AP United States History Indicators, Objectives, and Central Themes (Big Ideas) Unit 1: Colonial America (Each day includes two multiple choice AP Style Formative Questions) Objectives Students will analyze and evaluate an historical monograph in order to determine the nature of the history Indicators 1. Define History 2. Analyze the Relationship of the historian to History 3. Determine problems faced by the historian Students will, identify, explain, and analyze global events from multiple perspectives in order to draw conclusions about their relationships to the discovery, colonization, and transformation of the New World 1. Review the social, political, economic, and technological factors contributing to the European explorations of the 15th and 16th century 2. Analyze European explorations, colonization, and rivalries 3. Assess the impact of exploration and colonization of the New World from the perspectives of Europeans and Native Americans Students will identify, explain, and analyze political, social, religious and economic developments from 1607-1763 in order to compare and contrast values, behaviors, and 1. Compare and contrast the geographic characteristics of the New England, Middle, Chesapeake, and Southern Colonies Standards Historical Analysis and Skills Development 8.1.12.A 8.1.12.C 8.1.12.D United States History 8.3.12.A 8.3.12.C 8.3.12.D Learning to Read Independently 1.1.11.A 1.1.11.B 1.1.11.G Reading Critically in All Content Areas 1.2.11.A Historical Analysis and Skills Development 8.1.12.A 8.1.12.B 8.1.12.C 8.1.12.D United States History 8.3.12.A 8.3.12.B 8.3.12.C 8.3.12.D Learning to Read Independently 1.1.11.A 1.1.11.B 1.1.11.G Reading Critically in All Content Areas 1.2.11.A Types of Writing 1.4.11.B 1.4.11.C 1.4.11.D Quality of Writing 1.5.11.A 1.5.11.B 1.5.11.C 1.5.11.D 1.5.11.E 1.5.11.F 1.5.11.G Speaking and Listening 1.6.11.A 1.6.11.B 1.6.11.C 1.6.11.D 1.6.11.E Research 1.8.11.A 1.8.11.B 1.8.11.C Historical Analysis and Skills Development 8.1.12.A 8.1.12.B 8.1.12.C 8.1.12.D United States History institutions within the American colonies 2. Compare and contrast the economic characteristics of the New England, Middle, Chesapeake, and Southern colonies 3. Compare and contrast the lives the experiences of religion on the lives of the settlers in Puritan New England and other colonies 8.3.12.A 8.3.12.B 8.3.12.C 8.3.12.D Reading, Writing, Speaking and Listening Learning to Read Independently 1.1.11.A 1.1.11.B 1.1.11.G Reading Critically in All Content Areas 1.2.11.A 4. Analyze the impact of religion on the lives of the settlers in Puritan New England 5. Determine the impacts of English social and political heritage in the American colonies 6. Assess the degrees of religious toleration in colonial America Types of Writing 1.4.11.B 1.4.11.C 1.4.11.D Quality of Writing 1.5.11.A 1.5.11.B 1.5.11.C 1.5.11.D 1.5.11.E 1.5.11.F 1.5.11.G Speaking and Listening 7. Analyze social structure, social mobility, and the evolution of democratic practices in the American colonies 8. Evaluate mercantilism from the perspectives of England and the American colonies 1.6.11.A 1.6.11.B 1.6.11.C 1.6.11.D 1.6.11.E Research 1.8.11.A 1.8.11.B 1.8.11.C 9. Determine the impact of European rivalry and Native American conflicts on the American colonies Unit 1: Colonial America (Unit Overview) Day Classwork 1. Classroom rules and procedures 2. STAR Partner activity 1 3. Develop Personal Action Plans for the school year 4. Diagnostic Testing (major dates, interests, Unit 1) Homework Read “The Strange Death of Silas Deane” Read Chapter 2 of Lies My Teacher Told Me (1493: The True Importance of Christopher Columbus) Take Unit Preliminary Diagnostic Quiz Take a Unit Interests Diagnostic Quiz 1. Discuss “The Strange Death of Silas Deane” 2. Read and discuss “The True Story of the 3 Little Pigs” 2 3. Discuss Columbus Questions and Collect Read Chapter 1 of American Pageant (pages 4-23) Create Cornell Notes Complete