Practice Test 1 - Academic Computer Center

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Human Anatomy and Physiology I
Practice Test I
1. ______ Production of a highly viscous secretion is most unlikely to obstruct which of
the following glands?
a. Ecrine sweat gland
b. Apocrine sweat gland
c. Pituitary gland
d. Mammary gland
e. None of the above
2. ______ After a person drinks a large quantity of water, what changes will occur in the
person’s plasma osmolarity?
a. Osmolarity will increase
b. Osmolarity will decrease
c. Osmolarity will remain unchanged
3. ______ Vasopressin, a hormone synthesized in the hypothalamus and stored in the
posterior pituitary gland, stimulates water reabsorption in the kidney nephron
thereby preventing dehydration. In other words, the hormone is released when
plasma osmolarity increases. As a result it activates the kidneys to retain water
and restore plasma osmolarity to the normal level. This effect is an example
a. Negative feedback
b. Nonhomeostatic mechanism
c. Positive feedback
d. Simple neural reflex
e. Hemostasis
4. ______ What kind of solution will cause a red blood placed in it to crenate?
a. Isotonic solution
b. Hypotonic solution
c. Hypertonic solution
d. a and b
e. b and c
5. ______ Which of the following can most likely be transported across the cell
membrane by active transport?
a. Sodium ions
b. Carbon dioxide
c. Water
d. Oxygen
e. a and d
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6. ______ What homeostatic control component is responsible for the detecting changes
in the environment?
a. Receptor
b. Afferent pathway
c. Integration center
d. Efferent Pathway
e. Effector
7. ______ The hormone oxytocin, which is released from the posterior pituitary,
augments contractions of the uterus until the fetus is expelled. This effect is an
example of:
a. Negative feedback
b. Simple neural reflex
c. Hemostasis
d. Positive feedback
e. Nonhomeostatic mechanisms
8. ______ Gaseous exchange in mammalian lungs is accomplished by:
a. Simple diffusion
b. Endocytosis
c. Exocytosis
d. Active transport
e. Facilitated diffusion
9. ______ The maintenance of a stable internal environment with relatively narrow limits
is called?
a. Homeostasis
b. Responsiveness
c. Negative feedback
d. Positive feedback
e. None of the above
10. _____ What level of strctural organization represents a group of cells working
together to perform a common function?
a. Chemical
b. Organ
c. Tissue
d. Organ system
e. Organismal
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11. _____ What membrane immediately encloses the heart?
a. Parietal pericardium
b. Visceral peritoneum
c. Parietal endocardium
d. Visceral pericardium
e. Parietal peritoneum
12. _____ What system is responsible for the delivery of oxygen to the tissues?
a. Respiratory
b. Endocrine
c. Cardiovascular
d. Digestive
e. Immune
13. _____ Homeostatic IMBALANCE has occurred when
a. A person sweats as a result of being hot
b. A person shivers as a result of being cold
c. When a person’s heart rate increase as a result of exercise
d. When a person develops diabetes
e. When a person’s respiratory rate increase as a result of exercise
14. _____ Select the option that shows DECREASING complexity.
a. Cellular, tissue, organ, organ system
b. Organ system, tissue, organ, cellular
c. Organ, organ system, cellular, tissue
d. Organ system, organ, tissue, cellular
e. Tissue, organ system, organ, cellular
15. _____ Which of the items below is a function performed by proteins found on the
plasma membrane
a. Joining of adjacent cells
b. Transport of solutes
c. Carrier for steroid hormones
d. a and b
e. a, b, and c
16. _____ The molecular component of the cell membrane bilayer that possesses a
hydrophilic (water loving) head and a hydrophobic (water hating) tail is?
a. Glycoprotein
b. Lipoprotein
c. Phospholipid
d. Glycocalyx
e. Linker proteins
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17. _____ Which of the following tissue repair processes produces scar tissue?
a. Fibrosis
b. Regeneration
c. Inflammation
d. a and b
e. b and c
18. _____ What type of tissue is found in a tendon?
a. Dense hyaline
b. Dense irregular
c. Dense elastic
d. Dense regular
e. Dense areolar
19. _____ What type of epithelium is associated with hollow organs that hold fluids and
are stretchable?
a. Simple squamous
b. Stratified squamous
c. Cuboidal
d. Columnar
e. Transitional
20. _____ What tissue repair response mechanism launches specific and deadly attacks
against invading pathogens?
a. Inflammation
b. Regeneration
c. Fibrosis
d. Immune
e. None of the above
21. _____ In which of the following body membranes would you find simple squamous
epithelial tissue?
a. Mucous
b. Cutaneous
c. Serous
d. a and b
e. a, and c
22. _____ Intervertebral discs are made up of what type of tissue?
a. Hyaline cartilage
b. Fibrocartilage
c. Elastic cartilage
d. Dense regular
e. Dense irregular
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23. _____ Special characteristics of epithelium include:
a. Avascularity
b. Connective tissue support
c. Polarity
d. Cellularity
e. All of the above
24. _____ Which of the following is a descendant of the embryonic mesenchyme
a. Fibrobalst
b. Chondroblast
c. Osteoblast
d. a and b only
e. a, b and c
25. _____ Which of the following indicates the proper sequence of tissue repair?
a. Fibrosis and regeneration, blood clotting, tissue damage, scab formation,
b. Tissue damage, blood clotting, scab formation, organization, fibrosis and
c. Tissue damage, organization, fibrosis and regeneration, blood clotting, and
scab formation
d. Organization, fibrosis and regeneration, blood clotting, scab formation,
and tissue damage
e. Tissue damage, scab formation, blood clotting, organization, fibrosis and
26. _____ Which of the following tissues is best associated with the immune system?
a. Loose areolar connective tissue
b. Adipose tissue
c. Loose reticular connective tissue
d. Dense regular connective tissue
e. Dense irregular connective tissue
27. _____ What cell membrane structure will enable a white blood cell differentiate
between a foreign cell and a normal body cell?
a. Phospholipid
b. Cholesterol
c. Glycoprotein
d. Cholesterol
e. Integral protein
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28. _____ All transmembrane proteins are integral protein.
a. True
b. False
29. _____ The movement of solvent along a concentration gradient is?
a. Simple diffusion
b. Facilitated diffusion
c. Osmosis
d. Active transport
e. Pinocytosis
30. _____ Which of the following statements are true:
a. ICF is greater than ECF
b. ECF = IF + ICF
c. ICF = IF + IVF
d. TBW = ICF - ECF
e. ECF is greater than ICF
31. _____ The study of the process by which organisms are capable of interacting with
their environment and maintain an internal milieu that is different from the
external environment is called:
a. Cytology
b. Histology
c. Anatomy
d. Physiology
e. Pathology
32. _____ Which of the following is a constituent of intracellular fluid?
a. Cerebrospinal fluid
b. Blood plasma
c. Lymph
d. Interstitial fluid
e. None of the above
33. _____ What cell-to-cell contact is responsible for keeping gasctic acid confined to
the stomach?
a. Desmosomes
b. Tight junctions
c. Gap junctions
d. Microvilli
e. All of the above