BONE STRUCTURE The musculoskeletal system includes the bones, muscles, and joints. Each has several important functions in the body. Bones protect and support our internal organs and by serving as a point of attachment for muscles, assist in body movement. Bones all over the body are of several different types. Long bones are found in the thigh, lower leg, and upper and lower arm. These bones are very strong, are broad at the ends where they join with other bones, and have large surface areas for muscle attachment. Short bones are found in the wrist and ankle and have small, irregular shapes. Flat bones are found covering soft body parts. These are the shoulder bone, ribs, and pelvic bones. Sesamoid bones are small, rounded bones resembling a grain of sesame in shape. They are found near joint; the knee cap is the largest example of this type of bone. The shaft, or long middle region, of a long bone is called the diaphysis. Each end of a long bone is called an epiphysis. The epiphyseal line or plate represents an area of cartilage tissue in the bone. Cartilage cells slowly migrate away from the region of the plate. Lack of blood supply to the area triggers formation of calcium deposits in the bone. The epiphyseal plate closes up and disappears as new bone tissue completely replaces cartilage tissue. When a long bone has achieved its full growth, an x-ray of the epiphysis shows no evidence of the epiphyseal plate. The periosteum is a strong, fibrous, vascular membrane that covers the surface of a long bone, except at the ends of the epiphyses and other bones as well. Beneath the periosteum is the layer of immature cells, which deposit calcium-phosphorus compounds in the bony tissue. The ends of long bones are covered by a thin layer of cartilage called articular cartilage. This cartilage layer cushions the bones at the place where they meet with other bones (joints). Cortical bone is a layer of hard, dense tissue, which lies under the periosteum in all bones and chiefly around the diaphysis of long bones. Within the cortical bone is a system of small canals containing blood vessels which bring oxygen and nutrients to the bone and remove waste products. Cortical bone is tunneled out in the shaft of long bones by a central medullary cavity which contains yellow bone marrow. Yellow bone marrow is chiefly composed of fatty connective tissue. Cancellous bone, sometimes called spongy bone, is much more porous and less dense than cortical bone. It is found in the epiphyses of long bones and in the middle portion of most other bones. Spaces in cancellous bone contain red bone marrow. This marrow, as opposed to yellow marrow which is fatty tissue, is richly supplied with blood and consists of immature and mature blood cells in various stages of development. In an adult, the ribs, pelvic bone, sternum, and vertebrae, as well as the epiphyses of long bones, contain red bone marrow within cancellous tissue. The red marrow in the long bones is plentiful in young children, but decreases through the years and is replaced by yellow marrow. Методична розробка для студентів до практичного заняття № 1 по темі «Bone Structure» (спеціальність «Лікувальна справа», І курс, ІI семестр) Text: Bone Structure Grammar: Present Indefinite Tense (Active and Passive Voice) (Revision) Мета практичного заняття № 1 1. Досягти повного оволодіння лексичним матеріалом до теми «Bone Structure» з метою його використання у різних видах мовленнєвої діяльності. 2. Засвоїти терміни, які відносяться до структури і функції кісток. 3. Описувати процеси формування кісток та їх росту. 4. Називати основні кістки тіла на малюнку. 5. Працювати над удосконаленням читання тексту. 6. Розвивати навики діалогічного та монологічного мовлення. 7. Повторити й узагальнити граматичний матеріал Present Continuous Active and Passive. Stages of the lesson І. Active Vocabulary Attachment - прикріплення Epiphyseal - епіфізарний Thigh [Өai] – стегно, стегнова кістка Cartilage ['ka:tilid ] - хрящ Wrist [rist] - зап'ясток To trigger – приводити в дію Ankle - щиколотка Periosteum [peri'ostiәm] – надкісниця, окістя Rib - ребро Fibrous ['faibrәs] – волокнистий Pelvic - тазовий Articular [a:'tikjulә] - суглобовий Sesamoid bone – сезамоїдна кістка To cushion ['ku n] – вставляти покладку Sesame ['sesәmi] – сезам, кунжут Cortical bone – кіркова кістка Grain - зерно Medullary cavity – мозкова порожнина Knee [ni:] - коліно Bone marrow – кістковий мозок Shaft – тіло довгої кістки Cancellous bone – сітчаста кістка Diaphysis - діафіз Sternum ['stә:nәm] - грудина Epiphysis - епіфіз II. Vocabulary and Speech Exercises І. Answer the following questions. 1. What does the musculoskeletal system include? 2. What is the inner core of bones composed of? 3. What types of bones do you know? 4. Where are the long bones found? 5. Are long bones strong or weak? 6. Where are the short bones found? 7. What flat bones do you know? 8. What do sesamoid bones resemble? 9. How is the shaft of a long bone called? 10. How is each end of a long bone called? 11. What does the epiphyseal line represent? 12. When does the epiphyseal plate close up and disappear? 13. What can you say about the periosteum? 14. What are the ends of long bones covered by? 15. Where does cortical bone lie? 16. What contains yellow bone marrow? 17. What is yellow bone marrow chiefly composed of? 18. How is cancellous bone sometimes called and why? 19. What do spaces in cancellous bone contain? 20. When does the red marrow in the long bones decrease? III. Grammar Exercises І. Open the brackets using the verbs in appropriate tense and voice. 1. The musculoskeletal system (to include) the bones, muscles, and joints. 2. Made the other day x-ray examination (to show) no evidence of short bone fracture. 3. In some years the red marrow in the long bones (to replace) by yellow marrow. 4. Long bones (to find) in the thigh, lower leg, and upper and lower arm. 5. Yesterday we (to study) the formation and structure of bones. 6. The shaft of a long bone (to call) the diaphysis. 7. These drugs (to help) blood vessels to bring oxygen and nutrients to the bone in an hour. 8. The doctor (to send) for an hour ago. 9. The periosteum (to be) a strong, fibrous, vascular membrane. 10. His ankle and knee (to operate) on last summer. 11. I (to get) an excellent mark in anatomy tomorrow, if I (to know) the main principles of bone formation. II. Translate into English. 1. Коли я стану хорошим фахівцем, я знатиму назви усіх кісток. 2. Минулого року мої друзі вступили до Івано-Франківського державного університету. 3. Кілька медичних статей стосовно кісткового мозку буде опубліковано в цьому науковому журналі наступного місяця. 4. Цей підручник з анатомії був написаний 10 років тому відомим англійським вченим. 5. Відомо, що СНІД – невиліковне захворювання. 6. Лікарню збудували 5 років тому. 7. Операції на мозку виконуються під мікроскопом. 8. Плазма – це рідка частина крові. 9. Дослідникам сказали підготувати все до експерименту. 10. Чи оглядали цього пацієнта вчора? 11. Запалення вуха лікують антибіотиками. 12. Завтра на уроці анатомії вивчатиметься будову кісток. 13. Цього пацієнта вилікувано за допомогою лікарських рослин. 14. Очікують, що хворий з переломом стегна незабаром одужає. 15. Вона намагалася виконувати свою роботу у хірургічному відділенні якнайкраще. 16. Кров постачає усі тканини і органи тіла киснем. 17. Коли буде написано реферат про структуру кісток? 2. The Skeleton The skeletal system consists of bones and tissues such as tendons, ligaments and cartilages that connect them. Bones are rather strong to keep the mass of the body and rather easy to do movements. The main function of the skeleton is to provide support for the body and to protect internal organs. The number of bones in the adult skeleton is over 200. The bones of the skull protect the brain and structures related to it, such as the sense organs. Muscles for controlling head movements and chewing motions are connected to the cranial bones. Sinuses, or air cavities, are located in specific places within the cranial bones to lighten the cranium and warm and moisten air as it passes through. All of the facial bones, except one, are joined together by sutures so that they are immovable. The mandible is the only facial bone capable of movement. This ability is necessary for activities such as mastication and speaking. The spinal column is composed of 26 bone segments, called vertebrae, which are arranged in five divisions from the base of the skull to the tailbone. The first seven bones of the spinal column, forming the neck bone, are the cervical vertebrae. These vertebrae do not articulate with the ribs. The second set of 12 vertebrae are known as the thoracic vertebrae. These vertebrae articulate with the 12 pairs of ribs. The third set of five vertebral bones are the lumbar vertebrae. They are the strongest and largest of the backbones. The sacrum is a slightly curved bone. The coccyx is a fused bone, having been formed from four small bones. The chest is composed of 12 thoracic vertebrae, the breastbone and 12 pairs of ribs. The breastbone is a flat bone extending down the middle of the chest. The uppermost part of the sternum articulates on the sides with the clavicle and ribs, while the lower, narrower portion is attached to the diaphragm and abdominal muscles. The basic part of the chest is formed from the ribs. On each side of the chest seven ribs are connected with the breastbone by cartilages. The cartilages of three other ribs are connected with each other and with the seventh rib. But the cartilages of these ribs are not connected with the breastbone. The eleventh and the twelfth ribs are not connected with the breastbone either. They are not connected with other ribs, they are free. All ribs are attached to the vertebral column dorsally, forming a cagelike structure which encloses the heart, lungs, etc. The pelvic girdle (hip bone) is a large bone that supports the trunk of the body and articulates with the leg bones and sacrum. The adult pelvic bone is composed of three pairs of fused bones: the ilium (the uppermost and largest portion), ischium (the posterior part), and pubis (the anterior part). The region within the ring of bone formed by the pelvic girdle is called the pelvic cavity. The rectum, sigmoid colon, bladder, and female reproductive organs lie there. The upper extremity consists of the following bones: humerus (upper arm bone), ulna (medial lower arm bone), radius (lateral lower arm bone), carpals (wrist bones), metacarpals (five radiating bones to the fingers) and phalanges (finger bones). The lower extremity is formed from the femur (thigh bone), patella (kneecap), tibia (largest of two lower bones of the leg), fibula (smaller of two lower leg bones), tarsals (ankle bone), metatarsals (five bones leading to the phalanges of the toes), phalanges of the toes. Методична розробка для студентів до практичного заняття № 2 по темі “The Skeleton” (Медичний факультет, курс І, модуль ІI ) Text: The Skeleton Grammar: Indefinite Tenses (Review) Term-elements: oss-, oste-, cost(o)- Мета практичного заняття № 2 1. Навчитися користуватися новими лексичними одиницями для побудови речень та використання їх у певних ситуаціях. 2. Навчитися формувати діалогічні єдності, вести бесіду на тему “The Skeleton”. 3. Вивчити терміни, що відносяться до структури і функції скелета. 4. Називати основні частини скелета. 5. Класифікувати кістки скелета. 6. Описувати структуру хребта. 7. Узагальнити граматичний матеріал Indefinite Tenses Stages of the Lesson I. Active Vocabulary tendon [ `tendэn] – сухожилля coccyx [ `k ksiks] – куприк ligament [ `ligэmэnt] – зв’язка breastbone [ `brestboun] – грудина cartilage [ `ka:tilid ] – хрящ clavicle [ `klævikl] – ключиця mastication – жування sacrum [ `seikrэm] – крижі vertebra [`vэ:tibrэ] – хребець ilium – клубова кістка (pl –ae) [i:] ischium – сіднична кістка tailbone – куприк pubis – лобкова кістка articulate – з’єднуватися rectum [ `rektэm] – пряма кишка cervical [ `sэ:vikэl] – шийний sigmoid colon – сигмоподібна кістка thoracic [ :`ræsik] – грудний humerus – плечова кістка lumbar [ `lΛmbэ ] – поперековий ulna – ліктьова кістка sacral [ `seikrэl] – крижовий phalanx [ `fælæŋks] – фаланга (pl phalanxes [ `f ælæŋksiz]) II. Vocabulary and Speech Exercises I. Explain the meaning of the following words and word-combinations. Use them in the situations of your own. Tendon, vertebral column, articulate, immovable, vital structures, sternum, anterior part, vertebra. II. Substitute the words in bold type by a word or a combination of words from the text. 1. The thorax consists of 12 thoracic vertebrae, the breastbone and 12 pairs of ribs. 2. The breastbone is a flat bone extending down the middle of the chest. 3. The pelvic girdle is a large bone that supports the trunk of the body. 4. The mandible is the only facial bone capable of movements. 5. The bones of the cranium protect the brain and structures related to it. III. Answer the following questions. 1. What does the skeletal system consists of? 2. What is the main function of the skeleton? 3. How many bones are there in the adult skeleton? 4. What is connected to the cranial bones? 5. What facial bone is immovable? 6. What is the spinal column composed of? 7. What is the breastbone? 8. What is the basic part of the chest formed from? 9. How many pairs of ribs is the chest composed of? 10. What ribs are free? 11. What bones compose the pelvic girdle? 12. What organs lie within the pelvic cavity? 13. What bones does the upper and lower extremities consist of? IV. Insert the missing words. 1. The … is the largest and longest bone in the trunk. 2. The skeleton of the head is called … . 3. In the Anatomy class medical students study the bones of the … . 4. In the … the bones of the extremities are longer than in the child. 5. On each … of the chest there are seven … which are connected with the … . V. Translate the following sentences into English. 1. Скелет - це динамічна структура з широкою мережею кровопоста- чання. Він постійно росте і відновлюється. 2. Хребетний стовп, ребра, грудина, кістки черепа утворюють головний скелет. 3. Грудна клітка може служити прикладом захисної функції скелету. 4. Деякі люди (наприклад з хворобою Дауна) мають на одну пару ребер менше, ніж звичайно. 5. Кістки черепа міцно з’єднані між собою швами. 6. Кістки відіграють важливу роль у функціонуванні інших систем організму. III. Grammar Exercises I. Memorize the meaning of the following term-elements. Oss- of Latin origin meaning bone Oste- of Greek origin meaning bone Cost(o)- of Latin origin meaning rib II. Read the definition and fill in the blanks with the words given in brackets. Consult the glossary. 1. A surgical instrument for cutting or dividing bones. – (…). 2. A tumour composed of bony tissue. – (…). 3. Resection of the rib. – (…). 4. Plastic surgery of auditory bones. – (…). 5. Pertaining to ribs and vertebrae. – (…). 6. A bone disease characterized by a softening of the bones, resulting from a deficiency in calcium salts found chiefly in adult women. – (…). 7. Bony substance formation. – (…) 8. Bad bone development having to do with the process of nutrition. – (…). 9. An instrument for ribs cutting. – (…). (Osteodystrophy, costovertebral, osteotome, osteoporosis, costotome ossiculoplasty, osteoma, costotomy, ossification. ) I. Open the brackets using the verbs in appropriate tense and voice. 1. As you (to grow) older, small bones (to join) together to make big ones. 2. We (to learn) the skeletal structure in Anatomy. 3. Yesterday the teacher (to tell) us about the structure of the skull. 4. Next week we (to have) a practical lesson dealing with the functions of the skeletal system. 5. The lecturer (to show) the structure of the chest yesterday? 6. Last week we (to write) a test paper about the bones structure. 7. The doctor (to examine) this patient with broken bones tomorrow? 8. The student (not to answer) the teacher’s questions how to strengthen the skeleton yesterday. 9. The shoulder girdle (to connect) the upper extremity with the trunk? II. Translate the following sentences into English. 1. Щодня я п’ю молоко для того, щоб зміцнити свій скелет. 2. Що ви робили вчора? Ми вивчали новий матеріал новий матеріал про структуру скелета. 3. Наступного тижня студенти детально вивчатимуть структуру грудної клітки. 4. Вчора я не читала текст про функції скелета. 5. Минулого року студенти вивчали, як лікувати переломи кісток. 6. Лікар накладатиме шину на зламану зап’ясткову кістку завтра? 7. Медсестра зазвичай заповнює температурні листки хворих. 3. Scoliosis A wide variety of disorders affect the muscles, joints and bones. These disorders may be caused by heredity, injury, inflammation or infection. In developing children bones may be misaligned. Such problems include scoliosis, in which the spine is curved abnormally, and variety of problems affecting the hipbones, thighbones, knees and feet. Often the problem resolves on its own, but sometimes it is caused by a disorder that must be treated. Scoliosis is an abnormal curvature of the spine. Scoliosis may occur as birth defect. When it develops later, no cause can be found in 75 percent of the cases: the rest are caused by polio, cerebral palsy, juvenile osteoporosis or other diseases. Mild scoliosis usually produces no symptoms. Fatigue in the back may be felt after prolonged sitting or standing. It may be followed by muscular pain in the back and eventually by more severe pain. Mild scoliosis may be discovered during a routine physical examination. To diagnose the condition, a doctor asks the child to bend forward and views the spine from behind, because the abnormal spinal curve can be seen more easily in this position. X-rays help to confirm the diagnosis. The prognosis depends on where the abnormal curve is, how severe it is, and when symptoms begin. Prompt treatment may prevent further deformity. Usually, a child who has scoliosis is treated by an orthopedic specialist. A brace or plaster cast may be worn to hold the spine straight. Sometimes electrospinal stimulation is performed. In this treatment, the spinal muscles are stimulated by tiny electrical currents that allow the spine to straighten. Sometimes surgery in which the vertebrae are fused together is needed; a metal rod may be inserted during surgery to keep the spine straight until the vertebrae have fused. Методична розробка для студентів до практичного заняття №3 по темі “Musculoskeletal Disorders”. (спеціальність “Лікувальна справа”, І курс, ІI семестр) Text. Scoliosis. Grammar. Continuous Tenses (Revision). Мета практичного заняття №3 1. Засвоїти активну лексику і використовувати її в різних видах мовленнєвої діяльності. 2. Навчитися підтримувати і вести бесіду за матеріалом теми. 3. Повторити граматичний матеріал Continuous Tenses. Stages of the Lesson І. Active Vocabulary heredity [hi’rediti] спадковість misaligned [misә'laind] викривлений to curve [k :v] гнутися, вигинатися curvature [‘k :v t] викривлення to resolve [ri’z lv] розв’язувати, polio [‘p uli u] juvenile osteoporosis ['d u:vinail] поліомієліт cerebral palsy ['p :lzi] ювенільний остеопороз fatigue [f ‘ti:g] церебральний параліч вирішувати втома to bend prompt [pr mpt] згинатись orthopedic [ :θ ‘pi:dik] ретельний ортопедичний brace plaster cast [‘ka:st ] бандаж, корсет tiny [‘taini] гіпсова пов’язка to fuse [fju:z] маленький з’єднувати rod стержень ІІ.Vocabulary and Speech Exercises I. Suggest the English equivalents for the following from the text: викривлені кістки; тривале сидіння; легка форма сколіозу; подальша деформація; біль у м’язах; гіпсова пов’язка. II. After reading the text “Scoliosis” tell which of the following statements are true or false. Correct the false statements to make them true: 1. All patients with scoliosis are treated by surgeons. 2. Mild scoliosis sometimes produces such symptoms as fatigue in the back and muscular pain in the back. 3. To diagnose the condition, a doctor asks the patient to jump and views the spine from behind. 4. A metal rod is inserted in all cases of scoliosis to keep the spine straight. 5. A brace or plaster cast may be worn to confirm the diagnosis. 