SPS Heavy Ion and Neutrino Experiment Minutes of the SHINE--NA61 collaboration board 1 June 2007 Agenda: 1 2 3 4 Establishing institutes representatives including proxies and quorum (A. Blondel) Minutes of the last meeting Adoption of the agenda formal issues draft of collaboration agreement (Peter Seyboth) possible new collaborators (Alain) Collection of common fund and in cash contributions. (Peter Seyboth) 5 Status of addendum and discussions with SPSC (Marek) 6 Status of planed activities (Zoltan) and expenses (Marek) towards the 2007 run 7 Hardware status of the experiment (Zoltan Fodor) 8 Upgrades to detector Forward TOF wall (Bravar/Messina) TOF readout upgrade (Zoltan) TPC(Zoltan) PSD (Fedor Guber) 9. Shift organization (Tajana Susa) 10. NA61 Nickname and logo 11. next meeting (proposed date Friday 6 July 15:00) A.O. B. Establishing institutes representatives including proxies and quorum (A. Blondel) See table below. There was agreement that representatives who could not attend a CB meeting should give proxy to another institute representatives or to a member of their own institute, rather than to collaboration officers (i.e. Spokesperson, deputy, technical coordinator or CB chair). It was agreed to try EVO next time: several members had not been called in spite of request. Institute Athens Bergen Bern U. Budapest Cape Town Cracow JINR-Dubna Frankfurt IKF Frankfurt FH Geneva U. Karlsruhe Kielce INR Moscow Paris VI-VII Pusan U. Sofia U. Saint Petersburg U. Stony Brook IPNS KEK Warsow UTech Warsaw U. Warsaw SINS Zagreb R. Boskovic I. Zurich ETH 24 Contact Apostolos Panagiotou Apostolos.Panagiotou@cern.ch Dieter Röhrich dieter.rohrich@fi.uib.no Antonio Ereditato Antonio.Ereditato@cern.ch Gyorgy Vesztergombi veszter@rmki.kfki.hu Jean Cleymans cleymans@qgp.phy.uct.ac.za Zbigniew Majka ufmajka@cyf-kr.edu.pl Georgi Melkumov melk@mail.cern.ch Rainer Renfordt renfordt@ikf.uni-frankfurt.de Wolfgang Rauch Wolfgang.Rauch@cern.ch Alessandro Bravar Alessandro.Bravar@physics.unige.ch Ralph Engel ralph.engel@ik.fzk.de Grzegorz Stefanek Grzegorz.Stefanek@pu.kielce.pl Feodor Guber guber@al20.inr.troitsk.ru Jacques Dumarchez Jacques.Dumarchez@cern.ch In Kwon Yoo yoo@pusan.ac.kr Roumen Tsenov tsenov@phys.uni-sofia.bg Grigory Feofilov feofilov@hiex.phys.spbu.ru Roy Lacey roy.lacey@stonybrook.edu Takashi Kobayashi takashi.kobayashi@kek.jp Wiktor Peryt peryt@if.pw.edu.pl Wojtek Dominik Wojtek.Dominik@fuw.edu.pl Ewa Rondio Ewa.Rondio@fuw.edu.pl K. Kadija kadija@joshua.irb.hr Alberto Marchionni alberto.marchionni@cern.ch represented Represented by X Marek X X Marcello Messina Marcello.Messina@cern.ch Zoltan Fodor X Roman Planeta X X Marek X Called missed Excused Message X Excused Excused X X X Tanja Susa X Anselmo Meregaglia 12 Minutes of the last meeting The minutes (thanks to Grzegorz Stefanek) had been distributed in advance and were approved. Adoption of the agenda Agenda was approved with a few additions. Agenda shown here reflects these changes. Formal issues Draft of collaboration agreement Peter Seyboth will prepare a very simple collaboration agreement based on NA49. The two-years old MOU, already approved by NA49, handing out the experiment hardware from NA49 to NA61 will be distributed among the NA61 collaborators. Those groups who were in NA49 but will not be members of NA61 will be asked to make a gift of their equipment to NA49 collaboration. possible new collaborators Alain Blondel mentioned interest of Italian groups Bari, Milano, Padova who have not yet been able to be full members of the collaboration but would like to be kept on the collaboration mailing list while they seek ways to participate. It was agreed to keep them on the NA61-all mailing list but not on any other collaboration list. Situation will be reviewed at the time of the beginning of the run in September 2007. Collection of common fund and in cash contributions. Peter Seyboth went through the list to understand if everyone was technically able to pay. (An appropriate CERN supplier code has to be available for the finance department) Good news were reported with the probable approval of the Polish grant and of a grant from the University of Geneva for the forward TOF. Status of addendum and discussions with SPSC (Marek) Status of planed activities (Zoltan) and expenses (Marek) towards the 2007 run 8 8 Hardware status of the experiment (Zoltan Fodor) Upgrades to detector Forward TOF wall (Bravar/Messina) TOF readout upgrade (Zoltan) TPC(Zoltan) PSD (Fedor Guber) 11. Shift organization (Tatjana Susa) NA61 Nickname and logo Following recommendation of many collaboration members the collaboration board selected SHINE (proposed by Alain) for the NA61 nick name and the corresponding Alain's logo (see http://na61.web.cern.ch/na61/collaborationPages/logoProposal.html) for the NA61 logo. Many thanks to all participants of the contest for the interesting proposals. Several modifications of the logo were suggested and should be implemented/tried soon: -replace the letter by "N", -add "NA61" in one of the corners, -try oval instead of rectangular shape, -have a version with white background. Next meeting Friday 6 July 15:00 by EVO