GBS 151: Introduction to Business (hybrid)

Spring 2015
Paradise Valley Community College
GBS 151: Introduction to Business (hybrid)
Web Page:
Office Hours:
Course Day/Time:
Jim Patterson (Email is best) (see my faculty page link)
10:15 to 11:30am MTWTh
#17415 (and concurrent honors #17496) meets Thursday in
Class, 9 to 10:15am in J139
(hybrid: both online class and in-class work)
Required Textbook: Ebert and Griffin, Business Essentials 10/e. Pearson.
* Special Nature of This Course:
You have enrolled in a special section of GBS151 called “hybrid.” That means half of the course
(once a week) you will physically come to class; the other half of each week is spent online using
PVCC’s Canvas. Once you go to the PVCC Canvas site and sign in with your login and
password, you will see the GBS151 section you are enrolled in. If you do not have a login and
password, you will see instructions on the page to get you started. DO NOT FORGET your
Canvas login and password! The online portion of this course is NOT optional. You will
continue or start discussions online, take tests online, submit papers online, and more. The faceto-face component will allow you to discuss issues with fellow students and me and do activities.
Off the main website, you will see links for online classes,
distance learning, and Canvas. Go to to login to Canvas.
You will use your official Google/Maricopa email address. DO NOT use your
boyfriend/girlfriend, brother, uncle, dad, etc… email. Go to for
more information. This is the email address I will use for you!
Course Description:
GBS 151 will analyze the characteristics and activities of current local, national, and
international business with an emphasis on economics, marketing, and finance.
Course Objectives:
To understand general business concepts relating to economic systems, business ownerships,
functions of management, human relations in business, labor organizations, distribution,
marketing functions, financial institutions and its organizations, risk management, money
management, accounting and data processing, international business, domestic laws and
international laws, mergers and consolidations.
Who is Jim?
I have a broad academic background. I have degrees and interests in journalism, international
relations, instructional technology, business, and computer information systems. I am also a
published author with three books. And I am an avid photographer. I’ve made many national
conference presentations and conducted training for both corporate and military audiences. Prior to
coming to Paradise Valley C.C., I was an education specialist with the U.S. Army’s Military
Intelligence School at Fort Huachuca, AZ. In my younger days, I was a radio reporter and news
director for stations in both Michigan and Arizona. Before teaching at PVCC, I taught at the
University of Phoenix, Jackson (MI) Community College (main campus and prison branch... my
captive audience!), Pima C.C., and the University of Arizona. I have a B.A. from the University of
Arizona, a M.A. from Eastern Michigan University, a Certificate in Distance Education from
Thomas Edison State College, an Ed.S. in instructional technology from Valdosta State University,
and an M.B.A. from Morehead State University. I am now completing an Ed.D. from Northern
Arizona University. I am the campus Faculty Online Learning Coordinator. I am proficient with
Mac products like iWeb and iMovie, Office, Dreamweaver, and Adobe PhotoShop and Lightroom
for editing photos and graphics - see my digital photography site which also links to my faculty site
at You will see I have a real passion for photography. I am a
member of the National Association of Photoshop Professionals (NAPP) and Wedding and Portrait
Photographers International (WPPI)
What are the ground rules?
Plagiarism is a serious offense. It is the unacknowledged use of another’s words, ideas,
or information. Some common examples of plagiarism are summarizing or paraphrasing source
material without documentation, quoting without citations, copying all or parts of another
writer’s paper, having another person write the paper, or purchasing another writer’s paper.
To avoid plagiarism, students must give a source credit for any ideas or information they
have used in a paper, whether they have paraphrased, summarized, or quoted from the source.
A student who plagiarizes is subject to disciplinary probation and suspension (see page
218 of the PVCC Catalog.) The first occurrence of plagiarism may result in a zero for that
assignment. A second occurrence may result in a grade of “F” for the course.
How will I be graded?
In-Class Participation
32 Points
If you show up ON TIME (not late) and participate in the class activities in person, you get
TWO points (and in the spring, perfect attendance gets two bonus points). That means being
prepared for the chapters assigned, fully working in your group, and otherwise participating in
the class. IN CLASS, you MUST bring in the questions and your answers for discussion.
Typically, I will randomly assign you to a group to answer questions and a scenario. Also, be
sure to review the PowerPoint slides for the chapters before class!