6. Once scoliosis has occurred nothing can prevent further deformity. III. Ask one of your fellow-student: - what the musculoskeletal disorders may be caused by; - what the common symptoms of mild scoliosis are; - when mild scoliosis is usually discovered; - what the doctor usually does to diagnose scoliosis; - whether the X-rays help to confirm the diagnosis; - what the prognosis usually depends on; - what specialist the child with scoliosis is treated by. IV. Read and translate the text for supplementary reading: Rheumatic Fever Rheumatic fever is inflammation of joints (arthritis) and the heart (carditis) resulting from a streptococcal infection usually of the throat. Symptoms of rheumatic fever vary greatly, depending on which parts of the body become inflamed. Joint pain and fever are the most common first symptoms of arthritis. One or several joints suddenly become painful and feel tender when touched. They may also be red, hot and swollen and may contain fluid. Ankles, knees, elbows, wrists are commonly affected; the shoulders, hips and small joints of the hands and feet also may be affected. Inflammation of the heart often starts at the same time as the joint pain and fever. At first heart inflammation produces no symptoms. It may be discovered by a doctor who hears a heart murmur through a stethoscope. The symptoms of heart inflammation are often so mild that the heart damage may not be discovered until long after the other symptoms of rheumatic fever have disappeared. Heart inflammation disappeares gradually usually within 5 months. However it may permanently damage the heart valves, resulting in rheumatic heart disease. V. Answer the following questions: 1. What is rheumatic fever? 2. What do the symptoms depend on? 3. What are the major symptoms of arthritis? 4. When does inflammation of the heart often start? 5. How may the inflammation of the heart be discovered? III. Grammar Exercises I. Memorize the meaning of the following term-elements: Chondr(o)- [грец. сhondros хрящ] – хондр(о)- – частина складних слів, яка вказує на зв’язок з хрящем. Сhondroid – хрящоподібний [грец. mys хрящ] – мі(о)- – частина складних слів, яка вказує на зв’язок із My(o)м’язом. Myositis – запалення м’язів (міозит) II. Make up words with the above mentioned term-elements and explain their meaning: -oma, -carditis, - pathy, - spasm, -cyte, -tomy. III. Replace the infinitives in the brackets by the correct form of Continuous: 1. The nurse (to perform) electrospinal stimulation at this time tomorrow. 2. This patient (to wear) a plaster cast now. 3. When they entered the ward the doctor (to examine) the patient’s back. 4. The doctor’s assistant (to put) a brace on my back when suddenly I felt acute muscular pain. 5. Look, the doctor (to insert) a metal rod to keep the spine straight. 6. They (to learn) about a variety of disorders which affect the muscles, joints and bones the whole lesson yesterday. 7. - Where were you at 2 p.m. yesterday? - I (to go) to the hospital at that time. 8. - Can I call you tomorrow at 10 a.m.? - You’d better call me in the afternoon, because I (to make) the morning round from 9.00 till 11.00 o’clock. 9. The student (to prepare) for the exam the whole day tomorrow. IV. Translate into English: 1. Коли пацієнт згинався, то відчув сильний біль у м’язах. 2. Хірург буде оперувати хворого завтра приблизно з 10 до 11 години. 3. Коли лікар оглядав мою спину, медсестра вимірювала температуру хворого. 4. Поглянь, цей пацієнт одягнений в корсет для виправлення деформації хребта. 5. Коли чоловік підіймав важкий стіл, то відчув біль в спині. 6. B даний момент лікарі намагаються встановити причину сколіозу в пацієнтки. 7. Ми вчили анатомію вчора три години. 8. Медсестра накладає гіпсову пов’язку старшому чоловікові, тому не турбуйте її зараз. 9. Завтра о 12 годині на конференції студент буде зачитувати доповідь про основні принципи системи охорони здоров’я. 4. Skeletal Muscles Skeletal Muscles as Organs of the Muscular System. The skeletal muscles are the organs of the muscular system. They number over 400 in the human body. Each has an arterial, venous, lymphatic and nervous supply as well as a connective tissue framework, the whole constituting an independent unit. However, muscles never act singly but in groups. We seldom contract an individual muscle; we execute a movement, and in the performance of that movement whole groups of muscles are involved. Skeletal muscles, then, are grouped into a system which exhibits correlation and cooperation of its parts. Attachments of Muscles. Each striated muscle consists of a body and two attachments. The body contains the muscular tissue; the attachments are composed of white fibrous tissue. The attachment of muscle to bone may be one of three types: direct to the periosteum, by means of a tendon, or by means of an aponeurosis. In a direct attachment the white fibers of the connective tissue framework of the muscle fuse with the fibrous layers of the periosteum of the bone. A tendon is a band or cord of white fibrous tissue serving to connect a muscle to a bone. The sarcolemma and the connective tissue surrounding the muscle bundles fuse with the collagenous fibers of the tendon. An aponeurosis is a heavy sheet of white fibrous tissue serving to connect a muscle to a bone or in some instances to connect muscles. Origin and insertion. The most fixed attachment of a muscle which serves as a basis of action is called the origin. The movable attachment where the effects of movement are produced is the insertion. Generally the origin is near the spinal axis of the body while the insertion is peripheral. Muscle action. If the attachments of a muscle are known, its action may be determined by recalling that the insertion moves toward the origin when the muscle contracts. Muscles are arranged in opposing or antagonistic groups: flexors and extensors, adductors and abductors, internal rotators and external rotators. When the muscles flexing the forearm contract, the muscles which have the opposite effect, the extensors, are thrown into physiological relaxation, elongating and giving way to the movement. Методична розробка для студентів до практичного заняття №4 по темі “Skeletal Muscles”. (спеціальність “Лікувальна справа”, І курс, ІI семестр) Text. Skeletal Muscles. Grammar. Present Perfect Tense (Active). Мета практичного заняття №4 1. Засвоїти активну лексику і використовувати її в різних видах мовленнєвої діяльності. 2. Навчитися підтримувати і вести бесіду за матеріалом теми. 3. Вивчити терміни, що відносяться до структури м’язевої системи. 4. Навчитися класифікувати м’язи скелета. 5. Ознайомитися з граматичним матеріалом, навчитися розпізнавати і використовувати його у мовленні. Stages of the Lesson I. Active Vocabulary Arterial [α:΄tiәriәl] кісткова тканина tissue framework to constitute артеріальний ['k nstit u:t] складати, становити скорочувати to contract to execute ['eksikju:t] виконувати to be involved [in΄v lvd] бути залученим to exhibit [ig'zibit] показувати correlation [ֽk ri΄lei (ә)n] співвідношення striated muscle [strai'eitid] поперечно-посмугований м’яз periosteum надкісниця aponeurosis фасція, що огортає м’яз to surround [sә'raund] оточувати to fuse [fju:z] зливатися, сполучатися вкладка insertion antagonistic [æntægә΄nistik] протилежний adductor [ә'd ktә] привертач abductor [æb'd ktә] відвертач flexor ['fleksә] згинач extensor [iks'tensә] розгинач рухливий movable internal rotator [rәu'teitә] пронатор супінатор external rotator II. Vocabulary and Speech Exercises I. Which of the following statements are true or false? Correct the false statements to make them true. 1. The skeletal muscles are the organs of the respiratory system. 2. Muscles never act singly but in groups. 3. There are about 400 skeletal muscles in the human body. 4. A periosteum is a band or cord of white fibrous tissue serving to connect a muscle to a bone. 5. Each striated muscle consists of nerves and two bones. 6. Connective tissue is a heavy sheet of white fibrous tissue serving to connect a muscle to a bone. 7. The insertion is the movable attachment where the effects of movements are produced. 8. Flexor is the most fixed attachment of a muscle which serves as a basis of action. 9. Muscles are arranged in opposing or antagonistic groups. 10. The origin is peripheral and the insertion is near the spinal axis of the body. II. Answer the questions: 1. What muscles are the organs of the muscular system? 2. How do the muscles act? 3. What does the muscle consist of? 4. Are the attachments composed of the muscular tissue? 5. Name three types of muscle attachment to the bone. 6. What is a tendon? 7. What functions does the aponeurosis do? 8. What do we call “the origin”? 9. Where are the effects of movement produced? 10. In what groups are the muscles arranged? 11. Do flexors and adductors form the antagonistic group? 12. What effect is opposite to flexing? 13. How many muscles are in the human body? Present Perfect Tense I have worked. She has worked. Have you worked? Has it worked? We have not worked. He has not worked. Present Perfect is used with the following Past Indefinite is used with the following adverbial modifiers of time: adverbial modifiers of time: lately, since, not yet, recently, so far, yesterday, the day before yesterday, last today, this week, this year, never, ever, often, week, two days ago, on Monday, in July, in already, just, seldom, up to now 2005, and with the question word when. III. Grammar Exercises I. Make the following interrogative and negative. 1. Mary has bought some medicines for her brother. 2. The doctor has examined his back. 3. The nurse has given an injection to a patient. 4. They have taken this boy to hospital. 5. We have learned about skeletal muscles today. II. Replace the infinitives in brackets by the Present Perfect or Past Indefinite. 1. The students (to do) their homework. Now they can go to the cinema. 2. You ever (to be) to Paris? – Yes, I (to be) there last year. 3. I already (to take) the temperature. 4. I (to take) the temperature 10 minutes ago. 5. I’m sorry. I (to break) the glass. 6. You (to finish) the operation already? 7. When (to finish) the operation? 8. I (to see) the nurse in the ward when I was passing by. 9. I just (to see) the nurse in the hall. 10. You (to talk) to the doctor today? III. Translate into English: 1. Вчора вона ходила в аптеку купити мазь від болю в спині. 2. Марта вже знайшла таблетки від кашлю. 3. Ви приймали вчора якісь ліки, коли у вас боліли суглоби? – Ні, але сьогодні біль сильніший і я щойно прийняв знеболююче. 4. Ви коли-небудь були в Лондоні? – Так, я їздив туди минулого року. 5. Лікар ще не закінчив операцію. 6. – Де медсестра? – Вона вийшла. – Я бачила її в операційній кімнаті кілька хвилин тому. 7. Я не був у Києві з того часу як закінчив медичний університет. 8. Ми обговорили структуру мязової системи на минулому занятті. 9. Скільки разів на цьому тижні ти робив процедури, які тобі порадив лікар? 10.Ви бачили йоого останнім часом? 5. Soft Tissue Traumas Soft Tissue Traumas can result from different cases. There are different types of tissue and organ damage. They are: burns, electrical traumas, radiation traumas, cold traumas etc. A burn is an injury to tissue resulting from heat, chemicals or electricity. The skin is usually the part of the body that’s burned, the tissues under it can also be burned and internal organs can be burned even when the skin is not. Tissues that are burned may die. When tissues are damaged by a burn, fluid leaks from blood vessels, causing swelling. The severity of burn depends on the amount of tissue affected and the depth of the injury. An electrical injury is damage that occurs when electricity passes through the body, either burning soft tissue or interfering with the function of an internal organ. It can severely burn and destroy tissues depending on the duration of exposure. The duration of exposure is important. The longer the exposure, the greater the amount of tissue damaged. Traumas to tissues can also be caused by brief exposure to high levels of radiation. Various parts are harmed by radiation. They are: intestines, bone marrow, muscles, tendon, genetic material of cell etc. Another type of soft tissue trauma is cold injury, which include hypothermia, the cooling of the whole body to a potentially dangerous temperature; frostbite, in which some body tissues are destroyed. Frostbite is more likely to occur in people who have poor circulation because of arteriosclerosis, spasms – which may be caused by smoking, some neurologic disorders and certain drugs or constriction of blood flow. This type of trauma is caused by a combination of decreased blood flow and the formation of ice crystals in the tissues. The skin becomes red, swollen and painful then black. Cells in the chilled areas die. Depending on the extent of the frostbite, the affected tissue may eventually recover or gangrene may develop. Complications of fractures consist in mal-union, delayed union or non-union. The early complications of a fracture all occur in the surrounding soft tissues, either due to damage from within, the bone ends damaging important structures, or from without, as a result of the direct violence of the injury. The damages include the skin, muscles and tendons, nerves, blood vessels. Minor crushing injuries, such as may follow direct blows, produce only bruising, which is due to damage to the capillary blood vessels in the subcutaneous fat, and causes local swelling and blue coloration of the skin, knows as hematoma. Resuscitation measures fall into two categories – the control of pain and the maintenance of an adequate blood pressure. Measures to combat tetanus must be taken in all patients brought to hospital with open wounds. Later management begins after the patient has been moved to a ward. Ideally, this should be a resuscitation ward, linked with the casualty department, where all the facilities necessary to deal with such patients are available. Local and general wide-spectrum antibiotics should be administered in all but trivial cases. Методична розробка для студентів до практичного заняття №5 по темі “Soft Tissue Traumas”. (спеціальність “Лікувальна справа”, І курс, ІI семестр) Text. Soft Tissue Traumas. Grammar. Present Perfect. Мета практичного заняття №5 1. Засвоїти активну лексику і використовувати її у мовленні. 2. Навчитися вести бесіду за матеріалом теми. 3. Повторити граматичний матеріал Present Perfect Active. Stages of the Lesson I. Active Vocabulary delayed union сповільнена консолідація frostbite відморожене місце mal-union неправильне зрощення resuscitation [ris si´tei∫n] реанімація hypothermia гіпотермія (зниження температури тіла) fluid рідина gangrene гангрена burn [bru:z] опік bruise синець, гематома non-union незрощення II. Vocabulary and Speech Exercises I.Translate the following words and word-combinations into Ukrainian: electrical injury, tissue trauma, burn, frostbite, fluid, swollen skin, chilled areas, resuscitation, casualty department, fracture, wide-spectrum antibiotics, wound, tetanus. II. Answer the questions to the text: 1. What types of tissue traumas do you know? 2. What parts are damaged in burns? 3. What is the electrical injury? 4. What is called hypothermia? 5.The early complications of a fracture occur in the surrounding soft tissues, don’t they? 6. What is known as hematoma? 7. What categories do resuscitation measures fall into? III. Put in the missing words’ from the text: 1. There are different types of tissue and organ … . 2. Tissues that are burned may … . 3. Traumas to tissues can also be caused by brief exposure to high levels of … . 4. Local and general wide-spectrum antibiotics should be administered in all but trivial … 5. Depending on the extent of the frostbite, the affected tissue may eventually recover or . gangrene may … . IV. Substitute the words in bold type by a word or a combination of words from the text. 1. There are different types of tissue and organ injury. 2. Various parts are damaged by radiation. 3. Frostbite is more likely to occur in people who have bad circulation. 4. Another type of soft tissue trauma is cooling of the body to a dangerous temperature. 5. Minor crushing injuries produce only hematoma. III. Grammar Exercises I. Translate the following sentences into Ukrainian, paying attention to Present Perfect: 1. The patient has sustained a major trauma. 2. The sanitary transport has just delivered the injured person from place of a street. 3. He has not wipe the skin around the burn with alcohol yet. 4. I have already massaged the frostbitten parts of the body. 5. These affected tissues haven’t recovered for a long time. II. Use Present Perfect or Past Indefinite in the following sentences: 1. Have you (to have) a fall or hurt yourself in any way? 2. Two days ago she (to have) serious injuries. 3. The doctor just (to open) large blisters. 4. Have you ever (to use) novocaine solution in burns? 5. Smoking (to cause) spasms. 6. The traumatologist just (to examine) a child with sports trauma. 7. She (to see) these bites today. 8. She (to see) these bites yesterday. 9. He (to be injured) in road trauma last year. 10. The boy (to have) injury of soft tissues this week. 6. Digestive System and Digestion The human body needs energy for its functioning. Our body assimilates proteins, fats, carbohydrates and other nutrients. The digestion of food begins in the mouth where it is moistered with saliva. In the tongue papillae (lingual papillae) there are the taste receptors. Over the mucous membrane of the oral cavity there are many tactile, temperature and pain receptors. The teeth, the gums, the soft and hard palates and the salivary glands are important structures located in the oral cavity. In the oral cavity the food must be well chewed between the teeth. Then the food passes through the pharynx (throat) and down through the esophagus (gullet) into the stomach. The stomach is composed of a fundus (upper part), a body (middle part) and an antrum (lower, distal part). The upper opening of the stomach is called the cardiac sphincter and the lower one — pyloric. The folds in the mucous membrane lining the stomach are called rugae. In the stomach the components of food are dissolved and hydrolysed by enzymes of saliva and gastric juice. Different gastric glands are found in the stomach. They produce hydrochloric acid and pepsin to digest food. The gastric juice secreted by the stomach possesses antibacterial activity. Further digestion and absorbtion of food into the blood takes place in the small intestine. After portions of the stomach contents enter into the duodenum they turn acid, but then the reaction rapidly changes because the hydrochloric acid of the gastric juice is neutralized by the bile, the juice of the pancreas, the juice of the duodenal glands and intestinal crypts. The bile comes from the liver and gallbladder by means of special ducts. The pancreatic juice, a colourless clear fluid contains sodium, potassium chlorides and is rich in enzymes which digest proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Food passes in peristaltic waves from the duodenum to the jejunum and the ileum, which is attached to the large intestine. The entire small intestine has many projections called villi. The products of digestion are absorbed into the blood and lymph. The remaining part of food from the small intestine pass into the large intestine which consists of cecum, colon, sigmoid colon and rectum. The process of digestion is completed in the large intestine by the absorption of water. Методична розробка для студентів до практичного заняття №6 по темі “Gastro-Intestinal Tract”. (спеціальність “Лікувальна справа”, І курс, IІ семестр) Text. Castro-Intestinal Tract. Grammar. Past Perfect Tense. Term Elements gastro-, enter(o)-, proct(o)-. Мета практичного заняття №6 1. Засвоїти активну лексику. 2. Вивчити терміни, що відносяться до теми “Gastro-Intestinal Tract”. 3. Вивчити граматичний матеріал Past Perfect. 4. Виконувати вправи з вивченої граматичної теми. Stages of the Lesson Active Vocabulary tongue [t ŋ] язик papilla [p 'pil ] сосочок язика pharynx ['færiŋks] глотка throat [θrout] горло esophagus [i(:)'s f gullet ['g l t] стравохід saliva [s 'laiv ] слина enzyme ['enz(a)im] фермент; ензим bile [bail] жовч ruga ['ru: ] s] стравохід складка, зморшка gallbladder [' :lblæd ] жовчний міхур sodium ['s udj m] натрій potassium [p 'tæsj m] калій villus ['vil s] ворсинка cecum ['si:k m] сліпа кишка Vocabulary and Speech Exercises І. Explain the meaning of the following words and word-combinations. Use them in the sentences of your own: to be moistered with smth.; taste receptors; mucous membrane; oral cavity; gastric juice; further digestion; hydrochloric acid; small intestine; large intestine; sigmoid colon; peristaltic waves. ІІ. Suggest the English equivalents for the following from the text: травлення; шлунково-кишковий тракт; шлунок; печінка; підшлункова залоза; жовч; ферменти; вуглеводи; жовчний міхур; їжа; дванадцятипала кишка; тонкий кишечник; товстий кишечник; язик; зуби; рецептори. ІIІ. Answer the questions: 1. Where does the digestion begin? 