French 2 - Semester Review


French 2 - Semester Test Outline and Review

The French 2 Final is over Chapters 1, 2,3, the House vocabulary and directions, and Culture

There will be a speaking/oral final and a written final prior to the final exam day.

You will receive separate information about the oral assessment.

There will be listening, reading, grammar, vocabulary, and culture on the final exam.


La Famille - pp. 6-7, 37

Activities, Likes & Dislikes - pp. 18-19, 37

Telling when & how often you do something - p. 21

La Maison (House) – Refer to your Vocab List and Notes

Prepositions of Directions

– Refer to your Vocab List and Notes

Les Fêtes en France (Holidays) – pp. 42-43, 73

Giving Advice, Gift Giving – p. 45

Having a Party – pp. 54-55, 73


– pp. 82-83 and Vocab List

Making Requests – p. 85

Shops and shopping – 94-95 and Vocab List

Asking where things are

– p. 97


Les Adjectifs / Les Descriptions

– pp. 7, 12, 14

Direct & Indirect Object Pronouns – pp. 46, 48

Le Négatif – p. 62

Verbes au Présent

You should be able to conjugate

–ER, -IR (2 types) and –RE verbs, as well as

Être, Avoir, Aller, Faire, Prendre, Mettre, Vouloir, Pouvoir, Envoyer, Offrir t

You should also be able to recognize and use the “aller + infinitive” construction o tell about something that is “going to” happen in the near future

Verbes au Passé Composé

You should be able to use the Passé Composé with avoir (p. 58) and être (p. 60), including all regular and irregular verbs that we have studied this semester.


1. Write a sentence to describe the following people with adjectives.

Madame your mother or father a celebrity your friends

2. Which adjectives come BEFORE a noun? What mnemonic device can you use to remember these?

3. What are the forms of the following adjectives? masc/sing masc/pl fem/sing fem/pl *masc/vowel beau nouveau vieux

4. How do you say: a, an (some) masc/sing the some (of)

5. Translate the following the big cake fem/sing vowel plural some short, blond hair a yellow pepper an intelligent dog the funny cat a new guitar the pretty fireworks some good cake a nice teacher some ripe eggplants

6. Conjugate the verb offrir :

7. Write an appropriate response (complete sentence) to the following. a. Comment est ton professeur de maths?

b. Qu’est-ce que tu aimes faire le weekend? c. Tu as envie de faire de la vidéo amateur? d. Est-ce que tu joues bien du piano? e. Qu’est-ce que je pourrais offrir à mon frère pour son anniversaire? f. Ca t’ennuie de passer l’aspirateur? g. Tu as déjà choisi la musique? h. Comment estce qu’on fait un sandwich? i. Qu’est-ce qu’il y a dans une salade?

8. How do we form the passé composé?

9. List the past participles for the following verbs: parler finir avoir être boire pleuvoir savoir dire naître

____________________ + ______________________ voir prendre connaître

écrire mourir perdre faire lire vouloir offrir mettre venir

10. How do we remember which verbs use être as the helping verb? List as many as you can.

11. Translate the following. a. I waited for my brother. b. He saw a game. c. We wrapped the gifts

d. You (tu) slept well. e. They made a sandwich. f. You (vous) took your book. g. We left at 9 o’clock. h. She returned to the party. i. Paul and Marc stayed home. j. You (vous) became tired.

12. Pronouns: Fill in the correct pronouns in French. it, him = to or for him/her = it, her = them = to or for them = there, replaces a place = me, to me = you, to you = us, to us = you, to you =

**some, replaces a quantity or de phrase =

13. How do we remember where to put a pronoun in a sentence?

What if there is more than one pronoun in a sentence?

14. Rewrite the following sentences using a pronoun to replace the bolded word(s). a. Marc va acheter les bougies . b. Nous allons préparer les amuse-gueules . c. Il ne choisit pas la musique . d. Tu vas donner un cadeau à moi . e. Paul peut donner les pommes à Lucie

. f. Vous allez envoyer les invitations à vos amis . g. Je vais offrir les fleurs

à vous


h. Ils achètent le vélo pour leur cousin


15. Culture. What do you know about the following: a. les grottes de Lascaux b. les dolmens, les menhirs, les pierres, Carnac c. Gaul, les druides, le gui, Vercingétorix, César, d. Paris, Lutèce, Geneviève, St. Denis, arrondissement e. Charlemagne f. Guillaume le Conquérant g. Holidays in France h. Food, eating, shopping in France
