College of the Rockies Timber Frame Production Program Student Interview Questionnaire Please complete the following questionnaire in order to assist us in developing appropriate course materials and supports for the upcoming semester. Your responses are kept confidential so please answer as honestly as possible. We may contact you to suggest some resources that might be helpful before or during the course. Name: ______________________________ Date: _____________________ Part A – Tool Use and Building Experience Please check each of the tools that you feel you are experienced / skilled in using: Hand Tools □ hand plane □ combination square □ framing square □ bevel square □ hand chisels □ hand saw □ ________________ Power Tools □ circular saw □ ½ inch drill □ power planer □ belt sander □ plunge router □ miter saw □ chain mortiser Stationary Tools □ drill press □ jointer □ thickness planer □ table saw □ band saw □ hollow chisel mortiser □ __________________ Please check the tools that you have not used, or do not feel as comfortable with: Hand Tools □ hand plane □ combination square □ framing square □ bevel square □ hand chisels □ hand saw □ ________________ Power Tools □ circular saw □ ½ inch drill □ power planer □ belt sander □ plunge router □ miter saw □ chain mortiser Stationary Tools □ drill press □ jointer □ thickness planer □ table saw □ band saw □ hollow chisel mortiser □ __________________ Part B – Computer Use: rate your experience with the following (circle the number) Application Windows (NT or Pro) E-Mail (Outlook) Internet Search (Explorer) Computer Drafting (CAD) Spreadsheet (Excel) None 0 Basic 1 Moderate 2 Advanced 3 Professional 4 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 Part C – Mathematics Background Please describe your level of education in the following areas of mathematics that relate to timber framing and building. Use grade level of highest course taken & marks if you know them: Topic Algebra Geometry Trigonometry Fractions Decimals Description Using formulas and basic computation to solve problems Measuring and drawing angles and shapes Solving triangles and slope problems with tan, cos, sin etc Add, subtract, multiply & divide fractions. ½ + ¼ Add, subtract, multiply & divide decimals. 0.25 – 0.1 Level studied When Part D – Other Areas Are there any other areas that you feel may limit your ability to keep up with your course work? This could include things such as reading skills, writing skills, study skills and so on: ____________________________________________________________________ Part E – Physical Condition Timber framing involves the use of large and heavy materials and power tools. Do you have any physical conditions that might restrict you from fully and safely participating in this course? If so, please check and describe. Describe □ past injuries □ recent injuries / surgery □ back problems □ chronic illness □ vision problems □ sight or hearing impairments □ balance or coordination problems Part F: Future Upon graduation of the program, how will you be utilizing your new skills? Working on your own projects? Working for a Timber Frame company? Starting your own Timber Frame company? Building your own house/cabin? Other ___________________________________________________________ Comments:______________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________