2. What are the important structures in the oral cavity? 3. What receptors are over the mucous membrane of the oral cavity? 4. In what way does the digestion take place in the small intestine? 5. What is the content of the pancreatic juice? 6. Where are the products of digestion absorbed? 7. Where is the process of digestion completed? ІV. Say what organ is spoken about: a) This organ is the largest gland in the human body. It is in the upper part of the abdominal cavity under the diaphragm in the right side of the abdomen. Its upper surface is convex. This organ consists of small lobules connected together by connective tissue, different vessels and nerves. b) This organ is pyriform (грушовидний) in shape. It is a dilated portion of the alimentary canal. It is in the upper part of the abdomen under the diaphragm. The liver is above this organ, and the colon is below it. The pancreas is behind this organ. V. Choose the anatomic terms for the following: 1. the organ of tasting gullet 2. the roof of the mouth 3. the organ for containing food and digestion of it stomach tongue 4. the organ of chewing teeth 5. the tube through which food passes from pharynx to the stomach palate Grammar Exercises Past Perfect Tense Affirmative: The doctor had performed the operation by that time yesterday. Negative: The doctor hadn’t performed the operation by that time yesterday. Interrogative: Had the doctor performed the operation by that time yesterday? I. Make up sentences on the table: I w performed the operation e made the report h translated the article e s he ha d i t y ( not) by the time made his morning round you came read the book by that time written a test by three o’clock made an injection before the door bell rang palpated the abdomen before the telephone rang read and translated the text by 9 o’clock solved all problems ou t bought the new equipment hey II. Open the brackets, using the verbs in the Past Perfect Tense: 1. I (to translate) the text before the bell. 2. She (to do) her lessons by the evening. 3. Mother (to cook) dinner by 7 o’clock. 4. Her son (not to do) the home task by 9 o’clock. 5. What they (to translate) by 3 o’clock? 6. They (to perform) an operation by that time? 7. We (to have) dinner by 4 o’clock. 8. His child (not to do) to bed by 10 o’clock. 9. He (to make) a report by Monday. 10. You (to visit) them before they moved? III. Open the brackets using the verb into Past Simple or Past Perfect: 1. When he (to come), the doctor (to finish) the operation. 2. I (to know) that he (not to do) the exercise. 3. My friend (to study) English before he (to enter) the University. 4. He (to take) the decision before I (to come). 5. The doctor (to return) from hospital by 6 o’clock. 6. They (not to get) to the University at 8 o’clock, the lesson already (to start). 7. The doctor (to arrive) when we already (to help him). 8. Ann (to return) from the University by 5 o’clock. 9. He (to be sure) that we (not to recognize) him. 10. You (to find) the key which you (to lose) before? IV. 1. Translate into English: Лікар завершив операцію прямої кишки до 3 год. 2. Студент переклав цей текст, до того як мама прийшла додому. 3. Лікар Петренко зробив свій ранковий обхід до 10 год. 4. Гастроентеролог обстежив пряму кишку пацієнта за допомогою проктоскопу до цього часу вчора. Вчені вирішили цю проблему до кінця року. 5. Memorize the meaning of the following term-elements: gastr(o)- – means “pertaining to the stomach” gaestrectomy [gæs´trekt mi] – excision of the stomach enter(o)- – means “pertaining to the intestine” enteroptosis [ֽent rop'tousis] – falling of the intestines proct(o)- – means “pertaining to the rectum” proctectomy [ֽpr k´tekt mi] – surgical removal of the rectum I. Read and translate the following terms. Memorize the meaning of the term-element “gastro-” - шлунок: gastroenterologist, gastroenterology, gastrology, gastrotherapy, gastrotomy, gastro-intestinal, gastromalacia, gastronephritis, gastropancreatitis, gastropathy. II. one: Match the words in the left part of the table with the appropriate definitions in the right gastrocardiac stomachpain gastrocolitis any disease of the intestines gastrocolotomy pertaining to stomach and skin gastrocutaneous intestinepain gastrodiaphany inflammation of the stomach and the sigmoid column gastroduodenect plastic surgery of the rectum gastrodynia pertaining to stomach and heart gastroenteric incision of the stomach and the sigmoid column enterocolitis examination of the stomach by a special diagnostic apparatus enterodynia surgical removal of the stomach and the duodenum enteropathy gastrointestinal enteron inflammation of the small and large intestines enterotomy rectumspasm enterorenal the incision of the intestine enterotome the examination of the rectum by the special diagnostic apparatus enteropathogen small intestine proctocolitis a special surgical instrument used during proctotomy proctography pertaining to the intestine and the kidney proctorrhagia the surgical instrument, used for the incision of the intestine omy proctoscopy rectumbleeding proctotome the inflammation of the sigmoid column and the rectum proctospasm microorganism, that causes the diseases of the intestines proctoplasty the examination of the rectum by the proctoscope 7. Stomach The stomach is a large, bean-shaped, hollow, muscular organ consisting of three regions: the cardia, the body (fundus), and the antrum. Food enters the stomach from the esophagus by passing through a ring-shaped muscle (sphincter), which opens and closes. The sphincter normally prevents the contents of the stomach from flowing back into the esophagus. The stomach serves as a storage area for food, contracting rhythmically and mixing the food with enzymes. The cells lining the stomach secrete three important substances: mucus, hydrochloric acid, and the precursor of pepsin (an enzyme that breaks down proteins). Mucus coats the cells of the stomach lining to protect them from being damaged by acid and enzymes. Any disruption of this layer of mucus – from infection by the bacterium Helicobacter pylori, for example, or from aspirin – can result in damage that leads to a stomach ulcer. Hydrochloric acid provides the highly acidic environment needed for pepsin to break down proteins. The stomach’s high acidity also serves as a barrier against infection by killing most bacteria. Acid secretion is stimulated by nerve impulses to the stomach, gastrin (a hormone released by the stomach), and histamine (a substance released by the stomach). Pepsin is responsible for about 10 percent of protein breakdown. It’s the only enzyme that digests collagen, which is a protein and a major constituent of meat. Only a few substances, such as alcohol and aspirin, can be absorbed directly from the stomach and only in small amounts. The stomach releases food into the duodenum, the first segment of the small intestine. Food enters the duodenum through the pyloric sphincter in amounts that the small intestine can digest. When full, the duodenum signals the stomach to stop emptying. The duodenum receives pancreatic enzymes from the pancreas and bile from the liver. These fluids, which enter the duodenum through the opening called the sphincter of Oddi, are important in aiding digestion and absorption. Peristalsis also aids digestion and absorption by mixing food with intestinal secretions. The first few inches of the duodenal lining are smooth, but the rest of the lining has folds, small projections (villi), and even smaller projections (microvilli). These villi and microvilli increase the surface area of the duodenal lining, allowing for greater absorption of nutrients. The rest of the small intestine, located below the duodenum, consists of the jejunum and the ileum. This part of the small intestine is largely responsible for the absorption of fats and other nutrients. The intestinal wall is richly supplied with blood vessels that carry the absorbed nutrients to the liver through the portal vein. The intestinal wall releases mucous, which lubricates the intestinal contents, and water, which helps dissolving the digested fragments. Small amounts of enzymes that digest proteins, sugars and fats are also released. Методична розробка для студентів до практичного заняття №7 по темі “Stomach”. (спеціальність “Лікувальна справа”, І курс, IІ семестр) Text. Stomach. Grammar. Future Perfect Tense. Мета практичного заняття №7 Засвоїти активну лексику і використовувати її в різних видах мовленнєвої 1. діяльності. 2. Вивчити терміни, що відносяться до теми “Stomach”. 3. Продовжити вивчення граматичного матеріалу Future Perfect Tense. Stages of the Lesson I. Active Vocabulary bean-shaped [bi:n∫eipt] бобоподібний hollow ['h lou] порожнистий antrum ['æntr m] порожнина fundus (pl. fundi) [f nd s] дно (органа) esophagus [i(:)'s f g s] стравохід mucus ['mju:k s] слиз precursor [pri:'k :s ] пропепсин (попередник) круговий м’яз ring-shaped muscle pyloric sphincter [p ‘l rik] пілоричний сфінктер peristalsis [p villus (pl. villi) [v jejunum [d i’d u:n m] тонка кишка ileum [ilj m] клубова кишка ] ] перистальтика ворсинка II. Vocabulary and Speech Exercises I. Answer the following questions: 1. What is the stomach? 2. What is the role of the sphincter? 3. Does the stomach serve as a releasing or storage area for food? 4. What three important substances do the cells lining the stomach secrete? 5. How do the mucous coats of the cells function? 6. What can lead to a stomach ulcer? 7. What is acid secretion stimulated by? 8. What is pepsin responsible for? 9. Are all substances absorbed directly from the stomach in large amounts? 10. Where does the stomach release food into? 11. When does the duodenum signal the stomach to stop empting? 12. What is the function of the duodenum? IІ. Suggest the English equivalents for the following from the text: глотка; стравохід; фермент; секреція; їжа; білок; соляна кислота; порожнина; дно (органа), жовч, гладке покриття, площа покриття, поживні речовини. ІII. Choose the anatomic terms for the following: 1. The movable muscular structure attached to the floor of the mouth. 2. The muscular membranous cavity leading from the mouth and nasal passages to the larynx and esophagus. 3. The tube through which food passes from the pharynx to the stomach. 4. The organ for containing food and digestion of it. IV. Choose the words that correctly complete each of the following sentences: 1. Alimentary canal begins at the (mouse, mouth) and ends at the anus. 2. The (rough, roof, ruff) of the mouth is called palate. 3. By the movements of the (tan, tang, tongue, ton, tone) and cheeks the food is turned about and chewed. 4. The (leaps, lips) form the opening to the oral cavity. 5. The pancreatic juice is (reach, rich) in enzymes which digest proteins, fats and carbohydrates. 6. The tongue has papillae which contain (sells, seals, cells, seels) sensitive to the chemical nature of food. 7. Pharynx is a passageway for (ear, air, are) from the nasal cavity to the larynx (voice box) and for food going from the mouth to esophagus. 8. The muscular soft palate (lies, lays) posterior to the hard palate. 9. The gastric juice in the stomach acts on (meet, meat). III. Grammar Exercises The Future Perfect Tense I shall have done We shall have done He will have done She You will have done They It The therapeutist will have examined the patient by 10 o’clock tomorrow. Will the therapeutist have examined the patient by 10 o’clock tomorrow? The therapeutist won’t have examined the patient by 10 o’clock tomorrow. I. Choose the right form of the verb. 1. The surgeon (operates, will be operating, will have operated) this patient tomorrow from nine till twelve. 2. He (will translate, is translating, will have translated) the text about gastritis before they come back. 3. The doctor (prescribes, will have prescribed, is prescribing) him soft diet right now. 4. The physician (fills in, will have filled in, have filled in) the case history by four o’clock on Monday. 5. My sister (will have returned, returns, will return) from the sanatorium by the end of the 6. We (will have learnt, will learn, are learning) the physiological functions of the stomach week. by the end of the lesson. 7. People who smoke and drink alcohol usually (suffer, are suffering, will have suffered) from peptic ulcer. 8. She (took, is taking, will have taken) the prescribed drugs for diarrhea before she (feels, felt, will feel) stomachache. 9. Our group-mate (returned, will have returned, is returning) from the seaside before the academic year (will begin, have begun, begins). 10. The patient (doesn’t feel, won’t feel, won’t have felt) sharp stomachache after he (will have taken, will take, has taken) the prescribed analgetics. II. Translate the following sentences into English. 1. Лікар випише цього пацієнта з лікарні до кінця місяця. 2. Лаборант зробить аналіз шлункового соку до того, як хворий покине палату. 3. Він не перекладе текст про гастрит до 6 години. 4. Медсестра провітрить палату до того часу, коли я повернуся? 5. Студенти-медики вивчать багато терміноелементів до кінця семестру. 6. Черговий лікар проведе ранковий обхід до 10 години ранку. 7. Вона повернеться з міжнародної конференції лікарів-гастроентерологів до кінця тижня? 8. Студенти не завершать експеримент до 3 год. 9. Лікар виписав рецепт хворому, що скаржився на біль у шлунку, до того, як медсестра увійшла до кабінету. 10. Після того як старша медсестра дозволить нам зайти у палату, ми дізнаємось про самопочуття Андрія. 11. Лікар призначить ці ліки у формі внутрішньом’язевих ін’єкцій або орально після їжі після того, як проведе повний медичний огляд пацієнта. 12. Якщо ми матимемо вільний час, ми переглянемо цю наукову телепередачу про методи лікування захворювань шлунка ще до наступного заняття. 13. Якщо я швидко знайду хірургічне відділення, я побачу брата ще до того, як лікарі заберуть його на операцію. 14. Видавці опублікують статтю щодо методів профілактики гастриту у науковому журналі, після того як студенти уважно прослухають доповідь на цю тему. 15. Вони складуть екзамен з англійської мови до другої години в четвер? 8. The Liver The liver is the largest gland of the body. It is a soft plastic organ located in the right upper quadrant of the abdominal cavity. The liver consists of two principal lobes. The cells of the liver are arranged in lobules. These are elongated, polygonal structures, having five, six or seven sides. Blood is brought to the liver from two sources: from the digestive tract and spleen by the portal vein and from the aorta through the hepatic artery. The portal vein on reaching the liver divides into branches which come into relation to the circumference of the lobule. These branches in turn give off interlobular veins which run between the lobules. The hepatic veins, usually two or three in number, empty into the inferior vena cava. The hepatic artery is distributed chiefly to the interlobular connective tissue and its contained structures. This artery contributes about one fourth of the total blood supply of the liver. The most obvious function of the liver is the formation of a thick, yellowish-brown, sometimes greenish, fluid called bile. Bile contains cholesterol (a fatty substance), bile acids, and several bile pigments. One of these bile pigments is called bilirubin. Bilirubin is a waste product produced when hemoglobin from destroyed red blood cells is broken down in the liver. The liver then combines bilirubin with bile and both are excreted through the digestive system. Bile acts as an emulsifier with detergent-like effect on the fats in the duodenum. This allows for more successful enzymatic digestive action of the pancreatic juice. Without bile most of the fat taken into the body would remain undigested. The liver besides producing bile has many other vital and important functions in the body. Some of these are keeping the amount of glucose (sugar) in the blood at a normal level; manufacturing protein substances; destruction of worn-out red blood cells; removal of poisons or toxins from the blood and formation of antibodies to fight diseases; production of urea; stimulation of red bone marrow; heat production and many others. Методична розробка для студентів до практичного заняття №8 по темі “The Liver”. (спеціальність “Лікувальна справа”, І курс, ІI семестр) Text. The Liver. Grammar. Perfect Tenses (Active) (Revision). Мета практичного заняття №8 1. Засвоїти активну лексику теми і використовувати її в різних видах мовлення. 2. Навчитися підтримувати бесіду за матеріалом теми, використовуючи медичну термінологію. 3. Виконувати тренувальні вправи по граматичній темі. Stages of the Lesson I. Active Vocabulary red bone marrow [b vn] [´mær v] червоний кістковий мозок pancreatic juice [´pænkri tik] сік підшлункової залози elongated [´i:l ŋgeitid] видовжений waste product [weist] продукт розпаду detergent-like effect [di´tε:d ( )nt] очищуюча дія emulsifier [i´m lsifai r] емульгатор lobule [´l bju:l] долька hepatic [hi´pætik] печінковий bile [bail] жовч urea [´ju( )ri ] сечовина lobe [l vb] доля gland [glænd] залоза II. Vocabulary and Speech Exercises I. Suggest the English equivalents for the following from the text: залоза; травна система; воротарна вена; печінкова артерія; порожниста вена; жовч; жири; життєві функції; виведення токсинів і отруйних речовин; кістковий мозок. II. After reading the text “The Liver” tell which of the following statements are true or false. Correct the false statements to make them true: 1. The liver is the smallest gland of the body. 2. The liver consists of two principal lobes. 3. Lobules are elongated polygonal structures. 4. Bilirubin is a fatty substance. 5. Bile acts as heat producer. 6. Liver has a few vital function in the body. III. Answer the following questions to the text: 1. Where is the liver located in the human body? 2. What are the sources of blood supply to the liver? 3. What is the most obvious function of the liver? 4. How is bilirubin produced? 5. What is the action of bile in the organism? 6. What other vital and important functions of the liver do you know? IV. Read and translate the text for supplementary reading. Entitle it: The liver continuously releases bile that travels down the hepatic duct to the cystic duct. The cystic duct leads to the gallbladder, a pear-shaped sac under the liver which stores and concentrates bile for later use. After meals, in response to the presence of food in the stomach and duodenum, the gallbladder contracts, forcing the bile out the cystic duct and into the common bile duct which joints with the pancreatic duct just before the entrance to the duodenum. The duodenum receives a mixture of bile and pancreatic juice. V. Match the following English word combinations with the Ukrainian ones: 1. hepatic duct 1. дванадцятипала кишка 2. gallbladder 2. протока підшлункової залози 3. duodenum 3. жовчний міхур 4. cystic duct 4. загальна жовчна протока 5. pancreatic duct 6. common bile duct 5. міхурова протока 6. печінкова протока III. Grammar Exercises I. Translate the following sentences. Make them negative and interrogative: 1. The students will have written the test by 2 o’clock tomorrow. 2. The researchers have solved the problem of diabetes mellitus. 3. We have already carried out the investigation. 4. Our scientists will have fulfilled their investigation by January. 5. The doctor had given the patient some kinds of medicine by that time. 6. The teacher has just explained the rule. 7. She had prepared the report by the time you came. 8. The students had translated the article before the bell rang. 9. The scientist will have solved the problem by the end of the year. 10. I shall have done all the exercises by 7 o’clock. II. Open the brackets using Present Perfect or Past Simple: 11. The teacher (to enter) already the room. 12. We (to make) different investigation last term. 13. I (to know) this doctor for 5 years. 14. He (not to see) him since January. 15. I (not to fulfill) my investigation yet. 16. He (to enter) the University last year. 17. Now I can retell the text. I (to learn) all the new words. 18. Is he still reading this article? – No, he just (to read) it. 19. It (to stop) mowing two hours ago. 20. You ever (to live) in a foreign country? III. Replace the infinitives in brackets by the Past Indefinite or the Past Perfect: 1. The student (to pass) all his exams by the end of December. 2. They (to fulfill) their research work by Monday. 3. The researcher (to solve) this problem last month. 4. We (to discuss) the report by 4 o’clock in the afternoon. 5. The student (to write) a test yesterday. 6. My friend (to study) English before he (to enter) the University. 