AP History Unit 8 The Gilded Age Visions of America chs: 16, 17 & 18 Capital and Labor Cornelius Vanderbilt Robber Barons Interstate Commerce Act Interstate Commerce Commission Alexander Graham Bell Thomas Edison Standard Oil Company Bessemer Process Gustavus F. Swift Herbert Spencer The Gospel of Wealth Molly Maguires Haymarket Square Riot Homestead Strike Pullman Strike Model T Vertical Integration Andrew Carnegie Henry Clay Frick Horizontal Integration John D. Rockefeller Trust J.P. Morgan US Steel Corporation Social Darwinism William Graham Sumner Sherman Anti-Trust Act Terence Powderly Samuel Gompers Pinkerton Detectives Eugene V. Debs Scientific management Politics Waving the Bloody Shirt Half-Breeds James Garfield Chester Arthur Grover Cleveland Bimetalism People’s Party Coxey’s Army William McKinley Tammany Hall International Workers of the World Stalwarts Mugwumps Charles Guiteau Pendleton Act Benjamin Harrison Greenback Panic of 1893 Cross of Gold Speech Thomas Nast Populism Plessy v. Ferguson Progressivism Hull House Federal Reserve Act Ludlow Massacre Women’s Christian Temperance Union Carry A. Nation Ida Tarbell Pure Food and Drug Act 17th Amendment WEB Dubois Emma Goldman Theodore Roosevelt Lochner v. New York Muller v. Oregon Woodrow Wilson The Jungle Muckrakers Robert Lafollete Booker T. Washington Margaret Sanger Comstockery