תש"ע/'ו 3/2010 רשומות ISRAEL STATE RECORDS כ"ג בחשון התשע"א October 31 ,2010 יומן הפטנטים והמדגמים PATENTS AND DESIGNS JOURNAL Page/עמוד Patents Applications filed Applications accepted Patents granted Patents renewed Patents not in force Patents renewed for 20 years Corrections Country codes Indices of applications accepted Designs Designs registered Desgins renewed Designs void Withdrawn designs 1 4 119 314 314 315 317 321 343 336 322 333 334 335 פטנטים בקשות שהוגשו בקשות שקובלו פטנטים שניתנו פטנטים שחודשו פטנטים שתוקפם פקע פטנטים שחודשו לעשרים שנה תיקונים קודים למדינות מפתחות לבקשות שהתקבלו מדגמים מדגמים שנרשמו מדגמים שחודשו מדגמים שבוטלו מדגמים שהוזנחו October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א ידיעות כלליות : וכו' בענייני פטנטים ומדגמים יש לשלוח אל, מסמכים,מכתבים . ירושלים, מלחה5 בנין, גנים טכנולוגיים ירושלים,רשם הפטנטים והמדגמים 'אגרות ללשכת הפטנטים מתקבלות אך ורק על ידי תשלום לחשבון הרשות בבנק הדואר מס יש להציג קבלת בנק הדואר ללשכה יחד עם הבקשה לפעולה שעבורה האגרה.0-24145-2 .שולמה GENERAL INFORMATION Letters, documents, etc. concerning Patents and Designs should be addressed to: The Patent Authority, Jerusalem Technology Park, Building5, Malcha., Jerusalem. Fees to the Patent Office can be accepted only by payment to the Postal Bank Account of the Authority, No. 0-24145-2. The receipt of the Postal Bank must be presented to the office together with the application for the action for which the fee has been paid. Copyright by the State of Israel. No Extracts may be published except with the permission of the Patent Office. 2 זכות היוצרים בתקצירים אלה שמורה למדינת אין להעתיק מתקצירים אלה אלא,ישראל .ברשות לשכת הפטנטים October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א PATENTS NOTICE UNDER SECTION 16 OF THE PATENTS LAW, 5727-1967 In the following there are listed new applications complying with the provisions of rule 32(a) of the Patent Regulations, 57281968: Particulars of the applications are given in the following order: Number and date of application and the first four symbols of the International Classification. Title of invention (as proposed by applicant) Applicant Priority right: Convention countryNumber and date of Foreign application International Application Number International Publication Number 3 פטנטים - תשכ"ז, לחוק הפטנטים16 הודעה לפי סעיף 1967 להלן רשימת בקשות חדשות הממלאות אחר (א) לתקנות32 הדרישות שנקבעו בתקנה :1968- תשכ"ח,הפטנטים :פרטי הבקשות מובאים לפי סדר זה מספר הבקשה – ותאריך הגשתה וארבעה הסמנים הראשונים של הסיווג הבינלאומי )שם האמצאה (כפי שהוצע ע"י המבקש המבקש – מדינת האיגוד :דין קדימה תאריך ומספר בקשת החוץ מספר בקשה בינלאומית מספר פרסום בינלאומי October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א 14/06/2009 199336 SYSTEMS AND METHODS FOR STREAMING AND ARCHIVING VIDEO WITH GEOGRAPHIC ANCHORING OF FRAME CONTENTS RAFAEL ADVANCED DEFENSE SYSTEMS LTD. 23/06/2009 25/06/2009 מערכות ושיטות להפצה ולאירכוב של וידאו עם תוכן מבוסס מידע גיאוגרפי רפאל מערכות לחימה מתקדמות בע"מ 199514 METHOD AND SYSTEM FOR EARLY IDENTIFICATION AND IMMEDIATE DIAGNOSIS IN SYSTEMS THET INCLUDES VISUAL OPTICAL OR ELECTRO - OPTICAL MEANS UZI EZRA HAVOSHA US 60/902743 23/02/2007 4 A63B )2010.01( שיטה ומערכת לזיהוי ואבחון מוקדם ומיידי במערכות ראייה אופטיות או אלקטרואופטיות 199559 פוליבודה ישי F41H )2010.01( מיגון גחון פלסן סאסא בע"מ BELLY ARMOR PLASAN SASA LTD. 25/06/2009 G06T )2010.01( 199560 H01Q )2010.01( October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR CALIBRATION OF PHASED ARRAY ANTENNA HAVING INTEGRAL COLIBRATION NETWORK IN PRESENCE OF AN INTERFERING BODY ELTA SYSTEMS LTD. 01/07/2009 מערכת ושיטה לכיול אנטנה בעלת רשת כיול אינטגרלית בנוכחות גוף שיוצר הפרעה אלתא מערכות בע"מ 199643 מערכת הצתה היפרגולית לחומר הנעת טילים ג'לי HYPERGOLIC LGNITION SYSTEM FOR GELLED ROCKET PROPELLANT TECHNION RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT FOUNDATION LTD. 02/07/2009 FACE REPRESENTATION SYSTEMS FOR PRIVACY AWARE APPLICATIONS AND METHODS USEFUL IN CONJUNCTION THEREWITH CARMEL-HAIFA UNIVERSITY ECONOMIC CORP. LTD. 02/07/2009 ANONYMOUS TRANSACTIONS IN COMPUTER NETWORKS 5 F42C )2010.01( מוסד הטכניון למחקר ופיתוח בע"מ 199657 G06F )2010.01( מערכות לייצוג פרצופים לאפליקציות הרגישות לפרטיות ושיטות השימושיות למערכות כנ"ל החברה הכלכלית של אוניברסיטת-כרמל חיפה בע"מ 199665 G06F )2010.01( פעולות אנונימיות ברשתות מחשב October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א הרשות,גוריון בנגב-אוניברסיטת בן למחקר ופיתוח DEUTSCHE TELEKOM AG 07/07/2009 199737 VIEW DEPENDENT TEXTURE PROJECTION MAPPING FOR URBAN SCENES RAFAEL ADVANCED DEFENSE SYSTEMS LTD. 23/07/2009 26/07/2009 רפאל מערכות לחימה מתקדמות בע"מ F42B )2010.01( מערכת ושיטה לטעינה מוגנת של עמדת נשק מבוקרת מרחוק רפאל מערכות לחימה מתקדמות בע"מ 200078 PROJECTILE LAUNCHING SYSTEM INCLUDING DEVICE FOR AT LEAST PARTLY ENCASING A PROJECTILE ISRAEL AEROSPACE INDUSTRIES LTD. 6 הטלת טסקטורה תלויה מבט עבור נוף עירוני 200036 A SYSTEM AND A METHOD FOR PROTECTED RELOADING OF A REMOTE CONTROLLED WEAPON STATION RAFAEL ADVANCED DEFENSE SYSTEMS LTD. G03B )2010.01( F42B )2010.01( מערכת להטלת קליע לרבות התקן לעיטוף לפחות חלק מן הקליע התעשייה האוירית לישראל בע"מ October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א (G08B )2010.01 201275 מודול אורטל למניעת התרסקות כלי טיס מאוישים /לא מאוישים יוסף שמואל (G09B )2010.01 ORTAL MODULE FOR OBSTACLE AIRPLANES CRUSH YOSEF SHMUEL 202388 פרסום שומר מסך על מכשירים סוללאריים ידידיה יעקב (B67B )2010.01 YEDIDYA YAKOV 203256 12/01/2010 LID& BASE FOR WASHCUP COHEN YEHUDA 203268 שיטה לאיטום פריט בפני נוזלים באמצעות פולימריזציה המרכיבה פלסמה כ"ג בחשון התשע"אOctober 31, 2010- 29/11/2009 אאאאאאאאאאאאאאאאאאאאאאאא מכסה בסיס לנטלן כהן יהודה (C08F )2010.01 01/10/2009 16/07/2008 METHOD FOR LIQUID PROOFING AN ITEM BY PLASMA GRAFT POLYMERISATION P2I LTD GB 0713827.4 17/07/2007 0721205.3 30/10/2007 GB PCT/GB/2008/002416 WO/2009/010741 7 17/01/2010 203341 CATHETER WITH ISOLATION BETWEEN ULTRASOUND TRANSDUCER AND POSITION SENSOR BIOSENSE WEBSTER, INC. US 12/358745 23/01/2009 18/07/2008 צנתר עם בידוד בין מתמר אולטראסאונד וחיישן מיקום 203358 5-PYRIDINONE SUBSTITUTED INDAZOLES ALBANY MOLECULAR RESEARCH, INC. US 60/951201 21/07/2007 PCT/US/2008/070535 WO/2009/015037 14/07/2008 20/06/2008 8 H04Q )2010.01( שיטה ומערכת לעיבוד תעבורת תקשורת 203360 CONTROLSYSTEM FOR INDUSTRIAL WATER SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR ITS USE C07D )2010.01( 1 – – פירידין5 –אינדזולים מותמרים ב 203359 METHOD AND SYSTEM FOR PROCESSING TELECOMMUNICATION TRAFFIC JAJAH INC US 60/929918 18/07/2007 PCT/IL/2008/000975 WO/2009/010966 A61B )2010.01( G05D )2010.01( מערכת בקרה עבור מערכת מים תעשייתית ושיטה לשימוש בה October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY US 11/833282 03/08/2007 PCT/US/2008/067680 WO/2009/020709 24/07/2008 203361 MONOAMIDE DERIVATIVES AS OREXIN RECEPTOR ANTAGONISTS F. HOFFMANN-LA ROCHE AG EP 07113702.0 02/08/2007 PCT/EP/2008/059697 WO/2009/016087 07/08/2008 203362 PREDICTIVE MARKER FOR EGFR INHIBITOR TREATMENT F. HOFFMANN-LA ROCHE AG EP 07114314.3 14/08/2007 08156516.0 20/05/2008 EP PCT/EP/2008/006519 WO/2009/021680 29/07/2008 203363 PYRROLIDINE ARYL - ETHER AS NK3 RECEPTOR ANTAGONISTS F. HOFFMANN-LA ROCHE AG EP 07113942.2 07/08/2007 PCT/EP/2008/059908 WO/2009/019163 18/01/2010 A CLOSED ELECTRON DRIFT THRUSTER 9 203365 C07C )2010.01( תולדות מונואמיד כאנטגוניסטים לקולטן של אורקסין C12Q )2010.01( EGFR סמן מקדים לטיפול מעכב C07D )2010.01( פירולידין אריל – אתר כאנטאגוניסטים NK3–לרצפטור ל H05H )2010.01( מדחף סחף המבוסס על אלקטרון סגור October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א SNECMA FR 0950486 16/08/2007 27/01/2009 203366 AQUEOUS COMPOSITION FOR INACTIVATING SPORULATED AND /OR NON-SPORULATED COCCIDIAN PARASITES ECOLAB INC. A01N )2010.01( תרכיב מימי לעיכוב פרזיטים המייצרים או שאינם מייצרים נבגים PCT/EP/2007/058530 WO/2009/021557 17/07/2008 203367 A NATURAL TASTE ENHANCING SAVOURY BASE AND A PROCESS FOR ITS PREPARATION NESTEC S.A. EP 07117260.5 26/09/2007 PCT/EP/2008/059378 WO/2009/040150 08/08/2008 10 שיפור טיב הטעם על בסיס שיפור התיבול ותהליך להכנתו 203368 METHOD FOR SEPARATING AND PURIFYING ?-UNSATURATED AMINE COMPOUND SUMITOMO CHEMICAL COMPANY, LIMITED P2007JP 08/08/2007 206350 PCT/JP/2008/064293 WO/2009/020203 A23L )2010.01( C07D )2010.01( a שיטה עבור הפרדה וטיהור תרכובת אמין בלתי רוויה October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א 16/07/2008 203369 COMPOSITIONS AND METHODS FOR PURIFYING AND CRYSTALLIZING MOLECULES OF INTEREST AFFISINK BIOTECHNOLOGY LTD US 11/826906 19/07/2007 PCT/IL/2008/000988 WO/2009/010976 17/07/2008 תרכובות ושיטות ל זיכוך וגיבוש מולקולות 203370 COMPOSITIONS - AND METHODS FOR BLOCKING ETHYLENE RESPONSE IN PLANTS USING 3 CYCLOPROPYL - 1 - ENYL PROPANOIC ACID SALT YISSUM RESEARCH DEVELOPMENT COMPANY OF THE HEBREW UNIVERSITY OF JERUSALEM LTD IL 184729 19/07/2007 PCT/IL/2008/000995 WO/2009/010981 30/07/2008 203371 PYRONE ANALOG COMPOSITIONS AND METHODS LIMERICK BIOPHARMA INC. US 60/953187 31/07/2007 61/076584 27/06/2008 US PCT/US/2008/071606 WO/2009/018350 30/07/2008 11 C07K )2010.01( 203372 אפיסינק ביוטכנולוגיה בע"מ A01N )2010.01( קומפוזיציות ושיטות לחיסום התגובה לאתילן בצמחים באמצועת מלח של – – אניל1 – – ציקלופרופיל3 חומצה פרופאנואית יישום חברה לפיתוח המחקר של האוניברסיטה העברית בירושלים בע"מ A01N )2010.01( תכשירי אנלוג פירון ושיטות A61K )2010.01( October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א PHOSPHORYLATED PYRONE ANALOGS AND METHODS LIMERICK BIOPHARMA INC. US 60/953188 31/07/2007 61/076608 27/06/2008 US PCT/US/2008/071588 WO/2009/018338 08/08/2008 203373 HANDOVER IN WIRELESS DATA PACKET COMMUNICATION SYSTEM THAT AVOID USER DATA LOSS QUALCOMM INCORPORATED US 60/954797 08/08/2007 12/187255 06/08/2008 US PCT/US/2008/072705 WO/2009/021217 01/08/2008 12 C07K )2010.01( לטיפולNACHR 7 – אגוניסטים של אלפא או מניעת הפרעות מטבוליות 203375 LAYER 2 TUNNELING OF DATA DURING HANDOVER IN A WIRELESS COMMUNICATION SYSTEM QUALCOMM INCORPORATED US 60/954779 08/08/2007 H04W )2010.01( העברה במערכת תקשורת חבילות מידע אלחוטית שמנועת איבוד מידע משתמש 203374 ALPHA7 NACHR AGONISTS FOR TREATING OR PREVENTING METABOLIC DISORDERS TARGACEPT, INC. US 60/953610 02/08/2007 60/953613 02/08/2007 US 60/953614 02/08/2007 US 60/971654 12/09/2007 US 2008/071893/ודPCT/ WO/2009/018511 08/08/2008 אנלוגי פירון מזורחנים ושיטות H04W )2010.01( חפירת מנהרות למידע בזמן2 שכבה העברה במערכת תקשורת אלחוטית October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א 12/187539 US PCT/US/2008/072698 WO/2009/021214 28/07/2008 07/08/2008 203376 PHARMACEUTICAL COMBINATIONS COMPRISING A TYROSINE KINASE INHIBITOR AND AN ANTIBODY AGAINST INTEGRIN ALPHA 1 BETA 5(CD49E) FACET BIOTECH CORPORATION US 60/952328 27/07/2007 PCT/US/2008/071379 WO/2009/018226 01/08/2008 18/07/2008 A61K )2010.01( –1– ) – פירידיניל) מתיל3(( – 2( – ) – איל3 – ] אוקט2.2.2 [ אזאביציקלו N3 ) –R 2, , – קרבוקסאמיד2 – בנזופוראן וצורות מלח חדשות ושיטות לשימושןS 203378 TISSUE KALLIKREIN FOR THE TREATMENT OF DISEASES ASSOCIATED WITH AMYLOID PROTEIN GENESYS VENTURE INC. US 60/950960 20/07/2007 13 שילובים פארמצבטיים הכוללים מעכב – קינאז טירוזין ונוגדן נגד אינטגרין אלפא )E49CD( 5 – בטא21 203377 (2S,3R) - N - (2 - ((3 - PYRIDINYL) METHYL) - 1 - AZABICYCLO [2.2.2] OCT - 3 - YL) BENZOFURAN - 2 CARBOXAMIDE, NOVEL SALT FORMS, AND METHODS OF USE THEREOF TARGACEPT, INC. US 60/953610 02/08/2007 60/953613 02/08/2007 US 60/953614 02/08/2007 US 60971654 12/09/2007 US PCT/US/2008/071872 WO/2009/018505 C07K )2010.01( A61K )2010.01( קליקרין רקמתי לטיפול במחלות הקשורות בחלבון אמילואיד October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א 61/023505 US 61/056411 US 61/061322 US PCT/CA/2008/001327 WO/2009/012571 18/07/2008 25/01/2008 27/05/2008 13/06/2008 203379 DRY-POWDER MEDICAMENT NORTON HEALTHCARE LIMITED GB 0714134.4 19/07/2007 PCT/GB/2008/002473 WO/2009/010770 19/01/2010 203380 203381 SYSTEM FOR ACCUMULATING AND FUNNELING GRAY WATER AVRAHAM ROTBERG 19/01/2010 203382 PACKAGING FOR THROWING LIGHT CARGO FROM AIR SHABTAI AZRIEL 14 תרופה במצב אבקה יבשה B41F )2010.01( סורק מוזן נייר למחשב נייד רפאל שיפרין SCANNERS FOR LAPTOPS REFAEL SHIFRIN 19/01/2010 A61K )2010.01( F24H )2010.01( מערכת אגירת וניתוב מים אפורים אברהם רוטברג B65D )2010.01( אריזה להטלת מטענים קלים מהאוויר שבתאי עזריאל October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א 19/01/2010 203383 A WATER IMMERSION THERMOSTAT AND METHOD FOR USING THEREOF ELIAHU BABI 11/06/2008 תרמוסטט טבול מים ושיטה לשימוש בו יונה-אמנון חכם 203384 METHOD AND SYSTEM FOR AUTOMATED INSPECTION OF WEB MATERIALS 3M INNOVATIVE PROPERTIES COMPANY US 11/828369 26/07/2007 PCT/US/2008/066513 WO/2009/014818 15/07/2008 203385 FIDUCIAL MADKING FOR MULTI UNIT PROCESS SPATIAL SYNCHRONIZATION 3M INNOVATIVE PROPERTIES COMPANY US 11/828376 26/07/2007 PCT/US/2008/070066 WO/2009/014939 15/07/2008 15 B65D )2010.01( 203386 G01N )2010.01( שיטה ומערכת לבדיקה אוטומטית של חומרים ברשת G05B )2010.01( סימון מהימן עבור תהליך סינכרוניזציה מרחבי רב–יחידות G06T )2010.01( October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א MULTI-UNIT PROCESS SPATIAL SYNCHRONIZATION OF IMAGE INSPECTION SYSTEMS 3M INNOVATIVE PROPERTIES COMPANY US 11/828383 26/07/2007 PCT/US/2008/070069 WO/2009/014940 22/07/2008 תהליך סינכרוניזציה מרחבי רב–יחידות של מערכות לבדיקת תמונה 203387 ANTENNA MODULE INCLUDING INTEGRATED RADOME THALES FR 07/05523 27/07/2007 PCT/EP/2008/059615 WO/2009/016071 01/08/2008 203388 STEM CELLS DERIVED FROM THE CAROTID BODY AND USES THEREOF UNIVERSIDAD DE SEVILLA ES 200702167 02/08/2007 PCT/EP/2008/060192 WO/2009/016262 27/08/2008 203389 BALLOON CANNULA SYSTEM FOR ACCESSING AND VISUALIZING SPINE AND RELATED METHODS SPINE VIEW, INC. US 60/968086 27/08/2007 61/045919 17/04/2008 US PCT/US/2008/074405 WO/2009/029639 16 H01Q )2010.01( מודול אנטנה הכולל כיפת מגן לאנטנה באופן משולב C12N )2009.01( תאי גזע הנגזרים מגוף הקרוטיד ושימוש בהם A61B )2010.01( מערכת צינורית לבלון לגישה וראיית השדרה ושיטות מתאימות לכך October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א 02/07/2003 203390 METHOD FOR PERFORMING WIRELESS SWITCHING INTERDIGITAL TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION US 60/394151 05/07/2002 334858 31/12/2002 US PCT/US/2003/020823 WO/2004/006117 20/07/2008 שיטת מיתוג אל –חוטית 203391 203392 A METHOD OF PROCESSING AND DRYING WASTE IN A CONTINUOUS PROCESS GEDALYAHU MANOR US 60/961159 19/07/2007 PCT/US/2008/008842 WO/2009/014669 13/08/2008 17 B09B )2010.01( שיטה לעיבוד ויבוש פסולת בתהליך רציף גדליהו מנור 203393 OPTIMIZING IN-ORDER DELIVERY OF DATA PACKETS DURING WIRELESS COMMUNICATION HANDOVER QUALCOMM INCORPORATED US 60/955607 13/08/2007 D04H )2010.01( חומר אלבד בע"מ1953 אבגול תעשיות NON-WOVEN MATERIAL AVGOL INDUSTRIES 1953 LTD US 60/929950 19/07/2007 PCT/IL/2008/001006 WO/2009/010984 21/07/2008 H04W )2009.01( H04L )2010.01( ייעול משלוח לפי הסדר של חבילות מידע בזמן העברה בתקשורת אלחוטית October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א PCT/US/2008/073073 WO/2009/023746 13/08/2008 203394 METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR SUPPORTING BROADCAST AND MULTICAST SERVICES IN A WIRELESS COMMUNICATION SYSTEM QUALCOMM INCORPORATED US 60/955620 13/08/2007 12/190441 12/08/2008 US PCT/US/2008/073068 WO/2009/023741 08/08/2008 שיטה והתקן לתמיכת שירותי שידור ושידור מרובב במערכת תקשורת אלחוטית 203395 ADAPTATION OF TRANSMIT POWER FOR NEIGHBORING NODES QUALCOMM INCORPORATED US 60/955301 10/08/2007 60/957967 24/08/2007 US 12/187304 06/08/2008 US PCT/US/2008/072690 WO/2009/023592 05/08/2008 18 H04W )2010.01( התאמת כוח שידור לצמתים שכנים 203396 MULTIPLEXING AND TRANSMISSION OF TRAFFIC DATA AND CONTROL INFORMATION IN A WIRELESS COMMUNICATION SYSTEM QUALCOMM INCORPORATED US 60/954299 06/08/2007 12/185597 04/08/2008 US PCT/US/2008/072254 WO/2009/020983 H04W )2010.01( H04W )2010.01( ריבוב ושידור של מידע נתוני ובקרת תנועה במערכת תקשורת אלחוטית October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א 30/07/2008 203397 TRANSDERMAL ADMINISTRATION OF (2S) - (4E) - N - METHYL - 5 - (3 -(5 - ISOPROPOXYPYRIDIN) YL)- 4 PENTEN - 2 - AMINE TARGACEPT, INC. US 60/953062 31/07/2007 PCT/US/2008/071638 WO/2009/018373 04/08/2008 24/07/2008 19 H04L )2010.01( שיטה והתקן לבחירה ורכישה יעילות של אוOFDM –מערכות המשתמשות ב FDM–SC 203400 PEPTIDES DERIVED FROM PLASMINOGEN ACTIVATOR INHIBITOR - 1 AND USES THEREOF THROMBOTECH LTD US 60/951485 24/07/2007 PCT/IL/2008/001027 WO/2009/013753 21/03/2005 – S2) – (E4) – N – (5( מתן דרך העור של 2 – – פנטין4 – )איזופרופוקסיפירידין) איל – אמין 203398 METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR EFFICIENT SELECTION AND ACQUISITION OF SYSTEM UTILIZING OFDM OR SC-FDM QUALCOMM INCORPORATED US 60/953948 03/08/2007 12/181116 28/07/2008 US PCT/US/2008/072139 WO/2009/020930 A61K )2010.01( A61K )2010.01( של משפעל1 – פפטידים שנגזרים ממעכב פלסמינוגן ושימושים שלהם 203401 טרומבוטק בע"מ C08F )2010.01( October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א METHODS OF PREPARATION MONOLAYERS AND BILAYERS COMPRISING ULTRA HIGH MOLECULAR WEIGHT POLYETHYLENE AND BALLISTIC RESISTANT ARTICLES MANUFACTURED THEREFROM FMS ENTERPRISES MIGUN LTD. US 60/601645 16/08/2004 60/626206 08/11/2004 US 22/01/2004 דו ורב שכבתיות,שיטות להכנת יריעות חד מחומר פוליאתילן בעל משקל מולקולרי וחפצים עמידי ירי המיוצרים,גבוה במיוחד מהם 203402 FUSION POLYPEPTIDES, HOST CELLS COMPRISING THE SAME AND METHODS OF PRODUCING THE SAME GLY CART BIOTECHNOLOGY AG. US 60/441307 22/01/2003 60/491254 31/07/2003 US 60/495142 15/08/2003 US PCT/IB/2004/000844 WO/2004/065540 31/07/2008 203404 METHOD OF CONSTRUCTING MASSES OF MYOCARDIAL CELLS AND USE OF THE MYOCARDIAL CELL MASS KEIO UNIVERSITY 2007JP 31/07/2007 200246 2008-046772 27/02/2008 JP PCT/JP/2008/064168 WO/2009/017254 20 מיגון בע"מ.ס.מ.מפעלי פ C12N )2010.01( תאים מארחים,פוליפפטידי איחוי המכילים אותם ושיטות לייוצורם C12N )2009.01( שיטה לבניית מסת שריר הלב ושימוש במסת שריר הלב October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א 25/07/2008 203405 NOVEL COMBINATIONS OF NERAMEXANE FOR THE TREATMENT OF NEURODEGENERATIVE DISORDERS MERZ PHARMA GMBH & CO. KGaA EP 07252976.1 27/07/2007 60/962259 27/07/2007 US PCT/EP/2008/006162 WO/2009/015844 28/07/2008 קומבינציות חדשות של נרמקסאן לטיפול במחלות ניווניות של מערכת העצבים 203406 NANOPARTICLES NANOCO TECHNOLOGIES LIMITED GB 0714865.3 31/07/2007 PCT/GB/2008/002560 WO/2009/016354 09/06/2008 203407 APPARATUS AND METHOD FOR INCREASING THE DATA THROUGHPUT IN RADIO NETWORKS ROHDE & SCHWARZ GMBH & CO. KG 10 2007 034 DE 25/07/2007 754.7 PCT/EP/2008/004587 WO/2009/012847 20/01/2010 203408 NON-CONTACT PATTERN TRANSFER MOSHE FINAROV 21 A61K )2010.01( C09K )2010.01( ננוחלקיקים H04L )2010.01( התקן ושיטה להגברת קצב העברת נתונים ברשתות רדיו B23K )2010.01( העברת תרשים חומר ללא מגע משה פינרוב October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א 20/01/2010 203409 AN APPARATUS FOR A SAILBOAT AND METHOD THEREFOR KETTER MEIR 28/03/2001 מתקן עבור מפרשית ושיטה עבורה כתר מאיר 203410 CDMA SYSTEM WHICH USES PREROTATION BEFORE TRANSMISSION INTERDIGITAL TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION US 60/192670 28/03/2000 PCT/US/2001/009968 WO/2001/073968 03/08/2006 203412 22 E04H )2010.01( רובוט לניקוי בריכות מים מיטרוניקס בע"מ 203413 DEGRADATION ACCELERATOR FOR POLYMERS AND POLYER ARTICLE COMPRISING IT BASF SE EP 07113692.3 02/08/2007 PCT/EP/2008/059681 WO/2009/016083 H04B )2010.01( המשתמשת בקדם–סיבובCDMA מערכת לפני העברה POOL CLEANING ROBOT MAYTRONICS LTD. US 11/196737 04/08/2005 PCT/IL/2006/000901 WO/2007/015251 24/07/2008 B63B )2010.01( C07C )2010.01( מאיץ התבלות לפולימרים ופריט פולימרי המכיל אותו October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א 24/07/2008 203414 MONOMERIC VHH DOMAIN DERIVED FROM ANTI-VP6 CAMELID ANTIBODIES, DIMERIC DOMAIN, IMMUNISATION METHOD, ROTAVIRUS DETECTION METHOD, COMPOSITION, PREVENTION AND TREATMENT METHODS FOR ROTAVIRUS INFECTIONS INSTITUTO NACIONAL DE TECNOLOGIA AGROPECUARIA (INTA) AR P070103331 27/07/2007 PCT/EP/2008/059745 WO/2009/016100 06/08/2008 11/09/2008 A61K )2010.01( בופרופיון הידרוברומיד ויישומים טיפוליים 203416 TREATMENT OF VASOMOTOR SYMPTOMS BOEHRINGER INGELHEIM INTERNATIONAL GMBH US 60/971605 12/09/2007 PCT/EP/2008/062011 WO/2009/034111 23 מונומרי הנגזר מנוגדני קמלידVHH אזור , שיטת חיסון, אזור דימרי,VP6– אנטי שיטות, תכשיר,שיטה לגילוי רוטאוירוס למניעה וטיפול בזיהומי רוטאוירוס 203415 BUPROPION HYDROBROMIDE AND THERAPEUTIC APPLICATIONS BIOVAIL LABORATORIES INTERNATIONAL S.R.L. US 11/834848 07/08/2007 PCT/EP/2008/060361 WO/2009/019294 C07K )2010.01( A61K )2010.01( טיפול בסימפטומים ואסומוטוריים October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א 09/07/2008 203417 MEASUREMENT OF PROTEIN USING INCLUSION BODY DRY WEIGHT AMGEN INC. US 60/947800 03/07/2007 PCT/US/2008/069529 WO/2009/006643 13/08/2008 203418 CODING AND MULTIPLEXING OF CONTROL INFORMATION IN A WIRELESS COMUNICATION SYSTEM QUALCOMM INCORPORATED US 60/955624 13/08/2007 12/190461 12/08/2008 US PCT/US/2008/073054 WO/2009/023730 01/08/2008 203419 PHOTOINITIATED TISSUE FILLER THE JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY US 60/953375 01/08/2007 PCT/US/2008/072034 WO/2009/018555 16/07/2008 203420 ELECTROGRAPHIC APPARATUS FOR FORMING A LATENT IMAGE ON AN IMAGING SURFACE HEWLETT-PACKARD DEVELOPMENT COMPANY L.P US 11/830694 30/07/2007 PCT/US/2008/008713 WO/2009/017603 24 G01N )2010.01( מדידת חלבון המשתמשת במשקל יבש של גופיף הסגר H04L )2010.01( קידוד וריבוב של מידע בקרה במערכת תקשורת אלחוטית A61F )2010.01( ממלא רקמה מותחלים על ידי אור G03G )2010.01( התקן אלקטרוגראפי לייצור דמות סמויה במשטח הדמייה October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א 25/07/2008 203421 SURGICAL SUTURING DEVICE, METHOD AND TOOLS USED THERWITH ALPHA SCIENTIFIC CORPORATION US 60/962031 26/07/2007 PCT/US/2008/009012 WO/2009/045248 28/07/2008 203422 NOVEL BENZAMIDINE DERIVATIVES, PROCESS FOR THE PREPARATION THEREOF AND PHARMACEUTICAL COMPOSITION FOR PREVENTING OR TREATING OSTEOPOROSIS COMPRISING THE SAME DONG WHA PHARMACEUTICAL CO., LTD. 10-2007KR 27/07/2007 0075976 PCT/KR/2008/004394 WO/2009/017346 23/07/2008 ARMOR SYSTEM FOSTER-MILLER, INC. US 60/961810 11/999345 US PCT/US/2008/008918 WO/2009/045243 20/07/2008 25 203423 A61B )2010.01( שיטה וכלים,התקן תפירה כירורגי שמשתמשים בהם אתו C07D )2010.01( תהליך להכנתן,נגזרות בנזמידין חדשות ותכשיר רוקחות למניעת אוסטאופורוזיס או לטיפול בה המכיל את אותן נגזרות F41H )2010.01( מערכת שריון 24/07/2007 05/12/2007 203424 G02C )2010.01( October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א A METHOD AND SYSTEM FOR PROTECTION OF RETINA FROM LIGHT INDUCED DAMAGE RAPPAPORT FAMILY INSTITUTE FOR RESEARCH IN THE MEDICAL SCIENCES US 60/929997 20/07/2007 PCT/IL/2008/001002 WO/2009/013737 18/07/2008 שיטה ומערכת להגנה על הרשתית מנזק שמקורו באור 203425 INTERNAL REFORMING SOLID OXIDE FUEL CELLS NANO-DYNAMICS ENERGY. INC. US 11/880105 19/07/2007 PCT/US/2008/008776 WO/2009/014645 21/01/2010 203426 A SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR ADDING ADVERTISEMENTS TO INFORMATION DISPLAY SYSTEMS TRANSSPOT LTD 23/07/2008 H01M )2010.01( )SOFC( תאי דלק תחמוצת מוצקה G09B )2010.01( מערכת ושיטה להוספת פרסומות למערכות להצגת מידע טרנספוט בע"מ 203428 ANTIGEN - ADJUVANT COMPOSITIONS AND METHODS SANOFI PASTEUR LIMITED US 60/952225 26/07/2007 PCT/CA/2008/001386 WO/2009/012601 26 המכון רפפורט למחקר במדעי הרפואה ע"ש משפחת רפפורט A61K )2010.01( תרכובות אנטיגן – אדג'ובאנט ושיטות October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א 15/08/2008 203430 INSULIN ANALOGUES WITH AN ACYL AND ALKYLENE GLYCOL MOIETY NOVO NORDISK A/S EP 07114386.1 15/08/2007 PCT/EP/2008/060768 WO/2009/022013 14/08/2008 אנלוגים של אינסולין עם אציל וחלק אלקילן גליקולי 203431 SEED TREATMENT COMPOSITIONS AND METHODS BASF SE EP 07114462.0 16/08/2007 PCT/EP/2008/060672 WO/2009/021985 01/08/2008 23/07/2008 27 A01N )2010.01( תכשירים ושיטות לטיפול בזרעים 203432 NANOTHIN POLYMER FILMS WITH SELECTIVE PORES AND METHOD OF USE THEREOF THE UNIVERSITY OF MEMPHIS RESEARCH FOUNDATION US 11/888739 02/08/2007 PCT/US/2008/071884 WO/2009/018508 C12N )2009.01( A61K )2010.01( שכבות פולימריות ננו–דקות עם נקבוביות ברירתיות ושיטה לשימוש בהן 203433 A61K )2010.01( October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א PROCESS FOR THE PREPARATION OF CONTROLLED - RELEASE SOLID FORMULATIONS CONTAINING OXCARBAZEPINE, AND FORMULATIONS OBTAINABLE BY SAID PROCESS ARCHIMICA S.R.L. IT MI2007A1502 25/07/2007 PCT/IB/2008/001904 WO/2009/013594 22/07/2008 203434 PROCESS FOR PREPARING OXAZOLIDINE AND OXAZOLIDINONE AMINODIOLS AND RELATED INTERMEDIATES INTERVET INTERNATIONAL B.V. US 60/951816 25/07/2007 PCT/US/2008/070696 WO/2009/015111 11/07/2008 תהליך להכנת הרכבים מוצקים לשחרור מבוקר המכילים אוקסאקרבאזאפין והרכבים המתקבלים מתהליך זה תהליך להכנת אוקסאזולידין ואוקסאזולידינון אמינודיאולים וחומרי ביניים קשורים 203435 ABSORBENT ARTICLE THE PROCTER & GAMBLE COMPANY US 11/880931 25/07/2007 PCT/IB/2008/052808 WO/2009/013660 11/07/2008 203436 ABSORBENT ARTICLE THE PROCTER & GAMBLE COMPANY US 11/881115 25/07/2007 PCT/IB/2008/052807 WO/2009/013659 28 C07D )2010.01( A61F )2010.01( פריט סופג A61F )2010.01( פריט סופג October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א 11/07/2008 203437 REMOVABLE DRIVE ELECTRONICS UNIT FOR HIGH RESOLUTION PRINT ENGINE VIDEOJET TECHNOLOGIES INC. US 11/781750 23/07/2007 PCT/US/2008/069828 WO/2009/014918 01/08/2008 יחידה אלקטרונית של כונן הניתן להסרה עבור מנוע הדפסה ברזולוציה גבוהה 203438 HIGH HARDNESS, HIGH TOUGHNESS IRON - BASE ALLOYS AND METHODS FOR MAKING SAME ATI PROPERTIES, INC. US 60/953269 01/08/2007 PCT/US/2008/071931 WO/2009/018522 25/07/2008 31/07/2008 29 C22C )2010.01( סגסוגות על בסיס ברזל בעלות קשיות גבוהה וקשיחות גבוהה ושיטות להכנתן 203439 CONTROLLED RELEASE INTERFERON DRUG PRODUCTS AND TREATMENT OF HVC INFECTION USING SAME BIOLEX THERAPEUTICS, INC. US 60/951879 25/07/2007 60/952140 26/07/2007 US 60/978330 08/10/2007 US 60/985526 05/11/2007 US PCT/US/2008/071191 WO/2009/015336 B41J )2010.01( A61K )2010.01( תרופות עם שחרור מבוקר המכילות באמצעותןHCV אינטרפרון וטיפול בזיהום 203440 G01S )2010.01( October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א ארכיטקטורת מכ"ם מודולרית MODULAR RADAR ARCHITECTURE THALES FR 07/05709 03/08/2007 PCT/EP/2008/060068 WO/2009/019191 11/08/2008 203441 A MODULE AND ASSOCIATED METHOD FOR TR - 069 OBJECT MANAGEMENT ALCATEL LUCENT EP 07291009.4 14/08/2007 PCT/EP/2008/006699 WO/2009/021739 05/08/2008 31/07/2008 C04B )2010.01( תערובת דלילה מוקצפת ולוח מבנה העשוי ממנה 203443 METHOD FOR MANUFACTURING LINEAR POLYETHYLENIMINE (PEI) FOR TRANSFECTION PURPOSE AND LINEAR PEI OBTAINED WITH SUCH METHOD POLYPLUS- TRANSFECTION US 60/952993 31/07/2007 PCT/IB/2008/002339 WO/2009/016507 30 069 מודול ושיטה קשורה לניהול אובייקט TR – 203442 FOAMED SLURRY AND BUILDING PANEL MADE THEREFROM UNITED STATES GYPSUM COMPANY US 11/893758 17/08/2007 PCT/US/2008/072217 WO/2009/025989 F21S )2010.01( C08G )2010.01( שיטה לייצור פוליאתילנאימין לינארי למטרת העברת גנים ופוליאתילנאימין לינארי המתקבל ע"י שיטה זו October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א 22/08/2008 203444 ANTIVIRAL COMPOSITION COMPRISING A SULFATED POLYSACCHARIDE MARINOMED BIOTECHNOLOGIE GMBH US 60/935668 24/08/2007 PCT/EP/2008/006910 WO/2009/027057 21/01/2010 תכשיר אנטי–ויראלי המכיל פוליסכאריד סולפטי 203445 INSPECTION APPARATUS, LITHOGRAPHIC APPARATUS, LITHOGRAPHIC PROCESSING CELL AND INSPECTION METHOD ASML NETHERLANDS B.V. US 61/151665 11/02/2009 31/07/2007 A61K )2010.01( G01B )2010.01( תא, מכשיר הדפסת אבן,מכשיר בדיקה עיבוד להדפסת אבן ושיטת בדיקה 203446 C02F )2010.01( מערכת סינון בחלחול PERCOLATION FILTER SYSTEM SELWYN CORPORATE LTD. PCT/EP/2007/006831 WO/2009/015679 30/07/2008 203447 BENZOYL-PIPERIDINE DERIVATIVES AS DUAL MODULATORS OF THE 5 HT2A AND D3 RECEPTORS C07D )2010.01( תולדות בנזויל – פיפרידין כמאפננים – ולA2TH–5 – כפולים של הרצפטורים ל D3 F. HOFFMANN-LA ROCHE AG EP 07114119.6 09/08/2007 PCT/EP/2008/059971 WO/2009/019174 31 October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א 08/08/2008 203448 AZABIPHENYLAMINOBENZOIC ACID DERIVATIVES AS DHODH INHIBITORS ALMIRALL, S.A. ES P200702261 10/08/2007 08382011.8 13/03/2008 EP PCT/EP/2008/006573 WO/2009/021696 21/01/2010 תולדות חומצה אזאביפנילאמינובנזואית DHODH כמעכבי 203449 METHODS AND SYSTEMS FOR MEASURING THE FREQUENCY RESPONSE AND IMPULSE RESPONSE OF OBJECTS AND MEDIA ARIEL- UNIVERSITY RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT COMPANY LTD. 04/10/2004 C07D )2010.01( שיטות ומערכות למדידת תגובת התדר או תגובת האימפולס של אובייקטים ושל תווך חברה אוניברסיטאית למחקר-אריאל ופיתוח בע"מ 203450 32 C07K )2010.01( TIM–3 פוליפפטידים TIM-3 POLYPEPTIDES BRIGHAM AND WOMEN'S HOSPITAL US 60/508319 03/10/2003 PCT/US/2004/032749 WO/2005/033144 23/07/2008 G01R )2010.01( 203451 B65H )2010.01( October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א NON STOP UNWINDING DEVICE WITH LIMITED BULK FOR ROLLS OF WEBLIKE MATERIAL OMET SRL IT MI2007A001497 25/07/2007 PCT/IB/2008/002019 WO/2009/013615 10/07/2008 203452 MECHANICAL PART INCLUDING AN INSERT MADE OF A COMPOSITE MATERIAL SNECMA FR 0705454 26/07/2007 PCT/FR/2008/001015 WO/2009/034264 10/07/2008 33 C22C )2010.01( חלק מכני הכולל תוספת העשויה מחומר מרוכב 203454 AN IMPLANTED MEDICAL DEVICE ESPECIALLY USED IN COSMETIC SURGERY AESTHETICS POINT LTD US 60/951,960 26/07/2007 PCT/IL/2008/001038 WO/2009/013758 C22C )2010.01( חלק מכני הכולל תוספת העשויה מחומר מרוכב 203453 MECHANICAL PART INCLUDING AN INSERT MADE OF A COMPOSITE MATERIAL SNECMA FR 0705453 26/07/2007 PCT/FR/2008/001014 WO/2009/034263 27/07/2008 מכשיר ריפוף ללא הפסקות עם מסה מוגבלת לגלילים של חומר דמוי אריג A61B )2010.01( שתל רפואי לשימוש בניתוחים קוסמטיים אסתטיקס פוינט בע"מ October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א 21/01/2010 203455 REUSING HOUSEHOLD GRAY WATER TO FLUSH TOILETS NEHEMIAH KAPLAN INVESTMENTS LTD 23/07/2008 08/08/2008 מערכת לניצול מים אפורים להדחת אסלה נחמיה קפלן השקעות בע"מ 203456 SOLAR ENERGY SYSTEMS WITH REFLECTING AND PHOTOVOLTAIC CONVERSION MEANS BRIGHTSOURCE INDUSTRIES (ISRAEL) LTD US 60/951241 23/07/2007 61/053035 14/05/2008 US PCT/US/2008/070910 WO/2009/015219 HYDROPHILLIC BIODEGRADABLE ADHESIVES COHERA MEDICAL, INC. 34 H01L )2010.01( מערכת אנרגיה סולארית עם אמצעי מראי ופוטוולטאיק ברייטסורס אינדוסרייס מרק ון דייק 203457 REUSABLE MATERIAL FOR COLLECTING SAMPLES FOR ANALYSIS L-3 COMMUNICATIONS CYTERRA CORPORATION US 60/955,123 10/08/2007 PCT/US/2008/072652 WO/2009/023576 07/07/2008 E03B )2010.01( G01N )2010.01( חומר לשימוש חוזר עבור איסוף דוגמיות לבדיקה 203458 C09J )2010.01( דבקים הידרופיליים הניתנים לפירוק ביולוגי October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א US 11/781539 12/123927 US PCT/US/2008/069329 WO/2009/014886 08/08/2008 23/07/2007 20/05/2008 203459 QUATERNARY OPIOID CARBOXAMIDES RENSSELAER POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE US 60/954960 09/08/2007 PCT/US/2008/072632 WO/2009/023567 קרבוקסאמידים אופיאוגדים רביעונים 203460 21/01/2010 APPARATUS FOR MOUNTING AUXILIARY EQUIPMENT ON A VEHICLE CONTAINMENT SYSTEM AND SET CONSISTING OF A VEHICLE CONTAINMENT SYSTEM AND SUCH AN APPARATUS VOLKMANN & ROSSBACH GMBH & CO. KG DE 102009005477.4 21/06/2009 718.4 012 09 07/10/2009 EP 13/08/2008 203461 POLISHING PAD CABOT MICROELECTRONICS CORPORATION US 60/956293 16/08/2007 PCT/US/2008/009687 WO/2009/025748 35 C07D )2010.01( B62D )2010.01( מכשיר לטעינת ציוד עזר על מחסום ומערכת המורכבת ממחסום,לרכב וממכשיר הטעינה B24D )2010.01( כרית ליטוש October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א 203462 24/01/2010 תומך בטיחות אלקטרוני לעבודת משקולות חופשיות ניצן נחום AN ELECTRONIC SAFETY DEVICE FOR FREE WEIGHT WORK OUT NITZAN NAHUM 24/01/2010 SEAT CUSHION MAAYAN IZINGER US 61/146669 24/01/2010 203463 23/01/2009 203464 A61F )2010.01( צמיד לתזכורת זמנים וכמויות האכלה של תינוקות סיון יתח 203465 SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR MASS CALIBRATION OF RADIO FREQUENCY FINGERPRINT (RF-FP) LOCATION MEASUREMENTS VERINT SYSTEMS LTD. 36 B62B )2010.01( כרית למניעת החלקה לכיסא גלגלים מעין איזינגר BRACELET FOR MEMORIZING TIMES AND AMOUNTS OF BABY NURSING SIVAN ITAH 24/01/2010 A63B )2010.01( G01S )2010.01( מערכת ושיטה לכיול של מדידות מיקום המבוססות על טביעת אצבע תדר רדיו ורינט מערכות בע"מ October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א 24/01/2010 203466 METHODS AND SYSTEMS FOR DETECTION OF FINANCIAL CRIME VERINT SYSTEMS LTD. שיטות ומערכות לגילוי פשעים כלכליים ורינט מערכות בע"מ 203467 24/01/2010 ודים מרקובניק אצל גי בי אף ישראל בע"מ 203468 HUMAN ANTIBODIES TO HUMAN CD20 AND METHOD OF USING THEREOF REGENERON PHARMACEUTICALS INC. US 60/962811 31/07/2007 61/067994 03/03/2008 US PCT/US/2008/071709 WO/2009/018411 14/08/2008 203469 REFERENCE SIGNAL GENERATION IN A WIRELESS COMMUNICATION SYSTEM QUALCOMM INCORPORATED 37 E01F )2010.01( טיוביקסטון TUBICSTONE MARKOVNIC VADIM G.D.F ISRAEL LTD. 31/07/2008 G07B )2010.01( C07K )2010.01( אנושי ושיטהCD20–נוגדנים אנושיים ל לשימושם H04J )2010.01( יצירת אות ייחוס במערכת תקשורת אלחוטית October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א US 60/955801 12/190889 US PCT/US/2008/073206 WO/2009/023792 13/08/2008 14/08/2007 13/08/2008 203470 FREQUENCY DIVERSE TRANSMISSIONS IN A WIRELESS COMMUNICATION SYSTEM QUALCOMM INCORPORATED US 60/955543 13/08/2007 12/190432 12/08/2008 US PCT/US/2008/073063 WO/2009/023736 24/07/2008 שידורים בתדרים שונים במערכת תקשורת אלחוטית 203471 METHOD FOR OBTAINING A COSMETIC PRODUCT FROM A CONCENTRATE OF THE TIGER NUT DRINK HORCHATERIA DANIEL, S.L. ES P200702058 24/07/2007 PCT/ES/2008/000515 WO/2009/013377 25/07/2008 203472 1 - OXO - ISOINDOLINE - 4 CARBOXAMIDE AND-1 - OXO - 1, 2, 3, 4 - TETRAHYDROISOQUINOLINE - 5 CABOXAMIDE DERIVATIVES, PREPARATION AND THERAPEUTIC USE THEREOF SANOFI-AVENTIS FR 0705499 27/07/2007 PCT/FR/2008/001110 WO/2009/044019 38 H04L )2010.01( A61K )2010.01( שיטה להפקת מוצר קוסמטי מתרכיז ESCULENTUS CYPERUS –משקה ה C07D )2010.01( – 4 – – אוקסו – איזואינדולין1 נגזרות – 4 ,3 ,2 ,1 – קרבוקסאמיד ו – אוקסו , קרבוקסאמיד5 – טטראהידרואיזוקינולין הכנתן ושימושן הרפואי October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א 25/07/2008 203473 DERIVATIVES OF 1 - OXO - 1, 2 DIHYDROISOQUINOLINE - 5 CARBOXAMIDES AND OF 4 - OXO - 3, 4 - DIHYDROQUINAZOLINE -8 CARBOXIMIDES, PREPARATION THEREOF AND APPLICATION THEREOF IN THERAPEUTICS SANOFI-AVENTIS FR 0705500 27/07/2007 PCT/FR/2008/001109 WO/2009/044018 24/07/2008 29/06/1998 ADVANCED TELEVISION SYSTEM NDS LIMITED 39 – 2 ,1 – – אוקסו1 נגזרות 4 – קרבוקסאמידים ו5 – דיהידרואיזוקינולין – 8 – – דיהידרוקינאזולין4 ,3 – – אוקסו הכנתם ויישומן ברפואה,קרבוקסאמידים 203474 1, 2, 3, 4 - TETRAHYDROPYRROLO [1, 2 -A] PYRAZINE - 6 - CABOXAMIDE AND 2, 3, 4, 5 TETRAYDROPYRROLO[1,2-A ] [1, 4] DIAZEPINE - 7 - CARBOXAMIDE DERIVATIVES, PREPARATION AND THEREPEUTIC USE THEREOF SANOFI-AVENTIS FR 07/05497 27/07/2007 07/05498 27/07/2007 FR PCT/FR/2008/001096 WO/2009/044007 C07D )2010.01( C07D )2010.01( 2 ,1[ – טטראהידרופירולו4 ,3 ,2 ,1 נגזרות ,4 ,3 ,2 – – קרבוקסאמיד ו6 – ] פיראזיןA – – 7 – ] – דיאזפין4 ,1[ – טראהידרופירולו5 הכנתן ושימושן התראפיוטי,קרבוקסאמיד 203475 H04N )2010.01( מערכת טלביזוינית משופרת October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א 19/09/2008 203476 POLISHING COMPOSITION AND METHOD UTILIZING ABRASIVE PARTICLES TREATED WITH AN AMINOSILANE CABOT MICROELECTRONICS CORPORATION US 60/974328 21/09/2007 PCT/US/2008/010897 WO/2009/042073 19/09/2008 הרכב ליטוש ושיטה בשימוש חלקיקים משפשפים מעובדים עם אמינוסיליין 203477 POLISHING COMPOSITION AND METHOD UTILIZING ABRASIVE PARTICLES TREATED WITH AN AMINOSILANE CABOT MICROELECTRONICS CORPORATION US 60/974340 21/09/2007 PCT/US/2008/010896 WO/2009/042072 30/06/2008 09/05/2005 40 C07C )2010.01( – שיטה לייצור הרכבים אמורפיים אמורפי גבישיים מופעלים מכנית של חומצה גלוקונית סידן 203479 MUTANT PNEUMOLYSIM PROTEINS C09K )2010.01( הרכב ליטוש ושיטה בשימוש חלקיקים משפשפים מעובדים עם אמינוסיליין 203478 METHOD FOR PRODUCING MECHANICALLY ACTIVATED AMORPHOUS AND AMORPHOCRYSTALLINE COMPOUNDS OF GLUCONIC ACID CALCIUM SALT NIKOLAJ SERGEEVICH STRELKOV RU 2007127937 20/07/2007 PCT/RU/2008/000403 WO/2009/014471 C09G )2010.01( C07K )2010.01( חלבוני פנאומוליזין מוטנטים October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א TIMOTHY JOHN MITCHELL GB 0410220.8 07/05/2004 60/569415 07/05/2004 US PCT/GB/2005/001792 WO/2005/108580 24/01/2010 203480 SELECTIVE ETCHING AND FORMATION OF XENON DIFLUORIDE AIR PRODUCTS AND CHEMICALS, INC. US 12/360588 27/01/2009 צריבה ברירתית ויצירה של קסנון דיפלואוריד 203481 25/07/2008 2 - AZA - BICYCLO [3.3.0] OCTANE DERIVATIVES ACTELION PHARMACEUTICALS LTD. IB PCT/IB07/052991 27/07/2007 PCT/IB/2008/052989 WO/2009/016564 24/01/2010 203482 MOUNT FOR A COMPRESSION CONTROL UNIT TYCO HEALTHCARE GROUP LP US 12/359793 26/01/2009 21/07/2008 41 C23C )2010.01( C07D )2010.01( ]0.3.3[ – אזא – ביציקלו2 תולדות אוקטן F02B )2010.01( הרכב ליחידת בקרת דחיסה 203483 B09B )2010.01( October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א שיטת סילוק עבור מיחזור מלא של אשפה מוצקה DISPOSAL METHOD FOR ENTIRELY RECYCLING SOLID DEFUSE QIHUI LIAN CN 200710029339.4 25/07/2007 PCT/CN/2008/001346 WO/2009/012653 23/07/2008 203484 4 - HYDROXY - 4 - METHYL PIPERIDINE - 1 - CARBOXYLIC ACID (4 - METHOXY - 7 - MORPHOLIN - 4 YL - BENZOTHIAZOL - 2 - YL) AMIDE FOR THE TREATMENT OF POST - TRAUMATIC STRESS DISORDER SYNOSIA THERAPEUTICS US 60/935035 23/07/2007 PCT/US/2008/070934 WO/2009/015236 23/07/2008 – 1 – – מתיל – פיפרידין4 – – הידרוקסי4 – 7 – – מתוקסי4( חומצה קרבוקסילית – ) – יל2 – – יל – בנזותיאזול4 – מורפולין אמיד לטיפול באי סדר של לחץ לאחר טראומה 203485 TREATMENT OF POST-TRAUMATIC STRESS DISORDER SYNOSIA THERAPEUTICS US 60/935036 23/07/2007 PCT/US/2008/070948 WO/2009/015248 24/07/2008 INTERSPINOUS SPACER VERTIFLEX, INC. US 60/961741 PCT/US/2008/008983 WO/2009/014728 42 A01N )2010.01( 203486 A61K )2010.01( טיפול באי–סדר של לחץ לאחר טראומה A61B )2010.01( מרווח בין חוליות עמוד השדרה 24/07/2007 October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א 25/07/2008 203487 IMPROVED ORGAN PROTECTION, PRESERVATION AND RECOVERY HIBERNATION THERAPEUTICS LIMITED AU 2007903999 25/07/2007 PCT/AU/2008/001086 WO/2009/012534 24/07/2008 שימור ושחזור,הגנה משופרת על איברים 203488 METHODS AND APPARATUS FOR HANDLING PRODUCTS DOUGLAS MACHINE INC. US 11/782104 24/07/2007 PCT/US/2008/070980 WO/2009/015259 30/07/2008 26/10/2007 43 A61K )2010.01( תכשיר פרמצבטי לטיפול בפצעים ושיטות הקשורות בתכשיר עור בע"מ-היל 203491 COLOR-CODED AND SIZED LOADABLE POLYMERIC PARTICLES FOR THERAPEUTIC AND/OR DIAGNOSTIC APPLICATIONS AND METHODS OF PREPARING AND USING THE SAME B65B )2010.01( שיטות והתקן לטיפול במוצרים 203490 PHARMACEUTICAL COMPOSITION FOR TREATING WOUNDS AND RELATED METHODS HEAL-OR LTD. US 60/962706 30/07/2007 PCT/IL/2008/001049 WO/2009/016629 A01N )2010.01( A61K )2010.01( חלקיקים פולימריים ניתנים להעמסה לפי גודל ומוצפנים לפי צבע ליישומים רפואיים או אבחוניים ושיטות להכנתם ולשימוש/ו בהם October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א CELONOVA BIOSCIENCES, INC. US 60/962015 25/07/2007 PCT/US/2007/082659 WO/2009/014549 203492 31/07/2008 LIGHTING APPARATUS LSI INDUSTRIES, INC. US 60/953009 12/183403 US PCT/US/2008/071741 WO/2009/018433 מערכת תאורה 31/07/2007 31/07/2008 23/05/2001 203493 NRG-2 NUCLEIC ACID MOLECULES, POLYPEPTIDES, AND DIAGNOSTIC AND THERAPEUTIC METHODS CENES PHARMACEUTICALS, INC. US 60/206495 23/05/2000 PCT/US/2001/016896 WO/2001/089568 25/01/2010 203494 CLOSURE FOR CONTAINERS PRODUCTOS FLOWER, S.A. EP 09382016 03/02/2009 31/07/2008 INHALER VECTURA DELIVERY DEVICES LIMITED 44 F21V )2010.01( 203495 C07K )2010.01( ,NRG–2 ,מולקולות חומצה גרעינית פוליפפטידים ושיטות אבחון וטיפול B65D )2010.01( סוגר עבור מיכלים A61M )2010.01( משאף October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א EP 07113624.6 PCT/EP/2008/060078 WO/2009/016238 01/08/2007 01/08/2008 203496 IMPROVED PHARMACEUTICALCOATED MEDICAL PRODUCTS, THE PRODUCTION THEREOF AND THE USE THEREOF INVATEC TECHNOLOGY CENTER GMBH 10 2007 036 DE 03/08/2007 685.1 PCT/DE/2008/001285 WO/2009/018816 25/01/2010 ,מוצרי רפואה רוקחות– מצופים משופרים ייצורם ושימושיהם 203497 203498 APPARATUS AND METHODS FOR TREATMENT OF BACTERIAL INFECTION IN SOFT TISSUE ORTHO-ION, LTD. 25/01/2010 45 F21V )2010.01( מגן רוח לנרות אושרי שמואל WIND SHIELD FOR CANDLES OSHRI SHMUEL 25/01/2010 A61L )2010.01( A61C )2010.01( מכשיר ושיטות לטיפול בזיהום חיידקי ברקמה רכה אורתויון בע"מ 203499 G09G )2010.01( October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א MULTI-TOUCH SENSOR APPARATUS AND METHOD WACOM CO., LTD. US 12/650400 30/12/2009 13/08/2008 מכשיר ושיטה לסנסור רב נגיעתי 203500 ARRANGEMENT FOR INSTALLING CABLES ON OUTER SURFACES OF CRANE STRUCTURES KONECRANES PLC FI 20075570 15/08/2007 PCT/FI/2008/050457 WO/2009/022057 25/01/2010 סידור להתקנת כבלים על משטחים חיצוניים של מבני מנופים 203501 A SYSTEM, METHOD, CIRCUIT AND ASSEMBLY FOR PROVIDING HEATED WATER ISOTERMA LTD 27/07/2008 46 F24H )2010.01( מעגל חשמלי ומרכב, שיטה,מערכת להספקת מים חמים איזוטרמה בע"מ 203502 POMEGRANATE SPROUTS, PREPARATIONS DERIVED THEREFROM AND COMPOSITIONS COMPRISING SAME THE STATE OF ISRAEL- MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE & RURAL DEVELOPMENT, AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH ORGANIZATION VOLCANI CENTER US 60/935153 27/07/2007 PCT/IL/2008/001033 B66C )2010.01( A61K )2010.01( תכשירים הנוצרים מהם,נבטי רימונים ותרכובות המכילות אותם משרד החקלאות ופיתוח- מדינת ישראל מרכז, מינהל המחקר החקלאי,הכפר וולקני October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א WO/2009/016620 12/08/2008 203503 FEEDBACK AND RATE ADAPTATION FOR MIMO TRANSMMISSION IN A TIME DIVISION DUPLEXED (TDD) COMMUNICATION SYSTEM QUALCOMM INCORPORATED US 60/955622 13/08/2007 12/181732 29/07/2008 US PCT/US/2008/072932 WO/2009/023681 12/08/2008 MIMO משוב והתאמת מהירות לשידור TDD ברשת תקשורת 203504 AD HOC SERVICE PROVIDERS ABILITY TO PROVIDE SERVICE FOR A WIRELESS NETWORK QUALCOMM INCORPORATED US 60/956658 17/08/2007 11/861279 26/09/2007 US PCT/US/2008/072866 WO/2009/026034 12/08/2008 47 H04W )2010.01( יכולת של ספק שירות מאולתר לספק שירות לרשת אלחוטית 203505 AD HOC SERVICE PROVIDER CONFIGURATION FOR BROADCASTING SERVICE INFORMATION QUALCOMM INCORPORATED US 60/956658 17/08/2007 11/861280 26/09/2007 US PCT/US/2008/072863 WO/2009/026033 H04L )2010.01( H04W )2010.01( תצורת ספק שירות מאולתר לשידור מידע שירות October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א 12/08/2008 203506 מנהל מערכת שירות לספק שירות נייד מאולתר SERVICE SET MANAGER FOR AD HOC MOBILE SERVICE PROVIDER QUALCOMM INCORPORATED US 60/956658 17/08/2007 60/980547 17/10/2007 US 12/188979 08/08/2008 US PCT/US/2008/072872 WO/2009/026037 27/07/2008 203507 SYSTEM AND METHODS FOR THE MEASUREMENT OF LVNG VOLUME PULMONE ADAVANCED MEDICAL DEVICES LTD US 60/951998 26/07/2007 PCT/IL/2008/001031 03/08/2008 26/01/2010 48 פאלם וואן מכשור רפואי מתקדם בע"מ A61K )2010.01( חיסונים מולטימריים מרובי אפיטופים נגד שפעת 203509 SYSTEM FOR SUPPLYING ADVANCED RELIGIOUS SERVICES OSHRIT HADAD US 61/147769 28/01/2009 A61B )2010.01( מערכת ושיטות למדידת נפחי ריאה 203508 MULTIMERIC MULTIEPITOPE INFLUENZA VACCINES BIONDVAX PHARMACEUTICALS LTD US 60/953498 02/08/2007 PCT/IL/2008/001062 WO/2009/016639 H04W )2010.01( ביונדווקס פרמצבטיקה בע"מ H04W )2010.01( שירותי דת מבוססי מיקום חברת נמבר פיינשל בע"מ October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א 30/07/2008 203511 PRODRUGS OF CANNABIDIOL, COMPOSITIONS COMPRISING PRODRUGS OF A CANNABIDIOL AND METHODS OF USING THE SAME ALLTRANZ INC. US 60/952746 30/07/2007 PCT/US/2008/071659 WO/2009/018389 25/07/2008 תכשירים,פרו–תרופות של קאננאבידיאול המכילים פרו – תרופות של קאננאבידיאול ושיטות לשימוש בהן 203512 POLYSACCHARIDES GRAFTED BY POLYAMINES FOR THE PREPARTION OF RADIOPHARMACEUTICAL COMPOSITIONS LABORATOIRES CYCLOPHARMA FR 0756750 26/07/2007 60/952094 26/07/2007 US PCT/EP/2008/059825 WO/2009/013358 05/07/2005 203514 SYSTEMS AND METHODS FOR MINIMIZING STATIC LEAKAGE OF AN INTEGRATED CIRCUIT MOSAID TECHNOLOGIES CORPORATION US 60/586565 09/07/2004 10/996739 24/11/2004 US PCT/US/2005/023839 WO/2006/017082 49 C07C )2010.01( A61K )2010.01( פוליסכארידים מורכבים מפוליאמינים להכנת תכשירי רוקחות רדיואקטיבים G05F )2010.01( מערכות ושיטות להקטנה ככל האפשר של דליפה בעלת ערך קבוע ממעגל משולב October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א 25/02/2003 203515 A61K )2010.01( COMPOSITION COMPRISING ? - 4 INTEGRIN FOR TREATING INFLAMMATION ELAN PHARMACEUTICALS, INC. US 60/360134 25/02/2002 60/374501 23/04/2002 US PCT/US/2003/005421 WO/2003/072040 ? – 4 תכשירים המכילים מעכב של אינטגרין לטיפול בדלקת 203516 23/07/2008 NANOSIZE STRUCTURES COMPOSED OF VALVE METALS AND VALV METAL SUBOXIDES AND PROCESS FOR PRODUCING THEM H.C. STARCK GMBH DE 102007038581.3 16/08/2007 102007057761.5 30/11/2007 DE PCT/EP/2008/059659 WO/2009/021820 25/07/2008 מבנים זעירים המורכבים ממתכות שסתום ותת אוקסידים של מתכות אלו ותהליך ליצורם 203517 USES OF TRIENTINE AND PENICILLAMINE AS COUNTERMEASURES TO METAL CONTAMINATION ATON PHARMA INC. US 60/952482 27/07/2007 PCT/US/2008/071194 WO/2009/018152 25/07/2008 COMPLEXES BETWEEN AN AMPHIPHILIC POLYMER AND AN OSTEOGENIC PROTEIN OF THE BMPS FAMILY 50 B22F )2010.01( A61K )2010.01( שימושים בטריאנטין ופניצילאמין כאמצעים נגד זיהום מתכתי 203518 A61K )2010.01( קומפלקסים בין פולימר אמפיפילי וחלבון BMPS – אוסטאוגני ממשפחת ה October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א ADOCIA FR 07/05536 60/952407 US PCT/EP/2008/059832 WO/2009/016131 27/07/2007 27/07/2007 203519 12/02/2008 מחצלת השקייה לחלוקת מים באיזור גדול WATERING MAT FOR THE LARGEAREA DISTRIBUTION OF WATER IGG-INTERNATIONALE GEOTEXTIL GESELLSCHAFT MBH DE 102007036018.7 30/07/2007 PCT/EP/2008/051657 WO/2009/015911 29/07/2008 203520 COMPOSITE BALLISTIC FABRIC STRUCTURES FOR HARD ARMOR APPLICATIONS HONEYWELL INTERNATIONAL INC. US 11/888479 01/08/2007 PCT/US/2008/071486 WO/2009/048674 01/08/2008 MILK FROTHER FOREMOST B.V. NL NL1034240 PCT/NL/2008/000186 WO/2009/020384 29/07/2008 51 A01G )2010.01( F41H )2010.01( מבני בד בליסטיים מרוכבים עבור יישומי שריון קשה 203521 A47J )2010.01( מקציף חלב 08/08/2007 203522 A61J )2010.01( October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א DEVICE AND USE FOR STORING AND PROVIDING PHARMACEUTICAL WAFERS BAYER SCHERING PHARMA AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT DE 102007037374.2 06/08/2007 PCT/EP/2008/006223 WO/2009/018938 26/01/2010 203523 RESERVOIR ELUTING STENT CORDIS CORPORATION US 61/148610 30/01/2009 12/652996 06/01/2010 US 01/06/1999 203524 NOVEL SERPENTINE TRANSMEMBRANE ANTIGENS EXPRESSED IN HUMAN CANCERS AND USES THEREOF AGENSYS, INC. US 60/087520 01/06/1998 60/091183 30/06/1998 US PCT/US/1999/012157 WO/1999/062941 28/07/2008 203525 INJECTION DEVICE WIHT LOCKING MECHANISM FOR SYRINGE CARRIER CILAG GMBH INTERNATIONAL GB 0715457.8 08/08/2007 PCT/GB/2008/002583 WO/2009/019440 52 התקן ושימוש לאחסון והספקה של תכשירי רוקחות בצורת לוחות דקיקים A61F )2010.01( סטנט משחרר מאגר C07K )2010.01( אנטיגנים סרפטין טרנסממברנליים המבוטאים בסרטן הומני ושימוש בם A61M )2010.01( התקן הזרקה עם מנגנון נעילה לנשא מזרק October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א 26/01/2010 203526 ניטור יריות של כלי ירייה אהוד דריבן MONITORING SHOTS OF FIREARMS EHUD DRIBBEN 24/07/2008 203527 STEREOSELECTIVE PROCESS FOR PREPARING PURINE DIOXOLANE NUCLEOSIDE DERIVATIVES RFS PHARMA, LLC US 60/962550 30/07/2007 PCT/US/2008/071069 WO/2009/018106 26/01/2010 203528 E04D )2010.01( לוח לשימוש בגג ירוק פוליביד 203529 METHOD FOR PRODUCING ? NITROSTYRENE COMPOUND SUMITOMO CHEMICAL COMPANY, LIMITED 2007JP 31/07/2007 199547 PCT/JP/2008/063521 WO/2009/017091 53 A61K )2010.01( תהליך לייצור סטריאו סלקטיבי של נגזרות פורין דיאוקסוליין נוקלאוזיד GREEN ROOF PANEL POLYBID 28/07/2008 F41B )2010.01( C07C )2010.01( שיטה לייצור תרכובת ? – ניטרוסטירין October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א 17/07/2008 203530 מכשירי הדמיה לקספאז CASPASE IMAGING PROBES SANOFI AVENTIS EP 07015256.6 03/08/2007 PCT/EP/2008/059358 WO/2009/019115 30/07/2008 203531 INTERLAYERS COMPRISING STABILIZED TUNGSTEN OXIDE AGENTS SOLUTIA INCORPORATED US 11/833480 03/08/2007 PCT/US/2008/071527 WO/2009/020806 23/07/2008 17/09/2002 54 G01N )2010.01( מערכות,AS160 חלבונים חדשים דמויי שיטות ושימושים המערבים אותם,בדיקה 2 לצורך זיהוי תרופות לסוכרת סוג 203533 LACTAM-CONTAINING COMPOUNDS AND DERIVATIVES THEREOF AS FACTOR XA INHIBITORS BRISTOL-MYERS SQUIBB COMPANY B32B )2010.01( שכבות פנים המכילות חומרים מיוצבים של תחמוצת טונגסטן 203532 NOVEL AS160-LIKE PROTEIN, TEST SYSTEMS, METHODS AND USES INVOLVING IT FOR THE IDENTIFICATION OF DIABETES TYPE 2 THERAPEUTICS SANOFI AVENTIS EP 07015086.7 01/08/2007 PCT/EP/2008/006024 WO/2009/015808 C12Q )2010.01( C07D )2010.01( תרכובות המכילות לקטם ונגזרותיהן XA כמעכבי פקטור October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א US 60/324165 PCT/US/2002/029491 WO/2003/026652 28/07/2008 21/09/2001 203534 SKIN - PATCH PUMP COMPRISING A CHANGING - VOLUME ELECTROCHEMICAL ACTUATOR ENTRA PHARMACEUTICALS INC. US 60/952217 26/07/2007 60/989605 21/11/2007 US PCT/US/2008/071368 WO/2009/015389 23/07/2008 203536 MICROPARTICLES COMPRISING PCL AND USES THEREOF AQTIS IP BV US 60/952056 26/07/2007 07113251.8 26/07/2007 EP PCT/NL/2008/050506 WO/2009/014441 07/08/2008 203538 UV AIR TREATMENT METHOD AND DEVICE LEE ANTIMICROBIAL SOLUTIONS LLC US 60/954566 07/08/2007 61/031580 26/02/2008 US PCT/US/2008/072454 WO/2009/021108 55 A61M )2010.01( משאבה מדבקת – עור הכוללת מתג הפעלה אלקטרוכימי משנה נפח A61K )2010.01( חלקיקים מיקרוניים המכילים פוליקפרולקטון ושימושיהם A61L )2010.01( UV שיטה והתקן לטיפול באוויר על ידי October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א 26/01/2010 203539 MODULAR PERCUTANEOUS VALVE STRUCTURE AND DELIVERY METHOD VALVE MEDICAL LTD. US 61/144007 12/01/2009 26/01/2010 מבנה של שסתום מלעורי מודולרי ושיטה להחדרתו 203540 SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR PLACING A PERCUTANEOUS VALVE DEVICE VALVE MEDICAL LTD. US 61/144007 12/01/2009 26/01/2010 26/01/2010 56 A61B )2010.01( שיטה ומכשיר להתאמה מעולה של מבנה של שסתום מלעורי 203542 SELF-ASSEMBLING MODULAR PERCUTANEOUS VALVE AND METHODS OF FOLDING, ASSEMBLY AND DELIVERY VALVE MEDICAL LTD. US 12/686338 12/01/2010 A61B )2010.01( מערכת ושיטה למיקום התקן שתסום מלעורי 203541 METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR FINE ADJUSTMENT OF A PERCUTANEOUS VALVE STRUCTURE VALVE MEDICAL LTD. US 61/144007 12/01/2009 A61B )2010.01( A61B )2010.01( שסתום מלעורי מודולרי בהרכבה עצמית הרכבה והחדרה,ושיטות לקיפול October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א 27/01/2010 203543 כרית חכמה דוד מרציאנו SMART PILLOW DAVID MARSIANO 04/08/2008 203544 IMMUNOGLOBULIN CLEAVAGE FRAGMENTS AS DISEASE INDICATORS AND COMPOSITIONS FOR DETECTING AND BINDING SUCH CENTOCOR ORTHO BIOTECH INC. US 60/955162 10/08/2007 PCT/US/2008/072083 WO/2009/023457 28/07/2008 203545 INJECTION DEVICE CILAG GMBH INTERNATIONAL GB 0715459.4 08/08/2007 PCT/GB/2008/002580 WO/2009/019439 28/07/2008 203546 INJECTION DEVICE CILAG GMBH INTERNATIONAL GB 0715461.0 08/08/2007 PCT/GB/2008/002579 WO/2009/019438 57 A47B )2010.01( C07K )2010.01( קטעי אימונוגלובולין מבוקעים כסמני מחלה ותכשירים לגילויים וקישורם A61M )2010.01( התקן הזרקה A61M )2010.01( התקן הזרקה October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א 28/07/2008 203547 INJECTION DEVICE WITH LOCKING MECHANISM FOR SYRINGE CARRIER CILAG GMBH INTERNATIONAL GB 0715460.2 08/08/2007 PCT/GB/2008/002578 WO/2009/019437 28/07/2008 התקן הזרקה עם מנגנון נעילה לנשא מזרק 203548 INJECTION DEVICE WITH LOCKING MECHANISM FOR SYRINGE CARRIER CILAG GMBH INTERNATIONAL GB 0715456.0 08/08/2007 PCT/GB/2008/002573 WO/2009/019436 29/07/2008 06/08/2008 58 A61M )2010.01( התקן הזרקה עם מנגנון נעילה לנשא מזרק 203549 APPARATUS SYSTEMS AND METHODS TO SYNCHRONIZE COMMUNICATION OF CONTENT TO A PRESENTATION DEVICE AND A MOBILE DEVICE ECHOSTAR TECHNOLOGIES L.L.C. US 11/836462 09/08/2007 PCT/US/2008/071489 WO/2009/023433 A61M )2010.01( H04L )2010.01( מערכות ושיטות לסנכרון העברת,התקנים תוכן להתקן הצגה והתקן נייד 203550 C07D )2010.01( October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א PYRROLIDIN-2- ONE DERIVATIVES AS ANDROGEN RECEPTOR MODULATOR TAKEDA PHARMACEUTICAL COMPANY LIMITED 2007JP 07/08/2007 205966 2007-299658 19/11/2007 JP PCT/JP/2008/064500 WO/2009/020234 07/08/2008 203551 METHOD FOR A HETEROGENEOUS WIRELESS AD HOC MOBILE SERVICE PROVIDER QUALCOMM INCORPORATED US 11/840905 17/08/2007 PCT/US/2008/072464 WO/2009/026001 07/08/2008 – און כמאפנן קולטן2 – נגזרות פירולידין אנדרוגן שיטה לספק שירות נייד מאולתר אלחוטי הטרוגני 203552 METHOD FOR HETEROGENEOUS WIRELESS AD HOC MOBILE INTERNET ACCESS SERVICE QUALCOMM INCORPORATED US 11/840910 17/08/2007 PCT/US/2008/072515 WO/2009/026007 16/08/2008 203553 HETEROGENEOUS WIRELESS AD HOC NETWORK QUALCOMM INCORPORATED US 60/956658 17/08/2007 60/980547 17/10/2007 US 60/980557 17/10/2007 US 60/980575 17/10/2007 US 59 H04L )2010.01( H04W )2010.01( שיטה לשירות גישה לאינטרנט נייד מאולתר אלחוטי הטרוגני H04W )2010.01( מערכת הטרוגנית אלחוטי מאולתרת October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א 60/980565 US 12/192833 US PCT/US/2008/073409 WO/2009/026192 14/08/2008 17/10/2007 15/08/2008 203554 בתוךPDCP של בקרתPDUS העברת MAC מסגרת TRANSPORT OF PDCP CONTROL PDUS WITHIN MAC FRAMES QUALCOMM INCORPORATED US 60/955860 14/08/2007 12/190875 13/08/2008 US PCT/US/2008/073208 WO/2009/023794 15/08/2008 203555 CHANNEL ALLOCATION IN A NETWORK COMPRISING AN AD-HOC SMALL-COVERAGE BASE STATION QUALCOMM INCORPORATED US 60/965164 17/08/2007 12/191250 13/08/2008 US PCT/US/2008/073333 WO/2009/026157 01/08/2008 60 H04W )2010.01( הקצאת ערוצים ברשת הכוללת תחנת בסיס מאולתרת בעלת כיסוי קטן 203556 PREVENTIVE AGENT OR THERAPEUTIC AGENT FOR DISEASE CAUSED BY ABNORMAL BONE METABOLISM TEIJIN PHARMA LIMITED US 60/935262 02/08/2007 PCT/JP/2008/063864 WO/2009/017222 H04L )2010.01( A61K )2010.01( גורם מנוע או תרפואטי למחלות הנגרמות על ידי מטבוליזם לא תקין של העצם October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א 01/08/2008 203557 PROCESS FOR THE RESOLUTION OF ZOPICLONE AND INTERMEDIATE COMPOUNDS ESTEVE QUIMICA, S.A. EP 07380226.6 02/08/2007 PCT/EP/2008/060115 WO/2009/016251 08/08/2008 27/01/2010 תהליך להפרדה של זופיקלון ותרכובות ביניים 203558 HIGH AFFINITY HUMAN ANTIBODIES TO HUMAN NERVE GROWTH FACTOR REGENERON PHARMACEUTICALS, INC. US 60/964224 10/08/2007 60/994526 20/09/2007 US 61/062860 28/01/2008 US 61/079259 09/07/2008 US PCT/US/2008/072561 WO/2009/023540 203559 203560 IMPROVED DATA ENTRY SYSTEMS BENJAMIN FIROOZ GHASSABIAN 61 A61K )2010.01( נוגדנים אנושיים באפיניות גבוהה לפקטור גדילה עצבי