Online Discussion Participation
34 Points
There will be online discussion boards covering 17 chapters in the text. So each chapter, if done
successfully, will get you two points. You will answer ANY SIX questions I pose per chapter.
Miss a discussion board online and lose the points. In addition to answering online the questions
I give you on each chapter, you will ALSO ask a question to other students, and answer another
students question. Please see my guidance on what I consider a good online post.
* NOTE: I will evaluate discussion postings based on the following guidelines:
1. Post on time. Late postings are not beneficial to the group.
2. Be concise. Develop your idea in 200 words or less.
3. Connect your comments to what you are learning in the course.
4, Reply to other students’ posts. Let them know how useful the post was to you.
5. Be informative. Go beyond just agreeing or repeating by adding to the conversation.
6. Bring together or synthesize others’ comments from the discussion.
7. Illustrate your points with examples.
8. Relate personal experiences, but be careful not to release confidential information.
9. Use professional conventions of communication (e.g. etiquette, grammar and word usage).
10. Base your comments on research from at least one source. Note your sources.
11. Make sure each answer can stand on its own. In other words, if a reader did not have the
questions in front of them, would he or she understand your answer???
12. As a bare minimum, you should login to class at least three times a week. To excel in this
class, you will want to login at least five times a week.
Current Business News Presentation
5 points
To begin the each on-ground class, a student will present the current business news using a
review of business websites such as CNN/Money, Forbes, Fortune, Wall Street Journal,
Computer World, etc… Make sure you link the current news with material covered or to be
covered in the textbook! You will post your current business news report in the appropriate
discussion area on Canvas, AND, to get a grade you will also post your review with sources
under ASSIGNMENTS. On the first day of class you will get your business news report
assignment date. Miss the date? Lose the points.
Article Review and Oral Presentation
5 points
Each of you will find on your own an article (NOT NEWS STORY!) related to a chapter we are
discussing in class. Then, you will WRITE a review of the article including your own thoughts
that is no more than two double spaced pages. The article will include a proper APA-style
citation at the top of the review. How do you get started? Look at general topic areas in the
chapter you are reading. Then do a Google search. Look at the Notes, Sources, and Credits
section at the end of your textbook for hints. IN ADDITION to the written article review, you
will also orally present the article to the class. DO NOT READ THE ARTICLE REVIEW TO
US. Talk about the article, how it relates to the chapter, and what you think about it in a
conversational manner. On the first day of class you will get your article report assignment
date. Miss the date? Lose the points.
You will post your article review in the appropriate discussion area on Canvas, AND, to get a
grade you will also post your review with sources under ASSIGNMENTS.
Group Paper and Presentation
12 points
In a small group, you will produce an APA paper of at least five pages and 20-minute
presentation with PowerPoint slides and sentence outline (follow my guidance on organizing a
presentation from the articles on my website and give me a good outline just before your group
presents). And a simple handout for the class is a copy of your slides, three to a page. Wow,
where to begin! Exactly! That is the hard part, finding a suitable limited topic. Here, you will
come up with a business concept. This is NOT a business plan. The business concept
presentation is designed to get people excited about your idea. Typically, an investor might hear
and read your concept and say, “go ahead, write the business plan.” I’ve seen some outstanding
business idea presentations. Some of my past students began their small business with this
assignment. YOU have to give me a topic for approval and we will do this in class and online. I
will ask each group to first develop and present an “elevator speech” of no more than 30 seconds
that concisely explains the concept to get our attention. Include a SWOT analysis in your work!
Unsuitable topics include: “something on business,” “marketing,” “management,” “some kind of
bar,” etc… Going “above and beyond” and showing creativity in topic selection and
presentation will get you the points and my undying admiration (perhaps more). Thrill me,
surprise me, and delight me. HAVE FUN!
I do not expect a ton of financial data, but enough to make a decision on whether this is a good
concept and is do-able.
NOTE: As part of your 20 minute presentation, you may include up to a five minute video on
your business at Let’s try this as an experiment!
Here is some help on writing APA papers:
in APA style.
My own faculty website has guidance on doing presentations. Go to and scroll to the bottom for help on organizing a
presentation. There is even a PowerPoint slideshow on how to give a great presentation! Also,
use the Word document template there to help you do your presentation outline.
12 points
Due the last day of class in the online Canvas classroom. You will pick any TWO discussion
questions per chapter to write on. At least one paragraph per question. Include the question
with your answer. In addition, you will pick any TWO chapter ending cases to write on. At least
ONE PAGE per case. HINT: as we go along in this class, do the final exam chapter-bychapter, week by week. It will save you a ton of time.