7. He (to take) the decision before I (to come). 8. You (to get) home before it (to start) raining? 9. The doctor (to arrive) when we already (to help) him. 10. You (to find) your key which you (to lose) before? IV. Translate into English: 1. Студенти вже прочитали та переклали цей текст. 2. Лікар закінчив свій ранковий обхід до 10 год. ранку. 3. Іра щойно завершила свою дослідницьку роботу. 4. Я прочитаю цю статтю про печінку як найбільшу залозу тіла до 3 год. завтра. 5. Вони збудували нову лікарню до 1-го серпня. 6. Мої батьки були раді, коли почули, що я склав іспит. 7. Коли вона прийшла? – Вони прийшла, коли ми вже повечеряли. 8. Він був стомлений, бо перекладав дуже велику і складну статтю. 9. Мама вже приготує обід до того часу, як я прийду додому. 10. Він не напише статтю до понеділка. 9. Liver Diseases Among liver diseases the most common are Botkin’s disease, jaundice and acute cholecystitis. Botkin’s disease or the so-called epidemic or infectious hepatitis, is an acute viral disease affecting hepatic cells and bile ducts. This disease more commonly affects children, adults as well as elderly persons suffering from it frequently too. Botkin’s disease is known to be caused by a filterable virus present in the blood, liver and found in stool and urine. The virus is infective only for man. As this virus can not be seen under a usual microscope, it is revealed only by an electronic one. Being highly infective the virus survived in water, food and on hands for days and weeks. In hepatitis the source of virus is a sick person who may spread the infection by personal contact from the last days of the incubation period during the entire course of the disease. But the infection is particularly virulent in the prodromal period and in the first week of the disease. The patient’s blood being highly infective, even a small dose of 0,1 ml may be dangerous for a person. In case of Virus A hepatitis infection enters the body through the mouth when eating infected food or drinking water. In case of Virus B hepatitis infection enters parenterally during transfusions of blood, plasma and serum, prophylactic vaccinations or is due to inadequately sterilized instruments. Epidemic (Virus A) hepatitis most commonly occurs late in autumn, early in winter or in spring. The incubation period lasts from 14 days to 50 days, but in Virus B hepatitis it is from 2 to 6 – 8 months. Botkin’s disease causes inflammatory changes and degeneration of hepatic cells and damage to the bile ducts due to which bile enters the lymph flow and subsequently the blood. The tissues of the spleen, gallbladder and the nervous and endocrine systems become involved simultaneously with the liver. Jaundice is a symptom common to many disturbances and diseases of the liver, such as obstruction of the bile ducts, cancer etc. In jaundice the skin and the sclerae take on a yellowish colour which may vary in its intensity. Even the serum of the blood is bile-coloured. Jaundice is frequently accompanied by severe itching. The pulse is usually slow, and there is a tendency to haemorrhage. In advanced cases nervous symptoms may develop. Jaundice being caused by obstruction, the bile cannot pass to the intestines and the stools are of a white colour. The urine is deeply coloured. In toxic jaundice the stools may be of normal colour or deeply bile-coloured. Infectious jaundice in adults has been found to be due to a virus. It is characterized by fever, vomiting, jaundice and haemorrhage from the nose, intestines, etc. Jaundice is not an uncommon complication of pneumonia. Методична розробка для студентів до практичного заняття № 9 по темі “Liver Diseases”. (спеціальність “Лікувальна справа”, І курс, ІI семестр) Text. Liver Diseases. Grammar. Modal Verbs (can, may) and their equivalents. Term Elements hepat(o)-, chole-. Мета практичного заняття № 9 1. Засвоїти активну лексику теми; тренувати її використання в різних видах вправ. 2. Навчитися вести бесіду за матеріалом теми, оперуючи вивченою медичною термінологією. 3. Повторити граматичну тему “Modal Verbs”. 4. Виконувати тренувальні граматичні вправи. Stages of the Lesson Active Vocabulary jaundice ['d жовтяниця, жовтушність [k lisis't холецистит [¸hep гепатит :ndis] cholecyst itis itis] hepatitis 'taitis] filterable ['filt r bl] вірус, що фільтрується urine ['ju rin] сеча prodroma ['pr продромальний, що передує хворобі virus l droum l] parentera lly парентерально (спосіб введення в організм [p 'rent r безпосередньо, але не через рот, наприклад, через li] внутрішньовенну ін’єкцію) inflamma tory [in'flæm запальний t( )ri] [dis'tε:b( пошкодження [ b'str k∫( закупорка sclera ['skli r ] склера (очне яблуко) haemorrh ['hem rid кровотеча disturban ce )ns] obstructi on )n] (ae) age ] Vocabulary and Speech Exercises I. Suggest the English equivalents for the following from the text: інфекційний гепатит; гостре вірусне захворювання; жовчні протоки; джерело вірусу; інкубаційний період; перебіг захворювання; переливання крові; сильний свербіж; токсична жовтяниця. II. Answer the following questions to the text: 1. What are the most common liver diseases? 2. How is Botkin’s disease transmitted? 3. What is the source of hepatitis infection? 4. Can Virus B hepatitis infection enter the body through mouth? 5. When does epidemic hepatitis usually occur? 6. What inflammatory and degenerative changes does Botkin’s disease cause? 7. What are the symptoms of jaundice? 8. Is infectious jaundice caused by a virus or bacterium? III. Read and translate the text for supplementary reading: Acute Cholecystitis Among inflammatory diseases of bile ducts the most frequent is cholecystitis or the inflammation of the gallbladder. The main forms of cholecystitis are the following: catarrhal, purulent and gangrenous. The patient with cholecystitis is known to complain of intense pain localized in the right hypochondrium and in the umbilical area. An attack of pain is usually preceded by physical and mental overstrain, sharp physical movements, abnormalities in diet, fatty food and alcohol. The pain grows much worse when the patient is lying on his right side. Dryness in the mouth, vomiting, nausea and constipation are the characteristic clinical manifestations of the disease. During the attack of pain the face is moist with cold perspiration, the skin is pale, the tongue and lips are dry. Even a slight palpation reveals severe tenderness, it being due to irritation of the peritoneum. Approximately in 40 – 50 % of cases there is slight jaundice of sclerae. The biochemical blood analysis is known to reveal some changes resulting from the effect of toxic substances in the liver. Purulent form of cholecystitis is highly dangerous to life and requires an emergency operation. An even more severe course is observed in gangrenous cholecystitis. Recovery is achieved by surgical treatment followed by prolonged antibiotic therapy and chemotherapy. IV. Name the main symptoms of acute cholecystitis. V. Comment on the problem “Personal hygiene and way of life in prevention of liver diseases”. Grammar Exercises Modal Verbs виражає фізичну або can розумову здатність could I can speak English. You cannot speak French. Can he speak German? be able to вживається в could питальних реченнях для Could I take your pen? Could you shut the door? вираження ввічливого прохання She may know about it. may виражає припущення, might to be allowed можливість to be permitted May I use your book? We were allowed to use dictionaries. We shall be allowed to go for a walk. I. Answer the following questions: 1. Can you speak German? 2. Could you give me your book? 3. Can he play the piano? 4. Where can we buy this book? 5. May I go for a walk? 6. Were you able to come in time yesterday? 7. Will you be allowed to use dictionaries during the test? 8. May he be at the cinema now? 9. Will he be permitted to tell his friends about it? 10. May I open the window? II. Insert the missing modal verbs: 1. We … read and translate English texts. 2. He … come home later tonight. 3. My sister … play the piano. 4. … I use your methodical guide? 5. She … take this book. 6. The scientists … solve this problem. 7. … he go there by trolley-bus? 8. She … be at the library now. 9. We … finish our investigation in two days. 10. … I cross the street when the light is red? III. Translate into English paying attention to the meaning and use of modal verbs: 1. Хвороба Боткіна може вражати людей різних вікових груп. 2. Навіть найменша кількість крові, зараженої вірусом, може бути небезпечною для людини, що з нею контактує. 3. Вірус, що фільтрується, можливо виявити лише за допомогою електронного мікроскопа. 4. Ви можете приготувати систему для переливання крові? 5. Інфекція може поширюватися під час особистого контакту з хворим. 6. При переливанні крові інфекція гепатиту В може потрапити в організм людини. 7. При жовтяниці жовч не здатна проходити в кишечник. 8. Жовтяниця може супроводжуватися кровотечами. 9. Вас можуть направити в інфекційну лікарню при найменшій підозрі на гепатит. 10. Вона могла б дотримуватись суворої дієти. Memorize the meaning of the following term-elements: Chole-, cholo- – means “pertaining to bile” Cholecyst - gallbladder Hepat(o)- – means “pertaining to liver” Hepatology - the scientific study about liver diseases Match the words in the left part of the table with the appropriate definitions in the right one: hepatoblastoma the existence of bile elements or bile pigments in the blood hepatocyte any bile pigment hepatography acute infectious disease of the intestines hepatologist the virus which includes the viruses A hepatitis hepatology a malignant tumour of the liver hepatoma the existence of cholesterin in the urine hepatopath a malignant tumour of the liver in newborn or small children hepatopathy gallbladder hepatovirus a specialist in hepatology hepatotomy any disease of the liver cholecystitis atony of the gallbladder cholecystatony inflammation of the gallbladder cholecystectom patient suffering from any liver disease cholecystopathy the surgical cutting (incision) of the gallbladder cholecystotomy surgical removal of the gallbladder cholochrome the cell of the liver cholecyst any disease of the gallbladder cholesteroluria examination of the liver using a special diagnostic apparatus cholera the scientific study about liver diseases y cholemia the surgical incision (cutting) of the liver 10. Peptic Ulcers A peptic ulcer is a well-defined round or oval sore where the lining of the stomach or duodenum has been eaten away by stomach acid and digestive juices. A shallow ulcer is called an erosion. Pepsin is an enzyme that works together with the hydrochloric acid produced in the lining of the stomach to digest food, especially proteins. Peptic ulcers develop in the lining of the digestive tract that’s exposed to acid and digestive enzymes – primarily the stomach and duodenum. The names of ulcers identify their anatomic locations of the circumstances under which they develop. Duodenal ulcers, the most common type of the peptic ulcer, occur in the duodenum, the first few inches of the small intestine just below the stomach. Gastric ulcers, which are less common, usually occur along the upper curve of the stomach. If part of the stomach is removed surgically, marginal ulcers can develop where the remaining stomach has been reconnected to the intestine. Repeated regurgitation of the stomach acid into the lower part of the esophagus can cause inflammation (esophagitis) and esophageal ulcers. Ulcers occurring under the stress of severe illness, burns, or trauma are called stress ulcers. An ulcer develops when the defense mechanisms protecting the duodenum or stomach from stomach acid break down – for example, when the amount of mucus production changes. The causes of such breakdowns aren’t known. Almost everyone produces stomach acid, but only 1 in 10 people develop ulcers. Different people generate different amounts of stomach acid, and each person’s pattern of acid secretion tends to persist throughout life. In fact, infants can be identified as slow, average, or high secretors. High secretors have a greater tendency to develop peptic ulcers than low secretors. However, most people who are high secretors never develop ulcers, and some people who are low secretors do develop them. Obviously, other factors besides acid secretion are involved. Many people with duodenal ulcers have Helicobacter pylori bacteria in their stomach, and these bacteria are now considered a major cause of peptic ulcers. How can the bacteria contribute to an ulcer is uncertain. They could interfere with the normal defenses against stomach acid, or they may produce a toxin that contributes to ulcer formation. Duodenal ulcers are almost never cancerous. Gastric ulcers differ from duodenal ulcers in that they tend to develop later in life. Certain drugs – particularly aspirin – cause erosions and ulcers in the stomach, especially in elderly. These erosions and ulcers tend to heal when the drugs are stopped and aren’t likely to recur unless the person begins taking the drugs again. Some cancerous (malignant) gastric ulcers also show healing, making them difficult to distinguish from benign gastric ulcers, such as those caused by drugs. Diagnosis. A doctor thinks of ulcers when someone has characteristic stomach pain. Tests may be needed to confirm the diagnosis because gastric cancer can cause similar symptoms. Also, when severe ulcers resist treatment, particularly if a person has several ulcers or they’re in unusual places, a doctor may suspect other underlying conditions that cause the stomach to overproduce acid. To help diagnose ulcers and identify their underlying cause, a doctor may use endoscopy, barium contrast Xrays, gastric analysis, and blood test. Методична розробка для студентів до практичного заняття № 10 по темі “Peptic Ulcers”. (спеціальність “Лікувальна справа”, І курс, IІ семестр) Text. Peptic Ulcers. Grammar. Modal Verbs (must, should, ought, to have to, to be). Мета практичного заняття №10 1. Засвоїти активну лексику. 2. Вивчити терміни, що відносяться до теми “Peptic Ulcers”. 3. Вивчити граматичний матеріал Modal Verbs. Stages of the Lesson Active Vocabulary ulcer [΄ lsә] - виразка infant [΄infәnt] – дитина, немовля sore [s :] – рана, виразка to interfere (with) - втручатися shallow – мілкий, плоский to heal [hi:l] – загоювати, зцілювати inch – дюйм (=2,5см.) benign [bi΄nain] - доброякісний marginal [΄mα:d inl]- маргінальний malignant [mә΄lignәnt] - злоякісний regurgitation [ri˛gә:d i΄tei∫n] - відригування to generate - виробляти Vocabulary and Speech Exercises І. Suggest the English equivalents for the following from the text: шлунковий сік; перетравлювати їжу; видаляти хірургічним способом; опік; захисний механізм; вироблення слизу; розщеплення; зразок кислотної секреції; доброякісна, злоякісна виразка; біль у шлунку; аналіз крові; підтвердити діагноз. ІІ. Answer the questions: 1. What is a peptic ulcer? 2. Do the names of ulcers identify their anatomic locations of the circumstances under which they develop? 3. What kinds of ulcers do you know? 4. What is the most common type of the peptic ulcer? 5. Where do the marginal gastric ulcers develop? 6. What is the stress ulcer? 7. Who has a greater tendency to develop peptic ulcers? 8. What bacteria are now considered to be a major cause of peptic ulcers? 9. What is the difference between gastric ulcers and duodenal ulcers? 10. What drugs cause erosions and ulcers in the stomach? 11. What methods of diagnostics may the doctor use to help diagnose ulcers and identify their underlying cause? ІІI. It is interesting to know that: 1. the movement of food in the intestines of a healthy person may last from 12 to 72 hours; 2. milk products contain about 100 substances useful for men; 3. salt consists of two poisons, which are combined chemically in such a way that we can 4. the amount of gastric juice secreted in the stomach within 24 hours is 1,5 – 2 liters; 5. gastric and duodenal ulcers are found to develop more frequently in men than in eat it; women, mainly at ages of 25 to 40 years. IV. Read and translate the text. Grammar Exercises Після модальних дієслів інфінітив вживається без частки to. Виняток: to be; to have. To be вжив. лише в Pres. Ind., Past Ind. He is to come at 5 o’clock. Він має прийти о 5 год. He was to come at 5 o’clock Він мав прийти о 5 год. I have to get up at 7 o’clock. Я маю встати о 7 год. I had to get up at 7 o’clock. Я мав (був змушений) встати о 7 год. I’ll have to get up at 7 o’clock. Мені доведеться встати о 7 год. Must може стосуватися теп. і майб. часу. He must be at the hospital now. Зараз він мусить бути у лікарні She must come tomorrow. Вона має прийти завтра. Для вираження необхідності стосовно мин. і майб. часу вживаємо дієсл. to have у відповідних часових формах. He had to come to the hospital. Він мусив прийти у лікарню. He will have to come to the hospital. Йому доведеться прийти у лікарню. Сполучення should; ought to з Ind. Inf. виражають дію стосовно теп. або майб. часу. Should вживається з інфінітивом без частки to. Після ought інфінітив вживається з часткою to. You ought to visit the doctor. Вам слід відвідати лікаря Olga is at the hospital now. Оля зараз у лікарні. Ви б відвідали її. You should visit her. I. Translate the following sentences into English. 1. Вам слід би уважніше прочитати текст про кишкові захворювання. 2. Перед операцією хірург повинен одягнути стерильний халат і рукавички. 3. Почекайте окуліста в коридорі. Він має прийти через 15 хвилин. 4. На екзамені з англ. мови вам треба буде перекласти текст без словника. 5. Студенти-медики повинні серйозно ставитися до їх майбутньої професії, оскільки їм прийдеться мати справу зі здоров’ям і життям пацієнтів. 6. Де викладач з хімії? Він мав прийти годину тому. 7. Олег зараз вдома. Він почувається погано, у нього гарячка – ви б відвідали його. 8. Медсестра повинна вимірювати температуру у пацієнтів двічі на день. 9. Він мусив повернутися до лабораторії, щоб завершити деякі експерименти. 10. Після закінчення університету їй доведеться працювати у сільській лікарні. 11. Ми не зможемо піти сьогодні у кіно, бо маємо прочитати і перекласти текст про профілактику Сніду. 12. Він мав передзвонити батькам одразу після екзамену з анатомії. 13. Ви повинні вчасно приходити на заняття. Більше не спізнюйтесь. 14. Коли ти маєш їхати на наукову студентську конференцію? – Я ще не знаю. – Ти б зателефонував організаторам. – Спочатку треба взнати їхній номер телефону. 15. Скільки років треба навчатися у вашому університеті, щоб отримати диплом спеціаліста? II. Make your own sentences using the modal verbs (must, should, ought, to have to, to be). III. Put all types of questions to the following sentences. 1. You will have to work hard to become a good specialist. 2. To identify the underlying cause of the peptic ulcer, a doctor must use endoscopy. 3. They were to perform the operation yesterday. 4. You ought to consult the dictionary reading this text. 12 BLOOD The blood is a viscous fluid, which consists of several types of cells floating around in a fluid called plasma. The red blood cells (erythrocytes) contain hemoglobin, a protein that binds oxygen. There are approximately five million red blood corpuscles per cubic millimeter of blood in healthy adult males and four and one-half million in females. Red blood cells originate in the marrow of the long bones. Red blood cells transport oxygen to, and remove carbon dioxide from the body tissues. The white blood cells (leucocytes) fight infection. White blood corpuscles are living cells, averaging only about 5 to 7 thousand per cubic millimeter of blood. An increase in their number is termed “leucocytosis”, and a decrease, “leucopenia”. Changes in the number of white cells accompany certain diseases; hence the blood examination is important in their diagnosis. The platelets (thrombocytes) help the blood to clot, if a person gets a wound for example. The plasma contains salts and various kinds of proteins. Blood has a very characteristic colour which varies between scarlet red and purple. This difference is due to the fact that the oxygen in the pigmentous material of the red cells is the greatest in the arterial blood and the least in the venous blood. The blood possesses a salty taste and a faint odour. Its temperature varies in different parts of the body and is the highest in those vessels which are well protected by the tissues and the lowest in those which are near the surface of the body. Thus, the blood in the veins of the liver may attain a temperature of 39.7C, while that in the vessels of the fingers, nose and cheeks may possess a temperature of only 36.0C. The blood is distributed to the different organs of the body according to their activity. Obviously, the bones, tendons and cartilages require only a small amount of blood, while such organs as the kidneys, brain and glands of internal secretion need large amounts of blood. Some of the important functions of the blood are to convey nutritive particles to the tissues and take the waste products away from them; to supply the tissues with oxygen and relieve them of their carbon dioxide and to play an important part in the regulation of the body temperature. Методична розробка для студентів до практичного заняття №12 по темі “Blood” (медичний факультет, модуль ІІ) Text: Blood. Grammar: Modal Verbs (Revision). Мета практичного заняття №12 1. Вивчити основні медичні терміни та нові лексичні одиниці, навчитись користуватися ними. 2. Вміти описувати структуру крові. 