Our Father who art in Heaven, hallowed be thy name, Thy Kingdom

Our Father who art in Heaven, hallowed be thy name, Thy
Kingdom come, thy will be done, on Earth as it is in
Heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us
our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us.
Please lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil,
For thine is the Kingdom and the Power and the Glory for
ever and ever. Amen. 
LordGod, please help us receive your grace and stay in the
moment recognizing your presence  please help us
cultivate our faith and our awareness of your grace that
breathes life into us. God we know that you breathe life
into all living things, and are the life giver of everything
and are the creator of all that is…we find your order of
creation in the golden mean (ratios/golden spiral) that are
found in how trees and the galaxies are put together. Please
help us to remember that you have left these clues to
remind us of your divine connection with us.
God please help us have faith that you are ordering
everything in our future and preparing us to receive your
blessings. When times are tough, confusing, or we are
dealing with anxiety, help us know that you are preparing
us for the rescue ahead…help us keep our patience and
peace as we go along with things today, and to remind
ourselves that everything is going to be o.k. 
Lord, please help us strengthen our faith and that these
words take root in our soul so we can guard our hearts
against pride and practice humility with unshakable
confidence. Please help us remember that words are seeds,
and that when we chew on the word of God, you send
angels to play heavenly Holy Spirit music for our soul to
hear in peace and tranquility.
Holy Spirit music playing our heart strings, our soul as the
instrument of thy peace and grace…Amen-“let it be so”
Lord God please help us put our thoughts on you so we can
take the pressure off ourselves and let you take care of
everything. We can only do our best God,
and let YOU GOD do the rest. Amen.
Father God, help us remember that you are with us all the
time and we thank you for your presence that helps us
not feel so alone. In Jesus name. Amen.
God please help us work on our relationship with you Lord
God, a bit more every day to maintain happiness, joy and
peace…We rejoice because the Lord overcame the world.
The Lord rose above the worldly pressures so we all could
have the word of God and find peace.
God please help us remember that you can work with any
seed of hope we plant, even the tiniest thought of hope is a
seed planted that you will work with, and that no matter
what ….you are working for us all the time…in good and
tough times…please help us remember that when times are
tough, you are getting us ready for the rescue. Amen.
Lord God please help us stay in the moment today, like the
wind hits a sail on a sailboat in the ocean…Light winds of
the holy spirit hitting the sail. 
please help us maintain an attitude of gratitude, to stay in
right now and with strong belief in your presence and grace
(favor). In Jesus name. Amen.
Lord God please remind us that we don’t have to seek
blessings, but only you Father God. All we need to do is
seek God and the blessings are part of the package. 
Please help us humbly and patiently expect your favor
every day, and know that you are ordering everything
behind the scenes for our health and happiness.
It’s all a set up for new blessings. Thank you Lord.
God we know you are a progressive God, and we thank you
for the spirit of the Holy laws that help bring us peace, and
increased wisdom. God please send us the wisdom to know
better in your grace how to maintain the mind, body and
soul, and how to humbly recognize discernment in the day
to day 
God bless all living things, we’re all special.
Lord God please help us to continue to heal through your
grace and to help others have freedom from anxiety and
worldly pressures…we humbly ask you this in Jesus name.
God, thank you for your mercy. For the grace of God go us.
Please help us remember that we are stewards and vessels
for your service. Help us shine and feel better in your grace
We love you. In Jesus name Amen.
God we also thank you for all the religions in the world that
help remind us of what is most important in our lives.
Allahu Akbar – God is the greatest!
Thank you God for listening to our prayer.
We need you to help us receive your loving grace. Please
bring us peace. Joy and peace. 
Lord God please help us with our light healing holy spirit
grace power visualizations to use prayer in healing the
mind-body-soul, so we can think more on positive healthy
things and move closer to the joy and peaceful time that
your anointment of ease you send brings to us. Help us
remember that the closer we go to you through thinking on
the word, the closer you go to us. 
Holy, Holy, Holy…all day!
Lord God please help us know when to rest, so that we
have enough energy to feel better, and when we can,
to shine a bright thought and share a smile or a hopeful
thought with others. Thank you Lord for helping us with
our sleep cycles, so when we are awake we have the energy
to think on you, and have stronger belief of your presence
in our lives. Please help us remember to “Dare to believe”
when our thoughts are challenged by other things. 
God, your invisible presence is a miracle to all of us…a
supernatural phenomenon that brings us hope. Please help
us grow stronger in our beliefs that you are in control, and
help us do our best and let you work for us. 
“We do our best n’ let God do the rest!”
Please remind us that prayers from a righteous person can
bring miraculous blessings. In Jesus name. Amen.
God we know that you love everyone, so please help us put
on the armor of light when we deal with others so you can
do you’re your work while we are protected from any
harm. Amen.
“Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer…and
the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, will
guard our hearts and minds in Christ Jesus” Amen
(Philippians 4:6)
Thank you God for your Grace.
In Jesus name Amen.