אנושי INTEGRAL WIRELESS MOUSE THAT PULL OUT OF LAPTOP ADAM MISHOL 27/01/2010 C07B )2010.01( H04W )2010.01( עכבר אלחוטי אינטרגלי הנשלף מתוך מחשב נייד אדם משעול G06F )2010.01( שיטות משופרות להכנסת נתונים בנימין פירוז גסביאן October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א 27/01/2010 203561 A61B )2010.01( משאף לתרופה אבקתית יבשה אספירה בע"מ DRY POWDER INHALER AESPIRA LTD 203562 24/07/2008 A SYSTEM FOR FEEDING GAS INTO LIQUID FRESH WATER (BEIJING) TECHNOLOGY CO. LTD CN 200710119934.7 03/08/2007 PCT/CN/2008/071733 WO/2009/018745 27/01/2010 23/12/2004 C08J )2010.01( חומרי אריזה תפקודיים לשמירת האיכות של מאכלים פוסט הרביסט סולושנס בע"מ 203564 METHOD FOR THE HUMANIZATION OF ANTIBODIES AND HUMANIZED ANTIBODIES THEREBY OBTAINED S.I.S.S.A. SCUOLA INTERNAZIONALE SUPERIORE DI STUDI AVANZATI 62 מערכת להזנת נוזל בגז 203563 FUNCTIONAL PACKAGING MATERIALS FOR PRESERVATION OF THE QUALITY OF FOODSTUFFS POST HARVEST SOLUTIONS LTD B01F )2010.01( C07K )2010.01( שיטה ליצירת נוגדנים הומניים ונוגדנים הומניים תוצרי השיטה October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א IT RM2003000601 PCT/IT/2004/000722 WO/2005/061540 24/12/2003 28/01/2010 203565 כלי פנאומטי יד בוריס מלין PNEUMATIC HAND-HELD TOOL BORIS MALIN 28/01/2010 203566 A NATURAL COSMETIC PREPARATION THE HAIR GROWTH OF THE SCALP SIBONI RCHEL 28/01/2010 203567 A NATURAL COSMETIC PREPARATION FOR THE HAIR GROWTH OF THE EYEBROW SIBONI RCHEL 13/08/2007 63 B44B )2010.01( A61K )2010.01( תכשיר טבעי קוסמטי להצמחת שיער הקרקפת סיבוני רחל A61K )2010.01( תכשיר טבעי קוסמטי להצמחת שיער הגבה סיבוני רחל 203569 C12P )2010.01( October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א OVER-PRODUCTION OF DIHOMO GAMMA LINOLENIC ACID BY A MUTANT STRAIN OF PARIETOCHLORISW INCISA BEN GURION UNIVERSITY OF THE NEGEV RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY ייצור–יתר של חומצה די–הומו–גמה על– ידי זן מוטנטי של,לינולנית פריאטוכלוריס אינסיזה הרשות,גוריון בנגב-אוניברסיטת בן למחקר ופיתוח PCT/IL/2007/001012 WO/2009/022323 28/01/2010 203570 מערכת להעלאה בחזקה EXPONENTIATION SYSTEM NDS LIMITED 01/08/2008 203571 PHARMACEUTICAL COMPOSITION OF CANDESARTAN TEVA PHARMACEUTICAL INDUSTRIES LTD. US 60/963014 01/08/2007 PCT/US/2008/009295 WO/2009/017812 08/08/2003 203572 COMPOSITIONS COMPRISING A CARBOXYLIC ACID AND ACTIVE INGREDIENT SELECTED FROM THE TRIAZOLE CLASS BASF AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT DE 10237885.1 19/08/2002 PCT/EP/2003/008837 WO/2004/023875 64 G06F )2010.01( A61K )2010.01( תרכובת רוקחית של קנדסרטן טבע תעשיות פרמצבטיות בע"מ A01N )2010.01( תכשירים המכילים חומצה קרבוקסילית וחומר פעיל ממשפחת הטריאזול October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א 25/08/2008 203573 A PROCESS FOR ISOLATION AND PURIFICATION OF A TARGET PROTEIN FREE OF PRION PROTEIN (PRPsc) OCTAPHARMA AG EP 07114856.3 23/08/2007 PCT/EP/2008/061068 WO/2009/024620 28/01/2010 31/07/2007 תהליך לבידוד וטיהור של חלבון מטרה )PRPsc( ללא חלבון פריון 203574 PULSED ELECTRICAL REMOTE CONTROL INTERFACE, EQUIPMENT AND SATELLITE COMPRISING SUCH AN INTERFACE THALES FR 09/00677 13/02/2009 09/01096 10/03/2009 FR A61L )2010.01( H02M )2010.01( ציוד,ממשק בקרה חשמלי פולסי מרחוק ולווין המכילים ממשק כזה 203575 METHOD FOR IDENTIFYING AND SELECTING CARDIOMYOCYTES ES CELL INTERNATIONAL PTE LTD. A61K )2010.01( שיטה לזיהוי ובחירת קרדיומיוציטים PCT/SG/2007/000226 WO/2009/017460 23/07/2008 MOUSE AND STAY THEREOF JONG MUN WANG 65 203576 G06F )2010.01( עכבר ומעמד עבורו October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א 10-20070077650 PCT/KR/2008/004312 WO/2009/017326 KR 05/08/2008 02/08/2007 203577 FOAMED SLURRY AND BUILDING PANEL MADE THEREFROM UNITED STATES GYPSUM COMPANY US 11/893759 17/08/2007 PCT/US/2008/072214 WO/2009/025988 29/07/2008 תערובת דלילה מוקצפת ולוח מבנה העשוי ממנה 203578 PYRIMIDE - 4 CARBOXAMIDE DERIVATIVES, THEIR PREPARTION AN PHARACEUTICAL COMPOSITIONS CONTAINING THEM MERCK SERONO S.A. EP 07113992.7 08/08/2007 60/964864 15/08/2007 US PCT/EP/2008/059933 WO/2009/019167 02/06/1999 66 C07D )2010.01( , – קרבאוקסאמיד4 – תולדות פירימידין הכנתן ותכשירי רוקחות המכילים אותן 203579 SECRETED AND TRANSMEMBRANE POLYPEPTIDES AND NUCLEIC ACIDS ENCODING THE SANE GENENTECH, INC. US 60/087827 03/06/1998 60/088326 04/06/1998 US 60/088029 04/06/1998 US 60/088030 04/06/1998 US 60/088033 04/06/1998 US 60/088021 04/06/1998 US 60/088025 04/06/1998 US C04B )2010.01( C12N )2010.01( פוליפפטידים מופרשים וטרנסממברנליים וחומצות גרעין המקודדים אותם October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א 60/088028 US 60/088212 US 60/088217 US 60/088167 US 60/088202 US 60/088655 US 60/088824 US 60/088825 US 60/088826 US 60/088742 US 60/088810 US 60/088811 US 60/088738 US 60/088740 US 60/088741 US 60/088722 US 60/088730 US 60/088734 US 60/088858 US 60/088861 US 60/088863 US 60/088876 US 60/089090 US 60/089105 US 60/089440 US 60/089512 US 60/089514 US 60/089599 US 60/089600 US 60/089653 US 60/089532 US 60/089538 US 60/089598 US 60/089801 US PCT/US/1999/012252 WO/1999/063088 28/01/2010 04/06/1998 05/06/1998 05/06/1998 05/06/1998 05/06/1998 09/06/1998 10/06/1998 10/06/1998 10/06/1998 10/06/1998 10/06/1998 10/06/1998 10/06/1998 10/06/1998 10/06/1998 10/06/1998 10/06/1998 10/06/1998 11/06/1998 11/06/1998 11/06/1998 11/06/1998 12/06/1998 12/06/1998 16/06/1998 16/06/1998 16/06/1998 17/06/1998 17/06/1998 17/06/1998 17/06/1998 17/06/1998 17/06/1998 18/06/1998 203580 ACQUISITION CIRCUIT COMPRISING A BUFFER CAPACITOR SOCIETE FRANCAISE DE DETECTEURS INFRAROUGESSOFRADIR FR 0900395 30/01/2009 67 H03M )2010.01( מעגל רכישה הכולל קבל באפר October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א 21/07/2008 203581 METHOD FOR CONVERTING THERMAL ENERGY AT A LOW TEMPERATURE INTO THERMAL ENERGY AT A RELATIVELY HIGH TEMPERATURE BY MEANS OF MECHANICAL ENERGY, AND VICE VERSA BERNHARD ADLER A AT 31/07/2007 1203/2007 PCT/AT/2008/000265 WO/2009/015402 שיטה להמרת אנרגיה תרמית בטמפרטורה נמוכה לאנרגיה תרמית בטמפרטורה גבוהה יחסית באמצעות אנרגיה מכנית ולהיפך 203582 18/04/2008 APPARATUS AND METHOD FOR COMPACTING WEBS MARIA FRANCESCA MARCHESI IT MI2007A001571 31/07/2007 PCT/EP/2008/003203 WO/2009/015711 24/04/2006 203583 MAC MULTIPLEXING AND TFC SELECTION PROCEDURE FOR ENHANCED UPLINK INTERDIGITAL TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION US 60/676345 29/04/2005 60/683214 20/05/2005 US 11/408415 21/04/2006 US PCT/US/2006/015275 WO/2006/118831 68 F25B )2010.01( D06C )2010.01( מערכת ושיטה לדחיסת אריגים H04J )2010.01( TEC וכפל ותהליך בחירה שלMAC לאפלינק מוגבר October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א 06/01/2003 203584 G01J )2010.01( כיסוי לאמצעי המשמש לבדיקה של מדחום תפי TYMPANIC THERMOMETER PROBE COVER SHERWOOD SERVICES AG PCT/US/2003/000224 WO/2004/063686 06/01/2003 203585 G01K )2010.01( כיסוי לאמצעי המשמש לבדיקה של מדחום תפי TYMPANIC THERMOMETER PROBE COVER SHERWOOD SERVICES AG PCT/US/2003/000224 WO/2004/063686 30/07/2008 203586 USE OF GESTAGENS IN COMBINATION WITH (6S) - 5 METHYLTETRAHYDROFOLATE FOR THE THERAPY OF ENDOMETRIOSIS WITH SIMULTANEOUS REDUCTION OF THERAPY SIDE EFFECTS AND THE REDUCTION OF THE RISK OF CONGENITAL MALFORMATIONS IN CASE OF PREGNANCY BAYER SCHERING PHARMA AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT EP 07016642.6 24/08/2007 PCT/EP/2008/006253 WO/2009/027003 01/08/2008 69 A61K )2010.01( – S6) – 5( שימוש בגסטגנים בשילוב עם מתילטטראהידרופולאט לטיפול במחלת רירית הרחם עם הפחתה בו – זמנית של תופעות הלוואי של הטיפול והקטנת הסיכון למומים מולדים במקרה של היריון 203587 A61K )2010.01( October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א ANTI-INFLAMMATORY COMPOSITION CAMBRIDGE ENTERPRISE LIMITED. GB 0715068.3 02/08/2007 PCT/GB/2008/002635 WO/2009/016390 31/07/2008 203588 POLYPEPTIDE - NUCLEIC ACID CONJUGATE FOR IMMUNOPROPHYLAXIS OR IMMUNOTHERAPY FOR NEOPLASTIC OR INFECTIOUS DISORDERS THE JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY US 61/007895 31/07/2007 61/022173 18/01/2008 US PCT/US/2008/071858 WO/2009/018500 04/07/2008 תכשיר אנטי–דלקתי תצמיד פוליפפטיד – חומצת גרעין עבור טיפול מונע חיסוני או טיפול רפואי חיסוני עבור הפרעות של גידולי שאת או הפרעות מדבקות 203589 SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR PROVIDING A DISTRIBUTED WORKFLOW THROUGH A PLURALITY OF HANDHELD DEVICES INTUITION PUBLISHING LIMITED US 11/831054 31/07/2007 PCT/EP/2008/058653 WO/2009/015985 01/08/2008 70 G06Q )2010.01( מערכת ושיטה לאספקת חלוקת עבודה באמצעות מספר רב של התקנים המוחזקים ביד 203590 PROCESS FOR SYNTHESIS OF INHIBITORS OF E1 ACTIVATING ENZYMES MILLENNIUM PHARMACEUTICALS, INC. US 60/963008 02/08/2007 C07H )2010.01( C07D )2010.01( תהליך לסינתזה של מעכבים של מפעילי E1 אנזימי October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א 61/062378 US PCT/US/2008/009338 WO/2009/042013 20/08/2008 25/01/2008 203591 מערכת להפחתת לחץ ושיטה לשימוש באטם REDUCED- PRESSURE SYSTEM AND METHOD EMPLOYING A GASKET KCI LICENSING, INC. US 60/965755 21/08/2007 PCT/US/2008/073749 WO/2009/026385 07/08/2008 203592 PREDICTIVE MARKERS FOR EGFR INHIBITORS TREATMENT F. HOFFMANN-LA ROCHE AG EP 07114336.6 14/08/2007 PCT/EP/2008/006512 WO/2009/021673 07/08/2008 203593 203594 PREDICTIVE MARKER FOR EGFR INHIBITOR TREATMENT F. HOFFMANN-LA ROCHE AG EP 07114309.3 14/08/2007 71 C12Q )2010.01( EGFR סמנים לניבוי לטיפול במעכבים של PREDICTIVE MARKER FOR EGFR INHIBITOR TREATMENT F. HOFFMANN-LA ROCHE AG EP 07114300.2 14/08/2007 PCT/EP/2008/006522 WO/2009/021683 07/08/2008 A61B )2010.01( C12Q )2010.01( EGFR סמן לניבוי לטיפול במעכב של C12Q )2010.01( EGFR סמן לניבוי לטיפול במעכב של October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א PCT/EP/2008/006521 WO/2009/021682 04/08/2008 203595 NOVEL PIPERAZINE AMIDE DERIVATIVES F. HOFFMANN-LA ROCHE AG EP 07114219.4 13/08/2007 PCT/EP/2008/060213 WO/2009/021868 18/07/2008 203596 STIRRING DEVICE FOR ACTIVATED SLUDGES INVENT UMWELT-UND VERFAHRENSTECHNIK AG 10 2007 037 DE 09/08/2007 585.0 PCT/EP/2008/005923 WO/2009/018915 18/07/2008 203597 STIRRING DEVICE FOR ACTIVATED SLUDGES INVENT UMWELT-UND VERFAHRENSTECHNIK AG 10 2007 037 DE 09/08/2007 586.9 PCT/EP/2008/005924 WO/2009/018916 19/06/2008 203598 STIRRING DEVICE FOR ACTIVATED SLUDGES 72 C07D )2010.01( נגזרות חדשות של פיפראזין אמיד B01F )2010.01( מתקן ערבוב לטיפול בשפכים B01F )2010.01( מתקן ערבוב לטיפול בשפכים B01F )2010.01( מתקן ערבוב לטיפול בשפכים October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א INVENT UMWELT-UND VERFAHRENSTECHNIK AG 10 2007 037 DE 09/08/2007 584.2 PCT/EP/2008/004915 WO/2009/018873 07/08/2008 203599 EGFR INHIBITOR TREATMENT MARKER F. HOFFMANN-LA ROCHE AG EP 07114312.7 14/08/2007 08156511.1 20/05/2008 EP PCT/EP/2008/006520 WO/2009/021681 28/01/2010 203600 MULTI-CHANNEL IMAGING DEVICES L-3 COMMUNICATIONS CINCINNATI ELECTRONICS CORPORATION US 12/364164 02/02/2009 28/07/2008 203602 ANTI-MITOTIC AGENT AND AURORA KINAS INHIBITOR COMBINATION AS ANTI-CANCER TREATMENT SCHERING CORPORATION US 60/953087 31/07/2007 61/023985 28/01/2008 US PCT/US/2008/009108 WO/2009/017701 73 C12Q )2010.01( EGFR סמן לטיפול במעכב של H04N )2010.01( התקני הדמייה רב–ערוצים A61K )2010.01( שילוב של גורם אנטי – מיטוטי ומעכב אורורה קינאז כטיפול נגד סרטן October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א 06/08/2008 203603 SUBSTITUTED HYDANTOINS F. HOFFMANN-LA ROCHE AG US 60/956145 16/08/2007 PCT/EP/2008/060326 WO/2009/021887 13/08/2008 203604 CYTOTOXICITY MEDIATION OF CELLS EVIDENCING SURFACE EXPRESSION OF CD9 F. HOFFMANN-LA ROCHE AG US 60/965165 17/08/2007 61/026584 06/02/2008 US 61/124019 11/04/2008 US PCT/CA/2008/001452 WO/2009/023955 07/08/2008 203605 PREDICTIVE MARKER FOR EGFR INHIBITOR TREATMENT F. HOFFMANN-LA ROCHE AG EP 07114326.7 14/08/2007 PCT/EP/2008/006514 WO/2009/021675 07/08/2008 203606 PREDICTIVE MARKER FOR EGFR INHIBITOR TREATMENT F. HOFFMANN-LA ROCHE AG EP 07114305.1 14/08/2007 PCT/EP/2008/006518 WO/2009/021679 74 C07D )2010.01( הידאנטואנים מותמרים C07K )2010.01( מוות תאי המתווך על ידי תאים המציגים על פני התאCD9 ביטוי של C12Q )2010.01( EGFR סמן לניבוי לטיפול במעכב של C12Q )2010.01( EGFR סמן לניבוי לטיפול במעכב של October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א 04/08/2008 203607 NOVEL PROCESS FOR PREPARING HIGHLY PURE LEVOCETIRIZINE AND SALTS THEREOF CHEMAGIS LTD. US 60/964894 15/08/2007 PCT/IL/2008/001065 WO/2009/022327 29/07/2008 תהליך לניקוי לבוצטריזין כימאגיס בע"מ מחלקת קניין רוחני 203608 PROCESS FOR PRODUCING TOLUIDINE COMPOUND ISHIHARA SANGYO KAISHA LTD. 2007JP 02/08/2007 202210 2007-202220 02/08/2007 JP 2007-266000 12/10/2007 JP 2008-037841 19/02/2008 JP PCT/JP/2008/063933 WO/2009/017241 30/07/2008 75 C07D )2010.01( תהליך לייצור תרכובת טולואידין 203609 SEX-PEPTIDES RESISTANT TO PROTEOLYTIC DEGRADATION AND THEIR USE IN BIOLOGICAL CONTROL OF INSECTS YISSUM RESEARCH DEVELOPMENT COMPANY OF THE HEBREW UNIVERSITY OF JERUSALEM LTD. US 60/952785 03/07/2007 PCT/IL/2008/001047 WO/2009/016626 A61K )2010.01( C07K )2010.01( עמידים לפירוקPEPTIDES – SEX פרוטאוליטי ושימוש בהם בבקרה ביולוגית של חרקים יישום חברה לפיתוח המחקר של האוניברסיטה העברית בירושלים בע"מ October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א 29/07/2008 203610 DIAGNOSIS, STAGING AND MONITORING OF INFLAMMATORY BOWEL DISEASE ISS IMMUNE SYSTEM STIMULATION AB SE 0701807-0 02/08/2007 PCT/SE/2008/000464 WO/2009/017444 01/08/2008 קביעה וניטור של מחלת מעיים,אבחנה דלקתית 203611 IMIDAZOLONE DERIVATIVES, PREPARTION METHOD THEREOF AND BIOLOGICAL USE OF SAME UNIVERSITE DE RENNES 1 FR 0705632 01/08/2007 PCT/FR/2008/001152 WO/2009/050352 30/07/2008 01/08/2008 76 H01Q )2010.01( מסגרת תומכת משופרת עבור צלחת של צלחת אנטנה גדולה 203613 METHODS AND COMPOSITIONS FOR TREATING SCHIZOPHRENIA USING ANTIPSYCHOTIC COMBINATION THERAPY MEDIVATION NEUROLOGY, INC. RU 2007129568 01/08/2007 2007129567 01/08/2007 RU C07D )2010.01( שיטה להכנתם,תולדות אימידאזולון ושימושן הביולוגי 203612 IMPROVED SUPPORT FRAME FOR THE DISH OF A LARGE DISH ANTENNA STEPHEN KANEFF AU 2007904057 30/07/2007 PCT/AU/2008/001092 WO/2009/015424 G01N )2010.01( A01N )2010.01( שיטות ותכשירים לטיפול בסכיזופרניה –באמצעות שימוש בטיפול משולב אנטי פסיכוטי October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א PCT/US/2008/009357 WO/2009/017836 15/08/2008 203614 APPARATUS AND METHOD OF DETERMINING A PRECODING MATRIX IN A MULTI-INPUT MULTI OUTPUT (MIMO) SYSTEM QUALCOMM INCORPORATED US 60/956106 15/08/2007 12/189483 11/08/2008 US PCT/US/2008/073386 WO/2009/023860 15/08/2008 מערכת ושיטה לקביעת מטריצת קידוד MIMO טרומי במערכת 203615 UPLINK CONTROL CHANNEL FORMAT QUALCOMM INCORPORATED US 60/964962 15/08/2007 12/191577 14/08/2008 US PCT/US/2008/073367 WO/2009/023850 08/08/2008 77 H04L )2010.01( פורמט ערוץ בקרת קשר ללוויין 203616 COMPUTER - IMPLEMENTED METHODS, CARRIER MEDIA, AND SYSTEMS FOR GENERATING A METROLOGY SAMPLING PLAN KLA-TENCOR CORPORATION US 11/837208 10/08/2007 PCT/US/2008/072636 WO/2009/023571 H04B )2010.01( H01L )2010.01( אמצעי נשיאה,שיטות מיושמות במחשב ומערכות ליצירת תכנית דגימה מטרולוגית October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א 22/08/2008 203617 METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR TRANSMISSION OF CIRCUIT SWITCHED VOICE OVER PACKET SWITCHED NETWORKS QUALCOMM INCORPORATED US 60/957305 22/08/2007 12/195749 21/08/2008 US PCT/US/2008/074080 WO/2009/026549 31/07/2008 שיטה והתקן לשידור קולות מיתוג מעגלים ברשתות מיתוג מנות 203618 TRICYCLIC N - HETEROARYL CARBOXAMIDE DERIVATIVES, PREPARATION THEREOF AND THERAPEUTIC USE OF SAME SANOFI-AVENTIS FR 07/05677 02/08/2007 PCT/FR/2008/001141 WO/2009/050348 14/08/2008 203619 SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR ACQUIRING OR DISTRIBUTING INFORMATION RELATED TO ONE OR MORE ALTERNATE AD HOC SERVICE PROVIDERS QUALCOMM INCORPORATED US 60/956658 17/08/2007 60/980565 17/10/2007 US 12/147240 26/06/2008 US PCT/US/2008/073217 WO/2009/026108 14/08/2008 78 H04L )2010.01( 203620 C07D )2010.01( – הטרואריל – קרבוקסאמידN נגזרות הכנתן ושימוש תראפיוטי,טריצקליות שלהן H04W )2010.01( שיטה והתקן לאסיפת או הפצת מידע הקשור לאחד או יותר ספקי שירות מאולתרים שונים H04W )2010.01( October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א HANDOFF AT AN AD - HOC MOBILE SERVICE PROVIDER QUALCOMM INCORPORATED US 60/956658 17/08/2007 60/980557 17/10/2007 US 12/188990 08/08/2008 US PCT/US/2008/073218 WO/2009/026109 19/09/2008 203621 EFFICIENT DESIGN OF MDCT / IMDCT FILTERBANKS FOR SPEECH AND AUDIO CODING APPLICATIONS QUALCOMM INCORPORATED US 60/973709 19/09/2007 60/989400 20/11/2007 US 12/212920 18/09/2008 US PCT/US/2008/077129 WO/2009/039451 13/08/2008 העברה בספק שירות נייד מאולתר עיצוב יעיל של מערכי מסננים ליישומי קידוד דיבור ואודיוIMDCT/MDCT 203622 AD HOC SERVICE PROVIDER TOPOLOGY QUALCOMM INCORPORATED US 60/956658 17/08/2007 60/980575 17/10/2007 US 12/147231 26/06/2008 US PCT/US/2008/073031 WO/2009/026072 15/08/2008 79 H04W )2010.01( טופולוגיית ספק שירות מאולתר 203623 METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR BEAMFORMING OF CONTROL INFORMATION IN A WIRELESS COMMUNICATION SYSTEM QUALCOMM INCORPORATED US 60/956106 15/08/2007 G10L )2010.01( H04B )2010.01( שיטה והתקן לעיבוד אות של מידע בקרה במערכת תקשורת אלחוטית October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א 12/189548 US PCT/US/2008/073394 WO/2009/023863 15/08/2008 11/08/2008 203624 PROCESS FOR PREPARING AND PURIFYING ALKALI METAL AND ALKALINE EARTH METAL TRICYANOMETHANIDES LONZA LTD. EP 07016100.5 16/08/2007 07020980.4 26/10/2007 EP PCT/EP/2008/006730 WO/2009/021751 23/07/2008 תהליך להכנת וטיהור טריציאנומתאנידים של מתכות אלקליות ומתכות אלקליות עפרוריות 203625 STABLE HIGHLY PURE AZACITIDINE AND PREPARATION METHODS THEREFOR CHEMAGIS LTD. US 60/963113 02/08/2007 PCT/IL/2008/001015 WO/2009/016617 06/08/2008 80 A01N )2010.01( אזציטידין נקי ותהליך להכנתו כימאגיס בע"מ מחלקת קניין רוחני 203627 NOVEL POLYOLEFIN COMPOSITIONS AND DRAWN TAPES, FIBRES AND FILAMENTS PRODUCED THEREFROM BOREALIS TECHNOLOGY OY EP 07114113.9 09/08/2007 PCT/EP/2008/060312 WO/2009/019280 C07C )2010.01( C08L )2010.01( ,תרכיב המכיל פוליאולפין ומוצרי רצועות סיבים ופילמנטים המיוצרים ממנו October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א 31/01/2010 203628 SYSTEMS AND METHODS FOR WEB DECODING VERINT SYSTEMS LTD. 31/01/2010 G06F )2010.01( מערכות ושיטות לפענוח תעבורת רשת ורינט מערכות בע"מ 203630 MODULAR HOT WATER STORAGE TANK SHMUEL BEN-ISHAI B65D )2010.01( מיכל מודולארי לאגירת מים חמים ישי-שמואל בן 203631 31/07/2008 GLYCOSAMINOGLYCANANTAGONISING MCP - 1 MUTANTS AND USES THEREOF C07K )2010.01( MCP – 1 אנטגוניסטי ושימושים, מוטנטים,גליקוסאמינוגליקניים בהם PROTAFFIN BIOTECHNOLOGIE AG US 60/953140 31/07/2007 07450166.9 27/09/2007 EP PCT/EP/2008/006298 WO/2009/015884 04/08/2008 203632 ANTI-RANTES ANTIBODIES AND USES THEREOF NOVIMMUNE S.A. US 60/963271 02/08/2007 PCT/US/2008/009382 WO/2009/054873 81 C12P )2010.01( נוגדנים נגד רנטס ושימושיים בהם October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א 01/08/2008 203633 פפטידים מאפנני חיסון IMMUNOMODULATORY PEPTIDES SYNTONIX PHARMACEUTICALS, INC. US 60/954968 09/08/2007 PCT/US/2008/071960 WO/2009/020867 15/08/2008 203634 203635 203636 METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR MITIGATING TEMPORARY LOSS OF SYNCHRONIZATION IN A WIRELESS COMMUNICATION SYSTEM QUALCOMM INCORPORATED 82 H04W )2010.01( העברה ברשתות פס רחב ניידות מאולתרות HANDOFF IN AD - HOC MOBILE BROADBAND NETWORKS QUALCOMM INCORPORATED US 60/956658 17/08/2007 60/980557 17/10/2007 US 12/188985 08/08/2008 US PCT/US/2008/073017 WO/2009/026071 22/08/2008 H04W )2010.01( בקרת גישה לתחנת בסיס מאולתרת בעלת כיסוי קטן ACCESS CONTROL FOR AN AD - HOC SMALL - COVERAGE BASE STATION QUALCOMM INCORPORATED US 60/965164 17/08/2007 12/191256 13/08/2008 US PCT/US/2008/073341 WO/2009/026162 13/08/2008 C07K )2010.01( H04W )2010.01( שיטה ומערכת להקלה על אובדן זמני של סינכרוניזציה במערכת תקשורת אלחוטית October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א US 60/957515 12/178157 US PCT/US/2008/074095 WO/2009/026557 15/08/2008 23/08/2007 23/07/2008 203637 SECURITY FOR A HETEROGENEOUS AD HOC MOBILE BROADBAND NETWORK QUALCOMM INCORPORATED US 60/956658 17/08/2007 12/189008 08/08/2008 US PCT/US/2008/073321 WO/2009/026154 13/08/2008 אבטחה לרשת פס רחב ניידת מאולתרת הטרוגנית 203638 METHODS AND APPARATUSES FOR TRANSMITTING NON-DECODABLE PACKETS QUALCOMM INCORPORATED US 60/956251 16/08/2007 12/188851 08/08/2008 US PCT/US/2008/073079 WO/2009/026077 31/07/2008 203639 COMPACT TWO-ELEMENT INFRARED OBJECTIVE LENS AND IR OR THERMAL SIGHT FOR WEAPON HAVING VIEWING OPTICS H04W )2010.01( H04L )2010.01( שיטות ומערכות לשידור חבילות מידע שאינן ניתנות לפענוח F41G )2010.01( עדשות אובייקטיב אינפרא – אדום קומפקטית בעלת שני אלמנטים וכוונת אינפרא – אדום או תרמית לנשק בעל אופקיטת צפייה GOODRICH CORPORATION US 11/895375 23/08/2007 PCT/US/2008/009408 WO/2009/048495 83 October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א 06/08/2007 203641 PROTEASOME INHIBITORS MILLENNIUM PHARMACEUTICALS, INC C07F )2010.01( מעכבי פרוטיאזום PCT/US/2007/017440 WO/2009/020448 01/02/2010 203642 APPARATUS AND METHOD FOR OPTIMIZINMG CURRENT USE DURING CONTROL OF MULTIPLE MOTORS REDLER YESAIAHU 17/07/2003 מערכת ושיטה לאופטימיזציה של ניצול זרם חשמצלי בבקרה של מנועים ישעיהו רדלר 203643 PHARMACEUTICAL COMPOSITIONS COMPRISING DEXTROMETHORPHAN AND QUINIDINE FOR THE TREATMENT OF NEUROLOGICAL DISORDERS AVANIR PHARMACEUTICALS US 60/396661 17/07/2002 PCT/US/2003/022303 WO/2004/006930 30/11/2001 84 F01B )2010.01( 203644 A61K )2010.01( תכשירי רוקחות המכילים דקסטרומתורפאן וקווינידין לטיפול בהפרעות עצביות C07D )2010.01( October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א MANDELIC ACID DERIVATIVES, PHARMACEUTICAL COMPOSITIONS CONTAINING THEM AND PROCESSES FOR THEIR PREPARATION ASTRAZENECA AB SE 0004458-6 01/12/2000 0100965-3 19/03/2001 SE 0101239-2 06/04/2001 SE 0102921-4 30/08/2001 SE PCT/SE/2001/002657 WO/2002/044145 29/07/2008 203645 PYRIMIDINE AND PYRIDINE DERIVATIVES AND THEIR PHARMACEUTICAL USE AND COMPOSITIONS PFIZER INC. US 60/953604 02/08/2007 61/015533 20/12/2007 US PCT/IB/2008/002046 WO/2009/016498 04/08/2008 תכשירים,נגזרות של חומצה מנדלית רוקחיים המכילים אותן ותהליכים להכנתן תולדות פירימידין ופירידין ושימושן הרוקחי ותכשירים שלהן 203646 PROCESS FOR PREPARING VORICONAZOLE HANMI PHARM. CO., LTD. 10-2007KR 06/08/2007 0078439 PCT/KR/2008/004516 WO/2009/020323 07/08/2008 PREDICTIVE MARKER FOR EGFR INHIBITOR TREATMENT F. HOFFMANN-LA ROCHE AG 85 C07D )2010.01( 203647 C07D )2010.01( שיטה להכנת ווריקונאזול C12Q )2010.01( EGFR סמן לניבוי לטיפול במעכב של October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א EP 07114302.8 PCT/EP/2008/006523 WO/2009/021684 07/08/2008 14/08/2007 203648 PREDICTIVE MARKERS FOR EGFR INHIBITOR TREATMENT F. HOFFMANN-LA ROCHE AG EP 07114292.1 14/08/2007 PCT/EP/2008/006513 WO/2009/021674 07/08/2008 203649 PREDICTIVE MARKER FOR EGFR INHIBITOR TREATMENT F. HOFFMANN-LA ROCHE AG EP 07114319.2 14/08/2007 08156523.6 20/05/2008 EP PCT/EP/2008/006516 WO/2009/021677 07/08/2008 EXERCISE PLATFORM DAHARY DORON US 60/954321 PCT/IL/2008/001092 WO/2009/019702 21/07/2008 203650 EGFR סמנים לניבוי לטיפול במעכב של C12Q )2010.01( EGFR סמן לניבוי לטיפול במעכב של A63B )2010.01( פלטפורמת אימון דהרי דורון 07/08/2007 203653 PYRAZOLE COMPOUNDS AND THEIR USE AS RAF INHIBITORS PFIZER INC. US 60/953235 01/08/2007 86 C12Q )2010.01( C07D )2010.01( תרכובות פירזול ושימושן כמעכבי ראף October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א 61/080054 US PCT/IB/2008/001952 WO/2009/016460 11/07/2008 02/02/2010 203654 IILI,OMATOMG LEYBOARD STICKERS GALIT SCHWARTZ 02/02/2010 אותיות זוהרות למקלדת מחשב גלית שוורץ 203655 PLASTIC PIPE FITTINGS FOR USE IN PLASTIC PIPE SYSTEMS AND CLAMP FOR USE THEREWITH HULIOT (A.C.S) LTD 01/08/2008 203656 203657 THERAPEUTIC COMPOUNDS RUTGERS, THE STATE UNIVERSITY OF NEW JERSEY 87 F16L )2010.01( אביזרי צינור פלסטיק לשימוש במערכות מצינורות פלסטיק ומלחציים לשימוש איתם חוליות (אגש"ח) בע"מ THERAPEUTIC COMPOUNDS RUTGERS, THE STATE UNIVERSITY OF NEW JERSEY US 60/953648 02/08/2007 PCT/US/2008/072025 WO/2009/018551 01/08/2008 B41J )2010.01( C07D )2010.01( תרכובות רפואיות C07D )2010.01( תרכובות רפואיות October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א US 60/953660 PCT/US/2008/072023 WO/2009/018549 02/08/2007 203658 24/09/2005 SOLID ELECTROLYTE CAPACITORN ANODES MADE FROM TANTALUM H.C. STARCK GMBH DE 102004049040.6 08/10/2004 PCT/EP/2005/010361 WO/2006/037497 01/08/2008 203659 NOVEL HETEROCYCLIC COMPOUNDS AS MGLU5 ANTAGONISTS RECORDATI IRELAND LIMITED US 60/953677 02/08/2007 61/045175 15/04/2008 US PCT/EP/2008/006351 WO/2009/015897 12/08/2008 NOVEL PREPARATION PROCESS 88 אנודות של קבלים אלקטרוליטים מוצקים העשויות מטנטלום C07D )2010.01( תרכובות הטרוציקליות חדשות MGLU5–כאנטגוניסטים ל 203660 NOVEL PREPARATION PROCESS BOEHRINGER INGELHEIM INTERNATIONAL GMBH DE 102007038250.4 13/08/2007 PCT/EP/2008/060559 WO/2009/021942 12/08/2008 B22F )2010.01( 203661 C07D )2010.01( תהליך הכנה חדש C07D )2010.01( תהליך הכנה חדש October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א BOEHRINGER INGELHEIM INTERNATIONAL GMBH DE 102007038251.2 PCT/EP/2008/060560 WO/2009/021943 29/07/2008 13/08/2007 203662 DYNAMIC INSTANT COMMENTS MICROSOFT CORPORATION US 11/861688 26/09/2007 PCT/US/2008/071467 WO/2009/042288 13/08/2008 203663 TRIAZOLE COMPOUNDS THAT MODULATE HSP90 ACTIVITY SYNTA PHARMACEUTICALS CORP. US 60/964447 13/08/2007 PCT/US/2008/009667 WO/2009/023211 02/09/2008 203664 POST-HARVEST TREATMENT BAYER CROPSCIENCE AG EP 07116248.1 12/09/2007 PCT/EP/2008/007139 WO/2009/033582 13/08/2008 203665 COMPOSITIONS AND METHODS FOR CENTROLLING NEMATODES DIVERGENCE, INC. US 60/955448 13/08/2007 89 G06Q )2010.01( תגובות מיידיות דינאמיות C07F )2010.01( תרכובות טריאזול המסדירות פעילות HSP90 A01N )2010.01( טיפול לאחר קציר A01N )2010.01( תכשירים ושיטות לבקרה על נמטודות October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א PCT/US/2008/073029 WO/2009/023721 08/08/2008 203666 BICYCLIC AMIDES FOR ENHANCING GLUTAMATERGIC SYNAPTIC RESPONSES CORTEX PHARMACEUTICALS, INC. US 60/964362 10/08/2007 PCT/US/2008/009508 WO/2009/023126 08/08/2008 אמידים ביציקליים להגברת תגובות סינפטיות גלוטאמטרג'יות 203667 BICYCLIC AMIDES FOR ENHANCING GLUTAMATERGIC SYNAPTIC RESPONSES CORTEX PHARMACEUTICALS, INC. US 60/964362 10/08/2007 PCT/US/2008/009508 WO/2009/023126 20/08/2008 METHODS OF PREPARING 4PHENYL-6-(2,2,2-TRIFLUORO-1PHENYLETHOXY)PYRIMIDINEBASED COMPOUNDS 90 A61K )2010.01( אמידים ביציקליים להגברת תגובות סינפטיות גלוטאמטרג'יות 203668 C07D )2010.01( תרכובות אימידאזופיראזין IMIDAZOPYRAZINE COMPOUNDS BIOFOCUS DPI LIMITED GB 0716292.8 21/08/2007 PCT/EP/2008/060896 WO/2009/024585 22/08/2008 A61K )2010.01( 203669 A61K )2010.01( 4 שיטות להכנת תרכובות המבוססות על – 1 – – טריפלואורו2 ,2 ,2( – 6 – – פניל פניל אתוקסי) פירימידין October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א LEXICON PHARMACEUTICALS, INC. US 60/957744 24/08/2007 PCT/US/2008/073950 WO/2009/029499 203670 27/08/2008 קו צינורות מכוסה ENCASED PIPELINE SALZGITTER MANNESMANN LINE PIPE GMBH DE 102007040683.7 29/08/2007 PCT/EP/2008/061216 WO/2009/027429 28/08/2008 203671 TSH RECEPTOR ANTAGONIZING TETRAHYDROQUINOLINE COMPOUNDS N.V. ORGANON EP 07115368.8 31/08/2007 08150398.9 18/01/2008 EP PCT/EP/2008/061325 WO/2009/027482 28/08/2008 IN-SITU HYBRIDIZATION TO DETECT RNA AND DNA MARKERS 91 A61K )2010.01( תרכובות טטראהידרו קווינולין TSH כאנטגוניסטים של רצפטור 203672 C11D )2010.01( שיטה לטיפול בבד A METHOD OF TREATING FABRIC UNILEVER PLC, IN 1691/MUM/2007 05/09/2007 PCT/EP/2008/061287 WO/2009/030634 04/08/2008 F16L )2010.01( 203673 C12Q )2010.01( – וRNA היברידיזציה ברקמה לגילוי סמני DNA October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א BIOCEPT, INC. US 60/953812 PCT/US/2008/072143 WO/2009/020932 03/08/2007 203674 22/07/2008 WIRELESS SWITCHING APPLICATION MASCO CORPORATION US 60/954007 PCT/US/2008/070699 WO/2009/020756 אפליקצית מיתוג אלחוטי 05/08/2007 22/07/2008 203675 SECURITY SYSTEM INCLUDING WIRELESS SELF-ENERGIZING SWITCH MASCO CORPORATION US 60/954007 05/08/2007 PCT/US/2008/070720 WO/2009/020762 25/07/2008 MASCO CORPORATION US 60/954007 WO PCT/US2008/071120 PCT/US/2008/071120 WO/2009/020775 92 G08B )2010.01( מערכת בטחון הכוללת מתג אלחוטי בעל אספקת אנרגיה עצמונית 203676 NOTIFICATION SYSTEM UTILIZING SELEENERGIZING SWITCHES 22/07/2008 H05B )2010.01( H05B )2010.01( מערכת התרעה המשתמשת במתגים בעלי אספקת אנרגיה עצמונית 05/08/2007 25/07/2008 203677 G08B )2010.01( October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א DOOR NOTIFICATION SYSTEM MASCO CORPORATION US 60/954007 05/08/2007 WO PCT/US2008/070700 22/07/2008 PCT/US/2008/070700 WO/2009/020757 25/07/2008 203678 מערכת התראה לדלת H05B )2010.01( WIRELESS SCENE ARRANGEMENT MASCO CORPORATION US 60/954007 05/08/2007 61/033838 05/03/2008 US WO PCT/US2008/071124 25/07/2008 PCT/US/2008/071124 WO/2009/020776 מערכת ארגון ושליטה אלחוטית 203679 A61H )2010.01( 02/02/2010 טלאי מעסה טיפולי סלמן עופר THERAPEUTIC MASSAGE PATCH SALMAN OFER 02/08/2007 203680 FRONT CARRIER FOR MOTORCYCLES OXYGEN, S.P.A. B62J )2010.01( מנשא קידמי לאופנועים PCT/IT/2007/000557 WO/2009/016666 17/09/2008 93 203681 G06Q )2010.01( October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א A SYSTEM AND A METHOD OF HANDLING A MULTIFUNCTION TRANSACTION OMARCO NETWORK SOLUTIONS LTD US 60/953768 03/08/2007 PCT/IB/2008/002424 WO/2009/019602 01/08/2008 –מערכת ושיטה לטיפול בעסקאות רב שימושיות 203682 –שיטות ומערכת עדשות תוך– עינית רב מוקדית MULTI - FOCAL INTRAOCULAR LENS SISTEM AND METHODS OCULAR OPTICS, INC. US 60/953640 02/08/2007 PCT/US/2008/071957 WO/2009/042289 08/08/2008 203683 MATERIALS AND METHODS FOR TREATING SKELETAL SYSTEM DAMAGE AND PROMOTING SKELETAL SYSTEM REPAIR AND REGENERATION PERVASIS THERAPEUTICS, INC. US 60/963929 08/08/2007 61/066933 25/02/2008 US PCT/US/2008/009543 WO/2009/020651 31/07/2008 94 A61F )2010.01( A61L )2010.01( חומרים ושיטות לטיפול בנזק למערכת שלדית ולקידום תיקון וחידוש של מערכת שלדית 203684 C07D )2010.01( October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א CRYSTALLINE FORM OF METHYL ((1S)-1-(((2S)-2-(5-(4'-(2-((2S)-1-((2S)-2((METHOXYCARBONYL)AMINO)-3METHYLBUTANOYL)-2PYRROLIDINYL)-1H-IMIDAZOL-5YL)-4-BIPHENYLYL)-1H-IMIDAZOL2-YL)-1PYRROLIDINYL)CARBONYL)-2METHYLPROPYL)CARBAMATE DIHYDROCHLORIDE SALT BRISTOL-MYERS SQUIBB COMPANY US 60/954592 08/08/2007 PCT/US/2008/071734 WO/2009/020828 31/07/2008 S1) – 1 – (( צורות גבישייות של מלחי מיטל (((S2) – 2 – (5 – ('4 (2 – ((S2) – 1 – ((S2) – – 3 – ) – ((מטוקסיקרבוניל) אמינו2 – H1 – ) – פירולידיניל2 – )מטילביוטאנויל H1 – ) – ביפנילילYL) – 4 – 5 – אמידאזול ) – פירולידינילYL) – 1 – 2 – – אימידאזול –מטילפרופיל) קרבמט2–)קרבוניל דיהידרוכלור 203685 PROCESS FOR SYNTHESIZING COMPOUNDS USEFUL FOR TREATING HEPATITIS C BRISTOL-MYERS SQUIBB COMPANY US 60/954595 08/08/2007 PCT/US/2008/071696 WO/2009/020825 18/07/2008 6-THIOXOPYRIDAZINE DERIVATIVES MERCK PATENT GMBH 10 2007 DE 038957.6 PCT/EP/2008/005928 WO/2009/024221 31/07/2008 203686 שיטה לייצור תרכובות יעילות בטפול C בהפטיטוס C07D )2010.01( – תיאוקסופירידאזין6 תולדות של 17/08/2007 203687 FLAME RETARDED FORMULATIONS ALBEMARLE CORPORATION 95 C07D )2010.01( C08L )2010.01( פורמולציות מעכבי בערה October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א US 60/954516 60/954513 US 60/981005 US 60/982028 US 61/056303 US PCT/US/2008/071687 WO/2009/020822 07/08/2007 07/08/2007 18/10/2007 23/10/2007 27/05/2008 203688 30/07/2008 FUSED HETEROCYCLES SEPRACOR INC. US 11/833903 PCT/US/2008/071642 WO/2009/020814 הטרוציקליים מאוחים 03/08/2007 03/02/2010 203689 03/02/2010 203690 SWITCH FOR BI-DIRECTIONAL MOTOR MEIR ELIMELECH 96 B60J )2010.01( מגן שמש לרכב ניצן דפנה SUNSHADE FOR MOTOR VEHICLE NITZAN DAPHNA 03/02/2010 A01N )2010.01( H01H )2010.01( מפסק למנוע דו כיווני מאיר אלימלך 203691 A45D )2010.01( October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א A LICE COMB, A METHOD FOR THE PRODUCTION THEREOF AND A USE THEREOF AVERBUCH ARIEL 03/02/2010 203692 A PILL TRAY AND AN APPARATUS COMPRISING THEREOF AVERBUCH ARIEL 03/02/2010 B65D )2010.01( אורבוך אריאל 203693 A45D )2010.01( ספח לעיצוב שיער גדעון קוסמטיקס בע"מ 203694 LENTIVIRAL GENE TRANSFER VECTORS AND THEIR MEDICINAL APPLICATIONS THERAVECTYS EP 07290979.9 03/08/2007 07290980.7 03/08/2007 EP 07291251.2 12/10/2007 EP 08156405.6 16/05/2008 EP PCT/IB/2008/002930 WO/2009/019612 97 אורבוך אריאל מגש לגלולות והתקן המכיל אותו HAIR STYLING ATTACHMENT GIDON COSMETICS LTD. 01/08/2008 שיטה לייצורו ושימוש בו,מסרק לכינים A61K )2010.01( וקטורים לנטיוירליים להעברת גנים ושימושיהם הרפואיים October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א 203695 12/08/2008 NEW COMPOUNDS BOEHRINGER INGELHEIM INTERNATIONAL GMBH EP PCT/EP07/058408 EP PCT/EP08/052157 08102043.0 EP PCT/EP/2008/060562 WO/2009/021944 06/08/2008 תרכובות חדשות 14/08/2007 21/02/2008 26/02/2008 203696 AMINOPYRAZOLE AMIDE DERIVATIVE DAINIPPON SUMITOMO PHARMA CO., LTD. 2007JP 06/08/2007 204739 2008-074895 24/03/2008 JP PCT/JP/2008/064085 WO/2009/020137 07/08/2008 98 C07D )2010.01( נגזרת אמינופיראזול אמידית 203697 PREPARATION OF SYNTHETIC NUCLEOSIDES VIA ? - ALLYL TRANSITION METAL COMPLEX FORMATION EMORY UNIVERSITY US 60/954449 07/08/2007 PCT/US/2008/072478 WO/2009/021114 13/08/2008 C07D )2010.01( C07D )2010.01( הכנה של נוקליאוזידים מלאכותיים באמצעות יצירת קומפלקס ? – אלילי של מתכת מעבר 203698 C07D )2010.01( October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א PROCESS FOR PRODUCING PYRIPYROPENE DERIVATIVES AND INTERMEDIATES FOR THE PRODUCTION THEREOF תהליך להכנת תולדות פיריפירופן והכנת חומרי ביניים עבורן MEIJI SEIKA KAISHA, LTD. 2007JP 13/08/2007 210804 PCT/JP/2008/064520 WO/2009/022702 203699 02/09/2008 PROCESS FOR PREPARING CYANIMINO - 1,3 - THIAZOLIDINES BAYER CROPSCIENCE AG EP 07116434.7 14/09/2007 PCT/EP/2008/007141 WO/2009/033583 203700 03/08/2008 FIBROUS SURGICALLY IMPLANTABLE MIESH NICAST LTD US 60/935283 PCT/IL/2008/001061 WO/2009/019685 C07D )2010.01( – 3 , 1 – תהליך להכנת ציאנאמינו תיאזולידינים A61L )2010.01( רשת עשויה מסיבים להשתלה ניתוחית ניקסט בע"מ 03/08/2007 03/08/2007 203701 SOLID OXIDE FUEL CELL SYSTEMS WITH IMPROVED GAS CHANNELING AND HEAT EXCHANGE H01M )2010.01( מערכות תאי דלק תחמוצת מוצקה ) עם חילוף חום ותיעול דלקSOFC( משופרים NANO-DYNAMICS ENERGY. INC. PCT/US/2007/017405 WO/2009/020445 99 October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א 31/07/2008 203702 FLAME RETARDANTS SUITABLE FOR USE IN VISCOELATIC POLYURETHANE FOAMS ALBEMARLE CORPORATION US 60/954500 07/08/2007 PCT/US/2008/071678 WO/2009/029378 06/08/2008 מעכבי בעירה המתאימים לשימוש בקצפים פוליאורתיניים ויסקו – אלסטיים 203703 FLAME RETARDED FLEXIBLE POLYURETHANE FOAMS AND FLEXIBLE POLYURETHANE FOAM FORMULATIONS ALBEMARLE CORPORATION US 60/954505 07/08/2007 PCT/US/2008/072333 WO/2009/021036 06/08/2008 203704 FLAME RETARDED RIGID POLYURETHANE FOAMS AND RIGID POLYURETHANE FOAM FORMULATIONS ALBEMARLE CORPORATION US 60/954510 07/08/2007 PCT/US/2008/072331 WO/2009/021035 03/02/2010 COLLAR FOR A BABY BOTTLE S.M.L. SUCCESS LTD 100 C08G )2010.01( 203705 C08K )2010.01( קצפים פוליאורתניים גמישים מעכבי בערה ופורמולציות מבוססות קצף פוליאורתני גמיש C08J )2010.01( קצפים פוליאורתניים קשיחים מעכבי בערה ופורמולציות מבוססות קצף פוליאורתני קשיח A61J )2010.01( צווארון עבור בקבוק לתינוק הצלחה בע"מ.ל.מ.ס October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א 02/09/2008 203706 METHOD FOR PRODUCING N METHACRYLOYL - 4 - CYANO - 3 TRIFLUOROMETHYLANILINE SUMITOMO CHEMICAL COMPANY, LIMITED 2007JP 12/09/2007 236507 PCT/JP/2008/066143 WO/2009/034936 13/08/2008 18/02/2004 B64D )2010.01( שיטה ומערכות לתדלוק כלי רכב אוויריים לא מאויישים תוך כדי טיסה 203708 METHOD AND APPARATUS TO COUNT BROADCAST CONTENT RECIPIENTS IN A WIRELESS TELEPHONE NETWORK QUALCOMM INCORPORATED US 10/368876 18/02/2003 PCT/US/2004/004789 WO/2004/075516 101 – 4 – – מת'הקרילואילN שיטה עבור ייצור – טריפלואורומת'ילאנילין3 – צ'יאנו 203707 METHOD AND SYSTEM FOR INFLIGHT REFUELING OF UNMANNED AERIAL VEHICLES RAYTHEON COMPANY US 11/891959 13/08/2007 PCT/US/2008/009682 WO/2009/073052 C07C )2010.01( H04W )2010.01( שיטה ומתקן לספור מקבלי תוכן שידור בטלפון אלחוטי October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א 09/09/2008 203710 USE OF INSULIN C - PEPTIDE, ALONE OR IN COMBINATION WITH GLP - 1, AS A THERAPEUTIC AGENT MONDOBIOTECH LABORATORIES AG EP 07017765.4 11/09/2007 PCT/EP/2008/007448 WO/2009/039963 07/08/2008 17/07/2008 102 C07D )2010.01( – פירידיניל אלקיל2 – – פניל1 תולדות של אלכוהולים כמעכבי פוספודיאסטראז 203713 PHARMACEUTICAL COMPOSITIONS AND METHODS FOR THE TREATMENT OF CANCER URIFER LTD. US 60/935364 09/08/2007 61/006455 15/01/2008 US C08G )2010.01( תכשיר ציפוי בעל תכולה גובהה של מוצקי אפוקסי 203712 DERIVATIVES OF 1-PHENYL-2PYRIDINYL ALKYL ALCOHOLS AS PHOSPHODIESTERASE INHIBITORS CHIESI FARMACEUTICI S.P.A. EP 07114019.8 08/08/2007 PCT/EP/2008/005843 WO/2009/018909 10/08/2008 לבד או,C – שימוש באינסולין פפטיד כגורם טיפולי,GLP – 1 בשילוב עם 203711 HIGH SOLIDS EPOXY COATING COMPOSITION AKZO NOBEL COATINGS INTERANTIONAL B.V. EP 07114118.8 09/08/2007 60/968435 28/08/2007 US PCT/EP/2008/060368 WO/2009/019296 A61K )2010.01( A61K )2010.01( תכשירי רוקחות ושיטות לטיפול בסרטן אוריפר בע"מ October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א PCT/IL/2008/001099 WO/2009/019708 08/08/2008 203714 COMPOSITION AND THERAPEUTIC ANTI - TUMOUR VACCINE ERYTECH PHARMA FR 0705767 08/08/2007 60/954917 09/08/2007 US PCT/EP/2008/060492 WO/2009/019317 19/08/2008 תכשיר ותרכיב טיפולי נגד גידולים 203715 HUMAN C - FMS ANTIGEN BINDING PROTEINS AMGEN INC. US 60/957148 21/08/2007 61/084588 29/07/2008 US PCT/US/2008/073611 WO/2009/026303 26/08/2008 18/07/2008 INJECTION SYSTEM WITH BASE STATION 103 C07K )2010.01( אנושיFMS – C חלבונים קושרי אנטיגן 203716 PYRAZOLE COMPOUNDS FOR CONTROLLING INVERTEBRATE PESTS BASF SE US 60/968109 27/08/2007 PCT/EP/2008/061136 WO/2009/027393 A61K )2010.01( A01N )2010.01( תרכובות פיראזול לשליטה במזיקים חסרי חוליות 203717 A61M )2010.01( מערכת הזרקה עם עמדת בסיס October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א CILAG GMBH INTERNATIONAL GB 0716774.5 29/08/2007 PCT/GB/2008/002475 WO/2009/027621 04/02/2010 203718 פקק חלאבין תעשיות בע"מ CAP HLAVIN INDUSTRIES LTD. 04/02/2010 203719 RANDOM NUMBER GENERATOR GENERATING RANDOM NUMBERS ACCORDING TO AN ARBITRARY PROBABILITY DENSITY FUNCITON SIONET LTD 10/08/2008 203720 PROCESS FOR RECOVERING SUBSTANCES FROM HIGH SALINITY LIQUIDS ECOCHEMTECH, LTD US 60/954871 09/08/2007 PCT/IL/2008/001100 WO/2009/019709 07/08/2008 104 B67B )2010.01( 203721 G06F )2010.01( התקן היוצר מספריים אקראיים על פי פונקצית צפיפות הסתברותית נתונה שיאונט בע"מ C01F )2010.01( תהליך להפקת חומרים מנוזלים מליחים G01N )2010.01( October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א THERMOGRAPHY BASED SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR DETECTING COUNTERFEIT DRUGS SEMI-CONDUCTOR DEVICES - AN ELBIT SYSTEMS - RAFAEL PARTNERSHIP IL 185130 08/08/2007 PCT/IL/2008/001088 WO/2009/019698 06/08/2008 203722 METHOD FOR TREATING DEPENDENCE SYNOSIA THERAPEUTICS, INC. US 60/935323 06/08/2007 60/956555 17/08/2007 US 60/960591 04/10/2007 US PCT/US/2008/072357 WO/2009/021055 21/08/2008 203723 TOOL AND METHOD FOR REMOVING AND INSTALLING A TAMPER - RESISTANT CAP OF A PEST CONTROL DEVICE BASF CORPORATION US 11/844875 24/08/2007 PCT/US/2008/073887 WO/2009/029489 05/08/2008 203724 PULSE SHAPING FOR EGPRS - 2 מערכת מבוססת חום ושיטה לגילוי תרופות מזויפות שותפות אלביט- התקני מצב מוצק רפא"ל- מערכות A01N )2010.01( שיטות לטיפול בתלות B67B )2010.01( כלי ושיטה להסרה והתקנה של פקק אבטחה להתקן לשליטה במזיקים H04L )2010.01( – 2 תהליך לשינוי צורת פולסים עבור EGPRS INTERDIGITAL PATENT HOLDINGS, INC. US 60/954197 06/08/2007 PCT/US/2008/072244 105 October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א WO/2009/020975 13/08/2008 203725 METHOD AND APPARATUS TO REDUCE RADIO RESOURCE OVERHEAD ASSOCIATED WITH INTERMITTENT DATA TRAFFIC INTERDIGITAL TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION US 60/955579 13/08/2007 PCT/US/2008/073067 WO/2009/023740 11/09/2008 H04B )2010.01( שיטה ומערכת להקטנת תקורת משאב רדיו הקשור לתנועת נתונים תקופתית 203727 METAL POWDER MIXTURE AND THE USE THEREOF BAYER BETEILIGUNGSVERWALTUNG GOSLAR GMBH DE 102007052198.9 26/10/2007 102008027523.9 04/06/2008 DE PCT/EP/2008/062060 WO/2009/053156 26/05/2008 203728 TOOL BAYER BETEILIGUNGSVERWALTUNG GOSLAR GMBH DE 102007047312.7 02/10/2007 PCT/EP/2008/004166 WO/2009/046777 04/08/2008 106 203729 B22F )2010.01( תערובת אבקה מתכתית ושימושה C23C )2010.01( כלי A61K )2010.01( October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א תרופה אבקתית אבקתית לנתינה דרך האף של חומצה אסקורבית להקטנת רעילות הנגרמת מאפומורפין לרקמה ריסנית POWDERED MEDICAMENT FOR NASAL DELIVERY OF ASCORBIC ACID FOR REDUCING APOMORPHINE INDUCED TOXICITY TO CILIATED TISSUE BRITANNIA PHARMACEUTICALS LIMITED GB 0715285.3 06/08/2007 PCT/GB/2008/002648 WO/2009/019463 06/08/2008 203730 SUPPORT OF DOWNLINK DUAL CARRIERS AND OTHER FEATURES OF EVOLVED GERAN NETWORKS INTERDIGITAL PATENT HOLDINGS, INC. US 60/954400 07/08/2007 60/965630 20/08/2007 US PCT/US/2008/072298 WO/2009/021012 05/08/2008 06/08/2008 MULTI-PURPOSE PURPOSE CONTROL CIRCUIT SHAKERSCOPE LTD 107 תמיכה לנשאים דואלים לתקשורת לווינית GERAN ואפיונים נוספים של רשתות מפותחות 203731 DISPOSABLE OSTEOGENESIS AND OSSEOINTEGRATION PROMOTION AND MAINTENANCE DEVICE FOR ENDOSSEOUS IMPLANTS CELLECTRIC MEDICAL LTD US 60/954168 06/08/2007 PCT/IL/2008/001070 WO/2009/019688 H04W )2010.01( A61N )2010.01( התקן שליף לעידוד צמחית עצם ושימורה 203732 סלקטריק מדיקל בע"מ H05B )2010.01( מעגל בקרה רב–שימושי October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א GB 0715332.3 PCT/GB/2008/002685 WO/2009/019482 07/08/2008 07/08/2007 203733 A SYSTEM FOR EXTENDING THE OBSERVATION, SURVEILLANCE, AND NAVIGATIONAL CAPABILITIES OF A ROBOT WAVE GROUP LTD. IL 185124 08/08/2007 PCT/IL/2008/001089 WO/2009/019699 06/08/2008 SANOFI-AVENTIS FR 07/05789 08/01819 FR PCT/FR/2008/001172 WO/2009/056692 19/08/2008 קבוצת גל בע"מ C07D )2010.01( – 6 תולדות חדשות של טריאזולופירידאזינסולפניל בנזותיאזול שיטה להכנתן ושימוש,ובנזימידאזול כתרופות ותכשירים רפואיים ושימוש חדש MET כמעכבי 09/08/2007 02/04/2008 203735 5- (4- (HALOALKOXY) PHENYL) PYRIMIDINE-2-AMINE COMPOUNDS AND COMPOSITIONS AS KINASE INHIBITORS 108 המעקב ויכולות,מערכת להרחבת הצפייה הניווט של רובוט 203734 NOVEL 6TRIAZOLOPYRIDAZINESULFANYL BENZOTHIAZOLE AND BENZIMIDAZOLE DERIVATIVES, METHOD FOR PRODUCTION THEREOF AND APPLICATION AS MEDICAMENTS AND PHARMACEUTICAL COMPOSITIONS AND NOVEL USE AS MET INHIBITORS G05B )2010.01( C07D )2010.01( – 4( – 5 תרכובות ותכשירי – אמין2 – (האלואלקוקסי) פניל) פירימידינ כמעכבי קינאז October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א IRM LLC US 60/957260 PCT/US/2008/073573 WO/2009/026276 13/08/2008 22/08/2007 203736 IMPROVEMENTS IN OR RELATING TO ORGANIC COMPOUNDS SYNGENTA LIMITED GB 0716592.1 24/08/2007 PCT/GB/2008/002730 WO/2009/027624 12/08/2008 22/08/2008 שיפורים בתרכובות אורגניות או הקשורים אליהן 203737 IMPROVEMENTS IN OR RELATING TO ORGANIC COMPOUNDS SYNGENTA LIMITED GB 0716593.9 24/08/2007 PCT/GB/2008/002738 WO/2009/027626 109 A01N )2010.01( שיפורים בתרכובות אורגניות או בקשר להן 203738 MIPO INHIBITORS FOR THE TREATMENT OF HUNTINGTON'S DISEASE AND MULTIPLE SYSTEM ATROPHY ASTRAZENECA AB US 60/957525 23/08/2007 60/957523 23/08/2007 US PCT/SE/2008/050950 WO/2009/025618 12/08/2008 A01N )2010.01( 203739 A61K )2010.01( לטיפול במחלת הנטינגטוןMIPO מעכבי וניוון מערכות מרובות C07D )2010.01( October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א PYRROLIDINE ARYL - ETHER AS NK3 RECEPTOR ANTAGONISTS F. HOFFMANN-LA ROCHE AG EP 07114790.4 22/08/2007 PCT/EP/2008/060566 WO/2009/024502 20/08/2008 CYCLOPROPYL AMIDE DERIVATIVES ASTRAZENECA AB US 60/957181 PCT/GB/2008/050723 WO/2009/024823 07/08/2008 203740 22/08/2007 203742 203744 PHENYLACETIC ACID COMPOUND, COMPOSITIONS COMPRISING THE SAME AND USES THEREOF ONO PHARMACEUTICALS CO, LTD 2007JP 10/08/2007 208815 PCT/JP/2008/064429 WO/2009/022687 110 C07D )2010.01( נגזרות של ציקלופרופיל אמיד HUGHES MOLECULAR MIXER AND CATALYTIC REACTOR NATHANIEL HUGHES US 60/963752 07/08/2007 PCT/US/2008/072538 WO/2009/021148 11/08/2008 פירולידין אריל – אתר כאנטאגוניסטים NK3 –לרצפטור ל B01F )2010.01( מערבב יווז מולקולארי וכור קטליטי C07D )2010.01( תכשירים,תרכובת חומצת פניל אמינו המכילים אותו ושימוש בו October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א 13/08/2008 203745 CELLULOSIC FEEDSTOCK COMPOSITONS AND METHOD FOR PRODUCING THE SAME APPLIED CLEANTECH INC. US 60/935429 13/08/2007 61/071842 21/05/2008 US PCT/US/2008/009679 WO/2009/023216 01/08/2008 203746 HEPATITIS C INHIBITORY COMPOUNDS, COMPOSITIONS COMPRISING THE SAME OR USES THEREOF BRISTOL-MYERS SQUIBB COMPANY US 60/954814 09/08/2007 61/049944 02/05/2008 US 12/180994 28/07/2008 US PCT/US/2008/071881 WO/2009/029384 08/08/2008 203747 DHEA COMPOSITIONS FOR USE IN TREATING MENOPAUSE ENDORECHERCHE INC. US 60/964270 10/08/2007 60/964673 13/08/2007 US PCT/CA/2008/001444 WO/2009/021323 07/08/2008 111 203748 C07C )2010.01( תכשירי חומר גלם להזנה צלולוזיים ושיטות לייצורם C07D )2010.01( תכשירים,C תרכובות מעכבי הפטיטוס המכילים אותם ושימושים בהם A61K )2010.01( לשימוש בטיפולDHEA תכשירי במנופאזה A61K )2010.01( October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א USE OF A SEROTONIN 3 (5-HT3) RECEPTOR ANTAGONIST AND A SELECTIVE CHLORIDE CHANNEL MODULATOR FOR THE PREPARATION OF A MEDICAMENT FOR TREATMENT OF DRUG ADDICTION OR DRUG DEPENDENCE OF CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM DISORDERS JUAN JOSE LEGARDA IBANEZ US 60/963957 08/08/2007 PCT/ES/2008/000552 WO/2009/027564 04/02/2010 HT – 3( 3 שימוש בנוגדן לקולטן סרוטונין ) ואפנן ערוץ כלוריד בררני להכנת5 תרופה לטיפול בהתמכרות לסמים או בתלות בסמים או בהפרעות מערכת העצבים המרכזית 203750 לוח הודעות מואר יעקב כהן ILLUMINATED MESSAGE BOARD COHEN JACOB US 61/153700 19/02/2009 09/09/2008 203751 USE OF PNEUMADIN AS A THERAPEUTIC AGENT MONDOBIOTECH LABORATORIES AG EP 07017763.9 11/09/2007 PCT/EP/2008/007649 WO/2009/043469 09/09/2008 112 A61K )2010.01( שימוש בפנאומנדין כגורם טיפולי 203752 USE OF PEPTIDE ARG-ASN-ILE-ALAGLU-ILE-ILE-LYS-ASP-ILE-OH OR ITS COMBINATION WITH THE PEPTIDE ASP-ARG-GLY-ASP-SER-OH AS A THERAPEUTIC AGENT G09F )2010.01( A61K )2010.01( OH – ILE – ASP – LYS – שימוש בפפטיד ILE – ILE – GLU – ALA – ILE – ASN – OH – SER – או בשילובו עם פפטידARG כגורם טיפוליASP – GLY – ARG – ASP October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א MONDOBIOTECH LABORATORIES AG EP 07017746.4 11/09/2007 PCT/EP/2008/007515 WO/2009/039973 09/09/2008 203753 USE OF PEPTIDE ASP-ARG-GLY-ASPSER-OH AS A THERAPEUTIC AGENT MONDOBIOTECH LABORATORIES AG EP 07017748.0 11/09/2007 PCT/EP/2008/007516 WO/2009/039974 09/09/2008 203754 USE OF PEPTIDE AS A THERAPEUTIC AGENT MONDOBIOTECH LABORATORIES AG EP 07017747.2 11/09/2007 PCT/EP/2008/007518 WO/2009/039976 09/09/2008 203755 USE OF ALPHA - CASEIN (90 - 96) AS A THERAPEUTIC AGENT IN THE TREATMENT OF HBV INFECTION MONDOBIOTECH LABORATORIES AG EP 07017747.2 11/09/2007 PCT/EP/2008/007519 WO/2009/039977 113 A61K )2010.01( ASP – ARG – GLY – שימוש בפפטיד כגורם טיפוליASP – SER – OH A61K )2010.01( שימוש בפפטיד כגורם טיפולי A61K )2010.01( ) כגורם96 – 90( שימוש באלפא–קסאין HBV טיפולי בטיפול בזיהום October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א 07/08/2008 203756 התקן בעל צורה הניתנת לשינוי לקיבוע באתר דנטלי RESHAPABLE DEVICE FOR FIXATION AT A DENTAL SITE COLL PARTNERS LTD. US 11/890986 08/08/2007 PCT/IL/2008/001087 WO/2009/019697 07/08/2008 203757 THERMALLY BASED SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR DETECTING COUNTERFEIT DRUGS SEMI-CONDUCTOR DEVICES - AN ELBIT SYSTEMS - RAFAEL PARTNERSHIP IL 185130 08/08/2007 PCT/IL/2008/001090 WO/2009/019700 11/08/2008 18/08/2008 114 שותפות אלביט- התקני מצב מוצק רפא"ל- מערכות B65B )2010.01( מילוי אוטומטי במהירות גבוהה של אריזות מוצרי רוקחות מוצקים באמצעות מערכת מסוע 203759 WORKFLOW ENGINE SYSTEM AND METHOD RAYTHEON COMPANY US 11/841311 20/08/2007 PCT/US/2008/073464 G01N )2010.01( מערכת מבוססת חום לזיהוי תרופות מזויפות 203758 HIGH SPEED AUTOMATED FILLING OF SOLID PHARMACEUTICAL PRODUCT PACKAGING VIA A CONVEYOR SYSTEM MTS MEDICATION TECHNOLOGIES, INC., US 11/838106 13/08/2007 PCT/US/2008/072794 WO/2009/023632 A61C )2010.01( G05B )2010.01( מערכת מנוע זרימת עבודה ושיטה October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א WO/2009/026216 11/08/2008 203760 חיסונים VACCINES GLAXOSMITHKLINE BIOLOGICALS S.A. US 60/955445 13/08/2007 60/957338 22/08/2007 US 60/982801 26/10/2007 US PCT/EP/2008/060505 WO/2009/021931 05/09/2008 203761 METHOD FOR PRODUCING 4 AMINOBUT - 2 - ENOLIDES BAYER CROPSCIENCE AG EP 07116639.1 18/09/2007 PCT/EP/2008/007270 WO/2009/036899 06/08/2008 115 C07D )2010.01( – אנולידים2 – – אמינובוט4 שיטה ליצור 203763 SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR AUTHENTICATION, DATA TRANSFER AND PROTECTION AGAINST PHISHING STEPHANE MOREAU US 60/954259 06/08/2007 60/973590 19/09/2007 US 12/187224 06/08/2008 US PCT/US/2008/072381 WO/2009/021070 07/08/2007 A61K )2010.01( 203764 H04L )2010.01( העברת מדיע,מערכת ושיטה לאימות והגנה נגד הוצאה לא חוקית של מדיע F41A )2010.01( October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א AUTHENTICATION AND AUTHORIZATION DEVICE RAUL DELGADO ACARRETA התקן לאימות והרשאה PCT/ES/2007/070150 WO/2009/022031 19/10/2007 203765 RADIAL COUNTERFLOW INDUCTIVE DESALINATION MCCUTCHEN CO. US 11/893454 16/08/2007 PCT/US/2007/081892 WO/2009/023036 08/03/2005 התפלה השראתית בזרימה נגדית רדיאלית 203766 IMPROVED APPARATUS FOR ELECTRICALLY MEDIATED DELIVERY OF THERAPEUTIC AGENTS ICHOR MEDICAL SYSTEMS , INC US 60/551679 08/03/2004 PCT/US/2005/007936 WO/2005/087311 08/08/2008 203767 A USER CO-ROUTINE INTERFACE FOR CUSTOMIZING SIP AND SDP PROTOCOLS REDCOM LABORATORIES, INC. US 60/964027 08/08/2007 PCT/US/2008/072565 WO/2009/021160 116 B01D )2010.01( A61N )2010.01( מכשיר להולכה של חומרים רפואיים באמצעות חשמל G06F )2010.01( ממשק משתמש קו – רוטיני להתאמה SDP וSIP אישית של פרוטוקולי October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א 06/08/2008 203768 METHOD FOR PRODUCING HYDRAZINE COMPOUND, AND PRODUCTION INTERMEDIATES OF HYDRAZINE COMPOUND, AND METHODS FOR PRODUCING THE INTERMEDIATES SUMITOMO CHEMICAL COMPANY, LIMITED 2007JP 14/08/2007 211325 2007-211326 14/08/2007 JP PCT/JP/2008/064113 WO/2009/022600 08/08/2008 חומרי ביניים,שיטה לייצור תרכובת הידרזין ושיטות לייצור,בייצור תרכובת הידרזין חומרי הביניים 203769 NEAR FIELD COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEM HAVING ENHANCED SECURITY RADEUM, INC. dba FREELINC US 60/954784 08/08/2007 PCT/US/2008/072709 WO/2009/021220 07/02/2010 HAIR FOLLICLE TARGETING J.P.M.E.D. LTD. 117 C07D )2010.01( 203770 H04B )2010.01( מערכת לתקשורת לטווח קצר בעלת בטיחות משופרת A61K )2010.01( הכוונה לזקיקי השיער בע"מ.די.אי.אם.פי.גי October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א NOTICE UNDER SECTION 26 OF THE PATENTS LAW, 5727-1967 The applications, particulars of which are set out below, have been accepted pursuant to Section 17 of the Patents Law. Any person wishing to oppose the grant of a patent on any of the applications published here, may, within three months from the date of this journal, give to the Commissioner of Patents notice under Section 30 of the Patents Law, in the manner prescribed in regulations 57 et seq of the Patents Regulations, 5728-1968 Particulars of the applications, where applicable, are given in the following order: [11] [21] Number of application [54] Title of invention [22] Application date [31] [32] [33] Number and date of foreign application – convention country. *[51] Int.Cl. [61] Application for patent of addition [62] Divisional application [71] Applicant [72] Inventor [87] International Publication Number [74] Address for service [57] Abridgement of invention (in the language in which the specification is drawn up) *Note:, patent applications published in this journal were classified according to the International Classification version that was in force when this journal was prepared. 118 - לחוק הפטנטים תשכ"ז26 הודעה לפי סעיף 1976 הבקשות שפרטיהן מתפרסמים להלן קובלו כל המעונין. לחוק הפטנטים17 לפי סעיף להתנגד למתן פטנט על פי בקשה מהבקשות תוך שלושה חדשים,המתפרסמות רשאי להגיש לרשם הפטנטים,מתאריך יומן זה לחוק30 הודעת התנגדות לפי סעיף ואילך57 הפטנטים בדרך הקבועה בתקנה .1968 – תשכ"ח,לתקנות הפטנטים פרטי הבקשות במידה ויישימים מובאים לפי :סדר זה מספר הבקשה שם האמצאה תאריך הבקשה מספר ותאריך של בקשות החוץ – מדינת האגוד *סיווג בינלאומי בקשה לפטנט מוסף בקשת חלוקה המבקש הממציא מס' פרסום של בקשה הבינלאומית מען למסירת מסמכים )תקציר האמצאה (בשפה בה ערוך הפירוט בקשות הפטנטים שפורסמו ביומן:**הערה זה סווגו בהתאם לגרסת הסיווג הבינלאומי שהייתה בתוקף בעת הכנת הבקשות .לפרסום October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א ]11[]21[ ]54[ APPARATUS AND METHOD FOR EXPANDING COMMUNICATION NETWORKS ]22[ ]51[ ]71[ 13.03.1997 Int. Cl.(2008.04) H04L 1/00 URIZEN NETWORK SYSTEMS LTD. SANFORD T.COLB & CO., P.O.B. 2273, REHOVOT 76122 ]74[ ]57[ 120449 התקן ושיטה להרחבת רשתות תקשורת אביב- תל,יוריזן בע"מ ,' קולב ושות.סנפורד ט מרמורק,4 שער הגיא רחובות2273 .ד. ת, A method for increasing the total capacity of a network, the network including a first plurality of communication edges interconnecting a second plurality of communication nodes, the first plurality of communication edges and the second plurality of communication nodes having corresponding first and second pluralities of capacity values respectively, said first and second pluralities of capacity values determining the total capacity of the network, the method comprising: expanding the capacity value of at least an individual communication edge from among said first plurality of communication edges, the individual edge connecting first and second communication nodes from among said second plurality of communication nodes, without expanding the capacity value of said first communication node; wherein the expanding step comprises reducing the capacity value of at least one additional communication edge connecting the first communication node and a third node, different from the second node. __________________ ]11[]21[ ]54[ ]22[ 119 COMPOSITIONS FOR TREATMENT OF ATTENTION DEFICIT DISORDER AND ATTENTION DEFICIT/HYPER ACTIVITY DISORDER WITH METHYLPHENIDATE 136760 תכשירים לטיפול בהפרעת חוסר קשב ובהפרעת יתר פעילות קשב באמצעות מתילפנידאט/חסר 14.12.1998 October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א ]31[ ]51[ ]71[ ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ 60/069510 ]32[ 15.12.1997 ]33[ US 09/163351 30.09.1998 US Int. Cl.