Rotary Club of the Valley of the Moon 6572 Oakmont Drive, Suite A, Santa Rosa, CA 95409 Volume VIII Issue No. 32 John Heilbronner, President April 17, 2009 ( The Four-Way Test of things we think, say or do: Is it the Truth? Is it Fair to all concerned? Will it build Goodwill and better Friendships? Will it be Beneficial to all concerned? MAC IS BACK !! OPENING President John decided to start the meeting early due to a full agenda but I wasn't wearing a watch so I have no idea what time we started and he forgot to ring the bell. Barb Lowell did a great job leading us in the pledge to the flag. Fred Polkinghorn reminded everyone that they need to be prepared for an emergency whether it's an earthquake, fire in Annadel or some other disaster. The following are a few very useful reminders; Do you have: An emergency plan for your family An escape route for your house A contact person outside of the area so family members can contact them to relay information to others heavy bookcases etc. bolted to the walls of your home a plan of what you would take if you had 10 minutes to evacuate Food, water and medicine in your garage for the first 96 hours after a disaster Everyone needs to be prepared so don't wait until it's too late. ANNOUNCEMENTS Dreams Take Flight is the theme for the 2009 Rotary District 5130 Conference scheduled at the Sheraton Petaluma May 14–17. Actual event scheduals are not yet available but President John has conference registration forms. Gordon Freedman announced that the VOM Rotary Club in association with Irene Lucia and himself will present a Piano & Operatic Recital by Alexey Artemyev, Piano and Evegenia Chaverdova, Voice. Mark you calendars for Sunday, May 31, 2:30 PM at Berger Center. Admission is free but donations are welcomed. All donations will benefit Rotary's World Wide Polio Eradication Program. Checks can be made payable to VOM Rotary Foundation which is Non Profit so checks are tax deductible. Gordon also asked for a volunteer to represent VOM Rotary at the Newcomers Reception at Berger Center on Thursday May 7 from 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM. state – Jim we miss you). Jeff asks that if you have any potential candidates to please contact him. PAUL HARRIS AWARD Treasurer Arnie Lamb gave a brief report confirming we have enough money to continue to fund all of the projects we currently support during Gordon's term at current levels. R HOUSE PICNIC & BBQ Ken Young asked everyone to sign up to work at the picnic for the residents of R House on Wednesday, April 22. Picnic starts at 12:00 but volunteers need to arrive around 11:00 to help set up. The picnic will be held at Rincon Valley Park. There will be approximately 65 students, terachers and staff attending and we need as many members as possible to help. Rotary members will provide food, drinks and will BBQ hamburgers and hot dogs. Volunteers are needed for shopping, cooking, set up and clean up so if you did not sign up at the meeting please call or email Ken Young or Brian Adams if you can help. Barb Lowell and Lois Kelly are covering for Pat Gooler and the next Bunco is on on Wednesday, April 22 at the East Rec. so please sign up and PAY for your reservation. Jeff Cave is the Co Chair of the Community Service Award this year (unfortunately his “Co” seems to have left the Members have often been reminded that an easy way to build your Paul Harris contributions is to pay $20 at each meeting, $13 of which would go towards breakfast and the remaining $7 towards your Paul Harris. Ken Young has been doing just that for some time now and this morning Rich Irwin presented Ken with his Paul Harris +1 award. Rich reminded everyone that Rotary International funds do come back at a District level and one example is the $25,000 that has helped fund the World Peace Program at Cal Berkeley. NEW MEMBER INDUCTION Membership Chair Gordon Freedman had the honor of welcoming Jeppe Juhl into our club. Jeppe was a member of the Orinda club until he and his wife moved to Oakmont a few years ago. Gordon reminded everyone that Rotary was the first Service Organization and was founded by Paul Harris. There are 26,000 clubs and 1.5 million members and our motto is Service Above Self. HAPPY DOLLARS An exciting day for our club because MAC IS BACK We also welcomed back Dave Noorthoek who has been spending time in Palm Desert. SANTA ROSA SYMPHONY Caroline Keller, Barb Lowell and Fred Polkinghorn are celebrating birthdays but the really special birthday boy is Paul Edstrom who celebrated his 93rd birthday this week. Paul brought a beautiful sheet cake to commemorate both is birthday and his 60 years as a Rotarian. The Santa Rosa Symphony is the largest regional symphony north of Los Angeles and at 81 years is the 2nd oldest (San Francisco is the oldest). We were privileged to have Conductor Bruno Ferrandis and Executive Director Alan Silow as our guest speakers today. Frank Sites just returned from a family vacation in Hawaii – the group included seven grandchildren. Bruno is starting his third season here in Santa Rosa and he told us about the outstanding programs that will be offered during the upcoming 2009 – 2010 season. The season opens with Bruno and Jeffrey Kahane performing together for the first time. With Bruno conducting and Jeffrey as piano soloist the “Rach 3” piano concertos will be performed. John Derby went “home” to Hawaii but is now back “home” in Oakmont. Debby Roumbanis gave very happy dollars because her Kids are taking a trip. For