3. Повторити та узагальнити граматичний матеріал. Stages of the Lesson 1. Active Vocabulary. Blood [ bl٨d ] кров Viscous fluid [ ´viskәs ´fluid ] в’язка рідина Erythrocyte [ i´riӨrosait ] червоне кров’яне тільце, еритроцит Leucocyte біле кров’яне [ ´lju:kosait ] тільце, лейкоцит Thrombocyte [´Өrombosait ] кров’яна пластинка, тромбоцит Oxygen [´oksidзәn ] кисень Hemoglobin [ֽhi:mo´gloubin ] гемоглобін Arterial blood [ a:´tiәriәl ] артеріальна кров Venous blood [´vi:nәs ] венозна кров To supply [ sә´plai ] постачати, живити Carbon dioxide [´ka:bәn dai´әksaid ] двоокис вуглецю Corpuscle тільце, [´ko:p٨sl ] клітина, Leucocytosis частка [´lju:kosai´tousis лейкоцитоз [´lju:ko´pi:niә] лейкопенія ] Leucopenia II. Vocabulary and Speech Exercises. I.Read and translate the following words and word-combinations. Use them in your own sentences: Plasma, salty taste, the temperature of blood, activity of different organs, to require a small amount of blood, important functions of blood, oxygen, carbon dioxide. II.Answer the following questions: 1. What kind of fluid is the blood? 2. What does the blood consist of? 3. What is the main function of erythrocytes? 4. What does the plasma contain? 5. Why does the blood colour vary? 6. Does the blood temperature vary in different parts of the body? 7. Where is the blood temperature the highest and the lowest? 8. What are the most important blood functions? III. Find the corresponding Ukrainian equivalents: 1. red blood corpuscle 1. нестача кисню 2. oxygen deficiency 2. поранитися 3. to fight infection 3. червоне кров’яне тільце 4. to get a wound 4. боротися з інфекцією 5. small amount 5. кров’яні судини 6. nutritive particles 6. невелика кількість 7. blood vessels 7. поживні речовини IV. Give the English equivalents of the following words and word-combinations: Регуляція температури тіла, кров’яні судини, температура крові, вени печінки, поверхня тіла, характерний колір, діяльність органів тіла, залози внутрішньої секреції, відходи. III. Grammar Exercises. I. Translate into English paying attention to the meaning and use of modal verbs: 1. Вам потрібно бути уважнішим до свого здоров’я. 2. Мені підготувати систему для переливання крові? 3. Кров, заражена вірусом, може бути небезпечною для людини, що з нею контактує. 4. Медсестра повинна взяти у пацієнта аналіз крові. 5. Кровотеча може супроводжувати таке захворювання, як жовтяниця. 6. При найменшій кровотечі слід звернутися до лікаря. 7. Лише білі кров’яні тільця здатні боротися з інфекцією. 8. Пацієнту слід здати загальний аналіз крові сьогодні. 9. Температура крові може бути різною у різних частинах тіла. 10. Можу я дізнатися результат аналізу крові цієї пацієнтки? II. Make these sentences interrogative and negative: 1. I can retell the text “Blood”. 2. We must learn the pronunciation of the words. 3. They were allowed to use the dictionaries during the test. 4. I may use his copy of the text “Blood”. 5. She could describe blood structure. 6. The patient has to make blood analysis to be properly treated. 7. He ought to visit his granny in the hospital. 8. You will be able to use all these medical terms soon. Методична розробка для студентів до практичного заняття №13 по темі “Blood Groups” (мед. факультет, модуль II) Text: Blood Groups. Term-elements: hemo-; -cyte; leuc- (leuk-); -emia; -rhage; thromb(o)-. Мета практичного заняття № 13. 1. Вивчити нові лексичні одиниці, навчитися їх правильно використовувати. 2. Вміти описувати групи крові. 3. Вивчити нові терміноелементи. 4. Навчитись правильно користуватися терміноелементами. Stages of the Lesson. I. Active Vocabulary. Label [leibl] ярлик, етикетка, відносити до категорії Molecule [´molikju:l] молекула Mixture [´mikstſә] суміш, мікстура Clump [kl٨mp] група, групувати Gene [dзi:n] ген Genotype [´dзәnotaip] генотип Agglutinogen [әglu:´tinodзәn] речовина, яка викликає утворення аглютинінів Agglutinin [ә´glu:tinin] II. Vocabulary and Speech Exercises. 1. Answer the following questions: клейка речовина, аглютинін 1. Does each person have a blood type? 2. What is the most common blood type classification system? 3. Who discovered the ABO system? 4. Did Landsteiner observe two or four chemical molecules on the surface of the red blood cell? 5. What may happen if two different blood types are mixed together? 6. When is the blood type established? 7. How many genes determine the blood type? 8. There are three alleles of the blood type gene, aren’t they? Name them. 9. What is genotype? 2. Find the corresponding English equivalents: 1. blood type 1. переливання крові 2. red blood cell 2. потенційно смертельна ситуація 3. blood transfusion 3. визначати групу крові 4. potentially fatal situation 4. група крові 5. possible combination 5. червона кров’яна клітина 6. to determine the blood type 6. можливе поєднання 3. Insert the missing words from the text: 1. Everybody has … 2. He labeled one … “A”, and the other …”B”. 3. If the red blood cell had … of both molecules, that blood was called …AB. 4. The blood type is established before the person is born, by specific genes …from parents. 5. Each person has … copies of genes A, B and O. 4. Translate the following sentences into English: 1. Відомий австрійський вчений винайшов систему, за якою розрізняють групу крові. 2. Він помітив 2 різні хімічні молекули, одну з яких відніс до категорії “А”, а іншу – до категорії “В”. 3. Якщо змішати 2 різні групи крові, це може призвести до фатальних наслідків. 4. Лише “О” (І) група крові підходить усім іншим групам. 5. Кожна людина має певну групу крові. III. Grammar Exercises. Memorize the meaning of the following term-elements: “hemo-” means “blood”; “-cyte” means “cell”; “leuc(o)-, leuk(o)-” means “white, colourless”; “-emia” means “state of blood”; “-rrhage” means “bleeding, flowing”; “thromb(o)-” means “blood clot”. 1. Analyze the words paying attention to the new term-elements: Thrombectomy, thrombosis, hemoid, hemodiagnosis, leucoderma, leukotoxic, lymphocyte, bacteriemia, cystinemia, otorrhage. 2. Match the terms with their explanations: hemocyte red blood corpuscle hemoglobin inherited weakness of blood platelets hemophilia immature form of leucocyte hemorrhage deficient quantity and quality of blood hemostat any cell that destroys microorganisms leukemia presence of bacilli in the blood leukocyte disease with marked increase in leucocytes leucocytosis white blood corpuscle leucopenia presence of bile in the blood erythrocyte increase in number of leucocytes in the blood neocyte deficiency in number of leucocytes in the blood phagocyte presence of toxic products in the blood anemia decrease in platelets bacillemia escape of blood from the blood vessels cholemia instrument to stop blood toxemia blood corpuscle thrombopenia blood platelets thromboplastic oxygen carrying pigment of human blood thrombocyte accelerates the formation of blood clot thrombasthenia abnormal tendency of bleeding 13 BLOOD GROUPS Everybody has a blood type. The most common blood type classification system is the ABO system, discovered by an Austrian scientist Karl Landsteiner in the early 20th century. Landsteiner observed two distinct chemical molecules present on the surface of the red blood cells. He labeled one molecule "A", and the other molecule "B". If the red blood cell had only "A" molecules on it, that blood was called type A. Correspondingly, another type of blood was called type B. If the red blood cell had a mixture of both molecules, that blood was called type AB. But if the red blood cell had neither molecule, that blood was called type 0. If two different blood types are mixed together, the blood cells may begin to clump together in the blood vessels, causing a potentially fatal situation. Therefore, it is important that blood types be matched before blood transfusions take place. In an emergency, type О blood can be given, because it is most likely to be accepted by all blood types. However, there is still a risk involved. The blood type is established before the person is born, by specific genes inherited from parents. The person receives one gene from mother and one from father; these two combine to establish person's blood type. These two genes determine the blood type by causing proteins called agglutinogens to exist on the surface of each red blood cell. There are three alleles or versions of the blood type gene: А, В and 0. Since everybody has t\\ о copies of these genes, there are six possible combinations: AA, BB, 00, AB, АО and BO. In genetic terms, these combinations are called genotypes, and they describe the genes the person got from the parents. In addition to the proteins (agglutinogens) existing on each red blood cell, other genes make proteins called agglutinins, that circulate in the blood plasma. Agglutinins are responsible for ensuring that only the blood cells of the person’s blood type exist in his body. 14 BLOOD TRANSFUSION Experiments with blood transfusions, the transfer of the whole blood or blood components into a person's blood stream, have been carried out for hundreds of years. Many patients have died until 1901, when the Austrian Karl Landsteiner discovered human blood groups, and blood transfusions became safer. Mixing blood from two individuals can lead to blood clumping or agglutination. The clumped red cells can crack and cause toxic reactions. This can have fatal consequences. Karl Landsteiner discovered that blood clumping was an immunological reaction, which occurs when the receiver of a blood transfusion has antibodies against the donor blood cells. Karl Landsteiner's work made it possible to determine blood types and thus paved the way for blood transfusions to be carried out safely. The differences in human blood are due to the presence or absence of certain protein molecules called antigens and antibodies. The antigens are located on the surface of the red blood cells and the antibodies are in the blood plasma. Individuals have different types and combinations of these molecules. The blood group you belong to, depends on what you have inherited from your parents. There are more than 20 genetically determined blood group systems known today, but the ABO and Rh systems are the most important ones used for blood transfusions. Not all blood groups are compatible with each other. Mixing incompatible blood groups leads to blood clumping or agglutination, which is dangerous for individuals. According to the ABO blood typing system there are four different kinds of blood types: A, B, AB or 0 (null). Many people also have the so-called Rh factor on the red blood cell's surface. This is also an antigen and those who have it are called Rh +. Those who haven’t, are called Rh-. A person with Rhblood does not have Rh antibodies naturally in the blood plasma (as one can have A or B antibodies, for instance). But a person with Rh- blood can develop Rh antibodies in the blood plasma if he or she receives blood from a person with Rh+ blood, whose Rh antigens can trigger the production of Rh antibodies. A person with Rh+ blood can receive blood from a person with Rh- blood without any problems. You can belong to either of following 8 blood groups: A Rh+ BRh + A Rh- AB Rh+ B Rh- 0 Rh + AB Rh- O Rh- Of course you can always give A blood to persons with blood group A; B blood to a person with blood group B and so on. But in some cases you can receive blood with another type of blood group, or donate blood to a person with another kind of blood group. The transfusion will work if a person who is going to receive blood has a blood group that doesn't have any antibodies against the donor blood's antigens. But if a person who is going to receive blood has antibodies matching the donor blood's antigens, the red blood cells in the donated blood will clump. Методична розробка для студентів до практичного заняття №14 по темі “Blood Transfusion” (мед. факультет, модуль II) Text: Blood Transfusion. Grammar: The main functions of Definite and Indefinite Articles. Мета практичного заняття № 14. 1. Досягти оволодіння лексичним матеріалом до теми “Blood Transfusion”. 2. Розвивати навики монологічного та діалогічного мовлення. 3. Засвоїти граматичний матеріал. 4. Вміти застосовувати Definite and indefinite Articles у вправах. Stages of the Lesson. I. Active Vocabulary. blood transfusion [træns´fju:з(ә)n] переливання крові antigen [´æntidзen] антиген antibody [´æntiֽbodi] антитіло to pave the way [peiv] прокласти шлях to inherit [in´herit] успадковувати to be compatible [kәm´pætәbl] бути сумісним з to trigger [´trigә] викликати, бути with причиною to donate [dou´neit] пожертвувати, дарувати Rh - [´a:r´eitſ ´negәtiv] // [´ri:sәs] резус мінус Rh+ [´a:r´eitſ ´pozitiv] резус плюс II. Vocabulary and Speech Exercises. 1. Explain the following words and word-combinations. Give their Ukrainian equivalents: Blood transfusion, whole blood, an immunological reaction, protein molecules, cell’s surface, blood’s antigens. 2. Explain this table: Blood Antigens Groups Antibodi es Can give blood to Can receive blood from AB A and B None AB AB, A, B, O A A B A and AB A and O B B A B and AB B and O O None A and B AB, A, B, O O 3. Answer the following questions: 1. What reactions can the clumped red cells cause? 2. What are the differences in human blood due to? 3. How many blood group systems are known today? 4. When will the transfusion work? 4. Ask one of your fellow-students: - whose work made blood transfusions safer; - what blood group is the universal donor; - what blood group is the universal recipient; - what can happen if mixing two individual’s blood takes place; - what blood group you belong to depends on. III. Grammar Exercises. There are two articles in English: the definite and the indefinite article. The indefinite article has two forms: a (is used before words beginning with a consonant) and an (is used before words beginning with a vowel). The definite article has one graphic form the. The indefinite article is used: a) when a person or thing is mentioned for the first time; b) before nouns in the function of predicative; c) before countable nouns in the singular after the expression there is, there was, there will be: d) with countable nouns in the singular after the word what in exclamatory sentences and after the words such, quite, rather; e) preserves its original meaning of oneness; f) in the meaning of every; g) in a number of set expressions. e.g. His father is a doctor. What a beautiful day! This is a table. It was such a cold day yesterday! There is a map on the wall. She is still quite a child.. My friend is an engineer. It is rather a difficult problem. A minute passed. A child must play. To go for a walk; to have a look; to be in a hurry; for a long time etc. The definite article is used: a) with a noun if it is clear from the content or situation what particular object is meant; b) with a noun modified by a limited attribute; c) with nouns modified by adjectives in the superlative degree or by ordinal numerals; d) with nouns denoting things unique; e) with a noun that represents the whole class. f) In a number of set expressions. e.g. There was a door opposite me. I went in and locked the door. She opened the door of the room. She is the most beautiful girl here. He didn’t answer the third question. The sun; the moon; the earth; the sky; the floor; the ceiling in the room. The wolf is a wild animal. To go to the theatre; to play the piano; the other day; to tell the truth etc. 1. Insert articles the or a (an): 1. I know him. He is … patient of our clinic. 2. Karl Landsteiner discovered that blood clumping was … immunological reaction. 3. … blood group you belong to depends on what you have inherited from parents. 4. Blood transfusion is … transfer of the whole blood or blood components. 5. … person with Rh- blood doesn’t have Rh antibodies naturally in … blood plasma. 6. … ABO system was discovered by Karl Landsteiner in … early 20th century. 7. … floor in this ward has been just washed. 8. For … long time … problem of blood transfusion wasn’t solved. 9. Agglutinins circulate in … blood plasma. 10. … blood type is established before … person is born. 11. Having plenty of time we decided to go for … walk to … park. 12. In … emergency type O blood can be given to … person with any blood group. 13. Oxygen in pigmentous material of … red cells is … greatest in … arterial blood and … least in … venous blood. 14. … important function of … blood is to convey nutritive particles to … tissues. 15. July is … seventh month of year. 15. Leukemia Leukemia is a cancer of the blood cells. Leukemia usually affects the white blood cells. The cause of most types of leukemia isn’t known. A virus known as HTLV-1 (human T-cell lymphotropic virus type 1), which is similar to the virus that causes AIDS, is strongly suspected to be the cause of a rare type of leukemia in people, adult T-cell leukemia. Exposure to radiation and certain chemicals, such as benzene, and use of some anticancer drugs increase the risk of developing leukemia. Also, people who have certain genetic disorders, such as Down’s syndrome, are more likely to develop leukemia. White blood cells develop from stem cells in the bone marrow. Leukemia results when the process of maturation from stem cells to white blood cells goes awry and produces cancerous change. The change often involves a rearrangement of pieces of chromosomes – the cell’s complex genetic material. Because the chromosomal rearrangements disturb the normal control of cell division, the affected cells multiply without restraint, becoming cancerous. They ultimately occupy the bone marrow, replacing the cells that produce normal blood cells. These leukemic cells may also invade other organs, including the liver, spleen, lymph nodes, kidneys and brain. There are four major types of leukemia, named for how quickly they progress and which kind of white blood cells they affect. Acute leukemia progresses rapidly; chronic leukemia progresses slowly. Lymphocytic leukemia affect lymphocytes; myeloid leukemia affects myelocytes. The first symptoms usually occur because the bone marrow doesn’t produce enough normal blood cells. These symptoms include weakness and shortness of breath, resulting from too few red blood cells; infection and fever, resulting from too few white blood cells; and bleeding resulting from too few blood platelets. In some people, a severe infection is the first problem, but in others, the onset is more subtle, with progressive weakness, fatigue, and paleness. Bleeding may occur in the form of nosebleeds, gums that bleed easily, purple skin blotches, or easy bruising. Leukemic cells in the brain may cause headaches, vomiting, and irritability, and those in the bone marrow may cause bone and joint pain. Common blood tests, such as the complete blood cell count can provide the first evident that a person has leukemia. A bone marrow biopsy is almost always performed to confirm the diagnosis and determine the type of leukemia. Before treatment was available, most people who had acute leukemia died within 4 months of diagnosis. Now, many people are cured. Chemotherapy in combination with radiotherapy is used for the treatment of leukemic patients. Children between ages of 3 and 7 have the best prognosis. Методична розробка для студентів до практичного заняття № 15 по темі “Leukemia” (Медичний факультет, курс І, модуль IІ) Text: Leukemia Grammar: The Article Мета практичного заняття № 15 1. Навчитися користуватися новими лексичними одиницями для побудови речень та використання їх у певних ситуаціях. 2. Навчитися формувати діалогічні єдності, вести бесіду на тему “Leukemia”. 3. Узагальнити знання про відсутність артиклів перед обчислювальними іменниками, вживання артикля з назвами речовин та абстрактними іменниками . 