(2009.01) A61K 09/06, 09/70, 31/435, A61P 25/00, C07D 213/00 NOVEN PHARMACEUTICALS, INC., U.S.A. WO/1999/030694 REINHOLD COHN AND PARTNERS, ,ריינהולד כהן ושותפיו 26A HABARZEL ST., 'א26 רחוב הברזל RAMAT HACHAYAL 69710 רמת החייל The invention relates to a method of treating Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) and Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and compositions for topical application of methylphenidate comprising methylphenidate in a flexible, finite system wherein the methylphenidate is present in an amount sufficient to achieve substantially zero order kinetics for delivery to the skin or mucosa of a patient in need thereof over a period of time at least 10 hours. The applications for division from this application have not yet been published ,204248 בקשות חלוקה מבקשה זו .שטרם פורסמו __________________ ]11[]21[ 139586 ]54[ 4 - SUBSTITUTED - PYRROLO [2,3-D] PYRIMIDINE DERIVATIVES AND PHARMACEUTICAL COMPOSITIONS CONTAINING THEM ]22[ ]31[ 14.06.1999 60/089866 ]32[ 19.06.1998 ]33[ US 60/104787 19.10.1998 US Int. Cl.(2009.01) A61K 31/395, 31/519, 45/06, A61P 01/00, 03/10, 05/00, 17/00, 25/00, 35/00, 37/06, C07D 487/04, 498/18, 519/00, C12P 17/18 PFIZER PRODUCTS, INC., U.S.A. WO/1999/065908 LUZZATTO & LUZZATTO, ,לוצאטו את לוצאטו INDUSTRIAL PARK, OMER, עומר,גן תעשייה P.O.B. 5352, באר שבע5352 .ד. ת, BEER-SHEVA 84152 ]51[ ]71[ ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ ] פירימידיןd–2,3[ תולדות פירולו ותכשירי רוקחות4 מותמרות בעמדה המכילים אותו A compound of formula (I) wherein R1, R2 and R3 are as defined in the description, and are inhibitors of the enzyme protein tyrosine kinases such as Janus Kinase (3) and as such are 120 October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א useful therapy as immunosuppressive agents for organ transplants, lupus, multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis, Type I diabetes and complications from diabetes, cancer, asthma, atopic dermatitis, autoimmune thyroid disorders, ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease, Alzheimer's disease, Leukemia and other autoimmune diseases. __________________ ]11[]21[ 141586 פפטידים ציקלים הנגזרים מפרוזפוסין והשימוש בהם ]54[ CYCLIC PROSAPOSIN-DERIVED PEPTIDES AND USES THEREOF ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ 20.08.1999 60/098359 ]32[ 28.08.1998 ]33[ US Int. Cl.(2009.01) A61K 38/12, 38/18, A61P 09/10, 25/00, 25/04, 25/16, 25/28, 27/02, 43/00, C07K 07/64, 14/475 MYELOS CORPORATION, U.S.A. WO/2000/012553 REINHOLD COHN AND PARTNERS, ,ריינהולד כהן ושותפיו 26A HABARZEL ST., 'א26 רחוב הברזל RAMAT HACHAYAL 69710 רמת החייל ]71[ ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ 121 Cyclic neurotrophic and analgesic peptides derived from the active region of prosaposin having the consensus sequence X1X2X3NNX4TX5X6X7X8 (SEQ ID NO:4), wherein X1 is a hydrophobic amino acid (leucine, isoleucine, valine, tyrosine, tryptophan, phenylalanine or methionine); X2 is a hydrophobic amino acid, X3 is aspartic acid, glutamic acid, lysine or arginine; N is asparagine, X4 is any amino acid; T is threonine; X5 is glutamic acid or aspartic acid; X6 is any amino acid, X7 is a hydrophobic amino acid; and X8 is a hydrophobic amino acid. The peptides are useful October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א in the promotion of neural outgrowth, prevention of cell death, promotion of myelination, treatment of neurodegenerative disorders and treatment and prevention of neuropathic pain. __________________ ]11[]21[ 142023 חיקוים לפפטיד דימרי של תרומבופואיטין הנקשרים לקולט ושיש להם פעילות תרומבופואיטיתMPI–ה ]54[ DIMERIC THROMBOPOIETIN PEPTIDE MIMETICS BINDING TO MPI RECEPTOR AND HAVING THROMBOPOIETIC ACTIVITY ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ 22.10.1999 60/105348 ]32[ 23.10.1998 ]33[ US Int. Cl.(2009.01) A61K 38/19, A61P 07/00, C07K 14/52, 19/00, C12N 01/15, 01/19, 01/21, 05/10, 15/19, 15/63, C12P 21/02 KIRIN-AMGEN INC., SWITZERLAND WO/2000/024770 SANFORD T.COLB & CO., ,' קולב ושות.סנפורד ט P.O.B. 2273, מרמורק,4 שער הגיא REHOVOT 76122 רחובות2273 .ד. ת, ]71[ ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ The invention relates to the field of compounds, especially peptides or polypeptides, that have thrombopoietic activity. The peptides and polypeptides of the invention may be used to increase platelets or platelet precursors (e.g., megakaryocytes) in a mammal. __________________ ]11[]21[ ]54[ 122 SUSTAINED RELEASE PHARMACEUTICAL COMPOSITION COMPRISING 5 [4 - [2- (N - METHYL - N - (2 PYRIDYL) AMINO) ETHOXY] 143088 2–4–5 תכשיר רוקחי בעל שחרור מושהה המכיל ]–פירידיל)אמינו)אתוקסיN–(2––מתילN( –דיון ושימוש בהכנת2,4–בנזיל] תיאזולידינ ומצבים הקשורים2 תרופה לטיפול בסוכרת סוג לסוכרת October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א BENZYL] THIAZOLIDINE - 2,4 DIONE AND USE THEREOF IN THE MANUFACTURE OF A MEDICAMENT FOR THE TREATMENT OF TYPE 2 DIABETES MELLITUS AND CONDITIONS ASSOCIATED WITH DIABETES MELLITUS ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]71[ ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ 12.11.1999 9824893.3 ]32[ 12.11.1998 ]33[ GB Int. Cl.(2009.01) A61K 09/22, 31/00, A61P 03/10 GLAXOSMITHKLINE LLC, U.S.A. WO/2000/027341 LUZZATTO & LUZZATTO, INDUSTRIAL PARK, OMER, P.O.B. 5352, BEER-SHEVA 84152 ,לוצאטו את לוצאטו עומר,גן תעשייה באר שבע5352 .ד. ת, A method for the treatment of Type 2 diabetes mellitus and conditions associated with diabetes mellitus, which method comprises the administration to a human or nonhuman mammal in need thereof, of an effective non-toxic amount of an insulin sensitiser so as to provide a plasma concentration of the insulin sensitiser of at least a threshold level (the 'Threshold Plasma Concentration') from within the range of effective plasma levels of the insulin sensitiser, compositions for use in such method and methodology for determining plasma concentrations of active agent use in such methods. __________________ ]11[]21[ 143346 ]54[ (AIB8,35) HGLP - 1 (7-36) NH2, AN ANALOGUE OF GLP-1 AND USES THEREOF ]22[ ]31[ 07.12.1999 09/206601 ]32[ 07.12.1998 ]33[ US 60/111255 07.12.1998 US Int. Cl.(2009.01) A61K 38/26, A61P 03/00, 03/04, 03/08, 03/10, 09/00, 19/10, 25/00, C07K 14/605 IPSEN PHARMA S.A.S., FRANCE WO/2000/034331 ]51[ ]71[ ]87[ 123 אנלוג, )NH (36–7)1 – hGLP (8,35 Aib 2 ושימושים שלוGLP–1 של October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א ]74[ ]57[ ,ריינהולד כהן ושותפיו 'א26 רחוב הברזל רמת החייל REINHOLD COHN AND PARTNERS, 26A HABARZEL ST., RAMAT HACHAYAL 69710 The present invention is directed to peptide analogues of glucagon-like peptide-1, the pharmaceutically-acceptable salts thereof, to methods of using such analogues to treat mammals and to pharmaceutical compositions useful therefor comprising said analogues. . ,187907 The applications for division from this application have not yet been published בקשות חלוקה מבקשה זו .שטרם פורסמו __________________ ]11[]21[ ]54[ PREPARATION OF CELLS AND ITS USE IN PREVENTION OF GRAFT REJECTION WITHOUT MYELOABLATION ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]71[ 23.12.1999 09/222011 ]32[ 31.12.1998 Int. Cl.(2009.01) A61K 35/28 BAXTER INTERNATIONAL INC., U.S.A. HADASIT MEDICAL RESEARCH SERVICES AND DEVELOPMENT LTD. WO/2000/040701 G.E. EHRLICH (1995) LTD., AYALON TOWER, 15TH FLOOR, 11 MENACHEM BEGIN ST., RAMAT GAN 52521 ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ 124 143485 תכשיר של תאים ושימושו במניעת דחיה של שתלים ללא סילוק מיאלוציטים ]33[ US ,הדסית שרותי מחקר רפואי ופתוח בע"מ ירושלים ,) בע"מ1995( ארליך.אי.ג'י 11 רחוב מנחם בגין, 15 קומה,מגדל איילון רמת גן The present invention features a method of inducing bilateral transplantation tolerance; host specific tolerance of the graft is especially considered. Tolerogenic treatments of the present invention may be administered to a host prior to transplantation of donorderived materials. The tolerogenic treatment involves (1) administering an immunosuppressive agent to a host mammal in a non-myeloablative regimen sufficient to decrease, but not necessarily to eliminate, the host mammal's functional T lymphocyte population; (2) infusing donor antigens from a non-syngeneic donor into the host mammal; (3) eliminating those host T lymphocytes responding to the infused October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א donor antigens using a non-myeloablative dose of lymphocytotoxic or tolerizing agent; and (4) administering donor hematopoietic cells to the host mammal. Donor lymphoid cells used for cell therapy of a host mammal can be depleted of host specific immunological reactivity by methods essentially similar to those used for tolerizing a host mammal prior to transplantation. __________________ ]11[]21[ 144424 , רשת תקשורת ניידת,שיטה לאספקת מידע ומסוף תקשורת נייד ]54[ INFORMATION PROVIDING METHOD, MOBILE COMMUNICATION NETWORK, AND MOBILE COMMUNICATION TERMINAL ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]71[ ]72[ ]87[ ]74[ 07.12.2000 350403/99 ]32[ 09.12.1999 ]33[ JP Int. Cl.(2009.01) G01S 05/02, G08G 01/09, H04Q 05/00, H04W 04/22 NTT DOCOMO, INC., JAPAN KOICHI OGASAWARA WO/2001/043323 JMB, FACTOR & CO. LTD., , פקטור אנד קו בע"מ,ג'יי אמ בי HAR HOTZVIM HI-TECH PARK, הר חוצבים,רחוב המרפא P.O.B. 45087, ירושלים45087 .ד. ת, JERUSALEM 91450 ]57[ 125 In a mobile communication network having multiple mobile communication terminals, base station control devices (22A, 22B) include memories (223A, 223B) in which position-related information on areas where subordinated base stations (21A to 21C, 21D to 21F) are located. An information signal representing the position-related information is always broadcasted through the base stations (21A to 21C, 21D to 21F). A mobile station (10) located in the radio cell of any one of the base stations (21A to 21F) receives and interprets the information signal, and displays the position related information represented by the information signal on a liquid crystal display. October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א __________________ ]11[]21[ 145361 מגן אצבעות ]54[ FINGER GUARD ]22[ ]51[ ]71[ 10.09.2001 Int. Cl.(2009.01) E06B 03/88 MATECHET KFAR-SABA SHAHARBANI BROS. (1980) LTD. ]74[ DEKEL PATENT LTD., 18 MENUHA VENAHALA ST REHOVOT 76209 ]57[ A finger guard (10) comprising: a flexible member (14) having two opposite edge portions (16, 18), said flexible member having a folded configuration and a spread configuration, the edge portion being convexly rounded, said flexible member having convexly rounded knuckles (15) at joints thereof; and a pair of attachment members (20, 22), one being securable to a door (24) and the other being securable to a door jamb )26(, each of said attachment members October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א 126 תעשיות מתכת כפר סבא האחים שהרבני סבא- כפר,) בע"מ1980( ,דוד קליין עו"פ דקל פטנט בע"מ בית הרופאים מנוחה 18 ונחלה רחובות comprising a concavely rounded receiving portion (28, 30) for pivotally receiving therein one of said edge portions of said flexible member, wherein said edge portions generally freely rotate in said receiving portions when said flexible member moves between said folded and spread configurations, wherein the convexly rounded knuckles and the convexly rounded edge portions have different diameters. __________________ ]11[]21[ ]54[ METHOD AND SYSTEM FOR NOTE TAKING ]22[ ]31[ 24.05.2000 PQ0559 ]32[ 25.05.1999 PQ1313 30.06.1999 Int. Cl.(2009.01) G06F 03/03 SILVERBROOK RESEARCH PTY. LTD., AUSTRALIA WO/2000/072125 REINHOLD COHN AND PARTNERS, 26A HABARZEL ST., RAMAT HACHAYAL 69710 ]51[ ]71[ ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ 127 146621 שיטה ומערכת לעיבוד הערות ]33[ AU AU ,ריינהולד כהן ושותפיו 'א26 רחוב הברזל רמת החייל A method and system for enabling handwritten note taking and retrieval, whereby a user is able to electronically capture, manage and search notes handwritten on paper by the user using one or more forms printed on paper and using a sensing device which senses coded data included in the printed forms. October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א The applications for division from this application have not yet been published ,203935 בקשות חלוקה מבקשה זו .שטרם פורסמו __________________ ]11[]21[ 148445 השימוש בלפטין להכנת תרופה לעיכוב של ריבוי תאים אנדותליים ]54[ USE OF LEPTIN IN THE PREPARATION OF A MEDICAMENT FOR INHIBITION OF ENDOTHELIAL CELL PROLIFERATION ]22[ ]31[ 04.09.2000 131739 ]32[ 05.09.1999 ]33[ IL 132312 10.10.1999 IL Int. Cl.(2009.01) A61K 38/22, C07K 14/00 YEDA RESEARCH AND רחובות,ידע חברה למחקר ופיתוח בע"מ DEVELOPMENT CO. LTD. MENACHEM RUBINSTEIN, DALIT BARKAN, BATYA COHEN WO/2001/018040 INTERLAB LTD., ,אינטר לאב בע"מ 18 HAKISHON ST. 18 הקישון YAVNE 81220 יבנה ]51[ ]71[ ]72[ ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ 128 Disclosed is the use of leptin, optionally together with VEGF inhibitors, in inhibition October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א of endothelial cell proliferation and modulation of angiogenesis. __________________ ]11[]21[ ]54[ METHODS AND COMPOSITIONS FOR DETECTING PATHOLOGICAL EVENTS ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]71[ 05.09.2000 99/11563 ]32[ 16.09.1999 Int. Cl.(2009.01) C12Q 01/68 EXONHIT THERAPEUTICS S.A., FRANCE WO/2001/020027 LUZZATTO & LUZZATTO, INDUSTRIAL PARK, OMER, P.O.B. 5352, BEER-SHEVA 84152 ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ 148613 שיטות והרכבים לגילוי מקרים פתולוגיים ]33[ FR ,לוצאטו את לוצאטו עומר,גן תעשייה באר שבע5352 .ד. ת, The invention concerns novel compositions and methods for detecting pathological events. More particularly, it concerns methods for detecting in vitro the presence of a pathology or a pathological event in a subject, which consists in taking a sample of the subject's blood cells and in determining the presence, in said sample, blood cells having a physiological condition characteristic of the pathology. The invention also concerns instruments, kits and compositions for implementing said methods, and their used in the field of human and animal health care, or in experimental research for example. __________________ ]11[]21[ ]54[ EARTH SCREW ANCHOR ASSEMBLY ]22[ ]51[ 129 24.03.2002 Int. Cl.(2009.01) E02D 05/80 148847 יתד ספירלית October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א ]71[ ]74[ ]57[ ELI TIAR אלי תייר NAOMI ASSIA & CO. LAW ,נעמי אסיא ושות' משרד עורכי דין OFFICES, רמת החייל32 רח' הברזל 32 HABARZEL ST. אביב-תל RAMAT HACHAYAL TEL AVIV 69710 A portable screw-type anchor device (10) comprising: (a) a primary elongated bar (12) having an above-ground portion (30) and a below-ground portion (32); an auger member (16) located on said below-ground portion, sad auger member adapted to facilitate rotational peretration of said below-ground portion into the earth about a longitudinal axis of said primary bar; (b) a secondary mooring element (18), wherein an upper end of said mooring element is attachable to an object (20, 22); and a lower end of said mooring element is fastened at an oblique angle to said below-ground portion of said elongated bar (a); wherein said lower end of secondary mooring element is fastened via a free-rotating axis (24) to said primary elongated bar (a); wherein in use, said auger member (16) is rotated to penetrate the earth, until a ready state is reached in which said auger member and said below-ground portion of the primary elongated bar, anchor said device in the earth; said free-rotating axis preventing rotation of said secondary mooring element during rotation of said primary elongated bar; in said ready state, the upper end of said secondary mooring element protrudes from the earth surface at an oblique angle and is attachable to an object; said oblique angle of said secondary mooring element aiding in preventing extraction of said anchor device by a pulling force generated by said object. __________________ 130 October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א ]11[]21[ ]54[ SYSTEMS AND METHODS FOR AUTHENTICATING AN ELECTRONIC MESSAGE ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]71[ 02.10.2000 60/157168 ]32[ 30.09.1999 Int. Cl.(2009.01) H04L 09/00 UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE, U.S.A. LEO J. CAMPBELL, JON L. COOK, CHARLES R. CHAMBERLAIN, MICHAEL J. MCGRATH, ISADORE SCHOEN WO/2001/024437 REINHOLD COHN AND PARTNERS, 26A HABARZEL ST., RAMAT HACHAYAL 69710 ]72[ ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ 148918 מערכות ושיטות לאימות מסר אלקטרוני ]33[ US ,ריינהולד כהן ושותפיו 'א26 רחוב הברזל רמת החייל Systems and methods are disclosed for authenticating electronic messages. A data structure is generated by a computer server which allows for the authentication of the contents and computer server identity of a received electronic message and provides a trusted stamp to authenticate when the message was sent. Data which can authenticate the message, the computer server identity, and the time the message was sent is included into a data structure which is called an Electronic PostMark (EPM). __________________ ]11[]21[ 149240 התקנים ושיטות לאיחסון ושיחרור חומר מצנרת ]54[ APPARATUS AND METHODS FOR STORAGE AND RELEASE OF MATERIAL FROM TUBING ]22[ ]31[ 20.10.2000 60/161130 ]32[ 22.10.1999 ]33[ 60/170051 10.12.1999 Int. Cl.(2009.01) A61L 29/00, A61M 25/00 BIOSYNERGETICS, INC., U.S.A. WO/2001/028606 WOLFF, BREGMAN AND GOLLER, ]51[ ]71[ ]87[ ]74[ 131 US US , ברגמן וגולר,וולף October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א ירושלים1352 .ד. ת, P.O.B. 1352, JERUSALEM 91013 ]57[ Apparatus and methods for delivery of a drug or compound (25) into a fluid flowing within a tube or catheter (20). In one embodiment a catheter includes an inner surface coated with a polymer matrix (55) such as a hydrogel. The hydrogel includes captured within it a therapeutic agent (65). The method of capture may be by various means, including photolabile bonds between the therapeutic agent (65) and the hydrogel (55). The therapeutic agent (65) is released from the hydrogel (55) by the application of energy to the hydrogel (55), such as by laser emitting wavelength (35) which resonates and breaks the photolabile bond. The released therapeutic agent (65) diffuses out of the hydrogel (55) into the liquid flowing within a lumen (60) of the catheter (20). __________________ ]11[]21[ ]54[ ]22[ ]31[ 132 METHOD OF ENHANCING EXPRESSION BY SUPPRESSING OF POST - TRANSCRIPTIONAL GENE SILENCING (PTGS), AND A METHOD OF INDENTIFYING A SUPPRESSOR OF GENE SILENCING 22.11.2000 9927609.9 ]32[ 22.11.1999 149388 שיטה להגברת ביטוי באמצעות דיכוי מנגנון בתר )ׂ ושיטהPTGS( – שעתוק להשתקת גנים לזיהוי מדכא למנגנון השתקת גנים ]33[ GB October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א ]51[ ]71[ ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ 0022960.9 19.09.2000 GB 0023668.7 27.09.2000 GB Int. Cl.(2009.01) A01H 01/00, 05/00, C12N 15/29, 15/82 PLANT BIOSCIENCE LIMITED, UNITED KINGDOM WO/2001/038512 REINHOLD COHN AND PARTNERS, 26A HABARZEL ST., RAMAT HACHAYAL 69710 ,ריינהולד כהן ושותפיו 'א26 רחוב הברזל רמת החייל Disclosed are a variety of methods for achieving enhanced expression from a target nucleotide sequence in a plant e.g. comprising the step of transiently introducing into a tissue of a plant (e.g. a leaf) a first nucleic acid comprising the target nucleotide sequence and a second nucleic acid encoding a Post Transcriptional Gene Silencing (PTGS) suppressor protein (preferably of viral or plant origin), wherein the first and second nucleic acids are comprised within a single binary vector, construct, or the first and second nucleic acid sequences are comprised within a first binary vector and a second binary vector construct respectively. The plant tissue may then be harvested for the protein. Such methods can give much higher levels of gene expression than are obtainable using stable transgenes, or certain replicating vectors. Also disclosed are specific PTGS suppressor proteins: potato virus X (pvx), p25 protein; african cassava mosaic virus (acmv) AC2 protein; rice yellow mottle virus (rymv) P1 protein; tomato bushy stunt virus (tbsv) 19K protein; plus variants of these. These suppressors may be used in any PTRS context, including the enhancement of transient expression systems. __________________ ]11[]21[ ]54[ PLANAR RAY IMAGING STEERED BEAM ARRAY (PRISBA) ANTENNA ]22[ ]51[ ]71[ 01.05.2002 Int. Cl.(2009.01) H01Q 01/00, 03/26 RAFAEL ADVANCED DEFENSE SYSTEMS LTD. ]74[ DR. MARK FRIEDMAN LTD., MOSHE AVIV TOWER, 54TH FLOOR, 7 JABOTINSKY ST., RAMAT GAN 52520 133 149431 מערך אנטנה לינארית עם ניתוב קרניים ,רפא"ל רשות לפיתוח אמצעי לחימה בע"מ חיפה ,ד"ר מרק פרידמן בע"מ 7 רח ז'בוטינסקי, 54. ק,מגדל משה אביב גן-רמת October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א ]57[ A ray-imaging, electronic beam-steering antenna (20) comprising: (a) at least one antenna segment (24), each said at least one antenna segment having at least one output and including a plurality of horizontally-polarized radiating columnarray elements (20) and an elevation beam-forming assembly (30), said plurality of radiating column-array elements disposed adjacently on a common line, and (b) an electrically conductive ground reflector plane (22) positioned perpendicular to said common line, said ground reflector plane allowing gain-enhanced, horizontalpolarization beam generation and steering in planes perpendicular to said ground reflector plane; wherein said elevation beam-forming assembly includes: (i) a microwave multiple beam network (50) having a first plurality of element ports (80) and a second plurality of beam ports (82), (ii) a set of two-way power dividers (26), each of said set having a pair of output ports, and incorporating an 180º phase shift between two ports of said pair of output ports, (iii) a set of two-way power combiners (26), each of said set having a pair of input ports, and incorporating an 180º phase shift between two ports of said pair of input ports, and (iv) a beam selection switching module (54)connected to said set of power combiners. __________________ 134 October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א ]11[]21[ 150438 שיטה למדידת שכבות דקות ]54[ METHOD OF THIN FILM MEASUREMENT ]22[ ]51[ ]71[ 26.06.2002 Int. Cl.(2009.01) G01B 11/28 NOVA MEASURING רחובות,נובה מכשירי מדידה בע"מ INSTRUMENTS LTD. NOVA MEASURING ,נובה מכשירי מדידה בע"מ INSTRUMENTS LTD., וייצמן פארק למדע WEIZMANN SCIENTIFIC PARK, רחובות266 .ד. ת, P.O.B 266, REHOVOT 76100 A method for use in controlling processing of a structure, the method comprising: providing first measured data including at least one of the following parameters: a thickness of at least one layer of the structure in at least selected sites of the structure prior to said processing of the structure, and a surface profile of the structure prior to said processing; applying spectral optical measurement to at least said selected sites in the structure after said processing and generating second measured data indicative of a spectral response of at least said selected sites of the processed structure; analyzing the second measured data using the first measured data, and outputting data comprising a thickness of at least one layer of the processed structure, said output data being indicative of the quality of said processing. ]74[ ]57[ __________________ ]11[]21[ 150935 ]54[ SELECTIVE KILLING OF CELLS EXPRESSING ∆ 2 - 7 EGFR BY ACTIVATION OF DOUBLESTRANDED RNA DEPENDENT PROTEIN KINASE-PKR ]22[ ]31[ 31.01.2001 60/179361 ]32[ 31.01.2000 ]33[ US 60/258010 22.12.2000 US Int. Cl.(2009.01) A61K 31/713, 38/21, 48/00, C12N 15/11 YISSUM RESEARCH יישום חברה לפיתוח המחקר של ]51[ ]71[ 135 EGFR 7 הריגה ברירתית של תאים המבטאים PKR – ∆ על ידי אקטיבציה של חלבון קינאזה2 דו גדיליRNA –התלוי ב October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א ]72[ ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ אלכסיי שיר,אלכסנדר לויצקי ,) בע"מ1995( ארליך.אי.ג'י 11 רחוב מנחם בגין, 15 קומה,מגדל איילון רמת גן Novel methods and compositions for selective killing of cells by activation of PKR are disclosed. In a preferred embodiment, a method is provided for causing cell death in a targeted population of cells that includes the steps of: selecting a nucleotide sequence at a single genetic locus in the targeted population that is absent from the equivalent locus in a population of non-targeted cells; obtaining one or more anti-sense RNA having sequence homology with the locus in the targeted population; permitting the anti-sense RNA to hybridize with an RNA transcribed from the locus in the targeted population so as to form a contiguous double stranded RNA for interacting with PKR. The activation of PKR gives rise to selective cell death in the targeted population. The applications for division 136 ,האוניברסיטה העברית בירושלים בע"מ ירושלים DEVELOPMENT COMPANY OF THE HEBREW UNIVERSITY OF JERUSALEM LTD. ALEXANDER LEVITZKI, ALEXEI SHIR WO/2001/057205 G.E. EHRLICH (1995) LTD., AYALON TOWER, 15TH FLOOR, 11 MENACHEM BEGIN ST., RAMAT GAN 52521 ,204416 בקשות חלוקה מבקשה זו October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א .שטרם פורסמו from this application have not yet been published __________________ ]11[]21[ 151860 קומפלקסים היסטוקומפטיביליים חד–גדיליים ופפטידים אנטיגנים המוכרים ע"י תא1 מסוג לימפוציטי ציטוטוקסי אחד וקונסטרוקטים המקודדים עבורם ושיטות ליצורם ]54[ PLURALITY OF MHC AND ANTIGENIC PEPTIDE COMPLEXES RECOGNIZABLE BY ONE CTL CLONE AND CONSTRUCTS ENCODING SAME AND METHODS OF GENERATING SAME ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]71[ 19.03.2001 09/534966 ]32[ 27.03.2000 ]33[ US Int. Cl.(2009.01) C07K 14/705, 14/74, C12N 15/62 TECHNION RESEARCH AND חיפה,מוסד הטכניון למחקר ופיתוח בע"מ DEVELOPMENT FOUNDATION LTD. YORAM REITER יורם רייטר WO/2001/072768 G.E. EHRLICH (1995) LTD., ,) בע"מ1995( ארליך.אי.ג'י AYALON TOWER, 15TH FLOOR, 11 רחוב מנחם בגין, 15 קומה,מגדל איילון 11 MENACHEM BEGIN ST., רמת גן RAMAT GAN 52521 ]72[ ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ Methods of generating a functional mammalian single chain MHC class I complex in prokaryotic expression systems and a functional human single chain MHC class I complex in eukaryotic or prokaryotic expression systems, which complexes are capable of presenting specific antigenic peptides restricted to specific CTL clones. ,204140 The applications for division from this application have not yet been published בקשות חלוקה מבקשה זו .שטרם פורסמו __________________ ]11[]21[ ]54[ 137 MULTIMEDIA PERSONALIZED CALL MANAGEMENT (MPCM) 151957 ניהול שיחות מולטימדיה אישי October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]71[ ]72[ ]74[ ]57[ 26.09.2002 09/968847 ]32[ 02.10.2001 ]33[ US Int. Cl.(2009.01) H04L 12/66, H04M 03/42 COMVERSE, INC., U.S.A. SESHADRI MOHAN, HAIPING LUO, ZHONGSU FU G.E. EHRLICH (1995) LTD., ,) בע"מ1995( ארליך.אי.ג'י AYALON TOWER, 15TH FLOOR, 11 רחוב מנחם בגין, 15 קומה,מגדל איילון 11 MENACHEM BEGIN ST., רמת גן RAMAT GAN 52521 A system (100) for managing a call, the system comprising: a database (126) operative to store data associated with subscribers; and a MPCM server (124) in communication with the database, having an interface for communicating over a network, and operative to: receive over the network first data related to a call sent by a calling party to a called party, in response to the first data related to the call, obtain, from the database, second data related to the call, wherein at least one of the first data related to the call, the second data related to the call, and a combination of the first and second data related to the call comprising multimedia data, and manage the call based at least in part on the multimedia data; wherein the MPCM server includes a session management module adapted to receive data related to the call from a user and operative to store session states and control call/session flow; and a provisioning unit adapted to receive provisioning data from the session management module and to communicate with the database, the provisioning unit operative to provide facilities for personal configuration, customization and call flow setup. __________________ 138 October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א ]11[]21[ 152957 –קרבוציקליות17 ,16 תרכובות סטרואידיות דחוסות בעלות פעילות אסטרוגנית ייחודית ]54[ 16, 17-CARBOCYCLIC CONDENSED STEROID COMPOUNDS HAVING SELECTIVE ESTROGENIC ACTIVITY ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]71[ 01.05.2001 00201986.7 ]32[ 06.06.2000 ]33[ EP Int. Cl.(2009.01) A61K 31/565, A61P 05/00, C07J 53/00 N.V. ORGANON, THE NETHERLANDS WO/2002/000682 REINHOLD COHN AND PARTNERS, 26A HABARZEL ST., RAMAT HACHAYAL 69710 ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ 139 ,ריינהולד כהן ושותפיו 'א26 רחוב הברזל רמת החייל The invention discloses a steroid compound having the formula (1), wherein dotted bonds represent optional double bonds; R6 is H, =CH2, or -CH3, or -CH2-CH3; R7 is H, C1-4-alkyl, C2-5 alkenyl or C2-5-alkynyl, wherein the alkyl, alkenyl or alkynyl group may be substituted with 1 to 3 halogen atoms independently chosen from the group of fluorine or chlorine atoms; R11 is H, C1-4-alkyl, C2-4-alkenyl, C2-4-alkynyl or C1-4-alkylidene, wherein the alkyl, alkenyl, alkynyl or alkylidene group may be substituted with 1 to 3 halogen atoms independently chosen from the group of fluorine or chlorine atoms; E represents together with carbon atoms 16 and 17 of the steroid skeleton a four to seven-membered ring, said ring being α and in cis-configuration with respect to the steroid skeleton, optionally comprising one or two endocyclic bonds; or a prodrug thereof. Such compounds can be used in therapy and for methods for selective modification of the activity of estrogen receptors. October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א __________________ ]11[]21[ ]54[ QS-21 AND IL-12 AS AN ADJUVANT COMBINATION ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]71[ 21.06.2001 60/213143 ]32[ 22.06.2000 Int. Cl.(2009.01) A61K 39/39 WYETH HOLDINGS CORPORATION, U.S.A. WO/2001/097841 LUZZATTO & LUZZATTO, INDUSTRIAL PARK, OMER, P.O.B. 5352, BEER-SHEVA 84152 ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ 153133 כתשלובת אדג'ובאנטIL –12– – וQS21 ]33[ US ,לוצאטו את לוצאטו עומר,גן תעשייה באר שבע5352 .ד. ת, Adjuvant compositions comprising an effective amount IL-12 and QS-21 are disclosed. Immunogenic, vaccine and pharmaceutical compositions comprising a mixture of antigen and an adjuvant composition comprising an effective amount of IL12 and QS-21 are also disclosed. These compositions elicit functional cell-mediated and humoral immune responses against at least one antigen. Methods of using the disclosed compositions are also disclosed. __________________ ]11[]21[ 140 153290 October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א ]54[ ASSEMBLY OF WILD-TYPE AND CHIMERIC INFLUENZA VIRUSLIKE PARTICLES (VLPS) ]22[ ]31[ 21.06.2001 60/213656 ]32[ 23.06.2000 ]33[ US 60/284411 17.04.2001 US Int. Cl.(2009.01) A61K 39/145, C07K 14/11, C12N 15/44, 15/62 WYETH HOLDINGS CORPORATION, U.S.A. WO/2002/000885 DR. SHLOMO COHEN & CO., ,'ד"ר שלמה כהן ושות 124 IBN GABIROL ST., 124 אבן גבירול P.O.B. 11490, תל אביב11490 .ד. ת, TEL AVIV 62038 ]51[ ]71[ ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ 141 שלVLPS(( הרכב של חלקיקים דמויי–וירוס שפעת מסוג בר ושפעת כימרית Influenza virus-like particles (VLPs) comprising the structural proteins HA, NA, M1 and M2 are described. VLPs are also generated containing M1 alone, as are VLPs with M1 and any one or two of HA, Na and M2. VLPs with HA from one influenza subtype and NA from a different influenza subtype are also described, as are VLPs in which a portion or all of HA or NA is replaced by a heterologous moiety not produced by influenza virus, so as to comprise chimeric VLPs. __________________ October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א ]11[]21[ 153779 קוטל,תולדות בנזואילפירידין או מלח שלה פטריות המכיל אותה כמרכיב פעיל ותהליך הפקתה ]54[ BENZOYLPYRIDINE DERIVATIVE OR ITS SALT, FUNGICIDE CONTAINING IT AS AN ACTIVE INGREDIENT AND ITS PRODUCTION PROCESS ]22[ ]31[ 05.07.2001 2000-203909 ]32[ 05.07.2000 ]33[ JP 2001-034182 09.02.2001 JP 2001-094222 28.03.2001 JP Int. Cl.(2009.01) A01N 43/40, C07D 213/26, 213/50, 213/69, 405/06 ISHIHARA SANGYO KAISHA LTD., JAPAN HISAYA NISHIDE, MUNEKAZU OGAWA, HIDEMASA KOMINAMI, KOJI HIGUCHI, AKIHIRO NISHIMURA WO/2002/002527 EITAN MEHULAL LAW GROUP, עורכי דין ועורכי,קבוצת איתן מהולל 10 ABBA EBEN BLVD., ,פטנטים P.O. B. 2081, 10 שדרות אבא אבן HERZLIYA 46120 הרצליה2081 .ד. ת, ]51[ ]71[ ]72[ ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ 142 The present invention relates to a fungicide containing a novel benzoylpyridine derivative or its salt. The present invention provides a fungicide containing a benzoylpyridine derivative represented by formula (I) or its salt: wherein X is a halogen atom, a nitro group, a substitutable alkoxy group, a substitutable aryloxy group, a substitutable cycloalkoxy group, a hydroxyl group, a substitutable hydrocarbon group, a substitutable alkylthio group, a cyano group, a carboxyl group which may be esterified or amidated, or a substitutable amino group; n is 1, 2, 3 or 4; R1 is a substitutable alkyl group; R2 is a substitutable alkyl group, a substitutable alkoxy group, a substitutable aryloxy group, a substitutable cycloalkoxy group or a hydroxyl group; and m is 1, 2, 3 or 4, provided that when m is at least 2, R2 may contain an oxygen atom to form a condensed ring. October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א __________________ ]11[]21[ 154304 הרכבים פעילים בעלי תכונות קוטלות חרקים וקוטלות אקריות ]54[ ACTIVE INGREDICENT COMBINATIONS WITH INSECTICIDAL AND ACARICIDAL PROPERTIES ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ 21.08.2001 10042736.7 ]32[ 31.08.2000 ]33[ DE Int. Cl.(2009.01) A01N 43/36, 43/38, 43/84, 47/10, 57/36, C07D 207/38, 209/54, 413/12, 487/04, C07F 09/28 BAYER CROPSCIENCE AG, GERMANY WO/2002/017715 REINHOLD COHN AND PARTNERS, ,ריינהולד כהן ושותפיו 26A HABARZEL ST., 'א26 רחוב הברזל RAMAT HACHAYAL 69710 רמת החייל ]71[ ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ 143 The invention relates to novel active ingredient combinations made from specific cyclic ketoenoles and the active ingredients cited in the description (1 - 43) exhibit very good insecticidal and acaricidal properties. October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א __________________ ]11[]21[ 154881 –שיטה לקביעת רגישות תאים להדבקה ב ודיאגנוזה של מחלה סרטניתREOVIRUS ]54[ METHOD FOR DETERMINING SUSCEPTIBILITY OF CELLS TO REOVIRUS INFECTION AND DIAGNOSING A PROLIFERATIVE DISEASE ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]71[ 26.10.2001 60/246728 ]32[ 09.11.2000 ]33[ US Int. Cl.(2009.01) A61K 35/76, 39/15, A61P 35/00, G01N 33/53, 33/574 ONCOLYTICS BIOTECH INC., CANADA WO/2002/039117 REINHOLD COHN AND PARTNERS, ,ריינהולד כהן ושותפיו 26A HABARZEL ST., 'א26 רחוב הברזל RAMAT HACHAYAL 69710 רמת החייל ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ The present invention relates to methods of identifying the susceptibility of cells to reovirus infection by measuring constituive ras-MAP signaling. The invention also pertains to methods using reovirus for the treatment of cellular proliferative disorders, and particularly cellular proliferative disorders wherein the proliferating cells exhibit constitutive MAPK phosphorylation, in mammals. In particular, the methods provide for reovirus treatment of mammals to treat proliferative disorders which include breast tumors, a subset of tumors in which mutation of the ras gene is not believed to play a significant role. __________________ ]11[]21[ ]54[ CONTROL OF A PERSONAL TRANSPORTER ]22[ ]31[ 11.10.2001 09/687757 09/687789 144 ]32[ 13.10.2000 13.10.2000 155390 שליטה על מוביל אישי ]33[ US US October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א ]51[ ]71[ ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ 09/687557 13.10.2000 09/739192 18.12.2000 Int. Cl.(2009.01) A63C 17/12, B62K 11/00 DEKA PRODUCTS LIMITED PARTNERSHIP, U.S.A. WO/2002/030730 DR. SHLOMO COHEN & CO., 124 IBN GABIROL ST., P.O.B. 11490, TEL AVIV 62038 US US ,'ד"ר שלמה כהן ושות 124 אבן גבירול תל אביב11490 .ד. ת, Methods for controlling a motorized balancing transporter that has two wheels in contact with the ground in normal operation. Upon detection of a fault condition, a control variable is adjusted at a specified increment in the direction of a goal value until the control variable equals the goal value. A user is afforded accelerated access to operation of the balancing transporter by first initializing a single-axis stabilizer, and, while intializing a 3-axis stabilizer, allowing operation of the transporter, and then completing initialization of the 3-axis stabilizer. Traction is maintained between wheels of a transporter and an underlying surface by comparing acceleration of a wheel with a specified pre-set value and incrementally reducing the torque applied to the wheel based on the existence of slip condition, with the slip condition cleared on the basis of a determined value of a dynamic characteristic of the wheel such as the inverse moment of inertia. The applications for division from this application have 145 ,187560 בקשות חלוקה מבקשה זו .שטרם פורסמו October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א not yet been published __________________ ]11[]21[ 156058 ]54[ ISOLATED HCV SELFREPLICATING POLYNUCLEOTIDE ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]71[ 20.12.2001 60/257857 ]32[ 22.12.2000 ]33[ US Int. Cl.(2009.01) C12N 05/10, 15/51, 15/63, 15/86, C12Q 01/68, C12R 01/91 BOEHRINGER INGELHEIM (CANADA) LTD., CANADA WO/2002/052015 REINHOLD COHN AND PARTNERS, ,ריינהולד כהן ושותפיו 26A HABARZEL ST., 'א26 רחוב הברזל RAMAT HACHAYAL 69710 רמת החייל ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ 146 C פולינוקלאוטיד מבודד מוירוס הפטיטיס המשתכפל בעצמו A unique HCV RNA molecule is provided having an enhanced efficiency of establishing cell culture replication. Novel adaptive mutations have been identified within the HCV non-structural region that improves the efficiency of establishing persistently replicating HCV RNA in cell culture. This self-replicating polynucleotide molecule contains, contrary to all previous reports, a 5'-NTR that can be either an A as an alternative to the G already disclosed and therefore provides an alternative to existing systems comprising a self-replicating HCV RNA molecule. The G-->A mutation gives rise to HCV RNA molecules that, in conjunction with mutations in the HCV non-structural region, such as the G(2042)C/R mutations, possess greater efficiency of transduction and/or replication. These RNA molecules when transfected in a cell line are useful for evaluating potential inhibitors of HCV replication. October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א __________________ ]11[]21[ 156096 נגזרות של חומצה מנדלית ]54[ MANDELIC ACID DERIVATIVES ]22[ ]31[ 30.11.2001 0004458-6 ]32[ 01.12.2000 ]33[ SE 0100965-3 19.03.2001 SE 0101239-2 06.04.2001 SE 0102921-4 30.08.2001 SE Int. Cl.(2009.01) A61K 31/397, A61P 07/02, C07D 205/04 ASTRAZENECA AB, SWEDEN TORD INGHARDT, ARNE SVENSSON, ANDERS JOHANSSON WO/2002/044145 S. HOROWITZ & CO., 31 AHAD HAAM STREET P.O. BOX 2499 TEL AVIV 65202 ]51[ ]71[ ]72[ ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ There is provided a compound of formula (I) wherein Ra, R1, R2, Y and R3 have meanings given in the description and pharmaceutically-acceptable derivatives (including prodrugs) thereof, which compounds and derivatives are useful as, or are useful as prodrugs of, competitive inhibitors of trypsin-like proteases, such as thrombin, and thus, in particular, in the treatment of conditions where inhibition of thrombin is required (e.g. thrombosis) or as anticoagulants. The applications for division from this application have not yet been published 147 ,' הורוביץ ושות.ש 31 רחוב אחד העם תל אביב2499 .ד. ת, ,203644 בקשות חלוקה מבקשה זו .שטרם פורסמו October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א __________________ ]11[]21[ 156275 שיטות ומתקן עבור עיבוד ברירתי של ביצים בעלי איפיון מזוהה ]54[ METHODS AND APPARATUS FOR SELECTIVELY PROCESSING EGGS HAVING IDENTIFIED CHARACTERISTICS ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]71[ ]87[ ]74[ 10.04.2002 60/284267 ]32[ 17.04.2001 ]33[ US Int. Cl.(2009.01) A01K 43/00, G01N 33/00, 33/08, 33/50 EMBREX, INC., U.S.A. WO/2002/083848 DR. YITZHAK HESS & PARTNERS, 279 HAYARKON ST., P.O.B. 6451, TEL AVIV 61063 ]57[ 148 ,ד"ר יצחק הס ושותפיו 279 רחוב הירקון תל אביב6451 .ד. ת, Methods and apparatus for processing eggs (1000) based upon a characteristic such as gender are provided. Material (2000) is extracted from each of a plurality of live eggs (1000), the extracted material (2000) is assayed to identify eggs (4000) having the characteristic, and then eggs (4000) identified as having the characteristic are processed accordingly. October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א __________________ ]11[]21[ 157130 תכשיר תרופתי המבוסס על קנבוס ]54[ CANNABIS BASED PHARMACEUTICAL FORMULATION ]22[ ]31[ 14.02.2002 0103638.3 ]32[ 14.02.2001 ]33[ GB 60/280044 30.03.2001 US 827158 05.04.2001 US 0111597.1 11.05.2001 GB 0121715.7 07.09.2001 GB 951022 12.09.2001 US Int. Cl.(2009.01) A61K 09/08, 09/107, 31/352, 31/353, 35/00, 36/18, 47/10, 47/14, 47/34, 47/36, 47/42, A61P 03/04, 09/00, 25/04, 25/06, 25/08, 29/00, 39/00 GW PHARMA LIMITED, UNITED KINGDOM WO/2002/064109 WOLFF, BREGMAN AND GOLLER, , ברגמן וגולר,וולף P.O.B. 1352, ירושלים1352 .ד. ת, JERUSALEM 91013 ]51[ ]71[ ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ 149 The invention relates to pharmaceutical formulations for use in the administration of lipophilic medicaments via mucosal surfaces. In particular the invention provides pharmaceutical formulations for use in administration of a lipophilic medicament via a mucosal surface which upon hydration form an emulsion containing the lipophilic medicament which is capable of adhering to a mucosal surface and allowing controlled release of the medicament. The invention further provides pharmaceutical formulations which contain, as active ingredients, specific combinations of cannabinoids in preOctober 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א defined ratios. __________________ ]11[]21[ ]54[ COMPOSITIONS COMPRISING LOW LEVELS OF ANTIBODIES FOR ALLEVIATING SYMPTOMS ASSOCIATED WITH DIABETES AND DIABETIC NEUROPATHY ]22[ ]31[ 13.12.2001 09/774770 ]32[ 31.01.2001 09/918343 30.07.2001 Int. Cl.(2009.01) A61K 39/395 MILKHAUS LABORATORY, INC., U.S.A. WO/2002/060478 SANFORD T.COLB & CO., P.O.B. 2273, REHOVOT 76122 ]51[ ]71[ ]87[ ]74[ 150 157164 הרכבים הכוללים רמות נמוכות של נוגדנים לשיכך תסמינים הקשורים עם סכרת ועם מחלת עצבים סוכרתית ]33[ US US ,' קולב ושות.סנפורד ט מרמורק,4 שער הגיא October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א רחובות2273 .ד. ת, ]57[ The invention provides methods and compositions for alleviating the symptoms of diabetes with a pharmaceutical composition including a combination of anti-glutamic acid decarboxylase (anti-GAD) and anti-insulin antibodies. __________________ ]11[]21[ 157333 שילובים המכילים נוגד שלשול ואפותילון או נגזרת של אפותילון ]54[ COMBINATIONS COMPRISING AN ANTIDIARRHEAL AGENT AND AN EPOTHILONE OR AN EPOTHILONE DERIVATIVE ]22[ ]31[ 18.03.2002 60/277153 ]32[ 19.03.2001 ]33[ US 60/277207 20.03.2001 US Int. Cl.(2009.01) A61K 31/425, 31/427, 31/445, 33/24, 38/31, A61P 35/00 NOVARTIS AG, SWITZERLAND WO/2002/074042 LUZZATTO & LUZZATTO, ,לוצאטו את לוצאטו INDUSTRIAL PARK, OMER, עומר,גן תעשייה P.O.B. 5352, באר שבע5352 .ד. ת, BEER-SHEVA 84152 ]51[ ]71[ ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ Epothilone derivatives are co-administered with an antidiarrheal agent, e.g., a DPP-IV inhibitor, in the treatment of a proliferative disease. __________________ ]11[]21[ 157335 קונסטרוקטים לנטיוויראליים לאריזה ]54[ LENTIVIRAL PACKAGING CONSTRUCTS ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ 13.03.2002 60/275275 ]32[ 13.03.2001 ]33[ US Int. Cl.(2009.01) C07K 14/16, C12N 05/10, 15/49, 15/867 151 October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א ]71[ ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ NOVARTIS AG, SWITZERLAND WO/2002/072851 REINHOLD COHN AND PARTNERS, 26A HABARZEL ST., RAMAT HACHAYAL 69710 ,ריינהולד כהן ושותפיו 'א26 רחוב הברזל רמת החייל The present invention provides novel lentiviral packaging constructs that are useful for the establishment of stable packaging cell lines and producer cell lines. In particular, the present invention provides novel packaging cell lines that are capable of constitutively expressing high levels of lentiviral proteins. . ,185142 The applications for division from this application have not yet been published בקשות חלוקה מבקשה זו .שטרם פורסמו __________________ ]11[]21[ 157414 תא, פלסמיד, חלבון,דנא המקודד לחלבון איחוי פונדקאי ותהליך להכנת חלבון איחוי ]54[ DNA CODING FOR A FUSION PROTEIN, PROTEIN OF INTEREST, PLASMID, HOST CELL AND PROCESS FOR THE PRODUCTION OF THE FUSION PROTEIN ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ 08.02.2002 10108212.6 ]32[ 20.02.2001 ]33[ DE Int. Cl.(2009.01) C07K 14/62, 14/815, 19/00, C12N 01/21, 15/62, 15/70, C12P 21/02, 21/06 SANOFI-AVENTIS DEUTSCHLAND GMBH, GERMANY WO/2002/068660 EITAN, PEARL, LATZER AND , לצר וכהן צדק, פרל,איתן COHEN ZEDEK, 7 רחוב שנקר P.O.B. 12688, הרצליה12688 .ד. ת, HERZLIYA 46733 ]71[ ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ 152 The invention relates to fusion proteins comprising a fusion part and a protein of interest, the combination of the two proteins leading to the fusion protein being secreted into the supernatant of a bacterial host and the protein of interest being present in its correct three-dimensional structure. October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א __________________ ]11[]21[ 157415 תהליך,פפטידים המופרשים באופן מוגבר לייצורים ושיפור מקביל של הצורה המופרשת של אחד או יותר פוליפפטידים אחרים ]54[ SUPERSECRETABLE PEPTIDES, PROCESSES FOR THEIR PRODUCTION AND PARALLEL IMPROVEMENT OF THE SECRETED FORM OF ONE OR MORE OTHER POLYPEPTIDES ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]71[ 08.02.2002 10108100.6 ]32[ 20.02.2001 ]33[ DE Int. Cl.(2009.01) C07K 14/815, 19/00, C12N 01/19, 15/62, 15/81, C12P 21/02 SANOFI-AVENTIS DEUTSCHLAND GMBH, GERMANY WO/2002/066628 EITAN, PEARL, LATZER AND , לצר וכהן צדק, פרל,איתן COHEN ZEDEK, 7 רחוב שנקר P.O.B. 12688, הרצליה12688 .ד. ת, HERZLIYA 46733 ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ 153 The invention relates to an expression cassette of the form Px-Sx-Bn-(ZR)-transport peptide-(Z1Z2)-protein(Y)-(Z1Z2)-protein (Ym)-T; wherein the expression cassette codes for a transport peptide linked via a sequence Z1Z2 to a second protein which in turn is linked via Z1Z2 to a protein Y1 which either corresponds to Y or can be different from Y and the transport peptide improves the rate of secretion and Y and/or Ym where Px is any promoter DNA sequence selected in such a way that optimal yields of the protein of interest become obtainable; Sx is any DNA which, accordingly, encodes any signal or leader sequence which allows optimal yields; Bn is 1-15 genetically encodable amino acids or a chemical bond; Z is the codon of an amino acid selected from the group comprising Lys and Arg; Z1 is the codon of an amino acid selected from the group comprising Lys and Arg; Z2 is the codon of an amino acid selected from the group comprising Lys and Arg; protein Ym is a DNA sequence encoding any protein which can be produced and secreted by yeast (m=1-5) or is a chemical bond (m=0); R is an arginine codon; transport peptide is a DNA sequence encoding a peptide which can be transported efficiently and which can pass membranes; protein Y is a DNA sequence encoding any protein which can be produced and secreted by yeast and whose biological activity, when Ym is not a chemical bond, is not impaired by a basic dipeptide extension or allows degradation of the extension by carboxypeptidases; T is an untranslated DNA sequence advantageous to the expression, and to processes for the production and use thereof. October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א __________________ ]11[]21[ ]54[ KIT FOR DELIVERY OF BIOCOMPATIBLE MATERIAL ]22[ ]31[ 08.02.2002 09/788930 ]32[ 20.02.2001 09/788943 20.02.2001 Int. Cl.(2009.01) A61B 17/56 ORTHOVITA, INC., U.S.A. WO/2002/065926 SANFORD T.COLB & CO., P.O.B. 2273, REHOVOT 76122 ]51[ ]71[ ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ 154 157486 ערכה למתן חומר התואם ביולוגית ]33[ US US ,' קולב ושות.סנפורד ט מרמורק,4 שער הגיא רחובות2273 .ד. ת, Novel delivery of restorative biocompatible material to intraosseous spaces (64) are provided comprising accessing a space (64), placing a first aliquot (62) of restorative material (46) into the space (64), and after a period of time sufficient for first aliquot (64) to set, placing a second aliquot (71) into the space (64) using kits comprising cannulae (10)for accessing an intraosseous space (64), mandarins (32) insertable into the cannulae (10) and movable therein, one or more catheters(13) and a system for the delivery of aliquots (70,71) of restorative compositions (46) into the space (64) via the catheters(13). October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א The applications for division from this application have not yet been published ,203779 בקשות חלוקה מבקשה זו .שטרם פורסמו __________________ ]11[]21[ 157551 ]54[ CCR5 ANTAGONISTS AND PHARMACEUTICAL COMPOSITIONS CONTAINING THE SAME FOR TREATING AIDS ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]71[ ]87[ ]74[ 27.03.2002 60/279938 ]32[ 29.03.2001 ]33[ US Int. Cl.(2009.01) A61K 31/395, A61P 31/00, C07D 401/14, 409/14 SCHERING CORPORATION, U.S.A. WO/2002/079194 DR. SHLOMO COHEN & CO., ,'ד"ר שלמה כהן ושות 124 IBN GABIROL ST., 124 אבן גבירול P.O.B. 11490, תל אביב11490 .ד. ת, TEL AVIV 62038 ]57[ 155 ותכשיריםCCR5–אנטיגוניסטים חדשים ל AIDS–רוקחיים המכילים אותם לטיפול ב Compounds of the formula (I) or a pharmaceutically acceptable salt or isomer thereof, wherein: Q, X and Z are CH or N; R, R4-R7 and R13 are H or alkyl; R1 is H, alkyl, fluoroalkyl, R9-arylalkyl, R9-heteroarylalkyl, alkyl-SO2-, cycloalkyl-SO2-, fluoroalkyl-SO2-, R9-aryl-SO2-, R9-heteroaryl-SO2-, N(R22)(R23)-SO2-, alkyl-C(O), cycloalkyl-C(O)-, fluoroalkyl-C(O)-, R9-aryl-C(O)-, NH-alkyl-C(O)- or R9-aryl-NHC(O)-; R2 is H and R3 is H, alkyl, alkoxyalkyl, cycloalkyl, cycloalkylalkyl, R9-aryl, R9-arylalkyl, R9-heteroaryl, or R9-heteroarylalkyl, and when X and Z are each CH, R3 is alkoxy, R9-aryloxy, R9-heteroaryloxy, alkylC(O)O-, alkylaminoC(O)O-, alkylC(O)NR13-, alkylOC(O)NR13- or alkylaminoC(O)NR13-; or R2 and R3 together are = O, = NOR10, = N-NR11R12 or = CH-alkyl; R8 is substituted phenyl, substituted heteroaryl, naphthyl, fluorenyl, diphenymethyl, alpha-substituted benzyl or alphaOctober 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א substituted heteroarylmethyl; R9-R12 are as defined; are disclosed for the treatment of HIV, solid organ transplant rejection, graft v. host disease, inflammatory diseases, atopic dermatitis, asthma, allergies or multiple sclerosis, as well as pharmaceutical compositions and combinations with antiviral or anti-inflammatory agents. __________________ ]11[]21[ 157860 הרכב,9,7 תרכובות טטרציקלין מותמרות פרמצטי ואריזה מסחרית הכוללים את התרכובות ושימוש בתרכובות להכנת תרופה לטיפול במצב שמגיב לתרכובות טטרציקלין ]54[ 7,9-SUBSTITUTED TETRACYCLINE COMPOUNDS, PHARMACEUTICAL COMPOSITIONS AND COMMERCIAL PACKAGES COMPRISING SAID COMPOUNDS AND USE OF SAID COMPOUNDS IN THE PREPARATION OF A MEDICAMENT FOR TREATING A TETRACYCLINE RESPONSIVE STATE ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ 29.06.2001 60/275620 ]32[ 13.03.2001 ]33[ US Int. Cl.(2009.01) A61K 31/65, 31/66, 31/695, A61P 31/04, C07C 235/84, 237/48, 247/16, 251/24, 255/44, 309/38, 311/16, 317/14, 323/22, 327/24, C07D 209/48, 213/82, 215/14, 221/18, 307/24, 311/78, 317/60, 335/04, 403/10, 407/10, C07F 07/10, 09/30, 09/38 PARATEK PHARMACEUTICALS, INC., U.S.A. WO/2002/072532 SANFORD T.COLB & CO., ,' קולב ושות.סנפורד ט P.O.B. 2273, מרמורק,4 שער הגיא REHOVOT 76122 רחובות2273 .ד. ת, ]71[ ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ 156 The present invention pertains to novel 7,9-substituted tetracycline compounds. These tetracycline compounds can be used to treat numerous tetracycline compoundresponsive states, such as bacterial infections and neoplasms, as well as other known applications for minocycline compounds in general, such as blocking tetracycline efflux and modulation of gene expression. October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א ,203884 The applications for division from this application have not yet been published בקשות חלוקה מבקשה זו .שטרם פורסמו __________________ ]11[]21[ ]54[ DISSOLVABLE THRUST VECTOR CONTROL VANE FOR A MISSILE ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]71[ ]87[ ]74[ 13.03.2002 804897 ]32[ 13.03.2001 Int. Cl.(2009.01) F42B 10/66 RAYTHEON COMPANY, U.S.A. WO/2002/073118 SANFORD T.COLB & CO., P.O.B. 2273, REHOVOT 76122 ]57[ 157 157861 שבשבת בקרה של ווקטור דחיפה הניתנת להמסה עבור טיל ]33[ US ,' קולב ושות.סנפורד ט מרמורק,4 שער הגיא רחובות2273 .ד. ת, A dissolvable jet vane (22/30) is a composite structure, having a support frame (38), a plug leading edge (40) connected to the forward edge (42) of the frame (38), and an insulation layer (44) on the side walls of the support frame (38). The dissolvable jet vane materials withstand the pressure and thermal loads associated with missile steering during the first few seconds of rocket boost until the missile attains sufficient speed to use conventional external aerodynamic control fins for steering control. Once control passes to the external fins, the jet vanes rapidly and uniformly dissolve in the exhaust stream. The dissolvable jet vane provides a lightweight, reliable means of removing steering jet vanes from the exhaust stream of a solid rocket motor nozzle. October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א __________________ ]11[]21[ 158189 תוכנה ושיטה לסריקת מטענים מרחוק,מערכת ]54[ REMOTE BAGGAGE SCREENING SYSTEM, SOFTWARE AND METHOD ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]71[ 03.04.2002 60/281068 ]32[ 03.04.2001 ]33[ US Int. Cl.