Korea (Chapter 17): Review Sheet

Korea: Review Sheet
Ch. 17
Directions: Utilize your textbook, class notes, and handouts for information to complete this
Part I: Identifications
Geography & Culture (17-1):
1. Location
2. Mountains
3. Plains
4. Coastline
5. Climate
6. Resources
7. Cultural Bridge
8. Homogenous Society
Dynasties (17-2):
1. Ancient Choson
2. Koguryo
3. Paekche
4. Shilla
5. Koryo:
a. Wang Kon
6. Choson/Hermit Kingdom:
a. Yi Song-gye
b. Sejong
Imperialism (17-2):
1. Japanese & Manchu Rule
2. Isolationism
3. Japanese Rule
a. March 1st Movement
Korean War (17-3):
1. North Korea
2. South Korea
3. 38th parallel
4. DMZ
5. Causes of the War
6. Douglass MacArthur
7. Armistice
8. Effects of the War
Contemporary Issues (17-3):
1. Nouth Korea Today:
a. Kim Il Sung
b. Kim Jung Il
2. Sorth Korea Today:
a. Syngman Rhee
b. Park Chung Hee
Current Events (17-3):
1. Reunification
II. Essential Questions:
1. How does Korea serve as a cultural bridge? Be specific.
2. What were the major accomplishments of the Silla, Koryo, and Choson Dynasties? Be
3. Why did Korea become a “Hermit Kingdom for almost 200 years?”
4. What were the positive and negative impacts of Japanese rule on Korea? How did Japanese
rule lead to the March 1st Movement?
5. What were the causes and effects of the Korean War? In your opinion, is the unification of
Korea possible?