

Assignment Eight - Solutions

File name: 8ss8

Marks: /40 marks

Section A: Multiple Choice - ______/10 marks

Section B: Definitions - _______/5 marks

Section C: Short Answer - _______/10 marks

Section D: Fill-in-the-Blank - ______/15 marks

ASSIGNMENT TOTAL: _______/40 marks

Section A - Multiple Choice ( 10 marks )

Read each of the following questions below and then choose the BEST answer by highlighting your choice . Each question is worth one mark.


Europeans had a new means to aid exploration. Which of the following statements identifies what this enabled then to do?

 Progress from sailing the waters around Europe to circumnavigating the entire world.

Explore the oceans in the northern reaches of Europe without fear of falling off the edge of the world.

Expand the amount and variety of valuable trade goods brought back from

Eastern Europe.

 Discuss exploration beyond the world’s oceans and consider space voyages for the first time.


Depending on one’s point of view, which of the following best summarizes the period of time from 1400 to 1534?

Age of Invasion and the Age of Expansion

Age of Innovation and the Age of Adventure

 Age of Exploration and the Age of Invasion

Age of Imperialism and the Age of Exploration


Which of the following was NOT a reason for European exploration in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries?

Europeans wanted to find more gold, gems, natural resources, and other riches.

Europeans wanted to convert a great number of indigenous people to Christianity.

Europeans wanted to expand the conquered territories of their respective nations.

 Europeans wanted to share their wealth of knowledge with the

Indigenous people.

4. Which of the following referred to the “Three G’s”?

 “Gems, Gold, and Glory”

 “Gold, God, and Glory”

 “Glory, God, and Goods”

 “God, Grace, and Glory”


In this Workbook, you learned that ______ was the first nation to engage in organized exploration.


 Portugal



6. The Portuguese and Arab fleets fought for control of trading territories and rights in the Indian Ocean. Which of the following represents this conflict?


Jerusalem Scrum

War of Calcutta

 Battle of Diu

7. Which of the following was a negative result of Portuguese imperialism?

The Portuguese sharing their language with natives.

The Portuguese introducing new types of food to the natives.

 The Portuguese becoming involved in the African slave trade.

The Portuguese becoming aware of previously unknown cultures.

8. Identify which of the following statements about exploration is TRUE.

European expansion only took place on the African continent, and nowhere else.

Europeans employed only European interpreters on voyages to other continents..

 Christopher Columbus’ voyage took place before Ferdinand

Magellan’s voyage.

No European crews mutinied aboard their ships because mutiny was illegal.

9. When European forces fought over trading rights and territories, the winning nations were usually those that had which of the following?

 The heaviest ships and guns.

The fastest machine guns and runners.

The oldest and most experienced soldiers.

The luckiest routes and strategies.

10. Why did Yuri Gagarin became famous?

 He was the first human in space.

He was the first man to visit the moon.

He was the first Canadian astronaut.

He was the first successful astronomer.

Section B - Definitions ( 5 marks )

Using your own words, write definitions for the given terms and phrases in the provided spaces. Each definition will be worth one mark. An example has been given to help you get started.


clergy – people ordained to perform religious services for their communities

1. circumnavigate - to travel completely around an object. Ex. circumnavigating the world by ship

2. expansionism - the actions a nation or culture uses to enlarge its power and territory

3. imperialism - the extension of power over a territory, including its resources and territory as part of building an empire


worldview - the knowledge, values, and attitudes that influence how a person interacts with the world

5. “New World” – the Americas; the continents to the west of Europe that were previously unknown to the Europeans

Section C - Short Answer ( 10 marks )

Answer the questions below USING COMPLETE SENTENCES (otherwise marks will be deducted). The value for each is in the parentheses at the end of the question.


During the Renaissance, explain why humanist thinking complemented and encouraged exploration. ( 2 marks )

Humanist thinking complemented exploration because humanism encouraged educating and challenging oneself to the utmost. It encouraged people to learn as much as they could because knowledge would advance them in life.


“In 1492, Christopher Columbus discovered the ‘New World.’” Explain why Indigenous peoples would disagree with this statement. ( 2 marks )

Indigenous peoples would disagree with this statement because they already inhabited the

Americas when Christopher Columbus arrived. They believe that it is impossible to discover a place that is already populated with people.


