SE 1 Sophomore English L2 Ms. Nugent Email: Course Description Students study grammar, composition, and literature. They apply grammar usage concepts in written and oral assignments and learn to write a formal essay and a research paper. They read and analyze the novel, poetry, and drama. They also do weekly vocabulary units. They learn study skill techniques for reading, note taking, and test taking. CCSS Course Competencies The students in Sophomore English will have the opportunity to master the following competencies in reading, writing, speaking, listening, and viewing. Reading: (Poetry, Novel, Mythology) 1. Cite strong and thorough textual evidence to support an analysis of the text. 2. Determine a theme or central idea of a text and analyze in detail its development over the course of the text. 3. Analyze how complex characters develop over the course of a text. 4. Analyze how an author’s choices concerning how to structure a text create effects such as mystery, tension, or surprise. 5. Analyze a particular point of view or cultural experience reflected in a work of literature from outside the United States. 6. Analyze the representation of a subject or a key scene in two different artistic mediums, including what is emphasized or absent in each treatment. 7. Analyze how an author draws on and transforms source material in a specific work. 8. Delineate and evaluate the argument and specific claims in a text. 9. Read and comprehend literature, including stories, dramas, and poems independently and proficiently. Writing: 1. Write arguments to support claims using valid reasoning and relevant and sufficient evidence. 2. Write informative/explanatory texts to examine and convey complex ideas clearly and accurately through the effective selection, organization, and analysis of content. 3. Write narratives to develop real or imagined experiences or events using effective technique, well-chosen details, and well-structured event sequences. 4. Conduct short as well as more sustained research projects to answer a question or solve a problem. 5. Gather relevant information from multiple authoritative print and digital sources to support analysis, reflection, and research. 6. Produce clear and coherent writing appropriate to task, purpose, and audience. 7. Use the recursive writing process to avoid plagiarism. 8. Use technology to produce, publish, and update individual writing. 9. Write routinely over extended time frames and shorter time frames for a range of tasks, purposes, and audiences. The Mission of Pelham High School is to educate our students as life-long learners to meet the challenges of the 21st century so that they may pursue life goals, participate fully as active citizens, and be socially responsible members of the global community. Revised 8/2014 SE 2 Speaking/Listening/Viewing: 1. Present information, findings, and supporting evidence clearly, concisely, and logically. 2. Make strategic use of digital media in presentations to enhance understanding of findings, reasoning, and evidence. 3. Demonstrate a command of formal English in speaking. 4. Initiate and participate effectively in a range of collaborative discussions hearing others’ ideas and then expressing personal ideas clearly and persuasively. 5. Integrate multiple sources of information presented in diverse media. 6. Evaluate a speaker’s point of view, reasoning, and use of evidence and rhetoric. Language: 1. Use strategies to determine the meanings of words. 2. Demonstrate understanding of figurative language, word relationships, and nuances in word meanings. 3. Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking. 4. Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English capitalization, punctuation, and spelling when writing. 5. Apply knowledge of language to understand how language functions in different contexts. 6. Adhere to MLA guidelines. School-Wide Expectations for Student Learning: Use effective reading, writing, speaking, listening, and viewing skills Demonstrate how cause and effect, time, culture, and geography affect world events and daily life Behave appropriately and responsibly regarding others, one’s self, and to one’s surroundings Required Texts: Glencoe Literature: The Reader’s Choice Warriner: Holt Handbook of Grammar- Fourth Course Hodkinson: Wordly Wise 3000: Book 10 Selected Readings: World Mythology, Donna Rosenburg The Odyssey, Homer The Taming of the Shrew, William Shakespeare Z for Zachariah, Robert C. O’Brien Selected myths and poetry Film Studies: In addition to studying literature, we may view the following films or clips from the following films. Taming of the Shrew (w/ drama study) (1976 Zefferelli – Approved) The Odyssey (PG-13)(w/ reading) I am Legend (PG-13)(w/ novel Z for Zacariah) Kite Runner (PG-13)(w/ novel) Units of Study 1. MLA and Mythology, Days 1-20 Introduction to the course Plagiarism and MLA format Discussion and assessment of summer reading The Mission of Pelham High School is to educate our students as life-long learners to meet the challenges of the 21st century so that they may pursue life goals, participate fully as active citizens, and be socially responsible members of the global community. Revised 8/2014 SE 3 MLA activities and assessments Introduction to myths Myth Selections “Pyramus and Thisbe” “Pandora” “Prometheus” “The Labors and Death of Heracles” “Chi Li Slays the Serpent” “The Death of Balder” “Osirus, Isis, and Horus” “The Woman Who Fell from the Sky “The Ages of the World” Vocabulary Units: Wordly Wise 3000: Book 10, Lessons 11-12 Grammar/Mechanics: Chapter Three – Verbal Phrases, Chapter Four- Clauses Mythology, grammar, and vocabulary assessments Mythology presentations 2. The Odyssey and Poetry, Days 21-40 Grammar/Mechanics: Chapter Six- Voice/Tense/Mood Vocabulary Units: Wordly Wise 3000: Book 10, Lessons 13-14 The Odyssey, grammar, and vocabulary assessments The Odyssey writing project Introduction to poetry Literature: The Reader’s Choice Poetry Unit: p 576-709, titles may include: “One Perfect Rose,” Dorothy Parker “Well I Have Lost You; and I Lost You Fairly,” Edna St. Vincent Millay “Eldorado,” Edgar Allen Poe “Simile,” N Scott Momaday “Missing You,” Shu Ting “The Glory of the