
General Situation: You are the platoon commander for 2d Platoon, Charlie Company, 1/6 assigned to the
2d MEB assisting the Marylander 2d Armored Corps. One week ago our Marylander allies invaded their
southern neighbor, the country of Virginia, in response to a series of escalating cross border incursions by
the Virginia Defense Forces. Marylander mechanized forces have since penetrated south into the
western portion of Virginia via the Shenandoah Valley corridor, and are now preparing to pivot to the east
in an effort to capture the capital city of Richmond. In an effort to ensure the timely fall of Richmond and
the defeat of the Virginia Defense Force, the United States has initiated the deployment of forces from II
MEF to assist the Marylander Army in conducting offensive operations. Four days ago the lead echelon
of the MEF, the 2d MEB, arrived by air in Baltimore, Maryland, where it linked up with MPF ships at the
port. After spending three days drawing equipment and supplies, our battalion conducted a road march
from Baltimore into northern Virginia today. As dusk has fallen, our company has halted IVO Middleburg
for the night. The remainder of the battalion is halted farther to the north, near Leesburg.
It is currently 1930 and you have just arrived at the company CP to receive the operation order.
Your platoon is awaiting your return at its assembly area IVO grid 683 174 (Off the map to the west 2 km)
and the other platoon commanders have not arrived.
ORIENTATION: To our immediate east lie the Bull Run Mountains, which constitute the only major
obstacle between the enemy and the Shenandoah Mountains to our rear. Due to the rugged terrain,
there are only a few routes through the mountains that are suitable for wheeled or tracked vehicles, the
most suitable being Thoroughfare Gap (Interstate 66) to the south off of the map 14 km and Aldie Pass
(Route 50).
Water Features: Howsers Branch and the Little River.
Too swift for humans to swim across
Flow North to South except for out crop on south of the Little River
M1A1s and Up:
Howsers Branch Bridge (732 163) 15 feet across Little
River Bridge (715 169) covers a 50 foot gap and is
supported by three 20 foot tall pylons
AAVs and Amphibians: fording points 713 169, 705 172, and
704 164
Wheeled and Foot: Howsers Branch Bridge & Little River Bridge
Vegetation: North of Aldie Pass severely restricted old dense forest for Motor/Mech
South of Aldie Pass sage brush is restricted for foot-mobile(3 foot high dense sage
brush), restricted for wheeled, and unrestricted for Mech
East of the pass: Unlimited
In the pass: 400m on high ground and buildings
100m on the low ground and between the buildings
Structures: Six structures north of Rt 50.
Five structures south of Rt 50.
Temperatures: 90s / 60s
Precipitation: 5%
2d Plt, Charlie Co, 1/6
Det, 1st Plt, Co B, 3d AA Bn (4 AAVs)
Det, Wpns Plt, Co C, 1/6
3d MMG Sqd
3d Asslt Sqd (2 Tms= 2 SMAWs and 4 Marines)
Det, Heavy Weapons Plt, Wpns Co, 1/6
2 Javelin squads (8 Marines w/ 4 launchers)
1 CAAT Sec (4 HMMWVs: 2 M2s; 2 TOWs)
1st Sqd, 2d Plt, Co B, 3rd Cmbt Engr Bn (1 HMMWV for carrying equipment)
1) SALUTE: The Virginians are preparing to counterattack west toward the Shenandoah
Valley in an effort to disrupt the Marylander 2d Armored Corps’ ability to sustain itself
by destroying their logistical support assets. Within our battalion’s sector, elements
of the 2d Battalion, 232d Motor Rifle Battalion have been located. They have BRDM2s, BMP-1/2s, and BTR 70s. Their purpose is to seize Thoroughfare Gap and Aldie
Pass and to continue to attack westward toward the Shenandoah Valley.
Approximately 1 hour ago, MEB reconnaissance teams spotted two Mechanized Rifle
Company’s (MRCs) assembling along Rte 50 at the 98 easting. Additionally, two
enemy reconnaissance vehicles (BRDMs) were sighted moving west along Rte 50 in
the vicinity Mt. Zion Church (grid 738158) ten minutes ago.
2) DRAWD: The enemy possesses the capability to attack in MRC strength within the
next 24 hours. Additionally, the enemy possesses the capability to reinforce his
attacking MRC with an additional MRC inside of an hour.
3) EMPCOA: The enemy will attack to seize Thoroughfare Gap within the next 24 hours
in an effort to rapidly counterattack westward into the Shenandoah Valley.
a. MISSION: At 1000 [Tomorrow] 1/6 (+) Destroys enemy forces in zone IOT
prevent the 2/232 MRB from interfering with the 2d MEB’s build up of forces
IVO Middleburg and the Marylander’s 2d Armored Corps’ advance toward
b. INTENT: The enemy’s COG is his unimpeded, rapid movement westward
toward the Bull Run Mtn Passes. His CV is his movement has forced him
into an operational pause IOT refuel and refit. We will exploit this by
occupying positions of strength in the passes and surprising him with a
flanking attack, once he is fixed in the passes’ defenses and required to
deploy his main body. By allocating only a single reinforced rifle company to
hold the passes, I am accepting a certain degree of risk in order to leave the
bulk of the battalion’s combat power available for a decisive blow. My
endstate is that the enemy in our zone is destroyed IOT permit the rest of 2d
MEB to establish defenses in the vicinity of Middleburg.
a. North: At 1000 1st Plt, Co C, 2d LAR Block to the north and east of the Bull
Run Mtn Passes IOT prevent the enemy from enveloping our
defenses in the passes. BPT allow 1/6 (+) to conduct a passage
of lines on or about 0930.