4. Навчитися правильно використовувати граматичний матеріал при перекладі. Stages of the Lesson I. Active Vocabulary leukemia [lju`kimij] лейкемія AIDS [`eidz] СНІД стовбурова клітина stem cell maturation [mэ,tjuэ`rei n] дозрівання restraint [ris`treint] обмеження awry [ `rai] неправильний disturb [dis`tэ:b] порушувати ultimately [`ltimitli] зрештою, кінець кінцем invade вторгатися shortness of breath subtle [`s tl] задишка blotch [blot ] заплутаний, bruising [`bru:zi] irritability [,iritэ`biliti] complete blood cell coun t підступний пляма утворення синяків дратівливість загальний аналіз крові II. Vocabulary and Speech Exercises. I. Give the English equivalents of the following words and word-combinations: Вплив радіації, генетичні розлади, кістковий мозок, процес дозрівання, поділ клітин, хронічна лімфоцитна лейкемія, гостра мієлоцитна лейкемія. II. Explain the meaning of the following words and word-combinations. Use them in the situations of your own. Chromosomal rearrangement, without restraint, anticancer drugs, bone marrow biopsy, chemotherapy, radiotherapy, cure. III. After reading the text tell which of the following statements are true or false. Correct the false statements to make them true. 1. Leukemia usually affects red blood cells. 2. Exposure to radiation never causes leukemia. 3. People with Down syndrome are more likely to develop leukemia. 4. Leukemic cells cannot invade lymph nodes. 5. There are four types of leukemia. 6. Common blood tests can confirm the diagnosis of leukemia. 7. All types of leukemia are completely curable. IV. Answer the following questions on the text. What is leukemia? What are the most common causes of leukemia? What do white blood cells develop from? When does leukemia result? What organs may the leukemic cells invade? What are the common symptoms of leukemia? What is the diagnosis of the disease? What is the treatment and prognosis? V. Retell the text “Leukemia” using the following plan: 1. Leukemia – cancer of the blood cells. 2. Types of leukemia. 3. Symptoms of the disease. 4. Diagnosis. 5. Prognosis and treatment. III. Grammar Exercises Артикль не вживається перед обчислювальними іменниками у наступних випадках: 1) якщо перед іменником стоїть присвійний вказівний або питальний займенник, а також займенник some, any, no: my brother, this country, some books, what story; 2) якщо перед іменником стоїть інший іменник у присвійному відмінку: Nick’s family, England’s Health Service, але the doctor’s stethoscope (артикль стосується іменника, вжитого у присвійному відмінку); 3) перед іменником-звертанням: Doctor, when will you discharge my son from the hospital? 4) перед назвами днів тижня, місяця і здебільшого пір року: on Monday, in July, in autumn але in the autumn of 2005; 5) у багатьох сталих словосполученнях: by train, by sea, by bus, by land, by post, by radio, by mistake, by hand, by chance, at hand, in detail, in person, on foot, on business, on holiday. Іменники, що означають речовини, вживаються, як правило, без артикля: Water is colourless. Якщо ж ідеться про певну, конкретну частину якоїсь речовини, іменник вживається з означеним артиклем: The water will boil soon. Незлічувальні абстрактні іменники, як правило, вживаються без артикля: Doctor examined the patient with great attention. Якщо абстрактний іменник має обмежувальне значення або уточнюється ситуацією, перед ним стоїть означений артикль: He told us about the respect people always treated this doctor with. Якщо абстрактний іменник має означення, що виражає різновид якості, стану, почуття, то він вживається з неозначеним артиклем: What an unexpected pleasure! I. Insert articles where necessary. 1. No … mistake was made while writing the final test on Modulus 1. 2. … mistake was made while diagnosing the patient with acute leukemia. 3. By … mistake this patient was made a diagnosis of hemophilia. 4. This severe chromosomal disease runs in … Jack’s family. 5. … doctor’s thorough examination played a great role in making a correct diagnosis. 6. On … Mondays the hematologist usually receives patients in his consulting room. 7. Epidemics of influenza usually occur in … winter. 8. In … winter of 2005 he was hospitalized because of weakness, shortness of breath, and bleeding. 9. … blood is a combination of liquid, cells, and cell-like particles that courses through the arteries, veins and capillaries. 10. More than half of … blood consists plasma, which is mostly water containing dissolved salts and proteins. 11. At last the patient felt ... relief. 12. The patient suffering from cancer felt ... great relief after being injected morphine. 13. He told us about ... relief he felt after the physiotherapeutic procedure. 14. Professor N. told the students about the main symptoms of acute lymphocytic leukemia in ... detail. 15. When will you make me an injection, ... nurse? 16. The Work of the Human Heart The human heart contracts from the first moment of life until the last one. The contractions of the heart pump the blood through the arteries to all the parts of the body. Scientists have determined that the total weight of the blood pumped by the heart daily is about ten tons. The rate of heart contractions is regulated by two groups of nerve fibers. It varies in different persons and at different age. Physiologists have determined that in the adult the heart makes from 60 to 72 beats per minute. In children the rate of heartbeat is much higher. Research work of many scientists has helped to determine that the rate of heartbeat increases depending on different emotions. Each beat of the heart is followed by a period of rest for the cardiac muscle. Each wave of contraction and a period of rest following it compose a cardiac cycle. Research work has given physiologists the possibility to find out that the heart muscle works or contracts about one third of the time of the person’s life. The period of rest is shorter during greater physical exertion and longer when the body is at rest. Each cardiac cycle consists of three phases: physiologists have called the first phase of short contraction of both atria – the atrial systole. They have called the second phase of a more prolonged contraction of both ventricles – the ventricular systole. The period of rest of the cardiac muscle is called the diastole. The left ventricle discharges out the blood received by the left atrium from the pulmonary circulation through the aorta to the systemic circulation. The blood received from the systemic circulation by the right atrium is discharged out of the right ventricle to the lungs through the pulmonary arteries. Prolonged research work of many physiologists has given the possibility to estimate the role of the ventricles which serve as the main pump. The atria act as receiving chambers. The contraction of the atria which sends the final portion of the blood into the ventricle is considerably less. Методична розробка для студентів до практичного заняття № 16 по темі “The Work of the Human Heart”. (спеціальність “Лікувальна справа”, І курс, ІI семестр) Text: The Work of the Human Heart. Grammar: Usage of Article with Proper Names. Мета практичного заняття № 16 1. Засвоїти активну лексику теми; тренувати її використання в різних видах вправ. 2. Навчитися вести бесіду за матеріалом теми, оперуючи вивченою медичною термінологією. 3. Засвоїти граматичну тему Usage of Article with Proper Names. 4. Вміти правильно вживати артикль із власними назвами. Stages of the lesson I. Active Vocabulary to contract [kәn'trækt] скорочувати(ся), стискати(ся) to pump [p mp] качати, виштовхувати, викидати nerve fibers ['nә:v 'faibәz] нервові волокна pulse rate ['p ls reit] частота пульсу cardiac muscle ['ka:diæk 'm sl] серцевий м'яз cardiac cycle ['ka:diæk 'saikl] серцевий цикл, період exertion [ig'zә: n] напруження, напруга atrium (pl atria) ['eitriәm] передсердя atrial systole ['eitriәl 'sistәli] систола передсердя ventricle ['ventrikl] шлуночок ventricular [ven'trikjulә 'sistәli] шлуночкова систола [dai'æstәli] діастола diastole [ei' :tә] аорта aorta [,sә:kju'lei n] циркуляція, кругообіг circulation ['p lmәnәri 'a:tәri] легенева артерія pulmonary ['estimeit] оцінювати, судити ['t eimbә] камера systole artery to estimate chamber II. Vocabulary and speech exercises I. Read and translate the following terms. Memorize the meaning of them: nerve fibers, cardiac muscle, cardiac cycle, atrium, atrial systole, ventricle, ventricular systole, diastole, aorta, pulmonary artery, cardiovascular. II. Find in the text English equivalents of the following word combinations and translate the sentences containing them: з першого подиху життя, перекачувати кров, загальна вага, нервові волокна, науководослідницька робота, швидкість серцебиття, здатність виявляти, період відпочинку, кінцева порція. III. Answer the questions: 1. When does the human heart begin to contract? 2. What do the contractions of the heart do? 3. What is the total weight of the blood pumped by the heart daily? 4. Is the rate of heart contractions regulated by two groups of nerve filters? 5. How many beats per minute does the heart make in the adult? 6. What has helped to determine the research work of many scientists? 7. What composes a cardiac cycle? 8. What is the period of the heart muscle contracts? 9. What does the period of rest depend on? 10. How many phases does each cardiac cycle have? 11. What is diastole? 12. What is the role of the ventricles? IV. Match the words in the left side of the table with the appropriate definitions in the right one. the second phase of a more prolonged contraction of both Cardiac cycle ventricles. Atrial systole the period of rest of the cardiac muscle. Ventricular consists of a way of contraction and a period of rest following it; it has three phases. systole Diastole the first phase of short contraction of both atria. V. Have a Bit of Fun A consultant cardiologist, who believed in being absolutely frank with his patients, found it necessary to inform a financial magnate that he was critically ill. "It's your heart, sir. I'm afraid we are in for some serious trouble. You have problems with your cardiac cycle, namely ventricular systole". The financier took the news bravely, and offered to donate 15,000 dollars to the hospital if his condition could be improved in some way. Six months later the two met in the street, and the doctor asked him how he felt. "Marvelous", beamed the wealthy man. "It's all over and done away with. I've never felt better". "That's splendid", the doctor nodded. "Now, what about the donation…" "What donation?" asked the financier. "Just what are you to?" "Can't you remember? You promised to donate 15,000 pounds to the hospital if you pulled through". "Did I? Well, I must have been ill…" Useful Words and Phrases We are in for some serious trouble Ми можемо потрапити в халепу Marvelous Чудовий To beam Сяяти, радісно посміхатись It's all over and done away with Цьому покладено край Hat are you up to? На що Ви натякаєте? To pull through Врятуватися, виплутатися III. Grammar Exercises Names of persons and animals are used without any article. The definite article is used with a name in the plural, which denotes the whole family (the Simpsons). Names of continents, countries, provinces, cities, towns and villages are used without any article (the exceptions are the Netherlands, the Philippines, the USA, the UK, the Caucasus, the Crimea, the Hague), but they are used with the definite article when modified by a limiting attribute. Names of oceans, seas, gulfs, straits, channels and rivers are used with the definite article (the Atlantic Ocean, the Black Sea, the Mississippi). Names of lakes are also used with the definite article if there is no the word lake before the proper name (the Baikal, but Lake Ontario). Names of groups of islands are used with the definite article (the British Isles) while names of separate islands have no article (Great Britain). Names of mountain chains are used with the definite article (the Carpathians) while names of separate mountains have no article (Elbrus). Names of streets, squares and parks are mostly used without any article (Hyde Park, Trafalgar Square). Names of theatres, cinemas, concert halls, clubs, picture galleries, museums are used with the definite article (the National Gallery, the British Museum). Names of organizations and political parties are used with the definite article (the Labour Party, the United Nations Organization). I. Insert articles where necessary. 1. Yesterday… Viktor Pavlenko visited … famous cardiologist … John Smith. 2. … Ivano-Frankivsk is situated on … Bystrytsya River. 3. Of which country is … Washington … capital? - … United States of America. 4. … Chicago is on … Lake Michigan. 5. … Neva flows into … Gulf of … Finland. 6. … head of … Batkivshchyna Party is … Yuliya Tymoshenko. 7. … highest peak of … Carpathian Mountains is … Hoverla.. 8. … Baikal is … deepest lake in … world. 9. … prominent anatomist-microscopist … O. Shumlyansky was born in 1748. 10. … Nile flows across … northeastern part of … Africa to … Mediterranean Sea. 11. … Petrenkos is … dynasty of doctors. 12. ... great surgeon and scientist … M. V. Skliphosovsky liked … Ukraine and often visited … Odesa. 13. While being in … London I visited … Royal Opera House. 14. … Labour Party is very popular in … United Kingdom of … Great Britain and Nothern Ireland. 15. … Khreshchtyk Street is … most famous street in … Kyiv. 16. … well-known physician … Mr. Cabot visited … Netherlands and … Poland … last year, … France, … Germany and … Philippines … this year, and … next year he will go to … Italy, … Israel and … Turkey. II. Insert articles where necessary. Three … bank robbers got … surprise … last night. This is what happened. … three … robbers, who all work as … cleaners at … hospital in … London (… United Kingdom) drove up to … bank on … Main Street. … three men, wearing … masks over their … faces, got out of … car and ran into … bank. Inside … bank, they pointed … guns at … customers and … bank tellers. One of … men told all … customers to lie down on … floor. And then one of … other men said something like, "Quick … money! Give me … money!" So one of … tellers handed them some … bags. After leaving … bank, … three men jumped into their … van and drove off. One … mile down … road, … robbers parked their … van next to … ambulance and drove off. They went straight to their … hospital. After leaving … ambulance in … hospital parking lot, … three … men went together into … small room. There, they opened … bags of … money they had been given – and got … very … unpleasant surprise! … bank teller had given … robbers … special bags containing … bright red … ink! … red ink is released when … bag is opened, and it can't be washed off. So suddenly, … men found themselves covered in red ink! As … men left … room and tried to leave … hospital, … emergency room doctor saw them and she thought, "Oh God, they're all covered in … blood." So she tried to help them but they refused her … help and ran off. … doctor realized something funny was going on and she called … police. … police caught … robbers – guess where? Outside … bank on … Main Street. III. Insert articles where necessary. Last … July, my … 65-year-old father was on … daily run in … Lessing Park. It was … unusually hot … day, and he felt … little sick, so he stopped to rest in … shade. … passerby asked if he needed … help, but my … father said, "No", figuring he'd be able to get … home. Minutes later, … other person stopped. … man realized something was … seriously wrong and called 911. That … stranger saved my … father's life. … dad suffered … heart attack and was hospitalized for five … days. I cannot thank that … passerby enough for getting involved and hel ping … stranger when it would have been easier to walk away. Now, my ... father has many … years left to enjoy his … grandchildren. Let everybody be … Good Samaritans when they see … need . … life could depend on it. 17. The Heart Sounds When we listen to the heart we can hear two sounds. The third sound is also heard in some persons. The first heart sound is the longest one. It is heard at the moment of contraction of the ventricles when the atrio-ventricular valves close. The second sound lasts for a shorter period of time. It is heard at the moment when the pulmonary and aortic semilunar valves close. The third heart sound is heard when the blood is passing from the atria into the ventricles. The first and the second cardiac sounds are heard over all the portions of the heart and often over the large vessels. The first heart sound is greater over the surface of the ventricles and it is the greatest over the surface of the mitral and tricuspid valves. The second heart sound is heard loudest over the aorta and the pulmonary artery. Heart sounds are also heard over some portions of the chest. Normally the first heart sound is heard best over the apex of the heart in the fifth costal interspace. The second sound is heard best over the pulmonary artery and the aorta, that is in the second left and right costal interspaces. The aortic sound is normally louder than the pulmonic sound. The heart sounds are very important in the clinical diagnosis and the doctors determine many cardiac diseases by heart sounds. Diagnosis of Heart Disease A doctor observes the chest to determine if the breathing rate and movements are normal and then taps (percusses) the chest with the fingers to determine if the lungs are filled with air, which is normal, or if they contain fluid, which is abnormal. Percussion also helps determine whether the sac surrounding the heart (pericardium) or the membrane layers covering the lungs (pleura) contain fluid. Using a stethoscope, a doctor also listens to the breathing sounds to determine whether airflow is normal or obstructed and whether the lungs contain fluid as a result of heart failure. A doctor places a hand on the chest to determine the heart size and the type and force of contractions during each heartbeat. Sometimes abnormal, turbulent blood flow within vessels or between heart chambers causes a vibration that can be felt with the fingertips or palm. A doctor listens to the heart with a stethoscope (a procedure called auscultation), noting the distinctive sounds caused by the opening and closing of the heart valves. Abnormalities of the valves and heart structures create turbulent blood flow that causes characteristic sounds called murmurs. Turbulent blood flow typically occurs as blood moves through narrowed or leaking valves. Not all heart diseases cause murmurs, and not all murmurs indicate heart disease. Pregnant women usually have heart murmurs because of the normal increase in blood flow. Harmless heart murmurs also are common in infants and children because of the rapid flow of blood through small structures in the heart. As vessels walls, valves, and other tissues gradually stiffen in the elderly, blood may flow turbulently, even without serious underlying heart disease. Placing the stethoscope over arteries and veins elsewhere in the body, a doctor may listen for sounds of turbulent blood flow, called bruits, caused by narrowing of the vessels or abnormal connections between vessels. Методична розробка для студентів до практичного заняття №17 по темі “The Heart Sounds”. (спеціальність “Лікувальна справа”, І курс, ІI семестр) Text. The Heart Sounds. Grammar. The Article (revision). Мета практичного заняття №17 1. Навчитися користуватися лексичними одиницями на тему “Heart Sounds”. 2. Навчитися підтримувати і вести бесіду за матеріалом теми. 3. Узагальнити тему “The use of article”. Stages of the Lesson I. Active Vocabulary [,eitriәven'trikjulә atrio-ventricular valve атріовентикулярний клапан у формі півмісяця vælv] semilunar ['semi'lu:nә] судина vessel ['vesl] мітральний mitral ['maitrәl] тристулковий tricuspid [trai'k spid] верхівка apex (pl apexes, apices) ['eipeks] реберний проміжок costal interspace ['k stl 'intә'speis] постукувати, стукати to tap [tæp] перкутувати, вистукувати to percuss [pә:'k s] перкусія, вистукування percussion [pә'k n] мішечок sac [sæk] перикард, навколосерцева сумка pericardium [,peri'ka:djәm] плевра pleura (pl pleurae) ['pluәrә] стетоскоп stethoscope ['steθәskoup] закупорювати to obstruct [әb'str kt] турбулентний, неспокійний turbulent ['tә:bjulәnt] долоня palm [pa:m] аускультація, вислухування auscultation [, :skәl'tei n] серцевий шум murmur ['mә:mә] протікаючий, нещільний leaking ['li:kiŋ] ставати жорстким, твердим to stiffen ['stifn] шум (під час вислуховування bruit [bru:t] серця і легенів) II. Vocabulary and Speech Exercises I. a) Translate and keep in your mind and heart the following aphorism: The surgeon must possess the three “H”: HEART, HEAD and HAND. b) Remember the following proverbs and sayings: If it were not for hope, the heart would break. (Cерце живе надією) What the heart thinks the tongue speaks. (Що на умі, те й на язиці) Every heart knows it's bitterness. (У кожного свої прикрості) II. Remember the following word-combinations dealing with the word “heart”: to learn by heart вчити напам’ять to wear one’s heart on one’s sleeve не відзначатися стриманістю to take one’s heart in one’s boots душу в п’яти вводити to take words to heart приймати слова близько до серця to keep a good heart не занепадати духом to bring smb.'s heart into his mouth налякати когось до смерті to have one's heart in the right place мати добрі наміри to break smb.'s heart розбити чиєсь серце to set one's heart at rest заспокоїтися to be the heart and soul of бути душею III. Answer the following questions: 1. How many heart sounds do we hear when we listen to the heart? 