Unit-I (Inorganic Chemistry)
1. d-block elements.
Chemistry of elements of First Transition series- electronic configuration, metallic nature,
atomic and ionic radii, ionization potential- Oxidation state-relative stability of various
oxidation states, ionic and covalent character, acidic and basic nature, oxidizing and
reducing nature of various oxidation states, redox potential-Frost and Latimer diagramsstability, disproportionation and comproportionation of different oxidation states. Colourd-d transition, colour and spectral behavior of transition metal ions with respect to d1-d2
configuration. Magnetic behavior-determination of magnetic moment, Gouy’s balance,
paramagnetism, diamagnetism. Complexbehaviour stability of complexes-oxidation
states, pi complexes. Class-a, class-b and class a/b acceptors. Catalytic properties –
important examples.
Chemistry of elements of second and third transition series – Comparative treatment with
their 3d analogues with respect to oxidation state, magnetic behaviour, spectral
properties. Study of Ti, Cr and Cu triads – Titanium triad-electronic configuration,
reactivity of +III and +IV states-Oxides, halides. Chromiujm triad-reactivity of +III and
+VI states. Copper triad-reactivity of +I, +II, +III states.
2. f-block elements
Chemistry of Lanthanides-electronic structure, position in periodic table, oxidationstate,
Atomic and ionic radii, lanthanides contraction – cause and consequences, anomalous
behavior of post lanthanides, basicity, Complexation-type of donor ligands preferred.
magnetic properties-paramagnetism.Colour and spectra-f-f transition. Occurrence and
separation- ion exchange method, solvent extraction.
Chemistry of Actinides – General features – electronic configuration, oxidation state,
actinide contraction, and colour, magnetic properties and complex formation.
Comparison with lanthanides.
UNIT -II (Organic Chemistry)
1. Halogen compounds. (5h)
Nomenclature and classification of alkyl (into primary, secondary, tertiary), aryl, aralkyl,
allyl, vinyl, benzyl). Chemical reactivity – reduction, formation of RMgX, Nucleophylic
substitution reaction – Classification into SN1 and SN2, Mechanism of, energy profile
diagrams of SN1 and SN2 reactions. Stereochemistry of SN2 (Walden Inversion), SN1
(recemisation) explanation of both by taking the example of optically active alkyl halide
– 2-bromo butane. Structure and reactivity – Ease of hydrolysis – comparison of allyl,
benzyl, alkyl, vinyland aryl halides.
2. Hydroxy compounds
Nomenclature and classification of hydroxy compounds.Alcohols: Preparation with
hydroboration reaction,Grignard synthesis of alcohols.. Aryl carbinols by hydroxy
methylation. Phenols – (a) by diazotisation (b)from sulfonic acid (c) from cumene (d) by
hydrolysis of halo benzene. Physical properties – Hydrogen bonding (intermolecular and
intermolecular) effect of hydrogen bonding on boiling point and water solubility.
Chemical properties (a) acidic nature of Phenols (b) formation of alkoxides/phenoxides
and their reaction with RX (c) replacement of OH by X using PCl5, PBr3, SOCl2 and with
HX/ZnCl2.Esterification by (a) acid halides, anhydrides and acids (mechanism) (b) Esters
of inorganic acids (c) dehydration of alcohols. Oxidation of alcohols by CrO3, KMnO4.
Special reactions of Phenols – (a) Bromination, (b) Kolbe – Schmidt reaction (c) Riemer
Tiemann (d) Azo coupling. Identification of alcohols by oxidation – KMnO4, Ceric
ammonium nitrate – Lucas reagent; Phenols by reaction with FeCl3 and by the solubility
in NaOH. Poly hydroxyl compounds –Pinacol –pinacolone rearrangement, Oxidative
cleavage (Pb (OAc)4 &HIO4).
3. Synthesis based on carbanions.
Acidity of α-Hydrogens, structure of carbanions. Preparation of Aceto acetic ester by
Claisen condensation and synthetic application of Aceto acetic ester. (a) Acid hydrolysis
and ketonic hydrolysis. Preparation of (i) monocarboxylic acids (ii) dicarboxylic acids (b)
malonic ester – synthetic applications. Preparations of (i) substituted mono carboxylic
acids(propionic acid and n-butyric acid) (ii) substituted dicarboxylic acids.(succinic acid
and adipic acid (iii) α,β-unsaturated acids ( crotonic acid). Reaction with Urea.