a complete listing of programs please go to: Dan Grow had a great time eating in Paso Robles and Cambria and Mac McHenry says it's great to be back and he donated to both Polio Plus and the Sierra Youth Center. Lois Kelly had a wonderful vacation that included going to Jack's granddaughter's wedding. RAFFLE The pot was up to $244 today and the winning ticket was held by Caroline Keller but all she won was breakfast so more $$$$$ next week. As mentioned Alan Silow is the Executive Director of the Symphony and he told us that he doesn't play an instrument and he doesn't conduct so many people wonder what it is he actually does. Although it's impossible to list everything that Alan does, after he gave us an overview of the many programs supported by Santa Rosa Symphony and the fact that they have been running in the “black” for the past six years is a testament to his skill and ability as the Director. SRS has a major commitment to Education and they support four youth orchestras depending on the level of training. The Youth Orchestra is celebrating their 50 year anniversary and wanted to do something the “Tall Orchestra” had never done. It was decided they would do a concert tour in Europe and on June 17, 2009 55 students will go on tour to Berlin and Leipzig (Leipsic) Germany and Prague, Czech Republic. SRS's commitment to education is music in the schools and to that end they arrange for free concerts for youth, send musicians to perform in the schools, invite students to rehearsals and a host of other events. Alan explained that 75% of the audience is made up of subscribers and their goal is to make it 100% when they open at the Green Music Center which has been designed for unparalleled sound and optimum concert experience. Please visit for more exciting details on the Green Music Center. about the importance of this project. Pat Randall sent all members an email copy of the Grand Jury report (on April 13) but if you need a copy just let Caroline or Valerie know and we will send you another copy. If you would like to email the PD their address is: If you have any questions I am sure Caroline would be happy to try to answer them. Special note: Al Blake has already submitted an article to the Oakmont News. President John led a brief discussion about the pilot program being discussed at a District Level. Members present agreed our club would abide by the wishes of the District to not participate in the pilot. CLOSING President John then closed the meeting without ringing the bell, he claimed the gavel was missing – So Shaman keep those turkey feathers coming!!! SIERRA YOUTH CENTER “49ER GOLD RUSH CONTINUES” Last Fall Caroline Keller went to the Sonoma County Grand Jury with a concern about the lack of vocational training available for the girls at the Sierra Youth Center and the Grand Jury took on the investigation. Caroline announced they have published a report with strong recommendations to support Sierra Youth Center with some incredible projects which are now in the works for SYC vocational training Share Rotary with your friends. We should invite business friends and neighbors to a meeting. Who do we do business with, what neighbors do we know, what former Rotarians could be asked to join us? Clip and save the invitation below to give to a friend, neighbor, or business associate. There has been very little coverage in the Press Democrat on this and Caroline would like to encourage members to write letters to the Editor Cut and put in your wallet Guests and potential Rotarians are invited twice at the Club’s expense. MANY PEOPLE SAID THEY WOULD HAVE JOINED ROTARY HAD SOMEONE ASKED THEM! You are invited as a guest of_____________________________to attend a breakfast meeting of Valley of the Moon Rotary. The Club meets Friday mornings at 7:15 a.m. at the Quail Restaurant 7035 Oakmont Drive in Oakmont. (John Heilbronner presiding) 6/26/09 – Heilbronner Debunking Dinner at Quail Inn – removal of “old shoe” President (PE Freedman presiding) ERRORS AND OMISSIONS REMINDERS We are still collecting non-perishable food items for the food bank at each meeting. Suitcases are always needed for the Children's Home. FUTURE CALENDAR EVENTS Please submit any corrections or omissions to Valerie Hulsey for insertion in the next bulletin. Editor: Valerie Hulsey Publisher: Jack Monahan Photographer Jack Monahan 4/24/09 - East Meets West – Vietnam Clean Water – Laura Ward (Ron Nicholson presiding) 5/01/09- Universal Health Care (League of Women Voters) Stan Gold (Frank Sites presiding) 5/08/09 -Wheel Chair Foundation – Jeff Behring (Ron Nicholson presiding) 5/15/09- Memorial Day program (a military remembrance theme) (Admiral “Mac” McHenry presiding) Congratulations Paul for your birthday and long service in Rotary!! 5/22/09 - DARK (due to Memorial Day holiday weekend) 5/29/09- “Face to Face” - Cleft Palate Care – Les Holve M.D. (Frank Sites presiding) 5/31/09 Piano & Operatic Recital – Alexey Artemyev, Piano & Evegenia Chaverdova, Voice. Berger Center, Sunday, May 31, 2:30PM 6/05/09 - VOM-Rotary Scholarship Awards – with recipients (Fred Polkinghorn presiding) Maestro Bruno Ferrandis 6/12/09 - Sonoma Country Grand Jury – Rich Kleincurrent foreperson serving Sonoma County on its Grand Jury for the year '08-'09 which ends July 8, 2009 (Jim Carty presiding) 6/19/09 - The BEST of Rotary International – multiple themes President: John Heilbronner; President Elect: Gordon Freedman; Secretary: Pat Randall; Treasurer: Arnie Lamb; Jerry Dion; Sgt-AtArms