JOURNAL OF INFORMATION, KNOWLEDGE AND RESEARCH IN COMPUTER ENGINEERING UML MODELING FOR ELECTION MANAGEMENT SYSTEM 1 Pradeep Laxkar, 2Chintan Shah, 3Kashyap Thakar Assistant Professor,ITM Universe,Vadodara,Gujarat 2,3 Student,CSE 2nd Year ITM Universe.Vadodara,Gujarar ,, 1 ABSTRACT—Unified Modeling language (UML) is one of the important modeling languages used for the visual representation of the research problem. UML uses object oriented design concepts and it is independent of specific programming language. Unified Modeling Language is a popular technique for documenting and modeling system. In the present paper, UML model is designed for the Election management system. We did a deep analysis and design UML diagrams for election management system. We designed class, use case, sequence diagram etc using rational software Architect tool. Keywords—UML, EVM, Class Diagram & Sequence Diagram. I.INTRODUCTION A UML tool or UML modeling tool [1] is a software application that supports some or all of the notation and semantics associated with the Unified Modeling Language (UML), which is the industry standard general purpose modeling language for software engineering. UML tool is used broadly here to include application programs which are not exclusively focused on UML, but which support some functions of the Unified Modeling Language, either as an add-on, as a component or as a part of their overall functionality. 1.1Kinds of Functionality UML tools support the following kinds of functionality: a) Diagramming Diagramming in this context means creating and editing UML diagrams; that is diagrams that follow the graphical notation of the Unified Modeling Language. b) Round-trip engineering Round-trip engineering refers to the ability of a UML tool to perform code generation from models, and model generation from code (a.k.a., reverse engineering), while keeping both the model and the code semantically consistent with each other. c) Code generation Code generation in this context means, that the user creates UML diagrams, which have some connoted model data, and the UML tool derives from the diagrams parts or all of the source code for the software system. In some tools, the user can provide a skeleton of the program source code, in the form of a source code template where predefined tokens are then replaced with program source code parts during the code generation process. d) Reverse engineering Reverse engineering in this context means, that the UML tool reads program source code as input and derives model data and corresponding graphical UML diagrams from it. II. PRODUCT FUNCTION User: Operator There is only one Operator for the system which feeds all the details about the Constituencies, Polling Booths and EVM machines. The particular Operator has its own Id and Password by which he can log into the system and feed all the information per requirement. For more accuracy there is a profile provided to the operator so that he can also feed up his own details. Also he can update his profile as required. User: Administrator There is an Administrator who has all access permissions and he is only responsible for creating another user which will be having access to the system. Administrator can also update his/other profiles. Administrator can also delete a user. ISSN: 0975 – 6760| NOV 12 TO OCT 13 | VOLUME – 02, ISSUE – 02 Page 233 JOURNAL OF INFORMATION, KNOWLEDGE AND RESEARCH IN COMPUTER ENGINEERING User: Assistant Returning Officer Assistant Returning officer is the person who assists the Returning Officer and gives relief to the Returning Officer from his work, just by dividing his work division wise. He is also provided an Id and Password so that he can make use of the system. User: Returning Officer Returning Officer also known as District Election Officer mainly collector is the supervisor of the election at the district level. He is the man who assigns duties to the Polling officer according to their pay scale and designation. He generates first, second training letter for the Polling Officers including Presiding officer, first Polling officer, second Polling officer, third Polling officer. He performs the Randomization of the Polling officer and also for the EVM machines. An lower level officer can also be released from his duty having genuine reason by the Returning officer. For this project a Returning Officer will be provided an Id and password (given by administrator) to fulfill the functional requirement. III. USE-CASE MODEL SURVEY Use-case for Administrator: To create, delete, update and maintenance of users. User: Observer In an election to see how the process of election is going on an observer is appointed. An observer can have more than one polling booth in his observation. The main duty of an observer is to check everything if he finds any mistake than he can inform to higher authorities and then higher authorities can take action. So in short we can say he has the power to dismiss any of the officers at any polling booth. Related to this project an observer has to check the randomization of the polling officer done by Returning officer. Administrator provides an Id and a password to the observer to use the system. User: Chief Election Commissioner Chief Election Commissioner is elected by president of india and along with him two election commissioner are also appointed. Now at state level chief electoral officer is appointed by Chief election commissioner. After that C.E.O of state will appoint R.O, A.R.O. , Observer etc. In this project C.E.C. is provided an Id and a Password by the administrator