You will NOT get honors credit in this class for merely being here. You MUST pick a limited
topic to write and report orally on. Perhaps something in our textbook sparks your interest.
Clear the topic with me first and make sure it is limited. OR, you can do a career exploration
Write at least five pages APA style with at least five sources. Your oral presentation is due
typically the week before we begin group presentations. Do the oral first, then you have time to
write the final paper due the last day of class online. Get with the HONORS OFFICE EARLY to
find out what kind of paperwork we need to fill out. This is for HONORS CREDIT ONLY and
does not affect your grade.
Grading Scale:
90-100 =
80-89 =
70-79 =
60-69 =
You must sign the attendance log BEFORE class ON TIME to get attendance and
participation credit for each on-ground portion of the class. That means breezing in late means
you do not get credit for that day. You are expected to attend regularly and participate in both
the on-ground and online portions of class. If you need to withdraw from the course, please do so
through official PVCC channels (Admissions and Records). You must handle withdrawal; I do
not do that automatically. If you start the class, then fail to attend you will get a grade based on
the points you have in class.
How to Succeed in this Class:
Attend each session on ground. Login and participate at least THREE times per week online.
Follow instructions. Really READ the syllabus (I am a published author and seminar speaker on
effective writing and speaking, so the “problem” you might have is NOT due to my “unclear”
writing and speaking). Pay attention and participate in class. NOTE WHEN THE CLASS
MEETS. BE HERE ON TIME. Coming in late shows disrespect and does not count toward
attendance. MEET DEADLINES as I do NOT give extra credit or make-ups.
How to Fail in This Class:
Get lazy. Show up “whenever.” Show up late. Do not read the material. Always look and act
“lost” and “confused” and blame the instructor. Only show up in class or only show up online
(both are required). Do little to nothing on a group project and expect it all to work itself out.
Where can I get extra assistance?
The Learning Support Center:
Please feel free to make an appointment with a tutor if you need assistance with
assignments. Tutors in The Writing Center, which is a part of the Learning Support
Center, can assist you with writing concerns. Tutoring is free to PVCC students.
Feel free to make an appointment with a Counselor if you need assistance with personal
issues or help in selecting a major/career. Counseling is free to PVCC students. Phone
(602) 787-6540.
What other policies do I need to know about?
Students Rights and Responsibilities:
Students are responsible to read and understand the District-wide Scholastic Standards
found in the current Student Handbook. Pay particular attention to the technology
section, 2.5.2 Student Disciplinary Code, Article III, Paragraph 15.
Student Disabilities:
Students with disabilities who believe they may need accommodations in this class are
encouraged to contact the Disability Resource Center, KSC room 119, (602) 787-7170.
Withdrawal Policy:
If you are considering withdrawing from the class, please speak with your instructor first.
If together you determine that it is best for you to withdraw, then go to Admissions and
Records in the Kranitz Student Center to complete the necessary paperwork. The
responsibility for withdrawing is yours. If at the time of withdrawal a student has a grade
of “C” or higher, a “W” (withdraw passing) will be assigned. Otherwise, a grade of “Y”
(withdraw failing) will be assigned.
Course Outline and Assignments:
Week One: 1/20 to 1/25
In Class: Introduction
Thursday in class
Online: Chapter One: The
U.S. Business Environment
Week Two: 1/26 to 2/1
Chapter Two: Understanding
Business Ethics and
Social Responsibility
Thursday in class
1. Read chapter one
2. Article Review and
presentation by a student in
class and posted in Canvas
for credit.
3. Business news
presentations from students
in class and online; posted
online for credit.
4. In class participation on
end of chapter questions
and activities, carried over
to Canvas class discussion
area. See chapter ending
“discussion questions” for
each chapter.
1. Read chapter two
2. Article Review and
presentation by a student in
class and posted in Canvas
for credit.
3. Business news
presentations from students
in class and online; posted
online for credit.
4. In class participation on
end of chapter questions
and activities, carried over
to Canvas class discussion
Week Three: 2/2 to 2/8
Thursday in class
Chapter Three:
New Ventures, and
Business Ownership
Chapter Four: Understanding
the Global Context
of Business
Week Four: 2/9 to 2/15
Thursday in class
Chapter Five: Managing the
1. Read chapters three and
2. Article Review and
presentation by a student in
class and posted in Canvas
for credit.