(2009.01) G01N 09/00, G01T 01/38, G01V 05/00, G06K 17/00, G06N 05/00 L-3 COMMUNICATIONS SECURITY & DETECTION SYSTEMS, U.S.A. WO/2002/082372 SANFORD T.COLB & CO., ,' קולב ושות.סנפורד ט P.O.B. 2273, מרמורק,4 שער הגיא REHOVOT 76122 רחובות2273 .ד. ת, ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ 158 A method of advance baggage screening (104, 106) includes steps of transmitting a threat file (532) corresponding to an item under inspection to a processing center, analyzing the treat file according to a detection algorithm (530) at the processing center to determine a screening result for the item under inspection, and transmitting the screening result to a remotely located operator interface for access by an operator October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א __________________ ]11[]21[ ]54[ SYSTEM FOR NAVIGATING AND MANEUVERING OF AN IN VIVO VEHICLE BY EXTRACORPOREAL DEVICES ]22[ ]31[ 08.04.2002 142682 ]32[ 18.04.2001 60/331559 19.11.2001 Int. Cl.(2009.01) A61B 19/00 BBMS LTD. ALEX HAREL, EHUD KATZNELSON, UZI DAN, ZVI RAVIV WO/2002/082979 G.E. EHRLICH (1995) LTD., AYALON TOWER, 15TH FLOOR, 11 MENACHEM BEGIN ST., RAMAT GAN 52521 ]51[ ]71[ ]72[ ]87[ ]74[ 159 158243 מערכת לניווט וניהוג של נשא בתוך הגוף על ידי מכשירים חוץ גופיים ]33[ IL US סביון, בע"מ.אס.אם.בי.בי צבי, עוזי דן, אהוד כצנלסון,אלכס הראל רביב ,) בע"מ1995( ארליך.אי.ג'י 11 רחוב מנחם בגין, 15 קומה,מגדל איילון רמת גן October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א ]57[ A device for mobilizing, rotating and maneuvering an in vivo vehicle introduced into a subject by extracorporeal devices which control the position and motion of such a vehicle by detection and modulation of the strength and direction of the electromagnetic field vector of the vehicle. This invention employs a series of pulses, with specific characteristics over time, to induce magnetic field changes. The changes that result from the vehicle movement are measured and used to calculate the location and movement of the vehicle. A system and method for controlling the movement of the vehicle are also provided. __________________ ]11[]21[ 158383 שימוש בדסאוקסיפגאנין להכנת תרופה לטיפול בסימפטומים של מערכת העצבים הנגרמים מהרעלה על ידי פסיכוטרופים ]54[ USE OF DESOXYPEGANINE FOR THE MANUFACTURE OF A MEDICAMENT FOR TREATING CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM SYMPTOMS RESULTING FROM INTOXICATIONS BY PSYCHOTROPS ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]71[ 18.04.2002 10119863.9 ]32[ 24.04.2001 ]33[ DE Int. Cl.(2009.01) A61K 31/505, A61P 25/32, C07D 487/04 HF ARZNEIMITTELFORSCHUNG GMBH, GERMANY 160 October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ WO/2002/087553 LUZZATTO & LUZZATTO, INDUSTRIAL PARK, OMER, P.O.B. 5352, BEER-SHEVA 84152 ,לוצאטו את לוצאטו עומר,גן תעשייה באר שבע5352 .ד. ת, The invention relates to the use of desoxypeganine, as a free base or as an acid addition salt, for treating cerebral, central nervous or psychiatric symptoms, deficiencies or disorders, which occur following absorption of psychotropic substances, resulting from occasional or chronic abuse of drug, narcotic or medicine, from side effects of normal use according to prescription, especially repeated or continued use of medicines, or from the effect of use not according to prescription, especially repeated or continued use of medicines, or resulting from acute intoxication by toxic psychotropic substances or from chronic influence of toxic psychotropic substances in humans or other vertebrate animals. __________________ ]11[]21[ 158588 ]54[ COMPOUND 3 - {(3R, 4R) - 4 METHYL - 3 - [METHYL - (7H PYRROLO [2, 3 - D] PYRIMIDIN - 4 - YL) - AMINO] - PIPERIDIN - 1 YL} - 3 - OXO - PROPIONITRILE OR A PHARMACEUTICALLY ACCEPTABLE SALT THEREOF, PHARMACEUTICAL COMPOSITONS COMPRISING IT, AND USE THEREOF IN THE PREPARATION OF MEDICAMENTS ]22[ ]31[ 29.05.2002 60/294775 ]32[ 31.05.2001 ]33[ US 60/341048 06.12.2001 US Int. Cl.(2009.01) A61K 31/505, A61P 37/06, C07D 487/04 PFIZER PRODUCTS, INC., U.S.A. WO/2002/096909 LUZZATTO & LUZZATTO, INDUSTRIAL PARK, OMER, P.O.B. 5352, BEER-SHEVA 84152 ]51[ ]71[ ]87[ ]74[ 161 – – [מתיל3 – מתילR, 4R) – 43({ – 3 תרכובת – ) – יל4 – ] פירמידינD – 3 ,2[ – פירולוH7( – – אוקסו3 – }– 1 – אמינו] – פיפרידינ פרופיאוניטריל או מלחים רפואיים מקובלים תכשירים רפואיים המכילים אותה,שלה ושימושה בהכנתה תרופות ,לוצאטו את לוצאטו עומר,גן תעשייה באר שבע5352 .ד. ת, October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א ]57[ A method for resolving enantiomers of a compound containing the structure of the formula (I): wherein R4 or R5 may contain one or more asymmetric centers, by mixing a racemic mixture of enantiomers of a compound, containing the structure of said formula; in a solvent, with a resolving compound having a defined stereospecificity, to form a solution and with said resolving agent being capable of binding with at least one but not all of said enantiomers to form a precipitate, containing said at least one of said enantiomers in stereospecific form and collecting either the precipitate and purifying it or collecting the solution with contained other of said enantiomers and recrystalizing the enantiomer contained in said solution. __________________ ]11[]21[ 158618 פולינוקליאוטידים לאיפנון תפקוד קרדיאלי ופעילות חשמלי ]54[ POLYNUCLEOTIDES FOR MODULATION OF CARDIAC FUNCTION AND ELECTRICAL ACTIVITY ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ 29.04.2002 60/287088 ]32[ 27.04.2001 ]33[ US Int. Cl.(2009.01) A61K 38/02, 38/17, 48/00, A61P 09/06, C07H 21/00, C07K 14/705, C12N 15/09, C12Q 01/68 JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY, U.S.A. WO/2002/087419 SANFORD T.COLB & CO., ,' קולב ושות.סנפורד ט P.O.B. 2273, מרמורק,4 שער הגיא REHOVOT 76122 רחובות2273 .ד. ת, ]71[ ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ Disclosed are methods and systems for modulating electrical behavior of cardiac cells. Preferred methods include administering a polynucleotide or cell-based composition that can modulate cardiac contraction to desired levels, i.e., the administered composition functions as a biological pacemaker. __________________ 162 October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א ]11[]21[ 158984 שימוש בירוקת בסינון בעל תפוקה גבוהה ]54[ USE OF DUCKWEED IN HIGH THROUGHPUT SCREENING ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]71[ 30.05.2002 60/294351 ]32[ 30.05.2001 ]33[ US Int. Cl.(2009.01) A01H 01/00, 05/00, C12N 15/82, G01N 33/68 BIOLEX THERAPEUTICS, INC., U.S.A. WO/2002/097433 SANFORD T.COLB & CO., ,' קולב ושות.סנפורד ט P.O.B. 2273, מרמורק,4 שער הגיא REHOVOT 76122 רחובות2273 .ד. ת, ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ Methods for high-throughput screening in duckweed are disclosed. In one aspect, these methods are used to identify nucleotide sequences encoding polypeptides of interest. In another aspect, these methods are used to identify nucleotide sequences that modulate the expression of a target nucleotide sequence. The methods combine the predictive benefits of screening in whole plants with the speed and efficiency of a high throughput system. __________________ ]11[]21[ 159067 ]54[ USE OF 1 A ,24 (S) DIHYDROXYVITAMIN D2 IN THE MANUFACTURE OF A MEDICAMENT FOR THE TREATMENT OF HYPERPROLIFERATION AND A PHARMACEUTICAL COMPOSITION COMPRISING 1A , 24(S) - DIHYDROXYVITAMIN D2 ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]71[ 26.06.2002 891963 ]32[ 26.06.2001 ]33[ US Int. Cl.(2009.01) A61K 31/592, A61P 35/00, C07C 401/00 BONE CARE INTERNATIONAL, INC., U.S.A. WO/2003/002110 ]87[ 163 – דיהידרוקסיוויטמיןa 1,(S) 24 –שימוש ב לייצור תרופות לטיפול בשגשוג יתר ותכשירD2 – a 1,(S) 24 רוקחי המכיל D2 דיהידארוקסיוויטיין October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א ]74[ ]57[ ,ריינהולד כהן ושותפיו 'א26 רחוב הברזל רמת החייל REINHOLD COHN AND PARTNERS, 26A HABARZEL ST., RAMAT HACHAYAL 69710 A method of inhibiting the hyperproliferation of malignant or neoplastic cells, comprising treating the cells with an antiproliferative amount of 1-alpha, 24(S)dihydroxyvitamin D2. The method also includes the co-administration of cyotoxic agents with the 1-alpha, 24(S)-dihydroxyvitamin D2. The figure illustrates the preparative steps for the synthesis of 24-hydroxyvitamin D2. __________________ ]11[]21[ ]54[ 164 PHENYLACETAMIDO-THIAZOLE DERIVATIVES, PROCESS FOR THEIR PREPARATION AND THEIR USE IN THE MANUFACTURE OF MEDICAMENTS AND PHARMACEUTICAL COMPOSITIONS AND KITS COMPRISING THEM 159570 תהליך להכנתן,נגזרות פנילאצטמידו–תיאזולי ושימושם להכנת תרופות ותכשירים רוקחיים וערכות המכילות אותן October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]71[ ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ 02.07.2002 907947 ]32[ 19.07.2001 ]33[ US 60/357642 20.02.2002 US Int. Cl.(2009.01) A61K 31/427, A61P 25/28, 31/12, 35/00, 37/00, 43/00, C07D 277/44, 417/12 PFIZER ITALIA S.R.L., ITALY WO/2003/008365 REINHOLD COHN AND PARTNERS, ,ריינהולד כהן ושותפיו 26A HABARZEL ST., 'א26 רחוב הברזל RAMAT HACHAYAL 69710 רמת החייל Compounds represented by formula (I), as defined in the description, wherein R is a hydrogen atom or a methyl group and R1 is a group as defined in the specification, or a pharmaceutically acceptable salt thereof, are disclosed; the said compounds are useful in the treatment of cell proliferative disorders, e.g. cancer, associated with an altered cell cycle dependent kinase activity. The applications for division from this application have not yet been published ,204947 בקשות חלוקה מבקשה זו .שטרם פורסמו __________________ ]11[]21[ ]54[ THERMOELECTRIC MODULE WITH THIN FILM SUBSTRATES ]22[ ]31[ 16.04.2002 60/304898 ]32[ 12.07.2001 09/998090 29.11.2001 Int. Cl.(2009.01) H01L 35/32 FERROTEC (USA) CORPORATION, U.S.A. ROBERT W. OTEY WO/2003/007391 DR. MARK FRIEDMAN LTD., MOSHE AVIV TOWER, 54TH FLOOR, 7 JABOTINSKY ST., RAMAT GAN 52520 ]51[ ]71[ ]72[ ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ 165 159707 מודול תרמו–חשמלי עם מצעים בעלי שכבה דקה ]33[ US US ,ד"ר מרק פרידמן בע"מ 7 רח ז'בוטינסקי, 54. ק,מגדל משה אביב גן-רמת A flexible thermoelectric module having a pair of flexible substrates, a plurality of October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א electrically conductive contacts on one side of each of the flexible substrates, and a plurality of P-type and N-type thermoelectric elements electrically connected between opposing sides of the pair of flexible substrates having the plurality of conductive contacts where the plurality of conductive contacts connect adjacdnt P-type and N-type elements to each other in series and where each of the P-type and N-type elements has a first end connected to one of the plurality of conductive contacts of one of the substrates and a second end connected to one of the plurality of electrical contacts of the other of the substrates. __________________ ]11[]21[ 159996 ]54[ PHARMACEUTICAL COMPOSITIONS COMPRISING EP4 AGONIST FOR TREATMENT OF DISEASES ASSOCIATED WITH BONE MASS LOSS, AND SOME SUCH NOVEL COMPOUNDS ]22[ ]31[ 22.07.2002 2001-222148 ]32[ 23.07.2001 ]33[ JP 2001-239895 07.08.2001 JP 2002-56449 01.03.2002 JP Int. Cl.(2009.01) A61K 31/5575, 31/559, 45/06, A61P 19/08, 19/10, C07C 405/00, C07D 207/22, 207/26, 263/24, 277/12, 401/10, 403/12, 405/12, 409/12, 413/06, ]51[ 166 לטיפולEP4 תכשירי רוקחות הכוללים אגוניסט ,במחלות הקשורות לאיבוד מסה של עצם ותרכובות חדשות כנ''ל October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א ]71[ ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ 417/00, C07K 05/06 ONO PHARMACEUTICAL CO., LTD., JAPAN WO/2003/009872 REINHOLD COHN AND PARTNERS, 26A HABARZEL ST., RAMAT HACHAYAL 69710 ,ריינהולד כהן ושותפיו 'א26 רחוב הברזל רמת החייל Drugs for topical administration which contain an EP 4 agonist as the active ingredient for preventing and/or treating diseases in association with bone mass loss. EP4 agonists typified by compounds with the prostaglandin skeleton have an effect of promoting osteogenesis. Thus, topical administration thereof is highly useful in preventing and/or treating diseases in association with bone mass loss (for example, bone diseases such as primary osteoporosis, secondary osteoporosis, bone metastasis of cancer, hypercalcemia, Behcet’s disease, bone loss and bone necrosis, postoperative osteogenesis, alternative therapy for bone transplantation). __________________ ]11[]21[ 160080 מונה רצפים עבור זרם אודיו ויזואלי ]54[ SEQUENCE COUNTER FOR AN AUDIO VISUAL STREAM ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]71[ 28.06.2002 60/316373 ]32[ 31.08.2001 ]33[ US Int. Cl.(2009.01) G11B 20/10, H04N 05/91, 05/913, 07/16 THOMSON LICENSING S.A., FRANCE WO/2003/021959 REINHOLD COHN AND PARTNERS, 26A HABARZEL ST., RAMAT HACHAYAL 69710 ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ 167 ,ריינהולד כהן ושותפיו 'א26 רחוב הברזל רמת החייל A conditional access system and method including a first source device and a first sink device coupled to the first source device, wherein the source device includes a module for generating sequence counter values and appending the values to content transmitted from the source device to the sink device. October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א __________________ ]11[]21[ ]54[ FLOW-DIRECTED CATHETER GUIDE WITH VARIABLE RIGIDITY SHAFT ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]71[ ]87[ ]74[ 31.07.2002 60/309268 ]32[ 31.07.2001 Int. Cl.(2009.01) A61M 25/00 AMIR BELSON, U.S.A. WO/2003/047675 REINHOLD COHN AND PARTNERS, 26A HABARZEL ST., RAMAT HACHAYAL 69710 ]57[ 168 160137 צנתר מדריך מונחה זרם המכיל מוט בעל קשיחות משתנה ]33[ US ,ריינהולד כהן ושותפיו 'א26 רחוב הברזל רמת החייל A flow-directed catheter guide includes a selectively deployable flow-directed member and a variable rigidity shaft. The variable rigidity shaft can be selectively changed between a flexible state and a rigid state. The flow-directed member can be deployed to direct the distal end of the catheter guide downstream following the blood flow in the vessel. October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א __________________ ]11[]21[ 160219 תכרישי רוקחות,תרכובות בנזאמיד תהליך להכנתן,המכילים אותן והשימוש בהן להכנת תרופות וכתרופות לטיפול או למניעה של מחלות או מצבים GLK המתווכים על ידי ]54[ BENZAMIDE COMPOUNDS, PHARMACEUTICAL COMPOSITIONS COMPRISING THEM, PROCDESS FOR THEIR PREPARATION AND USE THEREOF IN THE PREPARATION OF MEDICAMENTS AND AS MEDICAMENTS FOR THE TREATMENT OR PREVENTION OF DISEASES OR CONDITIONS MEDIATED THROUGH GLK ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ 15.08.2002 0102764-8 ]32[ 17.08.2001 ]33[ SE Int. Cl.(2009.01) A61K 31/34, 31/41, 31/425, 31/435, C07D 213/72, 233/48, 285/12, 307/66, 417/12 ASTRAZENECA AB, SWEDEN RODNEY BRIAN HARGREAVES, CRAIG JOHNSTONE, MICHAEL HOWARD BLOCK, CLIFFORD DAVID JONES, DARREN MCKERRECHER, PETER WILLIAM RODNEY CAULKETT, SCOTT BOYD, SUZANNE SAXON BOWKER, ROGER JAMES WO/2003/015774 S. HOROWITZ & CO., ,' הורוביץ ושות.ש 31 AHAD HAAM STREET 31 רחוב אחד העם P.O. BOX 2499 תל אביב2499 .ד. ת, TEL AVIV 65202 ]71[ ]72[ ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ 169 The invention relates to the use of a compound of Formula (I) or a salt, solvate or prodrug thereof, wherein R1, R2, R3, n and m are as described in the specification, in the preparation of a medicament for the treatment or prevention of a disease condition mediated through glucokinase (GLK), such as type 2 diabetes. The invention also relates to a novel group of compounds of Formula (I) and to methods for preparing compounds of Formula (I). October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א ,203923 The applications for division from this application have not yet been published בקשות חלוקה מבקשה זו שטרם .פורסמו __________________ ]11[]21[ 160382 ––פירידיל4 שילובים של סוכן אנטיאנגיואגני או/מתיל–פתאלאזינים ותרכובת פלטינום ו תכשירים,אנטימטבוליט אנטיניאופלסטי רפואיים המכילים אותם ושימושם להכנת תרופות לטיפול במחלות פרוליפרטיביות ]54[ COMBINATIONS OF A 4PYRIDYLMETHYLPHTHALAZINE ANTIANGIOGENIC AGENT AND A PLATINUM COMPOUND AND/OR AN ANTINEOPLASTIC ANTIMETABOLITE, PHARMACEUTICAL COMPOSITIONS COMPRISING THEM AND USE THEREOF FOR THE PREPARATION OF MEDICAMENTS FOR THE TREATMENT OF PROLIFERATIVE DISEASES ]22[ ]31[ 11.09.2002 60/331025 ]32[ 12.09.2001 ]33[ US 60/318694 12.09.2001 US 60/322044 14.09.2001 US 60/388163 12.06.2002 US Int. Cl.(2009.01) A61K 31/495, 31/4985, 31/555, 45/06, A61P 35/00, C07D 239/22, 401/06, 405/04, 475/08, C07F 17/00 NOVARTIS AG, SWITZERLAND WO/2003/022282 LUZZATTO & LUZZATTO, ,לוצאטו את לוצאטו INDUSTRIAL PARK, OMER, עומר,גן תעשייה P.O.B. 5352, באר שבע5352 .ד. ת, BEER-SHEVA 84152 ]51[ ]71[ ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ Patients suffering from renal carcinoma are treated with a 4-pyridylmethyl-phthalazine anti-angiogenesis agents. Patients having different tumor types, e.g. renal cancer, are treated with a 4-pyridylmethyl-phthalazine anti-angiogenesis agent while undergoing chemotherapy. __________________ 170 October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א ]11[]21[ 160492 תרכובת פוטוראקטיבית המתקשרת ספציפית לחלבונים קושרי סידן ]54[ PHOTOREACTIVE COMPOUND SPECIFICALLY BINDING TO CALCIUM BINDING PROTEINS ]22[ ]51[ ]71[ 19.02.2004 Int. Cl.(2009.01) A61K 51/00, G01N 33/68 VARDA SHOSHAN-BARMATZ ADRIAN ISRAELSON ]72[ VARDA SHOSHAN-BARMATZ, ADRIAN ISRAELSON LUZZATTO & LUZZATTO, ,לוצאטו את לוצאטו INDUSTRIAL PARK, OMER, עומר,גן תעשייה P.O.B. 5352, באר שבע5352 .ד. ת, BEER-SHEVA 84152 A photoreactive azido-ruthenium (AR) compound which binds to a calcium-binding protein, wherein the molar ratio between ruthenium and azide in said compound is 2:1. ]74[ ]57[ עומר,ברמץ-ורדה שושן שבע- באר,אדריאן ישראלסון אדריאן ישראלסון,ברמץ-ורדה שושן __________________ ]11[]21[ 160571 צינור עיבוד מידע עבור שטף מידע ]54[ MESSAGE PROCESSING PIPELINE FOR STREAMS ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]71[ 25.02.2004 401220 ]32[ 26.03.2003 ]33[ US Int. Cl.(2009.01) G06F 13/00, 17/00, H04L 12/56, 29/06 MICROSOFT CORPORATION, U.S.A. REINHOLD COHN AND PARTNERS, 26A HABARZEL ST., RAMAT HACHAYAL 69710 ]74[ ]57[ 171 ,ריינהולד כהן ושותפיו 'א26 רחוב הברזל רמת החייל In a messaging system with a given buffer size for sending or receiving massages via one or more message transports, a method of processing a message that reduces buffer requirements for at least a portion of the message, thereby allowing the messaging system to send or receive relatively larger messages using the given buffer size, the method coprising acts of: October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א defining one or more message handlers, each identifying a corresponding processing operation to perform on a message object that comprises at least one streamed portion having a stream oriented interface; identifying and ordering one or more message handlers to be included in at least one of a plurality of message pipelines, at least one of the message pipelines being nested in another message pipeline; and calling the one or more message handlers of each message pipeline to process the message object, wherein at least one message handler wraps the at least one streamed portion of the message object with its corresponding processing operation which is to be performed at a future time, without materializing the at least one streamed portion of the message object in a buffer. __________________ ]11[]21[ 160655 נגזרות פניל–פיפרזין כמעכבי ספיגה מחדש של סרוטונין ]54[ PHENYL-PIPERAZINE DERIVATIVES AS SEROTONIN REUPTAKE INHIBITORS ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ 02.10.2002 PA200101466 ]32[ 04.10.2001 ]33[ DK Int. Cl.(2009.01) A61K 31/495, 31/551, A61P 25/00, C07D 241/04, 241/36, 243/08, 243/10, 295/096, 405/12, 409/12 H. LUNDBECK A/S, DENMARK WO/2003/029232 DR. SHLOMO COHEN & CO., ,'ד"ר שלמה כהן ושות 124 IBN GABIROL ST., 124 אבן גבירול P.O.B. 11490, תל אביב11490 .ד. ת, TEL AVIV 62038 ]71[ ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ 172 The invention provides compounds represented by the general formula I wherein the substituents are defined in the application. The compounds are useful in the treatment of an affective disorder, including depression, anxiety disorders including general anxiety disorder and panic disorder and obsessive compulsive disorder. October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א __________________ ]11[]21[ 160891 מחט עם ערבול אוטומטי ]54[ AUTO-MIX NEEDLE ]22[ ]51[ ]71[ 16.03.2004 Int. Cl.(2009.01) A61M 05/20 DAVID DAILY LIOR RADAY ]74[ SANFORD T.COLB & CO., P.O.B. 2273, REHOVOT 76122 ]57[ A pumping, mixing and administering device comprising: (a) a medicinal enclosure adapter, the medicinal enclosure adapter including a spike arranged to establish a fluid pathway with the interior of the medicinal enclosure upon introducing the medicinal enclosure into the medicinal enclosure adapter; the medicinal enclosure adapter further having a port arranged for receiving a syringe, the syringe being coupled to or integral with said port; the medicinal enclosure adapter having a fluid tunnel establishing fluid communication between the interior of the medicinal enclosure and the syringe; and, (b) an auto-needle device having a housing, a needle and a needle-shield extending towards the distal end; said housing comprising a port arranged for receiving a syringe or the medicinal enclosure adapter spike, the syringe having a barrel coupled to or integral with said port; said housing port being in fluid communication with a needle, said needle and needle-shield movably located on said housing; said auto-needle device being arranged such that upon pressing an activation button and/or when force is applied to the needle-shield the needle is fired, and after the force is removed the needle is covered by the needle-shield. 173 הרצליה,דוד דיילי חוף אשקלון.נ. ד,ליאור רדאי ,' קולב ושות.סנפורד ט מרמורק,4 שער הגיא רחובות2273 .ד. ת, October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א __________________ ]11[]21[ 160918 אנלוגים של הימבצין כאנטגוניסטים לרצפטור הקושר טרומבין ]54[ HIMBACINE ANALOGUES AS THROMBIN RECEPTOR ANTAGONISTS ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]71[ ]87[ ]74[ 16.10.2002 60/330359 ]32[ 18.10.2001 ]33[ US Int. Cl.(2009.01) A61K 31/4355, A61P 09/00, 19/02, 29/00, C07D 491/04 SCHERING CORPORATION, U.S.A. WO/2003/033501 DR. SHLOMO COHEN & CO., ,'ד"ר שלמה כהן ושות 124 IBN GABIROL ST., 124 אבן גבירול P.O.B. 11490, תל אביב11490 .ד. ת, TEL AVIV 62038 ]57[ 174 Heterocyclic-substituted tricyclics of the formula (I) or a pharmaceutically acceptable salts thereof, wherein: n1 and n2 are independently 0-2; Het is an optionally substituted mono-, bior tricyclic heteroaromatic group; B is alkyl or optionally substituted alkenyl; R22 is -COR23 or a carboxy, sulfinyl, sulfonyl, sulfonamide or amino acid derivative; R23 is haloalkyl; alkenyl; haloalkenyl; alkynyl; optionally substituted cycloalkyl; cycloalkyl-alkyl; aryl; arylalkyl; heteroaryl; heterocycloalkyl; or -COOH and/or -SO3H substituted alkyl; R1, R2, R3, R9, R10 and R11 are as defined in the specification; are disclosed, as well as pharmaceutical compositions containing them and a method of treating diseases associated with thrombosis, atherosclerosis, restenosis, hypertension, angina pectoris, arrhythmia, heart failure, and cancer by administering said compounds. October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א ,195588 The applications for division from this application have not yet been published בקשות חלוקה מבקשה זו שטרם .פורסמו __________________ ]11[]21[ ]54[ AUTOMATIC INJECTOR WITH ANTI-CORING NEEDLE ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]71[ 04.11.2002 09/985466 ]32[ 02.11.2001 Int. Cl.(2009.01) A61M 05/20 MERIDIAN MEDICAL TECHNOLOGIES, INC., U.S.A. WO/2003/039633 SANFORD T.COLB & CO., P.O.B. 2273, REHOVOT 76122 ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ 175 161681 מזרק אוטומטי בעל מחט נוגדת גרעון ]33[ US ,' קולב ושות.סנפורד ט מרמורק,4 שער הגיא רחובות2273 .ד. ת, The automatic injector (100) comprises a cartridge (104) adapted to contain a charge of medicament, a seal structure (118) disposed toward a forward end of the cartridge, a plunger (126) normally disposed in a generally rearward end of the cartridge and movable through the cartridge toward a generally forward end thereof in response to an actuating procedure. The movable plunger rearwardly confines the medicament within the cartridge. A needle (130) normally disposed in communication with the medicament container provides a passage in which the medicament is released into an individual's flesh in response to an actuating procedure projecting the needle into the flesh of the individual. The cartridge having an increased friction region (215) so as to slow the motion of the plunger when the forward end of the needle travels through the seal in order to eliminate coring. October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א __________________ ]11[]21[ ]54[ SAFETY NEEDLE ASSEMBLY ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]71[ ]87[ ]74[ 28.11.2002 PA200101772 ]32[ 30.11.2001 Int. Cl.(2009.01) A61M 05/32 NOVO NORDISK A/S, DENMARK WO/2003/045480 REINHOLD COHN AND PARTNERS, 26A HABARZEL ST., RAMAT HACHAYAL 69710 ]57[ 161709 מחט עם מנגנון ביטחון ]33[ DK ,ריינהולד כהן ושותפיו 'א26 רחוב הברזל רמת החייל The invention relates to a safety needle assembly for injecting a fluid into a human body comprising a cylindrical housing with a bottom surface supporting a needle cannula and a shield telescopically movable relative to the housing. A spring located within the housing urges the shield in a distal needle covering direction and a locking member also provided inside the housing moves simultaneously with the shield during injection and automatically locks the shield in a position where the sharp end of the needle cannula is concealed thereby irreversible immobilizing the safety needle assembly. __________________ ]11[]21[ ]54[ 176 PROCESS FOR THE PREPARATION OF 4 - (8 - CHLORO - 5,6 - DIHYDRO - 11H - BENZO (5,6) - CYCLOHEPTA - (1,2B)- PYRIDIN - 11 - YLIDENE) - 1 161734 – דיהידרו6,5 – – כלורו8( – 4 תהליך להכנת – )B2 ,1( ) – ציקלוהפטא5 ,6( – בנזוH11 – – פיפרידין1 – ) – אילידן11 – פירידין )חומצה קרביקסילית אתיל אסטר (לורתאדין ותרכובות October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א - PIPERIDINECARBOXYLIC ACID ETHYL ESTER (LORATADINE) AND SOME NOVEL COMPOUNDS ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]71[ ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ 29.10.2002 MI2001A002308 ]32[ 05.11.2001 ]33[ IT Int. Cl.(2009.01) C07D 221/16, 401/04, 413/00, 413/04 ZAMBON GROUP S.P.A., ITALY WO/2003/040140 REINHOLD COHN AND PARTNERS, 26A HABARZEL ST., RAMAT HACHAYAL 69710 ,ריינהולד כהן ושותפיו 'א26 רחוב הברזל רמת החייל A process and new oxazolinic intermediates for the preparation of 4-(8-chloro-5,6dihydro-11H-benzo-[5,6]-cyclohepta-[1,2-b]-pyridin-11-ylidene)-1piperidinecarboxylic acid ethyl ester (loratadine) is described. The process starts from 2-(4,4-dimethyl-4,5-dihydrooxazol-2-yl)-3-methyl-pyridine, a new intermediate to obtain loratadine. 2-(4,4-dimethyl-4,5-dihydrooxazol-2-yl)-3-methyl-pyridine is condensed with 3-chloro-benzyl-chloride and the resultant product is treated with Grignard reagent of 4-chloro-N-methyl-piperidine. [3-(2-(3-chloro-phenyl)-ethyl]pyridin-2-yl]-1-(methyl-piperidin-4-yl)-methanone is obtained for subsequent hydrolysis. Starting from this last compound it is possible to obtain loratadine with known methods. __________________ ]11[]21[ 162025 מערכת ראש לעקיבת עין ותצוגה ]54[ HEAD MOUNTED EYE TRACKING AND DISPLAY SYSTEM ]22[ ]51[ ]71[ ]74[ 17.05.2004 Int. Cl.(2009.01) A61B 03/14, F41G 03/00, G02B 27/01 ELBIT SYSTEMS LTD. חיפה,אלביט מערכות בע"מ BOROCHOV, KORAKH & CO., ,'בורוכוב קורח ושות 15TH FLOOR, ATIDIM TOWER, מגדל כלל עתידים KIRYAT ATIDIM, אביב-תל58100 .ד. ת, P.O.B. 58100, TEL AVIV 61580 System for tracking the eye of a user, the system comprisinf: an image detector, directed at said eye, for detecting an eye image of at least said eye; ]57[ 177 October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א at least one pupil-illuminating light source emitting a respective pupil-illuminating light beam, at least a portion of the optical axis of said image detector, each said pupililluminating light beam at least partially illuminating the pupil of said eye; at least one reference light source, each said at least one reference light source emitting a respective reference light beam, for illuminating a portion of the face of said user; and an imaging processor, coupled with said image detector, for analyzing said eye image, wherein at least a portion of each of said at least one pupil-illuminating light beam is reflected towards said image detector, thereby indicating a pupil region in said eye image, said pupil region being associated with said pupil, wherein at least a portion of each of said at least one reference light beam is reflected towards said image detector, thereby indicating at least one reference region in said eye image, each said reference region being associated with a recognizable portion of the face, wherein said imaging processor identifies said pupil region and at least one of said at least one reference region, and wherein said imaging processor determines the line of sight of said user according to said pupil region and according to at least one of said at least one reference region. __________________ ]11[]21[ 162066 משקעים לא–נדיפים רב שכבתיים של גטר המושגים על ידי השקעה קתודית ותהליך לייצורם ]54[ NON-EVAPORABLE GETTER MULTILAYER DEPOSITS OBTAINED BY CATHODIC DEPOSITION AND PROCESS FOR THEIR MANUFACTURE ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]71[ 19.05.2004 MI2003A001178 ]32[ 11.06.2003 ]33[ Int. Cl.(2009.01) B01J 20/32, C23C 14/14, 14/34 SAES GETTERS S.P.A., ITALY 178 IT October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א ]74[ ]57[ DR. YITZHAK HESS & PARTNERS, ,ד"ר יצחק הס ושותפיו 279 HAYARKON ST., 279 רחוב הירקון P.O.B. 6451, תל אביב6451 .ד. ת, TEL AVIV 61063 A multilayer deposit of non-evaporable getter materials, said multilayer deposit having an activation temperature not higher than 3000ºC and large surface area, characterized by comprising at least two layers on a support (10), a first layer (11) directly deposited over said support being made of a non-evaporable getter material having surface area equivalent to at least 20 times its geometrical area and, upon said first layer, at least a second layer (12), having thickness not greater than 1 µm, of a non-evaporable getter alloy with an activation temperature not higher than 3000ºC, any of said layers being obtained by cathodic deposition and being made of different materials. __________________ ]11[]21[ 162505 תכשירים רפואיים והשימוש בהם להכנת תרופה לטיפול במחלות של מערכות העצבים וכלי הדם ההיקפיים ]54[ COMPOSITIONS AND THEIR USE FOR THE MANUFACTURE OF A MEDICAMENT FOR TREATING PERIPHERAL NEURAL AND VASCULAR AILMENTS ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ 06.11.2002 PCT/US01/49297 ]32[ 19.12.2001 ]33[ WO Int. Cl.(2009.01) A61K 31/07, 31/352, 31/353, 31/375, 31/7048, 38/00, A61P 03/00, 09/00, 17/00, 21/00, 25/00, 29/00, 39/00, C07D 311/00 THE QUIGLEY CORPORATION, U.S.A. WO/2003/053336 EITAN MEHULAL LAW GROUP, עורכי דין ועורכי,קבוצת איתן מהולל 10 ABBA EBEN BLVD., ,פטנטים P.O. B. 2081, 10 שדרות אבא אבן HERZLIYA 46120 הרצליה2081 .ד. ת, ]71[ ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ 179 Compositions and methods for the treatment of peripheral neural and vascular ailments are disclosed. The method comprises administering a flavonoid compound with antioxidant properties, optionally formulated in a pharmaceutically acceptable carrier. This compound or combination of compounds provides significant, effective relief of the symptoms of peripheral neural or vascular ailments. In addition, the compositions, when used according to the methods of the present invention, do not exhibit the severe side effects of many prior art compositions proposed for treatment of these ailments. October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א __________________ ]11[]21[ ]54[ BLIND FASTENER WITH A BLIND SIDE HEAD HAVING A CLAMP SUPPORT AND LOCK SECTION ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]71[ 04.12.2002 10/034666 ]32[ 27.12.2001 Int. Cl.(2009.01) F16B 19/10 HUCK INTERNATIONAL, INC., U.S.A. WO/2003/058078 SANFORD T.COLB & CO., P.O.B. 2273, REHOVOT 76122 ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ 180 162521 תפס אטום עם ראש צד אטום בעל תמיכת חבק וקטע נעלה ]33[ US ,' קולב ושות.סנפורד ט מרמורק,4 שער הגיא רחובות2273 .ד. ת, A two piece blind fastener (10) for securing a plurality of workpieces (20, 22) including a hollow sleeve (12) having an enlarged sleeve head (26) at one end and a pin (14) having an enlarged shear ring (46) at the end opposite the sleeve head followed by an elongated retention portion (48) of reduced diameter. The shear ring is adapted to engage and move inside the sleeve to form a tuliped shaped blind head in response to a relative axial force applied between the pin and sleeve and to shear off proximate to the inner or blind sheet line (64) of the workpieces. The retention portion is then moved with the pin shank (40) into the shear ring and with the shear ring finally located at a position on the retention portion depending upon the overall thickness of the workpieces. This provides a clamp and lock section between the pin and sleeve at the inner or blind side of the workpieces. The pin and sleeve have a lock structure actuated after final formation of the clamp and lock section to provide a lock between the pin and sleeve. __________________ October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א ]11[]21[ 162973 מולקולת חוצמצת –גרעין מבודדת ]54[ ISOLATED NUCLEIC ACID MOLECULE ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]71[ 20.01.2003 02001401.5 ]32[ 19.01.2002 ]33[ EP Int. Cl.(2009.01) A61K 38/43, C12N 15/54, C12Q 01/68, G01N 33/68 SANOFI-AVENTIS DEUTSCHLAND GMBH, GERMANY WO/2003/060130 EITAN, PEARL, LATZER AND , לצר וכהן צדק, פרל,איתן COHEN ZEDEK, 7 רחוב שנקר P.O.B. 12688, הרצליה12688 .ד. ת, HERZLIYA 46733 ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ The invention relates to isolated nucleic acid molecules and to host cells comprising such nucleic acid molecules. Moreover, the invention relates to a polypeptide having PIM-3, activity and having a definite amino acid sequence, as well as to the use of PIM-3 as a screening agent for identifying anti-type 2 diabetes mellitus drugs and for preparing a medicament for the treatment of insulin resistance or type 2 diabetes mellitus. ,194074 The applications for division from this application have not yet been published בקשות חלוקה מבקשה זו .שטרם פורסמו __________________ ]11[]21[ 163270 ]54[ HSP PEPTIDE ANALOG FOR MODULATION OF IMMUNE RESPONSES VIA ANTIGEN PRESENTING CELLS ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]71[ ]72[ 30.01.2003 60/352594 ]32[ 31.01.2002 ]33[ US Int. Cl.(2009.01) A61K 38/17, C07K 14/435, 14/47 ANDROMEDA BIOTECH LTD. DANA ELIAS, YORAM KARMON, אן אברון, יורם כרמון,דנה אליאס ANN AVRON 181 לויסות תגובות שלHSP פפטיד–אנלוג של חלבון המערכת החיסונית דרך תאים מציגי אנטיגנים October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ WO/2003/063759 WEBB & CO., 2 PEKERIS ST., P.O.B. 2189, REHOVOT 76121 ,'ד"ר וב ושות 2 רח' פקריס רחובות2189 .ד. ת, According to the present invention it is now disclosed that exposure of antigen presenting cells, particularly dendritic cells, to peptides or peptide analogs derived from heat shock proteins will subsequently activate T cells to produce immunomodulatory cytokines and will directly influence the cytokines, chemokines, and surface antigens produced by the exposed antigen presenting cells. The present invention relates to peptides and peptide analogs of heat shock proteins capable of interacting directly with dendritic cells. The present invention further relates to pharmaceutical compositions comprising dendritic cells exposed to such peptides and analogs, useful for prevention or treatment of either inflammatory disorders and autoimmune diseases or malignancies, viral infections and allergy. __________________ ]11[]21[ ]54[ COMPOSITIONS COMPRISING POLYCARBONATES ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]71[ 24.01.2003 10204524.0 ]32[ 05.02.2002 Int. Cl.(2009.01) C08K 03/00 BAYER MATERIALSCIENCE AG, GERMANY WO/2003/066720 REINHOLD COHN AND PARTNERS, 26A HABARZEL ST., RAMAT HACHAYAL 69710 ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ 182 163326 תכשירים המכילים פוליקרבונטים ]33[ DE ,ריינהולד כהן ושותפיו 'א26 רחוב הברזל רמת החייל The invention relates to compositions comprising a polymer selected from the group polycarbonate, a transparent polycarbonate/polyester blend, a co-polyestercarbonate and a transparent polyester and ester of branched alcohols and carboxylic acids, whereby said carboxylic acids have esterified OH functions and objects produced from said compositions, in particular sheets. October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א __________________ ]11[]21[ 163477 ]54[ ANTI-CD20 ANTIBODIES, METHODS FOR THEIR EXPRESSION AND COMPOSITIONS COMPRISING THEM ]22[ ]31[ 14.02.2003 60/356132 ]32[ 14.02.2002 ]33[ US 60/416232 07.10.2002 US Int. Cl.(2009.01) C07K 16/18, 16/28, C12N 15/13 IMMUNOMEDICS, INC., U.S.A. WO/2003/068821 REINHOLD COHN AND PARTNERS, 26A HABARZEL ST., RAMAT HACHAYAL 69710 ]51[ ]71[ ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ שיטות לביטויים,CD20 נוגדי נוגדנים ותכשירים רוקחיים המכילים אותם ,ריינהולד כהן ושותפיו 'א26 רחוב הברזל רמת החייל The present invention provides humanized, chimeric and human anti−CD20 antibodies and CD 20 antibody fusion proteins that bind to a human B cell marker, referred to as CD20, which is useful for the treatment and diagnosis of B−cell disorders, such as B−cell malignancies and autoimmune diseases, and methods of treatment and diagnosis. The applications for division from this application have not yet been published ,204848,204847,204846 בקשות חלוקה מבקשה זו .שטרם פורסמו __________________ ]11[]21[ 163498 מדפסת–סורק המופעלת ידנית ]54[ MANUALLY OPERABLE PRINTER-SCANNER ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]71[ 12.02.2003 PS0486 ]32[ 13.02.2002 ]33[ AU Int. Cl.(2009.01) B41J 03/28, 03/36, G06T 01/00, H04N 01/047 SILVERBROOK RESEARCH PTY. LTD., AUSTRALIA 183 October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ WO/2003/069890 LUZZATTO & LUZZATTO, INDUSTRIAL PARK, OMER, P.O.B. 5352, BEER-SHEVA 84152 ,לוצאטו את לוצאטו עומר,גן תעשייה באר שבע5352 .ד. ת, A portable printer-scanner device (10) includes a printhead arrangement and a scanner head. A pre-printed image (22) can be scanned by passing the device over it. The printer-scanner is movable by a user relative to a page (20) to print an image (22) stored during the scanning operation. __________________ ]11[]21[ 163518 מערכת ושיטה לזיהוי וחישוב מאפייני מטרה ]54[ SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR TARGET SIGNATURE CALCULATION AND RECOGNITION ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]71[ 14.03.2003 60/364030 ]32[ 15.03.2002 ]33[ US Int. Cl.(2009.01) G01S 07/02, 07/41, 13/00, 13/46 LOCKHEED MARTIN CORPORATION, U.S.A. RICHARD A LODWIG, BONNIE L. ADAMS WO/2003/079041 SOROKER-AGMON, 14 SHENKAR ST., HERZLIYA PITUAH 46725 ]72[ ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ 184 ,אגמון-סורוקר 14 רחוב שנקר,בית נולטון הרצליה פיתוח The present invention is directed to a system and method for the identification of a October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א target object in PCL radar applications. The disclosed embodiments describe the systems and methods used in the identification of a target object from the collection of data representing specific target object features, such as velocity, altitude, fuselage length, wing length, or wing sweepback angle, and the comparison of selected target object features with a database of known aircraft features. The present invention also provides for the calculation of feature dimensions, such as the fuselage length, wing length, or wing sweepback angle from measurements associated with a peak signal lobe as a function of a bistatic aspect angle. __________________ ]11[]21[ ]54[ POLYMER COATING FOR MEDICAL DEVICES ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]71[ ]87[ ]74[ 14.02.2003 60/357573 ]32[ 15.02.2002 Int. Cl.(2009.01) A61L 31/06, 33/16 GILEAD PALO ALTO, INC., U.S.A. WO/2003/068289 REINHOLD COHN AND PARTNERS, 26A HABARZEL ST., RAMAT HACHAYAL 69710 ]57[ 185 163535 ציפוי פולימרי להתקנים רפואיים ]33[ US ,ריינהולד כהן ושותפיו 'א26 רחוב הברזל רמת החייל Coatings are provided in which surfaces may be activated by covalently bonding a silane derivative (A) to the metal surface, covalently bonding a lactone polymer (B) to the silane derivative by in situ ring opening polymerization, and depositing at least one layer of a polyester (C) on the bonded lactone. Biologically active agents may be deposited with the polyester layers. Such coated surfaces may be useful in medical devices, in particular stents. October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א __________________ ]11[]21[ 163696 ]54[ HFA-SUSPENSION FORMULATION OF AN ANHYDRATE ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]71[ 20.03.2003 10214264.5 ]32[ 28.03.2002 ]33[ DE Int. Cl.(2009.01) A61K 09/00, 09/08, 09/72, 31/33, 31/46, C07D 498/02 BOEHRINGER INGELHEIM PHARMA GMBH & CO. KG, GERMANY WO/2003/082244 REINHOLD COHN AND PARTNERS, ,ריינהולד כהן ושותפיו 26A HABARZEL ST., 'א26 רחוב הברזל RAMAT HACHAYAL 69710 רמת החייל ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ של אנהידראטHFA–הרכב סוספנסיית The invention relates to propellant formulations containing suspensions of a crystalline anhydrate of (1alpha,2beta,4beta,5alpha,7beta)-7-[(hydroxydi-2-thienylacetyl)oxy]9,9-dimethyl-3-oxa-9-azoniatricyclo[,4]nonane bromide. __________________ ]11[]21[ ]54[ HUMANIZED RS7 ANTIBODIES ]22[ 03.03.2003 186 163852 ממקור אנושיRS7 נוגדנים October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א ]31[ ]51[ ]71[ ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ 60/360229 ]32[ 01.03.2002 ]33[ US Int. Cl.(2009.01) A61K 39/395, 49/16, 51/10, A61P 35/00, C07K 16/28, 16/30, 19/00, C12N 15/13 IMMUNOMEDICS, INC., U.S.A. WO/2003/074566 REINHOLD COHN AND PARTNERS, ,ריינהולד כהן ושותפיו 26A HABARZEL ST., 'א26 רחוב הברזל RAMAT HACHAYAL 69710 רמת החייל This invention relates to monovalent and multivalent, monospecific binding proteins and to multivalent, multispecific binding proteins. One embodiment of these binding proteins has one or more binding sites where each binding site binds with a target antigen or an epitope on a target antigen. Another embodiment of these binding proteins has two or more binding sites where each binding site has affinity towards different epitopes on a target antigen or has affinity towards either a target antigen or a hapten. The present invention further relates to recombinant vectors useful for the expression of these functional binding proteins in a host. More specifically, the present invention relates to the tumor−associated antigen binding protein designated RS7, and other EGP−1 binding−proteins. The invention further relates to humanized, human and chimeric RS7 antigen binding proteins, and the use of such binding proteins in diagnosis and therapy. __________________ ]11[]21[ 164048 תאי גזע קדמוניים ופרוקסימלים מכבד ]54[ PRIMITIVE AND PROXIMAL HEPATIC STEM CELLS ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]71[ 14.03.2003 60/365361 ]32[ 15.03.2002 ]33[ US Int. Cl.(2009.01) A61K 35/407, C12N 05/08, 05/10 UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA AT CHAPEL HILL, U.S.A. VESTA THERAPEUTICS, INC., U.S.A. WO/2003/078588 REINHOLD COHN AND PARTNERS, 26A HABARZEL ST., RAMAT HACHAYAL 69710 ]87[ ]74[ 187 ,ריינהולד כהן ושותפיו 'א26 רחוב הברזל רמת החייל October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א ]57[ Hepatic progenitors comprise two populations of human hepatic stem cells, primitive and proximal hepatic stem cells, and two populations of committed progenitors, one for biliary cells and one for hepatocytes. Human primitive hepatic stem cells are a very small fraction of the liver cell population and give rise to proximal hepatic stem cells constituting a much larger fraction of the liver. Human proximal hepatic stem cells give rise to biliary and hepatocyte committed progenitors. Primitive and proximal stem cells are the primary stem cells for the human liver. Human primitive hepatic stem cells may be isolated by immunoselection from human livers or culturing human liver cells under conditions which select for a human primitive hepatic stem cell. Proximal hepatic stem cells may be isolated by immunoselection, or by culturing human liver cells under conditions which include a developmental factor. Proximal hepatic stem cells may also be isolated by culturing colonies comprising a primitive hepatic stem cell under conditions which include a developmental factor. Resulting compositions may be used for treating liver disorders and for producing bioartificial organs. __________________ ]11[]21[ 164247 תהליכים להכנת קומברטסטטינים ]54[ PROCESSES FOR PREPARING COMBRETASTATINS ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]71[ ]87[ ]74[ 09.04.2003 02/04499 ]32[ 11.04.2002 ]33[ FR Int. Cl.(2009.01) C07C 217/54, 237/06, C07D 263/06 AVENTIS PHARMA S.A., FRANCE WO/2003/084919 EITAN, PEARL, LATZER AND COHEN ZEDEK, P.O.B. 12688, HERZLIYA 46733 ]57[ , לצר וכהן צדק, פרל,איתן 7 רחוב שנקר הרצליה12688 .ד. ת, The invention concerns novel methods for preparing combretastatins by Wittig condensation between nitromethoxy-benzaldehyde and a trimethoxybenzyl phosphonium salt or inversely a nitromethoxybenzyl phosphonium salt with trimethoxybenzylaldehyde or further by a Wittig reaction on the same derivatives whereof the nitro function has been reduced into an amino group. __________________ 188 October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א ]11[]21[ 164560 מאפנן של נזקי אור לטיפול בנזקי אור הנגרמים UV ע"י ]54[ PHOTODAMAGE MODULATOR FOR TREATING UV PHOTODAMAGE ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]71[ 17.04.2003 60/374,033 ]32[ 19.04.2002 ]33[ US Int. Cl.(2009.01) A61K 45/00, 45/06, C07D 207/28, 213/62 ARIZONA BOARD OF REGENTS ON BEHALF OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA, U.S.A. WO/2003/088909 SANFORD T.COLB & CO., P.O.B. 2273, REHOVOT 76122 ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ ,' קולב ושות.סנפורד ט מרמורק,4 שער הגיא רחובות2273 .ד. ת, The invention relates to methods for modulating photodamage via the use of collagen derived molecules which either enhance or inhibit damage caused by ultraviolet light. ,203968 The applications for division from this application have not yet been published בקשות חלוקה מבקשה זו .שטרם פורסמו __________________ ]11[]21[ ]54[ DATA MANAGEMENT SYSTEM ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]71[ ]87[ ]74[ 29.04.2003 02/05469 ]32[ 30.04.2002 Int. Cl.(2009.01) G06F 19/00 PATIENT ON LINE, FRANCE WO/2003/094085 REINHOLD COHN AND PARTNERS, 26A HABARZEL ST., RAMAT HACHAYAL 69710 ]57[ 189 164863 מערכת לניהול נתונים ]33[ FR ,ריינהולד כהן ושותפיו 'א26 רחוב הברזל רמת החייל The invention concerns a data management system, each information concerning a first entity and having been generated by a second entity. It comprises means (12) for October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א generating at least one event inseparably assembling in a common elementary data: an information concerning the first entity, an identifier of the first entity, and an identifier of the second entity, means (12, 44, 48) for final storage of the content of each event after validation, each as elementary data in a database (48). Access to an information is only possible by an entity whereof the identifier is included in the elementary data containing said information. __________________ ]11[]21[ ]54[ CLEANING SYSTEM ]22[ ]31[ 28.03.2003 200205422-9 ]32[ 09.09.2002 200203246-4 30.12.2002 Int. Cl.(2009.01) F28G 01/12 HYDROBALL TECHNICS HOLDINGS PTE LTD., SINGAPORE WO/2003/102487 DR. MARK FRIEDMAN LTD., MOSHE AVIV TOWER, 54TH FLOOR, 7 JABOTINSKY ST., RAMAT GAN 52520 ]51[ ]71[ ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ 190 164943 מערכת ניקיון ]33[ SG SG ,ד"ר מרק פרידמן בע"מ 7 רח ז'בוטינסקי, 54. ק,מגדל משה אביב גן-רמת A cleaning system for cleaning tubing using cleaning balls (20) circulated with the fluid through tubing (8). The system includes a separator (12) having a perforated funnel, which permits the fluid, but not the cleaning balls (20), to pass through. A housing (21) having an apertured partition (28) is used to divide the housing (21) into an first compartment (19) and a second compartment (27). An entrance (2) of a fluid supply pipe (23) and an exit (3) of a ball supply pipe (24) are formed for creating a difference in pressure to create a suction force to recirculate the cleaning balls (20) from the housing (21) via the ball supply pipe (24), back to the tubing (8) for cleaning October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א the walls of the tubing (8). An entrance (13) of a ball return pipe (17) and an exit (14) of a fluid return pipe (16) are formed for creating a difference in pressure to create a suction force to recirculate the cleaning balls (20) from the separator (12) via the ball return pipe (17), into the housing (21). __________________ ]11[]21[ 164948 –חומרים ושיטה לציפוי משטחים באופן תואם דם ]54[ COMPOUNDS AND METHOD FOR COATING SURFACES IN A HAEMOCOMPATIBLE MANNER ]22[ ]31[ 15.04.2003 60/378676 ]32[ 09.05.2002 ]33[ US 10221055.1 10.05.2002 DE Int. Cl.(2009.01) A61L 31/16, 33/08, C07H 03/06, C08B 37/10, C08L 05/06 HEMOTEQ AG, GERMANY WO/2003/094990 WEBB & CO., ,'ד"ר וב ושות 2 PEKERIS ST., P.O.B. 2189, 2 רח' פקריס REHOVOT 76121 רחובות2189 .ד. ת, ]51[ ]71[ ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ 191 The invention relates to oligo- and polysaccharides containing the sugar structural element N-acylglucosamine or N-acylgalactosamine, in addition to the use thereof for producing haemocompatible surfaces and to methods for coating surfaces in a haemocompatible manner with said oligo- and polysaccharides, which constitute the common biosynthetic precursor substances of heparin, heparan sulphates and chitosan. The invention also relates to methods for producing the oligo- and/or polysaccharides, in addition to diverse application options involving haemocompatible surfaces. The October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א invention specifically relates to the use of the oligo- and/or polysaccharides on stents involving at least one haemocompatible coating that has been applied according to the invention and that contains an anti-proliferative, anti-inflammatory and/or athrombogenic active ingredient, to methods for producing said stents and to the use of the latter for preventing restenosis. __________________ ]11[]21[ 165330 סולפונים ארומטיים ושימושם הרפואי ]54[ AROMATIC SULFONES AND THEIR MEDICAL USE ]22[ ]31[ 28.05.2003 0212401.4 ]32[ 29.05.2002 ]33[ GB 0230053.1 23.12.2002 GB Int. Cl.(2009.01) A61K 31/4035, 31/426, 31/44, 31/47, 31/55, A61P 25/00, C07D 209/44, 217/02, 223/16, 401/12, 405/12, 409/12, 413/12, 417/12 GLAXO GROUP LIMITED, UNITED KINGDOM WO/2003/099786 LUZZATTO & LUZZATTO, ,לוצאטו את לוצאטו INDUSTRIAL PARK, OMER, עומר,גן תעשייה P.O.B. 5352, באר שבע5352 .ד. ת, BEER-SHEVA 84152 ]51[ ]71[ ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ 192 The invention provides compounds of formula (I): wherein A and B represent the groups -(CH2)m- and -(CH2)n- respectively;R1 represents hydrogen or C1-6alkyl;R2 represents hydrogen, halogen, hydroxy, cyano, nitro, hydroxyC1-6alkyl, trifluoromethyl, trifluoromethoxy, C1-6alkyl, C1-6alkoxy, C1-6fluoroalkoxy, (CH2)pC3-6cycloalkyl, -(CH2)pOC3-6cycloalkyl, -COC1-6alkyl, -SO2C1-6alkyl, SOC1-6alkyl, -S-C1-6alkyl, -CO2C1-6alkyl, -CO2NR5R6, -SO2NR5R6, (CH2)pNR5R6, -(CH2)pNR5COR6, optionally substituted aryl ring, optionally substituted heteroaryl ring or optionally substituted heterocyclyl ring;R3 represents October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א optionally substituted aryl ring or optionally substituted heteroaryl ring;R4 represents hydrogen, hydroxy, C1-6alkyl, C1-6alkoxy, trifluoromethyl, trifluoromethoxy, halogen, -OSO2CF3, -(CH2)pC3-6cycloalkyl, -(CH2)qOC1-6alkyl or -(CH2)pOC36cycloalkyl;R5 and R6 each independently represent hydrogen, C1-6alkyl or, together with the nitrogen or other atoms to which they are attached, form an azacycloalkyl ring or an oxo-substituted azacycloalkyl ring;Z represents -(CH2)rX- wherein the -(CH2)rgroup is attached to R3, or -X(CH2)r- wherein X is attached to R3, and wherein any of the -CH2- groups may be optionally substituted by one or more C1-6alkyl groups;X represents oxygen, -NR7 or -CH2- wherein the -CH2- group may be optionally substituted by one or more C1-6alkyl groups;R7 represents hydrogen or C1-6alkyl;m and n independently represent an integer selected from 1 and 2;p independently represents an integer selected from 0, 1, 2 and 3; q independently represents an integer selected from 1, 2 and 3; r independently represents an integer selected from 0, 1, and 2; or a pharmaceutically acceptable salt or solvate thereof.The compounds are useful in therapy, in particular as antipsychotic agents. __________________ ]11[]21[ 165434 תרכובות אזה – בייסיקלו – אוקטן ונונאן עם DPP–IV פעילות מדכאת של ]54[ AZA-BICYCLO - OCTANE AND NONANE DERIVATIVES WITH DPP - IV INHIBITING ACTIVITY ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ 11.06.2003 P0202001 ]32[ 14.06.2002 ]33[ HU Int. Cl.(2009.01) A61K 31/439, 31/444, 31/496, 31/506, A61P 03/00, 03/10, 13/12, 17/00, 25/18, 25/22, 29/00, 31/18, 35/00, 37/06, 37/08, 43/00, C07D 207/06, 207/16, 263/06, 277/06, 451/04, 451/14 SANOFI-AVENTIS, FRANCE WO/2003/106456 DR. YITZHAK HESS & PARTNERS, ,ד"ר יצחק הס ושותפיו 279 HAYARKON ST., 279 רחוב הירקון P.O.B. 6451, תל אביב6451 .