creek, SC
Joan Schreiber, Elder elect, Peace Presbyterian Church, Goose Creek, SC
Paul W. Foster, Elder, Peace Presbyterian Church, Goose Creek, SC
Adrienne R (Addy) Morris - Peace Presbyterian Church, Goose Creek, SC
James D. Lueers, Minister of Worship and Music, Pleasant Hills Community
Presbyterian Church, Pittsburgh, PA
Elonna Bryan, Peace Presbyterian Church, Goose Creek, SC
Raymond E Booker, Peace Presbyterian Church, Goose Creek, SC
Katherine F. Booker, Elder, Peace Presbyterian Church, Goose Creek, SC
Richard H. Klumb, Elder, Westminster Presbyterian Church, Berkeley Heights, NJ
Randall E. & Susan G Simmons, Elders, Peace Presbyterian Church, Goose Creek, SC
Tony Young, elder, Peace Presbyterian Church, Goose Creek, SC
Robert P Tarpley and Lou B Tarpley, Elder, Peace Presbyterian Church, Goose Creek,
Meg Norwood, member First Presbyterian Church, Hartsville, SC
Debbie Guest, Elder, Peace Presbyterian Church, Goose Creek, SC
Andrew Gerhart, Aurora, IL
Susan Fenck-Lockhart, Woodway, TX
Richard McConnell, Clarence, NY
Richard Spinner, LaVeta, CO
Dr. Lane Stephenson, Pastor, J. J. White Memorial Presbyterian Church, McComb, MS
Dr. Ray Schroeder, Pastor, St. Andrew Presbyterian Church, Sun City Center, FL
Paul Schreiber, member Peace Presbyterian Church, Goose Creek, SC
John D. Reimer Jr. , Elder, Peace Presbyterian Church, Goose Creek, SC
Owen and Jeanette Hardage, members Peace Presbyterian Church, Goose Creek, SC
Steve Davis, Elder, Peace Presbyterian Church, Goose Creek SC
Marcia Davis, Peace Presbyterian Church, Goose Creek SC
Tim Peyton, Elder, Peace Presbyterian Church, Goose Creek SC
Melissa R. Peyton, Elder, Peace Presbyterian Church, Goose Creek SC
Brent and Jane Snider, Elder, Peace Presbyterian Church, Goose Creek, SC
Rev. Dave Steane, Executive Pastor, First Presbyterian Church, Greenville, SC
Carol Walker,Peace Presbyterian Church, Goose Creek, SC
Annabel Fatkin, Elder, First Presbyterian Church, Hayward, CA
Kay Hough, Elder, Philadelphia Presbyteriabn Church, Mint Hill, NC
Elder, Melanie Mitchell Peace Prebyterian Church, Goose Creek, SC
Rev. Will Dietrich, Pastor, Peace Presbyterian Church, Goose Creek, SC
Lindsey Walke, Peace Presbyterian Church, Goose Creek, SC
Eric Walke, Peace Presbyterian Church, Goose Creek, SC
Martin Parker, Peace Presbyterian Church, Goose Creek, SC
John C. Broman, Jr., Deacon, Ashburn Presbyterian Church, Asburn, VA
Rev. Dan Muttart, Hillcrest Presbyterian Church, Monroeville, PA
Susanne Cooper, First Presbyterian Church, Corinth, MS
Valerie and David Craig, Kirk of the Hills Presbyterian Church, Tulsa, OK
Jim Rogers, Deacon, Kirk of the Hills Tulsa, OK
Lisa Rogers, Kirk of the Hills Tulsa, OK
Dr. Keith Wright, Administrative Pastor, First Presbyterian Church of Orlando, FL
Ted Tromble, Pastor, First United Presbyterian Church, De Pere, Wisconsin
Rev. Dr. John S. Markel, Pastor, Bethesda Presbyterian Church, Philadelphia, PA
Jim D. Furman, Elder, Kirk of the Hills Presbyterian, Tulsa, Oklahoma
Rev. Marc G. Benton, Honorably Retired from Hudson River Presbytery