At 1000 [Tomorrow] 1/6 (+) Destroys enemy forces in zone IOT
prevent the 2/232 MRB from interfering with the 2d MEB’s build
up of forces IVO Middleburg and the Marylander’s 2d Armored
Corps’ advance toward Richmond.
At 0600 [Tomorrow] Co C (-), 2d LAR Screens to the south and east
of the Bull Run Mtn Passes.
b. West: 2d MEB establishes defensive positions vicinity of Middleburg.
c. East: No Friendly forces
a. Battery A, 1/12 can cover all of 1/6’s AO, priority to: Co C, Tm Tank, Tm
Mech. until 1000, shifting to Tm Tank, Tm Mech., Co C.
b. 81s Plt, priority to: Tm Tank, Tm Mech., Co C.
II. MISSION: At 0945[Tomorrow] Co C Fix the enemy east of the Bull Run Mtns in order to create
sufficient time for the battalion main effort to conduct its flanking attack. Mission has priority.
A. INTENT: The enemy’s COG is that he is task organized as a mechanized force, which gives
him speed. His CV is the canalizing terrain of the Bull Mtn Passes. Once he realizes we are
defending the passes, I expect that the enemy will bring an overwhelming amount of combat
power against our positions in an effort to seize the passes. Therefore in order to be successful,
we will exploit his CV by accomplishing two things: 1) we must defeat the enemy’s
reconnaissance efforts, thereby forcing him to fight blind; 2) having blinded the enemy, we must
blunt his attacks through the skillful application of combined arms in the form of direct/indirect
fires and canalizing obstacles. If we can obtain a high enough toll on his lead elements, the
enemy will be forced to temporarily halt his attack and deploy his main body to seize the passes,
thus playing into the battalion commander’s hands. My endstate is that all enemy forces blocked
east of the Bull Run Mountains and fixed IVO Thoroughfare Gap until 1000 IOT allow the
remainder of the Battalion to destroy the enemy in zone.
a. SOM: Our company will be broken up into a ME platoon and two platoons as SEs. We
will establish a company defense in sector in the vicinity of Thoroughfare Gap and Aldie
Pass oriented to the east. SE2 will move as soon as we are done with this order and
establish a blocking position in sector IVO Aldie Pass. The ME and SE1 will depart the
BN assembly area in a open column. Once the ME and SE1 reach the ORP we will
conduct a leader’s reconnaissance and establish SE1’s blocking position in sector. The
ME will establish an overwatch position south of SE1’s blocking position. NLT 0930 the
ME will depart its overwatch position and gain contact with the main body of the enemy’s
formation. On occupation we will establish an observation post no less than five
kilometers east of Thoroughfare Gap. SE2 will establish their own security plan. When
the enemy’s reconnaissance elements approach the blocking positions, the SEs will
destroy them IOT force the enemy’s main body to deploy against our blocking positions.
Once the enemy deploys, the ME will attack to fix the enemy for the BN’s ME flanking
attack from the north. We will hold the blocking positions until 1200.
b. FSP: The purpose of my fire support plan is to neutralize the enemy at our obstacles IOT
prevent the enemy from massing his forces. With the enemy fixed in our engagement
areas, we can force him to dismount his infantry in an effort to breach our obstacles. If
we succeed in doing this, we can destroy his forces, starting with the infantry. The key to
accomplishing this is the selection of engagement areas that support the use of
combined arms tactics. Due to the distance between the two passes, the FST will devise
the ME’s FSP and SE#2 will devise its own FSP and submit a list of targets to the FSCC
for deconfliction.
c. Tasks:
1) 1st Platoon (Rein): You are the company’s ME. At 0945 [Tomorrow] fix the
enemy east of Thoroughfare Gap in order to create sufficient time for the
battalion main effort to conduct its flanking attack.
2) 2d Platoon (Rein): You are SE2. NLT 2200 and until 1200 block the enemy
east of Aldie Pass in order to prevent the enemy from passing through Aldie
Pass. BPT assume the company ME’s mission.
3) 3d Platoon (Rein): You are SE1. NLT 2200 and until 1200 block the enemy
east of Thoroughfare Gap in order to prevent the enemy from passing through
Thoroughfare Gap. BPT assume the company ME’s mission.
1) SUPPLY: All Platoons will have the following
Sandbags: 300 will be dropped off at 0500 tomorrow morning
Concertina wire: 12 rolls ready now
Barbed wire: 10 rolls ready now
Engineer stakes: 25 ready now
AT-4s: 30
Demo Kits: 3
AT Mines: 15
AP Mines: 20
Cratering/Shaped Charges: 4
RC-119s: 4
WSCs: 3
GSCs: 3
RSCs: 3
WSMKs: 6
YSMKs: 2
A. Signal
1) Callsigns
Charlie CO
Charlie XO
Charlie Wpns Plt
Charlie 1st Plt
Charlie 2d Plt
Charlie 3d Plt
Coldsteel 6
Coldsteel 5
Coldsteel 4
Coldsteel 1
Coldsteel 2
Coldsteel 3
STUDENT REQUIREMENT: You will create a partial platoon-level operation order (EMPCOA, Execution
Paragraph and Signal plan) and a graphic (TDG Map). Be prepared to brief your METT-T and your
partial order. Also, be prepared to turn in your order attached to your SOM graphic.