ד. ת, TEL AVIV 61063 ]71[ ]87[ ]74[ 193 October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א ]57[ The present invention relates to the novel compounds of the general formula (I) possessing DPP-IV inhibitory activity. These compounds contain tropane (B) building blocks. __________________ ]11[]21[ ]54[ DATA MANAGEMENT SYSTEM FOR EMERGENCY SITUATION ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]71[ ]87[ ]74[ 03.06.2003 02/07499 ]32[ 18.06.2002 Int. Cl.(2009.01) G06F 19/00 PATIENT ON LINE, FRANCE WO/2003/107150 REINHOLD COHN AND PARTNERS, 26A HABARZEL ST., RAMAT HACHAYAL 69710 ]57[ 194 165607 מערכת ניהול מידע למקרה חירום ]33[ FR ,ריינהולד כהן ושותפיו 'א26 רחוב הברזל רמת החייל The invention concerns a system comprising: at least one database (48) for storing said data, one identifier of the first entity concerned by each data; and at least one querying station (36) including means for accessing the databases (48); means for defining warning data among the data; means (49) for associating an emergency access code with the warning data. The access means include means for inputting the emergency access code and means for providing the warning data concerning a first entity without providing the identifier of the first entity. October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א __________________ ]11[]21[ 165640 ]54[ PROCESS AND APPARATUS FOR REDUCING THE CONTENT OF NOX AND N2O IN GASES ]22[ ]51[ ]71[ ]87[ ]74[ 10.06.2003 Int. Cl.(2009.01) B01D 53/86, B01J 08/02 UHDE GMBH, GERMANY WO/2003/105998 EITAN, PEARL, LATZER AND COHEN ZEDEK, P.O.B. 12688, HERZLIYA 46733 ]57[ N2O – וNOX תהליך ומתקן להפחתת תכולת בגזים , לצר וכהן צדק, פרל,איתן 7 רחוב שנקר הרצליה12688 .ד. ת, The method comprises the following steps: conduction of the gas containing N 2O and NOx over a series of two catalyst beds consisting of one or more zeolites charged with iron; addition of a reduction agent for NOx between the catalyst beds; setting of a temperature of less than 500 °C in the first and second catalyst bed; setting of a gas pressure of at least 2 bar in the two catalyst beds; and the selection of a space velocity in the first and second catalyst bed that achieves a degradation of the N2O content of the gas in the first catalyst bed by a maximum of up to 90 %, in relation to the N 2O content at the entrance to the catalyst bed and an additional degradation of the N 2O content of the gas in the second catalyst bed by at least 30 % in relation to the N2O content at the entrance to the second catalyst bed. The first reaction zone is used to degrade the N2O and the second reaction zone reduces the NOx and breaks down at least part of the remaining N2O. The inventive device comprises at least one radially traversed catalyst bed. __________________ 195 October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א ]11[]21[ 165754 ,תכשירים המכילים דוחי אלומון מאווזים שיטות לדחיית עכבישים בשימוש בתכשירים אלו ושיטה לטיפול ומניעה קרדית באפרוחים בשימוש בתכשירים אלו ]54[ COMPOSITION COMPRISING DUCK REPULSIVE ALLOMONE, METHOD FOR REPULSING ARACHNIDS USING SAID COMPOSITION, AND A METHOD OF TREATING OR PREVENTING CHICKEN MITES USING SAID COMPOSITION ]22[ ]31[ 19.06.2003 60/389768 ]32[ 19.06.2002 ]33[ 02291533.4 19.06.2002 Int. Cl.(2009.01) A61K 35/00, 35/12, 35/55 FIDELINE, FRANCE WO/2004/000337 REINHOLD COHN AND PARTNERS, 26A HABARZEL ST., RAMAT HACHAYAL 69710 ]51[ ]71[ ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ US EP ,ריינהולד כהן ושותפיו 'א26 רחוב הברזל רמת החייל Compositions of allomones and kariomones derived from the uropygial gland of ducks and chickens are described, as well as methods to treat Arachnida. __________________ ]11[]21[ 165847 שיטת הדמייה רב–גלאית של טומוגרפיה ממוחשבת והתקן עם הפחתת פיזור קרינה ]54[ MULTIDETECTOR CT IMAGING METHOD AND APPARATUS WITH REDUCING RADIATION SCATTERING ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]71[ 19.12.2004 748612 ]32[ 30.12.2003 ]33[ US Int. Cl.(2009.01) A61B 01/00, G01T 01/00, H01J 35/24 GE MEDICAL SYSTEMS GLOBAL TECHNOLOGY COMPANY, LLC, U.S.A. SELIGSOHN GABRIELI & CO., ]74[ 196 ,'זליגסון גבריאלי ושות October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א ]57[ 31 YAVNE ST., 31 רח' יבנה P.O.B. 1426, תל אביב1426 .ד. ת, TEL AVIV 61013 A method for scanning an object to reduce image degradation, said method comprising: scanning the object in a helical mode using a multi-slice CT imaging system having a plurality of detector arrays arranged along a z-axis direction, said z-axis direction being along a scanning direction of a longitudinal axis of a patient, and a radiation source having a beam focal spot; controlling a wobble of the focal spot of the radiation source in the x-axis direction during said scanning to selectively preferentially illuminate individual said detector arrays through the scanned object for each view; collecting data from each said detector array for each view only when the detector array from which data is being collected is selectively illuminated. __________________ ]11[]21[ 165968 מפעל בכוח אויר בצינור ]54[ DUCTED AIR POWER PLANT ]22[ ]31[ 27.06.2003 0214961.5 ]32[ 28.06.2002 ]33[ GB 0301177.2 20.01.2003 GB Int. Cl.(2009.01) B64C 15/02, 29/00, F02K 01/00 VTOL TECHNOLOGIES LIMITED, UNITED KINGDOM WO/2004/002821 REINHOLD COHN AND PARTNERS, 26A HABARZEL ST., RAMAT HACHAYAL 69710 ]51[ ]71[ ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ 197 ,ריינהולד כהן ושותפיו 'א26 רחוב הברזל רמת החייל A ducted air power plant, comprising a motor driven fan (7) situated in a duct (4), the fan (7) having an air intake side and in operation providing a high pressure air stream in the duct, and the fan being located adjacent air splitter means (18), the air splitter means (18) being arranged to divert the air stream into two or more subsidiary streams for delivery to respective jet nozzles (9) of the plant. The plant may be used in a vehicle such as an aircraft in order to provide a vertical take-off and hover capability as well a level flight power source. October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א __________________ ]11[]21[ ]54[ METHODS FOR USE IN DENTAL ARTICULATION ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]71[ 14.01.1998 08/935238 ]32[ 22.09.1997 Int. Cl.(2009.01) A61C 11/00 3M COMPANY, U.S.A. CADENT LTD. ]87[ ]74[ WO/1999/015100 LUZZATTO & LUZZATTO, INDUSTRIAL PARK, OMER, P.O.B. 5352, BEER-SHEVA 84152 ]57[ 198 166053 שיטות לשימוש בארטיקולציה דנטלית ]33[ US יהודה- אור,קדנט בע"מ ,לוצאטו את לוצאטו עומר,גן תעשייה באר שבע5352 .ד. ת, A computer implemented method of creating a dental model for use in dental articulation includes providing a first set of digital data corresponding to an upper arch image of at least a portion of an upper dental arch of a patient, providing a second set of digital data corresponding to a lower arch image of at least a portion of a lower dental arch of the patient, and providing hinge axis data representative of the spatial orientation of at least one of the upper and lower dental arches relative to a condylar axis of the patient. A reference hinge axis is created relative to the upper and lower arch images based on the hinge axis data. Further, the method may include bite alignment data for use in aligning the lower and upper arch images. Yet further, the method may include providing data associated with condyle geometry of the patient, so as to provide limitations on the movement of at least the lower arch image when the arch images are displayed. Further, a wobbling technique may be used to determine an occlusal position of the lower and upper dental arches. Various computer implemented methods of dental articulation are also described. October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א __________________ ]11[]21[ 166058 תרופות המכילות,נגזרות תיאופניל–גליקוסיד שיטות לייצור התרופות,תרכובות אלו ושימושים שלהן ]54[ THIOPHENYLGLYCOSIDE DERIVATIVES, MEDICAMENTS COMPRISING SAID COMPOUNDS, PROCESS FOR THE PRODOCTION OF SAID MEDICAMENTS AND USE THEREOF ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]71[ 27.06.2003 10231370.9 ]32[ 11.07.2002 ]33[ DE Int. Cl.(2009.01) A61K 31/7042, A61P 07/00, C07H 17/00 SANOFI-AVENTIS DEUTSCHLAND GMBH, GERMANY WO/2004/007517 EITAN, PEARL, LATZER AND , לצר וכהן צדק, פרל,איתן COHEN ZEDEK, 7 רחוב שנקר P.O.B. 12688, הרצליה12688 .ד. ת, HERZLIYA 46733 ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ 199 The invention relates to novel thiophenylglycoside derivatives of formula (I), where the groups have the given meanings, the physiologically-acceptable salts and methods for production thereof. The compounds are suitable as anti-diabetics for example. October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א The applications for division from this application have not yet been published ,191926 בקשות חלוקה מבקשה זו .שטרם פורסמו __________________ ]11[]21[ ]54[ PROCESS FORTHE PRODUCTION OF HIGH-PURITY ENAMINES ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]71[ 17.07.2003 2002-209623 ]32[ 18.07.2002 Int. Cl.(2009.01) C07C 211/21 DAIICHI SANKYO COMPANY LIMITED, JAPAN WO/2004/009530 WOLFF, BREGMAN AND GOLLER, P.O.B. 1352, JERUSALEM 91013 ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ 166196 תהליך להכנת אנאמינים בעלי דרגת טיהור גבוה ]33[ JP , ברגמן וגולר,וולף ירושלים1352 .ד. ת, A process for the production of compounds represented by the general formula (3) and having high purity: (3) [wherein R1 is C1-6 alkyl or the like and R2 is hydrogen or the like, or R1 and R2 may be united to form C1-6 alkylene; and R3 and R4 are each C1-6 alkyl or the like], which comprises the step of reacting a compound represented by the general formula (1): (1) [wherein R1 and R2 are each as defined above] with a compound represented by the general formula (2): (2) [wherein R 3 and R4 are each as defined above] and the step of treating the obtained reaction mixture with acidic water at 0 to 30°C. __________________ 200 October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א ]11[]21[ 166311 ]54[ SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR THE TRANSMISSION, STORAGE AND RETRIEVAL OF AUTHENTICATED DOCUMENTS ]22[ ]31[ 17.07.2003 60/397178 ]32[ 18.07.2002 ]33[ 10/620817 16.07.2003 Int. Cl.(2009.01) G06Q 20/00, H04L 09/32 EORIGINAL, INC., U.S.A. WO/2004/010271 WOLFF, BREGMAN AND GOLLER, P.O.B. 1352, JERUSALEM 91013 ]51[ ]71[ ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ 201 איחסון ושיזור של,מערכת ושיטה לשידור מסמכים מאומתים US US , ברגמן וגולר,וולף ירושלים1352 .ד. ת, Certificate Status Service that is configurable, directed, and able to retrieve status from any approved Certification Authority (CA) is disclosed. The CSS may be used by a Trusted Custodial Utility (TCU) and comparable systems or applications whose roles are validating the right of an individual to perform a requisite action, the authenticity of submitted electronic information objects, and the status of authentication certificates used in digital signature verification and user authentication processes. The validity check on authentication certificates is performed by querying an issuing CA. Traditionally, to create a trusted Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) needed to validate certificates, complex relationships are formed by cross- certification among CAs or by use of PKI bridges. The PKI and CA interoperability problem is addressed from a different point of view, with a focus on establishing a trust environment suitable for the creation, execution, maintenance, transfer, retrieval and destruction of electronic original information objects that may also be transferable records (ownership may change hands). A TCU is concerned only with a known set of 'approved CAs' although they may support a multitude of business environments, and within that set of CAs, only with those certificates that are associated with TCU user accounts. Building PKI/CA trusted relationships is not required as the CSS achieves a trusted environment by querying only approved CAs and maintaining caches of valid certificates' status. October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א __________________ ]11[]21[ 166383 תכשיר רוקחי פומי בצורת מספר רב של מיקרוקפסולות לשיחרור מוארך של חומר פעיל בעל מסיסות נמוכה ]54[ ORAL PHARMACEUTICAL FORMULATION IN THE FORM OF A PLURALITY OF MICROCAPSULES FOR PROLONGED RELEASE OF ACTIVE PRINCIPLE(S) WITH LOW SOLUBILITY ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]71[ 28.07.2003 02.09532 ]32[ 26.07.2002 ]33[ FR Int. Cl.(2009.01) A61K 09/00, 09/50, 09/52, 09/56 FLAMEL TECHNOLOGIES, FRANCE WO/2004/010983 REINHOLD COHN AND PARTNERS, 26A HABARZEL ST., RAMAT HACHAYAL 69710 ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ ,ריינהולד כהן ושותפיו 'א26 רחוב הברזל רמת החייל The invention concerns microcapsules with prolonged release of active principles with low solubility, consisting of a core containing the active principle and coated with a polymer layer which controls the release of the active principle. The aim is that said oral microcapsules containing hardly soluble active principles, should have a coating film of sufficient thickness to ensure controlled permeability and should be adapted to industrial reproduction. This is achieved by the inventive microcapsules of mean diameter less than 1000 microns, and whereof the coating film contains a film-forming polymer (P1) insoluble in gastrointestinal tract fluids, a water-soluble polymer (P2), a plasticizer (PL), and optionally a lubricating surfactant (TA). Said microcapsules are characterized in that their coating films represents at least 3 % p/p of dry matter, relative to their total weight and their core contains a hardly soluble active principle and a solubilizing agent (polyoxyethylene hydrogenated castor oil) which provides the core wherein it is contained with properties such that the behaviour of the exposed core (non-coated) in a given dissolving test (TD), is as follows: release of 80 % of active principle in less than two hours. The invention also concerns the use of such microcapsules in galenic formulation. __________________ 202 October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א ]11[]21[ 166404 ייצורן,6 תולדות אינדוליניות מותמרות בעמדה והשימוש בהן כתרופות ]54[ INDOLINE DERIVATIVES SUBSTITUTED IN POSITION 6, PRODUCTION AND USE THEREOF AS MEDICAMENTS ]22[ ]31[ 22.07.2003 10233366.1 ]32[ 23.07.2002 ]33[ DE 10328533.4 24.06.2003 DE Int. Cl.(2009.01) A61K 31/404, A61P 35/00, C07D 209/34, 403/12 BOEHRINGER INGELHEIM INTERNATIONAL GMBH, GERMANY WO/2004/009547 REINHOLD COHN AND PARTNERS, ,ריינהולד כהן ושותפיו 26A HABARZEL ST., 'א26 רחוב הברזל RAMAT HACHAYAL 69710 רמת החייל ]51[ ]71[ ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ The invention relates to indoline derivatives substituted in position 6 of general formula (I) wherein R1 - R6 and X are defined in Claim 1, the tautomers, enantiomers thereof, the mixtures and salts thereof, especially physiologically compatible salts which have valuable pharamaceutical properties, especially an inhibiting effect on various receptor tyrosine kinases and on the proliferation of enthethelial cells and various tumor cells, medicaments containing said compounds, the use thereof and a method for the production thereof. __________________ ]11[]21[ ]54[ 203 POLYSACCHARIDE OF ECHINACEA ANGUSTIFOLIA 166554 פוליסכריד של אכינציאה אנגוסטיפוליה October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]71[ ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ 26.06.2003 MI2002A001692 ]32[ 30.07.2002 ]33[ Int. Cl.(2009.01) A61K 31/715, C08B 37/00 INDENA S.P.A., ITALY WO/2004/014958 REINHOLD COHN AND PARTNERS, 26A HABARZEL ST., RAMAT HACHAYAL 69710 IT ,ריינהולד כהן ושותפיו 'א26 רחוב הברזל רמת החייל The present invention relates to a polysaccharide of Echinacea angustifolia roots, having molecular weight of 1.3 x 105 Da and consisting of rhamnose, arabinose, galactose and galacturonic acid in ratio 0.5:2.5:1.75:10.25. The polysaccharide is recovered from spontaneous or cultivated Echinacea angustifolia roots by means of a process comprising the following steps: a) depriving the roots of non polysaccharidic constituents by extraction with solvent; b) extracting the polysaccharidic fraction from the roots as directly obtained from the preceding step; c) isolating the polysaccharide by chromatography of the polysaccharidic fraction. Due to its immune-stimulating properties, the polysaccharide can be used for the preparation of medicaments, food supplements' or nutraceutical compositions to administer whenever it is desirable to strenghthen the immune system body defenses. __________________ ]11[]21[ ]54[ APPARATUS AND METHOD FOR CONTROLLING AERIAL REFUELING HOSE ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]71[ ]87[ ]74[ 03.08.2002 10/199134 ]32[ 22.07.2002 Int. Cl.(2009.01) B64D 37/00, 39/00 ASHER BARTOV, U.S.A. WO/2004/016505 DR. MARK FRIEDMAN LTD., MOSHE AVIV TOWER, 54TH FLOOR, 7 JABOTINSKY ST., RAMAT GAN 52520 ]57[ 204 166573 מתקן ושיטה לבקרה של זרנוק לתדלוק אווירי ]33[ US ,ד"ר מרק פרידמן בע"מ 7 רח ז'בוטינסקי, 54. ק,מגדל משה אביב גן-רמת The invention is a variable displacement hydraulic motor-controlled hose reel drive system (10) for aerial refueling of a receiver aircraft from a tanker aircraft. The system includes a variable displacement hydraulic motor (26), a tachometer (34), position October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א sensor (34), a reaction torque sensor (36) and a microprocessor (29) which, depending upon data received from the system's position and reaction torque sensors, sends appropriate signals to the motor. The invention is also a method for deploying a hose and drogue so as to reduce the likelihood that the hose (22) would go into oscillation after initial engagement of a receiver aircraft's probe with the drogue (24). In an embodiment of the invention, the hose (22) is retracted prior to hook up of the probe and drogue (24), and the force required to retract the hose (22) is recorded. After initial engagement of the probe with the drogue (24), the hose (22) is retracted until the force required to retract the hose rises to about the same force previously recorded. __________________ ]11[]21[ ]54[ METHOD OF WELDING, BY USING FOR EXAMPLE FRICTION STIR WELDING, SURFACES WITH POLYMERS SEALANT AND WELDED STRUCTURE ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]71[ 05.08.2003 60/402505 ]32[ 07.08.2002 Int. Cl.(2009.01) B23K 20/12, 31/02 ECLIPSE AVIATION CORPORATION, U.S.A. WO/2004/014593 SANFORD T.COLB & CO., P.O.B. 2273, REHOVOT 76122 ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ 205 166643 שיטות ריתוך על ידי השימוש לדוגמה בריתוך ' שטחים עם פולימרי איטוםSTIR חיכוך ומבנה מרותך ]33[ US ,' קולב ושות.סנפורד ט מרמורק,4 שער הגיא רחובות2273 .ד. ת, An assembly (10), such as an aircraft component, is formed with a weld joint by, for example, using friction stir welding, (FSW), to form a lap joint between a stiffer (14) and the interior surface of the skin of the component (12). A sealant layer (24), such as a monomer sealant/adhesive is applied to the surfaces to be joined, and is cured in place by the elevated temperatures of the welding process to form an elastomeric fay October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א surface sealing, such as a fluoroelastomeric coating, to protect the component (12) from corrosion at the welds (16, 18). Additional heat for curing may be applied by laser (30) or induction heating (30) or the like. __________________ ]11[]21[ 166813 תרשים מבוסס על תג להספקת מידע במערכת הספקת מידע מעודכנת ]54[ TAG-BASED SCHEMA FOR DISTRIBUTING UPDATE METADATA IN AN UPDATE DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]71[ 10.02.2005 799440 ]32[ 12.03.2004 ]33[ US Int. Cl.(2009.01) G06F 09/445, H04L 29/06, 29/08 MICROSOFT CORPORATION, U.S.A. REINHOLD COHN AND PARTNERS, 26A HABARZEL ST., RAMAT HACHAYAL 69710 ]74[ ]57[ 206 ,ריינהולד כהן ושותפיו 'א26 רחוב הברזל רמת החייל A computer-implemented method for communicating update metadata corresponding to a software update to a client computer, the method comprising: with a computer, receiving a synchronization request from a client computer for information regarding a software update corresponding to a software product, and responsive to the synchronization request: determining whether a software update is available for the software product; generating a tag-based data structure storing metadata corresponding to a software update available for installation on the client computer, the tag-based data structure comprising: a relationship element storing metadata identifying relationships the software update has to other software updates, the relationship element including bundle information that identifies a plurality of software updates that must be installed coextensively, wherein the plurality of software updates are joined together with October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א Boolean operators into a logical statement, such that evaluation of the logical statement determines the suitability of the plurality software updates for installation on the client computer; and at least one additional element of the following tag-based elements: a property element storing metadata identifying general properties relating to the software update including update handler information identifying an update handler for installing the identified software update on the client computer; a localized property element storing metadata identifying language specific information directed to a computer user relating to the software update; a rule element storing metadata identifying rules for determining the applicability of the software update to a client computer; a file element storing metadata identifying the identified software update's payload and information relating to the software update's payload; and a handler element storing metadata identifying information for executing the update handler identified in the property elements for installing the identified software update on the client computer; and providing the tag-based data structure to the client computer. __________________ ]11[]21[ 166907 מערך משרן המשתמש בסימטרית מדרגה עבור משרנים ]54[ INDUCTOR LAYOUT USING STEP SYMMETRY FOR INDUCTORS ]22[ ]31[ 15.02.2005 60/550000 ]32[ 03.03.2004 ]33[ US 10/836160 29.04.2004 US Int. Cl.(2009.01) H01L 27/00 ATHEROS COMMUNICATIONS, INC. WOLFF, BREGMAN AND GOLLER, , ברגמן וגולר,וולף P.O.B. 1352, ירושלים1352 .ד. ת, JERUSALEM 91013 A differential circuit layout can advantageously use step symmetry for inductors and mirror symmetry for the rest of the circuit, interconnect segments can be used to connect the terminals of the inductors to other components in the circuit. These interconnect segments facilitate the transition from the step symmetry of the inductors to the mirror symmetry of the other components. To provide this transition, the terminals of an inductor and its associated interconnect segments are formed on a middle axis of the inductor. This mixed symmetry can advantageously cancel the common-mode magnetic field, reduce the parasitic inductor coupling, and balance parasitic wiring capacitances between the two sides of the differential circuit. ]51[ ]71[ ]74[ ]57[ 207 October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א __________________ ]11[]21[ ]54[ METHOD AND DEVICE FOR THE TRANSMISSION OF NOTIFICATIONS ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]71[ ]87[ ]74[ 15.08.2003 10238345.6 ]32[ 16.08.2002 Int. Cl.(2009.01) G06F 17/30 DEUTSCHE POST AG, GERMANY WO/2004/019242 EITAN MEHULAL LAW GROUP, 10 ABBA EBEN BLVD., P.O. B. 2081, HERZLIYA 46120 ]57[ 166913 שיטה והתקן להעברת הודעות ]33[ DE עורכי דין ועורכי,קבוצת איתן מהולל ,פטנטים 10 שדרות אבא אבן הרצליה2081 .ד. ת, The invention relates to a method for the transmission of notifications. According to the invention the method is characterised in that data from at least one data bank is transmitted to a central dispatch centre, converted there into notification information and the notification information transmitted to a communication interface and from the communication interface onto one or several receiver devices. The invention further relates to a logistic system suitable for application to the method. __________________ ]11[]21[ ]54[ 208 LIQUID STABLE COMPOSITION OF OXAZAPHOSPHORINE WITH MESNA 167228 תרכובת נוזל יציבה של MESNA עםOXAZAPHOPHORINE October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]71[ ]72[ ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ 04.09.2003 809/MUM ]32[ 05.09.2002 ]33[ IN Int. Cl.(2009.01) A61K 09/00, 31/185, 31/675, 31/724, A61P 35/00 BHARAT SERUMS AND VACCINES LTD., INDIA GAUTAM VINOD DAFTARY, SRIKANTH ANNAPPA PAI, SANGEETA HANURMESH RIVANKAR, KUMAR SUBBAPPA PRAVEEN WO/2004/022699 DR. MARK FRIEDMAN LTD., ,ד"ר מרק פרידמן בע"מ MOSHE AVIV TOWER, 54TH 7 רח ז'בוטינסקי, 54. ק,מגדל משה אביב FLOOR, גן-רמת 7 JABOTINSKY ST., RAMAT GAN 52520 A low toxicity, stable oxazaphosphorine containing compositions with mesna for parenteral administration has been described. The process essentially requires addition of an oxazaphosphorine antineoplastic to the aqueous solution of an etherified bcyclodextrin followed by addition of mesna as such or as an aqueous solution containing optionally, an etherified b-cyclodextrin. Preferably, the oxazaphosphorine antineoplastic is Ifosfamide and the etherified b-cyclodextrin is 2-hydroxypropyl-bcyclodextrin. __________________ ]11[]21[ ]54[ METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR IMPROVING RADIO LOCATION ACCURACY ]22[ ]31[ 17.10.2003 60/433055 ]32[ 13.12.2002 10/418799 18.04.2003 60/419680 17.10.2009 Int. Cl.(2009.01) G01S 05/14 QUALCOMM INCORPORATED, U.S.A. WO/2004/036240 SANFORD T.COLB & CO., P.O.B. 2273, REHOVOT 76122 ]51[ ]71[ ]87[ ]74[ 209 167438 שיטה ומתקן לשיפור דיוק של מיקום רדיו ]33[ US US US ,' קולב ושות.סנפורד ט מרמורק,4 שער הגיא רחובות2273 .ד. ת, October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א ]57[ A method and apparatus to utilize a set of measurements (either partial or compete) to improve the accuracy of an initial position estimate for a wireless terminal. The initial position estimate for the terminal is first obtained (e.g., based on a cell-ID or an enhanced cell-ID solution). Measurements are obtained for the terminal. The initial position estimate is then updated with the measurements to obtain a revised position estimate for the terminal. The updating may be performed by (1) deriving a measurement vector based on the initial position estimate and the measurements, (2) forming an observation matrix for the measurements, (3) determining a matrix of weights, (4) deriving a correction vector based on the measurement vector, the observation matrix, and the weight matrix, and (5) updating the initial position estimate with the correction vector. __________________ ]11[]21[ ]54[ MULTI-MODE TERMINAL IN A WIRELESS MIMO SYSTEM WITH SPATIAL MULTIPLEXING ]22[ ]31[ 24.10.2003 60/421309 ]32[ 25.10.2002 10/693535 23.10.2003 Int. Cl.(2009.01) H04L 01/00 QUALCOMM INCORPORATED, U.S.A. WO/2004/038985 SANFORD T.COLB & CO., P.O.B. 2273, REHOVOT 76122 ]51[ ]71[ ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ 210 167442 אלחוטיתMIMO טרמינל רב–אופנים במערכת עם מלטיפלקס מרחבי ]33[ US US ,' קולב ושות.סנפורד ט מרמורק,4 שער הגיא רחובות2273 .ד. ת, A user terminal supports multiple spatial multiplexing (SM) modes such as a steered mode and a non-steered mode. For data transmission, multiple data streams are coded and modulated in accordance with their selected rates to obtain multiple data symbol streams. These streams are then spatially processed in accordance with a selected SM mode (e.g., with a matrix of steering vectors for the steered mode and with the identity matrix for the non-steered mode) to obtain multiple transmit symbol streams for transmission from multiple antennas. For data reception, multiple received symbol streams are spatially processed in accordance with the selected SM mode (e.g., with a matrix of eigenvectors for the steered mode and with a spatial filter matrix for the nonsteered mode) to obtain multiple recovered data symbol streams. These streams are demodulated and decoded in accordance with their selected rates to obtain multiple decoded data streams. October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א The applications for division from this application have not yet been published ,202480 בקשות חלוקה מבקשה זו .שטרם פורסמו __________________ ]11[]21[ ]54[ LOADING LEDGE ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]71[ 15.09.2003 0202779-5 ]32[ 18.09.2002 Int. Cl.(2009.01) B65D 19/18, 19/40 INTER IKEA SYSTEMS B.V., THE NETHERLANDS WO/2004/026713 WOLFF, BREGMAN AND GOLLER, P.O.B. 1352, JERUSALEM 91013 ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ 211 167481 מדף עמיסה ]33[ SE , ברגמן וגולר,וולף ירושלים1352 .ד. ת, The present invention concerns a loading ledge (1) to be used e.g. in transport and storing and a system for creation of load units. The loading ledge (1) has an upper leg (4) and a lower leg (2) forming a substantially L-shaped cross-section. The lower leg (2) is furnished with one or more projections (3), to make it possible to use handling equipment. One or more locking means (5) are integrated in the loading ledge (1) to grip straps or the like. A load unit is created in that two or more loading ledges (1) are used together with straps to fixate the goods (19) on the loading ledges (1). October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א __________________ ]11[]21[ מתקן לחקלאות פירות–ים ]54[ DEVICE FOR SHELLFISH FARMING ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]71[ 17.10.2003 20025122 ]32[ 25.10.2002 Int. Cl.(2009.01) A01K 61/00 TORMOD DRENGSTIG, NORWAY ASBJORN DRENGSTIG, NORWAY IVAR KOLLSGARD, NORWAY ]87[ ]74[ WO/2004/036987 DR. MARK FRIEDMAN LTD., MOSHE AVIV TOWER, 54TH FLOOR, 7 JABOTINSKY ST., RAMAT GAN 52520 ]57[ 167510 ]33[ NO ,ד"ר מרק פרידמן בע"מ 7 רח ז'בוטינסקי, 54. ק,מגדל משה אביב גן-רמת Device for cage (1) for shellfish farming, where the cage is placed in the sea or in a tank with water and where the cage's one side (11) is provided with openings, for instance a grid (13) and where the cage's other sides (3, 5, 7, 9) preferably are closed and where the cage (1) is arranged so it can be turned so that said one side provided with openings (11) faces upwards in a vertical feeding position, or faces sideways in a horizontal eating and resting position, or faces downwards in a vertical emptying position, as these positions are achieved by means of the fish farming cage (1) being placed on or by a transporter (25, 55). __________________ 212 October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א ]11[]21[ ]54[ PROPELLANT SYSTEM FOR A PROJECTILE ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]62[ ]71[ 02.12.1999 09/206085 ]32[ 04.12.1998 Int. Cl.(2009.01) F42B 05/16 DIVISION FROM 143500 BAE SYSTEMS LAND AND ARMAMENTS L.P., U.S.A. WO/2000/039520 REINHOLD COHN AND PARTNERS, 26A HABARZEL ST., RAMAT HACHAYAL 69710 ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ 167926 מערכת הדף עבור קליע ]33[ US ,ריינהולד כהן ושותפיו 'א26 רחוב הברזל רמת החייל The invention provides an improved propellant system for firing projectiles (12) in large caliber guns. Strips (50, 51, 52, 53) of energetic propellant are placed in the cartridge case (11) so that the lengths of the strips are parallel to the length of the cartridge. Preferably, the strips are placed in a radially symmetric pattern. The strips provide passageways that allow ignition gases to flow radially in the cartridge case and along the length of the cartridge case. __________________ ]11[]21[ ]54[ METHOD OF REDUCING NEAREND CROSSTALK IN AN MXU NETWORKING ARCHITECTURE ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]71[ 09.10.2003 10/272881 ]32[ 17.10.2002 Int. Cl.(2009.01) H04J 03/06 COPPERGATE COMMUNICATIONS 213 167973 שיטה להפחתת העברה של מידע ממשדר למקלט בטווח קצר ברשת תקשורת ביתית ]33[ US תל אביב,קופרגייט תקשורת בע"מ October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ LTD. WO/2004/036761 BOROCHOV, KORAKH & CO., 15TH FLOOR, ATIDIM TOWER, KIRYAT ATIDIM, P.O.B. 58100, TEL AVIV 61580 ,'בורוכוב קורח ושות מגדל כלל עתידים אביב-תל58100 .ד. ת, HPNA MXU network (200) for an MxU including a plurality of HPNA LANs (1151115N), each operating according to a synchronous communication specification, each including a plurality of nodes, one of the nodes being a gateway node (122 1-122N), a selected one of the nodes within each HPNA LAN being defined a LAN-master-node, each HPNA LAN being coupled with a WAN (120) via the respective gateway node, wherein communication lines (124a-124n) within the HPNA LANs, directly coupled to the gateway nodes, are at least partially bound together (118), wherein the transmission direction within a selected HPNA LAN, by the respective gateway node, is defined downstream wherein the transmission direction within a selected HPNA LAN, between nodes other than the respective gateway nodes The applications for division from this application have not yet been published ,200963 בקשות חלוקה מבקשה זו .שטרם פורסמו __________________ ]11[]21[ ]54[ METHOD FOR PREPARING A DEVICE STRUCTURE HAVING A WAFER STRUCTURE DEPOSITED ON A COMPOSITE SUBSTRATE HAVING A MATCHED COEFFICIENT OF THERMAL EXPANSION ]22[ 16.04.2004 214 168120 שיטה להכנת מבנה התקן המכיל מבנה פרוסת סיליקון הנתונה על סובסטראט מרוכב המכיל מקדם מתואם להתפשטות בחום October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א ]31[ ]51[ ]71[ ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ 10/418870 ]32[ 18.04.2003 Int. Cl.(2009.01) H01L 21/20 RAYTHEON COMPANY, U.S.A. WO/2004/095554 REINHOLD COHN AND PARTNERS, 26A HABARZEL ST., RAMAT HACHAYAL 69710 ]33[ US ,ריינהולד כהן ושותפיו 'א26 רחוב הברזל רמת החייל A wafer structure is deposited on a composite substrate structure having at least two substrate layers bonded together. A first substrate layer is made of a first substrate material having a first-substrate-layer material transverse coefficient of thermal expansion, greater than the wafer transverse coefficient of thermal expansion, and a second substrate layer is made of a second substrate material having a secondsubstrate-layer material transverse coefficient of thermal expansion, measured parallel to the transverse direction, less than the wafer transverse coefficient of thermal expansion. The substrate layers are present in relative proportions such that the substrate transverse coefficient of thermal expansion differs from the wafer transverse coefficient of thermal expansion by not more than about 2 x 10 -6/°F. __________________ ]11[]21[ 168222 מעבד וויסות סיגנליים כשכבות בעל מורכבות נמוכה ]54[ LOWER COMPLEXITY LAYERED MODULATION SIGNAL PROCESSOR ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]71[ ]87[ ]74[ 10.10.2003 60/421331 ]32[ 25.10.2002 ]33[ US Int. Cl.(2009.01) H03F 01/32, H04B 07/185, 17/00, H04L 27/20, 27/34 THE DIRECTV GROUP, INC., U.S.A. WO/2004/040403 SANFORD T.COLB & CO., ,' קולב ושות.סנפורד ט P.O.B. 2273, מרמורק,4 שער הגיא REHOVOT 76122 רחובות2273 .ד. ת, 215 October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א ]57[ A method and apparatus for transmitting and receiving a coded signal having an upper layer signal (130) and a lower layer signal (1312) is disclosed. The method comprises the steps of combining the upper layer signal and the lower layer signal, encoding the combined upper layer signal and lower layer signal, delaying the upper layer signal, modulating the delayed upper layer signal, modulating the lower layer signal, transmitting the delayed upper layer signal and transmitting the lower layer signal. The apparatus comprises an encoder (1301), for encoding a combined upper layer signal and lower layer signal, a delay communicatively coupled to the encoder, for delaying the upper layer signal, a first modulator, for modulating the upper layer signal, a second modulator, for modulating the lower layer signal, a transmitter (1314), communicatively coupled to the first modulator, for transmitting the delayed upper layer signal, and a second transmitter (13, 16), communicatively coupled to the second modulator. __________________ ]11[]21[ 168223 –הערכת נקודת הפעלה במגבר צינור גל נוסע לא קווי ]54[ ESTIMATING THE OPERATING POINT ON A NONLINEAR TRAVELING WAVE TUBE AMPLIFIER ]22[ ]31[ 17.10.2003 60/421289 ]32[ 25.10.2002 ]33[ US 60/510368 10.10.2003 US Int. Cl.(2009.01) H01J 25/20, H03F 03/58, H04B 07/185 THE DIRECTV GROUP, INC., U.S.A. WO/2004/040406 SANFORD T.COLB & CO., P.O.B. 2273, REHOVOT 76122 ]51[ ]71[ ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ 216 ,' קולב ושות.סנפורד ט מרמורק,4 שער הגיא רחובות2273 .ד. ת, A method, apparatus, article of manufacture, and a memory structure provide the October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א ability to determine an input operating point and an output operating point on a nonlinear traveling wave tube amplifier (TWTA). The non-linearity of the TWTA is measured (1302). An input roots mean-square (RMS) value of an input signal used to measure the non-linearity of the TWTA is computed (1304). The RMS value identifies an input operating point of the measured non-linearity of the TWTA. Lastly, an output operating point is obtained (1306). __________________ ]11[]21[ 168226 התאמת שיפעה ופאזה עבור קליטת וויסות בשכבות ]54[ AMPLITUDE AND PHASE MATCHING FOR LAYERED MODULATION RECEPTION ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]71[ ]87[ ]74[ 03.10.2003 60/421332 ]32[ 25.10.2002 ]33[ US Int. Cl.(2009.01) H04B 03/04, 07/212, H04L 27/06, H04N 05/76 THE DIRECTV GROUP, INC., U.S.A. WO/2004/040806 SANFORD T.COLB & CO., ,' קולב ושות.סנפורד ט P.O.B. 2273, מרמורק,4 שער הגיא REHOVOT 76122 רחובות2273 .ד. ת, ]57[ 217 An apparatus and method for receiving layered modulation signals is disclosed. A typical method includes receiving a layered modulation signal (602) including an upper layer signal and a lower layer signal, demodulating and decoding (604) the upper layer signal from the received layered modulation signal, estimating an upper layer amplitude factor and an upper layer phase factor (618) from the received layered modulation signal. A substantially ideal upper layer signal is reconstructed from the demodulated and decoded upper layer signal including matching an ideal amplitude and an ideal phase (620) by applying the upper layer amplitude factor and the upper layer phase factor to the reconstructed ideal upper layer signal. Finally, the reconstructed ideal upper layer signal is subtracted from the received layered October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א modulation signal (622) to produce the lower layer signal for processing. __________________ ]11[]21[ 168230 שיטה ומתקן להתאמה מחויטת של דרישות כוח להעברה לפי זמינות במערכות וויסות עם שכבות ]54[ METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR TAILORING CARRIER POWER REQUIREMENTS ACCORDING TO AVAILABILITY IN LAYERED MODULATION SYSTEMS ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]71[ ]87[ ]74[ 15.10.2003 60/421333 ]32[ 25.10.2002 ]33[ US Int. Cl.(2009.01) H04B 07/185, H04L 27/34, 27/36 THE DIRECTV GROUP, INC., U.S.A. WO/2004/040924 SANFORD T.COLB & CO., P.O.B. 2273, REHOVOT 76122 ]57[ 218 ,' קולב ושות.סנפורד ט מרמורק,4 שער הגיא רחובות2273 .ד. ת, A method and apparatus transmitting a layered modulation signal having a first signal layer having first signal symbols and a second signal layer having second signal symbols is disclosed. The method comprises the steps of determining a first signal layer modulation carrier power CL at least in part according to a first signal layer clear sky margin ML and a first signal layer availability, determining an second signal layer modulation carrier power CU at least in part according to an second signal layer clear sky margin MU and an second signal layer availability, modulating the first signal symbols according to a first carrier at the determined first signal layer modulation carrier power; modulating the second signal symbols according to a second carrier at the determined second signal layer modulation carrier power, and transmitting the two layers independently. October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א __________________ ]11[]21[ ]54[ METHOD FOR IDENTIFICATION OF A PERSON BY RECOGNITION OF DIGITAL FINGERPRINT ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]71[ ]87[ ]74[ 03.11.2003 02/14030 ]32[ 08.11.2005 Int. Cl.(2009.01) G06K 09/00 SAGEM SECURITE, FRANCE WO/2004/044826 REINHOLD COHN AND PARTNERS, 26A HABARZEL ST., RAMAT HACHAYAL 69710 ]57[ 168406 שיטה לזיהוי אדם באמצעות הכרה של טביעת האצבע האלקטרונית ]33[ FR ,ריינהולד כהן ושותפיו 'א26 רחוב הברזל רמת החייל The invention relates to a method for identification of a person by recognition of a digital fingerprint, whereby the characteristic points on a digitised image of a digital fingerprint (E) are determined and transmitted (16) to a bank holding (17) the characteristic points of a number of digital fingerprints for comparison and identification (18) of the person to whom the photographed fingerprint belongs. When the fingerprint (E) is taken on a curved surface (3) of an object (12), the digitised mage is transformed (13) into a plane-projection corrected digitised image, by means of an algorithm, in which the characteristic points are detected (15). __________________ ]11[]21[ 219 168737 October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א ]54[ USE OF PPAR ALPHA AGONIST, METFORMIN AND PHARMACEUTICAL ACCEPTABLE CARRIER, FOR THE PREPARATION OF MEDICAMENTS FOR TREATING OBESITY ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]71[ 26.11.2003 02292940.0 ]32[ 28.11.2002 ]33[ EP Int. Cl.(2009.01) A61K 31/155, 31/192, 45/06, A61P 03/04, C07C 281/00 FOURNIER LABORATORIES IRELAND LIMITED, IRELAND WO/2004/047831 LUZZATTO & LUZZATTO, ,לוצאטו את לוצאטו INDUSTRIAL PARK, OMER, עומר,גן תעשייה P.O.B. 5352, באר שבע5352 .ד. ת, BEER-SHEVA 84152 ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ מטפורמין, אלפאPPAR שימוש באגוניסט של לייצור תרופות לטיפול בהשמנת,ונשא מתאים יתר The present invention relates to the combined use of a PPARalpha agonist and metformin for decreasing serum triglycerides. __________________ ]11[]21[ ]54[ THERMAL TYMPANIC THERMOMETER TIP ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]71[ 15.04.2003 60/432904 ]32[ 12.12.2002 Int. Cl.(2009.01) G01K 13/00 SHERWOOD SERVICES AG, SWITZERLAND WO/2004/055488 REINHOLD COHN AND PARTNERS, 26A HABARZEL ST., RAMAT HACHAYAL 69710 ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ 220 168913 טיפ של מדחום להכנסה לתוף ]33[ US ,ריינהולד כהן ושותפיו 'א26 רחוב הברזל רמת החייל The present disclosure provides a tympanic thermometer including a heat sensing probe defining a longitudinal axis and an outer surface extending from a distal end of the tympanic thermometer. The heat sensing probe includes a sensor housing extending to a distal end thereof. A sensor can is mounted with the sensor housing and a nozzle is mounted onto the sensor housing. The sensor can includes temperature October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א sensing electronics for sensing temperature via the heat sensing probe. The nozzle includes a base disposed with the sensor housing and an elongated cylindrical nose portion disposed about the sensor housing. The nozzle is configured to direct heat flux to the distal end of the heat sensing probe. A probe cover is mountable to the distal end of the tympanic thermometer. The probe cover has an inner surface configured to engage an outer surface of the nozzle. The sensor can preferably include a lip extending radially therefrom and contacting the nozzle at at least one contact point to provide heat flux to the sensor can. The applications for division from this application have not yet been published ,181374 בקשות חלוקה מבקשה זו .שטרם פורסמו __________________ ]11[]21[ 169215 שיטת ומערכת פרוקסי עבור אדמיניסטרציה של ישויות מנוהלות אלחוטיות מאובטחות ]54[ PROXY METHOD AND SYSTEM FOR SECURE WIRELESS ADMINISTRATION OF MANAGED ENTITIES ]22[ ]31[ 19.12.2003 2414830 ]32[ 19.12.2002 ]33[ CA 10/326226 19.12.2002 US Int. Cl.(2009.01) H04L 09/08, 12/24, 29/06, 29/08 AVOCENT HUNTSVILLE CORPORATION, U.S.A. KEVIN KERSTENS, ALLAN VAN SCHAICK, JIM DOREE WO/2004/057823 JMB, FACTOR & CO. LTD., , פקטור אנד קו בע"מ,ג'יי אמ בי HAR HOTZVIM HI-TECH PARK, הר חוצבים,רחוב המרפא P.O.B. 45087, ירושלים45087 .ד. ת, JERUSALEM 91450 ]51[ ]71[ ]72[ ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ 221 A method, system and apparatus for providing network administration services October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א remotely to managed entities using wireless technology via a proxy device. The proxy device is used to pre-process all command traffic from the wireless input device (WID). The Proxy isolates the managed entities from the WID. The communications between WID and managed entities is encoded. A security model based on multiple pre-shared keys and algorithms together with identifiers and passwords that are not transmitted enhancing security and reducing bandwidth consumption. It is possible to deliver TELNET services across the Internet and behind a firewall. __________________ ]11[]21[ ]54[ METHOD AND DEVICE FOR TRANSMITTING LCAS PROTOCOL VIA AN OPTICAL COMMUNICATION LINE ]22[ ]51[ ]71[ ]74[ 27.06.2005 Int. Cl.(2009.01) H04J 03/16 ECI TELECOM LTD. ECI TELECOM LTD., 30 HASIVIM ST., PETACH TIKVA 49517 ]57[ 222 169416 דרך קוLCAS שיטה והתקן להעברת פרוטוקול תקשורת אופטי פתח תקוה, טלקום בע"מ. איי. סי.אי , טלקום בע"מ. איי. סי.אי 30 רחוב הסיבים פתח תקוה A method for bidirectional exchange of LCAS control information for controlling a virtual concatenated group (VCG) binary stream (42) transmitted between a first network element (NEI) and a second network element (NE2) via a bi-directional optical communication line (16) interconnecting said two network elements, while said VCG binary stream (42) forms substantially unidirectional data traffic transmitted in a first direction via said bi-directional optical communication line (16), with no or negligible data traffic transmitted in a second direction opposite to said first direction; the method being characterized by the following arrangement for exchanging the LCAS control information: (a) in the first direction, transmitting said LCAS control information via said bidirectional optical communication line (16) in said VCG binary stream (42), by October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א placing the LCAS control information in one or more overhead bytes (35) conventionally specified for said VCG binary stream (42), (b) in the second direction, transmitting said LCAS control information by placing it in one or more overhead bytes (35, 48,57) of an existing binary stream (47, 19) and passing, in said second direction, via a communication trail (46, 17) connecting said first network element (NEI) and said second network element (NE2), wherein said existing binary stream (47) has no relation to said VCG binary stream (42) to be controlled by said LCAS control information, and is not provisioned specifically for transmitting said LCAS control information. __________________ ]11[]21[ ]54[ POLYTUNNEL SYSTEM FOR CULTIVATION OF CROPS ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]71[ 05.01.2004 0300253.2 ]32[ 07.01.2003 Int. Cl.(2009.01) A01G 09/16 HAYGROVE LIMITED, UNITED KINGDOM WO/2004/060046 REINHOLD COHN AND PARTNERS, 26A HABARZEL ST., RAMAT HACHAYAL 69710 ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ 223 169566 מערכת של תעלת פוליאתילן לגידול צמחים ]33[ GB ,ריינהולד כהן ושותפיו 'א26 רחוב הברזל רמת החייל A polytunnel system comprises a plurality of cover support members (14), a series of leg members (12) and a cover. The cover support members (14) are supported by associated ones of the leg members (12). The cover support members (14) are securable to the leg members (12) at a plurality of different heights. October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א __________________ ]11[]21[ 169704 שיטה לחיבור הדדי ומבנה ]54[ INTERCONNECTION METHOD AND STRUCTURE ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]62[ ]71[ 09.12.2001 681066 ]32[ 18.12.2000 ]33[ US Int. Cl.(2009.01) H05K 03/06 DIVISION FROM 146999 GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY, U.S.A. SELIGSOHN GABRIELI & CO., ,'זליגסון גבריאלי ושות 31 YAVNE ST., 31 רח' יבנה P.O.B. 1426, תל אביב1426 .ד. ת, TEL AVIV 61013 An interconnection structure comprising: a dielectric layer (10); a first portion (14) of cured adhesive; a second portion (38) of cured adhesive; at least one electrical device being attached to the dielectric layer by the second portion of cured adhesive such that an active area of at least one electrical device is aligned with the at least one predetermined area defined by the first portion of cured adhesive, the first portion of the cured adhesive being adhesively attached to the dielectric layer and not adhesively attached to the at least one electrical device. ]74[ ]57[ 224 October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א __________________ ]11[]21[ חבל למעלית ]54[ ELEVATOR ROPE ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]71[ ]87[ ]74[ 29.01.2004 03100473.2 ]32[ 27.02.2003 Int. Cl.(2009.01) B66B 07/06 N.V. BEKAERT S.A., BELGIUM WO/2004/076327 DR. YITZHAK HESS & PARTNERS, 279 HAYARKON ST., P.O.B. 6451, TEL AVIV 61063 ]57[ 169785 ]33[ EP ,ד"ר יצחק הס ושותפיו 279 רחוב הירקון תל אביב6451 .ד. ת, An elevator rope comprising an elastomer coated, multistrand steel wire cable is claimed. In such a cable strands have a lay-length of at least 6.5 times the diameter of the bare cable diameter D. The cable is further coated with an elastomeric jacket, which adheres to the strands with a pull-out force not less than 15xD+15 newton per mm. The advantages of such an elevator rope are amongst others its limited elongation, its reduced diameter and its improved fatigue life. __________________ ]11[]21[ 169887 פרופיל של תא חלול המפיק תועלת מאנרגיה סולרית ]54[ HOLLOW-CHAMBER PROFILE FOR UTILIZING SOLAR ENERGY ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]71[ 07.01.2004 10304536.8 ]32[ 04.02.2003 ]33[ Int. Cl.(2009.01) E04C 02/54, F24J 02/24 BAYER MATERIALSCIENCE AG, GERMANY WO/2004/070287 REINHOLD COHN AND PARTNERS, 26A HABARZEL ST., RAMAT HACHAYAL 69710 ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ 225 DE ,ריינהולד כהן ושותפיו 'א26 רחוב הברזל רמת החייל The invention relates to a hollow-chamber profile (10, 70) for utilizing solar energy, October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א especially for roofing absorption roofs or the like. Said hollow-chamber profile comprises a transparent top part (12, 72) and a radiation-absorbing bottom part (14) that are jointly produced by two-component extrusion from a plastic material and that are interlinked in the interior of the hollow-chamber profile (10, 70) by longitudinally extending webs (20, , 30) in such a manner as to form parallel flow channels (34, , 48) for a heat-transfer medium. The exterior of the top part (12, 72) is provided with a coating layer (50) that is produced jointly with the top part (12, 72) and the bottom part (14) by two-component extrusion combined with coextrusion from a transparent plastic material that absorbs the ultraviolet radiation fraction. __________________ ]11[]21[ 170373 ( 15 נוגדנים אנושיים הספציפיים לאינטרלוקין ) ושימושיהםIL–15 ]54[ HUMAN ANTIBODIES SPECIFIC FOR INTERLEUKIN 15 (IL-15) AND USES THEREOF ]22[ ]31[ 25.02.2004 10/374932 ]32[ 26.02.2003 ]33[ US 10/379741 05.03.2003 US Int. Cl.(2009.01) A61K 39/395, A61P 07/00, 09/00, 11/00, 17/00, C07K 16/24, C12N 15/13 GENMAB A/S, DENMARK WO/2004/076620 SANFORD T.COLB & CO., ,' קולב ושות.סנפורד ט P.O.B. 2273, מרמורק,4 שער הגיא REHOVOT 76122 רחובות2273 .ד. ת, ]51[ ]71[ ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ 226 Isolated human monoclonal antibodies which specifically bind to IL-15 (e.g., human IL-15), and related antibody-based compositions and molecules, are disclosed. The human antibodies can be produced in a transfectoma or in a non-human transgenic animal, e.g., a transgenic mouse, capable of producing multiple isotypes of human monoclonal antibodies by undergoing V-D-J recombination and isotype switching. Also disclosed are pharmaceutical compositions comprising the human antibodies, non-human transgenic animals, and hybridomas which produce the human antibodies, October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א and therapeutic and diagnostic methods for using the human antibodies. __________________ ]11[]21[ 170659 שיטת הספגה לאנודות של קבל עם אלקטרוליט מוצק נקבוביות על–ידי פולימר מוליך ]54[ METHOD FOR IMPREGNATION OF CONDUCTIVE POLYMER INTO POROUS SOLID ELECTROLYTE CAPACITOR ANODES ]22[ ]51[ ]71[ 04.09.2005 Int. Cl.(2009.01) H01G 09/028 CEREL (CERAMIC TECHNOLOGIES) LTD. ]72[ ASSAF THON, MARTIN IVANOV ZARBOV LUZZATTO & LUZZATTO, ,לוצאטו את לוצאטו INDUSTRIAL PARK, OMER, עומר,גן תעשייה P.O.B. 5352, באר שבע5352 .ד. ת, BEER-SHEVA 84152 A method of producing an outer conductive polymer coating on the surface of an anode impregnated with cathode material, said method comprising: (a) immersing said anode body of a solid electrolyte capacitor in an electrophoretic deposition (EPD) cell, said cell containing a dispersion of particles of said conductive polymer in a liquid; (b) using a power supply to apply a voltage between said anode body and a counter electrode, thereby forming a current that deposits a continuous conductive polymer cathode layer on the outer surface of said anode body; characterized in that said voltage is near or above the anode dielectric formation voltage, where said anode body is positively biased relative to said counter electrode, thereby allowing a current to be driven through the dielectric layer of said node and said conductive polymer dispersions are chosen such that said dispersed particles are negatively charged, thereby allowing them to be deposited onto the outer surface of said positively biased anode. ]74[ ]57[ טירת,קראל (טכנולוגיות קרמיקה) בע"מ הכרמל מרטין איבנוב זרבוב,אסף טהון __________________ 227 October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א ]11[]21[ ]54[ MULTI-HOP TIME RESERVATION USING ADAPTIVE CONTROL FOR ENERGY EFFICIENCY ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]71[ 28.03.2003 10/388762 ]32[ 17.03.2003 Int. Cl.