Rev. Dr. Steven Blocher, Pastor, Lake Tahoe Community Presbyterian Church, South
Lake Tahoe, CA
Rev. Dr. Austin B. Brinkerhoff, Jr., pastor, First Presbyterian Church, DeBary, FL
Crystal Fulda, Kirk of the Hills Presbyterian Church, Tulsa, OK
Carolyn Davis, Deacon, Kirk of the Hills Presbyterian Church, Tulsa, OK
Terry L Mills, Trustee, Kirk of the Hills, Tulsa, Ok
Jim Furman, Kirk of the Hills Presbyterian, Tulsa, Oklahoma
Paul Goodman, Elder, Kirk of the Hills Presbyterian Church, Tulsa, OK
Janet Jack, elder, Edgington Presbyterian Church, Taylor Ridge, IL
Ralph A. Wille, Jr., Deacon, Kirk of the Hills Presbyterian Church, Tulsa, Oklahoma
Rev. Anthony Osimo, Senior Pastor, First Presbyterian Church Monrovia, CA
Pastor Walter Hamer, First Presbyterian Church, Monett, MO
Daniel R. Bair - Pastor of Missions at Kirk of the Hills Presbyterian, Tulsa OK
Carrie Lund, Children's Minister, Kirk of the Hills Presbyterian, Tulsa, OK
Rev. Kenneth Ironside, Pastor, Chestnut Grove Presbyterian Church, Phoenix, MD
Michelle Iverson, Program Assistant, Kirk of the Hills Presbyterian Church, Tulsa, OK
Kyle Travis - Elder, Kirk of the Hills Presbyterian Church Tulsa, OK
Rev. Michael Koch, pastor, Memorial Presbyterian Church, Wenonah, NJ
Mark B. Hunt, Pastor, Rockville Presbyterian Church, Wadamalaw Island, SC
Allen Wayne Ward, Elder, Kirk Of the Hills Presbyterian, Tulsa, Oklahoma
John R. Haley, Elder, Kirk of the Hills Presbyterian Church, Tulsa, OK
Amelia M. & Allen T. Meyer, Kirk of the Hills, Tulsa, OK
Jayci Thomas, Kirk of the Hills Presbyterian, Tulsa, OK
Esther Underwood, IT Coordinator, Kirk of the Hills, Tulsa, OK
Glenn Elliott, Elder, Kirk of the Hills Presbyterian Church, Tulsa, OK
Emilie Bartel, Kirk of the Hills Presbyterian, Tulsa, OK
Chris Cullins, contemporary worship pastor, Kirk of the Hills Presbyterian Church,
Tulsa, OK
Nanci Clendenin, Kirk of the Hills, Presbyterian, Tulsa, Oklahoma
Jim Carey, Deacon, Kirk of the Hills Presbyterian, Tulsa, OK
Bonnie Gorrell, Kirk of the Hills Presbyterian, Tulsa OK
Rev. Dr. Jeff Reed, Kirk of the Hills Presbyterian, Tulsa, OK
Thomas W Gray, Pastor, Kirk of the Hills, Presbyterian, Tulsa OK
Nancy Clark, Kirk of the Hills, Tulsa, OK
Larry A. Dorr, elder, J J White Memorial Presbyterian Church, McComb, MS
Rev. Harper Brady, pastor, Concord Presbyterian Church, Baden, PA
Frederick E. Jones, Elder, Woodstock Presbyterian Church, Woodstock, GA
Gary Mace, Pastor C.L.P., Trinity Chapel, Cuba, MO
Michael Renner, Elder, Whitworth Presbyterian Church, Spokane, Wa
Mark Beamer, Elder, Santa Ynez Valley Presbyterian Church, Solvang CA
Rev. Jeffrey G. Bridgeman, Pastor, Santa Ynez Valley Presbyterian Church, Solvang,
Dennis Strong, Deacon, Santa Ynez Valley Presbyterian Church, Solvang,CA
Donna Strong, member, Santa Ynez Valley Presbyterian Church, Solvang, CA
Brad Roberts, Elder, Santa Ynez Valley Presbyterian Church, Solvang, California
Margaret Roberts, Santa Ynez Valley Presbyterian Church, Solvang, California