3. Business news
presentations from students
in class and online; posted
online for credit.
4. In class participation on
end of chapter questions
and activities, carried over
to Canvas class discussion
1. Read chapter five
2. Article Review and
presentation by a student in
class and posted in Canvas
for credit.
3. Business news
presentations from students
in class and online; posted
online for credit.
4. In class participation on
end of chapter questions
and activities, carried over
to Canvas class discussion
5. Formation and naming of
teams; set-up discussion
area on Canvas for the
Week Five: 2/16 to 2/22
Chapter Six: Organizing the
Thursday in class
Chapter Seven: Operations
Management and Quality
for Producing Goods and
Week Six: 2/23 to 3/1 Thursday Chapter Eight: Employee
Behavior and Motivation
in class
1. Read chapters six and
2. Article Review and
presentation by a student in
class and posted in Canvas
for credit.
3. Business news
presentations from students
in class and online; posted
online for credit.
4. In class participation on
end of chapter questions
and activities, carried over
to Canvas class discussion
1. Read chapter eight
2. Article Review and
presentation by a student in
class and posted in Canvas
for credit.
3. Business news
presentations from students
in class and online; posted
online for credit.
4. In class participation on
end of chapter questions
and activities, carried over
to Canvas class discussion
5. TEAMS get topic approval
this week!
Week Seven: 3/2 to 3/8
Thursday in class
Week Eight: 3/9 to 3/15
Thursday in class
Week Nine: 3/23 to 3/29
Thursday in class
Chapter Nine: Leadership and
Decision Making
1. Read chapter nine
2. Business news
presentations from students
in class and posted online
in Canvas for credit.
3. Group Project Ideas
4. Article Review and
presentation by a student in
class and posted in Canvas
for credit.
Chapter Ten: Human
Resource Management and
Labor Relations
1. Read chapter ten.
Chapter Eleven: Marketing
and Consumer
1. Read chapters eleven and
2. Article Review and
presentation by a student in
class and posted in Canvas
for credit.
3. Business news
presentations from students
Chapter Twelve: Developing
and Pricing Products
Week Ten: 3/30 to 4/ 5
Thursday in class
Chapter Thirteen:
Distributing and Promoting
2. Article Review and
presentation by a student in
class and posted in Canvas
for credit..
3. Business news
presentations from students
1. Read chapter thirteen
2. Article Review and
presentation by a student in
class and posted in Canvas
for credit.
3. Business news
presentations from students
Week Eleven: 4/6 to 4/12
Thursday in class
Week Twelve: 4/13 to 4/19
Thursday in class
Chapter Fourteen:
Information Technology (IT)
for Business
1. Read chapter fourteen
2. Article Review and
presentation by a student in
class and posted in Canvas
for credit.
3. Business news
presentations from students
Chapter Fifteen: The Role of
Accountants and
Accounting Information
1. Read chapters fifteen
2. Article Review and
presentation by a student in
class and posted in Canvas
for credit.
3. Business news
presentations from students
Honors Presentations
Week Thirteen: 4/20 to 4/26
Thursday in class
Chapter Sixteen:
Understanding Money and the
Role of Banking
Chapter Seventeen:
Managing Business Finances
Honors Presentations
Week Fourteen: 4/27 to 5/3
Presentation and paper
1. Prep work for paper and
presentation. Presentation
with PowerPoint in class;
Post paper online with
group members full names.
Presentation and paper
1. Team paper and
presentation due.
Presentation with
PowerPoint in class; Post
paper online with group
members full names.
2. Final Exam due
Thursday in class
Week Fifteen: 5/4 to 5/10
Thursday in class
1. Read chapters sixteen and
2. Article Review and
presentation by a student in
class and posted in Canvas
for credit.
3. Business news
presentations from students
Students engaging in the following are subject to disciplinary sanctions outlined in the PVCC
Catalog, Student Policies Section.
Acts of Dishonesty; examples include:
Furnishing false information
Falsifying records related to coursework
Forgery, alteration, misuse of any college document
Tampering with the election of any college-recognized official
Disruption or obstruction of teaching, research, administration, disciplinary proceedings, or
college activities. An instructor can remove a student from class for disciplinary reasons.
Physical abuse, verbal abuse, threats, intimidation, harassment, coercion and/or conduct that
threatens the health or safety of any person.