to use the system. Use-case for Operator ISSN: 0975 – 6760| NOV 12 TO OCT 13 | VOLUME – 02, ISSUE – 02 Page 234 JOURNAL OF INFORMATION, KNOWLEDGE AND RESEARCH IN COMPUTER ENGINEERING Use-case for Observer: it is appointed by C.E.C to observe election that will randomize polling officers Use-case for CEC: Head at centre Use-case for R.O. and A.R.O.: RO and ARO checks details, Assign post to polling officer according to pay scale, Randomise duties, Randomise E.V.M. The details about the polling officers whom the duties will be given to conduct the efficient voting at the polling booths. The Polling officers will be assigned duties according to their designation and pay scale. The polling officers will be Presiding Officer, 1 st Polling Officer, 2nd Polling Officer and 3rd Polling Officer respectively according to their ranks. ISSN: 0975 – 6760| NOV 12 TO OCT 13 | VOLUME – 02, ISSUE – 02 Page 235 JOURNAL OF INFORMATION, KNOWLEDGE AND RESEARCH IN COMPUTER ENGINEERING IV. SEQUENCE DIAGRAM ISSN: 0975 – 6760| NOV 12 TO OCT 13 | VOLUME – 02, ISSUE – 02 Page 236 JOURNAL OF INFORMATION, KNOWLEDGE AND RESEARCH IN COMPUTER ENGINEERING V. CLASS DIAGRAM VI. STATE CHART DIAGRAM Name of use case: Administrator Description: To create, delete, update maintenance of users. Precondition: ? Administrator should know username password. Normal flow of events: and and ? Login ? Home page ? Create user ? Delete user ? Update user ? maintain user ? logout Post Condition: Create/delete/update/maintain user. Name of use case: R.O and A.R.O Description: Check details, Assign post to polling officer according to pay scale, Randomise duties, Randomise E.V.M. Precondition: ? Admin created R.O and A.R.O. Normal flow of events: ? Login ? Home page ? View detail ? Assign duties ? Randomise polling officer ? Randomise E.V.M Post Condition: Randomised duties, Randomised E.V.M. Name of use case: Chief Election Commissioner Description: Head at centre, observe election. Precondition: ? Admin created C.E.C. Normal flow of events: ? Login ? Home page ? Assign R.O.,A.R.O,Observer ? Observe election ? Logout Post Condition: Governs Whole Election. Name of use case: Observer Description: Appointed by C.E.C to observe election Precondition: ? Admin created Observer. ISSN: 0975 – 6760| NOV 12 TO OCT 13 | VOLUME – 02, ISSUE – 02 Page 237 JOURNAL OF INFORMATION, KNOWLEDGE AND RESEARCH IN COMPUTER ENGINEERING Normal flow of events: ? Login ? Home page ? View details ? Observe election ? Logout Post Condition:None VII. IMPLEMENTATION ISSUES 1. Taking Requirements seriously: voting systems are like all other systems. In order to implement a successful system it is not only required to understand the requirements correctly; it is also necessary to respect them. In order to have success with voting technology, it has to be tailored to meet the requirements of election organizers and voters rather than those of the vendors. 2. Computer Knowledge: every user must aware about computer that how to operate it. 3. Deployment of a Private Key: Having the voters generate one-time key pairs on their web browsers and having certificates on those keys issued on-line. In practice we work with the model that each voter receives a cryptic user identity and a one-time password, based on which the certificate is issued online. The user identity and the password must be received through two different channels in order to provide a decent level of security. We consider two physical letters with some days in between as the most realistic option 4. Protection against Hackers: We will understand the word hacker in a broader sense so that it includes system administrators, who can completely legitimately 21 observe and control computers of voters remotely, as well as hackers breaking in without permission. If a hacker observes the voting process, he will not gain any information about the candidate chosen, even if he has full control of the computer of the voter. Furthermore, if he tampers with the vote, the outcome will be uniformly distributed on all candidates. VIII. CONCLUSION From the above, it is concluded that the UML Class model is a powerful model used to depict the software development problems. In this paper, we have presented a conceptual approach, based on the UML, for the modeling of election management processes. By UML we represents the system with structural and behavioural language models and those designing modeling include the architectural mechanical and detailed design .Object oriented methodologies have employed in the construction of the real time system. REFERENCES [1] Unified Modeling Language User Guide by Grady Booch, James Rumbaugh, Ivar Jacobson [2] Rumbaugh, J., Jacobson, I. e Booch, G. (1999): “The Unified Modeling Language Reference Manual”. Addison-Wesley [3] (Rational doc) [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] “A Novel Methodology for World-best Teamwork in Hospitals”, J Artur Vale Serrano, Uwe Kirchhoff. Published in the book E-business, Key Issues, Applications and Technologies, edited by Brian Standford-Smith and Paul T. Kidd, IOS Press, ISBN 1 58603 089 2, 2000. 5. Long Term Privacy: The universal variability means that anybody can connect each voter to the cipher text. Security is based on the assumption that it is infeasible to decrypt the cipher text and see what the voter has voted. In order to protect the privacy of the voter, not just at the time of the election but also several years into the future, the keys used for the cryptosystem must be large. ISSN: 0975 – 6760| NOV 12 TO OCT 13 | VOLUME – 02, ISSUE – 02 Page 238