A.Wayne Ward, Elder, Kirk of the Hills Presbyterian, Tulsa, OK
Paul E. Dobbins, Blackhawk Presbytery, HR member-at-large
D. J. Ponville, Jr., Deacon, Kirk of the Hills Presbyterian Church, Tulsa, OK
Paul Bender, Elder, Central Presbyterian Church, Towson, MD
Sue Stangl, Elder of South Wales Presbyterian Church, South Wales, NY
Carolyn Brackin, Elder, Santa Ynez Valley Presbyterian Church, Solvang, California
Mae Grissom, Elder, Santa Ynez Valley Presbyterian Church, Solvang, California
Rev. Neal Humphrey, Pastor, Westminster Presbyterian Church, Fruit Heights, Utah
Carole Cameron Shaw, Montreat Presbyterian Church, NC
Elder Margaret McClymonds Clerk of Mountville Presbyterian Church in Portersville,
Judy Bard, Elder, Mt Pleasant Church, Willow Spring, NC
Martin L. & Carolyn M. Jones, First Presbyterian Church, Alliance, NE
Arnold Dahl, Kirk of The Hills Presbyterian, Tulsa, Oklahoma
Dr. Patricia A. Daily-Dahl, Kirk of The Hills Presbyterian, Tulsa, Oklahoma
Dr. Doug Burford, Pastor, Ward Parkway Presbyterian Church, Kansas City, MO
Claudia Burford, member, Ward Parkway Presbyterian Church, Kansas City, MO
Jon Mensie, member, Ward Parkway Presbyterian Church, Kansas City, MO
Patricia Mensie, member, Ward Parkway Presbyterian Church, Kansas City, MO
Rebecca Seyferth, member, Ward Parkway Presbyterian Church, Kansas City, MO
Betsy Burgett, elder, Santa Ynez Valley Presbyterian, Solvang, CA
David Burgett, elder, Santa Ynez Valley Presbyterian, Solvang, CA
Brenda Hartley, elder, South Wales Presbyterian Church, South Wales, NY
The Rev Joseph Boggs, Atzo, NJ
Jean Ackerman, Pittsburgh, PA
Dr, R T Downs, Pastor, Pittsburgh, PA
Mr & Mrs Edward Haltemen, Jr, Middlesex, NJ
Patricia Ziegle,r Ogden, UT
David & Susan Eyre, Houston, TX
The Rev D R Hintz, Lake Village, IN
Dr G. Daniel McCall, Augusta, GA
Courtney Furman, Branson, MO
Janel Roper, OH
William Morgans, Easton, PA
Barbara Williams, Knoxville, TN
Shannon Andrews, Kerrville, TX
Richard & Jane Brown, Kokomo, IN
Randolph Kesler, Pastor, FPC, Bessemer. Al
Judy Andrest, deacon Kirk of the Hills Presbyterian, Tulsa, OK
Carole Cameron Shaw, member, Montreat Presbyterian Church, Montreat, NC
Elizabeth Poppinga Nelson, Elder, Grace Presbyterian Church, Montclair, NJ
Al Finch, Elder & Sandy Finch, Deacon, Central Presbyterian Church, Baltimore, MD
Daniel L. Smoak Associate Minister, First Presbyterian Church, Thomasville, Ga
Suzy Armstrong, Deacon, Kirk of the Hills Presbyterian Church, Tulsa, OK
Dorothy H. Miley, Peace Presbyterian Church, Goose Creek, SC
Lou Taylor, Elder, First Presbyterian Church, Winston-Salem, NC
W. Scott Thompson, Elder, First Presbyterian Church, Winston-Salem, NC
Richard C. Moore, elder, JJ White Memorial Presbyterian Church, McComb, MS
Dr. Stephen A. Murray, Pastor, First Presbyterian Church, Thomasville, Georgia
Jeanette C. Wilhelmi, Elder, First Presbyterian Church, Winston-Salem, North
Chris Bolan, elder, First Presbyterian Church of Orlando, FL
Jim Richard, Elder, Santa Ynez Valley Presbyterian Church, Solvang, CA
