Blue Ribbon Foods

Blue Ribbon Foods
Rodney Tullie, President
Blue Ribbon Foods
From: Candice Ellis, President
Corporate Communications Department
Date: September 30, 2003
Proposal to Change the Customer
Follow-up Letter
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I. Proposal Overview
The Corporate Communications Department seeks approval to revise the Sales
Department’s existing customer follow-up letter. Once changes to the
formatting and grammatical content of the letter are made, an immediate
positive result will be reflected in our sales numbers. These modifications
will include the changing of the paper the letter is currently printed on, as well
as the method of delivery used to mail the letter to our customers. Pending the
approval of the company letterhead and new mailing envelopes,
implementation can occur in less than one week. These items can be
purchased for an approximate price of $35.00.
II. Project Goal
The goal of this proposal is to develop a customer follow-up letter that is
professional in appearance, reader-friendly, and exemplifies the high quality
standards set forth by Blue Ribbon Foods. We have set forth a plan to alleviate
the problems existing in our current communication.
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III. Needs
Customer service has received numerous complaints via telephone regarding
the unprofessional appearance of our current customer follow-up letter. Most
of the callers visited our table at a recent baby fair and completed information
request forms. Many of these potential customers have stated that the
appearance of the brochure, which is mailed along with the letter, actually
causes the letter’s imperfections to become more prominent. The brochure
appears to have been professionally printed, while the letter does not.
The brochure is mailed with the letter enclosed. The letter, which serves as a
reintroduction to our company, is intended to encourage readers to view the
brochure. The brochure provides more detailed information and serves as a
guide to our services. Potential customers state that the look of the letter
causes them to doubt if they want to do business with our company. Some
callers also state that after reading the letter, they do not wish to proceed to the
After reviewing a copy of the letter, we feel that key changes need to be made
to the physical appearance and the content. Our target customer base largely
consists of women, who are the main grocery shoppers for their families.
These customers rely heavily on the convenience our company offers. Though
the informal tone is appropriate, reading the current letter is a cumbersome
task. There are changes that can improve the letter’s overall readability.
However, the main issues that need serious revision are grammar and
Many of the customers who call have issues with the presentation of our
written communication. When they open the brochure, the letter falls out. The
letter’s formatting is hard to read and not visually appealing. The body of the
letter is contained in one large paragraph, which results in a congested effect.
There are also different fonts being used including regular, bold, and italics.
While utilizing different fonts to emphasize key points is a good technique,
there appears to be a lack of consistency in usage. Some points, which are
equally as important as others, are not highlighted at all.
The content and conversational tone of the existing document both build on the
dialogue initiated by the sales representatives who have spoken to potential
clients at baby fairs and other events. While the tone is in line with our
business strategy to encourage relationships with prospective clients by
appealing to their needs, there are instances when the word choice poses a
discrepancy between the intended meaning and what is actually stated. One
line reads, “the pace […] was fast and furious”. After meeting with the sales
representatives, we discovered that what they wanted to convey was that the
atmosphere was hectic. We also discovered that in some sentences, adding a
word or removing a word improves clarity.
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Needs (continued)
The grammatical content is another major concern and perhaps the most
important. We have noticed errors in subject-verb agreement, misspelled
words, errors in punctuation, and errors in capitalization. These mistakes are
the most harmful because they draw the reader’s attention away from the
context of the letter.
IV. Statement of Work to be Accomplished
Method of Delivery/Paper Quality
Our current letter is mailed inside of our brochure. Moving forward, we
propose that the brochure be mailed in a business size envelope with the letter
facing towards the front of the envelope. This will ensure that the letter will be
read as a precursor to the brochure. Currently, we print the letter on regular
white photocopier paper. While this type of paper is appropriate for internal
communications, it does not exude the attention to detail and quality that are
the cornerstones of our business. We feel that a higher grade of paper would
be appropriate for external mailings. Also, the brochure contains our company
logo, while the letter does not. Adding the logo to the letter will assist in
creating a uniform appearance. The envelope and letterhead should also match
in color and quality. By using a better grade of paper and inserting the
correspondence in an envelope, we will immediately convey to potential
customers that we want and value their business.
Changing the format of our letter will ensure that many of the key points
mentioned by our sales team are noticed. The current header displaying our
contact information will be moved below the logo. The main body, which
consists of one large paragraph, will be divided into two smaller paragraphs.