(2009.01) H04B 07/14 UNIVERSITY OF ROCHESTER, U.S.A. WO/2004/084434 PEARL COHEN ZEDEK LATZER, 5 SHENKAR ST., P.O.B. 12704, HERZLIYA 46733 ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ 170916 שמירת זמן מרובת–קפיצות המשתמשת בבקרה מותאמת לחסכון באנרגיה ]33[ US ,פרל כהן צדק לצר 5 רח' שנקר,1 ים-מרכז גב הרצליה12704 .ד. ת, The present invention extends the TRACE (Time Reservation Using Adaptive Control for Energy Efficiency) protocol (Fig. 1) to allow multi-hop communication in dispersed radio networks. The nodes in the network are dynamically clustered based on proximity and interference level. Time is divided into superframes, each cluster choosing a frame within the superframe for data transmission to reduce the likelihood of interference. __________________ ]11[]21[ 170941 ]54[ FASTENER HAVING IMPROVED PENETRATION CAPABILITY ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]71[ 19.03.2004 10/393878 ]32[ 21.03.2003 ]33[ Int. Cl.(2009.01) F16B 15/00, 15/06, 15/08 EVENING STAR INVESTMENTS, L.L.C., U.S.A. 228 מהדק בעל יכולת חדירה משופר US October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ WO/2004/113024 WOLFF, BREGMAN AND GOLLER, , ברגמן וגולר,וולף P.O.B. 1352, ירושלים1352 .ד. ת, JERUSALEM 91013 A metal piercing fastener having an elongated flat body having first and second surfaces with a head at one end and a piercing point at the other. The thickness dimension of the flat body is greater proximate the head than proximate the point. The first and second surfaces of the body are devoid of protrusions extending outwardly therefrom. __________________ ]11[]21[ 171141 ]54[ MULTI-COMPARTMENT STORAGE AND MIXING VESSEL ]22[ ]51[ ]71[ ]72[ ]74[ 27.09.2005 Int. Cl.(2009.01) B65D 25/08, B67D 05/56 ALEXANDER DVERIN ALEXANDER DVERIN SOROKER-AGMON, 14 SHENKAR ST., HERZLIYA PITUAH 46725 ]57[ 229 כלי קיבול רב תאי לאחסון מרכיבים בנפרד ולערבובם נתניה,אלכסנדר דברין אלכסנדר דברין ,אגמון-סורוקר 14 רחוב שנקר,בית נולטון הרצליה פיתוח A multi-compartment storage and mixing container for separately storing two or more components and for mixing the components in said container before consumption, the container comprising: an outer container having walls and a bottom defining the container volume and a mouth for providing an access to the container volume; and An inner assembly adapted to be housed within said outer container, the inner assembly comprising a plunger assembly, the plunger assembly comprising a stem and two or more spaced apart partitions fixedly mounted thereon; wherein said inner assembly is transformable from a first storage position, where two or more separated sealed compartments are defined within said container volume, to a second mixing position, where there is free communication between all portions within said container volume and wherein said stem and two or more spaced apart partitions maintain their position with respect to each other when said inner assembly is transformed from the first storage position to the second mixing position. October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א __________________ ]11[]21[ 171212 ]54[ METHOD FOR MANUFACTURING AN ELECTRONIC MODULE AND AN ELECTRONIC MODULE ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]71[ 31.03.2004 20030493 ]32[ 01.04.2003 ]33[ Int. Cl.(2009.01) H01L 21/60, H05K 01/18 IMBERA ELECTRONICS OY, FINLAND RISTO TUOMINEN, PETTERI PALM WO/2004/089048 PEARL COHEN ZEDEK LATZER, 5 SHENKAR ST., P.O.B. 12704, HERZLIYA 46733 ]72[ ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ 230 שיטה לייצור מודול חשמלי ומודול חשמלי FI ,פרל כהן צדק לצר 5 רח' שנקר,1 ים-מרכז גב הרצליה12704 .ד. ת, This publication discloses an electronic module and a method for manufacturing an electronic module, in which a component (6) is glued (5) to the surface of a conductive layer, from which conductive layer conductive patterns (14) are later formed. After gluing the component (6), an insulating-material layer (1), which surrounds the component (6) attached to the conductive layer, is formed on, or attached to the surface of the conductive layer. After the gluing of the component (6), feed-throughs are also made, through which electrical contacts can be made between the conductive layer and the contact zones (7) of the component. After this, conductive patterns (14) are made from the conductive layer, to the surface of which the component (6) is glued. October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א __________________ ]11[]21[ ]54[ METHOD AND DEVICE FOR THE AUTHENTICATION OF DOCUMENTS AND GOODS ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]71[ 05.04.2004 03009605.1 ]32[ 29.04.2003 Int. Cl.(2009.01) G06K 07/10 SICPA HOLDING S.A., SWITZERLAND WO/2004/097716 REINHOLD COHN AND PARTNERS, 26A HABARZEL ST., RAMAT HACHAYAL 69710 ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ 231 171335 שיטה והתקן לאימות מסמכים וסחורות ]33[ EP ,ריינהולד כהן ושותפיו 'א26 רחוב הברזל רמת החייל The invention discloses a method and a device for the authentication of a document, a valued good or a packaging, carrying a marking (M) exhibiting a viewing-angle dependent light reflection spectrum. The authentication method is based on a measurement of the intensity of light reflected by the marking at least at two different viewing angles in response to a sequential wide-angle illumination with light of different spectral characteristics, and the comparison of the measured intensity values with corresponding reference values. The authentication device (1) has at least two light sources (4) of different spectral characteristics, a wide-angle illumination optics (3), and at least two photodetectors (5) collecting light reflected by said markings at least at two different viewing angles. It may further have a programmed 'learning mode' for measuring and storing a set of reflected intensity values of a reference item, and a programmed 'testing mode', for measuring a corresponding set of intensity values on an item to be authenticated and comparing them with the previously stored set of reference values, hereby deriving and indicating a test result. October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א __________________ ]11[]21[ 171425 מטהר דלק דיזל ]54[ DIESEL FUEL PURIFIER ]22[ ]51[ ]71[ 16.10.2005 Int. Cl.(2009.01) B01D 29/50, 35/18, F02M 37/22 ALI HASAN HAMBAN ABDELQADER, SAUDI ARABIA REINHOLD COHN AND PARTNERS, 26A HABARZEL ST., RAMAT HACHAYAL 69710 ]74[ ]57[ 232 ,ריינהולד כהן ושותפיו 'א26 רחוב הברזל רמת החייל The diesel purifier produces a fuel of high purity that meets the full ignition requirements at the combustion chamber of the engine. The purifier comprises a purification chamber encapsulated by an external body of the unit wherein the purification chamber has a barrier with conical and cylindrical parts surrounded by a filter, such that fuel flows from the unit inlet through a pipe to the conical part, further wherein the upper part of the unit has a relief value, the lower part has a heating element, and a water sensor connectable to sound and light indicators at a cabin dash board, and at the bottom there is a drain value and filter, which is secured at the outlet of the unit. The above purification process depends on causing of some differences in the density of contaminants which contributes towards the settling of heavy impurities and the light contaminants are separated by a wire filter assembly. __________________ October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א ]11[]21[ 171859 מיקרואורגניזמים לרפואה ]54[ MICROORGANISMS FOR THERAPY ]22[ ]31[ 18.06.2004 03013826.7 ]32[ 18.06.2003 ]33[ EP 03018478.2 14.08.2003 EP 03024283.8 22.10.2003 EP Int. Cl.(2009.01) A61K 39/275, 39/285, 48/00, C12N 07/04, 15/39, 15/863 GENELUX CORPORATION, U.S.A. WO/2005/047458 REINHOLD COHN AND PARTNERS, ,ריינהולד כהן ושותפיו 26A HABARZEL ST., 'א26 רחוב הברזל RAMAT HACHAYAL 69710 רמת החייל ]51[ ]71[ ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ Recombinant vaccinia viruses useful as tumor-specific delivery vehicle for cancer gene therapy and vaccination Therapeutic methods and microorganisms therefore are provided. The microorganisms are designed to accumulate in immunoprivileged tissues and cells, such as in tumors and other proliferating tissue and in inflamed tissues, compared to other tissues, cells and organs, so that they exhibit relatively low toxicity to host organisme. The microorganisms also are designed or modified to result in leaky cell membranes of cells in which they accumulate, resulting in production of antibodies reactive against proteins and other cellular products and also permitting exploitation of proliferating tissues, particularly tumors, to produce selected proteins and other products. Methods for making tumor specific antibodies and also methods of making gene products encoded by the microorganism as well as antibodies reactive therewith are provided. __________________ ]11[]21[ ]54[ APPARATUS AND METHOD THAT ACCOMMODATE MULTIPLE INSTRUCTION SETS AND MULTIPLE DE-CODE MODES ]22[ ]31[ 20.01.2004 0313770.0 233 ]32[ 13.06.2003 172114 התקן ושיטה מותאמים למערכת מרובת הוראת ואופני פעולה מרובי מפענחים ]33[ GB October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א ]51[ ]71[ ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ Int. Cl.(2009.01) G06F 09/318 ARM LIMITED, UNITED KINGDOM WO/2004/111836 SANFORD T.COLB & CO., P.O.B. 2273, REHOVOT 76122 ,' קולב ושות.סנפורד ט מרמורק,4 שער הגיא רחובות2273 .ד. ת, A data processing apparatus (2) is provided which supports two instruction sets. These two instruction sets share a common subset of instructions including at least one class of instructions, such as all of the coprocessor instructions. The common subset of instructions have the same instruction encoding once any differences due to storage order within memory have been compensated for e.g. endianness. __________________ ]11[]21[ ]54[ PHOTO-DETECTING APPARATUS ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]71[ 21.05.2004 2003-146663 ]32[ 23.05.2003 Int. Cl.(2009.01) H01L 27/146 HAMAMATSU PHOTONICS K.K., JAPAN SEIICHIRO MIZUNO, YASUHIRO SUZUKI WO/2004/105137 JMB, FACTOR & CO. LTD., HAR HOTZVIM HI-TECH PARK, P.O.B. 45087, JERUSALEM 91450 ]72[ ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ 234 172123 חיישן אור ]33[ JP , פקטור אנד קו בע"מ,ג'יי אמ בי הר חוצבים,רחוב המרפא ירושלים45087 .ד. ת, A photo-detection device includes: a first substrate on which M x N photodiodes and October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א switches are arranged; a second substrate on which signal processing sections are arranged for processing an output signal of the respective photodiodes; and a third substrate arranged between the first and the second substrate. The third substrate has a first surface opposing to the first substrate and a second surface opposing to the second substrate. On the first surface of the third substrate, M common wires are arranged for electrically connecting the photodiodes to the signal processing sections. On the second surface of the third substrate, bonding pads respectively connected to the common wires are arranged. Each of the photodiodes on the first substrate is electrically connected to each of the common wires on the third substrate via a first bump while each of the signal processing sections on the second substrate is electrically connected to each of the bonding pads on the third substrate via a second bump. __________________ ]11[]21[ 172156 ]54[ USE OF 2H- [1,3] - OXAZINONO [3,2 - A] INDOLE DERIVATIVES FOR THE TREATMENT OF NEUROPATHIC PAIN ]22[ ]31[ 08.07.2004 MI2003 ]32[ 18.07.2003 ]33[ A001467 Int. Cl.(2009.01) A61K 31/5365, A61P 25/00 AZIENDE CHIMICHE RIUNITE ANGELINI FRANCESCO A.C.R.A.F. S.P.A., ITALY WO/2005/014001 REINHOLD COHN AND PARTNERS, 26A HABARZEL ST., RAMAT HACHAYAL 69710 ]51[ ]71[ ]87[ ]74[ 235 – H2 שימוש בנגזרות של ] אינדול לטיפול בכאבA – 3,2[ ] אוקסזינו1,3[ נוירופאטי IT ,ריינהולד כהן ושותפיו 'א26 רחוב הברזל רמת החייל October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א ]57[ Use of a compound of formula (I), wherein R is H, a linear or branched alkyl chain having from 1 to 12 carbon atoms or an arylalkyl group, and of the acid addition salts thereof with pharmaceutically acceptable organic or inorganic acids, to prepare a pharmaceutical composition active in the treatment of neuropathic pain. __________________ ]11[]21[ ]54[ KINETIC ENERGY ROD WARHEAD WITH LOWER DEPLOYMENT ANGLES ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]71[ ]72[ ]87[ ]74[ 03.06.2004 10/456777 ]32[ 06.06.2003 Int. Cl.(2009.01) F42B 12/58 RAYTHEON COMPANY, U.S.A. RICHARD M. LLOYD WO/2005/022074 JMB, FACTOR & CO. LTD., HAR HOTZVIM HI-TECH PARK, P.O.B. 45087, JERUSALEM 91450 ]57[ 236 172284 ראש קרב מסוג מוט אנרגיה קינטית עם זויות הצבה מוקטנות ]33[ US , פקטור אנד קו בע"מ,ג'יי אמ בי הר חוצבים,רחוב המרפא ירושלים45087 .ד. ת, A kinetic energy rod warhead including a projectile core including a plurality of individual projectiles, an explosive charge about the core, at least one detonator for the explosive charge, and structure for reducing the deployment angles of the projectiles when the detonator detonates the explosive charge. October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א __________________ ]11[]21[ ]54[ METHOD AND SYSTEM FOR MEASURING AVERAGE Q FACTOR IN OPTICAL NETWORKS ]22[ ]51[ ]71[ ]74[ 01.12.2005 Int. Cl.(2009.01) H04B 10/08, 17/00 ECI TELECOM LTD. ECI TELECOM LTD., 30 HASIVIM ST., PETACH TIKVA 49517 ]57[ 237 172301 ממוצע ברשתותQ – שיטה ומערכת למדידת גורם אופטיות פתח תקוה, טלקום בע"מ. איי. סי.אי , טלקום בע"מ. איי. סי.אי 30 רחוב הסיבים פתח תקוה A method for determining averaged Q-factor, Qavg , or an optical binary signal transmitted via an optical communications line at a bit rate X, based on amplitude histogram evaluation and asynchronous sampling, the method comprising: (a) providing sampling pulses having bit rate Y lower than X and not synchronized with the optical signal, and applying the sampling pulses to the optical signal at a randomly selected initial phase, during a pre-selected sampling session; (b) measuring amplitude values of the optical signal at moments of time defined by the sampling pulses during the pre-selected sampling session; (c) building an amplitude histogram using the amplitude values obtained at step (b), said amplitude histogram comprising at least two peaks and among them two extremely positioned peaks corresponding to two average levels "1" and "0" of the optical binary signal, the amplitude histogram also comprising cross-point data between said two extremely positioned peaks; (d) shifting phase of the sampling pulses; (e) repeating steps (b), (c), (d) N-1 number of times thereby obtaining N amplitude histograms for N respective different phases of the sampling pulses; (f) comparing the obtained N amplitude histograms and selecting therefrom such an amplitude histogram where a cumulative value of the cross-point data is minimal; (g) determining a value of Qavg for the histogram selected at step (f). October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א __________________ ]11[]21[ עזר ציפה לכלי שייט ]54[ BUOYANCY AID FOR WATERCRAFT ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]71[ 03.06.2004 10325695.4 ]32[ 06.06.2003 Int. Cl.(2009.01) B63B 43/12 DIEHL BGT DEFENCE GMBH & CO. KG, GERMANY WO/2004/108520 PEARL COHEN ZEDEK LATZER, 5 SHENKAR ST., P.O.B. 12704, HERZLIYA 46733 ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ 172373 ]33[ DE ,פרל כהן צדק לצר 5 רח' שנקר,1 ים-מרכז גב הרצליה12704 .ד. ת, A floating bag (27) is secured in a positive fit by a welt (35) by means of a two-part sliding connection (7, 19) which is devoid of shear stress in a lifting aid which is used in times of distress at sea in watercrafts. The floating bag (27) can be inflated by means of a gas generator (23) which is arranged inside the floating bag. __________________ ]11[]21[ ]54[ COMPACT PIFA ANTENNA FOR AUTOMATED MANUFACTURING ]22[ ]31[ 09.06.2004 10/460958 238 ]32[ 13.06.2003 172550 דחוסה ליצור אוטומטיPIFA אנטנת ]33[ US October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א ]51[ ]71[ ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ Int. Cl.(2009.01) H01Q 01/24 MOTOROLA, INC., U.S.A. WO/2005/001990 REINHOLD COHN AND PARTNERS, 26A HABARZEL ST., RAMAT HACHAYAL 69710 ,ריינהולד כהן ושותפיו 'א26 רחוב הברזל רמת החייל An RF Parallel Inverted 'F' Antenna (PIFA) antenna (101) that is suitable for incorporation into wireless devices constructed with automated manufacturing techniques. The PIFA antenna (101) includes a first arm (102) and a parallel second arm (104) connected by a conductive bridge (106). An RF feed (108) is attached to one end of the first arm (102) and is used to physically and electrically mount the compact PIFA antenna (101). An opposite end of the compact PIFA antenna (101) includes a support structure (150) that provides stability and support of the compact PIFA antenna (101) during construction of a circuit board on which it is mounted. The end support (150) is designed to minimize the use of insulating material to minimize dielectric effects upon the radiation pattern of the conductive elements of the compact PIFA antenna (101) all while maximizing the mechanical stability of the component during secondary manufacturing operations. __________________ ]11[]21[ 173112 פורמולציות מתחלבות ומיקרו–מתחלבות מעצמן למתן פומי של טקסואידים ]54[ SELF-EMULSIFYING AND SELFMICROEMULSIFYING FORMULATIONS FOR THE ORAL ADMINISTRATION OF TAXOIDS ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]71[ 15.07.2004 03291798.1 ]32[ 18.07.2003 ]33[ EP Int. Cl.(2009.01) A61K 09/107, 31/337, 47/14, 47/44 AVENTIS PHARMA S.A., FRANCE 239 October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ WO/2005/014048 PEARL COHEN ZEDEK LATZER, 5 SHENKAR ST., P.O.B. 12704, HERZLIYA 46733 ,פרל כהן צדק לצר 5 רח' שנקר,1 ים-מרכז גב הרצליה12704 .ד. ת, Self-emulsifying and self-microemulsifying formulations for the oral administration of taxoids. The present invention relates to novel formulations of taxoids for oral administration. __________________ ]11[]21[ 173496 ]54[ DEVICE WITH COOLED CRYOSTAT ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]71[ 02.02.2006 0501098 ]32[ 03.02.2005 ]33[ Int. Cl.(2009.01) F25D 19/00, G01J 05/06 SAGEM DEFENSE SECURITE, FRANCE REINHOLD COHN AND PARTNERS, 26A HABARZEL ST., RAMAT HACHAYAL 69710 ]74[ ]57[ 240 התקן בעל מד קור מקורר FR ,ריינהולד כהן ושותפיו 'א26 רחוב הברזל רמת החייל A cooled cryostat device (1) comprising: a cold finger (2); an infrared detector means (3) secured to a terminus of said cold finger; an outer casing (4) surrounding said cold finger; a stiffener means (5) for stiffening said cold finger, said stiffener means interposed between said outer casing and said cold finger in the vicinity of said terminus, wherein said stiffener means comprises: first eyelets (8) distributed around the periphery of a first ring (11), wherein said first ring is attachable by a first securing means (15) to the inside of said outer casing; second eyelets (9) distributed around the periphery of a second ring (12), wherein said second ring is attachable by a second securing means (16) to the outside of said cold finger; said first eyelets and said second eyelets being mutually angularly offset; and a cable (10), passing freely through said first and second eyelets, said cable, once said cold finger has been placed in a balanced situation, being secured under tension, to provide radial support, as a closed loop to said first ring and said second ring. October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א __________________ ]11[]21[ 173617 הפרדה יבשה של מזהמים מחומרים פוליאסטרים ]54[ DRY SEPARATION OF CONTAMINANTS FROM POLYESTER MATERIALS ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]71[ 03.09.2004 60/499862 ]32[ 03.09.2003 ]33[ US Int. Cl.(2009.01) B02C 17/02, B07B 01/20, 09/00 UNITED RESOURCE RECOVERY CORPORATION, U.S.A. WO/2005/023895 REINHOLD COHN AND PARTNERS, 26A HABARZEL ST., RAMAT HACHAYAL 69710 ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ 241 ,ריינהולד כהן ושותפיו 'א26 רחוב הברזל רמת החייל A method for separating polyester materials from contaminants is disclosed suitable for, for example, a polyester recycling system. The method is a dry separation method and includes rapidly spinning a mixture of polyester and contaminants within a cleaning chamber. During the spinning of the mixture, the contaminants can be degraded and pass through a screen at the chamber wall while the polyester materials are not substantially degraded and can remain in the cleaning chamber. Polyester fines can also remain in the cleaning chamber. A cleaning device suitable for use in the process is also disclosed. The device can include a screen of a hardened material that can help degrade the contaminants and a plurality of rotating blades that can spin the mixture within the device and can also help to degrade the contaminant materials. October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א __________________ ]11[]21[ ]54[ NON-FOIL BARRIER LAMINATES ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]71[ 26.08.2004 10/647955 ]32[ 26.08.2003 Int. Cl.(2009.01) B32B 27/32 EVERGREEN PACKAGING INTERNATIONAL B.V., THE NETHERLANDS WO/2005/018932 DR. SHLOMO COHEN & CO., 124 IBN GABIROL ST., P.O.B. 11490, TEL AVIV 62038 ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ 173899 שכבות חציצה שאינן רדיד ]33[ US ,'ד"ר שלמה כהן ושות 124 אבן גבירול תל אביב11490 .ד. ת, A non-foil laminate for an extended long life juice, punch or beverage container, which can be hot filled or cold filled and provides an effective barrier to oxygen ingress, for the containment of flavors and aroma and prevents the loss of Vitamin C by virtue of its reduced permeability to oxygen is provided. The laminate comprises an inner barrier layer sandwich of polyamide/EVOH/polyamide, layers of polyolefin on both the matte side (interior) and the gloss side (exterior) of the laminate and a second barrier layer of EVOH closer to the product contact surface which is not in contact with the polyaniide/EVOHjpolyamide sandwich or layer of polyolefin on the matte (interior) side of the laminate. __________________ 242 October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א ]11[]21[ 173958 ]54[ ßD-CRYSTALLINE FORM OF IVABRADINE HYDROCHLORIDE, A PROCESS FOR ITS PREPARATION AND PHARMACEUTICAL COMPOSITIONS CONTAINING IT ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]71[ 27.02.2006 05.01987 ]32[ 28.02.2005 ]33[ FR Int. Cl.(2009.01) A61K 31/55, A61P 09/00, C07D 233/16 LES LABORATOIRES SERVIER, FRANCE REINHOLD COHN AND PARTNERS, 26A HABARZEL ST., RAMAT HACHAYAL 69710 ]74[ ]57[ 243 , של איובראדין הידרוכלורידßD צורה גבישית תהליך להכנתה ותכשירי רוקחות המכילים אותם ,ריינהולד כהן ושותפיו 'א26 רחוב הברזל רמת החייל βD-Crystalline form of ivabradine hydrochloride of formula (I) as set forth in the specification, characterized by the following powder X-ray diffraction diagram measured using a PANalytical X'Pert Pro diffractometer together with an XCelerator detector and expressed in terms of ray position (Bragg's angle 2 theta, expressed in degrees), ray height (expressed in counts), ray area (expressed in counts x degrees), ray width at half-height ("FWHM", expressed in degrees) and interplanar distance d (expressed in A): Ray no. Angle 2 theta (degrees) Height (counts) Area (counts x degrees) FWHM (degrees) Interplanar Distance (A) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 4.0 5.9 6.9 9.2 11.8 12.5 13.6 14.5 16.0 17.3 18.4 19.6 244 377 94 1975 136 1826 1834 51 1441 4472 546 1025 80 56 50 293 27 241 303 20 214 738 108 169 0.3346 0.1506 0.5353 0.1506 0.2007 0.1338 0.1673 0.4015 0.1506 0.1673 0.2007 0.1673 22.139 14.829 12.835 9.623 7.473 7.083 6.491 6.119 5.525 5.134 4.808 4.524 October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א Ray no. Angle 2 theta (degrees) Height (counts) Area (counts x degrees) FWHM (degrees) Interplanar Distance (A) 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 20.0 20.4 21.4 22.3 22.8 23.0 24.4 25.0 25.5 26.6 28.3 29.1 688 1027 102 1903 674 623 845 3749 512 289 275 126 91 186 24 283 89 62 56 557 84 76 91 21 0.1338 0184 02342 0.1506 0.1338 0.1004 0.0669 0.1506 0.1673 0.2676 0.3346 0.1673 4.448 4.262 4.143 3.990 3.897 3.866 3.647 3.554 3.497 3.346 3.151 3.066 __________________ ]11[]21[ 173960 ]54[ GAMMA D-CRYSTALLINE FORM OF IVABRADINE HYDROCHLORIDE, PROCESS FOR ITS PREPARATION AND PHARMACEUTICAL COMPOSITIONS CONTAINING IT ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]71[ 27.02.2006 05.01990 ]32[ 28.02.2005 ]33[ FR Int. Cl.(2009.01) A61K 31/55, A61P 09/00, C07D 233/16 LES LABORATOIRES SERVIER, FRANCE REINHOLD COHN AND PARTNERS, 26A HABARZEL ST., RAMAT HACHAYAL 69710 ]74[ ]57[ 244 –גאמה של איובראדיןD צורה גבישית תהליך להכנתה ותכשירי רוקחות,הידרוכלוריד המכילים אותה ,ריינהולד כהן ושותפיו 'א26 רחוב הברזל רמת החייל Gamma D-Crystalline form of ivabradine hydrochloride of formula (I) as set forth in the specification, characterized by the following powder X-ray diffraction diagram measured using a PANalytical X'Pert Pro diffractometer together with an XCelerator detector and October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א expressed in terms of ray position (Bragg's angle 2 theta, expressed in degrees), ray height (expressed in counts), ray area (expressed in counts x degrees), ray width at half-height ("FWHM", expressed in degrees) and interplanar distance d (expressed in A): 245 Ray no. Angle 2 theta (degrees) Height (counts) Area (counts x degrees) FWHM (degrees) Interplanar Distance (A) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 4.3 6.9 .8 10.6 11.9 12.5 13.4 14.4 15.8 16.3 19.9 17.8 18.9 1077 132 269 322 733 1406 2975 825 1036 540 1007 499 1062 124 70 35 26 97 278 442 122 205 107 183 58 140 0.1171 0.5353 0.1338 0.0836 0.1338 0.2007 0.1506 0.1506 0.2007 0.2007 0.184 0.1171 0.1338 20.633 12.787 10.482 8.310 7.414 7.069 6.619 6.134 5.598 5.450 5.233 4.978 4.686 Ray no. Angle 2 theta (degrees) Height (counts) Area (counts x degrees) FWHM (degrees) Interplanar Distance (A) 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 19.8 20.2 20.9 21.6 22.3 23.4 24.1 24.4 24.8 25.4 26.2 26.8 27.2 27.9 570 549 2565 531 213 278 1404 1526 676 702 1737 258 182 838 85 63 635 105 35 27 185 176 100 139 401 51 24 249 0.506 0.1171 0.2509 0.2007 0.1673 0.1004 0.1338 0.1171 0.1506 0.2007 0.2342 0.2007 0.1338 0.3011 4.485 4.399 4.241 4.104 3.981 3.807 3.694 3.650 3.591 3.504 3.403 3.331 3.282 3.193 October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א 28 29.1 152 20 0.1338 3.071 __________________ ]11[]21[ 174018 קופסא עם שרוולים קולטי גלולה לשם איחסון והנפקת גלולות ]54[ CASE WITH PILL RECEIVING SLEEVES FOR STORING AND DISPENSING PILLS ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]71[ ]87[ ]74[ 02.09.2004 60/500207 ]32[ 04.09.2003 ]33[ Int. Cl.(2009.01) A61J 01/03, B65D 83/04 PHARMADESIGN INC., U.S.A. WO/2005/023657 WOLFF, BREGMAN AND GOLLER, P.O.B. 1352, JERUSALEM 91013 ]57[ US , ברגמן וגולר,וולף ירושלים1352 .ד. ת, A case for receiving and dispensing pills, having an optional top cover having a forward edge and a rearward edge, an optional bottom cover having a forward edge and a rearward edge, a spine extending between the top cover and the bottom cover, to which the top cover and the bottom cover are affixed at the rearward edges thereof, and at least one sleeve containing a plurality of pills secured within the sleeve and adapted to be dispensed therefrom, the sleeve having a forward edge and a rearward edge and being attached to the spine at the rearward edge thereof between the top cover and the bottom cover. __________________ 246 October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א ]11[]21[ 174105 שיטה ומערכת לאיתור נזילה בצנרת ]54[ SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR DETECTING A LEAK IN A PIPING SYSTEM ]22[ ]51[ ]71[ ]74[ 05.03.2006 Int. Cl.(2009.01) G08B 21/00 SHMUEL KAPLAN ירושלים,שמואל קפלן WOLFF, BREGMAN AND GOLLER, , ברגמן וגולר,וולף P.O.B. 1352, ירושלים1352 .ד. ת, JERUSALEM 91013 A system for detecting a leak in a piping system (4), comprising: a monitoring unit (2) disposed at a gateway of said piping system for indicating fluid flow (6); a gauging unit for gauging the duration of continuous fluid flow, and an indication unit for determining the existence of a leak based on said duration. ]57[ __________________ ]11[]21[ ]54[ 247 ARRANGEMENT FOR DAMPING OF VIBRATIONS AND 174423 סידור לשיכוח רטט ועריקה במחזיק כלים October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א DEFECTION IN A TOOL HOLDER ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]71[ ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ 01.11.2004 20034883 ]32[ 31.10.2003 ]33[ NO Int. Cl.(2009.01) B23B 31/00, B23Q 01/34, 11/00 TEENESS ASA, NORWAY WO/2005/042195 SANFORD T.COLB & CO., P.O.B. 2273, REHOVOT 76122 ,' קולב ושות.סנפורד ט מרמורק,4 שער הגיא רחובות2273 .ד. ת, The invention relates to a device for damping vibrations and/or controlling the flexion of an object (2, 10) in machining, said device comprising at least one force exchange device (7) which could be a force applying device or a damping device. A such force applying device (7) is for applying a force having a force component directed at right angles to the surface of the object and/or for applying a moment to the object (2, 10). A damping device (7) of this type is for absorbing vibrations from the object (2, 10) and is adapted to absorb a force component directed at right angles to the surface of the object or to absorb a moment from the object. __________________ ]11[]21[ 174488 שתל ביו–מלאכותי בעל סיכון מופחת להווצרות רקמת חיבור לאחר ההשתלה ]54[ BIOARTIFICIAL IMPLANT WITH REDUCED RISK FOR FORMATION OF CONNECTIVE TISSUE AFTER IMPLANTATION ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ 04.10.2004 0302599-6 ]32[ 02.10.2003 ]33[ Int. Cl.(2009.01) A61F 02/02, A61L 27/50 248 SE October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א ]71[ ]72[ ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ TIKOMED AB, SWEDEN LARS BRUCE, ADAM BRUCE, BO NILSSON, OLLE KORSGREN WO/2005/030283 EITAN MEHULAL LAW GROUP, 10 ABBA EBEN BLVD., P.O. B. 2081, HERZLIYA 46120 עורכי דין ועורכי,קבוצת איתן מהולל ,פטנטים 10 שדרות אבא אבן הרצליה2081 .ד. ת, A bioartificial implant comprises a semipermeable barrier designed from one side to allow diffusion or prevent diffusion of predetermined substances/materials/molecules/cells/cell lines produced in the human body to the other opposite side of the barrier, and from said other opposite side to allow diffusion or prevent diffusion of predetermined substances which are the same as or different from the first mentioned substances/materials/molecules/cells/cell lines. The semipermeable barrier has a surface coating at least on said one side a bioactive metal, such as titanium, which surface coating is permeable to allow said diffusions. In a method for reducing the risk of formation/growth of connective tissue in connection with an implant which comprises a semipermeable barrier, the barrier is provided at least on one side with a permeable coating of bioactive metal. An example of the use of the implant is bioartificial pancreas __________________ ]11[]21[ ]54[ MECHANICAL ADVANTAGE TOURNIQUET ]22[ ]31[ 12.10.2004 60/509917 ]32[ 10.10.2003 60/615027 04.10.2004 Int. Cl.(2009.01) A61B 17/132 ]51[ 249 174851 חוסם כלי דם בעל יתרון מכני ]33[ US US October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א ]71[ ]72[ ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ PYNG MEDICAL CORP., CANADA THOMAS J. HEINZ, ROYCE RUMSEY, ED BANNISTER WO/2005/053506 DR. EYAL BRESSLER, 11 TUVAL ST., RAMAT GAN 52522 ,דר' אייל ברסלר עו"פ 11 תובל גן- רמת A pressure control apparatus for restricting a flow of blood through or from a body part includes at least one arcuate member for attaching to the body part. The at least one arcuate member has a first end and an opposite second end. The first end includes a hook for fastening to a buckle mounted at the opposite second end. A mechanical advantage power system includes a turnkey and is connected to the at least one arcuate member and serves to adjusting a pressure of the apparatus on the body part by turning the turnkey. An elongated strap is disposed on at least a circumferential portion of the arcuate member for circumferentially tightening the apparatus around the body part. A looking device closes the apparatus around the body part and is attached to the at least one arcuate member. A cover or shroud is disposed on an outer perimeter of the at least one arcuate member for enclosing a portion of the mechanical advantage power system. __________________ ]11[]21[ 174889 קפיץ פנימי הסוגר קצף עם רכיבי קצף פנימיים )(אריזה משולשת ]54[ FORM ENCASED INNERSPRING WITH INTERNAL FOAM COMPONENTS (TRIPLE CASE) ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ 08.09.2004 60/511849 ]32[ 15.10.2003 ]33[ Int. Cl.(2009.01) A47C 23/04, B29C 31/10 250 US October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א ]71[ ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ SEALY TECHNOLOGY LLC, U.S.A. WO/2005/039849 REINHOLD COHN AND PARTNERS, 26A HABARZEL ST., RAMAT HACHAYAL 69710 ,ריינהולד כהן ושותפיו 'א26 רחוב הברזל רמת החייל A molded foam-encased integrated flexible support device includes an innerspring (110) positioned upon a three-dimensional thermoplastic foam deck (200) as a flexible foundation, and a molded foam encasement (600) which structurally integrates the foam deck with the innerspring by attachment to perimeter coils of the innerspring. A sculpted fomn topper (700) is adhesively bonded to a support surface of the foamencased innerspring, forming a unitized mattress or support structure with fully integrated innerspring and internal and external foam components. The sculpted fonm topper is designed with varying contours and densities to provide the desired support and feel characteristics for different comfort profiles. The foam encased innerspring with internal three-dimensional foam structures is upholstered for use as a mattress, seating, or other flexible support structure. __________________ ]11[]21[ ]54[ PHARMACEUTICAL ORAL DOSAGE FORM COMPRISING A NON-STEROIDAL ANTIINFLAMMATORY DRUG, AND HAVING GOOD PALATABILITY ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]71[ 16.12.2004 MI2003A002523 ]32[ 19.12.2003 Int. Cl.(2009.01) A61K 09/08 AZIENDE CHIMICHE RIUNITE ANGELINI FRANCESCO A.C.R.A.F. 251 175827 צורת מתן רוקחית פומית המכילה תרופה לא סטרואידית נוגדת זיהום בעלת התאמה לחיך ]33[ IT October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ S.P.A., ITALY WO/2005/058276 REINHOLD COHN AND PARTNERS, 26A HABARZEL ST., RAMAT HACHAYAL 69710 ,ריינהולד כהן ושותפיו 'א26 רחוב הברזל רמת החייל Oral pharmaceutical dosage form comprising tromethamine and a NSAID selected from the group comprising ibuprofen, naproxen and flurbiprofen, characterized in that it also comprises a compound selected from the group comprising glycine, vitamine B6 and mixtures thereof. __________________ ]11[]21[ 176167 מכשיר מדידת תאוצה ]54[ DEVICE FOR MEASURING ACCELERATION ]22[ ]51[ ]71[ 07.06.2006 Int. Cl.(2009.01) G01P 15/00 MICHAEL NAUMOV GEORGE NAUMOV ]74[ MICHAEL NAUMOV, HAZOR 3 TEL AVIV ]57[ A device for measuring acceleration comprising the following interconnected parts: at least two sealed vessels filled with flowing medium and connected to a mobile object; each of the said vessels comprising at least two identical in form, counteroriented inner (11;12) cavities, the inner cavity of each vessel comprising at least two counter-oriented (21; 22; 23; 24) spherical parts of different radii and with a common center (L1; L2), each inner cavity having the most remote points (A1; B1; A2; B2) positioned on either side of the said common center; the said most remote points and common centers being positioned in the said inner cavities on parallel straight lines which are perpendicular to any axis chosen of the mobile object; at least two pressure sensors for measuring pressure (U 1; U2) at the said common centers, the said pressure sensors being connected to the vessels, differential scheme (31; 32) connected to the said pressure sensors, acceleration signal to be measured being taken from an output of the differential scheme, the acceleration signal is independent of tilts of the mobile object. 252 תל אביב,מיכאל נאומוב אביב- תל,גאורגי נאומוב ,מיכאל נאומוב 3 חצור תל אביב October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א __________________ ]11[]21[ ]54[ COMPACT, WIDE-FIELD-OFVIEW IMAGING OPTICAL SYSTEM ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]71[ ]87[ ]74[ 31.05.2005 10/859886 ]32[ 02.06.2004 Int. Cl.(2009.01) G02B 13/06 RAYTHEON COMPANY, U.S.A. WO/2006/049650 SANFORD T.COLB & CO., P.O.B. 2273, REHOVOT 76122 ]57[ 253 176188 מערכת אופטית קומפקטית להדמיית שדה ראיה רחב ]33[ US ,' קולב ושות.סנפורד ט מרמורק,4 שער הגיא רחובות2273 .ד. ת, An imaging optical system (20) includes a first imaging structure (22) having a first optical axis (34) and a first field of view (24), wherein the first imaging structure (22) forms an image on a common focal plane (92), and a second imaging structure (26) having a second optical axis (64) parallel to the first optical axis (34) and a second field of view (28) different from the first field of view (24), wherein the second imaging structure (26) forms an image on the common focal plane (92). The imaging structures preferably contain identical lens modules, most preferably identical Petzval lenses, and achromatic or apochromatic prisms of different spatial orientations. A planar sensor structure (90) lies in the common focal plane (92), wherein the first optical axis (34) and the second optical axis (64) pass through the planar sensor structure (90). October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א __________________ ]11[]21[ ]54[ LASER ACTIVE OPTRONIC SYSTEM WITH IMPROVED DETECTIVITY ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]71[ ]87[ ]74[ 09.12.2004 0314602 ]32[ 12.12.2003 Int. Cl.(2009.01) G01S 07/48 THALES, FRANCE WO/2005/066653 REINHOLD COHN AND PARTNERS, 26A HABARZEL ST., RAMAT HACHAYAL 69710 ]57[ 254 176241 מערכת לייזר אופטרונית פעילה בעלת אבחנה משופרת ]33[ FR ,ריינהולד כהן ושותפיו 'א26 רחוב הברזל רמת החייל The invention relates to a laser active optronic system with improved detectivity, especially with eye safety. Said system comprises a path (1) for the emission of a target illuminating laser beam by an emission source (10), and a path (2) for the reception of the wave backscattered by the target. The reception path contains an optical switching device (24) which receives the backscattered wave and comprises an optical gain medium (241), and means for pumping (242) the gain medium, said gain medium absorbing the wavelength of the laser and becoming essentially transparent when it is pumped, in such a way that the switching device can be activated respectively in an on or off mode. The inventive system also comprises a unit for controlling (243) the pumping means, enabling the switching device to be activated in the on mode in at least one time window of a pre-determined duration, triggered at a pre-determined moment following the start of the emission of the illumination laser beam. October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א __________________ ]11[]21[ 176359 ]54[ IMPLANTABLE MEDICAL DEVICE WITH INDICATOR ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]71[ 15.06.2006 11/166968 ]32[ 24.06.2005 ]33[ Int. Cl.(2009.01) A61F 02/02, A61M 39/00 ETHICON ENDO-SURGERY, INC., U.S.A. REINHOLD COHN AND PARTNERS, 26A HABARZEL ST., RAMAT HACHAYAL 69710 ]74[ ]57[ 255 התקן רפואי להשתלה עם מחוון US ,ריינהולד כהן ושותפיו 'א26 רחוב הברזל רמת החייל A surgically implantable device: (a) a medical implant for performing a therapeutic function, said implant having at least one fastener (10) for attaching said implant to a body (8), said at least one fastener having a deployed position and an undeployed position and being moveable therebetween; and (b) a visual indicator for indicating that said at least one fastener has been moved to its deployed position. October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א __________________ ]11[]21[ ]54[ TAMPER INDICATING CLOSURE WITH FOLDABLE TAB ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]71[ 05.01.2005 10/752074 ]32[ 05.01.2004 Int. Cl.(2009.01) B65D 41/34 BERRY PLASTICS CORPORATION, U.S.A. WO/2005/067588 REINHOLD COHN AND PARTNERS, 26A HABARZEL ST., RAMAT HACHAYAL 69710 ]87[ ]74[ 256 176573 מוט נעילה המורה על סגירה עם תג מתקפל ]33[ US ,ריינהולד כהן ושותפיו 'א26 רחוב הברזל רמת החייל October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א ]57[ A tamper indicating closure (20) includes a top wall (22) and a skirt (24) depending from the top wall. A tamper indicating band (30) is connected to the skirt along a frangible line (28). The tamper indicating band includes a ring (32) and at least one tab (34), the at least one tab having a bi-pair of extending members (36) angled toward one another and connected by a transverse member (38). The shape of the tab allows it be molded in a downward orientation and later folded to a stable, upward orientation without reheating or otherwise resetting the tab. The tab also includes a tab extension (34a) arranged on at least one of the transverse member (38) and at least one extending member (36) or at least one tab (34) and extending in a direction of extension of the extending members from at least one tab (34), the tab extension configured to engage at least one container profile (16). __________________ ]11[]21[ 176710 ]54[ DERIVATIVES OF N-'(1,5DIPHENYL-1H-PYRAZOL-3-YL) SULPHONAMIDE WITH CB1 RECEPTOR AFFINITY ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]71[ ]87[ ]74[ 07.01.2005 0400257 ]32[ 12.01.2004 ]33[ FR Int. Cl.(2009.01) A61K 31/415, C07D 231/12, 409/12, 413/14 SANOFI-AVENTIS, FRANCE WO/2005/073197 SANFORD T.COLB & CO., ,' קולב ושות.סנפורד ט P.O.B. 2273, מרמורק,4 שער הגיא REHOVOT 76122 רחובות2273 .ד. ת, ]57[ 257 –– פירוזולH1–– דיפנילN –' (1, 5 תולדות של CB1 ) סולפונאמיד בעלת אפיניות לקולטןYL–3 The invention relates to compounds having formula (I), the preparation method thereof and the use of same in therapeutics, wherein: R1 represents a (C1-C6)alkyl, a (C3C7)cycloalkyl which is unsubstituted or is mono- or poly-substituted, a (C3C7)cycloalkylmethyl which is unsubstituted or is mono- or poly-substituted, a phenyl which is unsubstituted or substituted; a benzyl which is unsubstituted or is mono- or disubstituted, a thienyl which is unsubstituted or substituted; R2 represents a hydrogen atom or a (C1-C3)alkyl; R3 represents a hydrogen atom or a (C1-C5)alkyl; R4, R5, R6, R7, R8 and R9 each represent, independently of each other, a hydrogen atom, a halogen atom, a (C1-C7)alkyl, a (C1-C5)alkoxy, a trifluoromethyl radical or a S(O) nAlk group; n represents 0, 1 or 2; and Alk represents a (C1-C4)alkyl. The invention also relates to the preparation method thereof and to the use of same in therapeutics. October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א __________________ ]11[]21[ ]54[ ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS WITH A POLYMERIC OUTER LAYER AND PROCESS FOR THE PRODUCTION THEREOF ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]71[ 10.07.2006 1020050338399 ]32[ 20.07.2005 Int. Cl.(2009.01) H01G 09/00 BAYER BETEILIGUNGSVERWALTUNG GOSLAR GMBH, GERMANY REINHOLD COHN AND PARTNERS, 26A HABARZEL ST., RAMAT HACHAYAL 69710 ]74[ ]57[ 258 176766 קבלים אלקטרוליטים עם שכבה חיצונית פולימרית ותהליך ליצורם ]33[ DE ,ריינהולד כהן ושותפיו 'א26 רחוב הברזל רמת החייל A process for the production of an electrolytic capacitor which comprises applying a dispersion (a) to a capacitor body wherein said capacitor body comprises a porous electrode body of an electrode material, a dielectric covering the surface of this electrode material, a solid electrolyte at least comprising a conductive material, that wholly or partially covers the dielectric surface, and said dispersion (a) comprises at least particles (b) of an electrically conductive polymer containing at least one optionally substituted polyaniline and\or one polythiophene with recurring units of general formula (I) or formula (II) or recurring units of general formulae (I) and (II) wherein A represents an optionally substituted C1 to C5 alkylene radical, R represents a linear or branched, optionally substituted C1 to C18 alkyl radical, an optionally October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א substituted C5 to C12 cycloalkyl radical, an optionally substituted C6 to C14 aryl radical, an optionally substituted C7 to C18 aralkyl radical, an optionally substituted C1 to C4 hydroxyalkyl radical or ahydroxyl radical, x represents an integer from 0 to 8 and if a plurality of radicals R are bound to A, these may be the same or different, and containing a binder (c) and a dispersing agent (d), and, for forming an electrically conductive polymeric outer layer, the dispersing agent (d) is optionally at least partially removed and/or the binder (c) is cured, wherein the proportion of the particles (b) of the conductive polymer in the dispersion (a) having a diameter of less than 700 nm forms a solids content of at least 5% by weight of the solids content of the dispersion,and in that, in addition to the components (b) to (d), solid particles (e) having a diameter in the range from 0.7 to 20 µm are also contained in the dispersion. __________________ ]11[]21[ ]54[ AUDIO CODING ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]71[ 10.02.2005 102004007200.0 ]32[ 13.02.2004 Int. Cl.(2009.01) G10L 19/00 FRAUNHOFER-GESELLSCHAFT ZUR FORDERUNG DER ANGEWANDTEN FORSCHUNG E.V., GERMANY WO/2005/078704 SELIGSOHN GABRIELI & CO., 31 YAVNE ST., P.O.B. 1426, TEL AVIV 61013 ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ 259 176857 קידוד אודיו ]33[ DE ,'זליגסון גבריאלי ושות 31 רח' יבנה תל אביב1426 .ד. ת, The aim of the invention is to dispense with the previous procedure, i.e. interpolation at the filter coefficients and the amplification value in order to obtain interpolated values for the intermediate audio values starting from the support points. Coding containing fewer audible artifacts can be obtained by using the performance limit derived from the masking threshold, preferably from the area below the square sum of the masking threshold, for each support point, i.e. for each parameterization that is to be transmitted, instead of interpolating the amplification value, and then performing interpolation between said performance limits of adjacent support points, e.g. linear October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א interpolation. An amplification value can then be calculated from the determined intermediate performance threshold value at the coder end and the decoder end in such a way that the quantizing noise which is caused by quantizing and whose frequency is constant before post-filtering is done at the decoder end, lies below the performance limit or corresponds thereto following post-filtering. __________________ ]11[]21[ ]54[ SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR SECURE TELEPHONE AND COMPUTER TRANSACTIONS ]22[ ]31[ 24.01.2005 10/764099 ]32[ 23.01.2004 60/538761 23.01.2004 Int. Cl.(2009.01) G06K 05/00 MASTERCARD INTERNATIONAL INCORPORATED, U.S.A. JOHN WANKMUELLER WO/2005/072382 JMB, FACTOR & CO. LTD., HAR HOTZVIM HI-TECH PARK, P.O.B. 45087, JERUSALEM 91450 ]51[ ]71[ ]72[ ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ 260 176961 מערכת ושיטה עבור עסקאות טלפון ומחשב מאובטחות ]33[ US US , פקטור אנד קו בע"מ,ג'יי אמ בי הר חוצבים,רחוב המרפא ירושלים45087 .ד. ת, A secure electronic payment system and method for conducting a secure transaction (120) using authentication is provided. A merchant's computer (104) transmits an authorization request to an access control server (112). The access control (112) obtains authentication (130) to confirm the identity of the purchaser (102), via e.g., an electronic form or interactive voice response system. The access control server (112) then transmits a response to the merchant's computer. If the purchaser (102) is authorized to access the account, payment is processed by the merchant (104) and the October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א transaction (102) is completed. __________________ ]11[]21[ ]54[ SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR GENERATING COLLISION-FREE IDENTIFIERS FOR FINANCIAL TRANSACTION CARDS ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]71[ 24.01.2005 60/538769 ]32[ 23.01.2004 Int. Cl.(2009.01) G06K 05/00 MASTERCARD INTERNATIONAL INCORPORATED, U.S.A. PATRIK SMETS, PAUL VANNESTE WO/2005/070032 JMB, FACTOR & CO. LTD., HAR HOTZVIM HI-TECH PARK, P.O.B. 45087, JERUSALEM 91450 ]72[ ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ 261 176962 מערכת ושיטה לחולל מזהים נטולי התנגשויות עבור כרטיסים לביצוע עסקאות כספיות ]33[ US , פקטור אנד קו בע"מ,ג'יי אמ בי הר חוצבים,רחוב המרפא ירושלים45087 .ד. ת, A one-way permutation over financial transaction card data provides a merchant with a unique card identifier for each financial transaction card that is used by a customer to purchase goods from a merchant. This card identifier, which is not the actual financial transaction card data, may then be permissibly stored by the merchant and used to uniquely identify the customer’s financial transaction card, and may also be used to determine the frequency with which that customer makes purchases using that card. October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א __________________ ]11[]21[ 177247 ]54[ TECHNIQUES FOR PREDICTION AND MONITORING OF RESPIRATION- MANIFESTED CLINICAL EPISODES ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]71[ 31.01.2005 60/541779 ]32[ 05.02.2004 ]33[ Int. Cl.(2009.01) A61B 05/00, G01N 33/68 EARLYSENSE LTD. DANIEL H. LANGE YOSEF GROSS AVNER HALPERIN ]87[ ]74[ WO/2005/074361 DR. EYAL BRESSLER, 11 TUVAL ST., RAMAT GAN 52522 ]57[ שיטות לחיזוי וניתור של ארועים קליניים המתבטאים בנשימה US רמת גן,EARLYSENSE LTD כפר ורדים,דניאל לאנג מושב מזור,יוסף גרוס גן- רמת,אבנר הלפרין ,דר' אייל ברסלר עו"פ 11 תובל גן- רמת A method is provided for predicting an onset of a clinical episode, the method including sensing breathing of a subject, determining at least one breathing pattern of the subject responsively to the sensed breathing, comparing the breathing pattern with a baseline breathing pattern, and predicting the onset of the episode at least in part responsively to the comparison. Other embodiments are also described. __________________ 262 October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א ]11[]21[ בקר ניגרים ]54[ FLUID CONTROLLER ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]71[ ]87[ ]74[ 30.11.2004 2004-032951 ]32[ 10.02.2004 Int. Cl.(2009.01) F16K 31/122 FUJIKIN INCORPORATED, JAPAN WO/2005/075866 WOLFF, BREGMAN AND GOLLER, P.O.B. 1352, JERUSALEM 91013 ]57[ 177350 ]33[ JP , ברגמן וגולר,וולף ירושלים1352 .ד. ת, A fluid controller (71), comprising an operating member (75) for automatic opening/closing vertically moved by the supply and discharge of a compressed fluid into and from a compressed fluid lead-in chamber (90) formed in a casing (73) to move a valve element retainer (5) to an opening position against the energizing force of a compression coil spring (77) and an operation member (74) for manual opening/closing vertically moved by manual operation and when moved downward, directly pressing the valve element retainer (5) downward. __________________ ]11[]21[ ]54[ 263 CRYSTALLINE (R-R*R*)-2-(4FLUOROPHENYL)-BETA-DELTADIHYDROXY-5-(1METHYLETHYL)3-PHENYL-4(PHENYLAMINO)CARBONYL)-IHPYRROLE-1-HEPTANOIC ACID HEMI CALCIUM SALT ( 177377 –)פלואורופנילR–(R*R*)–2–(–4( קריסטלין )–מתיל–אתיל1(–5– בטא–דלתא–דיהידרוקסי –1– פירולIH–)–(פניאמינו)קרבוניל4––פניל3 חומצה הפטנואית המי מלחת סידן )(אטורואסטטין October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א ATORVASTATIN) ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]62[ ]71[ ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ 08.07.1996 60/001452 ]32[ 17.07.1995 ]33[ US Int. Cl.(2009.01) A61K 31/40, A61P 03/06, C07D 207/34 DIVISION FROM 128862 WARNER-LAMBERT COMPANY LLC, U.S.A. WO/1997/003959 SANFORD T.COLB & CO., P.O.B. 2273, REHOVOT 76122 ,' קולב ושות.סנפורד ט מרמורק,4 שער הגיא רחובות2273 .ד. ת, Novel crystalline forms of [R-(R*,R*)]-2-(4-fluorophenyl)-β,δ-dihydroxy-5-(1methylethyl)-3-phenyl-4-[(phenylamino)carbonyl]-1H-pyrrole-1-heptanoic acid hemi calcium salt designated Form I, Form II, and Form IV are characterized by their X-ray powder diffraction and/or solid state NMR are described, as well as methods for the preparation and pharmaceutical composition of the same, which are useful as agents for treating hyperlipidemia and hypercholesterolemia. The applications for division from this application have not yet been published ,203847 בקשות חלוקה מבקשה זו .שטרם פורסמו __________________ ]11[]21[ ]54[ FROZEN AERATED PRODUCT IN A CONTAINER AND A VALVE FOR DISPENSING SUCH ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]71[ 28.02.2005 0404715.5 ]32[ 03.03.2004 Int. Cl.