Elder J. Tyler Ward, II, Member of the Committee on the Office of the General
Assembly, Second Presbyterian Church, Lexington, KY
Jeanne Gibbs, Deacon, Santa Ynez Valley Presbyterian Church, Solvang, CA
Rev. John S Byerly, senior pastor, Church of the Redeemer (PCUSA), Snellville, GA
Rev Adel Thalos, pastor, Church of the Redeemer (PCUSA), Snellville, GA
Channler Drawdy, Santa Ynez Valley Presbyterian Church, Solvang, CA
Mike Baynai, Rembert, SC
Randy Adamson, Greeley, CO
Fred Meier, Santa Ana, CA
Mr & Mrs Dan Berry, Nashville, TN
The Rev. Bill Blacksmith, New Castle, PA
Dr. James Friedmeyer, Pastor, Van Buren Presbyterian Church, Van Buren, Ohio
Rev. Chip Hatcher, Pastor, First Presbyterian Church of Hernando, MS
Rev. Daniel Sutherin, Pastor, Hope United Presbyterian Church, Plainfield, Indiana
Barbara Drawdy, Deacon, Santa Ynez Valley Presbyterian Church, Solvang, CA
Lawrence J. Foster, Elder, Santa Ynez Valley Presbyterian Church, Solvang, CA
Evelyn L. Foster, Member, Santa Ynez Valley Presbyterian Church, Solvang, CA
Dr. and Mrs. D.A. Passman, elder, Indian River Presbyterian Chruch, Ft. Pierce, FL
Bette Thode, Westminster Presbyterian Church, Medford, OR
Jonathan Tony, Palos Park, Illinois
Gordon Pearce, Member, Westminster Presbyterian Church, Medford, OR
Marlise Pearce, Member, Westminster Presbyterian Church, Medford, OR
Rev. Tom Hobson, Ph D Student, Concordia Seminary, St Louis, MO
Rev. Paul W. Evans, Associate Pastor, First Presbyterian Church, Gainesville, GA
Pastor and Mrs. Raymond M. Tear, First Presbyterian Church of Ingram, Ingram,
The Rev. Dr. Clay J. Brown, Pastor, First Presbyterian Church, Mooresville, NC
Rev. Terrye McAnally, Pastor, First Presbyterian Church, Sevierville, TN
Paul Fredericks, Pastor, First Presbyterian Church, Prosser, WA
Derek Simmons, member, San Clemente Presbyterian Church, San Clemente, CA
Bob Snelling, Elder, First Presbyterian Church, Douglasville, GA
Michael Bush, Erskine Theological Seminary
Rev. Paul Masters, Senior Pastor, Marple Presbyterian Church, Broomall, PA
Pastor Bob Titus, Lebanon Presbyterian Church, West Mifflin, PA
Norton A. Stuart, III, MD, Elder, First Presbyterian Church, San Antonio, Texas
Rev. Bob Masciola, Pastor, First Presbyterian Church, Skagway, Alaska
Lis Wilson, Elder, Santa Ynez Valley Presbyterian Church, Solvang, CA
Shirley Flemming, Elder, Edgington Presbyterian Church, Taylor Ridge, IL
Claude U. Voils, Jr., First Presbyterian Church, Mooresville, NC
Dr. Gary H. Aven, Pastor, Farner Presbyterian Church, Farner, TN
Mrs. Mary V. Aven, Farner Presbyterian Church, Farner, TN
Rev. Richard W. Braun, Pastor Emeritus, John Knox Presbyterian Church,
Youngstown, OH
Lois Price, Santa Ynez Valley Presbyterian Church
Rev. Dr. Matthew McGowan, Parish Associate, First Presbyterian Church, Gainesville,
Missionaries Dennis & Faye Janson Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco, Mexico
Gordon Erickson, Member Santa Ynez Valley Presbyterian Church, Solvang, Calif.
Ruth Erickson, Member, Santa Ynez Valley Presbyterian Church, Solvang, Calif.