The entire document will be aligned to the left and each paragraph will be
indented one inch. Additional spacing will also be added between each area.
These changes will make the document easier to read and more visually
Use of Fonts
In order to further improve the appearance and readability, we recommend
discontinuing the use of italics and only using bold print to highlight key
points. Also, the use of italics may be too formal for our target customer base.
Tone/Word Choice
While we want the letter to maintain its conversational tone, there are instances
when the word choice is counter-effective. The letter should read as if it is an
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Statement of Work to be Accomplished (continued)
open invitation. We suggest using softer wording. Examples include
removing the word “furious,” and adding the phrases “we invite you” and “we
offer you”. These subtle changes will assist in relaying a warm and inviting
message to potential customers. We also propose integrating our catch-phrase,
“savor the difference” into the body of the letter. This phrase already appears
in the brochure.
The grammatical errors in our letter can easily be corrected. All employees
should utilize the spell and grammar check functions available on our word
processing software. Although Word is not infallible, it does have a spelling
and grammar function that can assist with editing. The Corporate
Communications department is always available to assist with the development
of written material. We also have dictionaries and other reference materials on
hand. We propose that in the future, all written communication pass through
our editing process.
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V. Timetable
Provided below is the expected timetable for the project.
Description of Work
Start and End Dates
Phase One
Approval of proposal and
new letter.
Phase Two
Purchase of letterhead
and envelopes.
Letters mailed to
VI. Budget
Letterhead and envelopes are the only expenses associated with this project. Each
item can be purchased in bundles containing 500 pieces for approximately $37
from Office Max. If we purchased a complete set of supplies each month, the
yearly expense would be less than $445.
Description of Work
Anticipated Costs
Phase One
Phase Two
$ 37.08
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VII. Key Personnel
The Corporate Communications Department will work closely with the Sales
Department to implement the proposed changes. This endeavor can be completed
without incurring any additional payroll expenses. The following personnel will
be instrumental in the success of this project.
Rodney Tullie
Nicole Denson
Candice Ellis
Corporate Communications
VIII. Evaluation
The Corporate Communications Department will work closely with the Sales
Department during and after project execution. We will be available to assist with
any necessary updates.
IX. Benefits
If we change our follow-up letter, Blue Ribbon Foods will benefit in the following
1. The new letter will reflect our high level of professionalism.
2. The addition of the company logo and catch-phrase will increase brand
3. The letter quality will become uniform with the quality of the brochure.
4. Complaint calls will decrease.
5. Potential customers will feel secure about doing business with our
6. Sales numbers will increase as a result of benefit number five.
7. The project will foster a positive rapport between Corporate
Communications and Sales.
8. All of these benefits can be accomplished for less than $1.25 a day.
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X. Conclusion
Thank you for taking the time to consider this proposal. The follow-up letter is
very important to our company because it is the first form of correspondence read
by potential customers. Creating a letter that portrays a professional image will
positively impact our company. On the other hand, poor presentation can
negatively impact not only our reputation, but also our financial stability. Our
brochure states that our products are superior and top-quality. All written
communication from our office should demonstrate these same attributes. Please
refer to the attached revision of the customer follow-up letter, as well as the
pricelist from Office Max. I am available to answer any questions regarding this
proposal. I look forward to receiving your feedback.
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Blue Ribbon Foods
Logo here
3841 Holcomb Bridge Rd.
Norcross, GA 30092
(770) 446-7020
Thank you for your interest in Blue Ribbon Foods. Because the atmosphere at the
baby fair was hectic, we would like to take this opportunity to reintroduce ourselves.
Blue Ribbon Foods is a 22 year old direct distributor of foods that are gourmet quality,
healthy, and safe. We are a local company, headquartered in Norcross.
Blue Ribbon Foods can supply all of your grocery needs. We offer everything
from filet mignon to paper towels. We also provide free delivery for about the same
price you currently pay for purchases made at most grocery stores. Blue Ribbon offers a
superior, more convenient alternative to your current shopping routine, without creating
a new expense for your family.
Please feel free to contact me if you have additional questions. In the meantime,
please review the enclosed brochure to discover how you, too, can “savor the difference”
with Blue Ribbon Foods.
Thank you,
Dave Fast
Sales Representative
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