2. When is the first heart sound heard? 3. When is the second heart sound heard? 4. Where is the first heart sound heard louder? 5. Over the surface of what valves is the first heart sound heard loudest? 6. Where is the second heart sound heard loudest? 7. In which costal interspaces is the first heart sound heard best? 8. In which costal interspaces is the second heart sound heard best? 9. Which of the two sounds – the aortic or the pulmonic is louder normally? 10. What do heart sounds help the doctors to determine? IV. Examine the patient complaining of heart trouble, ask him to do the following: To breathe deeply. Not to breathe. To stand quietly. To burn her back (side). To lie down on the examination coach. To show you a place where she or he feels pain. To lie quietly. After shat she or he feel worse (better). V. Prescribe your treatment and give your instructions to the patient: To take the prescribed drugs three times a day before (after) meals. To stay in bed 2 – 3 days. To make electrocardiogram. To make analyses of blood and urine. To come to the cardiologist after 3 – 5 days. III. Grammar Exercises I. Insert articles where necessary. 1. … first and … second cardiac sounds are heard over all portions of … heart. 2. In some people … physician can hear … third heart sound. 3. … Kovalenkos are famous cardiologist. 4. In … South of our country different sanatoriums and health resorts are located where patients with … grave heart diseases can be treated and built up their health. … Medicines Control Organization gives licenses to … different companies and plants 5. to manufacture drugs. 6. … Carpathians contain a lot of rest homes. 7. Not all heart diseases cause … murmurs. 8. Vessel walls, valves and other tissues gradually stiffen in … elderly. 9. … first heart sound is … longest. 10. … second heart sound lasts … short period of time. II. Insert articles where necessary. "Is there … polyclinic or … hospital in … Chornovil Street?" "Yes, there is. Go to … corner of … street along which … trams run. Then turn to … left and walk … short distance down … street. Do not cross … street, of course. You will see … sign over … door which says "District Polyclinic № 3". "Thank you very much. I'm sure I'll find it without … difficulty. I'll also have to buy … syringe, … medicine dropper and … some drugs. Perhaps you can tell me where I can find … chemist's shop?" "Yes, certainly. There's … very good drugstore in … Shevchenko Street. You can easily walk there in … few minutes. Go straight down … street that you will see directly in … front of you when you come out of … district polyclinic till you come to … wide street along which … busses and … trolleybuses run. Then turn to … left again and almost immediately you will come to … chemist's with … big windows. I'm sure you'll find all … things you need there." III. Memorize the meaning of the following term-elements. Cardi(o)- means "pertaining to the heart" Cardialgia [,ka:di'æld iә] – pain in the heart Angi(o)- means "vessel" Angiospasm [,ænd iә'spæzm] – plasmatic contraction of blood vessels Vas(o)- means "vessel" Vasoconstriction ['veizoukәn'strikjn] – narrowing of vessels IV. Match the words in the left side of the table with their definitions in the right. angiosteosis the scientific study about movements and forces concerning the heart activity. cardioangiolog ossification or calcification of blood vessels. vasoconstrictio an instrument for measuring the heart size. angionecrosis a thing that influences upon the diameter of the blood vessels. vasoactive necrosis of the walls of blood vessels. cardiodynamic narrowing of blood vessels. angioneurecto the scientific study about heart and blood vessels. cardiometer removal of vessels and nerves y n s my 19. Blood Vessels There are three major types of blood vessels in the body. These are called arteries, veins, and capillaries. Arteries are the large blood vessels which lead blood away from the heart. Their walls are made of connective tissue, elastic fibers, and an innermost layer of epithelial cells. Because arteries carry blood away from the heart, they must be strong enough to withstand the high pressure of the pumping action of the heart. Their elastic walls allow them to expand as the heartbeat forces blood into the arterial system throughout the body. Smaller branches of arteries are called arterioles. Arterioles are thinner than arteries and carry the blood to the tiniest of blood vessels, the capillaries. Capillaries have walls which are only one epithelial cell in thickness. These delicate, microscopic vessels carry nutrient-rich, oxygenated blood from the arteries and arterioles to the body cells. Their walls are thin enough to allow passage of oxygen and nutrients out of the bloodstream and into the tissue fluid surrounding the cells. Once inside the cells, the nutrients are burned in the presence of oxygen (catabolism) to release needed energy within the cell. At the same time, waste products such as carbon dioxide and water pass out of the cells and into the thin-walled capillaries. The waste-filled blood then flows back to the heart in small veins called venules which branch to form larger vessels called veins. Veins are thinner –walled than arteries. They conduct waste-filled blood toward the heart from the tissues. Veins have little elastic tissue and less connective tissue than arteries, and blood pressure in veins is extremely low as compared to pressure in arteries. In order to keep blood moving back toward the heart, veins have valves which prevent the backflow of blood and keep the blood moving in one direction. Muscular action also helps the movement of blood in veins. Методична розробка для студентів до практичного заняття № 19 по темі “Blood Vessels”. (спеціальність “Лікувальна справа”, І курс, ІI семестр) Text. Blood Vessels. Grammar. Degrees of comparison. Мета практичного заняття № 19 1. Засвоїти активну лексику теми; тренувати її використання в різних видах вправ. 2. Навчитися вести бесіду за матеріалом теми, оперуючи вивченою медичною термінологією. 3. Повторити граматичну тему “Degrees of comparison”. 4. Виконувати тренувальні граматичні вправи. Stages of the Lesson Active Vocabulary venule венула bloodstream кров’яне русло backflow зворотній тік, рефлюкс catabolism катаболізм, дисиміляція, розкладення (складних хімічних сполук в організмі) Vocabulary and Speech Exercises I. Suggest the English equivalents for the following from the text: еластичні стінки; типи кровоносних судин; поживні речовини; утримувати кров; рухати в одному напрямку; катаболізм; капіляр; артеріола; насичений киснем. II. 1. Read the passages and answer the questions: They carry blood away from the heart, and carry oxygenated blood. They are thick elastic walls. What type of blood vessels are they? 2. Their characteristics is to carry blood toward the heart and also to carry deoxygenated blood. They are thin walls. They have little elastic tissue. What are they? 3. Their function is to carry blood between arteries and veins and carry oxygenated and deoxygenated blood. They have walls which are only one cell layer thick. They have no elastic tissues. What are they? III. Answer the questions to the text: 1. How many types of blood vessels are there in the body? 2. What functions do arteries fulfill? 3. What do we call arterioles? 4. Do capillaries carry nutrient-rich, oxygenated blood from the arteries and arterioles to the body cells? 5. What do veins conduct toward the heart from the tissues? Grammar Exercises I. Make up degrees of comparison: long, large, clever, comfortable, possible, necessary, well, oxygenated, thin, microscopic, elastic, filled, tiny. II. Translate sentences into Ukrainian, paying attention to the combinations of adjectives the more… the better – чим більше … тим краще: 1. The better you study, the more you know. 2. The more nutrients are burned in the catabolism the better needed energy is released within the cell. 3. The better the walls’ elasticity the more they expand. 4. The more thinner capillary the better they allow passage of oxygen and nutrients out of the bloodstream. III. Lean the poem by heart: The more we study, the more we know; The more we know, the more we forget; The more we forget, the less we know; The less we know, the less we forget; The less we forget, the more we know. Why study? 20. Circulation of Blood Arteries, arterioles, veins, venules, and capillaries, together with the heart, form a circulatory system for the flow of blood. Blood deficient in oxygen (deoxygenated) flows through two large veins, the venae cavae, on its way from the tissue capillaries to the heart. The blood became deoxygenated at the tissue capillaries when oxygen left the blood and entered the body cells. Deoxygenated blood enters the right side of the heart and travels through that side and into the pulmonary artery, a vessel which divides in two, one branch leading to the left lung, the other to the right lung. The arteries continue dividing and subdividing within the lungs, forming smaller and smaller vessels (arterioles) and finally reaching the lung capillaries. The pulmonary artery is unusual in that it is the only artery in the body which carries deoxygenated blood. While passing through the lung (pulmonary) capillaries, blood absorbs the oxygen which entered the body during inhalation. The newly oxygenated blood next immediately returns to the heart through the pulmonary vein. The pulmonary vein is unusual in that it is the only vein in the body which carries oxygen-rich (oxygenated) blood. The circulation of blood through the vessels from the heart to the lungs and then back to the heart again is known as the pulmonary circulation. Oxygen-rich blood enters the left side of the heart from the pulmonary veins. The muscles in the left side of the heart pump the blood out of the heart through the largest single artery in the body, the aorta. The aorta moves up at first but then arches over dorsally and runs downward just in front of the vertebral column. The aorta divides into numerous branches called arteries which carry the oxygenated blood to all parts of the body. The names of some of these arterial branches will be familiar to you: brachiocephalic, intercostal, esophageal, celiac, renal, and iliac arteries. The relatively large arterial vessels branch further to form the smaller arterioles. The arterioles, still containing oxygenated blood, branch into smaller tissue capillaries, which are near the body cells. Oxygen leaves the blood as, it passes through the thin capillary walls to enter the body cells. There, involved in complicated chemical processes, it combines with food to release needed energy. One waste product of these chemical processes is carbon dioxide (CO2). CO2 is produced in the cell but is harmful to the cell if it remains. It must thus pass out of the cells and into the capillary bloodstream, at the same time that oxygen is entering the cell. As the blood makes its way back from the tissue capillaries toward the heart in venules and veins, it is full of CO2 and deoxygenated. The circuit is thus completed when deoxygenated blood enters the heart from the venae cavae. This circulation of blood from the body organs (except the lungs) to the heart and back again is called the systemic circulation. Методична розробка для студентів до практичного заняття №20 по темі “Circulation of Blood”. (спеціальність “Лікувальна справа”, І курс, ІI семестр) Text. Circulation of Blood. Grammar. Revision. Мета практичного заняття №20 1. Навчитися вести бесіду по темі “Circulation of Blood”. 2. Навчитися користуватися новими лексичними одиницями для побудови речень. 3. Навчитися правильно використовувати вивчений граматичний матеріал при виконанні вправ. Stages of the Lesson Active Vocabulary flow of blood - потік крові oxygen [‘ ksid әn] - кисень venae cavae [vi:nә keivә] - порожниста вена inhalation - вдихання to enter - входити, потрапляти to pump out - викачувати to absorb - всмоктувати, вбирати dorsally - назад to combine - з’єднувати, об’єднувати(ся) vertebral column - хребет carbon dioxide [dаі΄ ksaid] - вуглекислий газ harmful - шкідливий Vocabulary and Speech Exercises І. Suggest the English equivalents for the following from the text: потік крові; єдина артерія; дихання; вдихання; насичена киснем кров; вуглекислий газ; розгалужуватися; складний хімічний процес; шкідливий; продукти розпаду; легені; хребет. ІІ. Answer the questions to the text: 1. What forms a circulatory system for the flow of blood? 2. When does the blood become deoxygenated at the tissue capillaries? 3. Why is the pulmonary artery unusual? 4. What does our blood absorb while passing through the lung capillaries? 5. What is the pulmonary vein unusual in? 6. What is the pulmonary circulation? 7. How do we call the largest single artery in the body? 8. What is the function of arteries? 9. What do the arterioles branch into? 10. What is carbon dioxide? 11. When is CO2 harmful to the cell? 12. What do we call the systemic circulation? III. It is interesting to know that: 1. The human heart begins to beat and pump blood quicker than usual during the emotional stress. 2. The human heart makes 60-80 contractions per minute. 3. Ten tons of blood are pumped through the heart daily. 4. John Floyer, an English doctor, was the first to find out the varying pulse rate in men. 5. Each erythrocyte lives 120-130 days and each leucocyte lives 4-7 days. 6. Every day 200,000,000 erythrocytes are born and the same number dies. IV. Read and translate the text. Grammar Exercises І. Write the following in words: 1/3; 1991; 7,35; 10,56; 814; 2/4; 1 265 164; 2,03; 41-st; 12th. ІІ. Translate the following sentences into English: 1. У вівторок на другій парі ми будемо обговорювати політичну ситуацію на Кримському півострові. 2. Ви повинні знати, скільки крові перекачує (to pump) людське серце не добу. Так, я знаю. Воно перекачує близько 10 т крові. 3. У дорослої людини серце може робити від 60 до 72 ударів на хвилину. 4. Серцевий м’яз працює близько 1/3 часу всього життя людини. 5. Нам прийдеться перекласти текст про захворювання крові до наступного понеділка. 6. До Києва на конференцію щойно прибули гості з США, Великобританії та Італії. 7. Серце людини скорочується (to contract) з першого моменту життя. 8. Студенти нашої групи разом з викладачем Олегом Васильовичем ще не повернулися з Карпат. 9. Середній об’єм крові людини – не менше 7,5 %, але не більший, ніж 10 % від маси 10. Ти маєш знати, коли народився відомий український вчений 19-го ст. тіла. М.Шумлянський. – Ми ще нічого про нього не читали. 11. Ти коли-небудь був у Ялті? – Ще ні. – Ти мусиш туди поїхати. Це одне з найпрекрасніших курортних міст у Криму. 12. Я щойно розмовляв з будівельниками. Вони збудують нову лікарню до першого вересня наступного року. 13. Олег уже здасть всі екзамени до того часу, як ми повернемося з Чорного моря. 14. Іваненки – це відомі педіатри в нашому місті. Ти маєш це знати. Вони працюють в обласній лікарні ще з 70-х років 20-го ст. 15. Я зможу прийти до вас лише завтра. Сьогодні я дуже змучений. Я щойно закінчив важку операцію на серцi. 16. Я вже закінчив усі свої справи. Мені треба раніше лягти спати. Завтра мені прийдеться прокинутися рано, щоб зустріти поїзд зі Львова. III. Find the equivalents paying attention to the term-elements. 1. Resection of the rib osteoma 2. A tumour composed of bony tissue hepatologist 3. Inflammation of muscles gastrectomy 4. The protein of the cartilage costotome 5. Excision of the stomach myositis 6. Rectum bleeding vasoconstri ction 7. Any disease of the intestines cardialgia 8. A specialist in hepatology proctorrhagi a 9. Gallbladder chondroprot ein 10. Pain in the heart cholecyst 11. Plasmatic contraction of blood vessels enteropathy 12. Narrowing of vessels angiospasm 20. Atherosclerosis The diseases associated with the condition commonly known as "hardening of the arteries" cause more deaths in the United States than any other group of diseases. Atherosclerosis is the process and result of the accumulation of fats and fatlike substances (lipoids and lipids) within the walls of arteries. Among these substances are cholesterol and phospholipids. High cholesterol levels are associated with increased amounts of the atheromatous materials in the arterial walls and with the complications of this pathological condition. The disease affects the coronary arteries notably, giving rise to the angina pectoris, coronary thrombosis, abnormal heart rhythms, as well as weakness and failure of the heart. The causes and methods of prevention of atherogenesis have been under study for many decades. In recent years it has been shown that cholesterol level in the blood rises with increases in the amount of ordinary fats in the diet. Fats that contain unsaturated fatty acids cause smaller increases in cholesterol blood levels than do the fats composed of saturated fatty acids. Corn oil, certain other vegetable or plant oils, and certain fish oils are example of unsaturated fats. Indeed, corn oil has been shown to lower cholesterol levels and is now used by some individuals in the belief that they may be spared much of the atherosclerosis they may ordinarily expect. The fats of animals (even in the "lean meat"), milk and egg yolk products, and, to a slightly lesser extent, shortenings such as oleomargarine are hard fats and definitely elevate cholesterol levels. Several products containing plant oils with unsaturated fatty acids have recently been made available. This and certain other acids have been shown in animals to be necessary dietary factors, comparable to essential amino acids. Since vitamin B6 is required for the proper utilization of these essential vegetable fatty acids, it is incorporated in many products containing these acids. These products are of little value unless the saturated fat in the diet is markedly reduced. This alone is usually somewhat effective. Measures for Lowering Blood Cholesterol. An effective but not a very extensively used agent for lowering blood cholesterol is nicotinic acid (a vitamin of the B complex). It causes flushing at first but doses of 3 to 6 mg daily in divided amounts orally may be given for long periods of time with apparent safety and continued effect. Another agent for attempting to reduce blood cholesterol is a 20 per cent suspension of betasitosterols, the sterols of certain plants. It is used in a dose of 15 to 30 ml before meals. It is thought to suppress absorption of cholesterol from the intestines, but reports have been conflicting and it is not widely used. A new drug, triparanol, is now the leading agent for reducing the cholesterol level in the blood. Методична розробка для студентів до практичного заняття № 20 по темі « Atherosclerosis » (спеціальність "Лікувальна справа", І курс, ІІ семестр) Text: Atherosclerosis Grammar: Revision Мета практичного заняття № 20 1. Досягти повного оволодіння лексичним матеріалом до теми «Atherosclerosis» з метою його використання у різних видах мовленнєвої діяльності. 2. Розвивати навики монологічного та діалогічного мовлення. 3. Повторити пройдений граматичний матеріал. Stages of the Lesson І. Active Vocabulary Atherosclerosis [,æӨero,skliә'rousis] атеросклероз Accumulation [ә,kju:mju'lei n] накопичення Cholesterol [kә'lestәr l] холестерин Atheromatous [,æӨә'romәtәs] атероматозний Thrombosis [Өr m'bousis] тромбоз Saturated ['sæt әreitid] насичений Lean meat [li:n] пісне м'ясо Oleomargarine ['ouliou,ma:d ә'ri:n] олеомаргарин Utilization [,ju:tilai'zei n] використання нікотинова кислота Nicotinic acid Suspension [sәs'pen n] суспензія, завись Sterol ['ster l] стерин II. Vocabulary and Speech Exercises I. Read the text closely and answer the following questions: 1. What is atherosclerosis caused by? 2. What are high cholesterol levels associated with? 3. What does the disease affect? 