(2009.01) B65D 83/14, 83/44 UNILEVER PLC, UNITED KINGDOM WO/2005/095231 REINHOLD COHN AND PARTNERS, 26A HABARZEL ST., RAMAT HACHAYAL 69710 ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ 264 177738 תוצר קפוא מאוורר במיכל ושסתום לחלוקתו ]33[ GB ,ריינהולד כהן ושותפיו 'א26 רחוב הברזל רמת החייל A frozen aerated product in a container is provided. The product is under a pressure of between 4 and 18 barg, and the container is provided with a valve. The valve has a October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א flow rate of above 6 g s-1, preferably between 10 and 30 g s-1. The flow rate of the valve being the mass flow rate at which the frozen aerated product, having a temperature of -18oC, is discharged through the fully open valve to atmospheric pressure. Also provided are valves suitable for dispensing viscous products at high flow rate whilst retaining a low opening and actuation force. __________________ ]11[]21[ 177805 ]54[ METHOD FOR PREPARING THIENO[3,2-C]PYRIDINE DERIVATIVES ]22[ ]31[ 03.03.2005 10-2004]32[ 12.03.2004 ]33[ KR 0016714 Int. Cl.(2009.01) C07D 333/12, 333/16, 495/04 HANMI PHARM. CO., LTD., REPUBLIC OF KOREA WO/2005/087779 WOLFF, BREGMAN AND GOLLER, P.O.B. 1352, JERUSALEM 91013 ]51[ ]71[ ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ ] פירידיןC – 3 , 2[ שיטה להכנת תולדות תיאינו , ברגמן וגולר,וולף ירושלים1352 .ד. ת, Ticlopidine and clopidogrel having high blood platelet aggregation inhibitory and antithrombotic activities are simply prepared by reacting a substituted thiophene derivative with a 2-chlorobenzylamine derivative. __________________ ]11[]21[ ]54[ COATED ABRASIVE PRODUCTS AND PROCESSES FOR FORMING SAME ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]71[ 265 24.03.2005 10/809197 ]32[ 25.03.2004 Int. Cl.(2009.01) B24D 03/28, 11/00 SAINT GOBAIN ABRASIVES, INC., 178169 מוצרים מצופי שכבת שחיקה ותהליכים לייצורם ]33[ US October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ U.S.A. WO/2005/095060 PEARL COHEN ZEDEK LATZER, 5 SHENKAR ST., P.O.B. 12704, HERZLIYA 46733 ,פרל כהן צדק לצר 5 רח' שנקר,1 ים-מרכז גב הרצליה12704 .ד. ת, A coated abrasive product is disclosed, which includes a substrate and an abrasive layer overlying the substrate. The abrasive layer includes abrasive grains and a binder, the binder being formed from a binder formulation having a first and second binder components mixed together uniformly with the abrasive grains, wherein the first binder component is radiation curable and the second binder component comprises a powder and is thermally curable. __________________ ]11[]21[ ]54[ LOSSLESS MULTI-CHANNEL AUDIO CODEC ]22[ ]31[ 21.03.2005 60/556183 ]32[ 25.03.2004 10/911062 04.08.2004 10/911067 04.08.2004 Int. Cl.(2009.01) G10L 19/00 DTS, INC., U.S.A. WO/2005/098823 REINHOLD COHN AND PARTNERS, 26A HABARZEL ST., RAMAT HACHAYAL 69710 ]51[ ]71[ ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ 266 178244 קידוד אודיו רב ערוצים ]33[ US US US ,ריינהולד כהן ושותפיו 'א26 רחוב הברזל רמת החייל A lossless audio codec segments audio data within each frame to improve compression performance subject to a constraint that each segment must be fully decodable and less than a maximum size. For each frame, the codec selects the segment duration and coding parameters, e.g., a particular entropy coder and its parameters for each segment, that minimizes the encoded payload for the entire frame subject to the constraints. Distinct sets of coding parameters may be selected for each channel or a global set of coding parameters may be selected for all channels. Compression performance may be further enhanced by forming M/2 decorrelation channels for Mchannel audio. The triplet of channels (basis, correlated, decorrelated) provides two possible pair combinations (basis, correlated, decorrelated) provides two possible pair combinations (basis, correlated) and basis, decorrelated) that can be considered during the segmentation and entropy coding optimization to further improve compression October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א performance. ,200376 The applications for division from this application have not yet been published בקשות חלוקה מבקשה זו .שטרם פורסמו __________________ ]11[]21[ ]54[ INTRAMEDULLARY NAIL COMPRISING ELEMENTS OF SHAPE-MEMORY MATERIAL ]22[ ]31[ 31.03.2005 04007786.9 ]32[ 31.03.2004 04007785.1 31.03.2004 Int. Cl.(2009.01) A61B 17/72 ORTHOFIX S.R.L., ITALY LUIGI ROSSI, DANIELE VENTURINI, MICHELE COATI, GRAZIANO MARINI, GRAZIANO ROSSI, GIANCARLO MARAZZI WO/2005/094706 DR. MARK FRIEDMAN LTD., MOSHE AVIV TOWER, 54TH FLOOR, 7 JABOTINSKY ST., RAMAT GAN 52520 ]51[ ]71[ ]72[ ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ 267 178285 –מסמר תוך–לשדי המכיל גורמים של חומר זוכר צורה ]33[ EP EP ,ד"ר מרק פרידמן בע"מ 7 רח ז'בוטינסקי, 54. ק,מגדל משה אביב גן-רמת An intramedullary nail (10, 110, 210, 310, 410, 510, 610) suitable for insertion in a fractured elongate bone (12), of the type comprising a stem (14, 114, 214, 314, 414, 514, 614) extended between a proximal end (16, 116, 216, 416, 516, 616) and a distal end (18, 118, 218, 418, 518, 618). The nail comprises a plurality of elements (20, 120 , 220, 320, 420, 520, 620) realised with at least one shape-memory material, a plurality of seats (19, 119, 219, 319, 419, 519, 619) formed in the stem (14, 114, 214, 314, 414, 514, 614) for housing the elements (20, 120 , 220, 320, 420, 520, 620). The elements (20, 120 , 220, 320, 420, 520, 620) are suitable to take a first shape wherein they are retractably housed in the respective seats (19, 119, 219, 319, 419, 519, 619) and a second shape wherein they project from the respective seats (19, 119, 219, 319, 419, October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א 519, 619). The applications for division from this application have not yet been published ,204280,204279 בקשות חלוקה מבקשה זו .שטרם פורסמו __________________ ]11[]21[ 178342 משטחי תמיכה ללא מגע לצורך כוון מרחק ]54[ NON-CONTACT SUPPORT PLATFORMS FOR DISTANCE ADJUSTMENT ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]71[ 13.04.2005 60/561904 ]32[ 14.04.2004 ]33[ US Int. Cl.(2009.01) B65G 49/06, 51/00, H01L 21/677 CORE-FLOW SCIENTIFIC יוקנעם,קורפלו פתרונות מדעיים בע"מ SOLUTIONS LTD. YUVAL YASSOUR, ARIE HARNIK, הלל ריכמן, אריה הרניק,יובל יסעור HILEL RICHMAN WO/2005/099350 PEARL COHEN ZEDEK LATZER, ,פרל כהן צדק לצר 5 SHENKAR ST., 5 רח' שנקר,1 ים-מרכז גב P.O.B. 12704, הרצליה12704 .ד. ת, HERZLIYA 46733 ]72[ ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ 268 An apparatus for supporting a stationary or moving substantially flat object without physical contact on an fluid-cushion. The object floats on a fluid cushion gap, the apparatus aimed for globally or locally adjusting the gap. The apparatus comprising: a first platform for supporting the object without contact, the platform having a substantially flat active surface comprised of one or more sectors, each sector comprising at least one of a plurality of basic cells, each basic cell having at least one of a plurality of pressure outlets fluidically connected through a pressure flow restrictors to a higher-pressure manifold associated with the sector in which the basic October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א cell lies, the higher-pressure manifold is fluidically connected through main supply pipeline to pressurized fluid supply and at least one of a plurality of fluid-evacuation channels fluidically connected to a lower-pressure manifold associated with the sector in which the basic cell lies having main evacuation pipeline; wherein the flow restrictor characteristically exhibiting fluidic return spring behavior; and wherein at least one pressure control valve is interposed with at least one of the two main pipelines of at least one sector for controlling pressure levels of at least one of the two manifolds of that sector. __________________ ]11[]21[ ]54[ METHOD AND DEVICE FOR DISPATCHING A PLURALITY OF PHYSICAL OBJECTS ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]71[ ]87[ ]74[ 13.04.2005 102004019232.4 ]32[ 16.04.2004 Int. Cl.(2009.01) G01C 21/34 DEUTSCHE POST AG, GERMANY WO/2005/100917 EITAN MEHULAL LAW GROUP, 10 ABBA EBEN BLVD., P.O. B. 2081, HERZLIYA 46120 ]57[ 269 178449 שיטה והתקן לשליחת מספר פריטים פיזיים ]33[ DE עורכי דין ועורכי,קבוצת איתן מהולל ,פטנטים 10 שדרות אבא אבן הרצליה2081 .ד. ת, The inventive method and device for trouble-freely and time-optimally dispatching any number of objects. Said method consists in assigning at least one delivery address to each object, in determining a sequence for dispatching the objects to a delivery location, in assembling several objects for the common delivery thereof, in storing a delivery addresses on the basis of the determined frequency in a data memory of a transport means, in transmitting said data to the navigation system of transport means in such a way that it is possible to determine the delivery locations where a subsequent October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א object delivery is to be carried out and the navigation system of transport means determines an optimum itinerary way to the delivery location for a subsequent delivery. __________________ ]11[]21[ ]54[ DEVICE FOR MECHANICAL DECOUPLING FOR MONOLITHIC DIFFERENTIAL VIBRATING SENSOR ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]71[ 21.04.2005 0404794 ]32[ 05.05.2004 Int. Cl.(2009.01) G01P 15/097 ONERA (OFFICE NATIONAL D'ETUDES ET DE RECHERCHES AEROSPATIALES), FRANCE WO/2005/121811 SELIGSOHN GABRIELI & CO., 31 YAVNE ST., P.O.B. 1426, TEL AVIV 61013 ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ 270 179045 התקן לבטול צימוד מכני של חיישן מרטט מונוליתי דיפרנציאלי ]33[ FR ,'זליגסון גבריאלי ושות 31 רח' יבנה תל אביב1426 .ד. ת, The invention concerns a sensor comprising two identical vibrating elements operating at a common working frequency and interconnected by a mechanical decoupling device. The device consists of a frame (DM') and two connecting bridges (7 1, 72) each supporting one element. The sensor is characterized in that the frame (DM') consists of a series of solid parts (63, 64, 65, 66) and thinned parts (11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16) such that the frequency of a structural resonant mode of the frame is equal to the common working frequency and that each connecting bridge (7 1, 72) is arranged in a vibrating node of the structure at said frequency. Thus, the vibrations of the two vibrating elements are decoupled from each other. October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א __________________ ]11[]21[ ]54[ X-RAY SOURCE WITH NONPARALLEL GEOMETRY ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]71[ 23.05.2005 10/854944 ]32[ 27.05.2004 Int. Cl.(2009.01) H01J 35/00 CABOT MICROELECTRONICS CORPORATION, U.S.A. WO/2005/119730 SELIGSOHN GABRIELI & CO., 31 YAVNE ST., P.O.B. 1426, TEL AVIV 61013 ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ 271 179112 מקור קרני רנטגן עם גיאומטריה לא מקבילית ]33[ US ,'זליגסון גבריאלי ושות 31 רח' יבנה תל אביב1426 .ד. ת, An improved x-ray generation system produces a converging or diverging radiation pattern particularly suited for substantially cylindrical or spherical treatment devices. In an embodiment, the system comprises a closed or concave outer wall about a closed or concave inner wall. An electron emitter is situated on the inside surface of the outer wall, while a target film is situated on the outside surface of the inner wall. An extraction voltage at the emitter extracts electrons which are accelerated toward the inner wall by an acceleration voltage. Alternately, electron emission may be by thermionic means. Collisions of electrons with the target film causes x-ray emission, a substantial portion of which is directed through the inner wall into the space defined within. In an embodiment, the location of the emitter and target film are reversed, establishing a reflective rather than transmissive mode for convergent patterns and a transmissive mode for divergent patterns. October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א __________________ ]11[]21[ ]54[ PHOTO DETECTOR APPARATUS ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]71[ 02.05.2005 2004-140073 ]32[ 10.05.2004 Int. Cl.(2009.01) G01J 01/46 HAMAMATSU PHOTONICS K.K., JAPAN SEIICHIRO MIZUNO, YASUHIRO SUZUKI WO/2005/108938 JMB, FACTOR & CO. LTD., HAR HOTZVIM HI-TECH PARK, P.O.B. 45087, JERUSALEM 91450 ]72[ ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ 272 179130 חיישן אור ]33[ JP , פקטור אנד קו בע"מ,ג'יי אמ בי הר חוצבים,רחוב המרפא ירושלים45087 .ד. ת, A photo detector apparatus having a structure capable of enlarging the dynamic range of photo detection and further improving the S/N ratio. The photo detector apparatus comprises pixels, including photodiodes, an integrating circuit, a CDS circuit, a selection circuit and a switch circuit. The charge occurring in a photodiode is stored into an integration capacitance part in the integrating circuit, and a first voltage value (V1) in accordance with the mount of the stored charge is outputted from the integrating circuit. The CDS circuit receives the first voltage value (V1) and outputs a second voltage value (V2) that is in accordance with the variation of the first voltage value relative to the first voltage value at a reference time point. The switch circuit compares the charge occurring in the photodiode with a threshold value thereof, instructs, based on the result of that comparison, the establishment of the capacitance value of the integration capacitance part in the integrating circuit, and instructs the selection circuit to select one of the first and second voltage values as an output voltage value. October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א __________________ ]11[]21[ ]54[ METHOD OF STABILIZING SIGNALS GENERATED BY A SCINTILLATION DETECTOR ]22[ ]51[ ]71[ 10.05.2004 Int. Cl.(2009.01) G01T 01/40 ICX RADIATION GMBH, GERMANY WO/2005/116692 LUZZATTO & LUZZATTO, INDUSTRIAL PARK, OMER, P.O.B. 5352, BEER-SHEVA 84152 ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ 273 179147 שיטה לייצוב סיגנלים הנוצרים על ידי גלאי הבהוב ,לוצאטו את לוצאטו עומר,גן תעשייה באר שבע5352 .ד. ת, The invention relates to a method for stabilizing the signals generated by a scintillation detector for measuring radiation, especially ionizing radiation, using the radiation which is at least partially absorbed in the detector, said signals depending on the operating temperature of the detector. According to said method, the temperaturedependent calibration factor K is determined from the signal shape of the signals generated by the radiation to be measured itself. October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א ,201969 The applications for division from this application have not yet been published בקשות חלוקה מבקשה זו .שטרם פורסמו __________________ ]11[]21[ ]54[ PROCESS FOR PREPARING 2OXO-1-PYRROLIDINE DERIVATIVES BY INTRAMOLECULAR ALLYLATION ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]71[ ]87[ ]74[ 26.05.2005 04013715.0 ]32[ 11.06.2004 Int. Cl.(2009.01) C07D 207/26 UCB, S.A., BELGIUM WO/2005/121082 REINHOLD COHN AND PARTNERS, 26A HABARZEL ST., RAMAT HACHAYAL 69710 ]57[ 274 179650 –פירולידין1––אוקסו2 תהליך להכנת תולדות באמצעות אלילציה תוך–מולקולרית ]33[ EP ,ריינהולד כהן ושותפיו 'א26 רחוב הברזל רמת החייל The present invention relates to a new process for preparing 2-oxo-1-pyrrolidine derivatives of general formula (I), comprising the cyclisation of an intermediate of general formula (II) wherein the substituents are as defined in the specification October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א __________________ ]11[]21[ ]54[ METHOD FOR PRODUCING OPTICALLY ACTIVE CYCLOPROPANECARBOXYLATE COMPOUND ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]71[ 30.06.2005 2004-195253 ]32[ 01.07.2004 Int. Cl.(2009.01) C07C 67/347 SUMITOMO CHEMICAL COMPANY, LIMITED., JAPAN WO/2006/004180 DR. YITZHAK HESS & PARTNERS, 279 HAYARKON ST., P.O.B. 6451, TEL AVIV 61063 ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ 275 179703 שיטה עבור ייצור תרכובת ציקלופרופאנקרבוקסילאט פעילה ]33[ JP ,ד"ר יצחק הס ושותפיו 279 רחוב הירקון תל אביב6451 .ד. ת, A method for producing an optically active cyclopropanecarboxylate compound represented by the following formula (5): (wherein R6, R7, R8, R9 and R10 are as defined below) is disclosed which is characterized by reacting an olefin represented by the following formula (3): (wherein R6, R7, R8 and R9 respectively represent an alkyl group having 1-6 carbon atoms or the like) and a diazoacetate represented by the following formula (4): N2 CHCO2 10 (4) (wherein R10 represents an alkyl group having 1-6 carbon atoms) in the presence of an asymmetric copper complex obtained by mixing (A) at least one monovalent or divalent copper compound, (B) at least one optically active bisoxazoline compound represented by the following formula (1): (wherein R1 and R2 respectively represent an alkyl group having 1-6 carbon atoms or the like, R3 represents a tert-butyl group or the like, and R4 and R5 are the same and respectively represent an alkyl group having 1-3 carbon atoms or the like), and (C) at least one fluorine compound represented by the following formula (2): A--MF6 (2) (wherein A represents a trityl group or the like, and M represents a phosphorus atom or the like). October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א __________________ ]11[]21[ 179708 פיקוח תחנה ניידת של ערוץ בקרה קדמי יעודי במצב שידור מקוטע ]54[ MOBILE STATION SUPERVISION OF THE FORWARD DEDICATED CONTROL CHANNEL WHEN IN THE DISCONTINUOUS TRANSMISSION MODE ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]62[ ]71[ 20.07.2000 09/358634 ]32[ 21.07.1999 ]33[ US Int. Cl.(2009.01) H04B 07/185, 07/216, H04J 03/12, H04W 52/00 DIVISION FROM 147628 QUALCOMM INCORPORATED, U.S.A. WO/2001/008439 SANFORD T.COLB & CO., ,' קולב ושות.סנפורד ט P.O.B. 2273, מרמורק,4 שער הגיא REHOVOT 76122 רחובות2273 .ד. ת, ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ 276 A method and apparatus for supervising a dedicated control channel when in the discontinuous transmission mode. The mobile station (4) monitors the frames it receives from a base station (2) and maintains a counter of bad, good, and empty frames, referred to as COUNT1, COUNT2, COUNT3, respectively. If a received frame is a good frame, COUNT1 is reset to zero and COUNT2 is incremented. If the received frame is a bad frame, COUNT1 is incremented and COUNT2 is reset to zero. If the received frame is an empty frame, COUNT1 and COUNT2 are unchanged but COUNT3 is incremented. A transmitter coupled to the mobile station is enabled or disabled depending upon which, if any, of the COUNTs reaches or exceeds a designated threshold value. October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א __________________ ]11[]21[ 180028 סדר עדיפות לפקודות בדחיסת וידיאו דיגיטלית ]54[ DIGITAL VIDEO COMPRESSION COMMAND PRIORITY ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]71[ ]72[ ]87[ ]74[ 03.06.2005 10/875678 ]32[ 25.06.2004 ]33[ Int. Cl.(2009.01) G06K 09/36, H04N 07/34 AVOCENT CORPORATION, U.S.A. ROBERT L. GILGEN WO/2006/007263 JMB, FACTOR & CO. LTD., HAR HOTZVIM HI-TECH PARK, P.O.B. 45087, JERUSALEM 91450 ]57[ 277 US , פקטור אנד קו בע"מ,ג'יי אמ בי הר חוצבים,רחוב המרפא ירושלים45087 .ד. ת, A video compression system for compressing a stream of digital video data is disclosed. Known run-length encoding is applied whenever possible to the digital video data stream (62). When a run is not identified, the encoder determines whether a consecutive series of pixels are identified from only two different colors, and if so creates a make-series command to create bytes with bits encoded as a stream of binary values corresponding to the two pixel colors as they occur in the consecutive series (64). The make series command continues for as many bytes as the consecutive series of bits will fill, except that, when a make series command applies again to a byte of make-series bits, the make series command is preempted by the applicable run length encoding (65). October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א __________________ ]11[]21[ ]54[ MICROWAVE GENERATOR ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]71[ 08.06.2005 102004031333.4 ]32[ 29.06.2004 Int. Cl.(2009.01) H01J 07/00 DIEHL BGT DEFENCE GMBH & CO. KG, GERMANY WO/2006/000296 PEARL COHEN ZEDEK LATZER, 5 SHENKAR ST., P.O.B. 12704, HERZLIYA 46733 ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ 278 180215 מחולל מיקרוגל ]33[ DE ,פרל כהן צדק לצר 5 רח' שנקר,1 ים-מרכז גב הרצליה12704 .ד. ת, The invention relates to a microwave generator which comprises a housing having two opposite electrodes, separated by an electrode gap filled with a dielectric, and a spark gap in between the two electrodes which sparks, thereby emitting microwaves, when a high voltage is applied. In order to modify the microwave frequency, the electrode gap (13, 13a, 13b) can at least be partially filled with a second dielectric (15, 15a, 15b) having a permittivity that is different from that of the first dielectric (14, 14a, 14b), present between the electrodes (6, 7). The second dielectric (15, 15a, 15b) is stored in a reservoir (17, 17a, 17b) which communicates with the electrode gap (13, 13a, 13b). October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א __________________ ]11[]21[ 180908 משחק חינוכי ]54[ EDUCATIONAL GAME ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]71[ ]74[ 23.01.2007 60/766482 ]32[ 22.01.2006 ]33[ US Int. Cl.(2009.01) A63F 03/00 MENASHE SCHWARTZ כרכור-חנה- פרדס,מנשה שורץ YORAM TSIVION, ,יורם צביון 2 HATOCHEN ST. פארק התעשיה,2 רח' הטוחן P.O.B. 3148, קיסריה3148 .ד. ת, CAESAREA 38900 A multiplication game comprising: a perforated game board (20), wherein the assemblage of perforations forms a rectangular matrix; a horizontal row (24) of numerals printed on the rim of said board wherein said numerals are evenly increasing in value from one end to the other end, and wherein below each numeral a column of perforations is disposed; a column (26) of numerals printed on the edge of said board wherein said numerals are evenly inceasing in value from one end to the other end, and sideways from each numeral a row of perforations is disposed; a set of chips (22) the total number of which equals the product of the largest value in said column multiplied by the largest value in said horizontal row, wherein each chip is insertable in a cut-out window of said board, and wherein each chip has one numeric value inscribed on its upper face, such that for each multiplication of any number in said row with any number of said column there is found a matching numeral on a chip, and two sets of coloured stripes (30) printed on the upper face of said board, wherein all the stripes in each set are parallel, and wherein each stripe in a set is uniquely coloured, and wherein all stripes in a set are perpendicular to all the stripes in the other set. October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א ]57[ 279 __________________ ]11[]21[ ]54[ SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR A MULTIPLE TRACK PROFILE WRAPPING MACHINE ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]71[ 14.08.2005 60/601115 ]32[ 13.08.2004 Int. Cl.(2009.01) B29C 63/02 HARDOOR MECHANISMS PRODUCTION LTD. WO/2006/016373 BEN-AMI & ASSOCIATES, 8 PLAUT ST., PARK TAMAR, P.O.B. 94, REHOVOT 76100 ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ 280 181093 מערכת ושיטה מרובת מסלולים לציפוי פרופילים ]33[ US לציון- ראשון,הרדור ייצור מנגנונים בע"מ ,'בן עמי ושות 8 מנחם פלאוט רחובות94 .ד. ת, Presented herein, is a machine for wrapping profiles utilizing fully operable profile tracks (220, 221 ) and a glue delivering device including at least one glue delivery device (20), at least one central axis (250), at least a pair of profile tracks (220, 221), which rotate around a single axis wherein each pair of tracks may be positioned at a different angle. The setup procedure is facilitated by allowing the cylinder (300) to rotate 90 degrees to reposition the profile tracks (220, 221) perpendicularly in front of the operator, allowing easy access to the adjustment pins. October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א __________________ ]11[]21[ 181334 ]54[ 15ß-SUBSTITUTED STEROIDS HAVING SELECTIVE ESTROGENIC ACTIVITY ]22[ ]31[ 05.09.2005 60/608501 ]32[ 08.09.2004 ]33[ US 04104334.0 08.09.2004 EP Int. Cl.(2009.01) A61K 31/56, A61P 05/24, C07J 01/00 N.V. ORGANON, THE NETHERLANDS WO/2006/027347 REINHOLD COHN AND PARTNERS, 26A HABARZEL ST., RAMAT HACHAYAL 69710 ]51[ ]71[ ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ בעלי פעילותß 15 סטרואידים מותמרים בעמדה אסטרוגנית בררנית ,ריינהולד כהן ושותפיו 'א26 רחוב הברזל רמת החייל The invention provides 15beta-substituted steroidal compounds having selective estrogen receptor activity according to Formula (I) wherein, R 1is H, C 1-5alkyl, C 1-12 acyl, di-(C 1-5alkyl)aminocarbonyl, (C1-5alkyl)oxycarbonyl or sulfamoyl, R 2is H, C13alkyl, C2-3alkenyl or C2-3alkynyl ,each of which may be optionally substituted with a halogen, R 3is C1-2alkyl, ethenyl or ethynyl, each of which may be optionally substituted with a halogen, and R 4is H or C 1-12acyl. __________________ 281 October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א ]11[]21[ ]54[ METHOD OF MIXING AUDIO CHANNELS USING CORRELATED OUTPUTS ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]71[ ]87[ ]74[ 26.08.2005 10/930659 ]32[ 31.08.2004 Int. Cl.(2009.01) H04R 05/00 DTS, INC., U.S.A. WO/2006/026463 REINHOLD COHN AND PARTNERS, 26A HABARZEL ST., RAMAT HACHAYAL 69710 ]57[ 181449 שיטה לערבוב ערוצי שמע באמצעות פלטים מתואמים ]33[ US ,ריינהולד כהן ושותפיו 'א26 רחוב הברזל רמת החייל A method of mixing audio channels (R, C, L) is effective at rebalancing the audio without introducing unwanted artifacts or overly softening the discrete presentation of the original audio. This is accomplished between any two or more input channels (R, C, L) by processing the audio channels to generate one or more 'correlated' audio signals for each pair of input channels. The in-phase correlated signal (150, 152) representing content in both channels that is the same or very similar with little or no phase or time delay is mixed with the input channels. The present approach may also generate an out-of-phase correlated signal (same or similar signals with appreciable time or phase delay) that is typically discarded and a pair of independent signals (signals not present in the other input channel) that may be mixed with the input channels. __________________ ]11[]21[ ]54[ 282 ELECTRIC DRIVE TRANSMISSION 181491 תמסורת להנעה חשמלית October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]71[ ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ 10.08.2005 0418967.6 ]32[ 26.08.2004 Int. Cl.(2009.01) B62D 11/02, 11/16 QINETIQ LIMITED, UNITED KINGDOM WO/2006/021745 EITAN MEHULAL LAW GROUP, 10 ABBA EBEN BLVD., P.O. B. 2081, HERZLIYA 46120 ]33[ GB עורכי דין ועורכי,קבוצת איתן מהולל ,פטנטים 10 שדרות אבא אבן הרצליה2081 .ד. ת, An electric drive transmission for a skid steered vehicle has a central casing (17) housing a pair of propulsion motors (1a, 1b) comprising respective stators (18a, 18b) and rotors (19a, 19b), each rotor being coupled to drive a respective through shaft (21a, 21b) via a respective epicyclic gear change mechanism (22a, 22b). The through shafts (21a, 21b) are coupled at their inboard ends to a controlled differential (6) with an input from a steer motor (7), and are coupled at their outboard ends to respective epicyclic gear reduction mechanisms including planet carriers (27a, 27b). The through shafts (21a, 21b) are supported in the casing by respective bearings 30a, 30b and (32a, 32b) (the latter via planet carriers (27a, 27b)) and the propulsion motor rotors (19a, 19b) are supported on the through shafts by respective bearings (20a, 20b). By supporting the rotors (19a, 19b) on the through shafts (21a, 21b) rather than in separate bearings to the casing (17) the diameter and speed rating of the requisite rotor bearings can be reduced. __________________ ]11[]21[ ]54[ METHOD FOR MANAGING MEANS FOR ACCESSING CONDITIONAL ACCESS DATA ]22[ ]31[ 15.09.2005 04104509.7 283 ]32[ 17.09.2004 181495 שיטה לאמצעי ניהול עבור נגישות לנתוני גישה מותנים ]33[ EP October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א ]51[ ]71[ ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ Int. Cl.(2009.01) H04N 07/16 NAGRAVISION S.A., SWITZERLAND WO/2006/030021 WOLFF, BREGMAN AND GOLLER, P.O.B. 1352, JERUSALEM 91013 , ברגמן וגולר,וולף ירושלים1352 .ד. ת, The invention relates to a method for managing means for accessing conditional access data, these data being broadcast to at least one multimedia unit. The access means are managed by a management center and are associated with an item of time information. The multimedia unit comprises at least one security module inside of which the means for accessing data are stored. The multimedia unit also comprises remote means for communicating with the management center and local means for communicating with said security module. The inventive method is characterized by comprising the following steps: determining, according to predetermined time intervals, via the security module, the next expiration for renewing the access means; if the next expiration for renewing the access means is nearer than a predefined period, sending, via the security module, a request to the multimedia unit requesting the renewal of the access means, this request using said local communication means; sending, via the multimedia unit, this request for renewing the access means to the management center, this request using said remote communication means; verifying, via the management center, if the multimedia unit is authorized to renew the access means, and; in the event of a positive reply, sending a message for renewing the access means to said multimedia unit. __________________ ]11[]21[ ]54[ SEALING MEANS FOR A CLOSURE, CLOSURE AND PROCESS ]22[ ]31[ 02.08.2005 60/606240 60/661983 284 ]32[ 01.09.2004 14.03.2005 181627 סוגר ותהליך ליצורו,אמצעי נעילה לסוגר ]33[ US US October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א ]51[ ]71[ ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ PCT/EP05/51559 07.04.2005 PCT/EP05/51575 08.04.2005 Int. Cl.(2009.01) B65D 41/04 CREANOVA UNIVERSAL CLOSURES LTD., UNITED KINGDOM WO/2006/117024 REINHOLD COHN AND PARTNERS, 26A HABARZEL ST., RAMAT HACHAYAL 69710 WO WO ,ריינהולד כהן ושותפיו 'א26 רחוב הברזל רמת החייל The present invention is directed to a sealing means (2) for sealing of a neck (25) of a container, especially a container for carbonated beverages. The sealing means comprises a radially deformable outer sealing means (20) suitable to be engaged with an outer free surface (17) of a neck (25) of the container. The outer sealing means (20) comprises an annular base (22) which blends by a blend (34) into a vertical top surface (35) and at least one annular sealing ring (23) arranged at a free end of the annular base (22), protruding radially inwardly above the inner surface of the base (22) and forming in engaged position with the neck (25) a first contact area (30) with the outer free surface (17). __________________ ]11[]21[ ]54[ DEVICE AND METHOD FOR GENERATING A MULTI-CHANNEL SIGNAL OR A PARAMETER DATA SET ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ 10.08.2005 DE102004043521.9 ]32[ 08.09.2004 Int. Cl.(2009.01) G10L 19/00 285 181743 התקן ושיטה לייצור אות רב–ערוצי או קבוצת נתוני פרמטר ]33[ DE October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א ]71[ ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ FRAUNHOFER-GESELLSCHAFT ZUR FORDERUNG DER ANGEWANDTEN FORSCHUNG E.V., GERMANY WO/2006/027079 SELIGSOHN GABRIELI & CO., 31 YAVNE ST., P.O.B. 1426, TEL AVIV 61013 ,'זליגסון גבריאלי ושות 31 רח' יבנה תל אביב1426 .ד. ת, In order to carry out a flexible signaling of a synchronous mode or of an asynchronous mode during multichannel parameter reconstruction, a parameter configuration instruction is inserted into the data flow and is used by a configuration device on the part of a multichannel decoder for configuring a multichannel reconstruction device. If the parameter configuration instruction has a first meaning, the configuration device searches within its input data for additional items of configuration information whereas, when the parameter configuration instruction has another meaning, the configuration device, based on items of information concerning an encoding algorithm with which transmission channel data have been encoded, carry out a configuration setting of the multichannel reconstruction device whereby efficiently and flexibly ensuring that a correct allocation between parameter data and decoded transmission channel data is always maintained. __________________ ]11[]21[ 181959 אחסונם והפצתם של,מכשיר ושיטה לקבלתם שקיות דם ]54[ APPARATUS AND METHOD FOR RECEIVING, STORING AND DISTRIBUTING BLOOD BAGS ]22[ ]51[ ]71[ 29.09.2004 Int. Cl.(2009.01) A61M 01/36, B65G 01/137 ANGELANTONI INDUSTRIE SPA, ITALY 286 October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ WO/2006/035465 LUZZATTO & LUZZATTO, INDUSTRIAL PARK, OMER, P.O.B. 5352, BEER-SHEVA 84152 ,לוצאטו את לוצאטו עומר,גן תעשייה באר שבע5352 .ד. ת, Method and apparatus (1) for receiving, storing and distributing blood bags comprising a cabinet (1) for containing all the components of the apparatus (1);a refrigerated space (21) for containing the bags; a magazine (3) housed inside the refrigerated space (21) comprising a plurality of cells (31), each capable of containing a single bag, each of the cells being identified by a cell code. The apparatus (1) further comprises at least one door (4) for allowing access by an operator to the cells; a movement system (5) housed inside the cabinet (2) and capable of moving, preferably rotating, the cells (31); a cooling system (6) housed inside the cabinet (1) and capable of cooling the refrigerated space (21). The apparatus (1) further comprises a data processing system (7) housed inside the cabinet (2), capable of controlling the movement system (5) and the cooling system (6), and capable of controlling the receiving, the preservation and the releasing of the bags, and capable of exchanging data from and to an external data-management system (17) with which the apparatus (1) can interact. Onto the apparatus (1) there are provided a keyboard (8) and a screen (9), both connected to the processing system (7), and both placed at the walls (23) of the cabinet (2). __________________ ]11[]21[ ]54[ 287 PROCESS FOR GOOD PACKAGING, NAMELY FOOD STUFFS, PACKAGING AND KITS FOR THEIR REALIZATION 182040 , במיוחד דברי אוכל,תהליך לאריזה יעילה אריזות וערכות לביצוע התהליך October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]71[ ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ 20.01.2005 RM2004A000472 ]32[ 01.10.2004 Int. Cl.(2009.01) B65B 31/04, B65D 88/16 LONG LIFE S.R.L., ITALY WO/2006/038238 REINHOLD COHN AND PARTNERS, 26A HABARZEL ST., RAMAT HACHAYAL 69710 ]33[ IT ,ריינהולד כהן ושותפיו 'א26 רחוב הברזל רמת החייל A process for carrying out a packaging for food stuffs, such as hazelnuts, dried fruits, or powdered milk, packaged in bulk, comprises the steps of: - provision of a big bag container (2), - carrying out a filling of the above said product (P), into the big bag container (2),- provision of a seal enclosure (3) susceptible of containing the big bag container (2) with the above said filling of product (P) therein, and- sealing the enclosure (3) containing the big bag container (2), with the above said filling of product (P) therein, a sub atmospheric pressure level. Preferably, a protective inert gas, such as nitrogen, is inserted into the enclosure (3) containing the big bag container (2). __________________ ]11[]21[ 182562 שיטות לניקוי וירוסים ]54[ VIRAL PURIFICATION METHODS ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]71[ 21.10.2005 60/621257 ]32[ 22.10.2004 ]33[ US Int. Cl.(2009.01) A61K 35/66, 35/76, C12N 07/02 ONCOLYTICS BIOTECH INC., CANADA 288 October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ WO/2006/042414 REINHOLD COHN AND PARTNERS, 26A HABARZEL ST., RAMAT HACHAYAL 69710 ,ריינהולד כהן ושותפיו 'א26 רחוב הברזל רמת החייל The present invention is directed to an improved method of purifying virus, particularly reovirus. Infectious virus can be extracted from a cell culture with a detergent to produce high titers of virus, and the virus can then be purified by simple steps such as filtration and column chromatography. Viruses and compositions comprising the viruses prepared according to the present invention are also provided. __________________ ]11[]21[ 182720 ממטרה עם מתלבט מבוסס צמיגות ]54[ SPRINKLER WITH VISCOUS HESITATOR ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]71[ 22.04.2007 11/409069 ]32[ 24.04.2006 ]33[ US Int. Cl.(2009.01) B05B 03/04 NELSON IRRIGATION CORPORATION, U.S.A. MICHAEL TOWNSEND JMB, FACTOR & CO. LTD., , פקטור אנד קו בע"מ,ג'יי אמ בי HAR HOTZVIM HI-TECH PARK, הר חוצבים,רחוב המרפא P.O.B. 45087, ירושלים45087 .ד. ת, JERUSALEM 91450 A sprinkler device comprising: a rotatable shaft (12) having a cam (54), said cam having a radially outwardly projecting shaft lobe; a water distribution plate (16) supported on one end of the shaft and adapted to be impinged upon by a stream (5) emitted from a nozzle causing said water distribution plate and said shaft to rotate; a hesitator assembly (10) supported on an opposite end of the shaft said assembly including a stationary housing (14) having a sealed chamber (50) at least partially filled with a viscous fluid, said shaft passing through said chamber, with said cam and October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א ]72[ ]74[ ]57[ 289 shaft lobe located within said chamber; and a rotor ring (56) located within said chamber in substantially surrounding relationship to said cam, said rotor ring having two or more inwardly projecting hesitator lobes movable into and out of a path of rotation of the shaft lobe, such that rotation of said shaft and water distribution plate is slowed during intervals when the shaft lobe engages and pushes past a respective one of said two or more hesitator lobes. __________________ ]11[]21[ 182853 שיטת ציון לקביעת התאמת לבלב לבידוד אי ]54[ SCORING METHOD FOR DETERMINING PANCREAS SUITABILITY FOR ISLET ISOLATION ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]71[ ]87[ ]74[ 14.11.2005 60/629227 ]32[ 17.11.2004 ]33[ US Int. Cl.(2009.01) C12N 05/08, C12Q 01/02, G01N 03/50, G06F 19/00 THE ROGOSIN INSTITUTE, U.S.A. WO/2006/055501 SANFORD T.COLB & CO., ,' קולב ושות.סנפורד ט P.O.B. 2273, מרמורק,4 שער הגיא REHOVOT 76122 רחובות2273 .ד. ת, ]57[ 290 The invention relates to a method for evaluating a pancreas as a source of therapeutically useful islets. A scoring system is set forth whereby 5 criteria are listed. If three criteria are positive, then the pancreas is a suitable source of therapeutically useful islets. October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א __________________ ]11[]21[ ]54[ TOILET SEAT LIFTING AND LOWERING DEVICE ]22[ ]31[ 28.10.2005 10/979039 ]32[ 02.11.2004 11/187252 25.07.2005 Int. Cl.(2009.01) A47K 13/10 WILLIAM P. PANTOS, U.S.A. CURTIS SWORD, U.S.A. ]51[ ]71[ ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ 182916 התקן להרמה והורדה של מושב אסלה ]33[ US US WO/2006/050090 PEARL COHEN ZEDEK LATZER, 5 SHENKAR ST., P.O.B. 12704, HERZLIYA 46733 ,פרל כהן צדק לצר 5 רח' שנקר,1 ים-מרכז גב הרצליה12704 .ד. ת, A toilet seat lifting and lowering device for pivoting the seat to its raised position and for pivoting it back to its horizontal position without having to touch the seat. A first lever arm is rigidly attached at one end to a first part of a torque transfer mechanism and at its other end to a foot pedal and a second lever arm is rigidly attached at one end to a second part of the torque transfer mechanism and at its other end to the toilet seat. With the toilet seat in its horizontal position, a downward force on the pedal produces a rotation of the first part of the torque transfer mechanism which produces an opposite rotation of the second part of the torque transfer mechanism causing the toilet seat to pivot to its raised position. Lifting the pedal, preferably by providing an upward force under the pedal, lowers the seat to the horizontal position. In a preferred embodiment, a counterweight positionable on the first lever arm is provided to provide a constant torque to partially oppose the torque produced by the weight of the toilet seat about its pivot axis. In a preferred embodiment, the first and second parts of the torque transfer mechanism are both cams. __________________ ]11[]21[ ]54[ ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ 291 182927 סוגר עם איוורור עצמי SELF-VENTING CLOSURE 08.11.2005 04105712.6 ]32[ 11.11.2004 Int. Cl.(2009.01) B65D 51/16 ]33[ EP October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א ]71[ ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ OBRIST CLOSURES SWITZERLAND GMBH, SWITZERLAND WO/2006/051068 REINHOLD COHN AND PARTNERS, 26A HABARZEL ST., RAMAT HACHAYAL 69710 ,ריינהולד כהן ושותפיו 'א26 רחוב הברזל רמת החייל A closure 10 for a container, comprises a substantially circular base 20, a skirt 30 extending from the periphery thereof, a bore seal 50 in the form of an annulus and a rib 70 lying on the surface of the base 20 in a substantially radial direction and in contact with the radially inner surface of the bore seal 50 at one end for transferring any movement of the centre of the base 20, relative to the skirt 30, to the bore seal 50 such that the bore seal 50 is pulled radially inward to allow venting of excess pressure within the container, wherein the end of the rib 70 in contact with the radially inner surface of the bore seal 50 is substantially thinner, in a plane parallel to the base 20, than the other end of the rib 70. __________________ ]11[]21[ 183098 ]54[ HOLDING DEVICE FOR RECEIVING A MOBILE TELEPHONE ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]71[ ]87[ ]74[ 21.12.2005 102004062177.2 ]32[ 21.12.2004 ]33[ Int. Cl.(2009.01) B60R 11/02, H04M 01/04 BURY SP. Z.O.O., POLAND WO/2006/066893 WOLFF, BREGMAN AND GOLLER, P.O.B. 1352, JERUSALEM 91013 ]57[ 292 התקן החזקה לקבלת טלפון נייד DE , ברגמן וגולר,וולף ירושלים1352 .ד. ת, The invention relates to a holding device provided with a receiving system for October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א receiving a mobile telephone (30, 30'), said holding device comprising a housing (1). The receiving system is formed by at least two lateral jaws (3) projecting from a rear wall of the housing (1), at least one of said jaws being laterally displaceable and both of said jaws being provided with padding (5) that can be compressed by from lateral housing walls of the mobile telephone (30, 30'). The distance between the jaws (3) can be adjusted to the width of the mobile telephone (30, 30') by means of an adjusting device (11) provided in the rear wall (2). The adjusted jaws (3) remain fixed for the insertion and the removal of the mobile telephone (30, 30'), and the mobile telephone is fixed in the holder exclusively by means of a friction connection produced between the compressible padding (5, 6) and the mobile telephone (30, 30'). The aim of the invention is to create a universal holding device for different types of mobile telephone (30, 30'). To this end, the adjusting device (11) comprises a rotatably arranged plate (15) that is connected to the two jaws (3), and can be fixed in the rotary position thereof by means of a centrally arranged screw. The screw head (14) can be actuated on the rear wall (2) and covered by the inserted mobile telephone (30, 30'). __________________ ]11[]21[ 183335 אנטגוניסטים של לפטין ]54[ LEPTIN ANTAGONISTS ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]71[ 24.11.2005 10/966607 ]32[ 26.11.2004 ]33[ US Int. Cl.(2009.01) A61K 38/22, C07K 14/575, C12N 15/10 YISSUM RESEARCH יישום חברה לפיתוח המחקר של DEVELOPMENT COMPANY OF ,האוניברסיטה העברית בירושלים בע"מ THE HEBREW UNIVERSITY OF ירושלים JERUSALEM LTD UNIVERSITE PIERRE ET MARIE CURIE ( PARIS 6 ), FRANCE INSTITUT NATIONALE DE LA RECHERCHE AGRONOMIQUE, 293 October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א ]72[ ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ FRANCE ARIEH GERTLER, ISABELLE CALLEBAUT, JEAN DJIANE WO/2006/056987 BEN-AMI & ASSOCIATES, 8 PLAUT ST., PARK TAMAR, P.O.B. 94, REHOVOT 76100 ז'אן דז'יאן, איזבל קייבו,אריה גרטלר ,'בן עמי ושות 8 מנחם פלאוט רחובות94 .ד. ת, The invention relates to synthetic leptin antagonists in which at least two amino acid residues of the sequence LDFI/S of the hydrophobic binding site at positions 39-42 of a leptin polypeptide sequence are substituted with different amino acid residues such that the site becomes less hydrophobic, and fragments of said leptin antagonists. __________________ ]11[]21[ ]54[ IN VITRO METHOD FOR SIMULTANEOUSLY DETECTING AND IDENTIFYING ANTIBIOTICS OF DIFFERENT CLASSES AND CORRESPONDING DIAGNOSTIC KIT ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]71[ ]87[ ]74[ 13.04.2006 05447079.4 ]32[ 14.04.2005 Int. Cl.(2009.01) G01N 33/558, 33/94 UNISENSOR S.A., BELGIUM WO/2006/108248 PEARL COHEN ZEDEK LATZER, 5 SHENKAR ST., P.O.B. 12704, HERZLIYA 46733 ]57[ 294 186636 לזיהוי אנטיביוטיקהIN VITRO שיטת מקבוצות שונות וערכה דיאגנוסטית תואמת ]33[ EP ,פרל כהן צדק לצר 5 רח' שנקר,1 ים-מרכז גב הרצליה12704 .ד. ת, The invention concerns a diagnostic kit for simultaneous assay of antibiotics of different classes, characterized in that it comprises: a single reaction mixture containing at least one first labelled receptor, specific of recognition of ß-lactams, a second labelled receptor, specifically and competitively identifying a tetracycline and a biotinylated nucleic acid fragment, an antisulfamide antibody and a labelled sulfamide analogue; and a recovery system in the form of a solid support comprising a nitrocellulose membrane whereon are fixed in three separate testing zones, respectively an antibiotic with ß-lactam nucleus, an avidin and an antibody capable of October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א specifically identifying the antisulfamide antibody, so that the labelling intensity detected on the recovery system at the three testing zones results independently from a competitive recognition of each antibiotic by its labelled receptor. __________________ ]11[]21[ 187143 נגזרות פניל כמעכבי ספיגה מחדש של סרוטונין ]54[ PHENYL DERIVATIVES AS SEROTONIN REUPTAKE INHIBITORS ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ 02.10.2002 PA200101466 ]32[ 04.10.2001 ]33[ DK Int. Cl.(2009.01) A61K 31/445, 31/55, A61P 25/00, C07D 211/20, 211/70, 221/20, 223/04, 223/14, 401/12, 405/12, 409/12 DIVISION FROM 160655 H. LUNDBECK A/S, DENMARK WO/2003/029232 DR. SHLOMO COHEN & CO., ,'ד"ר שלמה כהן ושות 124 IBN GABIROL ST., 124 אבן גבירול P.O.B. 11490, תל אביב11490 .ד. ת, TEL AVIV 62038 ]62[ ]71[ ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ 295 The invention provides compounds represented by the general formula I Iwherein the substituents are defined in the application. The compounds are useful in the treatment of an affective disorder, including depression, anxiety disorders including general anxiety disorder and panic disorder and obsessive compulsive disorder. October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א __________________ ]11[]21[ 187185 כיול עבור מערכת איתור אלחוטית ]54[ CALIBRATION FOR WIRELESS LOCATION SYSTEM ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]62[ ]71[ ]87[ ]74[ 13.12.1999 09/227764 ]32[ 08.01.1999 ]33[ Int. Cl.(2009.01) G01S 01/20, 01/24, 05/02 DIVISION FROM 175537 TRUEPOSITION, INC., U.S.A. WO/2000/041403 REINHOLD COHN AND PARTNERS, 26A HABARZEL ST., RAMAT HACHAYAL 69710 ]57[ An internal calibration method for calibrating a first receiver system, wherein said first receiver system is characterized by a time- and frequency-varying transfer function, said transfer function defining how the amplitude and phase of a received signal will be altered by said first receiver system, and wherein the first receiver system is utilized in a location system that is operative to determine the location of a mobile transmitter by, in part, determining a difference in time of arrival of a signal transmitted by a mobile transmitter and received by said first receiver system and another receiver system, and wherein the accuracy of the location determination is dependent, in part, upon the accuracy of time measurements made by said receiver system, the method comprising the step of: (A) injecting an internally generated stable, known signal into said first receiver system; (B) utilizing the internally generated stable, known signal to obtain an estimate of the manner in which said transfer function varies across the bandwidth of said first receiver system; and (C) utilizing said estimate to mitigate the effects of said variation of the first transfer function on the time measurements made by the first receiver system. 296 US ,ריינהולד כהן ושותפיו 'א26 רחוב הברזל רמת החייל October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א __________________ ]11[]21[ 187447 ]54[ REFILLABLE DEVICE AND METHOD OF FILLING ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]71[ ]87[ ]74[ 04.06.2006 168994 ]32[ 03.06.2005 ]33[ Int. Cl.(2009.01) B05B 11/00, B65D 83/14 ADORAM LESHEM WO/2006/129322 SELIGSOHN GABRIELI & CO., 31 YAVNE ST., P.O.B. 1426, TEL AVIV 61013 ]57[ 297 התקן המתמלא ושיטה למלא אותו IL אביב- תל,אדורם לשם ,'זליגסון גבריאלי ושות 31 רח' יבנה תל אביב1426 .ד. ת, A refillable device for containing and dispensing a product fillable from a donor container comprising a spray dispenser, the device comprising: a hollow body for receiving and storing the product, and having a sealable opening wherethrough product is fillable into the body; a dispensing mechanism for dispensing the product; and an interface arrangement for facilitating interfacing between the refillable device and the spray dispenser of the donor container. October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א __________________ ]11[]21[ ]54[ ONE-WAY INJECTOR WITH CONTINUOUSLY CHARGED SPRING ENERGY STORE ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]71[ 07.12.2006 102005062206.2 ]32[ 24.12.2005 Int. Cl.(2009.01) A61M 05/315 LTS-LOHMANN THERAPIESYSTEME AG, GERMANY HANS-RAINER HOFFMANN WO/2007/073839 EITAN MEHULAL LAW GROUP, 10 ABBA EBEN BLVD., P.O. B. 2081, HERZLIYA 46120 ]72[ ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ 298 187582 מזרק חד–כיווני עם מלאי אנרגיה בקפיץ טעון ברציפות ]33[ DE עורכי דין ועורכי,קבוצת איתן מהולל ,פטנטים 10 שדרות אבא אבן הרצליה2081 .ד. ת, The invention relates to a one-way injector having a housing in which at least one mechanical spring energy store, at least one piston/cylinder unit, which can be at least temporarily filled with an active substance, at least one piston-actuating plunger and at least one tripping unit are arranged. To this end, the spring energy store comprises a preloaded spring element. The spring element is held in the preloaded position by a tension means surrounding at least a region of the spring. The tripping unit comprises a cutting tool which, in order to release the energy of the spring energy store, severs or weakens the tension means at at least one point, the weakening immediately tearing the tension means. With the present invention, a one-way injector is developed which, with a small overall size, has only a few components and ensures reliable mounting and functioning with simple manipulation. October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א __________________ ]11[]21[ 188515 קוהרנטיות תדר בתוך רשת מיקום ]54[ FREQUENCY COHERENCE WITHIN A LOCATION NETWORK ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]62[ ]71[ 01.11.2002 PR8634 ]32[ 02.11.2001 ]33[ AU Int. Cl.(2009.01) G01S 01/00, 01/02, 05/00, 05/02, H04W 64/00 DIVISION FROM 161718 QX CORPORATION PTY LTD., AUSTRALIA WO/2003/038469 S. HOROWITZ & CO., ,' הורוביץ ושות.ש 31 AHAD HAAM STREET 31 רחוב אחד העם P.O. BOX 2499 תל אביב2499 .ד. ת, TEL AVIV 65202 A method of generating frequency coherence between a received reference positioning signal transmitted by at least one reference transmitter and a unique positioning signal generated by a positioning-unit device, said method comprising the steps of: (a) receiving said reference positioning signal; (b) measuring the frequency offset of said received reference positioning signal relative to a common oscillator; (c) adjusting a frequency steerable clock by an amount derived from said measured frequency offset (b); (d) generating said unique positioning signal, wherein said unique positioning signal is aligned with said frequency steerable clock; (e) contimuiusly adjusting said unique positioning signal by applying said measured frequency offset (b) to said frequency steerable clock, said frequency steerable clock referenced to said common oscillator; such that the frequency of said adjusted unique positioning signal is aligned with the frequency of said reference positioning signal. October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ 299 __________________ ]11[]21[ 188516 הפעלה בין–רשתית של רשתות מרובות מיקום ]54[ INTER-NETWORK OPERATION OF MULTIPLE LOCATION NETWORKS ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]62[ ]71[ 01.11.2002 PR8634 ]32[ 02.11.2001 ]33[ AU Int. Cl.(2009.01) G01S 01/24, 03/02, 05/14, H04W 64/00 DIVISION FROM 161718 QX CORPORATION PTY LTD., AUSTRALIA WO/2003/038469 S. HOROWITZ & CO., ,' הורוביץ ושות.ש 31 AHAD HAAM STREET 31 רחוב אחד העם P.O. BOX 2499 תל אביב2499 .