Douglas Bube, Member, Santa Ynez Valley Presbyterian Church, Solvang, CA
Dennis Doerr, Chittenango, NY
Rev. Tom Tripp, Colusa, CA
Elder Suellyn Kammerer, First Presbyterian Church, Alliance, Nebraska
Dr. Jeffrey Ebert, Senior Pastor, Presbyterian Church at New Providence, NJ
Rev. Dennis Braun, Pastor, First Presbyterian Church, Mount Gilead, Ohio
Rev. Dr. Bryan Burton, John Knox Presbyterian Church, Seattle, WA
Susan DeLoach, Elder, Arbor Dale Presbyterian Church, Banner Elk, NC
Diane Murray, Member, First Presbyterian Church, Thomasville, GA
Kenneth G. Winter, retired pastor, Nashville, TN
Kathy and Bryant Harvard, First Presbyterian Church, Thomasville, GA
John G Hamilton, Rochelle, IL
Melany D.S. Hamilton, Rochelle, IL
Sanders Read, Union, SC
Chuck Hobbs, Elder, First Presbyterian Church, Winston-Salem, NC
Angie Hobbs, First Presbyterian Church, Winston-Salem, NC
Jane Morehouse, member, First Presbyterian Church, Hayward ,California
Rev. David B. Rodriguez, Pastor, First Presbyterian Church of Hollister, CA
Dr. Thomas Murray, Pastor, Head of Staff, First Presbyterian Church, McAlester, OK
Dr. Will Fletcher, Pastor, Vaughn Presbyterian Church, Bentonville, Arkansas
Steven Frank, Pastor, Community Federated Church, Thermopolis, WY
Paula Isgett, Peace Presbyterian Church, Goose Creek, SC
Zelma Esclavon, Park Circle Presbyterian Church, North Charleston, SC
Dr. Ed Craft, Pastor, John Calvin Presbyterian Church, Ringgold, GA
William Kinken, Elder, Good Shepherd Presbyterian Church, Charlotte, NC
Mark Katibah, Elder, Good Shepherd Presbyterian Church, Charlotte, NC
Linda J. Behrle, Elder, Good Shepherd Presbyterian Church, Charlotte, NC
Steven Fine, Elder, Good Shepherd Presbyterian Church, Charlotte, NC
Rev. Robert M. Austell, Jr., Pastor, Good Shepherd Presbyterian Church, Charlotte,
Roy H. Clarke, Elder, First Presbyterian Church, Jacksonville, FL
Alan Steuber, Elder, Skidaway Island Presbyterian Church, Savannah, GA
Harriette Majoros, member, Eastminster Presbyterian Church, Marietta, GA
Sondra I Wright, Elder at Good Shepherd Presbyterian Church, Charlotte, NC
Rev. LaVonne Alexander, Pastor, Community Presbyterian Church of the Lakes, Lake
Hughes, CA
Richard S. Warga, Elder, First Presbyterian Church, Hayward, CA
Mary M. Warga, Elder, First Presbyterian Church, Hayward, CA
Rev. Todd D. Smith, First Presbyterian Church Lapeer MI
Jennifer Rich, First Presbyterian Church, Tacoma, WA
Dr. William M. Johnson, Pastor, First Presbyterian Church of Southampton, New York
William Ford, Elder, First Presbyterian Church, Cornelia, GA
John Almquist, Member, St. Andrews Presbyterian Church, Newport Beach, California
Robert Haberkorn, Christ Presbyterian Church, Edina, MN
Timothy B. Smith, Pastor, Northminster Presbyterian Church, Las Cruces, New
Mexico; Commissioner to the 217th General Assembly
Celia Manson Stone, youth minister, Farmville Presbyterian Church, Farmville, NC
J. Robert Smith, Elder, Level Green Presbyterian Church, Trafford, PA
Laura Vollmer, Elder-Treasurer, Rabun Gap Presbyterian Church, Rabun Gap, GA
Harold Ogren, Elder, First Presbyterian Church, Escanaba, Michigan
Rev. J. Ross Slaughter, United Presbyterian Church, Cuyahoga Falls, OH
Dottie McKean, Elder, Towson Presyterian Church, Towson, MD
David Nolde, Elder, Community Presbyterian Church, Ventura, Ca