Spanish Conquistadore Primary Source Worksheet 4. Display and discuss Columbus Cartoon (biased) 5. Analyze Columbus Cartoon Video 6. Complete Columbus Cartoon Worksheet 1. Notes on cause of Age of Exploration 2. Notes on Portuguese Exploration 3. Orient Trade Map Analysis 3 4. Notes on Portuguese Exploration 5. Columbian Exchange (Think-Pair-Share) 6. Spanish Conquistadore “Guess Who” Read and complete “Motivation for English Colonization” Primary Source Worksheet Assign tri-fold on impact of Europeans on the native Americans: Due on day we discuss colonist Interaction with Native Americans American Pageant (pages 25-34) Create cause/effect graphic organizer 7. Spanish Conquistadore Primary Source (Jigsaw) 8. Map of Cortes March to Tenochtitlan (Transparency 2) 1. English Age of Exploration Person “Line-up” 2. Map of European Colonies 1650 (Transparency 3) 4 3. Notes on British History and Coming to Power (focus on Reformation and impact) 4. Complete colonial geography activity so students know the characteristics of each region (review this activity groups presenting information and drawing conclusions 5 Read “Serving Time in Virginia” (Dialogue Journal) Read “Getting a Better Idea of What Marylanders Were Like” Create a compare/contrast chart for colonial Maryland and Virginia 1. Students look at list of travelers who came to Jamestown and hypothesize about why certain individuals came/did not come Assign Three Regions Worksheet (colony, year founded, founder, Unique features, Economy, Region, Daily life) 2. Discuss “Serving Time In Virginia” and “Marylanders were Like” article American Pageant (pages34-42 and Chapter 4 pages 66-82) Might need to reference parts of Chapter 3 3. Compare and contrast colonial Virginia to colonial Maryland (reasons for founding, differences in religion) 4. Compare life in Middle and Southern colonies 5. Maryland Plantation Map-Humanities Transparency 8 6. Let’s Play Dead -Formative Assessment Indentured Servitude and Slavery Primary Source Worksheet 6 1. Complete activity “Old Bones Tell Grim Tales” cooperative pairs – STAR partner Assign Reading and accompanying questions for “The Puritans and Sex” 2. Present more notes on comparison of life in Middle and Southern colonies Read “Were the Puritans Puritanical?” and complete assignment (Yes or No and Why) 3. 17th Century travel article activity – create an advertisement paragraph with partner to attract people to settle in the New World (Virginia) 4. Formative Assessment - Quiz 1. Initial reaction of article (Puritan Intro Video) 2. Pilgrims going to church transparency and hypothesis (Humanities Transparency 6) ( Journal Response) 7 American Pageant (pages 43-47) Puritanism DEJ (Pre-Journal) – online discussion Read “Were the Puritans Puritanical?” and complete assignment (if not assigned on day before) 3. Present notes on establishment of New England Colonies and Massachusetts Bay Colony Read Petitions and Letters of William and Mary Dyer (page 21 of Dissent in America) – SOAPSTONE strategy 4. Notes with John Calvin, Ideas inherent in the settlement of MA, concept of the “elect,” why MA was a quasi-theocracy and Halfway Covenant American Pageant, 47-52 (Cause/Effect Graphic Organizer) 5. Discussion of “Puritans and Sex” and “Puritanical article” Journal entry “Is America a city upon a hill?” (online Discussion board) 6. Focus on primary and secondary sources from the article 7. John Winthrop and “city upon a hill” 1. Discuss Puritan Article 2. Discuss role of women in New England and Puritan culture 8 3. Discuss roles of dissenters 4. Students present stories of religious dissenters 5. Read Trial of Anne Hutchinson (Page 47 of the American Spirit Volume 1) 9 Read “The Visible and Invisible Worlds of Salem” from After the Fact (Lit Circle) Read “Salem Witchcraft Hysteria” (page 80-81 in American Spirit Volume 1) Read Indian White Relations in Colonial New England: Three Views of King Phillip’s War (Page 52-57 American