Academic Support Program for Student Athletes (919-966


February 2010

Commonly Used Resources and Referrals

Academic Success Program for Students with LD/ADHD (919-962-7227)

Promotes learning by providing academic support and accommodations to meet the individual needs of students with diagnosed learning disabilities and attention deficit disorders; also helpful for students who are experiencing problems that appear LD/ADHA-related to explore testing and other options.

Located in SASB North


Academic Support Program for Student Athletes (919-966-4102)

 Assists the University's student athletes in reaching their academic goals.

Academic counseling, first year transition program, proactive monitoring, study skills development workshops, tutoring, career counseling services, NCAA eligibility.

Located in Kenan Field House;Robert Mercer, Director


Admissions Office (919-966-3621)

Assists students with placement tests, scores, & credit, transfer credit, and readmission.

Located in Jackson Hall.


Campus Health Services (966-2281)

Medical and psychological services: wellness and preventive care; healthy student behaviors; care for injury, acute, or chronic medical conditions; consultation; medical testing, etc.

Located in the Taylor Campus Health Building


Cashier’s Office (Office of Student Accounts & University Receivables) (962-1368)

Student billing, scholarship/financial aid check processing, refunds, departmental deposits, etc.

Located in SASB North

The Center for Student Success and Academic Counseling (CSSAC)

Offers academic counseling and personal support for all UNC students. Through its various units the

Center promotes excellence, diversity, confidence, and leadership by teaching skills and strategies for success.

Includes: The Learning Center, Academic Success Program for Students with LD/ADHD, , The

Writing Center, Academic Support for Student Athletes,

Chemistry Resource Center (919-962-9429)

Supplements class instruction for any student enrolled in Chemistry 101 through 261 (no lab questions; lab students go to Morehead labs).

Located in Kenan Labs C-143

Counseling and Wellness Services (919-966-3658)

Comprehensive assistance for problems that students encounter in their efforts to manage their educational, personal, and social demands, and everyday problems in living. Services include assistance in stress management, same day urgent consultation and crisis intervention, short-term individual therapy, couples and group therapy, referrals, medication evaluation/management; education and health promotion programs in fitness and nutrition, alcohol and substance use, and sexual behavior. For new and first time appointments, students should walk in 9:00-3:30 p.m.,

Monday through Friday. After hours, weekends, holidays call 966-2281.

Located on third floor, Taylor Campus Health Services Bldg


Dean of Students Office (966-4042)

Promotes a positive learning environment across campus. Enforcement of University policies such as the Honor Code, Racial Harassment Policy, Sexual Harassment Policy, and the Student Alcohol


Work with students on a wide variety of non-academic issues.

Located in SASB North


Department of Disability Services (DDS) (919-962-8300)

Works with departments throughout the University to assure that the programs and facilities of the

University are accessible to every student in the University community. Provides reasonable accommodations so students with appropriately documented disabilities who are otherwise qualified may, as independently as possible, meet the demands of University life. May in some cases also assist students with short-term medical conditions.

Located in the SASB North


First Year Seminar Office (843-5797)

Administers and coordinates the FYS program, and approves proposed seminars for incoming first year students.

Located in Steele Building


Friday Center for Continuing Education (962-1134)

Official unit for part-time students and study and Carolina Courses Online.

Located on Hwy 54

Greek Affairs (962-8298)

Fraternity and Sorority life

Located in the SASB North

Health Professions Advising Office (919-966-5116)

Faculty (Hilger & DeSaix) and student advisors are available to advise students interested in entering a health profession, including specialized matters relating to preparation for admission to dental, medical, vet, PT, PA, and other health professions schools. Information about career options, schools and programs available, required courses to be eligible to apply, application procedures, required entrance tests, etc.

 Third floor Steele


Honors Program (919-966-5110)

 Program for first year and sophomores by invitation.

 Located in the Johnston Center for Undergraduate Excellence, 225 Graham Memorial Building.


Housing and Residential Education (962-5401)

On-campus housing

 Located in the SASB North


International Student and Scholar Services (962-5661)

Administrative, programming, and advising office for international students, faculty, and academic staff, in order to promote international educational exchange.

Located in the FedEx Global Education Building


Learning Center (919-962-6389 or 962-3782)

Aims to help students become self-confident, self-directed, and efficient learners. Services include: academic counseling, reading and study skills, time management, supplemental instruction, peer tutoring in Dey Hall, TESTPREP for standardized entrance exams, and The Tutor Board, a centralized listing of all tutorial services.

Located in the SASB North


LGBTQ/Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer Center (843-5376)

Works to foster a safe and inclusive environment for students of all sexualities, gender identities, and gender expressions, as well as increase campus and community awareness, improve campus climate, and advocate for sexuality and gender identity issues.

Located in the SASB North


Math Help Center (919-962-9601)

Assists students who need additional help in Math 110 through Math 233. Staffed by qualified undergraduate students, math graduate students, and faculty.

Located in 224 Phillips and 172 Hardin Hall


Orientation/New Student Programs (962-8304)

Orientation programs for new first year and transfer students (CTOPS & TSOP).

Located in the SASB South


Pre-Law Advising (919-962-6507)

Jennifer Browning offers special advising and counseling for students on matters relating to preparation for admission to law school.

Located on the third floor of Steele Building


Scholarships & Student Aid (962-8396

Located in Vance Hall (additional offices in adjacent Pettigrew)

Student Legal Services

Provides legal services to students, funded by student fees.

Located in the Student Union


Study Abroad Programs (919-962-7001)

Provides access to high quality study abroad opportunities for as many students as possible, whatever their academic discipline, personal interest or financial capacity.

 Located in the FedEx Global Education Center


Summer School (919-966-4364 or 966-4365)

Located in Room 200 at 134 E. Franklin Street.


Writing Center (919-962-7710)

Seeks to enhance writing skills by offering free, un-graded, non-credit tutorial services. While the

Writing Center's primary focus is undergraduates, especially students in English 100, 101, and 102, services are available to all University students, staff and faculty. Grammar Hotline: 962-7710.

Located in the SASB North


Undergraduate Research

 Opportunities for research in and out of the classroom, seminars, etc.

Located in Graham Memorial


University Career Services (919-962-6507)

 Helps students explore majors, develop career plans, find internships, and prepare for the job market.

A career resource room enables students to explore different career fields.

Located on 2 nd floor, Hanes Hall


University Registrar’s Office (919-962-3954)

University and student records, transcripts, etc.

Located in the SASB North