Day was in Her Face,” James Weldon Johnson “The Road Not Taken,” Robert Frost “Ex-Basketball Player,” John Updike Additional Poems Poetry in music Poetry recitation and writing Poetry assessments Poetry Contest DVD Selection: The Odyssey 4. Research Skills, Days 41-60 MLA review and introduction to research skills Research project Vocabulary Units: Wordly Wise 3000: Book 10, Lessons 15-16 Grammar/Mechanics: Chapter Seven – Pronoun Case, Chapter Eight- Placement of Modifiers Grammar, and vocabulary assessments 5. Shakespeare and Drama, Days 61-72 Introduction to Shakespeare and drama The Taming of the Shrew Drama, grammar, and vocabulary assessments Vocabulary Units: Wordly Wise 3000: Book 10, Lessons 17-18 The Mission of Pelham High School is to educate our students as life-long learners to meet the challenges of the 21st century so that they may pursue life goals, participate fully as active citizens, and be socially responsible members of the global community. Revised 8/2014 SE 4 Grammar/Mechanics: Chapter Twelve – Semicolons/Colons, Chapter ThirteenItalics/Quotation Marks 6. Wilderness, Days 73-86 Wilderness activities and assessments Vocabulary Units: Wordly Wise 3000: Book 10, Lessons 19-20 Grammar/Mechanics: Chapter Fourteen – Apostrophes, Chapter Fifteen- Hyphens, Dashes, Parentheses, Brackets, Ellipsis Points 7. Review for Final, Days 87-88 8. Finals, Days 89-90 Special Requirements or Expectations appropriate format for all written work attendance in class with necessary textbook, notebook, and supplies assignments and homework completed by due dates class work completed by the end of the class period student responsibility for make-up work; one day to make up for every day of excused absence (homework, in class assignments, and tests) prompt arrival in class—seated and ready to begin adherence to all classroom rules rough draft and final copy of all written assignments Class Participation All students are expected to participate daily in the class learning activities. Absence/Tardy A student who has an authorized absence/tardy will be allowed to make up work in this class. It is the responsibility of the student to see that missed work is made up within a time equal to the absence. On the day of return to class, each student must arrange make-up time with the teacher. Long-term Assignments All long-term assignments are due on/before the designated deadline date. Long-term assignments are assignments of more than five days in duration. Failure to hand in work by the last acceptable due date will result in a grade reduction of 10% for one day. After the one-day extension, no work will be accepted and no re-assessment will be allowed. Due dates are defined as the last acceptable date for presentation of student work. Word Processing and Remote Access Students are required to word process or type all final drafts of composition work for Sophomore English. Students are encouraged to use Google drive and/or PSD VMware Horizon View (remote access) to access and complete their work. is an academic plagiarism detector utilized by teachers and students to avoid plagiarism and to ensure academic integrity. Students in this class will submit writing assignments through The teacher will assist students in creating an online account for this course so that they can submit designated assignments for due dates. Final drafts of writing assignments must demonstrate an acceptable level of authenticity. The Mission of Pelham High School is to educate our students as life-long learners to meet the challenges of the 21st century so that they may pursue life goals, participate fully as active citizens, and be socially responsible members of the global community. Revised 8/2014 SE 5 Extra Help Any student who needs extra help at any time during the semester should request an after school meeting with the teacher. The student and teacher can plan a convenient time to meet for special assistance. Retakes Per the PHS Grading Protocol, students may have the opportunity for one retake per summative assessment as determined by the teacher and/or administrator if the grade is below 80%. For all retakes, the student will receive the higher of the two grades for grading purposes but not to exceed 80%. The petition for a re-assessment must be initiated within two school days after notification of grades and remediation must be completed before the end of the tenth school day. In some cases a re-assessment may not be available (group presentations, final exams, etc.). Privilege: Exemption from Final (Sophomores) Underclassmen will be allowed to be exempt from final exams based on their grade in the course. Sophomores need an average of 95% or above. Students who exceed 3 absences will not be eligible for exemption. Exemption from a final is at the discretion of the classroom teacher (Pelham High School Student Handbook). Required Supplies 3-ring binder (1” or larger) with section dividers: (MLA, Vocab/Grammar, Mythology, Odyssey, Poetry, Research, Shakespeare, Novel) Assessment *All assignments and assessments in this class are based on your competencies in reading, writing, language, and speaking/listening/viewing. 25% Reading (literature and research) 25% Writing (MLA recursive writing process) 10% Speaking/Listening/Viewing (oral presentations, viewing films, drama/poetry readings, note taking, student-led discussions) 10% Language (grammar and vocabulary) 10% Formative Assessments (homework, classwork, class preparation) 20% Final Exam (all competencies) You will keep this entire syllabus in your binder. As you sign below, you have been informed of the requirements for Sophomore English. Your teacher may be reached at PHS at (603)635-2115 or Name of Student (Please print) _________________________________________________________ Signature of Parent/Guardian _________________________________Date __________ Signature of Student ________________________________________Date __________ The Mission of Pelham High School is to educate our students as life-long learners to meet the challenges of the 21st century so that they may pursue life goals, participate fully as active citizens, and be socially responsible members of the global community. Revised 8/2014