Spirit Volume 1) (JIGSAW- 1 article) 6. Read play “The Church Trial of Mistress Ann Hibbens” and discuss American Pageant, 79-80 1. Discussion Salem Article Read Bacon’s Rebellion and It’s Aftermath (page 70-73 American Spirit Volume 1) 2. Investigate accused “witch” and present outcome and analyze causes/results of with craft hysteria through maps and simulations 3. Notes on colonial relations with Indians 4. Discuss Articles on Three Views of King Philip’s War Puritanism DEJ (Post Journal) Stono Rebellion (page 75 American Spirit Volume 1) American Pageant, page 68 Tri-fold Brochure is Due 1. Discuss Rebellion Articles 2. Construct Cause-Effect Graphic Organizers 10 3. Hypothesize perspectives of groups involved (slaves, New Englanders, Middle Colonies, and Southerners) Read Page 76-79 (From America Past and Present AP Edition) a flow chart connecting all relating facts (like connect the dots but connects the people, events, etc) 4. Analyze chart on page 70 of slavery population: Draw conclusions 5. Discuss indentured servitude and slavery worksheet (if didn’t previously discuss) 6. Formative Assessment - Quiz 1. Teach students how to write a DBQ based on practice worksheets and how to breakdown a topic 11 2. Use the DBQ from 1993: “Although New England and the Chesapeake region were both settled largely by people of English origin, by 1700 the regions had evolved into two distinct societies. Why did this difference in development occur? 1. Students write DBQ in class on Chesapeake and New England colonies American Pageant, Chapter 4 (pages 6683) and create Cornell notes, Concept Map, graphic organizers or some other type of comprehension organization strategy that covers chapter content American Pageant, Pages 84-94,102, and create Cornell notes, Concept Map, graphic organizers or some other type of comprehension organization strategy that covers chapter content Read John Peter Zenger Article (Pages 100-102 from The American Spirit Volume 1 (Answer question online discussion) 12 Read The West Indian Connection and The Pattern of Colonial Commerce (pages94-96) from the American Spirit Volume 1 1. Place map of Colonial Trade, 1750 on overhead (Transparency 4) 13 2. Structure/Mixture of Colonial society (especially the Germans and Scots-Irish) – analyze chart on page 90 of the American Spirit Volume 1 3. Discussion on Economy (mercantilism) and Politics of Colonial America 4. Notes on Magna Carta, Petition of Right, English Bill of Rights 5. Discussion on mistake to allow colonial self American Pageant, Pages 89-90, 95 Information can be found in Chapter 4 and Chapter 5 of the American Pageant to compare North America Regions government “salutary neglect” 1. Discuss social structure of the 13 colonies 2. Notes on established churches and which colonies had them and didn’t 14 Read A People and A Nation (pages 93100) and answer the corresponding worksheet 3. Students analyze the data on the charts presented on Page 95 of the American Pageant and draw conclusions about religion in the three different regions in the American colonies Complete additional research on the Enlightenment and Great Awakening to be prepared to debate which had a bigger impact on American society – colonial and after (place on index cards) 4. Extra time: Review colonial comparison chart American Pageant, pages 96-97 5. Formative Assessment - Quiz American Spirit, Pages 90-92 (George Whitefield and Jonathan Edwards 1. Debate whether the Great Awakening of Enlightenment had a bigger impact on American society 15 16 2. Provide review of Great Awakening and Enlightenment – complete in class hopefully 1. Day built into the Unit just in case we need extra time or did not keep up with the schedule anticipated: Go over essential questions and review if students ask specific questions 2. Colony Simulation “Coming to America” 17 1. Colonial America Unit Exam (Multiple Choice, Short Answer, and Essay) Collect Colony Comparison chart