Hubbs Pre-CNA SP2-AP2 Infection Control Unit Mosby Video and Worksheet Watch the video on “Medical Asepsis” Answer the questions according to what you see/hear on the video. 1. Who has the greatest risk of infection? (Greatest risk = most susceptible) _____________________________________________________________________ 2. What causes an infection? _______________ 3. Are microbes everywhere?_________ 4. What practice is used to prevent the spread of microbes? _____________________________________________________________________ 5. What is the easiest way to prevent the spread of infection? __________________________________ 6. What can happen if you don’t wash your hands? _____________________________________________________________________ 7. When should you wash your hands? ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ 8. What else can prevent the spread of microbes? _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ (This information is not in the video) Look at the answer to Question 1. Why do you think infants, the elderly, and sick persons are more susceptible to infection? ____________________________________________________ Who else do you think is at greater risk of infection? (Hint-why are you taking this class?) _________________________________________ Hubbs Pre-CNA ANSWER KEY Infection Control Unit SP2-AP2 NOTE TO TEACHERS; SKIP OVER HANDWASHING PROCEDURE. WILL WATCH AT A LATER TIME Mosby Video and Worksheet Watch the video on “Medical Asepsis” Answer the questions according to what you see/hear on the video. 1. Who has the greatest risk of infection? (Greatest risk = most susceptible) Infants, elderly, sick and injured 2. What causes an infection? pathogens 3. Are microbes everywhere? yes 4. What practice is used to prevent the spread of microbes? Medical asepsis/clean technique 5. What is the easiest way to prevent the spread of infection? handwashing 6. What can happen if you don’t wash your hands? Microbes on your hands can spread to others. 7. When should you wash your hands? before and after providing care hands are visibly soiled contact with blood or bodily fluids after removing gloves 8. What else can prevent the spread of microbes? Washing contaminated areas with soap and water Hold equipment and linens away from uniform Don’t shake linens Wash clean to dirty Pour contaminated fluids into toilet immediately Wash equipment (urinals, bedpans, commodes) after each use Follow care plan Use PPE as needed Follow Standard Precautions (This information is not in the video) Look at the answer to Question 1. Why do you think infants, the elderly, and sick persons are more susceptible to infection? They have weaker immune systems Who else do you think is at greater risk of infection? (Hint-why are you taking this class?) Health care workers