Cell Cycle/ Cell Reproduction (Mitosis) Computer Lab



Today’s activity is designed to help you review the cell cycle, see some animations, identify slides of plant cells in various stages of mitosis, and ultimately, understand the difference between haploid and diploid and how that affects chromosome number!

Have fun!

Cell Cycle/ Cell Reproduction (Mitosis) Computer Lab Activity:

Part 1: Go to the following website:


Play the animation of the cell cycle. Answer the following questions:

1. How many phases are shown? ________________.

2. The yellow, blue and white phases together are called______________________.

3. Why is G-1 longer than G-2?



4. While the cell passes through the blue phase explain what the orange and white lines in the bottom lefthand corner of the screen are representing:



Part 2: Click on the link along the lefthand side of the screen MITOSIS or go to this website:


1. What are the green T shaped structures?______________________

2. How many chromosomes are present in the original cell before it divides?______

(Hint: watch carefully)

3. How many chromosomes does each new daughter cell receive?_____________

4. Are the identical copies of chromosomes shown in the same color? Yes / No

Onion Root Tip: Online Mitosis Lab

Go to this website:


At this website take a look at the photograph of each onion cell in a stage of mitosis.

Read the description for each ce


Sketch a cell in each of the following stages:

Interphase Prophase (late) Metaphase

Anaphase (early)

Now go to the following website:


Read the website, watch the animation at the bottom of the page. Click NEXT review the steps of mitosis briefly using the descriptions. Click NEXT and read the Assignment.

Below I have copied the chart for you. Click NEXT. Place the cells under the correct heading by clicking on the stage that you think the picture of the cell is in. Finish by placing all 36 cells. Fill in your chart.

Number of


Percentage of cells


Interphase Prophase Metaphase Anaphase Telophase Total



Discussion Questions:

1. What major/important organelle can be seen in interphase but is not visible in the other stages?

2. What cell structures can be seen in the cells in mitosis that are not seen in the cells in interphase?

3. Did you find more cells in interphase or mitosis?

4. Explain why you found your answer to number 3:

Extra Credit: Optional Activity!!!

Now you can practice building cells in various stages of mitosis. REMEMBER: Ploidy number (2n) means the total number of chromosomes in a body cell of that organisms.

Therefore a ploidy number of 2n=4 means that a body cell (skin, blood, bone, etc.) would have 4 chromosomes. Go to the following website: http://biog-101-104.bio.cornell.edu/BioG101_104/tutorials/cell_division/CDCK/cdck.html

Select Stage to Simulate : Mitosis Prophase

Select 2n Ploidy of the Cell: 2

Build the cell and draw it in the circle provided.

Select Stage to Simulate : Mitosis Metaphase

Select 2n Ploidy of the Cell: 6

Build the cell and draw it in the circle provided.

Select Stage to Simulate : Mitosis Anaphase

Select 2n Ploidy of the Cell: 4

Build the cell and draw it in the circle provided.

Select Stage to Simulate : Mitosis Telophase

Select 2n Ploidy of the Cell: 10

Build the cell and draw it in the circle provided.

Feel free to try other combinations.

Other Websites to visit should you finish early:

Interactive cartoon at: http://www.nobel.se/medicine/educational/2001/cellcycle.html

Quiz yourself at: http://www.uoguelph.ca/zoology/devobio/210labs/MitosisQuiz/mitosisqframe.html

Or http://www.quia.com/pop/39213.html

Play Matching at: http://www.quia.com/mc/408090.html

Do a wordsearch at: http://www.quia.com/ws/408090.html

Play concentration at: http://www.quia.com/cc/408090.html

Interested in how cancer works? Try this website: http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/cancer/grow_flash.html
