Lesson Plan Title: La Familia 50 minute class period Concept/Topic to Teach: 1. Spanish Language Vocabulary – La Famila La Madre El Padre El Hermano La Hermana El Tio La Tia El Primo La Prima El Abuelo La Abuela Mother Father Brother Sister Uncle Aunt Male Cousin Female Cousin Grandfather Grandmother 2. The Verb Tener ( Tener is used to express age) Ex: Tengo cuarenta y dos años. – I’m 42 years old. Standards Addressed: Interpret basic oral and written information in the target language on a variety of topics in the present time frame. • Identifying main ideas with some details • Guessing words and phrases based on context Specific Objectives: 1. Students will learn how to express family members using the Spanish Language in the context of oral and written language skills. 2. Students will learn the singular and plural conjugated forms of the Spanish Language Verb Tener to express family member’s age. Required Materials: Promethean Board La Familia Promethean Flipchart Asi Se Dice Spanish Language Book and Workbook Internet Access SAC Computer Lab Anticipatory Set (Lead-In): Are you un hermano or una hermana? If you don’t know how to answer the question, you should learn Spanish Language Family Vocabulary. Can you express your age using the Spanish Language Vocabulary? If not, you should learn how to conjugate the Spanish Language Verb Tener. Step-By-Step Procedures for Teaching the Lesson: 1. Teacher will begin lesson by reciting La Familia Spanish Language Vocabulary to students. 2. Students will repeat La Familia Spanish Language Vocabulary to teacher. 3. Teacher will demonstrate an interactive La Familia Promethean Flipchart to students in which students will place La Familia Spanish Language Vocabulary words in his or her notebook. 4. Teacher will explain the definition of the Spanish Language Verb Tener when used to express age. 5. Students will take notes during the Tener lecture. 6. Teacher will assign Tener written exercise from the Asi Se Dice Textbook. 7. Teacher will review Tener written exercise with students. Guided Practice/Monitoring: Teacher and students will walk to the SAC Computer Lab in which students will be instructed to construct an individual La Familia Wiki using the following web address: http://www.wikisites.com Students will post a family picture. Under the picture, students will make a list of family members using La Familia Vocabulary. Students will also construct sentences of family member’s age using the Spanish Language Verb Tener. Closure (Reflect Anticipatory Set): Before class ends, teacher will orally review daily lesson of La Familia Spanish Language Vocabulary and the Spanish Language Verb Tener randomly with students while teacher monitors La Familia wiki construction. Assessment Based on Objectives: 1. With 80 percent accuracy students will be able to recite and define La Familia Spanish Language Vocabulary. 2. With 80 percent accuracy students will be able to conjugate the singular and plural forms of the Spanish Language Verb Tener. Adaptations (For Students With Special Needs): Students with special needs will be given an audio CD of the La Familia Spanish Language Vocabulary and the Spanish Language Verb Tener. Students with low vision will have an increased zoom on the computer screen when visiting the SAC Computer Lab. Extensions (For Advanced Students): Advanced Students will research Spain’s Royal Family and construct an interactive PowerPoint presentation. Possible Connections to Other Subjects: This lesson could possibly be connected to English and Social Studies. Reflection: Overall the lesson was a great success! Students enjoyed the SAC Computer Lab visit in order to construct their La Familia Wiki. On a negative note, I wish my classroom contained the technology necessary to complete assignments such as La Familia Wiki without leaving the classroom.