Attempted or actual theft
Failure to comply with direction of college officials or law enforcement officers
Unauthorized possession, duplication or use of keys to any college premises
Violation of federal, state, or local laws on college campus or at college sponsored activities
Use, possession or distribution of narcotics or other controlled substances
Use, possession, or distribution of alcoholic beverages, or public intoxication
Illegal or unauthorized possession of firearms, explosives, weapons, or dangerous chemicals
Participation in a college demonstration that disrupts the normal operations of the college
Obstruction of the free flow of pedestrian or vehicular traffic on college premises
Conduct which is disorderly, lewd or indecent
Theft or other abuse of computer time
Abuse of the judicial system
The majority of services are open Monday – Thursday 8:00 -7:00 and Friday 8:00 – 5:00.
Appointments may be required for some areas. Visit our Web Site at
for more information.
Athletics – To learn more about
our athletic programs call (602)
787-7173 or e-mail us at
Academic Advising – KSC186, (602) 787-7060. Advisors are available to assist with classes
and degree information. Discuss your goals, education history, and interests with the advisor .
Hours: Walk-in 8:00 – 11:00 a.m. Afternoon and evenings by appointment.
Admissions and Records – KSC111, (602) 787-7020. Services include registration, transcript
requests, graduation requests, and educational records. This office maintains all student records.
Assessment Center – KSC226, (602) 787-7050. Services include placement, ESL, instructional
, and CLEP testing. Assessment helps students identify their existing skills and knowledge.
Bookstore - KSC143, (602) 787-7120. The Bookstore, operated by Follett, sells new and used
textbooks, school supplies, greeting cards, gifts, sundries, college clothing, trade books, and
educationally priced software.
Child Development Center – D101, (602) 787-7150. This service is available for the children
of PVCC students. The program’s main focus is language development, fine motor and social
skills for children between the ages of 3 – 8 years.
College Safety – KSC126, (602) 787-7900. Provides safety and security measures for the
campus. Services include lost and found, emergency assistance, first-aid, parking decals, photo
Counseling/Personal Development – KSC177, (602) 787-6540. Free, confidential counseling
is available to prospective and currently enrolled students at PVCC. Counselors are available by
appointment. Please call or stop by the Counseling Office.
Disability Resource Center/Student Development – KSC119, (602) 787-7174. This office
participates in the Americans with Disabilities Act which include reasonable accommodations
with access, resources, and support services. Student development activities include student
orientations, ESL student support, and student diversity program.
Financial Aid – KSC101, (602) 787-7100. Services include financial counseling for students,
assistance in completing the financial aid process and information about scholarship programs.
Financial aid includes grants, loans, student employment and scholarships.
Career Services/Job Placement KSC Building, (602) 787-7073. This office provides job
listings on and off campus, assistance in job searches, internships, and Maricopa Career Network
for on-line postings.
Learning Support Center, E Building, (602) 787-7180. The Learning Support Center provides
free tutoring and other learning support for most PVCC courses. Free tutoring includes study
groups, drop-in tutoring, individual appointments and on-line tutoring. Learning Support
resources include video tapes, software, and print materials to provide help with both course
content and study skills. Hours: Monday – Thursday, 8:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m., Friday 8:00 a.m. –
5:00 p.m., Saturday, 9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
Library - E Building, (602)787-7200. The PVCC Library offers a print and media collection of
approximately 40,000 items. In addition, the library now has a collection of electronic books.
An online catalog provides indexing to much of the material held by PVCC as well as materials
owned by other Maricopa County Community College libraries.
Service Learning, KSC141A. (602) 787-6657 or (602) 787-7241. Service-Learning is a direct
expression of the PVCC vision statement. Our college is dedicated to “building partnerships…
that cross institutional boundaries for innovative instruction and coordinated community
service.” Service-Learning combines academic learning and educational goals with student
action in real life situations outside the four walls of the classroom. Students are given the
opportunity to learn and develop as leaders through active participation in thoughtfully organized
service experiences that meet vital community needs.
Student Life, KSC135, (602) 787-7244. The center encourages students to participate in
college and community life. Some activities include honors, leadership training, service
learning, student clubs, Student Leadership Council, Emerging Leaders Program and student
Veteran’s Services, KSC 111 (602) 787-7045, is located in the Admissions and Records Office.