Rev. Charles A. McFarlin, Spring Hill Presbyterian Church, Staunton, VA
Bruce W. Gore, Elder, First Presbyterian Church, Spokane, Washington
Dr. Thomas Warren, Pastor, Deltona Presbyterian Church, Deltona, FL
Rev. Daniel H. Hrach, Pastor, Bethany Presbyterian Church, Bridgeville, PA
Rev. Bob Yule, Pastor, Celtic Cross Presbyterian Church, Citrus Heights, CA
Jack R Kee, Elder, Poplar Tent Presbyterian Church, Concord NC
Rev. Randy Working, First Presbyterian Church, Santa Paula, CA
Ronald M. Lingle, elder, Presbyterian Church of Clearfield, PA
Chris Walker, Evangelist, Richmond VA
Dr. Loren Bryant, First Presbyterian Church, Sweetwater, Texas
Jeannette Harris Bryant, First Presbyterian Church Sweetwater, Texas
Michelle Reynolds Lowe, Member, Bel Air Presbyterian, Los Angeles, CA
Rev. Claude D. Gamble, Pastor, Woodburn Presbyterian Church, Leland, NC
Judy Vader, Inactive Elder, First Presbyterian Church, Escanaba, Michigan
Kay George, Associate Pastor, Oreland Presbyterian Church, Oreland, PA
Richard "Chuck" Verzyl, Elder, Westminster Presbyterian Church, Snellville, GA
Janet S. Milligan, Elder, First Presbyterian Church. Lapeer, MI
Dr. and Mrs. Samuel Hugh Moffett, Nassau Presbyterian Church, Princeton, NJ
Wm S. Talmage, retired Presbyterian minister
Dr. Fred L. Bierly, Lay Pastor, Bald Eagle Presbyterian Church, Mill Hall, PA
Gwen Scales, elder, Calvary Presbyterian Church, St. Clairsville, OH
A. Donald Faulkner, Elder, Good Shepherd Presbyterian Church, Charlotte, N. C.
Paul Burgener, member of Hilton Presbyterian Church, Newport News, VA
Barbara H. Adams, Deacon, 1st Presbyterian Church, Bakersfield, CA
Russell Adams, Elder, 1st Presbyterian Church, Bakersfield, CA
Lewis Toland, Ph.D., Elder, First Presbyterian Church , Dexter, NM
Jim Tomb. Commissioned Lay Pastor, Fort Palmer Presbyterian Church, Bolivar, Pa.
Carl Spiva, Elder, Geneva Pres. Church, Modesto, CA
Arthur S. Greathead, inactive Elder, Northminster Presbyterian Church, Salinas, CA
Tom Bush, Elder, St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Tucson, Arizona
Rev. Matt Milligan, First Presbyterian Church, Sac City, Iowa
Tom Raby, Elder, Heritage Presbyterian Church; Olathe, KS
Rev. James H. Stahr, Central Presbyterian Church, Pastor, Princeton, KY
Jim Kettlewell, Elder, Christ Presbyterian Church, Canton, OH
Kathy Kettlewell Elder, Christ Presbyterian Church, Canton, OH
Rev. Kenneth Kettlewell, Retired, Springfield, OH
Rev. Dr. David E Bybee, Pastor, Community Prebyterian Church, Lake Havasu City,
Rev. John R. Lacy, Interim Pastor Calvary Presbyterian Church, Portland, OR
Amanda Killgore, member, First Presbyterian Church, Houston, TX
Jeffrey W Ryder, Elder, Covenant Central Presbyterian Church, Williamsport, PA
Gregory N. Robinson, First (Scots) Presbyterian Church, Charleston, SC
Rev. Dean W. Brown, Buffalo Presbyterian Church, Buffalo, MN
J. Bruce Melton, Honorably Retired, Presbytery of Giddings-Lovejoy
Frani Melton, Member, Dardenne Presbyterian Church, Dardenne Prairie, MO
Rev. Mary Brown, Pastor, Bethel Presbyterian Church, Kansas City, KS
Daniel Brown, member, Bethel Presbyterian Church, Kansas City, KS
G. C. Gibson, Elder. First Presbyterian Church, Ferriday, LA
Jane Anne Bruch, Deacon, First Presbyterian Church, Greenville, SC
Wilmot E. McCutchen, Williamsburg Presbyterian Church, Kingstree, SC