Provide one positive aspect and one negative aspect of Portuguese exploration and imperialism in Africa. ( 2 marks )

Possible answers:

Positive Aspects:

 Experienced new cultures

 Met new people and experienced these new cultures

 Were introduced to new foods

 Introduced the Indigenous peoples to new technology.

 Advanced navigation and world knowledge regarding geography.

 Gained knowledge about new natural resources.

Negative Aspects

 Treated the Indigenous peoples badly

 Assumed complete control over lands already populated

 Used advanced technology against the Indigenous peoples

 Brought diseases for which

Indigenous peoples had no immunity.

 Took most of the natural resources from these ‘new’ lands back to Europe.


This Workbook compared early European explorers to modern day astronauts and found both to share the element of risk. Explain. ( 1 mark )

Both explorers risked their lives because they ventured into the unknown and did not know whether or not they’d return alive. Both wanted to expand human knowledge and experience unique adventures.


Explain why Christopher Columbus and both Queen Isabella and King

Ferdinand of Spain signed “The Articles of Agreement between the Lords

Catholic Sovereigns and Cristobal Colon?” (

1 mark )

All involved parties signed this agreement so expectations and powers were clear. For example,

Columbus was given the power to claim unknown lands and waters, all in the name of Spain.


Explain two reasons why even those European nations that did not actively want to begin exploration efforts, did so after seeing Portugal’s success. ( 2 marks )

European nations that had previously not been interested in exploration became involved because they saw other nations exploring and claiming new territories (expansionism). These countries felt pressured to take part in the competition, lest they be left behind.

Section D - Fill-in-the-Blank ( 15 marks )

Using the word list below, complete the statements with the correct words or phrases.

The value for each is in the brackets at the end of the question.


Africans conditions

East politics

Portugal sugar trading

Americas banana

Battle of Diu cargoes coffee




Europeans exploration




Islands imperialism language matter of opinion monarchs

North ocean overwork perspective pirates

Prince Henry transport rats treaties risk villains slave traders society

War of



South America world

competition Indigenous peoples point of view Spain worldview

1. When


won the


, it effectively established itself as the most powerful European


country. ( 1.5 marks )



was the first explorer to circumnavigate the globe.

( 0.5 mark )



was a controversial figure because he funded exploration voyages abroad and increased knowledge about navigation, but he also involved Portugal in the African slave trade. ( 0.5 mark )



was a controversial figure because he was credited with “discovering” the New World, but he was also accused of poor treatment of the Indigenous with whom he came into contact. ( 0.5 mark )

5. The Portuguese became engaged in the slave trade and, as a result of this participation, they captured


slaves and forced them to work on


plantations. ( 1 mark )

6. Millions of these slaves were captured and transported to the


where they suffered at the hands of their task masters. Many died while en route due to the awful


aboard the ships. Others died from extreme

OVERWORK once they arrived. ( 1.5 marks )

7. At the time, the European


considered imperialism to be positive because they did not consider all the negative aspects their arrival caused. ( 0.5 mark )

8. However, the


believed that European


brought no advantages. It impacted their societies in many negative ways. ( 1 mark )

9. Upon Prince Henry’s command, Portuguese explorers used the



as interpreters to overcome the


barrier. ( 1 mark )

10. This practice of hiring locals to interpret was very helpful and other


used it on their voyages. ( 0.5 mark )

11. Vasco da Gama is considered to be a Portuguese hero because he successfully established a trade route around Africa to the


. ( 0.5 mark )

12. Most European ships carried cannons to use against


who wanted to steal the ships’


. ( 1 mark )

13. The “New World” was only ‘new’ to the


because they had no previous knowledge of either of the


. ( 1 mark )

14. Italy did not exist as a country yet, so


went on to successfully secure the sponsorship of the Spanish


. ( 1 mark )

15. Today, many nations are waging a type of



by fighting for more ownership of


resources such as oil, fish, metals, and gems. ( 1 mark )

16. During the Age of


, countries engaged in a large scale


to claim as much of the new territory for themselves as possible. ( 1 mark )

17. Both the early


who explored the seas and modern day astronauts engage(d) in journeys in which they had to


their lives. ( 1 mark )