Unit –III (Physical Chemistry)
1. Phase rule
Statement and meaning of the terms – Phase, Component and degrees of freedom, Gibb’s
Phase rule, phase equilibria of one component system – water system. Phase equilibria of
two component system – Solid-liquid equilibria, simple eutectic – Pb-Ag system,
desilverization of lead. Solid solutions – compound with congruent melting point (MgZn) system and incongruent melting point – (NaCl-H2O) system. Freezing mixtures.
2. Dilute solutions & Colligative Properties.
Dilute solutions and Colligative properties, ideal and non-ideal solutions. Raoult’s law,
relative lowering vapour pressure, molecular weight determination. Osmosis laws of
osmotic pressure. Elevation of boiling point and depression of freezing point. Derivation
of relation between molecular weight and elevation in boiling point and depression in
freezing point. Experimental methods for determining various colligative properties.
Abnormal molar mass, Van’t Hoff factor, degree of dissociation and association of
Unit –IV (General Chemistry)
1..Moleculr Symmetry
Symmetry elements and symmetry operations in molecules. Rotational axis of symmetry
and types of rotational axis. Plane of symmetry and types of planes. Improper rotational
axis of symmetry. Inversion center. Identity element. Symmetry operations of a molecule
form a group. Flow chart for the identification of molecular point group.
2 Theory of quantitative analysis (6h)
Principles of volumetric analysis: Introduction, standard solution, indicators, end point,
titration error, and titration curves. Types of titrations- (i) Neutralization titration –
Principle, titration curves and selection of indicators-strong acid-strong base, strong acidweak base, weak acid –strong base, weak acid-weak base, pH indicators (ii)
Redoxtitrations-Principles, detection of endpoint, redox indicators. (iii) Precipitation
titrations-Principle, detection of end point, indicators, and titration curves. (iv)
Complexation titrations – Principle, metal ion indicators. Principles of Gravimetric
analysis- Nucleation, precipitation, growth of precipitate, filtration and washing, drying
and ignition of precipitate. – Co-precipitation and post-precipitation.Requirements of
gravimetryic analysis.
G-3.Evaluation of analytical data
Accuracy & precision and their methods of expression. Errors – classification of errors.
Determinate and Indeterminate errors, and relative error propagation of errors. Significant
figures and their importance.
Unit-I (Inorganic Chemistry)
1. Theories of bonding in metals and metallurgy. (9h)
Theories of bonding in metals – Free electron theory – thermal and electrical conductivity
of metals, drawbacks. Valance bond theory – explanation of metallic properties and its
limitations. Band theory- explanation of metallic properties, conductors, semiconductors
and insulators. General methods involved in extraction of metals – minerals and ores, ore
concentration – electromagnetic separation, gravity separation – wilfley tables, hydraulic
classifier, leaching froth flotation, calcinations and roasting. Acid and alkali digestion.
Reduction of oxides, carbonates, halides, sulphides, sulphates – smelting, flux, auto
reduction, alumino thermic reduction, hydrometallurgy, elelctrolytic reduction.
Purification of impure metals- liquation, fractional distillation, zonerefining, oxidative
processes – Cupellation, bessemerisation, puddling, poling, thermal decomposition,
Amalgamation, Electrolysis.
2. Metal carbonyls and related compounds. (6h)
EAN rule, classification of metal carbonyls, structures and shapes of metal carbonyls of
V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co and Ni. Metal nitrosyls and metallocenes (only ferrocene).
Unit-II (Organic Chemistry)
1.Carbonyl compounds
Nomenclature of aliphatic and aromatic carbonyl compounds and isomerism. Synthesis
of aldehydes and ketones from acid chlorides by using 1,3-dithianes, nitriles, and from
carboxylic acids. Special methods of preparing aromatic aldehydes and by (a) Oxidation
of arenas (b) Hydrolysis of benzal halides physical properties – absence of hydrogen
bonding. Keto-enol tautomerism, polarisability of carbonyl groups, reactivity of the
carbonyl groups in aldehydes and ketones. Chemical reactivity- I. Addition of (a)
NaHSO3 (b) HCN (c) RMgX (d) NH3 (e) RNH2 (f) NH2OH (g) PhNHNH2 (h) 2,4DNP
Schiff bases, Addition of H2O to form hydrate (unstable), comparison with chloral
hydrate (stable), addition of alcohols-hemiacetal and acetal formation, Halogenation
using PCl5 with mechanism. Base catalyzed reactions – with particular emphasis on aldol,
cannizaroreaction, perkinreaction, Benzion condensation, haloform reaction,
Knoevengeal condensation. Oxidation rections-KMnO4 oxidation and auto- reductioncatalytic hydrogenation, clemenson’s reductionWolf-kishner reduction MPV reduction,
reduction with LiAlH4, NaBH4.Analysis- 2,4-DNP test, Tollens test, Fehling test, Schiff’s
test, haloform test (with equations).
