15.2 Questions

Chapter 15 Section 2
Westward Expansion and American Indians
to adopt the culture and civilization of the dominant group in a society
Sioux chief respected as a fighter and spiritual leader
leader of the Nez Percés who surrendered after trying to lead a group of
Indian refugees to Canada
specific area set aside by the federal government for the Indians’ use
1876 battle in which the Sioux defeated U.S. troops led by Colonel
George Custer
1887 law that divided reservation land into private family plots
1864 incident in which Colorado militia killed a camp of unarmed
Cheyenne and Arapaho Indians
1890 confrontation between U.S. cavalry and the Sioux that marked the
end of Indian resistance in the Ghost Dance War
Which of the following best describes Native Americans’ situation at the end of the Indian Wars?
A They were forced to move west or north or to live on reservations.
B They held onto their traditional homelands.
C They assimilated into American culture.
10 What was one effect of the conflicts between Native Americans and white settlers?
A Reservations allowed Native Americans and white settlers to live in an uneasy peace
B Assimilation efforts gradually increased as conflicts diminished.
C Over time, Native Americans lost the ability to effectively resist white settlement.
11 In contrast to white settlers, Native Americans viewed nature as
A less important than railroads.
B a resource to provide wealth.
C sacred.
12 Native American civilizations were threatened by
A drought.
B diseases introduced by white settlers.
C other Native American groups.
13 How did the U.S. government respond to attacks by Sioux Indians in eastern Minnesota?
A pushed the Sioux into the Dakotas
B occupied Minnesota
C ignored the Sioux
14 The assimilation of Native Americans was a goal of
A leaders such as Crazy Horse.
B the Dawes General Allotment Act.
C the Battle of Little Big Horn.