Syllabus - Rich Mountain Community College

Syllabus for
4 credit hours (64 hrs lecture)
10am – 12noon; Monday and Tuesday
Room 128
Admission to Practical Nursing Program
Charla Hollin, R.N.
Office Hours:
Monday and Tuesday 9:00am-10:00am; 1:00pm-3:00pm
or by appointment.
Required Textbook:
Adult Health Nursing, Christensen & Kockrow
Chapters 10-17
Course Description:
This course focuses on information about common conditions of illness and
nursing care of patients in acute, sub-acute, or convalescent stages of
illness, of both short and long term duration including nutrition and
administration of drugs.
Course Objectives:
Upon successful completion of this course the student will be able to:
1. Define key terms
2. Prioritize the special needs of the patient with urinary dysfunction
3. Explain the changes in body image created when the patient experiences an
alteration in urinary function
4. Adapt teaching methods for the patient with urinary disorders
5. Explain how to test for Chvostek’s sign and Trousseau’s sign
6. List two significant complications that may occur after thyroidectomy
7. Explain the interrelationship of nutrition, exercise, and medication in the
control of diabetes mellitus
8. Discuss the impact of illness on the patient’s sexuality
9. Describe six important points to emphasize in the teaching of breast selfexamination
10. Discuss the importance of monthly testicular self-examination beginning at
15 years of age
11. Discuss patient education related to prevention of sexually transmitted
12. Describe two changes in the sensory system that occur as a result of the
normal aging process
13. List communication tips for hearing and sight impaired persons
14. Discuss Glasgow coma scale
15. State two complications of brain surgery and the signs and symptoms seen
with each complication
16. Differentiate between natural and acquired immunity
17. Review the mechanisms of immune response
18. Review the mechanisms of immune response
19. Compare and contrast humoral and cell-mediated immunity
20. Explain the concepts of immunocompetency, immunodeficiency, and
Course Objectives (cont):
21. Discuss selection of blood donors, typing and cross-matching, storage, and
administration in the prevention of transfusion reaction
22. Describe the agent that causes HIV disease
23. Explain the difference between HIV infection, HIV disease and AIDS
24. Describe the progression of HIV infection
25. Discuss how HIV is and is not transmitted
26. Describe patients who are at risk for HIV infection
27. Discuss the nurse’s role in assisting the HIV-Infected patient with coping,
grieving, anxiety, and minimizing social isolation
28. List opportunistic infections associated with HIV/AIDS
29. List seven risk factors for the development of cancer
30. State seven warning signs of cancer
31. Discuss the development, prevention, and detection of cancer
32. Define the terminology used to describe cellular changes, characteristics of
malignant cells, and types of malignancies
33. Describe the pathophysiology of cancer, including the characteristics of
malignant cells and the nature of metastasis
34. Describe the major categories of chemotherapeutic agents
35. Describe the process of metastasis
36. List common diagnostic tests used to identify the presence of cancer
37. Define the systems of tumor classification: grading and staging
38. Discuss six general guidelines for the use of pain relief measures for the
patine with advanced cancer
39. List diagnostic procedures and nursing interventions associated with each
are pertinent to a patient with a(n) urinary, endocrine, reproductive, sensory,
neurological, immune disorders and HIV/AIDS.
40. Discuss how to use the nursing process in caring for a patient with a(n)
urinary, endocrine, reproductive, sensory, neurological, immune disorders
40. Describe etiology/pathophysiology of urinary, endocrine, reproductive,
sensory, neurological, immune disorders and HIV/AIDS.
42. Describe signs and symptoms of urinary, endocrine, reproductive, sensory,
neurological, immune disorders and HIV/AIDS.
43. Describe nursing interventions for the patient diagnosed with a(n)
urinary, endocrine, reproductive, sensory, neurological, immune disorders
44. Discuss treatment and/or surgical interventions urinary, endocrine,
reproductive, sensory, neurological, immune disorders and HIV/AIDS.
45. Discuss the list of emerging infectious diseases on the CDC website.
Nature of the Course:
This course will include primarily lecture, discussion, and questions.
