Please choose one of the books from the list to read on your own time

Novel Project
9 Grade English Literature
Kirk 2007
Semi-Independent Novel Project (100 pts)
-You will complete FOUR assignments for a total project grade of 100 points. Here are your choices:
ONE Bio-Poem (25 pts)
Create a bio-poem on one of the characters from your book. It must be completed with some sort
of graphics (clip art, etc.) on it. Will have one work day in class, but you will be responsible to complete on your own..
TWO Written Assignments (25 pts each): all should be at least ONE page typed or TWO handwritten-skip lines
1) Authors do not choose a title randomly. Usually the title is symbolic in some way. Explain the
significance of the title in a 5-paragraph essay.
2) Thoroughly describe the setting (time period, location, any vivid descriptions by narrator, etc.)
and why it is significant to the story. In a 5-paragraph essay, argue how the setting is symbolic of
something larger and how it affects/allows for the theme(s).
3) Write a one page friendly letter to the author. Topic ideas for letter: inspiration, questions
about characters or ending, character name and personality choice, style of narration, how much
this story means to you and got you to think differently or more deeply about an issue, etc. Do
NOT just ask questions; you may ask a question and then elaborate on what you think or how you
guess the author would answer the question.
4) Choose a controversial issue from the text and argue both sides of the issue equally. Argue
each side of the issue while discussing your reasons for believing this and using quotes or specific
examples from the text for support.
5) Write a general review of the book; what is most exciting or interesting about the book? What
is lacking excitement, interest, is confusing or a poor choice by the author? Would you
recommend the book? Why or why not? Would you change any element of the story, if you
could (plot, characters, setting, resolution, conflicts, point of view, etc.)?
ONE Creative Assignment (25 pts)
Character Scrap or Memory Book: at least 3 FULL pages, scrap book style, pictures/art, words
Theme/Symbol collage: Poster board, Title of Theme/Symbol, board almost completely covered,
thorough explanation of collage pieces relating to the theme/symbol on back of poster.
Comic Strip: at least 6 major scenes with dialogue/scene commentary
Song: Lyrics written, musical genre described with explanation of genre choice (tone, theme, etc.)
Travel Brochure: Tri-fold, all inside and outside panels used,
Scene Rewrite (different character’s point of view): at least 2 pages typed, double-spaced or 3 pages
handwritten while skipping lines, must have dialogue.
Movie Poster: Poster board, Title of movie, pictures of famous star-cast and their character roles, justification of
each casting selection on back of poster, a slogan/catch-phrase
Movie Trailer: Video-recorded/edited or computer animated/edited preview of movie, audio, appropriate tone for
movie genre and/or theme(s).
Due: Thursday, 5/21 -
Book and Novel Project complete for 100% possible points.
*Late: Fri.,
5/22 75% possible points
Tues., 5/26 50 % possible points
Novel Project
9 Grade English Literature
Kirk 2007
Parental Permission Slip and Novel Due in hand in class Monday, May 4th
Student’s Name ________________________________________
Novel from list__________________________________________
Parent/Guardian Signature
Reminder: Novel Project is Due Thursday, May 21st
Please choose one of the books from the list to read on your own time. There will only be a few days in
class that you will be given time to read. Here are your choices:
Highly Recommended
Catalyst by Laurie Halse Anderson
Just Listen! by Sarah Dessen
The Face on the Milk Carton by Caroline B. Cooney
My Name is America: “The Journal of Patrick Seamus Flaherty”
Fake ID by Walter Sorrells
The Secret Under My Skin by Janet McNaughton
Runner by Carl Deuker
A Heart Divided by Cherie Bennett
Other Recommended Novels
Teen Issues
Novel Project
9 Grade English Literature
Kirk 2007
Senioritis by Tate Thompson
Perfect by Natasha Friend
The Chocolate War (1974) by Robert Cormier
Monster (2001) by Walter Dean Myers
PINS (1999) by Jim Provenzaro
Speak (2001) by Laurie Halse-Anderson
The Burn Journals (2004) by Brent Runyan
Amazing Grace by Megan Shull
A Step From Heaven (2003) by An Na
A Child Called It by Dave Pelzer
The Bluest Eye (2005) by Toni Morrison
Historical Fiction
The Year of the Hangman (2004) by Gary Blackwood
The House of the Scorpion (2004) by Nancy Farmer
The Book Thief by Markus Zusak
King Dork by Frank Portman
Maximum Ride: The Angel Experiment by James Patterson
(sequel) Maximum Ride: School’s Out Forever (2006)
I am the Cheese by Robert Cormier
Voices by Ursula K. Le Guin
Lovely Bones by Alice Sebold
The Giver (1993) by Lois Lowry
(sequel) Gathering Blue
(sequel) Messenger
Tithe: A Modern Faerie Tale by Holly Black
Sophie’s World by Jostein Gaarder
The Five People You Meet in Heaven (2003) by Mitch Albom
Whispers From the Dead (1991) by Joan Lowery-Nixon
Don’t Scream by Joan Lowery-Nixon
Surrender (2007) by Sonya Hartnett
The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time by Mark Hadden
Thirsty by M.T. Anderson
In Cold Blood by Truman Capote
Road of the Dead (2006) by Kevin Brooks
The House on Mango Street by Sandra Cisneros
In Search of Mockingbird (2007) by Loretta Ellsworth
EXTRA CREDIT (25 points)
I do have only one copy of each of these books, so they may not be checked out of the classroom, but
you may get your own copy.
Novel Project
9 Grade English Literature
Kirk 2007
A Child Called It by Dave Pelzer
Flowers For Algernon by Daniel Keyes
Whispers From the Dead by Joan Lowery Nixon
Night Kites by M.E. Kerr
The House on Mango Street by Sandra Cisneros
Claws by Will Weaver
Monster by Walter Dean Myers
PINS by Jim Provenzano
The House of the Scorpion by Nancy Farmer
The Almost Moon by Alice Sebold
*In order to receive credit for the extended reading, you must complete one written assignment
(25 points) of either the significance of the title or a controversial issue presented within the text. It must
be at least one page, typed in MLA format or two pages handwritten while skipping lines.
**In order to do extra credit, you must have your Novel Project turned in and complete beforehand .
Student’s Name: __________________________________________________________
EXTRA CREDIT NOVEL: _________________________________________________
Parental Permission Signature: _______________________________________________
Extra Credit Novel Assignment Due on or before Thursday, 5/21.
It will not be accepted after the due date.