Fred Prager, Elder, Northminster Presbyterian Church, Peoria, Il
James W. Clark, Elder, First Presbyterian Church, Globe, AZ
Joe Vann, Elder, First Presbyterian Church, Corinth, Mississippi
Ernest Williams, H.R., Stated Supply, First Presbyterian Church, Falfurrias, Texas
Rev. O. William Hansen, HR. Presbytery of Riverside
Shirley Wildes, elder, Northwest Presbyterian Church, St. Petersburg, Florida
The Rev. Robert L. Bellingar, Northwest Presbyterian Church, St. Petersburg, Florida
B. Larke Jameson, deacon, First Presbyterian of Greenville, SC
Isaac W. Ross, member and elder, Northwest Pres., St. Petersburg, FL
Sally M. Ross, Elder, Northwest Pres., St. Petersburg, FL
Polly Shafer, elder, First Presbyterian Church, Stuart, FL
Douglas LaPointe, Pastor, First Presbyterian Church, Stuart, FL
Dana Allin, pastor, Indian River Presbyterian Church, Fort Pierce, FL
Louis Haynes, clerk of session, First Presbyterian Church, Fort Pierce, FL
James Nimmo, Pastor, First Presbyterian Church, Port Saint Lucie, FL
George McIlrath, organizaing pastor, All Villages NCD, St. Lucie West, FL
Al Rivett, elder, Indian River Presbyterian Church, Fort Pierce, FL
Shirley Hobby, elder, All Villages NCD, St. Lucie West, FL
Ervin Pritchett, elder, All Villages NCD, St. Lucie West, FL
Patricia Hammond Ramsey, elder, All Villages NCD, St. Lucie West, FL
Lynn Schreiber, elder, All Villages NCD, St. Lucie West, FL
Betty Thorne Shearer, elder, All Villages NCD, St. Lucie West, FL
Paula VanCeylon, elder, All Villages NCD, St. Lucie West, FL
Eric Young, clerk of session, All Villages NCD, St. Lucie West, FL
Robert Madden, elder, Port St. Lucie, FL
Diane McIlrath, elder, St. Lucie West, FL
Melva Pritchett, elder, Port. St. Lucie, FL
Alfred Buhrke, elder, Palm City, FL
Francis Lennox, elder, Port St. Lucie, FL
Kenneth J. Mazur, elder, Port St. Lucie, FL
Cynthia Sowerby, elder, Fort Pierce, FL
Ed Cassens, elder, Fort Pierce, FL
Jean B. White, elder, Fort Pierece, FL
Betty C. Carling, edler, Fort Pierce, FL
Maureen McNulty, elder, Fort Pierce, FL
David Carpenter, elder, Fort Pierce, FL
Nicholas J. Palm, elder, Fort Pierce, FL
Marjorie Williams, Port St. Lucie, FL
David L. George, Port St. Lucie, FL
Dr. R. Wayne Hardy, Co-Pastor, Kirk of the Hills Presbyterian Church, Tulsa, OK
Paul E. Dobbins, Blackhawk Presbytery
Rev. Stephen W. Pike, First Presbyterian Church, Missouri Valley, IA
Elder Gene McNeill, First Presbyterian Church, Lake City, FL
Nan McNeill, First Presbyterian Church, Lake City, FL
Dave Shupe, Elder, West Side Church, Richland, WA
Rev. Ralph Kieneker, pastor, Sequim Community Church, Sequim, WA
Col. Ronald Everett, elder, John Knox Presbyterian Church, North Olmsted, OH
Nancy Everett, deacon, John Knox Presbyterian Church, North Olmsted, OH
Jay Rietz, First Presbyterian Church, Green Bay, WI
Susan Rietz, First Presbyterian Church, Green Bay, WI
Toni Somers, Community Presbyterian Church of Port Aransas, TX
Kaye Joiner, elder, Westminster Presbyterian, Sparta, IL
CAPT H.C. Lawrence Smith USN (ret) First Presbyterian Church, Norfolk, VA
George Carpenter, Elder, Hamlet Perryton Presbyterian Church, Reynolds, IL
Heekyun Kim, Elder, Korean Church of Long Island, Port Washington, NY
Marcia Lewis, Deacon, Coates Street Presbyterian Church, Moberly, MO
J. Ross Slaughter, Pastor, United Presbyterian Church, Cuyahoga Falls, OH