Course Requirements:
Tests will be given each week on the information presented with a passing
grade being 80 %.
A missed exam must be made up on the first day the student returns to
class. 10 points will be deducted from exams taken late.
A final exam will be given at the end of the semester over all covered
material with a passing grade of 80 %.
Grading and Evaluation: 14 Exams;
1 Final Exam
Grading scale is as follows:
A = 94 - 100 %
B = 87 - 93 %
C = 80 - 86 %
D = 70 - 79 %
Attendance Requirements:
Attendance requirements are outlined in the Practical Nursing Program
Student Policy Handbook
Course Outline:
Week 1
Week 3
Week 4
Week 5
Week 6
Week 7
Week 8
Week 9
Week 10
Week 11
Week 12
Lecture: Urinary Disorders I – Ch. 10 (Lab and Dx Exams to Tumors of the Bladder)
Study Guide:
Urinary Disorders I – Ch. 10
Exam: Urinary Disorders I – Ch. 10
Lecture: Urinary Disorders II – Ch. 10 (Cond. Of the Prostate to Surgical Proced)
Study Guide:
Urinary Disorders II– Ch. 10
Exam: Urinary Disorders II– Ch. 10
Lecture: Endocrine Disorders I– Ch. 11 (Disorders of the Pituitary, Thyroid, and
Study Guide: Endocrine Disorders I– Ch. 11
Exam: Endocrine Disorders I– Ch. 11
Lecture: Endocrine Disorders II – Ch. 11 (Disorders of the Pancreas)
Study Guide: Endocrine Disorders II– Ch. 11
Exam: Endocrine Disorders II– Ch. 11
Lecture: Reproductive Disorders I– Ch. 12 (Lab and Dx Exams to Dis. Of the Female
Study Guide: Reproductive Disorders I– Ch. 12
Exam: Reproductive Disorders I– Ch. 12
Lecture: Reproductive Disorders II– Ch. 12 (Dis. Of the Female Reprod. to Female
Study Guide: Reproductive Disorders II – Ch. 12
Exam: Reproductive Disorders II– Ch. 12
Lecture: Reproductive Disorders III – Ch. 12 (Inflam Disorders to STD’s)
Study Guide: Reproductive Disorders III – Ch. 12
Exam: Reproductive Disorders III – Ch. 12
Lecture: Sensory Disorders I – Ch. 13 (Disorders of the Eye)
Study Guide: Sensory Disorders I –Ch. 13
Exam: Sensory Disorders I – Ch. 13
Lecture: Sensory Disorders II – Ch. 13 (Disorders of the Ear)
Study Guide:
Sensory Disorders II – Ch. 13
Exam: Sensory Disorders II – Ch. 13
Lecture: Neurological Disorders I – Ch. 14 (Assessment to Degenerative Diseases)
Study Guide: Neurological Disorders I – Ch. 14
Exam: Neurological Disorders I – Ch. 14
Lecture: Neurological Disorders II – Ch. 14 (Degenerative Dis. To Trauma)
Study Guide:
Neurological Disorders II – Ch. 14
Exam: Neurological Disorders II – Ch. 14
Lecture: Immune Disorders – Ch. 15
Study Guide: Immune Disorders – Ch. 15
Week 13
Week 14
Week 15
Week 16
Exam: Immune Disorders – Ch. 15
Lecture: HIV/AIDS – Ch. 16
Study Guide: HIV/AIDS – Ch. 16
Exam: HIV/AIDS –Ch. 16
Lecture: Cancer – Ch. 17
Study Guide: Cancer – Ch. 17
Exam: Cancer – Ch. 17
Lecture: Current and Emerging Infectious Diseases
It is the policy of RMCC to accommodate students with disabilities, pursuant to state and federal
law. Any student with a disability who needs accommodations, for example in seating placement,
examinations, or access to information on the web, should contact the Dean of Students Services
Office. Which is located in the Abernathy Building Room 301, 394-7622 ext.1400.
Rich Mountain Community College exists to provide all citizens of the Ouachita Mountain Region with
exemplary educational and enrichment opportunities to improve the quality of life and standard of livi