4. When does the cholesterol level rise? 5. What do fats cause? 6. What produces smaller rises in blood cholesterol? II. Match the following English word combinations with the Ukrainian ones: to cause death вражати щось utilization of smth викликати смерть to elevate cholesterol level використання чогось to reduce cholesterol in blood зменшувати кількість холестерину в крові to affect smth підвищувати рівень холестерину в крові IІІ. Find substitutes for the following word combinations: 1. hardening and degeneration of arterial walls 2. the formation or presence of a thrombus in a blood vessel 1. atheroma 2. thrombosis 3. cholesterol 3. the principal animal sterol 4. atherosclerosis 4. degeneration of coats of blood 5. affection vessels 5. morbid condition or diseased state IV. Read the text once again and name the agents lowering the blood cholesterol. ІII. Grammar Exercises І. Put all types of questions to the following sentences: 1. Unsaturated fatty acids cause smaller increases in cholesterol blood levels. 2. The patient used nicotinic acid to lower blood cholesterol. 3. The doses of 3 to 6 mg daily may be given for long periods of time. 4. Triparanol was used as a measure for lowering blood cholesterol. II. Open the brackets using the verbs in appropriate tense. 1. The doctor (to examine) just the patient suffering from atherosclerosis. 2. The students (to listen) to the lecture on measures for lowering blood cholesterol from eight till ten o'clock next Monday. 3. Atherosclerosis (to affect) the coronary arteries notably. 4. If you (not to decrease) the amount of ordinary fats in the diet, your cholesterol level in the blood (to rise). 5. Yesterday the patient (to feel) better after he (to take) triparanol, a new drug for reducing cholesterol level in the blood. 6. May I speak to doctor Petrenko? – I (to be) sorry, but he (to be) busy at the moment. He (to measure) the patient's blood pressure. 7. The doctors (to discharge) me from the hospital by 3 o'clock tomorrow. 8. The patient suffering from angina pectoris (to take) 4 mg of nicotinic acid daily since October. 9. The scientists (to investigate) profoundly the causes and methods of prevention of atherosclerosis before they (to develop) a new affective and safe drug. 10. I (to tell) my parents about the harmful effect of fats of animals, milk and yolk products and even oleomargarine upon the cholesterol level in the blood for the whole evening yesterday. III. Translate the following sentences into English paying attention to numerals and modal verbs usage. 1. Я повинна здати реферат про ненасичені жирні кислоти 21го травня 2007 р. 2. Я за один раз можу пропливти 3 ¾ кілометри. 3. Ви зможете прийти до поліклініки на повне медичне обстеження десять хвилин на одинадцяту? – Можливо, я буду зайнята в цей час. Чи не могла б я прийти о 11.30 або 11.45? 4. Лікар каже, що її слід негайно прооперувати. Операція може тривати близько двох з половиною годин. Хірург має прийти о 16.50. Нам не треба хвилюватися: лікар Петренко дуже досвідчений хірург. Він провів сотні таких операцій, а саме 345. 5. Йому, напевно, дев'яносто років. 6. Я не зміг розв’язати задачу. Можна мені взяти твій калькулятор? Без нього я не можу додати 24 368 001 та 9 013 490, помножити 5,34 на 0,05 та поділити 2/7 на 1/14. 7. Пацієнтові з четвертої палати не слід їсти м'яса, навіть пісного. 8. Професор Ільницький святкував свою шістдесяту річницю 22го чи 23го вересня? – Не може бути, що ти цього не пам'ятаєш. Завідуючий відділенням кардіології святкував свою п’ятдесят п’яту річницю 26го жовтня 1999 року. IV. Insert articles where necessary. 1. This is … hospital. It is … hospital I work at. 2. We shall ask … Pavlenkos to give us some advice concerning coronary thrombosis treatment. 3. His father is … doctor. He is … doctor who treated me. 4. … Doctor Kuzenko is … best ophthalmologist in our town. 5. … cow is … domestic animal. 6. She has just read … Paragraph Twenty which deals with … problems of atherosclerosis. 7. Last year I went to … France and … Netherlands, this year I have visited … United Kingdom and … Germany, and next year I shall go to … USA. 8. … water is … colourless tasteless substance. 9. ... sun rises in … east. 10. … Hoverla is … highest peak of … Carpathians. Методична розробка для студентів для самостійної роботи по темі « Atherosclerosis » (Медичний факультет, ІІ модуль) Text: Atherosclerosis Grammar: Types of Questions Мета заняття № 1. Вивчити слова і словосполучення по темі. 2. Працювати над удосконаленням читання тексту. 3. Вміти складати діалог по темі. 4. Навчитися переказувати текст. І. Learn the active vocabulary Atherosclerosis [,æӨero,skliә'rousis] – атеросклероз; Accumulation – накопичення; Lean meat [li:n] – пісне м'ясо; Oleomargarine ['ouliou,ma:d ә'ri:n] – олеомаргарин; Cholesterol [kә'lestәr l] – холестерин; Utilization [,ju:tilai'zei n] – використання; Atheromatous [,æӨә'romәtәs] – Nicotinic acid - нікотинова кислота; атероматозний; Thrombosis [Өr m'bousis] – тромбоз; Suspension [sәs'pen n] – суспензія, завись; Sterol ['ster l] - стерин Saturated ['sæt әreitid] – насичений; II. Read and translate the text. ATHEROSCLEROSIS The diseases associated with the condition commonly known as "hardening of the arteries" cause more deaths in the United States than any other group of diseases. Atherosclerosis is the process and result of the accumulation of fats and fatlike substances (lipoids and lipids) within the walls of arteries. Among these substances are cholesterol and phospholipids. High cholesterol levels are associated with increased amounts of the atheromatous materials in the arterial walls and with the complications of this pathological condition. The disease affects the coronary arteries notably, giving rise to the angina pectoris, coronary thrombosis, abnormal heart rhythms, as well as weakness and failure of the heart. The causes and methods of prevention of atherogenesis have been under study for many decades. In recent years it has been shown that cholesterol level in the blood rises with increases in the amount of ordinary fats in the diet. Fats that contain unsaturated fatty acids cause smaller increases in cholesterol blood levels than do the fats composed of saturated fatty acids. Corn oil, certain other vegetable or plant oils, and certain fish oils are example of unsaturated fats. Indeed, corn oil has been shown to lower cholesterol levels and is now used by some individuals in the belief that they may be spared much of the atherosclerosis they may ordinarily expect. The fats of animals (even in the "lean meat"), milk and egg yolk products, and, to a slightly lesser extent, shortenings such as oleomargarine are hard fats and definitely elevate cholesterol levels. Several products containing plant oils with unsaturated fatty acids have recently been made available. This and certain other acids have been shown in animals to be necessary dietary factors, comparable to essential amino acids. Since vitamin B6 is required for the proper utilization of these essential vegetable fatty acids, it is incorporated in many products containing these acids. These products are of little value unless the saturated fat in the diet is markedly reduced. This alone is usually somewhat effective. Measures for Lowering Blood Cholesterol. An effective but not a very extensively used agent for lowering blood cholesterol is nicotinic acid (a vitamin of the B complex). It causes flushing at first but doses of 3 to 6 mg daily in divided amounts orally may be given for long periods of time with apparent safety and continued effect. Another agent for attempting to reduce blood cholesterol is a 20 per cent suspension of betasitosterols, the sterols of certain plants. It is used in a dose of 15 to 30 ml before meals. It is thought to suppress absorption of cholesterol from the intestines, but reports have been conflicting and it is not widely used. A new drug, triparanol, is now the leading agent for reducing the cholesterol level in the blood. III. Wright out unfamiliar words and word combinations. IV. Vocabulary and Speech Exercises І. Match the following English word combinations with the Ukrainian ones: 1. вражати щось 1. to cause death 2. викликати смерть 2. utilization of smth 3. використання чогось 3. to elevate cholesterol level 4. зменшувати кількість 4. to reduce cholesterol in blood 5. to affect smth холестерину в крові 5. підвищувати рівень холестерину в крові II. Find substitutes for the following word combinations: 1. hardening and degeneration of arterial walls 2. the formation or presence of a thrombus in a blood vessel 1. atheroma 2. thrombosis 3. cholesterol 3. the principal animal sterol 4. atherosclerosis 4. degeneration of coats of blood 5. affection vessels 5. morbid condition or diseased state III. Read the text closely and answer the following questions: 1. What is atherosclerosis caused by? 2. What are high cholesterol levels associated with? 3. What does the disease affect? 4. When does the cholesterol level rise? 5. What do fats cause? 6. What produces smaller rises in blood cholesterol? IV. Read the text once again and name the agents lowering the blood cholesterol. V. Translate the following sentences into English: 1. Атеросклероз супроводжується відкладенням холестерину в стінках артерій. 2. Порушення жирового обміну є однією з причин розвитку атеросклерозу. 3. Гіпертонічна хвороба може спричинятися атеросклерозом. 4. Підвищення тиску крові створює сприятливі умови для відкладання холестерину на внутрішніх стінках артерій. 5. Розлад центральної нервової системи, яка регулює обмін речовин, сприяє розвиткові атеросклерозу. 6. Підвищення артеріального тиску і судинні спазми також можуть спричиняти склеротичні зміни в судинах. 7. Наслідками атеросклерозу можуть бути коронарний тромбоз, порушення ритму серця і стенокардія. Методична розробка практичного заняття № 21 на тему « Atherosclerosis » (Медичний факультет, ІI модуль) 2 години 1.1. Навчальна мета: Досягти повного оволодіння лексичним матеріалом до теми «Atherosclerosis» з метою його використання у різних видах мовленнєвої діяльності. Розвивати навики монологічного та діалогічного мовлення. Засвоїти граматичний матеріал Types of Questions. Узагальнити граматичний матеріал Types of Questions. Вміти застосовувати Types of Questions у мовленні. 1.2. Виховна мета: Виробити у студентів-медиків бажання правильно харчуватися. 2. План і організаційна структура практичного заняття № Етапи та основні питання п/п Час у Оснащен ня заняття хвилинах 1. Організаційні заходи Журнал, 2 хв. ме-тодична розробка і методична рекомендація заняття 2. Оголошення теми, мети заняття 3 хв. 3. Вступне слово викладача 5 хв. 4. Фронтальне опитування лексичного мате-ріалу по темі «Atherosclerosis» 5. 5 хв. Опитування всіх студентів: Читання та переклад тексту; 45 хв. Виконання вправ по тексту. 6. Пояснення граматичного матеріалу Types of Questions. 7. хв. дошка Тренувальні вправи по Types of Questions: Поставити всі типи запитань до наступних речень. 8. Таблиці, 10 15 хв. Підсумки, виставлення та аргументація оцінок, завдання для вивчення наступної теми 5 хв. 3. Методика проведення заняття 3.1. Підготовчий етап У короткому вступі викладач розкриває суть навчальної та виховної мети заняття, оголошує питання для обговорення, які практичні завдання будуть виконувати студенти. 3.2. Питання для обговорення і поточного контролю знань студентів. Еталони відповіді: 1. Лексичний матеріал по темі «Atherosclerosis» Студент повинен знати переклад поданих нижче слів та словосполучень, вміти їх правильно вимовляти та знати їхній правопис. Atherosclerosis [,æӨero,skliә'rousis] – Lean meat [li:n] – пісне м'ясо; атеросклероз; Accumulation – накопичення; Oleomargarine ['ouliou,ma:d ә'ri:n] – олеомаргарин; Cholesterol [kә'lestәr l] – холестерин; Utilization [,ju:tilai'zei n] – використання; Atheromatous [,æӨә'romәtәs] – Nicotinic acid - нікотинова кислота; атероматозний; Suspension [sәs'pen n] – суспензія, завись; Thrombosis [Өr m'bousis] – тромбоз; Sterol ['ster l] - стерин Saturated ['sæt әreitid] – насичений; 2. Читання та переклад тексту Студент повинен вміти читати текст із правильною інтонацією та вимовою та робити літературний переклад. 3. Виконання вправ по тексту. 3.1. Доберіть до наступних англійських словосполучень українські: 1. викликати смерть 1. to cause death 2. використання чогось 2. utilization of smth 3. підвищувати рівень 3. to elevate cholesterol level 4. to reduce cholesterol in blood 5. to affect smth холестерину в крові 4. зменшувати кількість холестерину в крові 5. вражати щось 3.2. Віднайдіть відповідники наступних словосполучень: 1. hardening and degeneration of arterial walls 2. the formation or presence of a thrombus in a blood vessel 1. atherosclerosis 2. thrombosis 3. cholesterol 3. the principal animal sterol 4. atheroma 4. degeneration of coats of blood 5. affection vessels 5. morbid condition or diseased state 3.3. Перечитайте текст та дайте відповіді на запитання: 1. Atherosclerosis is caused by the accumulation of fats and fatlike substances within the walls of arteries. 2. High cholesterol levels are associated with increased amounts of the atheromatous materials in the arterial walls and with the complications of this pathological condition. 3. The disease affects the coronary arteries, giving rise to the angina pectoris, coronary thrombosis, abnormal heart rhythms, weakness and failure of the heart. 4. The cholesterol level rises with increases in the amount of ordinary fats in the diet. 5. Fats elevate cholesterol level. 6. Fats that contain unsaturated fatty acids produce smaller rises in blood cholesterol. 3.4. Ще раз перечитайте текст та назвіть основні агенти, що знижують рівень холестерину в крові. They are nicotinic acid or niacin (a vitamin of the B complex), beta-sitosterol (Cytellin) and triparanol. 3.5. Перекладіть наступні речення англійською мовою: 1. Atherosclerosis is accompanied by cholesterol accumulation within the walls of arteries. 2. Порушення жирового обміну є однією з причин розвитку атеросклерозу. 3. Гіпертонічна хвороба може спричинятися атеросклерозом. 4. Підвищення тиску крові створює сприятливі умови для відкладання холестерину на внутрішніх стінках артерій. 5. Розлад центральної нервової системи, яка регулює обмін речовин, сприяє розвиткові атеросклерозу. 6. Підвищення артеріального тиску і судинні спазми також можуть спричиняти склеротичні зміни в судинах. 7. Наслідками атеросклерозу можуть бути коронарний тромбоз, порушення ритму серця і стенокардія. 3.3. Пояснення нового граматичного матеріалу There are four types of interrogative sentences in English: general questions, special questions, alternative questions and disjunctive questions. General questions are those requiring the answer yes or no. General questions are formed by placing the predicate or its part (the auxiliary or modal verb) at the beginning of the sentence before the subject. Special questions refer to various parts of the sentence. They begin with interrogative words. As to their structure special questions are divided into two types. In special questions referring to any part of the sentence except the subject or its attribute the word order is the same as in general questions but the interrogative word is placed at the head of the sentence. In special questions referring to the subject or its attribute the word order is that of a declarative sentence. Alternative questions imply choice. They consist of two parts connected by the conjunction or. Alternative questions may have the structure of general and special questions. A disjunctive question consists of two parts. The first part is a declarative sentence, the second – a short general question. The second part consists of the subject expressed by the personal pronoun corresponding to the subject of the first part and of the auxiliary or modal verb (or the verbs to be or to have in Present Indefinite or in Past Indefinite as full predicates). If the first part of a disjunctive question is affirmative, the second is negative; if the first is negative, the second is affirmative. 3.4. Виконання тренувальних вправ з граматики. 1. Поставте всі типи запитань до наступних речень: 1. Atherosclerosis causes more deaths in the United States than any other group of diseases. o Does atherosclerosis cause more deaths in the United States than any other group of diseases? o What causes more deaths in the United States than any other group of diseases? o Where does atherosclerosis cause more deaths than any other group of diseases? o Does atherosclerosis or neurosis cause more deaths in the United States than any other group of diseases? o Atherosclerosis causes more deaths in the United States than any other group of diseases, doesn't it? 2. Atherosclerosis is the process of the accumulation of fats within the walls of arteries. o Is atherosclerosis the process of the accumulation of fats within the walls of arteries? o What is the process of the accumulation of fats within the walls of arteries? o What is atherosclerosis? o Is atherosclerosis is the process of the accumulation or elimination of fats within the walls of arteries? o Atherosclerosis is the process of the accumulation of fats within the walls of arteries, isn't it? 3. The disease affects the coronary arteries. o Does the disease affect the coronary arteries? o What affects the coronary arteries? o What does the disease affect? o Does the disease affect the coronary arteries or the heart itself? o The disease affects the coronary arteries, doesn't it? 4. The causes and methods of prevention of atherogenesis have been under study for many decades. o Have the causes and methods of prevention of atherogenesis been under study for many decades? o What has been under study for many decades? o How long have the causes and methods of prevention of atherogenesis been under study? o Have the causes and methods of prevention of atherogenesis have been under study for many decades or for some months? o The causes and methods of prevention of atherogenesis have been under study for many decades, haven't they? 5. Unsaturated fatty acids cause smaller increases in cholesterol blood levels. o Do unsaturated fatty acids cause smaller increases in cholesterol blood levels? o What causes smaller increases in cholesterol blood levels? o What do unsaturated fatty acids cause? o Do unsaturated fatty acids cause smaller or larger increases in cholesterol blood levels? o Unsaturated fatty acids cause smaller increases in cholesterol blood levels, don't they? 6. The patient used nicotinic acid to lower blood cholesterol. o Did the patient use nicotinic acid to lower blood cholesterol? o Who used nicotinic acid to lower blood cholesterol? o What did the patient use to lower blood cholesterol? o Did the patient use nicotinic acid or beta-stirols to lower blood cholesterol? o The patient used nicotinic acid to lower blood cholesterol, didn't he? 7. The doses of 3 to 6 mg daily may be given for long periods of time. o May the doses of 3 to 6 mg daily be given for long periods of time? o What may be given for long periods of time? o How long may the doses of 3 to 6 mg daily be given? o May the doses of 3 to 6 or 9 mg daily be given for long periods of time? o The doses of 3 to 6 mg daily may be given for long periods of time, may not they? 8. The doctor will make an attempt to reduce blood cholesterol by means of a 20 per cent suspension of beta-sitosterols. o Will the doctor make an attempt to reduce blood cholesterol by means of a 20 per cent suspension of beta-sitosterols? o Who will make an attempt to reduce blood cholesterol by means of a 20 per cent suspension of beta-sitosterols? o What will the doctor do? o Will the doctor make an attempt to reduce blood cholesterol by means of a 20 per cent suspension of beta-sitosterols or nicotinic acid? o The doctor will make an attempt to reduce blood cholesterol by means of a 20 per cent suspension of beta-sitosterols, won't he? 9. Triparanol was used as a measure for lowering blood cholesterol. o Was triparanol used as a measure for lowering blood cholesterol? o What was used as a measure for lowering blood cholesterol? o What was triparanol used for? o Was triparanol or histamine used as a measure for lowering blood cholesterol? o Triparanol was used as a measure for lowering blood cholesterol, was not it? 3.5. Підведення підсумків заняття, виставлення оцінок, їх обґрунтування та завдання для самостійного повторення пройденого матеріал та підготовки до тестового модульного контролю.