ד. ת, TEL AVIV 65202 A method for allowing a position receiver to determine position solutions from positioning signals from a plurality of autonomous positioning networks within a positioning system, wherein: (a) each autonomous positioning network is synchronized to a different timebase; (b) each of said plurality of autonomous positioning networks comprises one or more positioning-unit device; (c) a position receiver is situated near the boundary of two of said plurality of autonomous positioning networks; (i) said method comprising the steps of: at least one positioning-unit device within a first autonomous positioning network receives positioning signals from at least one positioning-unit device from a second autonomous positioning network and measures the timebase difference between said second autonomous positioning network and said first autonomous October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ 300 positioning network and subsequently calculates a timebase clock correction; (ii) said at least one positioning-unit device within said first autonomous positioning network incorporates said timebase clock correction into its positioning signals for transmission; (iii) other positioning-unit devices within said first autonomous positioning network receive and relay said positioning signals incorporating said timebase clock correction; (iv) said position receiver receives positioning signals incorporating said timebase clock correction from any positioning-unit device within said first autonomous positioning network; (v) said position receiver receives positioning signals from said one or more positioning-unit devices from said second autonomous positioning network; (vi) said position receiver applies said timebase clock correction to said positioning signals received from said one or more positioning-unit devices from said second autonomous positioning network; and (vii) said position receiver calculates its own position using said positioning signals from said first autonomous positioning network and said positioning signals from said second autonomous positioning network; such that positioning signals received from positioning-unit devices from said first and second autonomous positioning network that are synchronized to different timebases can be used for position solution. __________________ ]11[]21[ 188710 חומצת גרעין וחלבון המקודד על–ידה ]54[ NUCLEIC ACID AND PROTEIN ENCODED THEREBY ]22[ ]31[ 15.01.2002 A60/2001 ]32[ 16.01.2001 ]33[ AT A523/2001 03.04.2001 AT Int. Cl.(2009.01) C07K 19/00, C12N 09/88, 15/29, 15/60, C12P 13/00 DIVISION FROM 147635 DSM FINE CHEMICALS AUSTRIA ]51[ ]62[ ]71[ 301 October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א ]74[ ]57[ NFG GMBH & CO. KG, AUSTRIA REINHOLD COHN AND PARTNERS, 26A HABARZEL ST., RAMAT HACHAYAL 69710 ,ריינהולד כהן ושותפיו 'א26 רחוב הברזל רמת החייל Isolated nucleic acid, comprising the nucleic acid sequence shown in figure 8 from nucleotide 1 until nucleotide 2083 continuously or without the intron regions from nucleotide 104 until 249, 907 until 1047 and 1889 until 1993. __________________ ]11[]21[ 189157 ]54[ CDMA SYSTEM WHICH USES PRE-ROTATION BEFORE TRANSMISSION ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]62[ ]71[ 28.03.2001 60/192670 ]32[ 28.03.2000 ]33[ Int. Cl.(2009.01) H04B 01/707, H04L 27/00 DIVISION FROM 151905 INTERDIGITAL TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION, U.S.A. WO/2001/073968 REINHOLD COHN AND PARTNERS, 26A HABARZEL ST., RAMAT HACHAYAL 69710 ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ 302 המשתמשת בקדם–סיבוב לפניCDMA מערכת העברה US ,ריינהולד כהן ושותפיו 'א26 רחוב הברזל רמת החייל A mobile station comprising a receiver and transmitter, the receiver including: an antenna configured to receive a communication signal, the communication signal including a plurality of individual channels; an adaptive matched filter configured to filter said received signal and generate a filtered signal using a weighting signal; an analyzer configured to analyze said received signal for errors and generate a correction signal for a subset of said individual channels based on said analysis, said analyzer further including: at least one despreader configured to despread said filtered signal using a pilot signal, and provide a despread filtered signal; a processor configured to perform a hard decision on said despread filtrerd signal and generate symbol outputs therefrom; and an error correction generator circuit configured to generate said correction signal; and a correction unit configured to correct said received signal at the symbol level by using said correction signal, said correction removing a phase error from said October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א dispread filtered signal. The applications for division from this application have not yet been published ,203410 בקשות חלוקה מבקשה זו .שטרם פורסמו __________________ ]11[]21[ 190542 ריצפי חומצות אמינו העוזרים לחדירת חומר בעל התענינות לתוך תאים או גרעיני תאים ]54[ AMINO ACID SEQUENCES FACILITATING PENETRATION OF A SUBSTANCE OF INTEREST INTO CELLS OR CELL NUCLEI ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ 01.03.2001 00/02621 ]32[ 01.03.2000 ]33[ FR Int. Cl.(2009.01) A61K 48/00, C07K 05/11, 07/06, 07/08, 14/47, 17/14, C12N 01/19, 05/10, 15/87 DIVISION FROM 151399 DIATOS WO/2001/064738 SANFORD T.COLB & CO., ,' קולב ושות.סנפורד ט P.O.B. 2273, מרמורק,4 שער הגיא REHOVOT 76122 רחובות2273 .ד. ת, Amino acid sequence having the capability of facilitating penetration of a substance of interest into cells or cell nuclei, characterized in that said sequence has less than 25 amino acid and consists of a dimer of a peptide derived from the C-terminal portion of the human superoxide dismutase sequence capable of reaction in vivo with heparintype aminoglycans, chondroitin sulphates and the derivatives thereof. ]62[ ]71[ ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ 303 October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א __________________ ]11[]21[ 193813 נגזרות אלקילאמין מותמרות ותכשירים פרמצבטיים הכוללים אותם ]54[ SUBSTITUTED ALKYLAMINE DERIVATIVES AND PHARMACEUTICAL COMPOSITIONS THEREOF ]22[ ]31[ 11.01.2002 60/261339 ]32[ 12.01.2001 ]33[ US 60/323764 19.09.2001 US 10/046681 10.01.2002 US Int. Cl.(2009.01) A61K 31/395, 31/435, A61P 35/00, C07D 401/12, 401/14, 405/14, 409/14, 413/14, 417/14, 471/04 DIVISION FROM 156751 AMGEN INC., U.S.A. WO/2002/066470 SANFORD T.COLB & CO., ,' קולב ושות.סנפורד ט P.O.B. 2273, מרמורק,4 שער הגיא REHOVOT 76122 רחובות2273 .ד. ת, ]51[ ]62[ ]71[ ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ Selected heterocyclic compounds are effective for prophylaxis and treatment of diseases, such as angiogenesis mediated diseases. The invention encompasses novel compounds, analogs, prodrugs and pharmaceutically acceptable derivatives thereof, pharmaceutical compositions and methods for prophylaxis and treatment of diseases and other maladies or conditions involving, cancer and the like. The subject invention also relates to processes for making such compounds as well as to intermediates useful in such processes. __________________ ]11[]21[ ]54[ WORM REDUCER ]22[ ]51[ ]71[ ]74[ 01.12.2008 Int. Cl.(2009.01) F16H 01/16, 03/06 GRIGORI PERLOV GRIGORI PERLOV, 6/17 HAHASIDA ST., HADERA 304 195629 רדוקטור תולעי חדרה,גרגורי פרלוב ,גרגורי פרלוב 6/17 החסידה חדרה October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א ]57[ 305 A worm reducer which is a two-stage two-worm globoidal mechanism assembled in a single metal or plastic casing that can be used to transmit rotary motion from the driving mechanism to the driven one, comprising: a first stage of the worm reducer contains one worm (1), which is a wheel with a small number of teeth and is similar to a screw with acme thread, the same first stage also contains two worm wheels (2,3), the axes of rotation (18, 19) of these worm wheels are parallel to each othe and intersect in space with the axis of rotation (17) of the worm, said worm wheels being located symmetrically with respect to the worm so that their axes of rotation lie in the plane perpendicular to the axis of rotation of the worm, to increase the length of contact helixes in a worm gearing, the worm wheels are shaped as arcs in the axial section, the first stage worm gearing is a globoidal one, where the driving number is the worm, while the driven members are two worm wheels that receive the load simultaneously and are moving in synchronism, the first stage of the said reducer is interconnected in its design with a second stage that has four semi-worms (4, 5, 6, 7), each semi-worm being a rotating element in the form of a truncated half ellipse , which rotates around its larger center line, said semi-worms are mounted in pairs on the shafts of the firststage worm wheels in such a way that they resemble a barrel which is cut in two halves along its larger diameter and the halves are spaced apart along the axis of rotation and between them one of the first-stage worm wheels is located on the shaft, the second stage of the reducer also contains a large worm wheel (11) which is a rim with teeth on its near side where the teeth of the large worm wheel have the form of arcs in axial section to increase the length of contact helixes when engaged with the semi-worm, so that the second-stage gearing is an internal worm globoidal gearing, where the driving members are semi-worms which are rotating in synchronism both between themselves and the first-stage worm wheels with which they are rigidly fixed on the shaft, while the driven member is the large worm wheel, the reducer is built in such a way that the axis of rotation of the fiststage worm shaft (the worm of the first stage being the driving member in the reducer) and the axis of rotation of the large worm wheel shaft (the large worm shaft being the driven member of the reducer) are located on the central axis of rotation of the reducer, and owing to this the reducer is concentric, the said reducer can also operate as a multiplicator and to this end the following conditions should be met: the lead angle of the the worm thread helix must be larger than the friction angle of the worm thread helix and the lead angle of the semi-worms thread helixes must be larger than the friction angle of the semi-forms thread helixes, to meet these conditions the worm and semi-worms must be made multithread, that is the number of threads must be not less than three, the reducer and multiplicator rotate in the same way clockwise and counterclockwise, the said worm reducer in combination with any motor can form a compact unit such as a motor reducer. October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א לתקנות35 פירוט זה נבחן בהתאם לתקנה 1968 – תשכ"ח,הפטנטים This specification was examined in accordance with regulation 35 of the Patent Regulations, 5728 - 1968 __________________ ]11[]21[ ]54[ PROJECTION OBJECTIVE, PROJECTION EXPOSURE SYSTEM, AND METHOD FOR FABRICATING SEMICONDUCTOR DEVICES ]22[ ]31[ 06.05.2004 2003-128154 ]32[ 06.05.2003 2003-350647 09.10.2003 2003-364596 24.10.2003 Int. Cl.(2009.01) G02B 17/08 ]51[ 306 196081 ושיטה, מערכת חשיפת הקרנה,מטרת הקרנה לייצור התקנים מוליכים למחצה ]33[ JP JP JP October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א ]62[ ]71[ ]72[ ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ 307 DIVISION FROM 171745 NIKON CORPORATION, JAPAN YASUHIRO OMURA WO/2004/107011 JMB, FACTOR & CO. LTD., , פקטור אנד קו בע"מ,ג'יי אמ בי HAR HOTZVIM HI-TECH PARK, הר חוצבים,רחוב המרפא P.O.B. 45087, ירושלים45087 .ד. ת, JERUSALEM 91450 A catadioptric projection objective (PL1) for imaging an off-axis object field arranged in an object surface of the projection objective onto an off-axis image field arranged in an image surface of the projection objective while creating at least one intermediate image comprising in that order along an optical axis (AX1); a front lens group (L1-L5) having positive refractive power for converging radiation coming from the object field towards a mirror group entry of a mirror group (M1-M4), the mirror group having the object side mirror group entry, an image side mirror group exit, and a mirror group plane defined transversly to the optical axis and arranged geometrically between the mirror group entry and the mirror group exit; and a rear lens group (L1-L8) positive refractive power for focusing radiation emerging from the mirror group exit onto the image surface; the mirror group having: a first mirror (M1) for receiving radiation from the mirror group entry on a first reflecting area; a second mirror (M2) for receiving radiation reflected from the first mirror on a second reflecting area; a third mirror (M3) for receiving radiation reflected from the second mirror on a third reflecting area; and a fourth mirror (M4) for receiving radiation reflected from the second mirror on a third reflecting area and for reflecting the radiation to the mirror group exit; at least two of the mirrors being concave mirrors having a concave mirror surface having a surface of curvature rotationally symmetric to the optical axis; wherein: the mirrors of the mirror group are arranged such that at least one intermediate image is positioned inside the mirror group between mirror group entry and mirror group exit, and that radiation coming from the mirror group entry passes at least four times through the mirror group plane and is reflected at least twice at a concave mirror surface of the mirror group prior to exiting the mirror group at the mirror group exit; the mirror group entry positioned in a region where radiation exiting the front lens group has an entry chief ray height; the second reflecting area is positioned in a region where radiation impinging on the second mirror has a second chief ray height deviating from the entry chief ray height in a first direction; and the fourth reflecting area is positioned in a region where radiation impinging on the fourth mirror has a fourth chief ray height deviating from the entry chief ray height in a second direction opposite to the first direction. October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א __________________ ]11[]21[ 196201 מבנה מיגון ושיטה לייצורם,קיר מיגון ]54[ PROTECTIVE WALL AND STRUCTURE AND A METHOD FOR MANUFACTURING SAME ]22[ ]51[ ]71[ ]74[ 25.12.2008 Int. Cl.(2009.01) E04C 02/34, E04H 09/00, F41H 05/04 ISKOOR SHELTERS LTD. REINHOLD COHN AND PARTNERS, 26A HABARZEL ST., RAMAT HACHAYAL 69710 ]57[ 308 רמלה,איסכור מיגון בע"מ ,ריינהולד כהן ושותפיו 'א26 רחוב הברזל רמת החייל A protective wall (12) comprising an inside panel (50) and an outside panel (52) maintained in a spaced apart relation forming therebetween a space occupied by a filler material (88) and a plurality of support links (54, 56), altermatingly extending from an inside surface (58, 160) of one the inside panel and the outside panel to another of the inside panel and outside panel, wherein the support links are Z or S like shaped, and the support links are fixedly attached at one end only to the inside surface of either the inside panel or the outside panel and further wherein the support links have a height h greater than a length 1. October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א This specification was examined in accordance with regulation 35 of the Patent Regulations, 5728 - 1968 לתקנות35 פירוט זה נבחן בהתאם לתקנה 1968 – תשכ"ח,הפטנטים __________________ ]11[]21[ 196873 שיטה לזיהוי גואנילט ציקלז מסיס באמצעות פליטת אור ]54[ LUMINESCENT NETHOD OF DETECTING SOLUBLE GUANYLATE CYCLASE ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]62[ ]71[ 19.08.2000 19944226.6 ]32[ 15.09.1999 ]33[ DE Int. Cl.(2009.01) C12Q 01/25, 01/527, 01/66, G01N 33/50 DIVISION FROM 148600 SANOFI-AVENTIS DEUTSCHLAND GMBH, GERMANY WO/2001/020023 PEARL COHEN ZEDEK LATZER, ,פרל כהן צדק לצר 5 SHENKAR ST., 5 רח' שנקר,1 ים-מרכז גב P.O.B. 12704, הרצליה12704 .ד. ת, HERZLIYA 46733 ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ 309 The invention relates to a method for the detection of a soluble guanylate cyclase, whose haem iron is present in a trivalent oxidation state and a method for detecting chemical substances which stimulate the activity of soluble guanylate cyclase when said haem iron present in soluble guanylate cyclase is at least in part trivalently oxidized. Said invention also relates to a diagnostic agent for detecting a soluble guanylate cyclase containing trivalent haem iron. October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א __________________ ]11[]21[ 197280 ]54[ N1-(2-AMINO)CYCLOHEXYL- N2(ARYL)ETHANEDIAMIDE DERIVATIVES ]22[ ]31[ 20.06.2002 2001-187105 ]32[ 20.06.2001 ]33[ JP 2001-243046 09.08.2001 JP 2001-311808 09.10.2001 JP 2001-398708 28.12.2001 JP PCT/JP02/02683 20.03.2002 WO Int. Cl.(2009.01) A61K 31/381, 31/426, 31/44, 31/4965, 31/505, A61P 07/02, C07C 237/24, C07D 213/75, 237/20, 239/42, 241/20, 277/46, 333/36 DIVISION FROM 159438 DAIICHI SANKYO COMPANY, LIMITED, JAPAN WO/2003/000680 DR. YITZHAK HESS & PARTNERS, ,ד"ר יצחק הס ושותפיו 279 HAYARKON ST., 279 רחוב הירקון P.O.B. 6451, תל אביב6451 .ד. ת, TEL AVIV 61063 ]51[ ]62[ ]71[ ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ 310 N2 – – אמינו) ציקלוהקסילN – (21 ניגזרות – (אריל) את'אנאדימיד Compounds represented by the following general formula (1), salts thereof, solvates of the same or N−oxides of the same: Q1−Q2−T0−N(R1)−Q3−N(R2)−T1−Q4 (1) wherein R1 and R2 represent each hydrogen, etc.; Q1 represents optionally substituted, saturated or unsaturated 5− or 6−membered hydrocarbyl, etc.; Q 2 represents a single bond, etc.; Q3 represents the following group; (wherein Q5 represents C1−8 alkylene, etc.); and T0 and T1 represent each carbonyl, etc. These compounds are useful as preventives and/or remedies for brain infarction, cerebral embolism, myocardial infarction, angina, pulmonary infarction, pulmonary embolism, Buerger’s disease, bottom venous thrombosis, disseminated intravascular coagulation, thrombosis following artificial valve/joint replacement, thrombosis and reocclusion following circulation reconstruction, systemic inflammatory responsive syndrome (SIRS), multiple organ dysfunction (MODS), thrombosis in extracorporeal circulation or blood coagulation in collecting blood. October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א The parent application from which this application has been divided has not yet been published 159438 בקשת הורה לבקשה זו שטרם פורסמה __________________ ]11[]21[ 197281 ]54[ N - (2 - AMINO)CYCLOHEXYL)(BICYCLICHETROCYCLYL)CARBOXAMIDE DERIVATIVES ]22[ ]31[ 20.06.2002 2001-187105 ]32[ 20.06.2001 ]33[ JP 2001-243046 09.08.2001 JP 2001-311808 09.10.2001 JP 2001-398708 28.12.2001 JP PCT/JP02/02683 20.03.2002 WO Int. Cl.(2009.01) A61K 31/428, 31/429, 31/4355, 31/4365, 31/437, 31/4436, 31/4439, 31/498, 31/5025, A61P 07/02, C07D 277/68, 471/04, 495/04, 498/04, 513/04 DIVISION FROM 159438 DAIICHI SANKYO COMPANY, LIMITED, JAPAN WO/2003/000680 DR. YITZHAK HESS & PARTNERS, ,ד"ר יצחק הס ושותפיו 279 HAYARKON ST., 279 רחוב הירקון P.O.B. 6451, תל אביב6451 .ד. ת, TEL AVIV 61063 ]51[ ]62[ ]71[ ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ 311 –N – (2 נגזרות – )אמינו)ציקלוהקסיל )(ביציקליקהטרוציקליל קארבוקסאמיד Compounds represented by the following general formula (1), salts thereof, solvates of the same or N−oxides of the same: Q1−Q2−T0−N(R1)−Q3−N(R2)−T1−Q4 (1) wherein R1 and R2 represent each hydrogen, etc.; Q1 represents optionally substituted, saturated or unsaturated 5− or 6−membered hydrocarbyl, etc.; Q 2 represents a single bond, etc.; Q3 represents the following group; (wherein Q5 represents C1−8 alkylene, etc.); and T0 and T1 represent each carbonyl, etc. These compounds are useful as preventives and/or remedies for brain infarction, cerebral embolism, myocardial infarction, angina, pulmonary infarction, pulmonary October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א embolism, Buerger’s disease, bottom venous thrombosis, disseminated intravascular coagulation, thrombosis following artificial valve/joint replacement, thrombosis and reocclusion following circulation reconstruction, systemic inflammatory responsive syndrome (SIRS), multiple organ dysfunction (MODS), thrombosis in extracorporeal circulation or blood coagulation in collecting blood. 159438 The parent application from which this application has been divided has not yet been published בקשת הורה לבקשה זו שטרם פורסמה __________________ ]11[]21[ 198562 פפטידים חדשים ]54[ NOVEL PEPTIDES ]22[ ]31[ 24.07.2000 210002/1999 ]32[ 23.07.1999 ]33[ JP 1338841/1999 29.11.1999 JP 126623/2000 26.04.2000 JP Int. Cl.(2009.01) A61K 38/27, 48/00, A61P 05/06, C07K 14/61, C12N 15/11, 15/12 DIVISION FROM 147652 KENJI KANGAWA, JAPAN WO/2001/007475 DANIEL FREIMANN & CO., ,'דניאל פריימן ושות 5 DROYANOV ST., 10TH FLOOR , 10 בית כלל קומה5 דרויאנוב TEL AVIV 63143 תל אביב A peptide-type compound, (a) which comprises one amino acid sequence selected from the group consisting of amino acid sequences set forth in SEQ ID NOS: 1, 2, 3, 8, 9, 10, 11, 16, 17, 22, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30 and 31, or an amino acid sequence thereof wherein one to several amino acids may be deleted, replaced and/or added, with the proviso that the amino acid sequence shown by SEQ ID NO: 5 and SEQ ID NO: 40 is excluded; and (b) which has an activity of increasing the intracellular calcium ion concentration, or a pharmaceutically acceptable salt thereof. ]51[ ]62[ ]71[ ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ 312 October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א __________________ ]11[]21[ 201372 התקן ושיטה לייצור אות רב – ערוצי או קבוצת נתוני פרמטר ]54[ DEVICE AND METHOD FOR GENERATING A MULTI-CHANNEL SIGNAL OR A PARAMETER DATA SET ]22[ ]31[ ]51[ ]62[ ]71[ 10.08.2005 102004043521.9 ]32[ 08.09.2004 ]33[ DE Int. Cl.(2009.01) G10L 19/00 DIVISION FROM 181743 FRAUNHOFER-GESELLSCHAFT ZUR FORDERUNG DER ANGEWANDTEN FORSCHUNG E.V., GERMANY WO/2006/027079 SELIGSOHN GABRIELI & CO., ,'זליגסון גבריאלי ושות 31 YAVNE ST., 31 רח' יבנה P.O.B. 1426, תל אביב1426 .ד. ת, TEL AVIV 61013 Device for generating a parameter data output which, together with transmission channel data including M transmission channels, represent N original channels, wherein M is less than N and is equal to or larger than 1, using input data, wherein the input data comprise a parameter configuration cue which has a first meaning that configuration information for a multi-channel reconstruction means is contained in the input data, or has a second meaning that the multi-channel reconstruction means is to use configuration information depending on a coding algorithm with which the transmission channel data have been decoded from a coded version thereof, comprising: writing means for writing configuration data, wherein the writng means is designed to read the input data to interpret the parameter configuration cue, and when the parameter configuration cue has the second meaning, retrieve and output as the configuration data information on a coding algorithm with which the transmission channel data have been decoded from a coded version thereof . ]87[ ]74[ ]57[ __________________ 313 October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א פטנטים PATENTS פטנטים שניתנו PATENTS GRANTED 124636 151705 152645 154334 155545 176518 156227 156871 157588 157902 158502 159534 160367 160981 140793 145381 161654 162513 163048 164037 164961 165782 166769 146887 150636 168014 169351 171104 171955 126626 151772 152770 154495 155801 176731 156254 156999 157591 158060 158634 159859 160522 161165 141061 145759 161872 162522 163287 164066 164972 165925 166897 147214 150972 168041 169463 171165 172437 126728 151858 152786 154538 155901 179865 156277 157015 157592 158127 158932 159947 160575 184004 142025 145982 161876 162562 163288 164199 165027 165965 167005 147963 151139 168245 169515 171508 172670 127581 152328 153100 154581 156049 180304 156330 157048 157678 158155 158933 159950 160580 187551 142905 161401 161898 162567 163376 164271 165162 166014 135999 148505 167081 168608 169612 171576 172839 127833 152372 153257 154663 175109 129966 156579 157097 157721 158161 158935 160049 160640 188086 143015 161402 161984 162592 163450 164696 165439 166354 136219 149108 167337 168700 170010 171585 173158 151216 152528 153719 154897 175191 131197 156626 157106 157818 158162 158968 160053 160660 138380 143351 161559 162035 162676 163734 164709 165520 166439 137123 149325 167624 168770 170046 171598 173505 151240 152561 153804 155183 175454 132251 156764 157117 157878 158228 159017 160330 160680 139674 144043 161587 162092 162721 163738 164823 165694 166557 137462 149496 167673 168793 170324 171860 173681 151372 152625 154130 155507 175846 156115 156858 157477 157895 158285 159218 160338 160769 140625 145145 161643 162492 162824 163921 164944 165715 166746 146679 150153 167935 168977 170728 171947 101598 101661 117647 117852 117925 101600 101680 117722 117863 117942 פטנטים שחודשו PATENTS RENEWED 101445 101613 101696 117756 117864 314 101531 101616 101702 117765 117871 101537 101636 101715 117783 117885 101547 101649 101728 117791 117888 101571 101658 101769 117839 117916 101577 101660 116714 117842 117918 October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א 117987 118036 118073 118158 132262 135547 135869 140625 143855 145234 145470 145585 145755 145818 145893 145937 145974 146032 146152 146276 149040 154301 156150 159412 160638 161243 161577 162024 163617 164972 166369 168002 169950 173325 186305 117998 118045 118078 118171 133540 135615 135931 140692 143866 145269 145483 145609 145765 145831 145897 145941 145975 146033 146163 146343 149085 154751 156253 159548 160895 161273 161618 162082 163917 165058 166405 168331 170095 175508 193076 118001 118046 118089 118179 134123 135736 135936 141306 144029 145286 145518 145613 145766 145842 145898 145942 145993 146034 146167 146372 149108 154871 156755 159785 160934 161283 161638 162549 163918 165155 166452 168657 170562 175537 193875 118004 118047 118095 118203 135191 135744 140348 142014 144565 145305 145546 145652 145770 145849 145904 145948 146002 146048 146192 146387 149496 155129 157755 160097 160935 161373 161647 162592 164033 165208 166675 168766 171287 175786 118022 118052 118102 118216 135261 135773 140379 142709 144733 145371 145548 145668 145783 145852 145908 145957 146005 146055 146220 146429 149850 155344 158060 160282 161082 161464 161766 162734 164128 165385 166890 169531 171439 178768 118024 118056 118106 118903 135371 135802 140458 143002 144916 145377 145553 145671 145784 145874 145922 145970 146014 146069 146222 147153 152343 155636 158151 160287 161087 161510 161827 163071 164176 165602 167336 169595 171571 178769 118027 118062 118142 125627 135524 135804 140510 143123 145029 145436 145554 145672 145787 145880 145923 145972 146029 146089 146224 147641 152379 155647 158502 160367 161227 161526 161888 163107 164627 165922 167356 169823 171633 178782 118033 118069 118150 132173 135533 135821 140511 143649 145076 145443 145580 145694 145812 145892 145934 145973 146031 146134 146232 148071 154096 155650 158796 160451 161242 161548 161979 163595 164723 165945 167612 169924 171935 182059 פטנטים שתוקפם פקעו בגלל אי תשלום אגרת חידוש PATENTS NOT IN FORCE DUE TO NON-PAYMENT OF RENEWAL FEES 112083 113799 113902 114033 114127 114197 315 112167 113809 113913 114035 114140 114201 113011 113819 113977 114043 114141 114220 113750 113829 113982 114064 114142 114224 113762 113844 113990 114086 114180 114231 113771 113861 114004 114089 114186 114256 113778 113872 114011 114097 114193 114285 113798 113891 114032 114099 114196 114302 October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א 114374 114438 114514 114633 114808 134687 151360 153118 154278 155502 98180 98315 98525 98608 98775 98902 99005 99138 99225 99356 123934 138798 139697 139807 139963 140094 140165 140299 140476 140611 140727 140851 140973 141075 141229 141329 141422 141563 141755 142052 156260 156914 157622 158797 161038 114903 115010 114365 114433 114505 114631 114804 134665 151350 152857 154275 155356 180472 98304 98510 98605 98750 98895 99002 99130 99216 99354 123933 138632 139693 139795 139954 140070 140161 140284 140475 140603 140722 140843 140947 141072 141169 141324 141408 141540 141701 141953 156231 156886 157559 158678 160583 114902 114989 114363 114431 114479 114603 114790 134540 137899 152855 154062 155181 174385 98274 98479 98597 98729 98882 98977 99112 99203 99345 123932 138592 139689 139764 139953 140053 140145 140272 140468 140586 140691 140835 140902 141063 141158 141322 141404 141503 141688 141914 156212 156756 157548 158446 160393 114887 114988 כ"ג בחשון התשע"אOctober 31, 2010- 114351 114430 114473 114571 114785 134465 136358 152578 153947 155120 156107 98271 98469 98578 98709 98828 98971 99111 99202 99276 121415 138237 139687 139757 139928 140037 140144 140266 140452 140585 140684 140826 140899 141042 141144 141311 141393 141501 141684 141909 156186 156535 157524 158441 160070 114876 114972 114349 114416 114470 114563 114700 134357 135837 151573 153648 155047 156099 98256 98442 98574 98708 98826 98954 99102 99184 99261 120424 138212 139636 139736 139917 140031 140132 140265 140444 140581 140657 140810 140897 141000 141134 141304 141388 141466 141679 141902 156185 156525 157521 158305 159660 114840 114957 114346 114406 114467 114560 114679 134102 135814 151564 153534 154543 156066 98240 98430 98545 98660 98815 98940 99098 99165 99240 99442 138110 139635 139726 139874 140001 140116 140201 140416 140525 140650 140786 140890 140998 141133 141292 141370 141451 141659 141833 142179 156436 157254 157993 159596 114833 114951 114340 114391 114456 114522 114651 134010 135422 151518 153369 154461 155567 98214 98424 98543 98657 98790 98939 99079 99157 99234 99428 123944 139555 139716 139873 139973 140102 140187 140401 140503 140641 140767 140884 140992 141113 141291 141343 141449 141625 141824 142149 156347 157069 157827 158925 105379 114939 114336 114383 114446 114515 114646 114810 134836 151382 153339 154417 155515 98195 98369 98536 98647 98777 98935 99048 99148 99226 99401 123935 139301 139702 139862 139967 140095 140175 140339 140487 140640 140748 140873 140985 141079 141287 141337 141423 141588 141756 142140 156326 156952 157700 158862 182156 114912 316 115096 115184 130032 130312 130531 130870 130988 131137 131324 131564 131710 132133 148275 150366 167539 142522 145507 162081 165854 166865 115083 115175 130031 130303 130527 130841 130987 131096 131317 131562 131708 131842 148246 150302 167226 142366 144769 161793 163897 166704 115079 115162 130029 130275 130495 130799 130986 131074 131314 131518 131683 131830 147804 149836 167181 128717 144614 161720 163427 166357 115075 115161 130021 130185 130458 130776 130975 131057 131269 131403 131650 131802 147416 149767 150934 125959 143465 161678 163193 166300 115060 115122 129989 130175 130448 130771 130941 131052 131238 131401 131620 131800 147399 149592 150921 171405 143403 161292 162826 166215 115047 115118 129954 130119 130447 130770 130930 131031 131222 131396 131613 131775 146789 149526 150671 169455 143160 145602 162753 166081 115039 115110 118817 130110 130434 130650 130905 131018 131184 131375 131568 131768 146421 148678 150461 168849 143135 145582 162583 166077 115035 115099 115201 130084 130387 130541 130895 131017 131183 131329 131566 131712 133137 148371 150457 168788 142743 145559 162552 166020 פטנטים שחודשו לעשרים שנה PATENTS RENEWED FOR 20 YEARS 146161 כ"ג בחשון התשע"אOctober 31, 2010- 317 הודעה NOTICE לחוק60 לפי סעיף 1967- תשכ"ז,הפטנטים הוגשה בקשה להחזר תוקפו של הפטנט המפורט שתוקפו פקע מחמת,מטה אי תשלום אגרות החידוש :הקבועות Under section 60 of the Patent Law, 5727-1967 Application has been filed for the restoration of the patent recorded below, which has lapsed through non-payment of the prescribed renewal fees: No. of Patent Acceptance published in journal no: Proprietors: 132813 8/2006 מס' הפטנט :'קיבול פורסם ביומן מס :שם בעל הפטנט אורמת תעשיות בע"מ ORMAT TECHNOLOGIES INC. :שם האמצאה תחנת כוח במעגל משולב COMBINED CYCLE POWER PLANT Any person may oppose the כל אדם רשאי להתנגד said application within three לבקשה האמורה תוך months from the date of this שלושה חודשים מתאריך Patents Journal, as כפי שנקבע,יומן פטנטים זה prescribed by section 61 of 92 לחוק ובתקנה61 בסעיף the law and by regulation 92 - תשכ"ח,לתקנות הפטנטים of the Patent Regulations, 5728-1968 1968 Title of invention: 318 October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א הודעה NOTICE Under section 66 of the Patents Law, 5727-1967 This is to notify that permission has been granted to the owner of Patent Application No. Acceptance published in journal To amend the specification of the said Patent Application. Any person may oppose such grant of permission within three months from the date of this Patents Journal, as prescribed by section 67 of the Law and by regulation 99 of the Patent Regulations, 5728-1968. 319 154720 9/2007 , לחוק הפטנטים66 לפי סעיף 1967-תשכ"ז מודע בזאת כי ניתנה רשות 'לבעלת בקשת הפטנט מס דבר הקיבול פורסם ביומן לתקן את הפירוט של בקשת הפטנט האמורה כל אדם רשאי להתנגד למתן הרשות תוך שלושה חודשים כפי,מתאריך יומן פטנטים זה לחוק ובתקנה67 שנקבע בסעיף - התשכ"ח, לתקנות הפטנטים99 .1968 October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א הודעה NOTICE Under section 66 of the Patents Law, 5727-1967 This is to notify that permission has been granted to the owner of Patent Application No. Acceptance published in journal To amend the specification of the said Patent Application. Any person may oppose such grant of permission within three months from the date of this Patents Journal, as prescribed by section 67 of the Law and by regulation 99 of the Patent Regulations, 5728-1968. 320 158502 6/2008 , לחוק הפטנטים66 לפי סעיף 1967-תשכ"ז מודע בזאת כי ניתנה רשות 'לבעלת בקשת הפטנט מס דבר הקיבול פורסם ביומן לתקן את הפירוט של בקשת הפטנט האמורה כל אדם רשאי להתנגד למתן הרשות תוך שלושה חודשים כפי,מתאריך יומן פטנטים זה לחוק ובתקנה67 שנקבע בסעיף - התשכ"ח, לתקנות הפטנטים99 .1968 October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א תיקונים ביומן Gournal Corrections Patent application No No. of Patent: CORRECT DATE OF APPLICATION 18.6.2002 321 150295 72009 'בקשת פטנט מס :מספר יומן בו נפלה טעות תקן את תאריך הבקשה 18.06.2002 October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א מדגמים DESIGNS מדגמים שנרשמו DESIGNS REGISTERED Class 45548 9)01( 20.02.2008 .GUERLAIN Bottle Convention date (OHIM) Class 06.09.2007 45584 6)06( 28.02.2008 סוג פרסום S.A בקבוק )תאריך האמנה (איחוד אירופי סוג פרסום הרדור ייצור מנגנונים בע"מ HARDOOR MECHANISMS PRODUCTION LTD. פרופיל Profile Class 46484 4)02( 12.08.2008 סוג פרסום COLGATE-PALMOLIVE COMPANY Toothbrush Convention date (U.S.A.) Class EXTAL LTD. 322 15.02.2008 46573 8)09( 01.09.2008 מברשת שיניים )תאריך האמנה (ארצות הברית סוג פרסום אקסטל בע"מ October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א אטם שליבה Linkage gasket 46729 ,46728 ,46727 46732 ,46731 ,46730 46734 ,46733 25)01( 12.10.2008 Class סוג פרסום סט אל סיטון בע"מ פרופיל SET AL SETTON LTD. Profile 46797 25)01( 29.10.2008 Class ALUMA ALUMINUM SOLUTIONS LTD. סוג פרסום אלומה פתרונות באלומיניום בע"מ פרופיל Profile 46850 24)02( 18.11.2008 Class .OTSUKA Inhaler Convention date (JAPAN) סוג פרסום PHARMACEUTICAL CO.LTD Class משאף )תאריך האמנה (יפן 23.05.2008 46880 9)03( 25.11.2008 סוג פרסום ) בע"מ1990( ווק-פלסטו מיכל PLASTO-VACK (1990) LTD. Container 46932 323 October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א 9)01( 02.07.2008 Class .SOCIETE DES PRODUITS Jar Convention date (Switzerland) 28.01.2008 46988 9)03( 14.12.2008 Class סוג פרסום NESTLE S.A צנצנת )תאריך האמנה (שוויץ סוג פרסום דרפלסט בע"מ קופסא DARPLAST LTD. Box 46574 8)09( 01.09.2008 Class סוג פרסום אקסטל בע"מ פקק לזקף EXTAL LTD. Upright cover 46908 3)01( 03.12.2008 Class ZALI AND NOAM LASER ART LTD. סוג פרסום צלי ונעם לייזר ארט בע"מ מחזיק מפתחות Key chain Class 46910 ,46909 11)02( 03.12.2008 ZALI AND NOAM LASER ART LTD. Magnet ornament 324 סוג פרסום צלי ונעם לייזר ארט בע"מ מגנט לקישוט October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א Class 47015 8)08( 22.12.2008 סוג פרסום ספיראל סאפורטס בע"מ תומך למדף SPIRAL SUPPORTS LTD. Shelf support Class 47030 2)04( 24.12.2008 סוג פרסום יעל ברומברג כסות רגל YAEL BROMBERG Leg wrapper Class 47082 25)02( 04.01.2009 סוג פרסום אריכא ובניו בע"מ.שחם י SHAHAM Y. ARICHA AND SONS LTD. מחסום Bolard Class 47094 3)01( 08.01.2009 .GRIPPING EYEWEAR, Eyeglass case Convention date (U.S.A.) 08.07.2008 Class .OMS Spray bottle Convention date (U.S.A.) 325 47097 9)07( 11.01.2009 סוג פרסום INC נרתיק משקפיים )תאריך האמנה (ארצות הברית סוג פרסום INVESTMENTS, INC 10.07.2008 בקבוק התזה )תאריך האמנה (ארצות הברית October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א Class 47157 9)03( 22.01.2009 סוג פרסום קוסמופארם בע"מ מיכל COSMOPHARM LTD. Container Class 47254 11)02( 15.02.2009 סוג פרסום דתיה לנדאו פסל אדם DATYA LANDAU Men statue Class 47368 6)01( 09.03.2009 SHAHAM Y. ARICHA AND SONS LTD. סוג פרסום אריכא ובניו בע"מ.שחם י ספסל Bench Class 47475 21)02( 23.03.2009 איל מונטאנו ריבוע לתלייה למופעים EYAL MUNTEANU Hangable square for performance Class 47631 25)02( 04.05.2009 SHAHAM Y. ARICHA AND SONS LTD. 326 סוג פרסום סוג פרסום אריכא ובניו בע"מ.שחם י October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א מחסום Bolard Class 47729 23)01( 26.05.2009 סוג פרסום VICTAULIC COMPANY Rigid pipe coupling Convention date (U.S.A.) Class 03.12.2008 47512 26)01( 07.04.2009 מחבר לצינור קשיח )תאריך האמנה (ארצות הברית סוג פרסום נר לחיים בע"מ בית נרות זיכרון LIFECANDLE LTD. Memorial candles casing Class 47714 6)01( 24.05.2009 עופר לוי אריק כהן תומך גב למושב הרכב OFER LEVI ARIK COHEN Vehicle seat back support Class סוג פרסום 47815 2)03( 04.06.2009 סוג פרסום שחר קליין מתקן להגבהת כובע SHAHAR KLEIN Device for elevation hat Class 327 47862 2)02( 18.06.2009 סוג פרסום October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א תור-יצחק קן חולצה ISAAC KEN-TOR Shirt 47864 24)04( 14.08.2008 Class סוג פרסום GLAXO GROUP LIMITED Inhaler Convention date (Great Britain) Class משאף תאריך האמנה (הממלכה )המאוחדת 18.02.2008 47873 21)02( 23.06.2009 סוג פרסום אריאל טמיר מתקן ספורט ARIEL TAMIR Sport device Class 47876 24)01( 24.06.2009 סוג פרסום UNI-CHARM CORPORATION מסיכה סניטארית Sanitary mask Class 47978 6)09( 13.07.2009 HAGAI KARP LIOR TEXTILE INDUSTRIES LTD. Mattress סוג פרסום חגי קרפ מתפרות ליאור בע"מ מזרון 48030 328 October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א Class 23)01( 20.07.2009 סוג פרסום VICTAULIC COMPANY Gasket Convention date (U.S.A.) 23.01.2009 Class 48032 24)02( 20.07.2009 .FLUORINEX אטם )תאריך האמנה (ארצות הברית סוג פרסום ACTIVE LTD מכשיר דנטלי Dental instrument Class 48107 25)01( 02.08.2009 סוג פרסום יגאל בלכר פרופיל IGAL BLECHER Profile Class 48110 ,48109 8)05( 02.08.2009 סוג פרסום .SUMITOMO ELECTRIC HARDMETAL CORP Indexable insert for a grooving tool מפתוח לכלי חריצה-התקן בר Convention date (JAPAN) 02.02.2009 )תאריך האמנה (יפן Class BENZION GOLDSTEIN Pants 329 48124 2)02( 05.08.2009 סוג פרסום בן ציון גולדשטיין מכנסיים October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א Class 48150 ,48149 ,48148 48151 2)02( 09.08.2009 סוג פרסום רחל ליפשיץ חולצה RACHEL LIFSHITZ Shirt Class 48152 2)07( 09.08.2009 סוג פרסום רחל ליפשיץ חולצה RACHEL LIFSHITZ Shirt Class 48154 26)05( 09.08.2009 גלובל אל סי אס בע"מ פרופיל לתאורה GLOBAL LCS LTD. Profile for lighting Class .H. סוג פרסום 48194 ,48192 ,48185 11)01( 16.08.2009 סוג פרסום STERN COMERCIO E INDUSTRIA S.A תכשיט Jewel Class KLIL INDUSTRIES LTD. Profile 330 48219 ,48218 ,48216 48220 25)01( 20.08.2009 סוג פרסום קליל תעשיות בע"מ פרופיל October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א Class .SONY Supporting base Convention date (JAPAN) מתקן תמיכה )תאריך האמנה (יפן 22.06.2009 48290 14)02( 07.09.2009 סוג פרסום COMPUTER ENTERTAINMENT, INC יחידת חשבון ובקרה )תאריך האמנה (יפן 02.06.2009 Class .SONY Camera Convention date (JAPAN) סוג פרסום COMPUTER ENTERTAINMENT, INC Class .SONY Arithmetic and control unit Convention date (JAPAN) 48289 14)02( 07.09.2009 48292 16)01( 07.09.2009 סוג פרסום COMPUTER ENTERTAINMENT, INC Class מצלמה )תאריך האמנה (יפן 30.04.2009 48298 12)16( 09.09.2009 סוג פרסום הדר רוזן בע"מ כיסוי למושב הרכב HADAR ROSEN LTD. Car seat cover Class ERGO4U LTD. Arm support 331 48302 6)06( 10.09.2009 סוג פרסום ארגו פור יו בע"מ מתקן תמיכה לאמות הידיים October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א Class 48352 14)03( 24.09.2009 .MODU סוג פרסום LTD טלפון סלולרי Cell phone Class 48566 ,48565 23)01( 04.06.2009 סוג פרסום VICTAULIC COMPANY Pipe coupling Convention date (U.S.A.) Class 13.12.2008 47323 9)05( 25.02.2009 מצמד לצינור )תאריך האמנה (ארצות הברית סוג פרסום UNILEVER PLC Tube Convention date (India) 332 25.08.2008 שפופרת )תאריך האמנה (הודו October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א מדגמים שחודשו DESIGNS RENEWED 33307 33489 40506 40555 42958 42966 42974 43078 33306 33375 40505 40532 42957 42965 42973 42981 33305 33374 40472 40531 40867 42964 42972 42980 כ"ג בחשון התשע"אOctober 31, 2010- 33304 33312 40471 40530 40864 42963 42971 42979 33285 33311 40470 40529 40863 42962 42970 42978 33274 33310 40445 40528 40775 42961 42969 42977 43265 33273 33309 40442 40526 40737 42960 42968 42976 43080 33258 33308 33634 40507 40592 42959 42967 42975 43079 333 מדגמים שבוטלו DESIGNS VOID 32216 32302 39634 32215 32300 39629 32214 32290 39628 כ"ג בחשון התשע"אOctober 31, 2010- 32214 32267 39627 40950 24178 32266 39626 39647 24081 32255 39622 39644 24073 32254 39621 39642 24043 32252 39620 39640 334 מדגמים שהוזנחו WITHDRAWN DESIGNS 46122 46165 46244 46306 46342 46395 46403 46475 46535 47005 46123 46172 46245 46318 46362 46396 46404 46498 46536 47007 Dr. Meir Noam Commissioner of Patents, Designs and Trade Marks 335 46125 46226 46246 46319 46365 46397 46426 46499 46537 47031 46126 46230 46248 46320 46390 46398 46427 46506 46540 47868 46127 46236 46258 46331 46391 46399 46443 46510 46541 48184 46128 46237 46271 46335 46392 46400 46470 46511 46542 48187 46129 46240 46272 46340 46393 46401 46471 46517 46685 48427 46137 46243 46305 46341 46394 46402 46472 46518 46856 48955 ד"ר מאיר נועם המדגמים,רשם הפטנטים וסימני מסחר October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א מפתחות לבקשות שקובלו INDICES OF APPLICATIONS ACCEPTED מפתח שמי 177247 - EARLYSENSE LTD NAME INDEX יישום חברה לפיתוח המחקר של האוניברסיטה העברית בירושלים בע"מ - 150935 יישום חברה לפיתוח המחקר של האוניברסיטה העברית בירושלים בע"מ - 183335 אבנר הלפרין 177247 - אדורם לשם 187447 - אדריאן ישראלסון 160492 - אוניברסיטת בן-גוריון בנגב ,הרשות למחקר ופיתוח 160492 - אי .סי .איי .טלקום בע"מ 172301 , 169416 - איסכור מיגון בע"מ 196201 - אלביט מערכות בע"מ 162025 - אלי תייר 148847 - אלכסנדר דברין 171141 - מוסד הטכניון למחקר ופיתוח בע"מ - 151860 מיכאל נאומוב 176167 - מנשה שורץ 180908 - בי.בי.אם.אס .בע"מ 158243 - נובה מכשירי מדידה בע"מ 150438 - גאורגי נאומוב 176167 - גרגורי פרלוב 195629 - קדנט בע"מ 166053 - קופרגייט תקשורת בע"מ 167973 - קורפלו פתרונות מדעיים בע"מ 178342 - קראל (טכנולוגיות קרמיקה) בע"מ 170659 - דבלוגן ישראל בע"מ 163270 - דוד דיילי 160891 - דניאל לאנג 177247 - הדסית שרותי מחקר רפואי ופתוח בע"מ - 143485 הרדור ייצור מנגנונים בע"מ 181093 - ורדה שושן-ברמץ 160492 - ידע חברה למחקר ופיתוח בע"מ 148445 - יוסף גרוס 177247 - יוריזן בע"מ 120449 - ADORAM LESHEM - 187447 ADRIAN ISRAELSON - 160492 AEOLUS PHARMACEUTICALS,INC.164048 כ"ג בחשון התשע"אOctober 31, 2010- ליאור רדאי 160891 - רפא"ל רשות לפיתוח אמצעי לחימה בע"מ - 149431 שמואל קפלן 174105 - תעשיות מתכת כפר סבא האחים שהרבני ( )1980בע"מ 145361 - 3M COMPANY - 166053 3M COMPANY - 166053 336 AKZO NOBEL N.V. - 152957 ALEXANDER DVERIN - 171141 ALI HASAN HAMBAN ABDELQADER 171425 AMGEN INC. - 193813 AMGEN, INC. - 142023 AMIR BELSON - 160137 ANDROMEDA BIOTECH LTD. - 163270 ANGELANTONI INDUSTRIE SPA 181959 ARIZONA BOARD OF REGENTS ON BEHALF OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA - 164560 ARM LIMITED - 172114 ASBJORN DRENGSTIG - 167510 ASHER BARTOV - 166573 ASTRAZENECA AB - 156096 , 160219 ATHEROS COMMUNICATIONS, INC. 166907 AVENTIS PHARMA S.A. - 164247 , 173112 AVNER HALPERIN - 177247 AVOCENT CORPORATION - 180028 AVOCENT HUNTSVILLE CORPORATION - 169215 AZIENDE CHIMICHE RIUNITE ANGELINI FRANCESCO A.C.R.A.F. S.p.A. - 172156 , 175827 BAE SYSTEMS LAND AND ARMAMENTS L.P. - 167926 BAXTER INTERNATIONAL INC. 143485 BAYER BETEILIGUNGSVERWALTUNG GOSLAR GMBH - 176766 BAYER CROPSCIENCE AG - 154304 BAYER MATERIALSCIENCE AG 163326 , 169887 BBMS LTD. - 158243 BEN GURION UNIVERSITY OF THE NEGEV RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY - 160492 BERRY PLASTICS CORPORATION 176573 BHARAT SERUMS AND VACCINES LTD. - 167228 337 BIOCYBERNETICS INTERNATIONAL 174851 BIOLEX THERAPEUTICS, INC. - 158984 BIOSYNERGETICS, INC. - 149240 BOEHRINGER INGELHEIM (CANADA) LTD. - 156058 BOEHRINGER INGELHEIM INTERNATIONAL GMBH - 166404 BOEHRINGER INGELHEIM PHARMA GMBH & CO. KG - 163696 BONE CARE INTERNATIONAL, INC. 159067 BURY SP. Z.O.O. - 183098 CABOT MICROELECTRONICS CORPORATION - 179112 CADENT LTD. - 166053 CEREL (CERAMIC TECHNOLOGIES) LTD. - 170659 COMVERSE, INC. - 151957 COPPERGATE COMMUNICATIONS LTD. - 167973 CORE-FLOW SCIENTIFIC SOLUTIONS LTD. - 178342 CREANOVA UNIVERSAL CLOSURES LTD. - 181627 CURTIS SWORD - 182916 DAIICHI SANKYO COMPANY LIMITED - 166196 DAIICHI SANKYO COMPANY, LIMITED - 197280 , 197281 DANIEL H. LANGE - 177247 DAVID DAILY - 160891 DEKA PRODUCTS LIMITED PARTNERSHIP - 155390 DEUTSCHE POST AG - 166913 , 178449 DEVELOGEN ISRAEL LTD. - 163270 DIATOS - 190542 DIEHL BGT DEFENCE GMBH & CO. KG - 172373 , 180215 DSM FINE CHEMICALS AUSTRIA NFG GMBH & CO. KG - 188710 DTS, INC. - 178244 , 181449 EARLYSENSE LTD. - 177247 ECI TELECOM LTD. - 169416 , 172301 October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א ECLIPSE AVIATION CORPORATION 166643 ELBIT SYSTEMS LTD. - 162025 ELI TIAR - 148847 EMBREX, INC. - 156275 EORIGINAL, INC. - 166311 ETHICON ENDO-SURGERY, INC. 176359 EVENING STAR INVESTMENTS, L.L.C. - 170941 EVERGREEN PACKAGING INTERNATIONAL B.V. - 173899 EXONHIT THERAPEUTICS S.A. 148613 FERROTEC (USA) CORPORATION 159707 FIDELINE - 165754 FLAMEL TECHNOLOGIES - 166383 FOURNIER LABORATORIES IRELAND LIMITED - 168737 FRAUNHOFER-GESELLSCHAFT ZUR FORDERUNG DER ANGEWANDTEN FORSCHUNG E.V. - 176857 , 181743 , 201372 FUJIKIN INCORPORATED - 177350 GE MEDICAL SYSTEMS GLOBAL TECHNOLOGY COMPANY, LLC 165847 GENELUX CORPORATION - 171859 GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY 169704 GENMAB A/S - 170373 GEORGE NAUMOV - 176167 GILEAD PALO ALTO, INC. - 163535 GLAXO GROUP LIMITED - 165330 GLAXOSMITHKLINE LLC - 143088 GRIGORI PERLOV - 195629 GW PHARMA LIMITED - 157130 H. LUNDBECK A/S - 160655 , 187143 HADASIT MEDICAL RESEARCH SERVICES AND DEVELOPMENT LTD. 143485 HAMAMATSU PHOTONICS K.K. 172123 , 179130 338 HANMI PHARM. CO., LTD. - 177805 HARDOOR MECHANISMS PRODUCTION LTD. - 181093 HAYGROVE LIMITED - 169566 HEMOTEQ AG - 164948 HF ARZNEIMITTELFORSCHUNG GMBH - 158383 HUCK INTERNATIONAL, INC. - 162521 HYDROBALL TECHNICS HOLDINGS PTE LTD. - 164943 ICX RADIATION GMBH - 179147 IMBERA ELECTRONICS OY - 171212 IMMUNOMEDICS, INC. - 163477 , 163852 INDENA S.P.A. - 166554 INSTITUT NATIONALE DE LA RECHERCHE AGRONOMIQUE - 183335 INTER IKEA SYSTEMS B.V. - 167481 INTERDIGITAL TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION - 189157 INTERNATIONAL PAPER COMPANY 173899 IPSEN PHARMA S.A.S. - 143346 ISHIHARA SANGYO KAISHA LTD. 153779 ISKOOR SHELTERS LTD. - 196201 IVAR KOLLSGARD - 167510 JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY - 158618 KENJI KANGAWA - 198562 KERR GROUP, INC. - 176573 KIRIN-AMGEN INC. - 142023 L-3 COMMUNICATIONS SECURITY & DETECTION SYSTEMS - 158189 LES LABORATOIRES SERVIER 173958 , 173960 LIOR RADAY - 160891 LOCKHEED MARTIN CORPORATION 163518 LONG LIFE S.R.L. - 182040 LTS-LOHMANN THERAPIE-SYSTEME AG - 187582 MASTERCARD INTERNATIONAL October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א INCORPORATED - 176961 , 176962 MATECHET KFAR-SABA SHAHARBANI BROS. (1980) LTD. 145361 MENASHE SCHWARTZ - 180908 MERIDIAN MEDICAL TECHNOLOGIES, INC. - 161681 MICHAEL NAUMOV - 176167 MICROSOFT CORPORATION - 160571 , 166813 MILKHAUS LABORATORY, INC. 157164 MOTOROLA, INC. - 172550 MYELOS CORPORATION - 141586 N.V. BEKAERT S.A. - 169785 N.V. ORGANON - 152957 , 181334 NAGRAVISION S.A. - 181495 NELSON IRRIGATION CORPORATION - 182720 NIKON CORPORATION - 196081 NOVA MEASURING INSTRUMENTS LTD. - 150438 NOVARTIS AG - 157333 , 157335 , 160382 NOVEN PHARMACEUTICALS, INC. 136760 NOVO NORDISK A/S - 161709 NTT DOCOMO, INC. - 144424 OBRIST CLOSURES SWITZERLAND GMBH - 182927 ONCOLYTICS BIOTECH INC. - 154881 , 182562 ONERA (OFFICE NATIONAL D'ETUDES ET DE RECHERCHES AEROSPATIALES) - 179045 ONO PHARMACEUTICAL CO., LTD. 159996 ORTHOFIX S.R.L. - 178285 ORTHOVITA, INC. - 157486 PARATEK PHARMACEUTICALS, INC. 157860 PATIENT ON LINE - 164863 , 165607 PFIZER ITALIA S.R.L. - 159570 PFIZER PRODUCTS, INC. - 139586 , 339 158588 PHARMADESIGN INC. - 174018 PLANT BIOSCIENCE LIMITED - 149388 PYNG MEDICAL CORP. - 174851 QINETIQ LIMITED - 181491 QUALCOMM INCORPORATED - 167438 , 167442 QUALCOMM INCORPORATED - 179708 QX CORPORATION PTY LTD. - 188515 , 188516 RAFAEL ADVANCED DEFENSE SYSTEMS LTD. - 149431 RAYTHEON COMPANY - 157861 RAYTHEON COMPANY - 168120 , 172284 , 176188 SAES GETTERS S.P.A. - 162066 SAFRAN - 168406 SAGEM DEFENSE SECURITE - 168406 , 173496 SAGEM SECURITE - 168406 SAINT GOBAIN ABRASIVES, INC. 178169 SANOFI-AVENTIS - 165434 , 176710 SANOFI-AVENTIS DEUTSCHLAND GMBH - 196873 SANOFI-AVENTIS DEUTSCHLAND GMBH - 157414 , 157415 SANOFI-AVENTIS DEUTSCHLAND GMBH - 162973 , 166058 SCHERING CORPORATION - 157551 , 160918 SEALY TECHNOLOGY LLC - 174889 SHERWOOD SERVICES AG - 168913 SHMUEL KAPLAN - 174105 SICPA HOLDING S.A. - 171335 SILVERBROOK RESEARCH PTY. LTD. - 146621 , 163498 SONIC MOBILITY INC. - 169215 STELLIFERI & ITAVEX SPA - 182040 SUMITOMO CHEMICAL COMPANY, LIMITED. - 179703 TECHNION RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT FOUNDATION LTD. October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א 151860 TEENESS ASA - 174423 THALES - 176241 THE DIRECTV GROUP, INC. - 168223 THE DIRECTV GROUP, INC. - 168222 , 168226 , 168230 THE QUIGLEY CORPORATION - 162505 THE ROGOSIN INSTITUTE - 182853 THOMSON LICENSING S.A. - 160080 TIKOMED AB - 174488 TORMOD DRENGSTIG - 167510 TRUEPOSITION, INC. - 187185 UCB, S.A. - 179650 UHDE GMBH - 165640 UNILEVER PLC - 177738 UNISENSOR S.A. - 186636 UNITED RESOURCE RECOVERY CORPORATION - 173617 UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE 148918 UNIVERSITE PIERRE ET MARIE CURIE ( PARIS 6 ) - 183335 UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA AT CHAPEL HILL - 164048 UNIVERSITY OF ROCHESTER - 170916 URIZEN NETWORK SYSTEMS LTD. 120449 VARDA SHOSHAN-BARMATZ - 160492 VESTA THERAPEUTICS, INC. - 164048 VTOL TECHNOLOGIES LIMITED 165968 WARNER-LAMBERT COMPANY LLC 177377 WILLIAM P. PANTOS - 182916 WYETH HOLDINGS CORPORATION 153133 , 153290 YEDA RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT CO. LTD. - 148445 YISSUM RESEARCH DEVELOPMENT COMPANY OF THE HEBREW UNIVERSITY OF JERUSALEM LTD. 150935 YISSUM RESEARCH DEVELOPMENT COMPANY OF THE HEBREW UNIVERSITY OF JERUSALEM LTD 183335 YOSEF GROSS - 177247 ZAMBON GROUP S.P.A. - 161734 מפתח ענייני SUBJECT MATTER INDEX A01G - 169566 A01H - 158984 A01K - 167510 A01N - 153779, A47K - 182916 A61B - 157486, 174851, A61C - 166053 A61F - 174488 A61K - 136760, 148445, 340 154304 158243, 162025, 177247, 178285 143088, 143485, 150935, 153133, 154881, 157130, 157333, 158383, 160382, 162505, 164048, 164560, 166383, 167228, 172156, 173112, 181334, 198562 A61L - 149240, 163535 A61M - 160137, 160891, 161709, 176359, A63F - 180908 157164, 159067, 163696, 165754, 168737, 175827, 161681, 187582 October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א E06B - 145361 B01D - 171425 B01J - 165640 B02C - 173617 B05B - 182720 B23B - 174423 B23K - 166643 B24D - 178169 B29C - 174889, B32B - 173899 B60R - 183098 B62D - 181491 B62K - 155390 B63B - 172373 B64D - 166573 B65D - 167481, 176573, 182040, B65G - 178342, B66B - 169785 C07C - 157860, 179703 C07D - 139586, 158588, 160219, 161734, 166404, 176710, 179650, 197280, C07H - 158618, C07J - 152957 C07K - 141586, 163270, 183335, C08B - 166554 C08K - 163326 C12N - 142023, 156058, 157415, 182562, C12Q - 148613, C23C - 162066 E02D - 148847 E04H - 196201 341 F02K - 165968 F16B - 162521, 170941 F16H - 195629 F16K - 177350 F24J - 169887 F25D - 173496 F28G - 164943 F42B - 157861, 167926, 172284 181093 171141, 174018, 177738, 181627, 182927, 187447 181959 164247, 166196, 156096, 159570, 160655, 165330, 173958, 177377, 187143, 197281 164948, 157551, 159996, 160918, 165434, 173960, 177805, 193813, 160492, 162973, 179045 167438, 176241, 188515, 188516 179147 196081 164863, 165607, 166913, 172114 171335, 176961, 178244, 181743, 166058 143346, 151860, 163852, 170373, 190542 149388, 157335, 163477, 188710 182853, G01B - 150438 G01C - 178449 G01J - 179130 G01K - 168913 G01N - 156275, 186636 G01P - 176167, G01S - 163518, 187185, G01T - 165847, G01V - 158189 G02B - 176188, G06F - 146621, 166813, G06K - 168406, 176962 G06Q - 166311 G08B - 174105 G10L - 176857, 201372 153290, 157414, 171859, 196873 H01G - 170659, 176766 H01J - 179112, 180215 H01L - 159707, 166907, 171212, 172123 H01Q - 149431, 172550 H03F - 168223 H04B - 168226, 168230, 172301, 189157 H04J - 167973, 169416 H04L - 120449 H04L - 148918, 160571, 168222, 169215 H04M - 151957 H04N - 160080, 163498, 181495 168120, 170916, 167442, 180028, October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א H04R - 181449 H04W - 144424, 179708 H05K - 169704 342 October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א קודים למדינת המופיעים ביומן COUNTRY CODES APPEARING IN THIS JOURNAL Code AR AT AU BA BE BR CA CH CN CU CZ DE DK EC EP ES FI FR GB GE GR GT HR HU IE IL IN IT JP KR LK LU LV 343 Country or Organization Argentina Austria Australia Herzegovina Belgium Brazil Canada Switzerland China Cuba Czech Republic Germany Denmark Ecuador European Patent Office Spain Finland France United Kingdom Georgia Greece Guatemala Croatia Hungary Ireland Israel India Italy Japan Republic of Korea Sri Lanka Luxembourg Latvia Code MX MY NL NO NZ PL PT RU SE SG SI SK TH TR TW UA US UY UZ WO ZA Country or Organization Mexico Malaysia The Netherlands Norway New Zealand Poland Portugal Russian Federation Sweden Singapore Slovenia Slovakia Thailand Turkey Taiwan Ukraine United States of America Uruguay Uzbekistan World Intellectual Property Organization (W.I.P.O.) South Africa October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א ירושלים, משרד המשפטים,נערך ע"י רשות הפטנטים ירושלים,הופק והודפס במדפיס הממשלתי EDITED BY THE PATENT OFFICE, MINISTRY OF JUSTICE, JERUSALEM PRINTED AND PUBLISHED BY THE GOVERNMENT PRINTER 344 October 31, 2010-כ"ג בחשון התשע"א