Gatsby : Tone and Mood Analysis Period 3 and 4 Objective: English 11 4.0 Materials: Students will identify and analyze the tone and mood of three selections using contextual clues. Promethean board, wikispaces, google docs Instruction: 1) Nonlinguistic identification of tone and mood. Literary 2) Introduction and review of tone and mood definitions in regards to textual content. Authors do not have Analysis the ease of music and visuals to aid in getting their opinion across so words must be selected carefully. Exercise 3) Using passage 1 as a model, students will highlight context (with teacher prompting) that conveys the tone of the paragraph using the promethean board and pen. 4) After words have been highlighted and discussed, students will use link provided in Chapter 8 page of to answer questions regarding the tone of passage 1. 5) Review results posted at bottom of page to assess comprehension of skill. 6) Students will read passage 2 and highlight the front board for context clues to tone and mood without teacher prompting. 7) Students will answer google doc questions for passage 2. Review results before continuing to passage 3. 8) For passage 3, students will read and answer google questions first. DO NOT SUBMIT DOC ANSWERS AT THIS TIME! 9) Before reviewing answers, highlight the context clues to tone on front board. Give students a chance to change their answers on google doc. Now students can submit answers for review 10) Review selections again.. Assessment: Formative: Review of google doc submissions for each passage directly after answering the passage questions. As an exit ticket: Find your own example of tone in The Great Gatsby and show either Mrs. Simeon or Mrs. McKenzie and explain what you believe the tone of the passage is…consider the nonlinguistic presentation at the beginning of class. It contains images from different tones discussed in The Great Gatsby Technology: Interactive white board, wikispaces, google docs, Homework: Teacher directed Standards: R11.A.2.3 Make inferences and generalizations based on text R1.6.11.F Use media for learning purposes R1.3.11.B Analyze the relationships, uses and effectiveness of literary elements used by one or more authors in similar genres including characterization, setting, plot, theme, point of view, tone and style. T3.6Apply the appropriate method of communications technology to communicate a thought.