Miranda v. Arizona

Marbury v. Madison
McCulloch v.
Gibbons v. Ogden
Dred Scott v. Sanford
Plessy v. Ferguson
black facilities = white facilities
Schenck v. United
Schechter Poultry
Corp. v. US
Korenmatsu v.
United States
Brown v. Board of
of Topeka
Mapp v. Ohio
Engel v. Vitale
Gideon v.
Miranda v. Arizona
US v. Nixon
Heart of Atlanta
Motel vs. US (1964)
Roe vs. Wade
NJ vs. TLO
Veronia School
District vs. Acton
Worchester vs.
Georgia (1832)
Northern Securities
Co. vs. United States
Marbury vs. Madison
Established the power of Judicial
McCulloch vs. Maryland
The Federal government is above the
states governments.
Gibbons vs. Ogden
Congress can legislate and regulate
all matters of interstate commerce.
Dred Scott vs. Sanford
Slaves were property, not citizens.
Missouri Compromise was
unconstitutional, Congress had no
power to prohibit slavery in the
territories. Strengthens abolitionists.
Plessy vs. Ferguson
It created the doctrine of "separate
but equal". (will be overturned in
Brown v. Board of Education of
Schenck vs. US
Schenck's speech was not
unconstitutionally protected because
it posed a "clear and present danger"
to the country.
Schechter Poulty Corp. vs. US
The NRA New Deal was
unconstitutional. Congress has the
power to regulate Interstate
Commerce, not the president and
Congress cannot delegate legislative
power to the President.
Korenmatsu vs. US
Ruled that forcible relocation of
Japanese Americans to Wartime
Relocation Camps during WW II was
Brown vs. Board of Education
"Separate but equal" was
Mapp vs. Ohio
No illegal search and seizure. Police
need a search warrant.
Engel v. Vitale
Mandatory school prayer was
declared unconstitutional
Gideon v. Wainwright
People being accused of a crime
have the right to an attorney
Miranda v. Arizona
People being accused of a crime
have the “right to remain silent,
anything they say can be used against
them in the court of law”.
Nixon vs. US
President forced to turn over evidence,
limits his power. The president is not
above the law.
Heart of Atlanta Motel vs. US
Segregation in private facilities
involved in interstate commerce is
Roe vs. Wade
Women’s right to privacy
NJ vs. TLO
(Principals have the right to look)
defines searches in school
Veronia School District vs. Acton
Drug tests in school are legal.
Worchester vs. Georgia
Federal control of Indians resulted in
Trail of Tears
Northern Securities Co. vs. United
Company formed only to eliminate
competition and ordered it to be