Sign Up Sheet: 20 Minute Presentation and APA Style Paper
1. Presentation is 20 minutes (+/- 2 minutes) with handouts/PowerPoint/visuals
2. Follow guidance on my webpage (under articles) on how to give a presentation and
how to do Power Point slides and a speech outline
3. Hand in a group paper in APA style (consult OWL from Purdue on how to format)
4. All must participate in the presentation and paper.
5. Fill out a group presentation form that I gave you earlier and rank your teammates.
6. No LATE accepted; miss this and miss the points.
First Week of Presentations
Second Week of Presentations
Business Concept Judging Criteria:
I will score the business concept paper and presentation based on:
The research and analysis evident from the concept description.
The quality of your team's analysis of the strategic elements of your business concept
described in Critical Analysis Ingredients below.
The effectiveness of the team's communication of the business opportunity.
The extent to which your business opportunity, as presented, is both attractive and
Critical Analysis Ingredients: Defining the Business Opportunity
What is the business opportunity or market need your concept addresses?
What is your product/service and how does it meet this need?
Is the product or service technologically feasible? (Do not submit business concepts
based on technology that is not fully developed.)
Who is your target market? What is the size and what are the characteristics of this
Defining the Industry
What is the industry in which your business will compete?
Who are the existing players in the industry, and who might be potential players?
What is your competitive advantage in this industry?
Creating a Viable Business
How will you bring this idea to market?
How will the business make money? Identify your revenue model (i.e. licensing fees,
direct sales to customer, advertising, etc.)
Note: It is not necessary to focus on financials in the concept competition; however,
there must be enough information for the reader to ascertain the financial viability of the
idea, and whether the revenue model is rational.
Identifying Critical Issues to Resolve
What are the critical issues to resolve as you move forward in your business planning
What TO Include:
In addition to everything else, include a SWOT analysis.
What Not to Include
Financial projections – again, include enough information to convey the financial
viability and a rational revenue model.
Management bios
Paper Length, etc... The paper should be five double spaced pages, one-inch margins all around. Include sources at
the end in APA format (Google search “Purdue OWL APA Style” for help on this or go to the
library and ask for their APA format handout). Submit paper either in person at the time of your
presentation with all participants names (first and last) on the paper or submit through the
assignments are of Canvas in Word format only (*.doc extension).
Remember, half of the assignment is the presentation of twenty minutes. Give me a proper
presentation outline BEFORE you present following my guidance on my website. Include a
PowerPoint slideshow, too.
You MAY include a five-minute video you do from
as part of the presentation. I am hoping many of you try this as an experiment.
Evaluation Form for the Group Presentation
GBS 151
How well did the group give their presentation?
Names of group members:
1. The presentation explained the material well and helped me understand the topic.
Strongly Disagree
So So
Strong Agree
2. The group was well prepared and put in a lot of hard work.
Strongly Disagree Disagree
So So
Strong Agree
3. The group appeared to cooperate well, with equal participation among members.
Strongly Disagree Disagree
So So
Strong Agree
4. The presentation made the topic interesting and fun.
Strongly Disagree Disagree
So So
Strong Agree
5. The sentence outline was done correctly with an intro, body, and conclusion.
Strongly Disagree
So So
6. Now give a general rating for the whole presentation.
So So
Strong Agree
7. Additional comments:
______/out of 6 Points for the Presentation (up to 6 points for the paper, too)
Team Member Evaluations
Your Name: ____________________ Group#:________
Part I: Write the name of all the members of your group below (include your name) and their corresponding
contribution to the project
Name of all the members in the group
Total should add to 100 
Part II: For each member of your group (exclude yourself),
write the name and evaluate them on the
following parameters
To what extent did…
Not at all
To some
To great
To an
… share the work load of the task at hand
… actively participate in discussions and meetings
… take responsibilities and was dependable
…help distribute workload effectively and equitably
by consensus
To what extent did…
Not at all
To some
To great
To an
… share the work load of the task at hand
… actively participate in discussions and meetings
… take responsibilities and was dependable
…help distribute workload effectively and equitably
by consensus
To what extent did…
Not at all
To some
To great
To an
… share the work load of the task at hand
… actively participate in discussions and meetings
… take responsibilities and was dependable
…help distribute workload effectively and equitably
by consensus
To what extent did….
Not at all
To some
To great
To an
… share the work load of the task at hand
… actively participate in discussions and meetings
… take responsibilities and was dependable
…help distribute workload effectively and equitably
by consensus