2.Carboxylic acids and derivatives.
Nomenclature, classification and methods of preparation a) Hydrolysis of Nitrites, amides
and esters. B) Carbonation of Grignard reagents. Special methods of preparation of
aromatic acids. Oxidation of side chain. Hydrolysis of benzotrichlorides. Kolbe reaction.
Physical Properties – hydrogen bonding, dimeric association, acidity-strength of acids
with the examples of trimethyl acetic acid and trichloro acetic acid, Relative differences
in the acidity of aromatic and aliphatic acids. Chemical properties – Reactions involving
H, OH, and COOH groups-salt formation, anhydride formation, acid halide formation,
Esterification (mechanism) & amide formation. Reduction of acid to the corresponding
primary alcohol-via ester or acid chlorides. Degradation of carboxylic acids by
Hunsdiecker reaction, Schmidt reaction (Decarboxylation). Arndt-Eister synthesis,
Halogenation by Hell-Volhard-Zelensky reaction. Carbolxylic acid Derivatives-reactions
of acid halides, Acid anhydrides, acid amides and ester (Mechanism of ester hydrolysis
by base and acid).
Unit- III (Physical Chemistry)
1.Electrochemistry (15h)
Electrical transport-conduction in metals and in electrolyte solutions, specific
conductance and equivalent conductance, measurement of equivalent conductance,
variation of specific and equivalent conductance with dilution. Migration of ions and
Kholrausch’s law, Arrhenius theory of electrolyte dissociation and its limitations, weak
and strong electrolytes, Ostwald’s dilution law, its uses and limitations. Debye-HuckleOnsagar’equation for strong electrolytes (elementary treatment only). Transport number,
definition and determination by Hittorf method for attackable electrodes. Applications of
conductivity measurements: Determination of degree of dissociation, determination of Ka
of acids, determination of solubility product of sparingly soluble salt, conductrometric
titrations. Types of reversible electrodes: gas-metal ion, metal-metal ion, metal-insoluble
salt-anion and redox electrodes. Electrode reactions, Nernst equation, cell EMF and
single electrode potential, standard Hydrogen electrode-reference electrodes-standard
electrode potential, sign convention, electrochemical series and its significance.
Electrolytic and galvanic cells-reversible and irreversible cells, conventional
representation of electrochemical cells. EMF of a cell and its measurement. Computation
of EMF. Applications of EMF measurements. Calculation of thermodynamic quantities
of cell reaction (∆G, ∆H and K). Determination of pH using quinhydrone elelctrode.
Solubility product of AgCl. Potentiometric titrations.
Unit-IV (General Chemistry)
1. Introducatory treatment to :
Pericyclic Reactions
Concerted reactions, Molecular orbitals, symmetry properties HOMO, LUMO, Thermal
and photochemical pericyclic reactions. Types of pericyclic reactionsElectrolytic,cycloaddition and sigmatropic ractions-one example each.
Synthetic strategies
Terminology-Disconnection (dix), Symbol ( ), synthon, synthetic equivalence (SE),
Functional group interconcersion (FGI), linear, Convergent and Combinatorial, Target
molecule ™ Retrosynthesis of the following molecules i) acetophenone ii)cyclohexene
iii) phenyleathylbromide
Asymmetric (Chiral) synthesis
Definition, eneatiometric excess, diastereometric excess, stereo specific reactiondefinition-example-dehalogenation of 1, 2-dibromoides by I-, stereo selective reactionsdefinition-example-acid catalysed dehydration of 1-phenylproponal.
Practical Syllabus
I. Estimate the amount in the given following experiments.
Determination of carbonate and bicarbonate in a mixture.
Determination of Fe(II) using K2Cr2O7
Determination of Fe(II) usingKMnO4 with oxalic acid as primary standard
Determination of Cu(II) using Na2S2O3 with K2Cr2O7as primary standard..
etermination of Zn(II) using EDTA
Determination of Ni(II) using EDTA
Determination of Hardness of water.
Determination of Zn(II) by ferrocyanide
II. Gravimetric analysis:
1. Determination of Nickel as Ni-DMG
2. Determination of Lead as Lead Chromate.
3. Determination of Magnesium as magnesium pyrophosphate